A Quick Walkthrough: Male God, Don’t Run Away

Chapter 1785: The strange sister-in-law in the rebirth of the military sister-in-law 24

Cai Aiqin thought the same as her wife, that her son's misfortune last year almost cost them half their lives.

If the daughter has three long and two short, she can't stand it anymore.

Seeing that the old couple was quite frightened, Shu Ange slowed down his tone and explained carefully: "Father, mother, it's not as serious as you think. I just happened to hear the two traffickers talking about how to sell children. It's just that the woman trafficker took the child away."

Her understated description made Cai Aiqin's heart sink in her throat: "Hey, you stupid child, the traffickers are brutal. Next time you encounter this kind of thing, look for a police comrade as soon as possible. We are just you. This girl, if you are beaten by human traffickers, we should feel more distressed."

"Mother, I have my senses. I have good news for you. The province cracked down on this major human trafficking case and rescued dozens of women and children. In other words, dozens of families can be reunited."

"God bless, this is a good thing. Whose child is not the heart of the heart, who is willing to let their daughter be abused by others. Those traffickers who kill thousands of knives should be shot one by one!"

Cai Aiqin was filled with indignation, and Song Guangliang also echoed: "It's good to shoot, there are few scourges in the world. Sister Shan, you have to be careful yourself, don't be targeted by those inhuman things for revenge."

"I know, don't worry. The police station also mentioned that if you think there are suspicious people around you, you must call the police immediately."

The weather in May was already dry, dozens of people were trapped in the bus, and the wind blowing in from the window had a warm stench.

Lin Xiangming sat in the car, sweating all over his body, and he was a little lost.

The first time he went away, he boasted that he wanted to do a big vision, and every cell was screaming hotly.


With a loud noise and a harsh braking sound, the bus collided with a car rushing to the road.

The occupants in the car were smashed to and fro by the huge impact, Lin Xiangming's head slammed against the glass, the bright red blood blocked his vision, and the severe pain that penetrated his soul made him faint.

When he woke up again, Lin Xiangming looked at the snow-white walls and smelled the unique smell of disinfectant in the hospital.

He is alive again!

It feels so good to be alive, how dare that femme fatale treat him like that.

Lin Xiangming's facial muscles were distorted, thinking that he was tricked by Duan Xiaosui, and that he died in Shenzhen for no apparent reason.

Fortunately, the sky has eyes, so he was reborn before going to the deep market.

Sitting on the hospital bed, he carefully recalled what happened in the past year, and his back suddenly became cold.

The first ten years were similar to the previous life, but what happened this year was completely different from the previous life.

Duan Xiaosui suddenly changed her face, refused to elope with him, and cut off ties with him with a clear-cut waist.

Immediately afterwards, she was dismissed by the Song family, who found that Song Hongqi had cheated, and angrily urged him to write a letter to report Song Hongqi.

He is really a big fool, he is fascinated by Duan Xiaosui, and he dares to do anything stupid.

1983 was the era of the nationwide crackdown.

In his last life, he and Duan Xiaosui eloped to the Shenzhen market. At the beginning, they had money in their pockets. The two of them ate, drank and wandered around while looking for a job.

It is said that the Shenzhen market is full of gold, and Lin Xiangming believes that he can become a big boss.

When Chennai's luck was bad, the two foreigners couldn't find any good jobs, and their money was deceived by people in the name of introducing jobs.

Lin Xiangming also thought about returning to his hometown, but it just happened that he was hit hard in those few years.

If he and Duan Xiaosui dared to go back to their hometown, they would be shot if they were convicted of hooliganism or sabotaging a military marriage.

Duan Xiaosui didn't dare to return, messing about with men and women, defrauding money, and sabotaging military marriages, all of which were enough for her to drink.

In order to survive in the Shenzhen market, Lin Xiangming had no choice but to become a living king under the advice of his friends.

The two have been scrambling for years and years at the bottom of the Shenzhen market. Lin Xiangming thinks that he does not dislike Duan Xiao Suisui and protects her when she is doing "business", which is quite authentic.

In a blink of an eye, more than ten years have passed, and Lin Xiangming is homesick and timid, and once secretly went home.

He heard from relatives in his family that Song Hongqi became a high-ranking official, and after a few years as a division commander in the army, he might be promoted to general.

In a word, Lin Xiangming was so frightened that he fled back to the Shenzhen market overnight. What is the concept of a general? They have never seen such a big man in this small county for hundreds of years.

After returning to Shenzhen, he couldn't help but tell Duan Xiaosui about it, and the two had a serious quarrel.

Duan Xiaosui scolded him for not being a man, blaming him for abducting her when she was young, killing her for life, and cursing him not to die.

Lin Xiangming is someone who is willing to suffer, he can't scold Duan Xiaosui and directly attack her and beat her hard enough.

The two had been fighting for so many years, but Lin Xiangming didn't take it to heart afterward.

But he did not expect that Duan Xiaosui had murderous intentions towards him.

She set up a poisonous plan with her concubine, and led him to the place where the du product dealers traded to deliver things, causing trouble.

The most embarrassing thing for Lin Xiangming is that he obviously didn't do those things, but he was used as a scapegoat by the du dealer and pushed him out.

He hadn't waited for his grievance, and he just died in the hospital.

The scene before his death is vivid in his mind. The wound left by the car accident was painful. Lin Xiangming covered his head and was very scared.

He managed to escape, but he didn't want to put all his youth in prison.

It would have been better if he could be reborn earlier, Lin Xiangming thought hard about a solution to the current predicament.

Although the letter was sent by him, the words inside were cut from newspapers and books, and the envelope was left-handed.

In addition, he did not communicate with the Song brothers and sisters, and the name of Song Hongshan was used when reporting, so the troops should not be able to find him.

As long as Duan Xiaosui is not against water, this matter will not be exposed.

If she really dared to expose it, he would dare to tell the police comrade that he was instructed by Duan Xiaosui, and the staff of the teahouse could testify.

"With 15 patients, it's time to pay the medical bills."

Lin Xiangming was thinking about something when the nurse came to his bedside and urged him to pay the medical bills.

"How much is it, thank you, comrade nurse."

This hospitalization cost a total of more than 30 yuan, and the delivery company reimbursed more than half of the expenses.

The wound on Lin Xiangming's head looked scary, but it wasn't serious. He fainted because of a moderate concussion.

The doctor took a picture of him, his head was fine, and there were no sequelae.

After leaving the hospital, Lin Xiangming got into the car back to the county seat. He took out the address written by Duan Xiaosui and studied it carefully. Anyone who has been in the Shenzhen market knows that those addresses are the most chaotic places in the Shenzhen market.

What a cruel and vicious woman, she is planning to kill him!

These addresses also gave Lin Xiangming a reminder.

How can a woman who has never been to the deep market know so much about the chaotic places in the deep market.

Could it be that Duan Xiaosui, like him, had a chance to do it all over again.

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