A Quick Walkthrough: Male God, Don’t Run Away

Chapter 1921: The Deadly White Moonlight of the Republic of China 20

As night fell, the hospital under the cold light was more deserted than during the day.

Mei Chunru leaned on the hospital bed and looked at Shu Ange's back with loving eyes.

People's hearts are full of flesh, and after this period of time, the relationship between her and Shu Ange has become more and more harmonious.

After the last conflict, Wen Huijun never appeared again, and Mei Chun's love for her daughter also cooled down.

A few days ago, Dr. Mi drew the blood of her and Wen Huijuan, and in a few days, they would be able to test their blood types.

Mei Chunru doesn't know Western medicine. Dr. Mi said that as long as you know the blood type of the parents, you can infer the blood type of the child.

Wen Guanghou was unwilling to cooperate, which was expected by Mei Chunru.

If he, Liu Guixiang, and Wen Huijun all refused to take the blood test, it meant that they had ghosts in their hearts.

If time passes by, and most of her life has been mediocre accidentally, Mei Chunru will be a fool if she doesn't want to die.

She has Wei Yong and Huijuan, two well-behaved and filial children, what is there to be unsatisfied with.

There was a stack of weapons improvement and manufacturing books on the desk. Shu Ange used a pencil to draw the structure diagram of the firearm on the white paper while reading it.

Weapon manufacturing in China is relatively backward, and the local arsenal is still in the stage of small workshops. Without the technical support of foreigners, it can only make some of the simplest weapons.

There are too many disadvantages in the manufacture of indigenous weapons, guns are easy to explode, and the probability of ammunition misfire is also high.

Carrying a weapon that is inherently insufficient on the battlefield, before the enemy can come, he will be in chaos.

Today's global situation is not peaceful. There are constant gunfire in the northern and southern hemispheres, and foreign invaders are busy competing for colonies, giving China a chance to breathe.

After careful consideration, Shu Ange decided to work **** weapons research and manufacture, and at the same time, he also developed some medicines that were in short supply in China.

In an era when rituals and music collapsed and people were so cruel that they cannibalize people, only when they stood at a high place would they not be bullied by others.

The mean is the pass of the mean, and the noble is the epitaph of the noble.

In this era, justice and kindness are in many cases just like a reminder.

Without sufficient self-protection ability, life and death are always in the hands of others. Adjutant Chen, who has no human face and beast heart, will also have Adjutant Li and Adjutant Wang.

Strangers are unreliable, biological fathers may not be reliable, and arrogant and domineering people like Yu Lisheng are everywhere.

There was a knock on the door, and Shu Ange put down the pen in his hand and turned his face to look out the door.

"Mrs. Mei, Geng is here to visit."

It was Geng Wuxiang, Shu Ange was slightly surprised, and Mei Chunru was also a little surprised.

"Mr. Geng, please come in."

Mei Chunru didn't want to keep the savior waiting for a long time, so she slightly adjusted her bun and pulled the quilt up.

After the door opened, Geng Wuxiang entered the ward with the gift.

He wore a very simple, ermine gray windbreaker, with black leather boots under his feet, and his eyes shone brightly at all times.

The trench coat is tailored very well, and the shirt material is also exquisite. Geng Wuxiang's clothes are not cramped or rude like a middle-aged man.

"Mr. Geng, please take a seat, please worry about it."

After Mei Chunru was in the hospital for half a month, her complexion was much better. Not only did her thin face become plump, but her eyebrows and eyes also brightened.

When she first entered the hospital, she always had a sense of depression that she was going to die at any time, but now she's feeling better.

Geng Wuxiang smiled lightly and put down the gift box in his hand: "Mrs. Mei is recovering very well. I think she will be discharged from the hospital soon."

"Thank you, Mr. Geng, if it weren't for your help, I'm afraid I would have..."

Mei Chunru sighed. When her father betrothed her to Wen Guanghou, how could he have thought that he would be like a Zhongshan wolf, and he would be mad when he was successful.

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