Chapter 170 Holy Statue Qi Hui (Part 2) (first more)

The night covered the sky.

The icon that was suddenly lit was like a torch standing in the night sky.

Faceless Sage, arms outstretched, embracing the world, and the brilliance rises to the sky, revealing the meaning of magnificent Sacred.

Between his unfolded arms and on his chest, the line of vicissitudes and mysterious words that had been hidden before ignited in the light and appeared in front of everyone.

The live room is silent!

Immediately, the barrage exploded, filling every corner of the screen.

Countless people who were watching the live broadcast exclaimed at this moment.

It’s a message!

It’s Cheng senior!

It is the text left by the first ascendant of Xinxia Kingdom!

People have been thinking before, looking for, guessing where Cheng senior’s message or left will be. Many people guessed it is on the fifth level. However, at this moment, they understand that they have guessed wrong, Cheng senior’s. The message is not hidden inside the projection, but has been clearly engraved on the most surface, the most obvious position, but it is hidden by some mysterious force.

At this moment, the fifth floor of the Magic Capital Projection was breached, and the entire projection defense system collapsed, and this line of text was finally displayed in front of people in this way.

“Save the world! Save civilization!”

“Cheng senior saved a civilization?”

“My God! Worthy of being my idol!”

“It can’t be wrong, this Sage idol must have been made by the people of Otherworld to commemorate Cheng senior! According to the internal layout of the projection we saw before, this is most likely the altar to worship Cheng senior!”

All of a sudden, the barrage changed.

The two commentators regained their sense of consternation, and said excitedly: “As you can see, the live broadcast is the latest situation projected back from near the magic city.

The exploration team has reached the fifth floor and got through this projection.

At this moment, due to some mechanism that we don’t know about, the icon is lit up, and Cheng senior’s message appears!

And the information revealed by this short message is so amazing, save the world?

Did Cheng senior save a world? The same human race?

Is it another world that is highly similar to us? ”

The voice of the commentator was excited.

In the picture, the people in the projection area near the magic city are also surprised and inexplicable.

Especially those busy staff outside the projection, as well as a large number of research teams, have seen this amazing change earlier than the live audience.

The little lapels are not bad, but they looked up at the icon deep into the starry sky in consternation and admiration, worshiping eyes reveal.

Thousands of researchers, large and small, gathered outside the projection, regardless of their identities, all staring at the line of characters, their minds swaying.

People even more excited took out the phone to click and shoot, proud to witness this scene.

However, this is not the only thing.

The person in charge of Ersi outside the Magic Capital Projection is looking at the huge icon in the distance.

Suddenly, a small lapel rushed over and exclaimed: “The latest news! The latest news! The other projections also have the same vision!”

The person in charge was stunned when he heard the words, and asked, “Other projections? Could other divisions and bureaus also get through the projections?”

When he thought about it, this vision was obviously caused by the fact that the Magic Capital Projection was broken through and the fifth floor was breached.

If the other projections want to trigger the same vision, they must also be marked with five layers.

“No! No! We are currently the only team to get through the projection, and the rest of the projections have not been through yet, but…for some reason, a vision also occurred, as if… Wake up!”

The person in charge was shocked: “What did you say?!”

Sioux City projection.

This is the closest altar to Magic Capital Projection.

The six divisions are responsible for the exploration.

At this time, the entire exploratory team had just penetrated the fourth floor and engaged the Radiant Knights on the fourth floor.

The fifth floor is still far away.

The little lapels of the six divisions who were stationed outside the projection just got the news that the magic city projection had opened up, and the icon had a vision.

“Look, Modu Projection has been breached.”

“The icon over there was lit up, and a message from Cheng senior appeared? It’s spectacular.”

“Unfortunately, we can’t see that there is a sixth-rank strongman on the magic city who opened the way, took the lead in getting through the projection, and also triggered the vision. This time they are famous.”

“Yeah, we don’t know when we can get through it. When we get through, there should be a vision too, right?”

Several little lapels are talking about it.

Suddenly, I heard a sharp exclamation, piercing the dark night:

“Look at it! How come the icon on our side… is also lit up?!”

Several people were taken aback and looked at them one after another.

I saw that the night sky was still silent before the altar that looked like a black giant beast. At this moment, it also broke out extremely strong Spiritual Qi fluctuations, and even more brilliance, the faceless Sage image seemed to be awakened by some kind of power. It emits a soaring divine light, illuminating the entire projection as bright as day!

This was supposed to be an anomaly that would only be triggered after the projection was opened up.

But at this moment, the projection that Liusi mastered was clearly far from getting through.

In that case…

Then why does Faceless Sage still light up?

As if awakened by Demon Capital Projection?

It’s not just Sioux City Six Divisions.

After the Magic Capital Projection was first opened up, the projections in the rest of Xia Kingdom suddenly lit up in succession.

Those projections have not been opened up, but the same vision emerged automatically-the divine light swept the dark sky, Cheng senior’s message appeared, and the strong riot of Spiritual Qi reached an unprecedented level.

Shashi, Guangzhou, Lancheng, Shudu, Hong Kong Island…

Within Xia Kingdom, there are a total of fifteen altar projections scattered in fifteen areas.

After the Magic Capital Projection was breached, fifteen projections lighted up one after another, and the difference between them was only a few seconds!

That feeling is as if there is a mysterious connection between these projections.

When one of the projections takes the lead in a certain level of change.

A kind of mysterious mechanism of chain activation was produced, and the rest of the projections were gradually awakened.

And this chain awakening is not limited to Xia Guo.

But as more and more icons are lit, this influence spreads to the world.

According to the statistics.

In this altar projection, there are fifteen in Xia Kingdom.

There are as many as seventy-two in the world!

Modu Projection was the first to be breached in the world. The chain reaction generated first awakened the projections in Xia Country, and then the radiation spread. Within five minutes, all 72 projections around the world were gradually awakened. !

If these projections are marked on a world map.

At that moment, starting from Xia Guo, those gloomy marks lit up one by one, like bright lights, like stars, and more like a single spark, starting from a prairie fire.

The exploratory teams from all countries and regions around the world, no matter what skin color, ethnicity, or language spoke, all witnessed the silent and natural lighting of the altar beside them at about the same time.

Spiritual Qi riots, faceless, the image of Sage shines.

Witness the huge, mysterious and primitive square symbol between Sage’s chest and arms!

For a time, countless cultivators were shocked by Deva, and their hearts swayed.

At this moment, seventy-two projections, the image of Qi Hui.

And at the moment.

Sitting on the small futon watching the live broadcast, the phone in Hua Bei’s hand has silently fallen to the ground, and the words of the projection icon Qi Hui are frantically brushed on the screen in the barrage of the live broadcast room.

She just looked up stupidly at the altar projection not far away.

At this moment, the concentration of Spiritual Qi in the projection area also skyrocketed, and the icon released its brilliant brilliance, and the divine light soared into the sky, just like a spectacle.

The two bureaus and the students who stayed outside watched this scene in shock.

Until a little lapel suddenly exclaimed:

“Look, the projection seems to be disappearing!”

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