A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 116 Zuo Si’s Wisdom (Second update please subscribe)

"Don't believe any of the nonsense it says! Every word and sentence that comes out of the mouths of these devils from hell is deception and lies."

Alorin, who regards all evil creatures in the lower plane as her mortal enemy, immediately jumped out and shouted a warning.

Not only that, she was even eager to use the weapon in her hand to send the other person back to her hometown.

But Zuo Si controlled the illusion and gave the young and impulsive paladin a calm look. At the same time, the main body, which remained invisible, moved a little closer and carefully observed the situation in the tomb in front with the help of a weak light source.

Especially the binding circle carved on the ground, as well as the complex symbols and patterns inside the circle.

In addition, he also discovered that there was another table about ten meters away from the devil that was not affected by the [Fireball Technique] just now.

There were two candlesticks placed on the table, and an altar seemed to be used for evil sacrificial rituals. Dried blood and a rotten and smelly black heart could be vaguely seen in the altar.

There is a very unique dagger stuck in the heart.

Next to the altar was a notebook stained black and red with plasma.

"Why were you summoned here? In other words, how on earth are you going to fulfill your role as a game prop when you are summoned here?" Zuo Si asked with interest while controlling the illusion.

He is not one of those ordinary people who knows nothing about lower planes, demons, devils, sacrificial rituals, interdimensional summonings, etc.

Just the opposite!

As early as the first time the portal to Faerun was opened and the Necromancer Asta successfully captured a young mage, Zuo Si had been silently collecting knowledge in this area.

Later, when he arrived in Calimport, he collected more than seventy related books in the wizard's tower of the magic item merchant.

Among them are many famous legendary mages and chosen ones of the Goddess of Magic, such as Elminster and Kelburn's "Black Staff". They have classified and summarized their years of exploration and research results to compile a classification of demons, an introduction to the main levels of the abyss, and the common characteristics of Baatezu demons. , Hell Environment and Political Ecological Conditions and other books.

There is even a book that is famous throughout the multiverse - "Igvir's Demon Chronicles".

This famous "Witch Queen" once successfully imprisoned Graz'zt, one of the three giants of the Abyss, in her dark basement to play "imprisonment play"

Some books obviously written by evil wizards directly give as many as a thousand names of demons or demons from low to high power so that readers can summon them according to their own needs.

Of course, whether you can control it after summoning it is another matter.

Anyway, in Faerûn, not too many spellcasters die every year due to summoning demons or demons.

Through those hidden traces, Zuo Si had almost determined the intention of the mastermind behind summoning and restraining a bone demon here.

But he also wanted to get more useful information from the devil's mouth.

As a high-level devil that is far more powerful than the little devil, the Bone Demon is undoubtedly cunning.

Although they are not known for their "intelligence" among the huge group of demons, they always give people the feeling that they are immersed in cathartic violence and killing and cannot extricate themselves.

But it is undeniable that the Bone Demon is still a type of devil, and is far smarter than most mortals.

The bone demon imprisoned in the center of the binding circle first looked up and down at Zuo Si's phantom, then grinned and asked, "Are you sure you want to follow the method provided by those guys to open the passage to the bottom of the tomb?"

"It never hurts to have one more option, right?" Zuo Si controlled the illusion to try to be as cautious and defensive as possible.

He suddenly discovered that this magic card, which could create an illusion and exist for a long time, was much easier to use than he had expected.

Because unless it is attacked and destroyed, the illusion is basically no different from a real person, whether it is demeanor, touch, movement, smell, or clothing.

Even the eyes and facial muscles can be slightly adjusted according to the user's will to deceive the enemy.

"Hahahaha! Are you afraid of me?

Oh my God!

I am a devil who keeps my promises!

Not those damn demons from the abyss!

If you're worried that I might do something bad to you if I break free, why not sign a contract as a guarantee? "

As he spoke, the Bone Demon took out a parchment scroll full of tiny writing from somewhere.

"Sorry, I'm not interested in the contract you're offering."

Zuo Si refused immediately without even a second's hesitation.

Sign a pact with a demon from Baator?

What a joke!

The level of these guys misinterpreting laws, terms and playing word games is countless times better than those lawyers in capitalist countries on earth who specialize in serving wealthy people.

Even content that seems to be ordinary can become completely opposite to your understanding under their "interpretation".

What's more, the devil has always been known for his patience.

Those contracts that seem to be beneficial to you are often just bait to lure mortals onto the path of corruption.

So if you don't want your soul to fall into hell, the best way is not to sign any contract with the devil at all, or even look at it.

Seeing that his little trick was exposed, the Bone Demon was not angry, but put away the parchment and sighed slightly: "Oh - you don't like the contract?

That's such a shame!

Because you have no idea what you're missing.

You must know that throughout the multiverse, there are countless mortals eager to sign such a contract to realize their unreachable wishes.

After all, we devils are the most contract-abiding race, no one. "

Regarding the bone demon's shameless bragging of the hell contract, Zuo Si simply responded in a very plain tone: "I'm sorry, I don't think your devil's contract can really help those people realize their so-called "wish."

Because the power, knowledge, wealth and strength that everyone possesses are the realization of the knowledge of things in this world and even the entire multiverse.

The fairest part is that if you are lucky enough to get something that does not match your knowledge, the world will have thousands of ways to take it away.

Until the power, knowledge, wealth, and strength you possess match your existing knowledge.

For example, some idiots who inherit a large inheritance but only know how to eat, drink and have fun will usually be defrauded of all their money by scammers, and eventually become destitute and can only survive by begging;

A noble who inherits a title or even a throne from his father, but does not have the ability to manage and rule, may be ruthlessly overthrown by his subordinates, or become a pathetic puppet under the control of conspirators;

A little person who didn't even have the ability to protect himself suddenly picked up an artifact that could change his own destiny, but he didn't have enough strength and wisdom to keep it. He was killed by a greedy adventurer before he could get very far...

There are so many similar examples that it would take three days and three nights to talk about them all.

That includes making a dangerous pact with a devil like yourself.

There is only one way to avoid similar situations, and that is to first set a goal, whether it is long-term or short-term, and then rely on your own efforts to achieve it bit by bit.

Never think of taking shortcuts!

Because most of the time, the "shortcut" you see is usually the path furthest away from "success."

That seemingly distant and bumpy road is often the real “shortcut”.

So please put away those boring lies and deceptions and just tell me how to open the passage to the bottom of the tomb. "

Such words full of wisdom and philosophy made the Bone Demon show a look of surprise and surprise on the spot.

Because with his endless lifespan, he has seen countless mortals, but this is the first time he has met someone with this kind of knowledge.

Not just the devil!

The paladin lady on the side also widened her eyes in shock. She couldn't believe that such words came from the mouth of a boy who looked only about ten years old.

Even though I’ve heard those harsh words about giving alms to the poor before.

At this moment, she finally understood why God wanted her to follow Zuo Si and did everything he could to ensure that he would not fall into evil.

Ai LuoLin simply couldn't imagine what a terrible enemy a person like Zuo Si would become if he completely devoted himself to evil.

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