A Quick Walkthrough: Male God, Don’t Run Away

Chapter 1691: Modern God of Cookery VS Netwen Dashen 25

Even though her father was in a hurry, Zongci couldn't help but stab her when he saw Shu Ange.

Being pressed to the ground by Bazhenlou and slapped in the face, can Yuexianglou be okay?

"Brother Zong, what kind of young master I am now. Bazhenlou has become the Mu family's world. I almost lost my life in the beginning, and you all saw it."

Zong Boyu glared at his son and sighed: "I've wronged you, Mu Guangcheng and his wife are too inauthentic. When your father was alive, he never treated them badly."

The enemy of the enemy is a friend. Zongci turned around and coughed and said, "Sister Yudie, my eldest brother has been short-tempered recently, and his words are not pleasing. Don't take it to heart."

He only thought that Bazhenlou deceived people too much, and forgot that Pang Yudie was deceived by the Mu family again and again.

When Pang Duofu just died, whoever mentioned Mu Guangcheng did not say a word of justice.

When his good brother suddenly had a car accident, he was ordered to take care of the Bazhen Building in an orderly manner and took his niece home to take care of him.

But people are separated from each other, who would have expected that the Mu family would finally sing such a big drama.

People who don't know it may be deceived by the rumors spread by the Mu family, thinking that Pang Yudie really has no shame and seduces his uncle to take in her.

But those who are familiar with Pang Yudie know that she is very proud and arrogant.

Even young talents of his age can't look down on him, so how can he look down on a bad old man.

"Let's put the past things aside for now. This time it's the Bazhen Building that's wrong. After I take back the helm, I'll remove the plaques from the branches that don't meet the qualifications."

Shu Ange's voice was as clear as water, and his eyes were calm and gentle, without the impetuousness of young people.

Now she is different from the fat girl who was photographed and posted on the Internet to avoid embarrassment.

It's just that what she has to do is easier said than done, Zong Boyu glanced at his son.

Bazhenlou is a lesson from the past, if he can't teach his son well. In the future, when he passed away, his ancestral gift might not be as good as Pang Yudie.

At least Pang Yudie can still survive in the jedi. After avoiding his edge, he killed Mu Guangcheng and his wife and returned to the carbine.

"Good boy, you've worked hard. Duofu and I have been in friendship for more than ten years. If you can help, you can tell your uncle directly."

"Many thanks to Uncle Zong for your righteous help, but this time I'm back in Haishi, and I want to seek justice from the Mu family in person. It's better for me and brother Zong to cook the roasted suckling pig in the bright oven at Yuexianglou tomorrow."

Ming furnace roast suckling pig is a famous Cantonese dish, and it is also a specialty dish of Yuexianglou.

In order to grab customers, Mu Lian and Cheng Huai used a famous dish from the clan to fight with each other every day.

The theme of the third day, the other party has already released it in advance, it is the roasted suckling pig in the bright furnace.

Zong Boyu looked slightly surprised, his hair as white as silver trembled twice: "Niece Yudie, you are—"

He was not sure what Pang Yudie was thinking.

Although the Bazhen Building is now under the control of Mu Guangcheng, it is still the property of the Pang family.

Pang Yudie took the initiative to come to help Yuexianglou, which made Zong Boyu a little strange.

Furthermore, the rapid progress of a Mu Lian's cooking skills is enough to surprise people.

If Pang Yudie's cooking skills were as good as Mu Lian's, Zong Boyu would probably wonder if he was too good at teaching his disciples.

Shu Ange knew Zong Boyu's concerns, she picked up the teacup and took a sip, her eyes flashing with moving brilliance.

"Good tea, Uncle Zong, I have learned quite a few dishes outside in the past six months. One of them is roasted suckling pig in a bright oven. I wonder if I can try it now in the kitchen?"

Zongci looked at Shu Ange in surprise, and couldn't help but stunned.

Was it because he couldn't keep up with the trend of the times, or was it because the back waves of the Yangtze River pushed the front waves, and his front waves were left to die on the beach.

Zong Boyu smiled.

He is an old man, and he can't be as tolerant as a little doll in his twenties.

"Okay, Zongci, take Miss Pang to the kitchen."

"Yes, Dad, Sister Yudie, come with me. By the way, have you eaten yet? Do you want to eat something to pad your stomach first."

Zongci's attitude is very enthusiastic. Pang Yudie is on their side. Even if Bazhenlou wins tomorrow, his face will be disgraceful.

The Mu family is hypocritical and aggressive, and will sooner or later become the target of public criticism.

"I've eaten some on the way, and I'm not hungry. I'll eat it when I'm done cooking. Thank you Big Brother Zong for your concern."

The kitchen of Yuexiang Building is spacious and elegant, and Zong Boyu and Zong Ci brought her into the small kitchen.

Both father and son were curious about Shu Ange's cooking skills. Mu Lian was in the limelight now. If she didn't have two brushes, she would not dare to go back to Haishi to fight him.

Fresh ingredients, delivered quickly.

A humming little suckling pig was bumping around in the bamboo cage, its little nose twitching.

It is smooth and smooth, and it does not look like a domestic pig.

Zongci introduced proudly: "This is a piglet we bred in the Hainan breeding base. It has never been fed, and it eats good things. Don't look at this little thing, it eats more than humans. Pay attention."

"It's good looking."

Shu Ange lifted the pig out of the bamboo cage, and the little guy seemed to have a premonition that a catastrophe was coming, so he kicked his hooves in the air desperately.

Seeing this, Zongci took the initiative to ask, "Do you want me to help you kill pigs?"

Roast suckling pig is about being fresh and tender, so pigs are eaten and killed immediately.

"Thank you, Big Brother Zong just hand over the things for me."

She held her hands firmly and was not panic at all, Zong Boyu nodded in satisfaction.

Being a chef requires not only good knife skills, but also wrist strength.

Too many cooks are men, and many female cooks are wide and fat, so that they have the strength to weigh the wok.

With Mingguang's shining boning knife in hand, Shu Ange started cleanly and slaughtered the little pig.

Shaved, washed, gutted, boned and gutted in one go.

Zong Ci rubbed his eyes with his hand, and his heart was pounding.

He has been cooking for so many years, and he considers himself an experienced roast suckling pig, but his movements are not as quick as Shu Ange.

The slender figure in front of her, like a girl who can be blown down by a gust of wind, has completed the process of handling the suckling pig in an understatement.

After removing the pig's brain, she removed the fan bone and third rib of the suckling pig, and made several cuts on the thick part of the inside of the buttocks to make it easier to taste.

Zongci clicked his tongue twice and gave a thumbs up: "Awesome, Miss Yudie, with your knife skills, you can also make a name for yourself in the food industry."

"Knowing this, I don't have to learn more."

Zong Boyu glanced at his younger son, and Zong Ci immediately opened his eyes wide, staring at Shu Ange's next steps seriously.

The representative dishes of each cuisine are actually similar in practice.

Shu Ange not only used the existing seasonings in the kitchen, but also brought out the cooking wine, sauces, and spices that he prepared in Yunsheng Village.

Zongci looked at these small bottles curiously, and asked cheekily, "Can I smell it? This smell is very fragrant."

There is a northeastern chef in Yuexianglou, Zongci has a good relationship with each other, and occasionally a few Northeastern dialects come out.

After losing the arena for two days in a row, Zongci calmed down.

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