A Quick Walkthrough: Male God, Don’t Run Away

Chapter 1865: Campus literary ugly girl counterattack road 30

This is still Singer Shu An showing mercy, not letting the back of his head hit the ground first.

"Ah, my shoulders."

The little gangster was smashed by Shu Ange over his shoulder, laying on the ground and wailing in pain.

Zhao Xingyuan, who was holding a mobile phone for camera, swallowed his worry when he saw this scene.

"You guys won't be together, you mustn't let them keep videos and photos!"

Chen Huaijin couldn't stand the stupidity of these gangsters and reminded loudly.

He is a provincial key honor student, and his future is limitless, so he cannot let this matter become a stain on his life.

Chen Huaijin wants to take the path of self-enrollment, and major schools attach great importance to students' personal qualities.

"Bah, let's go together, this stinky girl is too evil."

The little gangster threw his face aside and planned to directly beat Shu Ange down by relying on the crowd tactics.

It is said that two fists are invincible to four palms, but Shu Ange just relied on a strong martial arts to knock all the gangsters to the ground.

When Chen Huaijin saw something bad, he turned around and was about to run away. Shu Ange got up in the air, tapped his toes on the trash can, and turned around and landed in front of him.

"Want to run?"

There was a whistling sound of a police car in the distance. Chen Huaijin's face was pale and exasperated, and he had a bit of Chen Xukun's demeanor.

"Chen Pannan, get out of the way, parents won't let you go when they find out!"

"Oh? I'm so scared."

Shu Ange glanced at Chen Huaijin contemptuously, but did not expect Chen Huaijin, who was selfish and selfish in his previous life, to harm the original owner so miserably, to be such a useless person.

Dare to act, dare not take responsibility, and dare not take responsibility every time I make a mistake.

Seeing that he is seventeen or eighteen years old, he is still like a kindergarten pupil. When he is in trouble, he calls for his mother.

When the police arrived, they were surprised to see the gangster lying on the ground.

"what 's wrong?"

Two police officers, one with a bodyguard, the other routinely questioned.

"Hello, comrade police, we have recorded the video, you can see it by looking at it."

Zhao Xingyuan took the initiative to hand the phone to the other party, the slightly fat police comrade, after watching for a few minutes, gave Shu Ange a thumbs up: "The little girl is very good, but next time you encounter danger, it is best to hurry to a safe place go."

The police are telling the truth. These gangsters don't have serious jobs, and they have a weak sense of the legal system. They may have a knife hidden in their pocket, and they will give the little girl a knife when their brains are hot.

"Okay, next time I run into trouble, I'll run away as soon as possible."

Shu Ange answered seriously, and the policeman who asked the question smiled: "The little girl is really clever, do you know this group of people?"

"I know Chen Huaijin, and I suspect that he invited him."

Singer Shu An pointed to Chen Huaijin, his face flushed: "I didn't! I just brought a few friends and wanted to bring home my sister who ran away from home."

I have to say that Chen Huaijin is not stupid to the end, and only a few minutes to pull out a decent lie.

"Ah, are you two brothers and sisters?"

The policeman who took the notes looked the two up and down, but could not see any similarities in their facial features.

"Comrade police, there were reports of brothers stabbing knives at each other on the news two days ago. Chen Huaijin and I have never dealt with each other. Please find out why he asked someone to beat me, so as not to worry about me every day."

When it's time to show weakness, Shu Ange puts his hands together and asks the police to do justice for him.

After Shu Ange said this, the two police comrades did not listen to Chen Huaijin's one-sided words and took them to the police station for questioning.

At the same time, Zhao Xingyuan called his lawyer and asked the other party to rush to the Xueyuan Road police station as quickly as possible.

He came here to study, and his father sent dozens of people to take care of him, from lawyers to drivers, from bodyguards to babysitters.

Zhao Xingyuan did not want to be taken care of by so many people, and let these people stay in the villa on standby.

After getting into trouble, he asked a lawyer to come to negotiate. Speaking of which, it's not that Zhao Xingyuan hasn't experienced a thrilling kidnapping incident, and it's the first time he's been ambushed by a few gangsters.

The arrival of a lawyer further escalated the case.

Chen Huaijin desperately wanted to interpret what happened at night as a family conflict. Zhao Xingyuan's lawyer is not a vegetarian, and a few sharp questions were thrown, forcing him to sweat coldly on his forehead.

As for those little gangsters, I didn't expect that a small case could be so big, and they were immediately stunned.

In order to get rid of the suspicion of robbery and kidnapping, they not only betrayed Chen Huaijin, but also sold Feng Zeyang thoroughly.

"Comrade police, we really don't have the idea of ​​kidnapping Zhao Xingyuan. It was Feng Zeyang who made the connection, and Chen Huaijin paid him a lesson. You see, this is the WeChat transfer record. Our buddies are really wronged."

"Yes, yes, we don't know Zhao Xingyuan and Chen Pannan at all, how could we come here to kidnap them."

Seeing that the gangster pushed the blame on himself, Chen Huaijin became anxious: "I didn't let them teach Zhao Xingyuan a lesson, I just wanted to take my sister home."

"Little classmate, WeChat chat records can be used as evidence. You are still young, and you still have a long way to go. It's not too late to realize your mistakes and correct them."

"Huai Jin, where is our Huai Jin?"

Chen Xukun and his wife hurried to the police station. Before anyone could enter, the voice came in first.

The arrival of his parents made Chen Huaijin heave a sigh of relief.

After a brief understanding of the case, Song Xiangzhi said unreasonably: "Comrade police, this is an internal conflict in our family. I hope you can let us go home and solve it."

"Yes, comrade police, our Huaijin is a good student and is usually obedient. This time we found someone to stop Chen Pannan just to take her home."

"Yes, police comrades, don't be deceived by this ghost girl Chen Pannan. She didn't learn well at a young age, she fooled around with others, and now she is framing her own brother."

Song Xiangzhi's expression was ferocious, if it wasn't for the police to block, people would have jumped on Shu Ange.

"Ms. Song, please calm down. It's not your daughter, but Zhao Xingyuan who is being held accountable. From the evidence we have so far, it's Zhao Xingyuan who your son wants to teach a lesson, and it has nothing to do with asking your sister to go home."

The police explained it very clearly. Song Xiangzhi glared at Shu Ange and said in an almost coercive tone: "Chen Pannan, if you still have any conscience left, testify for your brother and don't let him suffer in the police station."

"Mom, I want to go home."

Chen Huaijin held his head, his face was gray, and his shoulders were shaking.

"Good, Mom and Dad will definitely take you home."

After wrangling until midnight, Chen Xukun and his wife were reluctant to sign a compensation agreement, so their son apologized to Zhao Xingyuan.

Because Chen Huaijin was under the age of eighteen and did not cause any harm to Zhao Xingyuan, the police station did not detain him, nor did he leave a criminal record, and only made a brief record.

Those punks are not so lucky, they already have a criminal record. When I arrived at the police station, I panicked and gave out a lot of clues about the case, so I had to stay in the station for a few more days.

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