Chapter 238

Cheng Lin didn’t chat with Ren Yi much, just said a few words and ended the conversation.

He put down his phone and began to concentrate on repairing the Magical Item.

After a few hours…

“it’s finally over.”

In a room of the academy, Cheng Lin dissipated the faint flame in his hand that had begun to fade.

He put the last “test product” on the table, feeling a sense of accomplishment spontaneously in his heart.

The first time he officially repaired the Magical Item, he repaired so much in one breath. He also took a break and recovered twice. Now, the Spiritual Qi in his body is basically exhausted.

“It’s really tiring.”

Cheng Lin wiped the sweat from his forehead and murmured to himself, every Magical Item refining takes at least dozens of minutes. The higher the grade, the longer it takes. This is only one refining. I want to refining the Magical Item. Continue to repair, the time and energy spent will increase exponentially.

“It’s not easy to do this job as a refiner.” Cheng Lin smiled bitterly.

He was the only person in the room, mainly because the refining was too time-consuming and Professor Wu had a lot of work, so he stayed here for a while and then left. Anyway, there was a computer that automatically recorded the data, and Cheng Lin was done silently by himself.

Pressed a button in the room, and soon, the senior sister Meng pushed the door and walked in: “The teacher is too busy. Send me to deal with it. How about? Is all the information entered?”

After checking the data, Senior Sister Meng nodded and smiled: “Okay, the data collection is over.”

ended? it’s finally over?

Cheng Lin let out a long breath, as if liberated. Sister Meng couldn’t help but smile when she saw him, and handed a glass of water: “I’m tired.”

“Serving the people…not tired, not tired…”

Cheng Lin drank a whole cup in one gulp, politely.

Senior Sister Meng shook her head and smiled: “Thanks for your hard work, this is a tiring job, but you can rest assured that you won’t be asked to help in vain. No, let’s see what this is?”

As she said, she fetched a dark green notebook from her pocket like a trick, and handed it to Cheng Lin.

“what is this?”

Cheng Lin wiped the water stain on the corner of his mouth, surprised.

When I took it over, it looked like a certificate, with the hot gold “Spiritual Qi Science Research Institute” written on the cover. When I opened it, there was a one-inch photo of him and some basic information. It was stamped with a steel seal. The column says “Assistant Researcher”.

Cheng Lin was surprised at this. He patched up a formation machine himself, so why did he come up with an extra certificate?

What is an assistant researcher?

Senior Sister Meng explained with a smile: “The teacher said that you can’t let you help in vain. Ask me what rewards I can give you. I think you will definitely graduate and get a formal job in a few months, so I applied for this for you.

In fact, it is to give you the identity of being affiliated with our research institute. There is no salary and no need to go to work. It is just a nickname… With the nickname of an assistant researcher, you can have a discount for buying resources internally in the future. ”

Named in a large unit? Lin knows this kind of thing, it’s quite common, it sounds like Senior Sister Meng applied for herself specially, but this purchase resource discount made him a little puzzled.

Sister Meng explained it again before he understood.

This matter needs to be related to what Liang Pi said when a few people in the group had dinner.

At that time, Liang Pi claimed internal news that the country would gradually open up the Spiritual Qi material trading market, and that the magic city will be doing pilot projects. According to Sister Meng, afterwards, trading markets in various regions will be established.

Relying on the basis of this “assistant researcher”, purchasing cultivation resources can give you a discount. Of course, the discount is definitely limited, but the accumulation of less can add more, and its value is not small.

Cheng Lin suddenly felt all exhaustion disappeared, his eyes brightened, and he was unexpectedly happy.

It sounds like Sister Meng’s contribution here is not small, probably because she is a student of Ren Yi? So take care of yourself?

Cheng Lin immediately thanked him earnestly: “Thank Sister Meng for your help, or I will treat you to dinner.”

Senior Sister Meng pursed her lips and said with a smile: “No, you don’t need to thank me. This discount may not be great. Moreover, if you become an assistant researcher, if the Institute has some important Magical Items that need to be repaired, you also need to come and help. Of course, you can rest assured that you will never be used as a coolie. Senior talent is not such a waste.”

Is this an obligation attached to privileges?

No wonder Professor Wu approved this application. It seems that this old scholar is not purely generous.

If you think about it, if Wu Mingxun is really a pure-minded person, and can’t sit in the position of the dean, this is a sweetness to Cheng Lin, and it also paves the way for him to help him in the future.

Cheng Lin shook his head and laughed. He didn’t dislike Wu Mingxun’s thoughts either.

“Okay, just contact me if you have anything to do in the future.” Cheng Linzhen put away the “certificate” heavily and said with a smile.

After a pause, he said, “Then I can go now?”

“Of course, I will send you off.” Senior Sister Meng nodded and led Cheng Lin all the way to the gate. Then she said, “There are still many things to be busy, so I will send you here, so be it, um, yes. Come here to play, Xiaolin.”


It was Xiaocheng before, but now he has become Xiaolin. Is this a more intimate name?

It’s a pity that I, Xiaolin, don’t have a dragon maid…

Cheng Lin complained in his heart, waved his hand, bid farewell to Senior Sister Meng, called a car, and left the research institute to return to the hotel where the Jiu Division was stationed.

When I returned to the hotel, it was already afternoon.

In the car, Cheng Lin is also paying attention to the situation through his mobile phone. The beach side is continuing to sort out the harvest. The small lapels of the major departments and bureaus, except for staying there to defend, temporarily return to the station, rest, and wait for the next. Credit calculation.

There is a lot of discussion on the Internet. The appearance of “Cheng senior” will continue to push this super IP to a climax. The shops around the major online seniors have ushered in a wave of sales peaks. It is said that several major domestic film companies have prepared Cheng senior movies. It’s going to be filming too, anyway, it’s not lively.

Cheng Lin looked at these things silently, feeling quite comfortable.

Going back to the hotel, entering the room, and taking a shower, it is considered to completely remove the exhaustion.

After taking a shower, he went back to the bedroom, closed the curtains, took out his mobile phone, and checked the hotel room with the “anti-surveillance” mechanism that came with the deduction program. After confirming that there was no camera, he stretched out his hand with excitement. A flick on the ground.

Suddenly, the floor was piled up with broken Magical Items. There were dozens of them, almost all of them were Magical Items above the advanced level.

The top of a pile of tattered, dusty, with a thin red line on the sword is so inconspicuous.

“Organize the harvest!”

Cheng Lin gave a cheer and didn’t have time to organize it carefully on the island. It was only now that he finally had enough time to study this pile of things.

Lotus Position is sitting on the ground.

Cheng Lintuo thought about it.

“Well…where do you start?”

After thinking about it, he took out the “hundred thousand soul flags” that he was more familiar with, and shook it lightly, and the dark light on its surface flashed. The originally clean and tidy bedroom was suddenly filled with wind and densely packed war spirits. The streamer shook out and danced in the small bedroom.

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