A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 103 Chain Reaction (Fourth update please subscribe)

As a god who symbolizes lies, deception, conspiracy, strife and death, Cyric's believers and followers in the continent of Faerûn are undoubtedly a group of selfish lunatics who will use any means to achieve their goals.

Especially his church, many of which were former believers and priests of the "Three Gods of Death" who fell in the Year of Turmoil, namely Baal, the God of Murder, Melkor, the God of Death, and Bane, the God of Tyranny.

These people are originally full of contradictions, and each has his own small circle.

Let alone coordinating and cooperating with each other, it would be lucky if they didn't fight directly.

Members of some sects and organizations even compete with each other for leadership.

Murder, frame-up, frame-up, annexation...

Similar things happen almost every day.

And all this is exactly what Cyric, who advocates chaos, hopes to see.

Sometimes, in order to enjoy the wonderful performance of his followers fighting each other, he would even give two very high-status priests different or conflicting "revelations" and "oracles" at the same time.

Then he sat next to him and watched the two sides beat each other to pieces.

Finally, coupled with some young people who are extremely thirsty for power or driven by ambition, the current chaotic situation of Cyric Church is formed.

So when the Cyric believers in Calimport learned that Malik, the elector, had lost a sacrifice intended for the "Lord of Lies", they immediately took action in unison.

Among them are members of the Thieves Guild, as well as some unscrupulous businessmen, adventurers and nobles.

Of course, their purpose was not to help Malik retrieve this item. Instead, they wanted to grab this item and then sacrifice it to Cyric themselves in exchange for more power and benefits.

If possible, it would be best to replace Malik as the new chosen god.

As Cyric's believers took action in unison, the churches of good gods such as Ilmat, the god of suffering, Tyr, the god of justice, Tyr, the god of justice, Helm, the lord of the morning, and Lathander, the lord of the morning, who were hostile to them, also immediately took action.

In addition, the old enemies of the Harpers and the Zhentarim, known as Faerûn's two "shit troublers", have also inevitably begun a new round of open and covert fighting.

All of a sudden, under the cover of night, all kinds of intelligence spying, messaging, assassinations, and small-scale battles were staged one after another.

As the true behind-the-scenes ruler of the entire Calimshan, [Tangled Talisman] naturally cannot turn a blind eye to this.

At dawn, a detailed piece of information was sent to the "Lord of Talisman" Lagon.

After reading all the contents on the sheepskin, the Lich immediately asked in a playful tone: "What exactly is in that box? What made the people of Cyric Church so violent?"

"I don't know. But there is definite news that the contents of the box were fished out by a fisherman from Baldur's Gate Harbor near the mouth of the Chongsa River. Not long after he fished out the thing, his wife, children, Relatives and friends all died violently. Later, one of Malik's men happened to know something and bought it at a high price."

Ebeni ​​Abo told all the information he had collected.

"Interesting! Send someone to Baldur's Gate to investigate what is in the box. By the way, find out whose hands that box is now." Ragon ordered without thinking.

Ebeni ​​Arbor nodded quickly: "Understood! I will arrange for people to go to Baldur's Gate immediately. In addition - I have almost locked the target as to whose hands the box fell into."

"Oh? Who is it?" Lagun asked with interest.

"Yesterday at noon, Soth left the city gate with his little werewolves and went to a place in the wild to perform a magical ritual to control lycanthropy. He did not return to the hotel until nearly midnight. Counting the time, his suspicions are quite high. Big. Most importantly, he has the strength necessary to do it."

Ebeni ​​Abo carefully stated his speculation.

Since after arriving in Calimport, Zuo Si's route of action was always very single and he almost never wandered around, so it was easy to deduce where he was at what time.

And compared to those people or organizations who know nothing about it, [Entangle Talisman] is very aware of how dangerous this guy who looks like a ten-year-old boy is.

Not to mention anything else, the powerful magic equipment alone is enough to knock many self-proclaimed "experienced" and "powerful" adventure teams to the ground and explode their hammers.

What's more, Zuo Si is also very good at making and using poison.

If he strikes first, the average team won't even have a chance to resist in front of him.

When Lagun heard these words, the two dim lights in his eyes flashed continuously. It took a full minute before he said: "If the box is in Soth's hands, this matter will become particularly interesting. . Conceal the information for the time being and wait until the third day after he and the caravan leave Calimport before revealing it to the Harpers, Zhentarim and Cyric Church guys."

"As you wish!"

Ebeni ​​Arbo put one hand on her chest and bowed deeply, then turned around and touched the teleportation rune, and her whole person suddenly disappeared without a trace.

At the same time, in the hidden hideout of the Harper Alliance branch in Calimport, several humans and half-elves also gathered under the statue of the Goddess of Magic, discussing intensely about the strange changes in the Cyric Church.

One of the male half-elves, whose age was indistinguishable, said in a very serious tone: "Everyone! I believe you all know very well.

Since Cyric became a god, he and his followers have caused many terrible disasters, disputes and troubles in just two years.

In particular, Malik, a voter with a business background, used deception and lies to establish a huge power in Calim Port.

Many illegal smugglers and thieves guilds have close contacts with him.

They even cooperated with some lords of the war-torn Kingdom of Tethyr in the north and a few profit-seeking merchants in Amn to capture innocent poor people and civilians and sell them to Calimshan as slaves.

At the same time, assassinations are frequently used to get rid of those righteous people who hinder their expansion of power.

So whatever Malik is plotting, we must thwart his plot. "

"But what to do? We don't even know what his lost "goods" are now." Another human woman questioned.

Although members of the Harper Alliance often use methods such as assassination, in the final analysis they are still an intelligence organization.

Without collecting enough information, taking action rashly will most likely fall into a well-planned trap, or suffer violent retaliation from the enemy.

“No worries about that.

I've sent word to the Askatra and Baldur's Gate branches.

They should have the whole thing figured out soon.

Now, what we have to do is to destroy without stopping for a moment.

Make sure that whatever they try to do will result in failure. "

When saying this, the male half-elf's tone was full of unquestionable determination.

"What about the Zhentarim? They will definitely intervene too!"

Yet another senior Harpers member who participated in the discussion raised his own concerns.

But the half-elf male responded nonchalantly: "Don't worry! The Zhentarim in Calimport are in the middle of a fierce internal fight.

Of their two leaders, one defected to Cyric, while the other continued to choose to serve Bane, the dead god of tyranny.

If nothing else, the guy who serves Bane, the dead god of tyranny, should be very happy to cause a little trouble for another competitor.

In addition, inform Khalid and Jaheira not to leave Calim Port yet.

We may need their strength now. "

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