"Ms. Kula, maybe I can do this"

Talking is a man wearing brown striped west suit, a pale long hair is tied to a low horsetail. The man's face has this narrow scar, which makes it a bit of a bit.

The man has a pair of scarlet scorpions, indicating his identity.

Kura looked at this man without opening. Since the battle passed, the entire blood survivors did not have much, Cura almost everyone can recognize it.

But in her memory, the survivors did not have this person.

"What is your name?" Kura asked.

The man is slightly loving, and the active action is quite elegant. "Kurs - Jack, Kura can call me for Kurs"

Before Kura, you watched the next time in many blood: "So Kurs, if I have not remember, you should not be my ethnic"

Kurs shook his head to show a complex smile: "Ms. Kula is right, I am not a woman's" "

Kura suddenly frowned, she felt, the Kurs in front of him has a unique taste of his own people.

He should be a two-generation. Blood after transforming other people.

Kura's expression is complicated. It is much more, and the blood makes the strength of the family are related to their own blood. For example, the kara, she is the original blood, her parents are pure blood, and her body flows is the blood of the blood.

In the future, Kula can even break through the legend, and all this is because of the cause of blood.

But not all blood, if it is transformed from the day after tomorrow, their strength will be significantly limited, depending on the blood of the transformation, and its own strength. Such blood is generally referred to as second-generation blood, and three generations of blood are pushed, and four generations of blood make it.

In front of Kurs can be called second-generation blood, transforming his people should also be a first generation of blood.

But in any case, the Kurs's own strength is a fact of day, and Kula can even feel that this Kurs can be used for a long time. By.

"That if I will give you Yucheng, what will you do?" Kura asked.

Kurs sinks to answer: "Ms. Kura, I will don't do anything. Listen from the command of the Hall, according to the requirements of Zhao Chang'an

The Kucra face suddenly took a smile, and the thin lips were tied up.

"But if I must make you make some things?"

Kurs immediately said: "Then I will develop the business of Luo Luo City, gather more survivors. At the same time, I will ask Zhao Chang'an, let Zhao Chang'an Hall send the Knights to restrict the Knights."

Kura slightly said: "So, then you are the city of Luo Luo". "

The many bloods that were still waiting for the jokes were still awkward! In their view, Kurs will be destined to become a joke from the active station, and they can even be imagined to get the degeneration from Ms. Kula.

But the situation is not the case, the ladies of Kura not only don't fall, but I really have to hand over the city owner of Luo City! This is simple!

Several people who have just had no opening are now there. If you know that you can easily be the city of Luo City, then they should open. The location of the Lord, the city of Luo City belongs to one of them.

These people look at Kurs with jealousy, in them, Kurs is a lucky one.

However, these people have already been stunned by their heads. They don't understand how much information is included in Kula and Curles in just a dialogue.

" is yours, I will come over again after half a year, don't let me down," Kara is directly outward.

She has ended whether this dinner has ended, and the blood comes from Kura has.

It was still awkward after a very busy dinner, since the main character of this dinner, the night is naturally ending.

Some blood use a resent eyeliner to look at Kurs and then leave. There is also a part of the blood to make a jewelling of the face after thinking.

No matter what the identity before Kurs, but from Kuli appointed Kurs, Kurs was starting at the moment of Luo City City, his identity has changed.

Since then, in this city. The representative of Kurs is that Zhao Changan.

In the face of everyone around, Kurs lifted a wine glass. While the tone is tone, it is more shameless.

In this way, Kurs has become the high level of the group. His heart that has been quiet, and the heart that has been silent will slowly become dramatically.

The corner of the mouth is a inexplicable smile, and the Kurs's scarlet is like crossing the space, and it is somewhat.


Just as Kura came quietly, it was the same when she was walking.

With a few blood, leaving the city into the aircraft, the dark aircraft accompanied by a short roan, Kura once again prince.

Zhao Changan was quite clear about the instructions to her, and washed all major gatherings. At a critical moment, he can even use the void delivery door to make the big knight group to be clearly cleared.

However, such things Kara does not want to happen. Once riots, Kula is hard to imagine what Zhao Changan will make anything.

Similarly, Kula will also suffer a quite serious status in the status of the group.

Nowadays, the random of the random and the random have been subtle, and there is more and more aggregation of the group. The number of power in the stars is also gradually expanding.

The struggle of the rights headed by the Aboriginal and Void School has gradually emerged, and it seems that the stars in the thrust, and the end is not a dark tide.

In addition, there are many other factions, such as the blood of Kura.

"Ms. Kura, where is our next stop?" A blood asked.

Kura clock-catching God: "Straighten Jinling City"

With a roar, the aircraft instantly disappeared in the night, Jinling City is not far from Rong Luo, but it is not near. However, this is quite special.

Because it is a hundred kilometers a few kilometers more.

Prior to this, Zhao Changan said that the stars will expand in the next two months, and the meaning of the words is quite clear.

The heart is in the heart of the Kura, and what should I do when I will go to Jinling City?

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