A Quick Walkthrough: Male God, Don’t Run Away

Chapter 1873: Campus literary ugly girl counterattack road 38

"Chuntao is right, the little girl has a soft ear, and she spends the money after being coaxed. You parents, you must take care of this."

"Yes, Xiangzhi, please mention it to Xukun, we must get more than 20 million back."

With more than 20 million, the son's company can reopen, and the house under the name of the baby grandson can be redeemed.

"Mom, can this work?"

It's not that Song Xiangzhi didn't want to worry about her daughter asking for money, and she kicked the iron a few times in front of her. She also figured out that this girl has a big idea and doesn't take her parents seriously at all.

"Look at your success, it's not just a girl's film. In our country, the money a girl earns before she gets married is all at home, and she will be poked in the spine and sold when she eats it."

"Mom, you and Dad don't know, that girl has climbed up with a rich second generation outside, and doesn't care about me and Xukun at all."

Grandpa Chen slapped his hand on the coffee table and said angrily, "Fuck your motherfucker, no matter how powerful the second generation of rich people is, can they still kidnap other people's daughters?"

"The old man is right. I haven't seen such maddened people before liberation. Rich people love face. If they dare to intervene, we will cry, make trouble, and hang on them."

Instigated by her in-laws, Song Xiangzhi really discussed with her husband seriously.

Since the company went bankrupt and the house he had earned for half his life was lost, Chen Xukun dreamed of making a comeback.

When he learned that his eldest daughter earned more than 20 million yuan and set up an "anti-school violence" foundation, he was distressed and couldn't sleep all night, and wanted to recover the money for a long time.

The thoughts of the old mother, father and wife were exactly what he wanted.

He didn't believe that he was a father, and he couldn't control how his daughter's money was used.

In the spring of April, the campus is bright and bright. Bees are flying up and down among the flowers, and the students have also changed into light spring uniforms.

The girls gathered together to play badminton, laughing and laughing, and their faces with bright smiles reminded people of pure and lovely white doves.

Chen Huaiyu and her close classmates played against each other, the plaid skirt flew with the jumping movement, and a little sweat broke out from the temples.

She was playing happily when suddenly someone grabbed her shoulder and the badminton racket fell to the ground.

"Chen Huaiyu."

The familiar voice was a bit gloomy, causing Chen Huaiyu to shiver subconsciously.

She turned her head to meet Feng Zeyang's dark and sullen eyes. He was not wearing a school uniform, his hair was standing up in a mess, and there was a Band-Aid on his face.

The handsome man who was rebellious at the beginning turned into a shabby little gangster in just a few months.

The girls who were playing badminton stopped and looked timidly at the menacing Feng Zeyang.

He stared at Chen Huaiyu, as if to stare two flowers out of her face.

"Let go of my arm."

Chen Huaiyu broke free from Feng Zeyang's hold, blushing like a boiled crayfish.

Since the accident at the Feng family, Feng Zeyang has not come to study again. The school has issued a notice of withdrawal several times, but he has not come to handle it.

Chen Huaiyu was blocked by Feng Zeyang several times outside the school, and each meeting was unpleasant.

The family was implicated by the Feng family, their living standards plummeted, and Chen Huaiyu's goodwill towards Feng Zeyang also vanished.

She heard from her father that at the beginning, the feudal gang made a package and said that they would be able to repay the loan in time. Unexpectedly, the last penny could not be paid back, and the parents who had been involved in their efforts for half their lives were all in vain.

Seeing the disgust in Chen Huaiyu's eyes, Feng Zeyang sneered on his face, forcibly hugged her and kissed her in front of everyone.

Chen Huaiyu only felt his head bang, and everyone was about to explode. The "uuuu" expert hammered Feng Zeyang's shoulder, and tears welled up in his eyes.

"Hey, what's the matter, why is Feng Zeyang here?"

"What is his relationship with Chen Huaiyu, and they are still in love?"

"You're blind, Chen Huaiyu is about to cry, it looks like she's in love."

Although the school did not explicitly prohibit puppy love, no one dared to kiss me in front of everyone, not to mention that Chen Huaiyu was forced to look at it.

"Feng Zeyang, let go of my sister!"

Knowing what happened on the badminton court from someone else, Chen Huaijin dropped the basketball in his hand and rushed over quickly.

He hated Feng Zeyang terribly, and if it weren't for his Chen family, he wouldn't have plummeted.

When the Feng family harmed others, Chen Huaijin only hoped that the feudal fellow would stay in prison for a few more years.

He kicked Feng Zeyang's waist, the other side hugged Chen Huaiyu and ducked, and his mouth finally left.

Chen Huaiyu's mouth was slightly swollen when kissed, with tears in her eyes, she reached out to push Feng Zeyang.

"Chen Huaiyu, you are my woman and can only belong to me forever!"

Feng Zeyang's tone was domineering, and his eyes stared straight at Chen Huaiyu, which made her a little frightened.

If the Feng family hadn't changed, Feng Zeyang was still the second rich generation that everyone envied, and Chen Huaiyu might still be complacent for him to confess to himself in front of others.

But now, in the face of his strong confession, all she had in her heart was fear and disgust.

"Don't talk nonsense, I hate you, we have nothing to do!"

Chen Huaiyu almost screamed out this sentence, for fear that others would misunderstand her and Feng Zeyang.

"Feng Zeyang, isn't it bad enough for you to harm our family? You are not a good thing like your father in prison."

Chen Huaijin didn't hit Feng Zeyang, and scolded him in front of everyone regardless of his image.

It was Feng Zeyang's pain that his father was in prison. He took a step forward, grabbed Chen Huaijin's neck with all his strength, and asked fiercely, "Try to scold you again, I will abolish you."

"Let go, or we'll be welcome!"

The security came in a hurry, waving an electric baton, and issued a warning to Feng Zeyang.

Chen Huaijin was strangled by the neck, her face flushed red, and she desperately pinched Feng Zeyang's wrist.

Under the warning of the security guard, Feng Zeyang finally let go, and before leaving the school, he vowed to make Chen Huaiyu his woman.

In order to promote the [Anti-School Violence] Association and help more people. Shu Ange and Zhao Xingyuan specially took a weekend to do publicity at a school in Z city with a complex student source.

As usual, Shu Ange was the speaker, and Zhao Xingyuan added explanations on the side.

Halfway through the publicity meeting, there was a sudden noise from outside the crowd. Many media carrying cameras, followed by a pair of gray-haired old men, crowded towards the stage.

A look of doubt appeared in Zhao Xingyuan's eyes, and Shu Ange stopped speaking.

"Injustice, my granddaughter's hard earned money has been cheated out of her."

"More than 20 million! That's more than 20 million yuan. Our family is selling both the house and the company. The granddaughter directly smashed the more than 20 million yuan into the water."

Grandpa Chen and Grandma Chen were singing as if they were singing, crying and screaming while crowding on the stage.

"Hello, what is the relationship between your second elder and Chen Pannan? Why do you want to sell the company and the house?"

"What's the matter? She is my granddaughter! My own son's daughter!"

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