A Quick Walkthrough: Male God, Don’t Run Away

Chapter 1787: The strange sister-in-law in the rebirth of the military sister-in-law 26

"Isn't this Xiang Ming? Hong Shan, bring you Brother Xiang Ming in."

Rural people are hospitable, as long as there is no discord, the host family will warmly entertain them.

Shu Ange mentioned to Cai Aiqin that Lin Xiangming may have been in love with Duan Xiaosui.

However, when they were not younger than them, the two were classmates, and it was normal for them to have been in love. Anyway, they had already retired from the Duan family.

"Aunt Aiqin, I brought you some apples. I bought them in the county town. They are sweet and crunchy."

"Come here, and bring something with you. It's too foreign."

Lin Xiangming entered the room with a smile, Shu Ange took the book and followed him into the room.

When there were guests at home, Cai Aiqin specially cooked two more dishes, and even took out the old Bai Ganer at home and gave it to her husband and Lin Xiangming to drink.

The wine was hot, and Lin Xiangming's face was flushed from the drink. After hiccups, he suddenly cried: "Uncle Guangliang, Aunt Aiqin, I'm sorry for you."


Shu Ange, who didn't say a few words throughout the meal, was amazed at Lin Xiangming's actions.

He is possessed by a playboy, let's pretend to be crazy with alcohol.

Worried about Lin Xiangming's sudden violent outburst, Shu Ange stared at his every move.

Song Guangliang also drank a little too much, and asked with blurred eyes, "What's the matter, Xiang Ming, why did you suddenly say this?"

"I shouldn't have kept it from you," Lin Xiangming beat his chest and stomped his feet, took out a few letters from his arms, and a six-inch color photo fell out of the letter, "I should have confessed to you long ago."

Shu Ange grabbed the photo and picked it up. In the photo, Lin Xiangming wore a white shirt and blue trousers with a bright smile, while Duan Xiaosui wore a floral dress and long braids with a gentle smile on his face.

They didn't wear much makeup, they just put some lipstick on their mouths and trimmed their eyebrows.

Not to mention, just from the group photo alone, the two of them are quite right. With clear eyes and beautiful eyes, the years are quiet, and there is a belly full of conscience and dog lungs.

"Big nephew, what are you talking about?"

Song Guangliang became more and more fascinated. Cai Aiqin didn't drink alcohol, and when she saw the photos in Singer Shu An, her heart twisted.

"Uncle, I talked to Duan Xiaosui. When the two of you just signed up for this marriage, she wrote a letter asking me to elope with her."

Lin Xiangmingshi's shocking sentence made Song Guangliang sober up for the most part: "What, what elopement?"

"Look at the letter, uncle, I'm not a human, I'm a beast. Brother Hongqi is such a good person, and he is a hero who defends the family and the country, how can I dare to think of this. I wanted to tell you before, but I heard that Duan Xiao Sui moved in, so it's hard to speak."

Cai Aiqin was illiterate, stared at the letter in Lin Xiangming's hand, and murmured to Shu Ange: "Sister Shan, take the letter."

Shu Ange took the letter, and Lin Xiangming wiped away his tears and said, "Uncle Guangliang, Aunt Aiqin, I used to be naive. After the two of you got engaged, I wrote letters to Duan Xiaosui. Fortunately, I didn't make a big mistake. Otherwise, I won't have a face in the Song family in my life."

What kind of play is this singing? Shu Ange looked at the letter in his hand at a glance, thinking about why Lin Xiangming came here suddenly.

Song Guangliang drank, and when he heard Lin Xiangming say this, he was so angry: "The Duan family is too deceiving. We still thought of treating Duan Xiaosui badly, and they didn't let them return a cent of the betrothal gift!"

No wonder Song Guangliang was distressed about money, every cent of the betrothal money was earned by Hongqi's hard work.

If Duan Xiaosui is really affectionate and righteous, they should compensate this good girl.

But after hearing what Lin Xiangming said, Duan Xiaosui said that after the kiss, she was still thinking about running away with someone. She has never met Hong Qimian, can she treat him sincerely?

If Song Hongqi really had three strengths and two weaknesses, Duan Xiaosui would probably run faster than anyone else.

Their family was almost deceived by the Duan family.

"Uncle, don't say that you were deceived by Duan Xiaosui, I also fell for her. Alas, when we met last time, she told me sobbingly that Brother Hongqi was messing with men and women in the army, forcing him to The Duan family quit the family. I almost took it for granted, but luckily I came to my aunt to ask about it, and then I realized that was not the case. "

"What is messing with the relationship between men and women in the army, can you clarify?"

Shu Ange frowned slightly and asked, Lin Xiangming burped again: "Sister Hongshan, Duan Xiaosui said that you told her. She said that you told her in person that Brother Hongqi was in the army with a little nurse named Cheng Huaixia. I went up and said that she is not worthy of Brother Hongqi because of her lack of culture."

Seeing Rashomen again, how could Duan Xiaosui know Cheng Huaixia and whether she had said these words to Lin Xiangming.

Shu Ange stared at Lin Xiangming's eyes, trying to see if he was lying.

"Nonsense, I want Hongqi to lie in the hospital for a few months, and I almost failed to get through the gate of hell. How can I mess with men and women."

Cai Aiqin was furious. When Shu Ange came back, he mentioned Cheng Huaixia to her, but he never mentioned that the two had a relationship between a man and a woman.

"Hongshan, you and Duan Xiaosui mentioned the procedure nurse?"

"Mother, I never mentioned it. Duan Xiaosui went to the county to find me not long ago, and wanted me to write a letter to my eldest brother to match them up, but I refused."

Shu Ange expressed his attitude, Lin Xiangming clapped his hand on the table with a sad face: "Aunt Aiqin, I believe Hongshan never said that. Duan Xiaosui is a big liar, she even tricked me into doing business in Shenzhen. I I asked someone who has been to Shenzhen, but the address she gave me doesn't have a good place."

He gritted his teeth in hatred, and Song Guangliang's face was not very good.

After the words were almost finished, Lin Xiangming ignored the Song family's retention, washed his face with cold water, and went home after sobering up a little.

After Lin Xiangming left, the atmosphere in the Song family became even more dull.

Song Guangliang took the cigarette stick, took a deep breath of the choking smoke, and smacked his lips: "Red Star, go outside and play. Sister Shan, please believe in these letters, and then check the handwriting of Duan Xiaosui. , and see if you can match."

When Duan Xiaosui was in the Song family, she taught Song Hongxing to write and left behind a lot of paper with words.


Shu Ange unfolded the manuscript paper, endured the numbness, and read Duan Xiaosui's letter to Lin Xiangming.

The two of them were also shocking enough. Fortunately, the words were civilized, and there were no jokes that were not suitable for children.

G Provincial Military Region Hospital, Song Hongqi is doing leg and foot rehabilitation training seriously in the rehabilitation room.

Tired from exercising, he rested on crutches for a while.

Deng Zhihua did 30 sit-ups, and the wound was aching, so he stopped.

With his arms on the back of his neck, the old man was looking at Song Hongqi: "Company Commander Song, I don't think you're panicking at all. The report letter has been sent, so you don't feel anything?"

Song Hongqi's forehead was dripping with crystal sweat, enduring the pain to continue exercising, and returned to Deng Zhihua in a trance: "What can you think of this, the clearer is self-clearing, I believe the organization will not wrong a good person. It is Hongshan's name who reported the credit. But it's completely different from her handwriting, and it looks like someone deliberately framed her."

"That's right, this frame-up method is too clumsy."

(Meow~~ give you a warm hug!)

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