A Quick Walkthrough: Male God, Don’t Run Away

Chapter 1105: Legal Beauty Conquers International Mercenaries 34

Canglang didn't answer immediately, and Shu Ange was a little nervous and disappointed.

She thought he would tell her his name without hesitation, but she didn't expect him to hesitate. Could it be that in his mind, she was someone who could not be trusted?

Shu Ange lowered his head, feeling a little gloomy and indistinguishable.

The sea is too beautiful, and the moonlight is too blurry. Seeing Shu Ange's lost face, Chen Weiqing couldn't help but take a step forward and put his hands on her shoulders gently.

In order to conceal their identities and avoid being discovered, they have done too many intimate actions like couples today. So when Chen Weiqing saw Shu Ange's depressed look, he naturally put his hand on her thin shoulder, but he didn't feel uncomfortable.

Shu Ange looked up at his face so close at hand, not knowing what he meant.

"My name is Chen Weiqing, the reed of the reed, the clear of the clear water."

"Jiang Shui Qingqing, Reed Yiyi, this name sounds very delicate, not quite like you."

Shu Ange's heart was filled with joy, and the three words Chen Weiqing rolled between her lips.

Chen Weiqing removed his hand from Shu Ange's shoulder and smiled indifferently: "The name is just a code name, it doesn't matter whether it is similar or not."

"Ha, Brother Chen always thinks differently from ordinary people. Tonight, you are very different from usual. If this is a dreamy night full of magic, can I make a small request?"

With Singer Shu An behind his back, he looked at Chen Weiqing with a smile, and a cute slyness flashed in his eyes.


Chen Weiqing agreed very simply. Although there was still some time before the day of separation, the two knew that after dawn, it would be difficult for them to get along without barriers like tonight.

The miracle brought by the moonlight and the sea breeze melted the ice between them. When the next day dawns, a new wall will be erected among them.

"Now, please close your eyes and clasp your hands behind your back."

Shu Ange's clear and pleasant voice tickled Chen Weiqing's heartstrings. He closed his eyes and put his hands behind him.

Under the moonlight, Chen Weiqing was like a perfect sculpture. His closed eyes, the bridge of his nose, and the tight lines and contours exuded a fatal and dangerous attraction.

Shu Ange's heartbeat continued to accelerate, she slowly approached Chen Weiqing, the height difference between the two was too great, she had to stand on tiptoe to touch his lips.

Will he reject her, will he avoid...

With an uneasy mood, Shu Ange stood on tiptoe and approached Chen Weiqing little by little.

Chen Weiqing closed her eyes tightly, the sweet smell of milk was getting closer and closer to him, her rapid and hot breathing, like a small brush, stirred his heart.

Getting closer, his lips were dry and slightly darker.

It is said that people with thin lips are also sympathetic, but Shu Ange felt that Chen Weiqing was an exception. She gathered up the courage and put her lips on his cold and thin lips.

A soft touch came from the lips, and the sweet milk fragrance slipped in from the gap between his lips.

Chen Weiqing opened his eyes, Shu Ange nervously grabbed the hem of his clothes, and kissed his lips softly, not daring to go deeper and reluctant to stop.

It was his first kiss.

Chen Weiqing's eyes were dimly lit, her figure was as straight as a pine, and her sweet breath surprised him, making him nostalgic and reluctant.

But he could not respond, Chen Weiqing is a person with a strong sense of responsibility. If he couldn't bring her happiness, he would rather not touch this affection.

"The target character's favorability is +11, and the current favorability is 70."

Chen Weiqing's attitude of not responding or rejecting made Shu Ange a little disappointed. She bit his cold lips lightly, and then took a step back.

After the lips were empty, Chen Weiqing's heart was also empty. At this moment, he really wanted to hold Shu Ange in his arms, crushed her soft lips fiercely, and demanded the sweetness between her lips and teeth.

But he can't.

"Sorry... a little rude."

Shu Ange's smile was somewhat pale and weak, Chen Weiqing shook his head and said solemnly, "It's me who should say sorry, I hope you can... be happy."

He originally wanted to say "I hope you can meet a better person", but when the words reached his lips, he was suddenly reluctant.

Chen Weiqing couldn't resist wishing Shu Ange to meet a better person. He likes her, and even if he can't be together, he doesn't want to see her with others with his own eyes.

Shu Ange looked away from Chen Weiqing's face, lowered his head and was silent for a moment, then raised his head and smiled brightly at him: "As far as tonight is a magic, after sunrise, the magic disappears, we can still... as before, we can do a friend?"

Shu Ange's optimistic attitude made Chen Weiqing feel more guilty. He nodded: "Yes, we can contact by email after I leave China."

The dreamy and beautiful cruise night was over. A few hours after Xie Chengjie and others were arrested, some people with dirty hands and feet got the news and left on the yacht before dawn.

Shu Ange and Chen Weiqing disembarked the next day when the cruise ship arrived at the port for supplies. The romance last night seemed like a fantasy.

After disembarking, Paul, carrying a backpack and chewing gum, greeted the two warmly and congratulated Shu Ange at the same time.

Paul has always regretted not being able to participate in the arrest of the big boss. He could bear it in public. After returning to the apartment, he took Shu Ange and asked them carefully about their experience on the cruise.

"Have you seen the heroic appearance of the captain lurking in the trading hall with your own eyes?"

Paul was lying on the back of the sofa, looking at Shu Ange excitedly.

"I was in charge of locating the trading location of the ivory dealer... I didn't act with Brother Chen."

Shu Ange explained to Paul in a regretful tone, he shrugged and poked his fingers on the cheek: "My God, I think it must be a very fierce battle, bang!"

He gestured with his shooting finger, and Shu Ange smiled and suggested, "I think if you want to understand the situation at that time, Brother Chen should know better."

She pointed to Chen Weiqing, who was looking at the laptop screen and was busy. Paul shook his head frantically: "Oh, no, I'd better ask Felt and the others."

Chen Weiqing has always been serious, and Paul's personality is out of character. In the past, he often refused to accept discipline, caused many troubles, and even leaked his own information.

If Chen Weiqing hadn't dealt with the trouble for Paul, he would probably have been arrested by the kbf son to do black labor.

Therefore, Paul respected Chen Weiqing very much, and did not dare to chase after him to ask about the mission.

"That's fine. What do you and Brother Chen want to eat at noon? I'll go to the supermarket to buy food and cook."

Hearing that Shu Ange was about to cook, little stars flashed in Paul's eyes: "Wow, really, the beautiful and lovely Miss Ye is going to cook, and I can taste delicious Chinese food again! I want to eat... Lots and lots of delicious food."

Paul thought about it for a while, but couldn't think of the specific name of the dish. He gestured with his hands and said, "I want to eat fish soup with no fish in sight, and chicken without chili, and the sweet one you made..."

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