A Quick Walkthrough: Male God, Don’t Run Away

Chapter 1838: Campus literary ugly girl counterattack road 3

A big sister from the countryside appeared out of nowhere, went to the same school as them, and was even assigned to the same class later, which made the dragon and phoenix feel deeply ashamed.

Almost all of their peers are only children. They are twins, and anyone who sees them will praise them with envy.

Now that there is another eldest sister, others should definitely scold their family for giving preference to sons and daughters, and the idea of ​​reproductive cancer is serious.

Therefore, Chen Huaiyu and Chen Huaijin contradicted Chen Pannan and warned her repeatedly not to reveal their relationship in front of outsiders.

If Chen Pannan came to the provincial capital, he had some expectations for the parental care he had never enjoyed before.

After staying in the Chen family for half a year, she completely understood that she was just an outsider.

In the county middle school, Chen Pannan was a hard-working student, and he had no chance to take any interest classes to develop skills such as dance, piano, and painting.

The twins are different, they receive the best education in the provincial capital. One has been learning the piano since elementary school and the other has been learning the violin.

Chen Huaijin hated her eldest sister who was not ashamed, and she was even more afraid that her classmates had more contact with her and knew that she was her own sister.

So in school, he took the lead in rejecting and isolating Chen Pannan, laughing at her ugliness and only learning.

Chen Huaiyu is not as obvious as her younger brother Chen Huaijin, but the relationship between girls is more subtle.

She only needs a few hints, the flame of jealousy is enough to ignite a raging fire, making Chen Pannan's situation even more difficult.

In a small county town, Chen Pannan's excellent grades and docile personality made people ignore her ugly appearance.

After arriving at the provincial high school, she was rejected by all the students for nothing but good grades.

At home, Chen Pannan was scolded every day as a "debt collector", "a money loser", and a "morning star". At school, she was called "ugly", "village girl" and "stupid".

No one admired her, Chen Pannan finally made a friend, and the other party's purpose of approaching her was just to make fun of her.

All kinds of encounters constantly wear down Chen Pannan's self-esteem.

Later, she simply rebelled, no longer resigned, and was beaten to death at home instead of doing housework.

At school, if anyone taunted her, she would curse back like a shrew.

Chen Pannan's counterattack failed to make her situation better, but only attracted more insults and beatings.

She is looking forward to growing up early, and is eager to leave her family of origin and fly away.

A sudden car accident ruined Chen Pannan's dream.

The perpetrator of the car accident, Feng Zeyang, and his father, Feng Jiantong, are a well-known real estate developer in H province, and a few have a fortune of more than one billion yuan.

In the era when real estate was booming, Feng's family belonged to the upper class in H province.

When Feng Zeyang was a freshman in high school, he had a party with his friends and friends. After drinking, he was racing on a whim and bumped into Chen Pannan, who was traveling with his family.

Speaking of which, there's a little twist to this car accident.

When the sports car rushed towards the family, Chen Xukun took his son to hide by the road, and Song Xiangzhi took his daughter to hide.

They just hid, and hurriedly bumped Chen Pannan, who had been following behind, into the front.

Seeing that a car accident was about to happen, Feng Zeyang stepped on the brakes urgently and knocked Chen Pannan out.

It was also a loss to her that she didn't die on the spot after being hit by a sports car seven or eight meters away.

Chen Pannan only remembered the earth-shattering collision, and then his eyes were covered with blood, and he couldn't remember the rest.

She lay in the intensive care unit for a full week before regaining consciousness.

The car accident caused Chen Pannan's brain congestion, memory loss, and permanent disability in her right leg, which was seven or eight centimeters shorter than her left leg.

This is the result of the doctors trying their best to rescue her, otherwise she will face amputation.

A car accident destroyed Chen Pannan's good hope for the future life.

She took a year off from school, stayed in the hospital for more than half a year, and recovered at home for half a year, and her temperament became more irritable and eccentric.

After returning to school, Chen Pannan was forced to repeat the class and was assigned to the same class as his younger brother Chen Huaijin.

After the car accident, her memory decreased and it became difficult for her to study. When she used her brain meridian a little, her head hurt like it was about to explode, and her academic performance dropped drastically.

Chen Pannan could feel that she was out of control and went to the hospital for an examination. The other party suspected that she was suffering from bipolar disorder because of the stimulation of the car accident, and suggested that she go to a psychiatric hospital for a detailed examination.

The older generation believed that they only went to the hospital if they were mentally ill. They thought that Chen Pannan was just lazy and didn't like to study, and wanted to use the car accident to get angry at people.

Chen Huaijin disliked Chen Pannan very much, regarded the car accident as a retribution for her paranoid character, and even distanced herself from her at school.

If there was a ray of light in Chen Pannan's life in the past, after the disability, it turned into complete darkness.

Feng Zeyang's family is rich and powerful, in order not to affect his son's life history.

After the car accident, they not only arranged for Chen Pannan's medical expenses, but also gave the Chen family one million in compensation.

One million is not a small amount for Chen Xukun. The small company he runs can earn hundreds of thousands in a year.

After receiving one million in compensation, the first thing Chen Xukun did was to buy a house for his son in the city center.

After the car accident, Feng Zeyang went to the hospital to visit Chen Pannan. The so-called apology was just a procedure.

The dark life makes Chen Pannan unable to find the joy of life.

What broke her the most was that her own sister was actually with the person who ruined her life.

The love affair between Feng Zeyang and Chen Huaiyu was supported by everyone in the Chen family, and Chen Pannan's pain was not worth mentioning to them.

They only hope that Chen Huaiyu can win over Feng Zeyang and get married after graduating from university.

A love like a fairy tale can only be perfect when it encounters hardships.

In addition to the opposition of the Feng family and the intervention of the scheming girl, Chen Pannan is the biggest villain.

She can't tolerate people who ruin her life and become her brother-in-law. In the eyes of the Chen family, her behavior is selfish, jealous and ignorant.

Feng Zeyang felt even more innocent. He just made a mistake because he was too young and negligent, and he did not deliberately drink and drive.

In order to pay for his mistakes, my father spent more than two million dollars.

This year, how much money does it cost to kill someone. According to the law, they only need to pay Chen Pannan 300,000 yuan.

It's not that Feng Zeyang's words are ugly, just because Chen Pannan can't make 300,000 yuan in his life, let alone 1 million.

He and Chen Huaiyu are in love with each other, and she has no right to object as a sister.

Chen Huaiyu believed that Chen Pannan was jealous that she was favored, and that she was not liked since she was a child.

Under the influence of the car accident, Chen Pannan only passed the college entrance examination line. She chose a popular major, but because of her looks and disability, it was difficult to get a job after graduation.

Chen Xukun and Song Xiangzhi were worried that the eldest daughter would affect the happiness of the younger daughter, and cut off their relationship with her after she graduated from college.

Everyone thinks that this is what Chen Pannan deserves, who made her extreme and narrow-minded, not tolerant enough to see her own sister well.

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