A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 172 The smell of déjà vu (a 10,000-word chapter, please subscribe)

As the incarnations of the two gods left, Zuo Si ordered his followers and summoned creatures to sweep the battlefield and collect all the magic items, scrolls and potions dropped by the enemies after their death.

He himself absorbed all the mana left in the air after the death of Talona Church members, and made several divine magic cards on the spot.

For example, [Silence] is most commonly used for spellcasters, [Deep Darkness] can be used in conjunction with the Shadow Army to launch attacks, [Desecration] can fill an area with negative energy to make undead creatures stronger, and [Desecration] can heal internal organs. The damaged [Cure Serious Injuries], the [Hidden Camp] that makes your camp undetectable for twenty-four hours...

In short, the most useful ones among the first to third-level magic spells that are not included in the arcane spell casting list were all immediately made into cards with various attributes.

Because Zuo Si was not sure when the goddess of poison and disease would suddenly take back the priest level and elect power given to him.

Anyway, he now has plenty of mana to squander.

As for the fields of the priest profession, I chose [Destruction Field] and [Suffering Field] after careful consideration.

Because Talona's priests only have four areas to choose from.

Among them, the "chaos" and "evil" fields have camp restrictions.

Moreover, most divine spells are aimed at lawful and good alignments.

Zuo Si is not one of those ambitious tyrants who plan all day long to rule the world, or a lunatic eager to create chaos and killing.

There is no need to fight with paladins, priests and believers of the Church of the Good God all day long.

His main targets for killing were monsters and bandits from the evil and chaotic camp.

In particular, the endless goblins, hobgoblins, bugbears, orcs, gnolls, and undead creatures have long been regarded by Zuo Si as a stable source of mana.

"So...you are now the chosen one of the goddess of poison and disease?"

After a long silence, Alena was the first to ask.

"That's right! She not only gave me the unique power of the chosen one, but also gave me five levels of priest." Zuo Si nodded slightly.

"Is there any hidden danger?" Davian's tone was full of worry.

Because in Faerûn, gods mean faith and conflict

Anyone who has anything to do with them will inevitably encounter all kinds of dangers and troubles.

Zuo Si replied in a not very confident tone: "Probably not. Talona has been targeted by Ilmat, the god of suffering, and it should be impossible for him to be reincarnated again in a short time. As for her church and believers, If you don’t have the sense to come to trouble me, then kill them all.”

When saying these words, Zuo Si's eyes showed naked and undisguised cruelty.

Anyway, the goddess herself doesn't care about the life and death of those priests and believers, so why should he care.

This can be seen from the fact that Talona ruthlessly abandoned those high-level priests and left alone tonight.

"Well... I don't think there is any need to make the relationship too tense. After all, you are the chosen one, the only spokesperson appointed by God himself in the material world. Maybe you can try to use Lady Plague's church to make a profit."

Rhett offers a different idea.

Zuo Si glanced at this half-orc with some surprise, who usually gave people a rough image, and immediately praised: "Not bad! I don't see that you are unexpectedly quite wise at critical moments. The identity of the elector at some point, should It can still play a big role.”

"Hey! I also learned this from the slave owners in Calim Port. Although they don't like the holy warriors and the church of good gods, they will also use the power of the latter to maintain order and rule."

Rhett scratched his head in embarrassment.

Obviously, he is not stupid, he just doesn't like to use his brain.

Because a truly stupid guy simply cannot survive for too long in the intrigue and deceitful environment of Calimport.

Just when Zuo Si was about to say something, Alolin, who had been unconscious for a long time, finally let out a groan, then slowly opened her eyes and woke up.

The first thing she did after she regained consciousness was to get up from the ground and quickly look around. After about a minute or two, she asked loudly: "What happened while I was unconscious?"

"A lot of things happened. The most important of them is the arrival of the incarnations of the two gods." Zuo Si gave the answer straightforwardly.

"The incarnation of the God of Suffering has really arrived? Oh my God! Everything I saw in the dream just now is actually true!"

Aeroline opened her mouth wide in surprise, then quickly lowered her head to check the simple amulet hanging around her neck.

As a result, on the surface of the amulet, we could see densely crisscrossed scratches, as well as a little residual divine power on it.

No hesitation!

The young paladin immediately knelt on the ground, kissed the "stigma" on the amulet, and prayed devoutly to Ilmat.

After a full three to five minutes, she cautiously tried again: "Have you really become Talona's chosen one?"

"Well. Although this is not my own wish, you should understand that I cannot resist the will of a god." Zuo Si spread his hands helplessly.

"Then what are you going to do next?" Ailuolin continued to ask.

"According to the original plan, we will first follow the caravan back to Ascaltra, help Bernard solve the troubles in the Chamber of Commerce, and then set off for Candlekeep. Don't worry, I have no interest in preaching for the goddess of poison and disease, right? Her ridiculous teachings don’t have any sense of identity.”

Zuo Si didn't hide anything and expressed his attitude openly.

Talona's teachings are really too troubling, and they belong to the type that no matter how you explain them, they will only make people feel disgusted.

Because this guy emphasizes that negative forces such as death and pain are far greater than survival and happiness.

Everyone in the world must have greater respect for the first two.

At the same time, it also directly threatens that the power of disease and plague exists in everyone's body.

If you do not pray fervently and offer all your wealth, Talona will kill you through poison and plague.

I wonder what normal person with a normal mind and a healthy mind would regard such a greedy and selfish God as his lifelong belief?

Anyway, Zuo Si would rather be an unbeliever and build a wall after death, or sign a contract with the devil in hell and be directly reincarnated as a devil after death, than go to Talona's country.

These words immediately made Ailuolin smile with relief: "I feel relieved when you say that. In addition, you ordered to knock me out before, probably because you wanted to protect me and avoid the fight with the man who can summon the Balor Balrog. A conflict broke out between evil priests, right?”

I have to say that the Paladin is a bit inexplicably cute in terms of not holding grudges.

Even if you did something bad to them, as long as the motive is kind, you will be forgiven immediately if you explain it a little afterwards.

Appreciating Ailuolin's pure eyes without a trace of dirt, Zuo Si couldn't help but smile: "It's best if you can understand this. My personality determines that I don't like to confront powerful enemies head-on, especially when there is not enough chance of winning. situation. One last question, after this incident is over, you have almost completed your task and mission, right?"

"Yes. The God of Suffering clearly informed me when I prayed just now that I have completed the trial with flying colors, and also gave me a celestial horse mount."

With that said, Elorin immediately used her spell-like ability, and through complex gestures and spells, she summoned a large war horse with wings, as white as snow all over its body, and full of aura of worship.

This creature is so beautiful, with the light of intelligence shining in its eyes. Compared with ordinary horses, it is two completely different creatures.

Ai LuoLin gently stroked the neck of the new mount and asked with a smile: "How is it? It's great, isn't it?"

"It matches you very well. But what I want to say is, now that your mission has been completed, are you going to embark on the journey back to Calim Port?"

After going in circles for a long time, Zuo Si finally came up with a solution.

Because after the God of Suffering appeared, this young paladin lady had lost her only meaning of existence in the team.

In addition, it is very inconvenient to bring a paladin, and it will also make you constrained and unable to use the shadow army and necromancy magic unscrupulously.

So Zuo Si couldn't wait to "send him away".

"Huh? I...I never thought about this problem." Ailuolin was stunned.

Upon seeing this, Zuo Si immediately struck while the iron was hot: "I think you should indeed return to Caling Port and report to the temple chief priest what happened along the way. After all, counting the time, it has been almost a month since you left your hometown. Whether it is the church Your companions and your family must be very worried."

"What you said seems to make sense..."

A thoughtful expression appeared on Ellen's face.

As a young girl in her early twenties, this was the first time she left her hometown of Calimport to perform a mission in such a far away place.

Now that the mission was completed, there was really no reason to continue heading north with the caravan.

Finally, under Zuo Silian's coaxing, the young paladin quickly made up his mind to ride on the celestial horse, turned around and flew in the direction of Mylatma.

She planned to board a ship at the port of Mylatma and return directly to Port Calim, which was in turmoil.

As soon as Ailuo Lin left, Rhett breathed a sigh of relief and whispered: "Finally gone. You know that there is this little girl in the team, I have to be careful not to use swear words even when drinking. Otherwise She would have been chattering in my ear for at least forty minutes."

"Pfft hahaha! That's right! I completely agree! Master, I suggest you stay away from these paladins in the future. We are not the same as them." Alaina also laughed and agreed.

no way!

One of these two people is considered to be from the chaotic camp, and they are naturally unable to deal with the paladins of the lawful camp.

In contrast, Davian remained silent as always.

Although ingesting a large amount of red dragon blood turned him into a dragonborn, his calm personality was not affected in any way.

Zuo Si rolled his eyes angrily: "I know. I will try to avoid letting paladin join the team in the future. By the way, are Jaheira and Khalid still awake? Could it be that you hit your brain too hard just now? Is there a problem?"

"Master, they have actually woken up a long time ago, but they have been pretending to be unconscious." Shooter Huntington suddenly interrupted.


Everyone present turned their attention to the two harpists lying on the ground.

Seeing that her little trick of "pretending to be dead" was exposed, Jaheira immediately opened her eyes and sat up, took a deep breath and explained: "I'm not pretending to be comatose, but I was so shocked by what just happened that I I don’t know what to do. The arrival of two gods incarnate is no small matter. And...did you really destroy a world with a plague?"

"No! Strictly speaking, those plagues only destroyed a magical civilization that practiced slavery and affected a continent. And I didn't mean it. It all came from an accident." Zuo Si corrected in a serious tone.

He didn't want to hear anyone give him titles like "The Destroyer" or "The Destroyer".

"What's going on with your body? Why is Talona eager to have you as her chosen one no matter what?" Jaheira asked with a frown.

From the Harper's point of view, Zuo Si can undoubtedly be directly classified into the category of dangerous elements.

Because regardless of his camp and subjective wishes, he has already posed a huge threat to the surrounding environment and people.

"This is very complicated. I personally can't explain it. You can ask Elolin or Ilmat. In short, the God of Suffering does not think I am a threat. I also hope that you Harpers will not come to trouble me. . Otherwise, once the bottom line is touched, I will fight back without hesitation, and from now on, I will regard the Harper Alliance as an unyielding enemy."

Zuo Si had a strong sense of threat and warning when he said these words.

He understood that the Harper Alliance was not as kind and beautiful as the outside rumors said.

Rather, it is a spy organization skilled in assassination, sabotage, intelligence gathering and theft.

The number of internal factions and chaotic management are far beyond most people's imagination.

Some of the more extreme guys will even take rash actions without authorization when they think their target is a threat.

Therefore, many countries and city-states regard the Harpers and the Zhentarim as the same beast.

It is believed that these two organizations have a considerable negative impact on their own governance and social stability.

At the same time, a decree was issued that if any member of the party was discovered, he would be arrested immediately and executed on the spot without trial.

Jaheira understood what Zuo Sisi wanted to express, and immediately comforted him: "Don't worry. Since the God of Suffering has personally come forward as a guarantee, we Harpers will not easily trouble you. But you are sure that you can really control the energy in your body." Those dangerous things?”

"Of course! They are now completely under my control."

With that said, Zuo Si raised his hand and released a ball of black energy that exuded an evil aura like a flame.

In the center of the energy group, a faint dark red color can be seen.

You don't need to ask to know that black is the divine power given by Talona, ​​while red represents the power of Baal, the late god of murder.

In order to prove his ability to control this terrifying power, Zuo Si quickly shaped the energy group into various shapes.

During the entire process, not a single bit of the terrible viruses, bacteria, and toxins contained inside were leaked.

"Incredibly evil! So creepy!"

When Jaheira saw this, her scalp felt numb, and she couldn't imagine what disastrous consequences it would have if it fell on people or other creatures.

"I totally agree with you."

Zuo Si raised the corners of his mouth with a meaningful smile, and then suddenly changed his words: "But don't you think that if this power is used to deal with those evil monsters, such as orcs, gnolls, goblins, ogres, giants, etc." Wouldn't a demon be a very interesting thing? I think you should fear not the power itself, but the person who uses it."

"No... no... wrong! You shouldn't use this power. Because it will slowly erode your mind and thinking." Khalid retorted stammeringly.


Zuo Si shrugged his shoulders indifferently, neither expressing agreement nor wanting to refute or explain at all.

Because from the beginning, he planned to use "sparks" to digest and absorb the two divine powers in his body and transform them into something of his own.

Therefore, no matter what attributes these divine powers had before, after the transformation is completed, they will become part of the planeswalker's power system like other energies.

In fact, as early as ten minutes ago when the incarnation of the God of Suffering left, Zuo Si was already trying to use "sparks" to transform divine power.

However, the conversion efficiency is very low, which may be due to the low level of "Spark". It is estimated that it will take up to several years to complete.

no doubt!

Zuo Si's ideas in this regard are obviously in conflict with those of Jahira and Khalid, who are harpers.

So after a brief chat, the two parties unanimously chose silence.

After realizing that she could not change the mind of the Talona voter in front of her, Jaheira took the initiative to apply to leave the team.

Because she had to report the news to the top leaders of the Harper Alliance as soon as possible.

After all, these two people joined in the first place to ensure that the contents of the box would not be stolen by the Church of Cyric.

Now that the box has been opened, the heart belonging to Baal, the God of Murder, has lost its power and has become worthless, so naturally there is no need to stay.

Just the opposite!

Now that someone can salvage the Heart of Baal near Baldur's Gate Harbor.

Does that mean there are "parts" such as hands, feet, eyes, or other internal organs hidden elsewhere in the bay?

After all, after foreseeing his own death, Baal, the God of Murder, left countless heirs all over Faerûn without any sense of restraint.

Even non-intelligent beasts such as rabbits, foxes, and wolves are not spared.

There is no guarantee that he will not deliberately scatter the organs and limbs with residual divine power to all corners of the world after his death.

At that time, these evil gadgets will be used to cause killings, so that mortals will recall the terrifying name of Baal, and then resurrect themselves.

For God, as long as believers have not forgotten themselves and are still influential in the material world, then they will not really die.

"Master, can you just let them go like this? I think it would be safer to kill them and silence them."

Alaina is obviously murderous towards Jahira and Khalid.

She could sense the attitude of the two Harpers, and the hostility that was inadvertently revealed.

But Zuo Si smiled and shook his head: "Forget it. In this world, killing someone may not necessarily silence someone. For high-level spellcasters, it is quite easy to get the information they want from a dead person. Besides that, , the Harper Alliance’s backstage is too strong. Unless I have to, I don’t want to confront them. What’s more, Khalid and Jaheira are much more important than you think.”

As all the outsiders left, Rhett was the only one left in the team who was not a summoned creature.

However, he obviously didn't care about this. He took out a bottle of wine from somewhere and took a sip, looking quite pleased with himself.

Especially after the red dragon and the strange object joined the team, this guy even had his task of guarding the drow captives canceled, and would secretly take a few sips when he had nothing to do.

Zuo Si did not interfere with this.

Because unlike Alaina, who is prone to getting drunk and causing trouble, Rhett is in significantly better shape and has never been truly drunk.

The group of people returned to the camp next to the ruins of Fort Tessel with a large amount of loot.

Zuo Si did not tell Bernard what happened. He just said that he encountered a group of robbers and sent him to sleep.

After dawn, the greedy businessman led his people to the battlefield last night and brought all the weapons and armors with recycling value.

I plan to find a blacksmith to repair it briefly when I arrive in Zazesipo, and then sell it to local adventurers or the army.

After all, all weapons and armor that can be used by a group of warriors, thieves, assassins, mages, and priests with high professional levels are basically without exception high-quality products or with some magical properties.

Along the main road, the caravan traveled forward for another three days, and finally arrived at the nominal capital of the Kingdom of Tethyr.

As the only "big" city in the country with a permanent population of more than 100,000, the urban area of ​​Zhazesibo is divided into two parts by the Surdas River. The first impression given to people is that of liveliness and prosperity.

However, like Mylatma, the number of arcane spellcasters here is quite small.

Only three or five towering mage towers can be seen within the city area.

Almost no one is selling or buying magic items in the market.

Although the city is nominally the capital of the Kingdom of Tethyr, since the country currently does not even have a nominal supreme ruler, it is now ruled by a body called the "Lords' Governing Council".

To put it simply, it is an "aristocratic republic" like the ancient Roman Senate on Earth.

Precisely because it is filled with various struggles for power and interests internally, and it is impossible to unify its voice, Daza Zesibo is one of the very few regions that has declared neutrality to the outside world and has not been involved in the national civil war.

Countless people displaced by the war have fled their homes and come here to take refuge.

Ragged beggars and skinny refugees can be seen everywhere in the streets.

However, the "Lords' Ruling Council" was still somewhat humane and did not let these poor people starve to death.

A small piece of brown bread and a bowl of salty, sticky wheat porridge are served every evening in the evening.

They usually do not stay in the city for too long and are soon assigned to rural villages and manors to engage in agriculture and animal husbandry.

Those with skills, knowledge and craftsmanship will be absorbed by urban workshops, chambers of commerce and other institutions.

Since slavery is nominally prohibited in the Kingdom of Tethyr, the worst case scenario is to sign an "employment contract" ranging from ten to twenty years, or it can be called a "sale contract".

"We are lucky that there was no rain along the way. Otherwise, it would not be easy to push the carriage filled with goods out of the quagmire." The mercenary captain sighed slightly as he walked on the street.

But Bernard was obviously not that optimistic. Instead, he looked at the dark clouds above his head and said: "Compared to the first half, I am more worried about the second half. Whether it is crossing the Star Swirl Mountains or crossing the Wildas Forest , both sections of the road are more difficult to walk. If it rains heavily now, we might be trapped here for several days."

"There is nothing we can do about that. Compared to this, I would rather find a hotel as soon as possible, take a hot bath, eat some decent meals, and then sleep comfortably."

There was a hint of exhaustion on Zuo Si's face.

Of course, this is not physical exhaustion, but mental exhaustion.

Maybe it was due to the recent pressure, or maybe it was the discomfort after becoming a voter. In short, he had been in a state of tension for the past two days. Even writing a diary to reduce stress could not relax his tense nerves.


The reason why Zuo Si developed the "irregular" habit of writing a diary was, on the one hand, to release the accumulated stress and keep his mind in a relatively healthy state.

After all, whether he is a time traveler or a planeswalker, he has quite a lot of secrets hidden in his heart, and he has no way to find anyone to talk to.

And writing a diary became a channel for venting.

And by reading what he had written before afterwards, Zuo Si was able to judge his mental state at that time.

Then after a little comparison, he could immediately detect the changes in his thoughts and consciousness as time passed.

This plays a very significant role in preventing being assimilated by the natives of other worlds and becoming one of them.

I don’t know if it was Bernard’s “crow’s mouth”, but since he finished saying he was worried about rain, the clouds above his head began to drop raindrops.

In desperation, the caravan could only book a decent hotel nearby and stay there first.

While Bernard was busy directing everyone to move the goods to the yard where the rain could not get wet, he also unbridled the horses and sent them to the livestock shed for feeding.

Zuo Si's small team sat down at the dining table in the lobby on the first floor of the hotel early and began to look through the menus served by the maid.


For some reason, the half-orc Rhett suddenly let out an exclamation, pointed to the last few pages on the menu and said: "Oh my God! Are these things really for people to eat? Four pieces of bread cost ten silver coins! This is simply... robbery!"

"What's this? Look at these expensive cakes. A box costs one gold coin. The elf bread made by the elves known as Evermeet Island costs two gold coins per loaf."

Alaina soon discovered the anomaly in the menu of this hotel.

You must know that in most places in Faerûn, a few copper coins can fill the stomach of a two-meter-tall strong man, and there will definitely be no shortage of meat in the meal.

As for bread, it usually cost four to five pieces of copper coins.

The fierce reaction between the two undoubtedly aroused Zuo Si's interest.

He took the menu and glanced at it twice, and found that this hotel not only sold expensive cakes and breads, but also a special delicacy from the far eastern continent Karatu - noodles.

And it costs an outrageous price of fifteen gold coins for less than half a kilogram.

At the end of the menu, there is a logo with a woman’s profile.

Zuo Si had also seen this logo on the stall of Aisha, a magic item merchant in Calimport.

It symbolizes Aurora Magic Shop, a chain of stores located throughout the major cities on the west coast of Faerûn that specializes in selling high-priced magic items, scrolls, potions and luxury goods.

It is said that the owner of Aurora's magic shop is a very powerful female mage named Aurora.

Not only has her footprints spread throughout the entire Faerûn continent, she even maintains close contact with many plane merchants.

You can often get some weird but at the same time very precious and rare things from other material planes, even hell, abyss, heaven mountain, star realm, elemental plane, Sigil city and other places.

No matter who you are, as long as you pay a large franchise fee, you can announce that you are a member of Aurora Magic Store.

At the same time, you can also purchase goods from the channel located at the Waterdeep City headquarters at a relatively low price.

Zuo Si once heard Aisha talk about the operation of Aurora Magic Store, but he didn't expect that a hotel in Zazesibo would be willing to spend so much money to be "taken advantage of".

He even doubted how many people in this city could afford fifteen gold coins for a bowl of noodles, or two gold coins for a loaf of elven bread.

However, driven by curiosity, Zuo Si still ordered everyone a bowl of noodles from Karatu, the eastern continent, and two pieces of elf bread for everyone under the eyes of Rhett and Alena.

While waiting for the food to be served, the halfling chef and owner, who looked only half the height of a normal person, even ran out of the kitchen in person to see this guest who had spent more than a hundred gold coins on a meal.

"Damn! That's crazy! I bet this is the most expensive meal I've ever had in my life."

Looking at the large bowl of noodles and two loaves of bread placed in front of him, Rhett couldn't help but complain in a low voice.

"Believe me, as long as you take a bite, you will be immediately conquered by the subtle taste and think they are worth the money." The halfling boss assured.

Just when he was about to introduce to these wealthy guests how to eat noodles.

Suddenly, he discovered that Zuo Si on the side had already added seasonings to the bowl with very skillful movements, used two small wooden sticks to pick up the noodles and ate them slowly and methodically.

The latter commented while eating: "Too much ginger and garlic was added, which slightly destroyed the freshness and texture of the seafood soup itself. The noodles themselves were cooked a bit too high, and they were not soaked in cold water after being cooked, otherwise they should be It should be more powerful. Just give it a passing grade. Are my expectations too high?"


The half-man boss was shocked and speechless by this rather professional comment.

After half a minute, he asked cautiously: "Sir, have you been to the headquarters of Aurora Magic Shop in Waterdeep City? Or have you been to the distant eastern continent of Karatu?"

"I must have been to Karatu," Zuo Si replied with a shrug.

After a few mouthfuls of steaming noodle soup, his tense nerves relaxed inexplicably.

Maybe it’s the food itself that makes the brain feel happy, or maybe it’s the familiar taste of hometown that’s at work.

In short, the indescribable fatigue finally eased.

Based on this alone, more than a hundred gold coins were not wasted.

The halfling boss suddenly understood and nodded: "I see. I'm very sorry, but there aren't many customers here who are willing to spend fifteen gold coins for a meal of pasta every year, so my skills are inevitably a bit rusty."

Zuo Si smiled very reasonably: "It doesn't matter. There's nothing that can be done about it, but I'm a little curious, what gave you the idea of ​​joining the Aurora Magic Store? You know, if you don't do the business of magic items, just selling them is expensive. It’s almost difficult to make any profit on luxury goods and food.”

"Alas - it all started from an unattainable dream.

When I was young, I used to travel around as a thief and an adventurer for a while.

Later, by chance, I tasted these jaw-droppingly expensive and delicious foods at the headquarters of Aurora Magic Shop in Waterdeep City.

Since then, I have vowed to bring all the delicious food back to my hometown so that more people can taste it.

But who could have imagined that all this would come to nothing with the fire at Fort Tassel more than ten years ago.

The king's death plunged the country into unrest and civil war.

Almost all the nobles have invested their money in bottomless pits of armaments and will not buy luxury goods and gourmet food in large quantities like before.

Nowadays, let alone a bowl of noodles costing fifteen gold coins, many people cannot afford even a simple set meal costing two copper coins. "

When it comes to the civil strife in the Kingdom of Tethyr in the past ten years, the halfling boss can't help but sigh.

As we all know, high value-added luxury goods are very dependent on high-end consumers.

If this group of people suddenly changes their consumption concepts and no longer invests money in these meaningless things, then the original market will shrink rapidly.

In addition, Aurora Magic Shop itself does not produce these things, but uses teleportation magic to directly go to the place of origin to purchase them.

Not to mention anything else, just having a high-level mage serve as a delivery boy or establishing stable portals in two places will definitely mean that the price of these noodles from Kara-atu will not be too low.

There is neither a market nor room for price reduction.

This shows how difficult it is for a halfling boss to run a business.

"Then why not change places? For example, go south to the prosperous Port Calim, or go north to the gold coin capital of Ascatella? There should be enough nobles and wealthy merchants in these two cities, and they are very willing to spend a lot of money to taste the delicious food. Exotic food." Zuo Si asked with interest.

But the halfling boss smiled bitterly and shook his head: "Don't you think I haven't thought about it? Askatra is full of people from the Shadow Thieves Guild. It's very difficult for an outsider like me to just gain a foothold." . And Aurora Magic Shop also has members in Amn. According to the agreement, it is impossible for me to compete with them for business. As for Calim Port, the environment is not as good as Askatra."

Zuo Si smiled meaningfully, shook his head and asked, "Why must we cooperate with Aurora Magic Store?

Noodles themselves are pasta made by mixing wheat flour, water and a small amount of additives together and stretching them.

There is nothing too difficult of a technique in itself.

I can even give you dozens of recipes and recipes for different flavors.

As for the shadow thieves, don't worry, I can help you deal with them. "

"you mean……"

The halfling boss's eyes shone slightly, as if he saw hope of getting out of the current predicament.

"What I mean is, let's work together to open a gourmet restaurant in Ascatela. I will provide the money, technology and troubleshooting that may arise, and you will be responsible for the operation and making all kinds of delicious food. As for the profits earned Let’s split it 30-70. I’ll get 70%, and you’ll get 30%.”

Zuo Si put forward his thoughts directly.

It was obvious that this was entirely a spur-of-the-moment idea.

Even if you can't make much money, you can at least satisfy your appetite.

You must know that Faerun is a hellish place with so many "dark dishes" that you never know how bad the next bite of food you eat will taste.

Moreover, places such as hotels and taverns are originally excellent places to inquire about various gossips.

If you can have a tavern or hotel of your own, it is equivalent to having a stable source of intelligence.

Occasionally, you can also use the method of issuing commissions to let adventurers and mercenaries from all walks of life help complete some tasks that are inconvenient to appear in person.

"Hmm... it sounds pretty good. Can you give me a few days to think about it?" The halfling boss was obviously moved.

"Of course! You can come to me at any time before the caravan leaves."

After saying this, Zuo Si gave the other party an encouraging look, then got up and walked towards the room upstairs.

He believed that with such favorable conditions, the halfling would definitely figure it out.

At the same time, far away near the ruins of Tessel Castle, two sneaky figures were carefully inspecting the place where the incarnations of the two gods had arrived not long ago.

After a full minute, the taller man couldn't help but curse in a low voice: "Damn it! What happened in this damn place? Why are there a lot of corpses of church members over there, but there was obviously a battle here? There are no traces of it, but not even a body can be found?”

"Maybe it was buried or disposed of?" Another person guessed in a slightly deep voice.

The former shook his head vigorously: "No! Absolutely impossible! If it was buried, there must be traces of being dragged and new soil turned over. I suspect something big happened here."

"According to the intelligence obtained in Mylatma, the two Harpers who escaped from Calim Port seem to be in this caravan. Maybe we find them first, and then obtain more information through interrogation and torture."

"What a good idea! We should leave for Zhaze Sibo immediately and figure things out before the other party enters the Xingxuan Mountains with complex terrain."

"I have a hunch! If the investigation goes smoothly and important information is obtained, you and I will be appreciated by the big shots in the inner circle, and we will rise to the top from now on."

"Hehe! I hope to become a big shot in the inner circle one day. Do you know? Recently, many high-level officials, including Mr. Manson, have been in trouble because of issues of faith."

"Yes! I heard about it. Benn, the God of Tyranny, is obviously dead, but there are still some guys who don't understand the current situation and still refuse to convert to Cyric, the King of Lies. But we are different, right?"

"That's right! Praise the great Dark Sun!"

"Praise be to the great Dark Sun!"

Sorry, I got up late.

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