A Quick Walkthrough: Male God, Don’t Run Away

Chapter 1895: Ancient dog blood president Wen is the heroine 21

"Are you divorced?"

The guitar rang abruptly, and Wei Lan hung her hand in the air, looking at Shu Ange with a little more daze.

It was an ordinary night.

The refreshing aroma of fruit beer still reverberated in his chest.

Just ten minutes ago, Wei Lan was still grieving for his doomed crush.

He silently loves a bright and gentle woman who has the most charming eyes in the world and the most touching singer.

At the same time, she has a marriage, a family, and a husband who doesn't love her.

He had nothing but a young face and a hazy future, and he couldn't take her away like a knight on a white horse.

Lu Xinyuan's ability to run a company with her own strength, and to sign a contract worth 500,000 yuan without blinking a hand, shows that her family is extraordinary.

Wei Lan is very poor, so poor that even if she hears the woman she likes getting divorced, she doesn't dare to open her mouth to promise her a future.

"Yeah, congratulations to me for getting out of the bitter sea, I have completely broken with Juehan Li. He is with my sister, it's very dramatic, let's go to K song together."

"Don't be sad, your ex-husband's behavior is too bad, you will meet someone better."

A man cheating on domestic violence is already a scum among men and a fighter among scumbags.

He even got involved with his wife's own sister. Anyone with a conscience would be disgusted by his behavior.

"Let's go."

Shu Ange was not sad at all. She got rid of the big scumbag and gave him a "big gift bag". She was in a good mood.

[National Singer] The competition is in full swing, and fans have set up various billboards in order to solicit votes for the players they support.

Shu Ange and Wei Lan are also considered public figures. In order not to cause a sensation, they wore hats and masks and went to a KTV with good decoration and style in the city center in a low-key manner.

They turned on a medium bag, turned off the original sound, turned on the accompaniment sound to the maximum, and released their emotions to their heart's content.

It is interesting to roar the K song. Shu Angete ordered a song from the bad street, and gave Wei Lan a sly look: "Cough, can you sing? If you don't like it, just cut it off. These songs are quite interesting to roar. ."


The private room is very large, Wei Lan and Shu Ange sit on each side, and there are iced sodas and peanuts on the coffee table, as well as colorful snacks.

"Do you love me or not, I don't know what to say. Do you love me or not, maybe I'll be better off tearing off the hypocrisy!"

Shu Ange stood in the spotlight and sang passionately.

Wei Lan looked at her back, inexplicably sad in her heart, and sang to her with a slightly low voice: "Do you love me or not, I don't know what to do. Whether you love me or not, wake up and no longer feel sad. "

A bitter love song, let the two sing the feeling of a rock band mixed with folk songs.

Shu Ange waved his arms and waved back to Wei Lan: "wow, dear listeners and friends, come together!"

She made a cheering motion, rocking and fast-forwarding the track.

For a better tomorrow, for a free future, let's celebrate.

"The target character's favorability is +12, and the current favorability is 62."

They sang until the eleventh half of the morning, their voices were almost hoarse, and they left happily.

Getting along in the ktv box allowed Wei Lan to see another side of Shu Ange. She was as hot and bright as a flame, and he was destined to escape.

The "big gift bag" exploded a week after Shu Ange and Li Juehan divorced.

What she said in the hall of the Civil Affairs Bureau actually didn't have much effect.

Li Juehan is a suspicious and conceited person. He identified Lu Xinyuan as a liar, and took away his sister's fiance, causing her to commit suicide.

No matter what Shu Ange said, he thought she was arguing.

When more evidence was placed on Li Juehan's desk, Jingyuan University's report on Yan Quansheng's handling, and photos of him and Lu Xinhan getting along closely were placed on his desk, he had to recognize a reality.

He, the heir to the dignified Li family (Lanqiao's note: self-appointed), was actually played by a young girl.

A good Lu Xinhan, Li Juehan felt the urge to vomit when he thought that he was almost with such a scheming and pretentious woman.

There is so much anger, so much power to act.

That is, on the second day after knowing the truth, Li Juehan directly sent someone to take Lu Xinhan to an overseas island.

Lu Xinhan was dreaming of a rich and powerful lady's dream. She was tied into a car in the daytime, blindfolded and thrown into a helicopter, and came to an uninhabited island.

"Who are you, let me out!"

She was thrown to the ground like a giant piece of garbage, her heavy down jacket crumpled into a ball, and she was sweating profusely in the hot temperature, as if she was fished out of water.

The blond and blue-eyed strong man smiled maliciously at her, and murmured that Datong Xinhan couldn't understand the words.

Her English is not bad, but the other party obviously does not speak English.

Fear and despair crept into Lu Xinhan's heart at the same time, where is this, she will not be targeted by the legendary black market and abducted and sold abroad.

"Help! sos, save me, please, let me go. My family has money, and I can give you a lot of money."

Lu Xinhan burst into tears, her foundation, liquid eyeliner and eye shadow were all in a mess, which was more funny than a professional funny clown in a circus.

Several men gathered to chat, pointing at her from time to time, exaggerated smiles, which made Lu Xinhan even more frightened.

Who are they, and what is the purpose of arresting her?

She cried intermittently until dusk. She hadn't eaten for two days. She was hungry and scratching her lungs. Her head was groggy and her mouth was sore and dry.

Lu Xinhan thought of death for the first time, she was still young, and she didn't want to die yet.

"Save me, I don't want to die yet, who will save me."

The man guarding her had left two hours ago, and the house was dead silent. Lu Xinhan's hands and feet were tightly bound, and the disgusting smell of defecation permeated the entire room.

Her eyes were bloodshot, and she was in pain and despair.

With a creak, the door opened, and Lu Xinyuan raised her head hard, staring at the person who came.

Backlight, the tall man's voice made her feel fear again.


The other party raised his hand to turn on the light, and the bright light fell into the room again. Lu Xinhan's pupils dilated, and she cried out in surprise, "Brother Juehan, why are you here?"

Surprised and happy, she cried and cried, "Brother John, you are here to save me, right? I'm so scared, I don't know who put me here."

The unpleasant smell almost spit out the irritating Juehan Li.

He originally planned to teach Lu Xinhan a lesson directly, but he couldn't bear the smell of her, so he called the hired foreign subordinate with a black face.

"Drag her out to wash."

"Okay, bet silver."

The strange Chinese sounded, and two shirtless men in black skull vests walked in.

Only then did Lu Xinhan know that these blond men could understand Chinese.

Her heart felt like someone had been shot, and after the severe pain, she was filled with fear.

Brother Juehan asked these two burly men to drag her out to wash her, and they called him master.

What does this mean, Lu Xinhan didn't dare to think about it, but had to think about it.

The person who took her to the island was Juehan Li, why did she treat her like this?

Lu Xinhan cried and asked, "Brother Juehan, what happened to you? You said you wanted to marry me, have you forgotten?"

She smelled really bad, and Juehan Li waved in disgust: "Drag her out, wash her clean and bring her back."

The two foreign big men dragged Lu Xinhan out like a **** and let her cry.

They took the people to the pool, and one by one they took off the rope and clothes from Lu Xinhan's body. The other took out a large brush from somewhere, threw Lu Xinhan into the water, and brushed it **** her delicate skin.

"It hurts, it hurts."

Lu Xinhan's cry was extremely miserable, and it was more of the pain of being humiliated.

She has been in love several times, and when did her boyfriend not hold her in the palm of his hand, he held her like a goddess.

These two people were like scalding pigs, brushing her hard with a brush, rubbing her skin.

The man's rough palm rubbed against Lu Xinhan's skin, making her feel a lot of pain, but also full of humiliation.

The two men dutifully washed Lu Xinhan clean, and from somewhere they found a skirt worn by a maid and put it on her indiscriminately.

Lu Xinhan was brought into the room again, with a blank expression on her face, her face covered with red marks left by the brush.

"Injecting silver, silver slashing with a knife."

"You go down."

When the foreign man left, Lu Xinhan cried and collapsed on the ground: "Brother Juehan, why are you doing this to me?"

Li Juehan walked to Lu Xinhan step by step, kicked her in the stomach mercilessly: "Bitch, you dare to ask why, you dare to lie to me and seduce so many men."

"I didn't. It was Lu Xinyuan who was lying to you. She was jealous of our love for each other, so she deliberately sabotaged it."

"Dare to argue."

Juehan Li kicked Lu Xinhan's face directly with another kick.

He hated being deceived by women the most in his life, especially emotional deception.

If he had mistakenly thought that Lu Xinyuan had behaved badly and killed his sister, but was forced to marry her, the anger in his heart would have been three stars.

So now the hatred for Lu Xinhan is ten stars. Juehan Li has suffered such a humiliation for the first time since he was a child.

As for Lu Xinyuan, he still has the arrogance that he controls everything, which offsets his disgust for her. This is also the reason why Juehan Li hates her, but occasionally can't help being attracted to her.

"It hurts, it hurts."

The young man's full-strength kick was no joke. Lu Xinhan seemed to have been hit by a giant hammer in the face, several teeth moved, and his cheeks were swollen like a balloon.

She couldn't say anything in pain, she could only mourn and cry, begging Li Juehan to be soft-hearted.

Seeing Lu Xinhan slumped on the ground like a muddy beach, Li Juehan squatted down, stretched out his hand to support her chin, his handsome face was full of mockery: "Is it painful? Is it uncomfortable, the moment you lied to me? , you should be aware of the revenge you will encounter."

"Wo no, Wo loves you."

In the past, wearing blue and white jk clothes, standing in front of Juehan Li with a well-behaved face, Lu Xinhan said such words with shyness, and what she received was Juehan Li's domineering and deep kiss.

Now, she was kicked again, her head hit the floor and fainted.

After she fainted, Juehan Li left the room with a cold snort.

Everything is just the beginning.

From the first day on the island, Lu Xinhan suffered various tortures every day.

In front of her, Juehan Li threw clouds and rain on the bed with his arms around the plump foreign woman, while she was lying on the cold floor, enduring great humiliation and pain.

On the island, Lu Xinhan experienced unprecedented pain.

Forced to eat cockroaches the size of fists and gnaw live mice. They also threw her into a snake's den for fun, and Lu Xinhan's life was better than death.

There were many moments when Lu Xinhan thought about committing suicide.

But the person who guarded her did not give her any chance to commit suicide, and she had no determination to die.

Lu Xinhan wanted to live, and she looked forward day and night that her parents would find her early and take her out of the sea of ​​misery.

Li Juehan stayed on the island for a week, and was about to return to China to deal with the accumulated working days. His mobile phone was blown up by someone he knew, and countless abusive text messages poured into his text box.

"Are you a devil, are you still a human being, and you mistreat a female college student like that?"

"Damn it, the big pervert of the Li family, you are an anti-social personality, isn't it fun to beat a woman? Believe it or not, uncle, I will shove your head into the toilet and rush directly to the Maria Trench!"

"Mad, devil! You are the devil, and God will not forgive you."

In addition to Chinese, Juehan Li received abuse in other national languages.

He was terrified and wanted to call the secretary through his subordinate's mobile phone.

"Secretary Liu, what's going on? Why is my mobile phone number leaked, and why are so many people texting and calling me?"

Secretary Liu has been unable to get through Li Juehan's phone. Hearing his voice, he almost burst into tears: "Master Li, go back to China, no, don't go back now. Hey, you still have to go back to China, people from the police station now The Li family is under investigation. The video of you beating and abusing Lu Xinhan was exposed on the world's largest video website, and the video of you beating others appeared almost at the same time on major domestic websites."

In less than a day, the whole incident has been brewing to the point of no return.

Secretary Liu said in a single breath, and his mind was full of words like "It's over" and "It's over this time."

The entire Li family was embarrassed by Juehan Li's actions. The current owner, Juehan Li's biological father, held a press conference immediately and revoked Juehan Li from all positions in the company.

At the same time, the Li family also stated that they would never cover up a criminal who kidnapped and endangered the personal safety of others.

Li Juehan was abandoned by his family, and Secretary Liu was very worried about his future.

He shouldn't have done things with Juehan Li in the first place. Who didn't know that he was irritable, yelling at women, punching and kicking.

Li Juehan's scalp was numb, he couldn't hear what Secretary Liu was saying, and the phone fell to the ground with a bang.

Outside the door, Lu Xinhan was sobbing and crying. Her legs were broken and she didn't receive treatment. Her stomach was still hurting badly. Her whole body was filled with a rancid smell, and she felt like she would die at any time.

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