"Huh! Perverted!"



Seeing the girls ignoring themselves one by one and scolding themselves as long as they approached, Hanyu also felt a headache.

After reading the book before, the girl was pulled over by Kosaka Kiruna to collectively inform the protagonist in the book that the protagonist is like the three Hanyu, and the supporting role has everyone's shadow.

As a result, everyone has a little bit of resentment towards Yinglili. Although they understand that the other party's painting refers to reality, everyone still has a headache when referring to themselves. But fortunately, compared to the Hanyu trio, those supporting roles are not so obvious, so everyone complains about Ying Riri's emotions not very strong, but more is curious about the protagonist.

But looking at Hanyu's uncomfortable face as if he had eaten excrement, everyone knew that Hanyu would definitely not say anything. He didn't ask Hanyu himself to go.

And then everyone's actions made Sayuri Sawamura feel a little disappointed, because they didn't say anything after reading the book. After closing the book with a flushed face, she greeted Sayuri Sawamura and left the booth together.

But what made Sayuri Sawamura feel a little funny is that the girl just put away the book after reading it, and didn't mean to return it. So she was also a little curious about the future development, but it was a pity that she couldn't leave with everyone.

And Hanyu felt a little helpless when he saw that everyone was just taking care of himself, leaving himself behind. So after saying goodbye to Sayuri Sawamura quickly, she chased after her.

Then it became the appearance that everyone refused to pay attention to themselves, but Hanyu also knew that after reading the book, everyone was somewhat embarrassed, and he still watched it under the crowd of so many otakus. Therefore, it is also an expression of understanding. Seeing that everyone ignores themselves, I have to find someone who doesn't hate me.

But even if Zhenbai didn't hate him, when Hanyu got over, Zhenbai began to discuss the contents of the book with himself with great interest, especially the part of Zhenbai's impression of giving birth to a child.

So in the end, Hanyu can only be very embarrassed to be at the end of the team, not communicating with anyone, just being a bodyguard to bring things up.

But maybe because of reading the book, the reservedness of the girls has also been broken. When I came in the morning, everyone was just walking around, and they didn't buy the things on sale at those booths because they were shy.

But now they are almost let go, especially True White, Yamada Fairy, and Takasaka Kirino, who are buying special items.

Misaka Mikoto's few innocent girls are okay, but they just buy something that looks cute or relatively normal. The Yamada Fairy, Mashiro, and Takasaka Kirino are unscrupulous. As long as they see something they are interested in, they buy it directly regardless of whether it is R18 or not. At first, Takasaka Kirino bought it for money. Some are afraid of the head and feet. But after Hanyu said that she paid for it in order to make everyone have fun, she let go, and took the girls with them and took it straight away.

The final structure was that Hanyu asked for trouble, and he was covered with various bags until there was nowhere to hang it.

The current Hanyu looks like, if it weren't for that face that looks more handsome, on the whole it is the image of a proper abnormal fat house. After all, there are a lot of heavy flavors in the things hanging on him.

However, the girls still had some conscience, seeing Hanyu being so miserable, they smiled and took all their belongings back for themselves. But even so, Hanyu still holds most of the things for everyone out of masculine dignity.

But anyway, after a lot of shopping, the girls' bad moods improved a lot because of shirt inflammation and notebooks.

At least Hanyu has no problem communicating with you normally now.



Kosaka Kirino contentedly took a brisk pace and walked at the forefront of the team, even when he walked because he was happy, he kept waving his hands and humming a little tune in his mouth.

During the previous visits to the manga show, Saori Makishima gave full play to his contacts and took everyone to meet with his friends, especially Kosaka Kirino who learned that some of his favorite fan writers are Saori Makishima. His friends are happy to follow.

And then Kosaka Kirino also found out that Manzhan had limited editions selling her favorite works, but unfortunately the limited editions were sold out when she arrived. But fortunately, everyone learned that there was a limited-disc prize at the event of the ring competition, so everyone followed to join in the fun.

After arriving at the event site, Takasaka Kirino went up to challenge the ringmaster non-stop, but it was a pity that she was defeated before she persisted. And Saori Makishima went up and lost even faster.

Fortunately, the black cat lived up to expectations and easily defeated the master and won the limited disc. But then the black cat and Takasaka Tongno started to pull each other proudly, one wanted to give, the other wanted, but they didn't admit each other, making everyone laugh.

But because of this, everyone understood the friendship between Takasaka Kirino and the black cat, and also had a better understanding of the previously unfamiliar Takasaka Kirino, and began to get closer to each other. Even the fairy Yamada found out that Kosaka Kirino looked like him, and soon became a good friend who talked about everything.

But then the ring competition did not end immediately, and other new prizes were presented. As a result, Misaka Mikoto, who was eager to see, also went up to challenge. The result of the challenge is that the organizers of the event are almost crazy.

"Asshole! Are you not in the top five? Are you putting us in the puddle right now?" The organizer watched as Chuchun Shili took the fifth prize and shouted angrily at the player arranged by him. ~www.readwn.com~ I am not, I don't. I really tried my best, I didn't release the water, they are really too strong! "The host who had just stepped off the stage to rest was aggrieved by the organizer. As the top five player in the game, it was very depressing to win five prizes five times in such a short time, especially There were five people who had abused themselves and had no temper at all, and they were all girls they didn't know. Suddenly the eyes of the Lord of the Rings looking at Hanyu became extremely sad.

"I don't care, if you lose again next, your reward today will be gone!" The organizer didn't explain what he said in defense of the challenger, but just yelled at him.

"I... I got it." It was the uncle who paid the money. In the face of the strong organizer, even if the lord of the ring has a grievance, he can only bear it with tears in silence.

"Chuan Chun~" Chu Chun Shi Li came down, and afterwards, Zuo Tian Leizi suddenly rushed up with cheers and hugged Chu Chun Shi Li.

"I didn't expect you to be so good." After watching Misaka Mikoto and a group of four people go up, all of them showed their strength and easily won the game. They couldn't help but look at them with a desire to challenge. .

"It's okay." Misaka Mikoto smiled modestly. To be honest, she didn't know that she could be so good. It was her first time playing. She didn't expect to have such a good time, and the other three girls also followed her. It's pretty much the same. This situation may only be explained by everyone's talent in electronics.

"If that's the case, I'll try it too." Hanyu couldn't help but said as he watched everyone excited.

Then the ringmaster who had just returned to the ring looked at another person from the group of five girls, and his face suddenly turned green. ()

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