A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 317 Recruiting allies (a 10,000-word chapter, please subscribe)

"Hold on! No one is allowed to retreat! Anyone who dares to retreat will be killed by me!"

A skitarii knight waved the sharp sword in his hand, cut off a putrid corpse that rushed forward, and then roared at the ordinary soldiers who were rapidly routing.

But unfortunately, once morale collapses, it is almost impossible to recover in a short period of time.

What's more, what the Skitarii have to face at this moment is not an ordinary enemy at all, but a group of undead and corpse-embedded creatures that don't know what death and fear are.

Especially the latter, who often look unusually tall and ferocious. The exaggerated giant weapons in their hands can cut several ordinary soldiers into pieces with one blow, which is extremely cruel.

Coupled with the loss of the divine protection granted by Archangel Avacyn, many of the original abilities to restrain evil have become unusable, so collapse is naturally inevitable.





At this moment, most of the ordinary Skitarii soldiers fled, and the tragic situation of being chased and slaughtered by undead creatures was the most realistic portrayal of humanity facing darkness and evil forces in the Innistrad space and time.

In addition to trying their best to escape, the only thing they can do is to scream in agony and despair before dying.

"Ah ha ha ha ha! Come on! My little cuties! Kill all these living people who are in the way!"

Looking at the sight of corpses strewn in front of him, Kisha, as a ghoul herder, not only did not feel any discomfort, but instead became more excited and manic as if he had been given a shot of chicken blood. He kept pulling up the dead corpses, and then A full-scale attack was launched on the streets and homes of Thraben City.

It is not difficult to see from the twisted and sick face that her mind was no longer human a long time ago, but a monster in human skin.

Almost at the same time, Kirav, the splicer's younger brother, had also led a group of corpse-embedded creatures into the cemetery and began to unscrupulously dig up the massive corpses buried there, with unparalleled excitement and fanaticism in his eyes.

You must know that Thraben City has the largest blessed cemetery in the entire Innistrad space and time, and it is also the only place that can ensure that the buried dead will not be resurrected by the ubiquitous black death energy.

Therefore, anyone who has a little bit of property will hope to be buried here after his death.

Accumulated over hundreds of years, the number of buried corpses may have exceeded everyone's imagination.

But now, everything has become a piece of fat in the mouths of these crazy siblings.

Obviously, in the eyes of Kisha and Kirav, living people are not as useful as corpses at all.

If they could do it, they wouldn't mind killing all the living people in Innistrad.

"Human beings in this world really live a miserable life. Even if they are threatened by werewolves, vampires and demons all day long, there are also some weird lunatics that often emerge from within..."

Zuo Si stood on the roof of a house, looking down at the tragedy that was happening near the city gate, and couldn't help but sigh.

To be honest, he really didn't understand why his siblings, who were born in a religious aristocratic family in Serban City and had never received any external stimulation since childhood, ended up embarking on such a path.

Could this also be an effect of Innistrad's ubiquitous black mana?

Or is there some genetic flaw between the two of them, making them cold-blooded or unable to empathize with others around them?

Or is it a natural antisocial personality?

No matter what the reason is, the current cognitive and mental state of the siblings can no longer be called "human" at all.

"Are you going to kill them yourself?" Diary suddenly asked.

"Kill? No, that would be too wasteful. Although Innistrad's wight herders are far less flexible and versatile than Faerun's necromancers, they have a wide range of unrestricted control and ability to resurrect the dead. Ability does have its merits. I plan to capture this crazy woman and send it to the floating city to be given to Vanessa and other lichs as a living experimental subject for slow study."

When saying these words, Zuo Si raised the corners of his mouth and revealed a chilling smile.

He believed that with Vanessa's current knowledge and skills in magic, she would be able to give the mad woman in front of her a taste of what it means to "live but not die".

The most important thing is that compared to the level of madness on the spiritual level, the lichs in Faerun can surpass the siblings in terms of realm and structure many times.

After all, playing with souls is much more advanced than simply playing with corpses.

Thinking of this, Zuo Si jumped deep from the roof.

The moment his feet landed, he saw several soldiers who were being hunted running towards him, followed by a large group of resurrected zombies.

However, unlike those low-level undead creatures in Faerûn that move very slowly and sluggishly, these zombies move very fast, even running at a speed close to the physiological limit of humans.

In the blink of an eye, one of the soldiers was caught up and knocked down. He could only watch helplessly as the stinky zombie rushed to bite his throat.

But the next second...

An invisible wave of energy swept across the entire street in an instant.

The zombie that was baring its teeth and claws one second, dazzling red light burst out from the inside the next second, and then turned into a blazing flame and was quickly burned away.

When the soldier who narrowly escaped death saw this, he immediately rolled several times on the ground in fear. When he got up and saw the spectacular scene in front of him, he finally couldn't help but open his mouth wide with an expression of disbelief.

Because in front of him, as far as he could see, countless undead creatures had fallen to the ground at this moment. Like the zombies that almost killed him, they were burned alive to ashes by some unknown force.

"Fa...what happened?"

The soldier's pupils dilated, contracted, dilated again, and contracted again.

With his meager knowledge and insight, he simply could not understand the miraculous scene in front of him.

Not only him, but the other soldiers who had narrowly escaped death also showed shocked expressions, and subconsciously stopped running away, and all turned their attention to the cathedral standing at the highest point of the city in the distance.

You don't need to ask to know that they all attribute the sudden death of these undead creatures to the power of Archangel Avacyn.

But soon, these soldiers realized that they were wrong, and very wrong.

The mad woman who was standing near the broken city gate enjoying the killing and death found that there were so many fewer zombies under her hands, and she immediately sent hundreds more corpses that had just been pulled up.

This time, the soldiers finally saw clearly that it was a young man wearing a hood. He raised his hand and held up a emblem engraved with mysterious symbols and words, and muttered some syllables that they did not understand.

Immediately afterwards, another invisible energy wave exactly the same as before swept through the zombies.

In less than a second, these zombies exploded one after another, quickly turning into a pile of gray-white ashes like blazing torches.

Sixth Ring [Return of the Dead]!

This is a magical spell specially used to clean up a large number of low-level undead creatures.

Although it does not have the highest lethality against undead creatures like [Sun Flame Explosion], it is better in that its range of influence is large enough and it can affect multiple targets.

As long as the total vitality of the undead creatures within the affected area does not exceed the damage limit of this spell, they will all be destroyed in an instant.

Obviously, the wight herders in Innistrad's time and space simply resurrect corpses and then drive them to serve themselves. They do not have the ability to strengthen undead creatures.

This also means that those zombies that seem to move very fast are actually not much stronger than the low-level zombies in Faerûn in terms of strength and vitality.

As a result, anyone swept by [Return of the Dead] will immediately collapse completely.

"Huh? I think I found an interesting guy!"

Kisha, who was always in a crazy mental state, did not realize the seriousness of the problem. Instead, he regarded the sudden appearance of Zuo Si as an object to be played with, and immediately controlled the army of zombies and corpse-embedded creatures, quickly surrounding the entire street.

After confirming that the "prey" had no way to escape, she rode the corpse-embedded creature named "Evil Smile" that was given to her by her brother as a gift, holding a huge iron hook, and slowly came closer and used one hand to Dragging his chin, he asked, "Who are you? Why did you destroy my toys?"

But unfortunately, Zuo Si obviously didn't feel the need to communicate with this crazy woman, so he didn't even say a word of nonsense and directly threw a [Control the Undead] to "Evil Smile" who was holding a huge iron hook.

As a result, Kisha, a ghoul shepherd, soon discovered that "Evil Smile", who was originally obedient to his words, suddenly stretched out his other hand to grab her, and then threw her to the ground.


Everyone only heard a muffled sound, and Kisha, who had been as elegant as a noble lady just now, was thrown face down to the ground.

Not only was the originally somewhat damaged black gauze skirt torn to pieces, with the entire back, buttocks and thighs completely exposed to the air, but the beautiful face was also completely disfigured by the fall.

The tall bridge of his nose was completely collapsed at this moment, half of his teeth were knocked off by the stone ground, and his mouth and face were covered with shocking bloodstains.

One of the eyeballs flew out of its socket due to the violent impact, leaving a gruesome bloody hole.


The unbearable severe pain made the crazy woman finally couldn't help but howl.

She struggled desperately to get up, picked up the deformed eyeball and stuffed it back.

But unfortunately, before her fingers touched her eyeballs, she saw Zuo Si, who was very close at hand, suddenly raised his foot and stepped on it mercilessly.


His eyeballs were instantly stepped on, and the flying plasma just hit the former's face.

"No!!!! Kill...kill him! Kill him for me!"

Kisha, who had never suffered such a big loss, was like crazy, trying to command zombies and corpse-lurking creatures to launch a siege against Zuo Si.

After roaring for a long time, he realized that all the undead creatures around him didn't even react at all.

No matter how much he strengthened the power of necromancy magic, it didn't produce even the slightest effect.

"Do you know why these undead creatures are out of control?" Zuo Si lowered his head and asked expressionlessly.


At this moment, the crazy woman finally felt the taste of fear for the first time in her life, and her whole body began to shake slightly uncontrollably.

This was the first time she encountered a situation where her necromancy magic failed.

"Because the essence of controlling undead creatures is never to simply inject magic power into their bodies for simple manipulation like you do, but to try to control the soul.

Now that I control their souls, your poor necromancy magic will naturally have no effect.

My former mentor said that the first-rate necromancers create life, and the second-rate necromancers manipulate souls.

A necromancer like you who is obsessed with playing with corpses is not even third-rate. "

When saying these words, Zuo Si did not hide his disdain for the crazy woman in front of him.


Accompanied by the clear sound of applause, Liliana slowly walked out of the dark corner, her tone full of praise and admiration.

Obviously, since the two ended their conversation, she did not immediately return to the hotel where she lived to rest, but planned to see what the siblings Kisha and Kirav planned to do.

You must know that sister Kisha, to some extent, also studied necromancy magic with her for a period of time. In a strict sense, she is a half-disciple.

But who would have thought that he would actually hear such an extremely profound and unique insight into necromancy.

Similarly, Liliana also realized that Zuo Si said that he knew "a little bit" of necromancy before, but in fact it should be "a hundred million points."

Not to mention anything else, just this method of quietly seizing control of undead creatures is enough to make any necromancer feel fear and fear.

After all, even she is currently unable to create life as a first-rate necromancer, but remains at the second-rate level of manipulating souls.

"It's so late and you haven't slept yet? I heard that staying up late is a life-or-death enemy for women. It will make your skin yellow, have acne, worsen crow's feet, and lose its luster." Zuo Si joked in a half-joking tone .

Liliana spread her hands indifferently: "Thank you for your concern, but I am naturally beautiful, and my skin will never have the conditions you mentioned. Compared with this, can you tell me who your former mentor was? ?"

"Why, do you want to share your experience with him about necromancy magic? Sorry, it's too late. He was killed by me myself long ago, without even a trace of soul residue left." Zuo Si interrupted the other party bluntly. delusion.

"You killed your mentor?!"

Hearing these words, Liliana's expression suddenly changed slightly.

Because even for her who is used to being selfish and betraying her companions, killing her master is still a bit too exciting and deviant.

In addition, her inner evaluation of Zuo Si's danger level has also risen several notches.

But Zuo Si obviously didn't care about this, and responded in a nonchalant tone: "That's right! I smashed his Lich Life Box with my own hands.

Believe me, if you have such a mentor, you will do everything possible to kill him.

By the way, my mentor also personally killed his own mentor before he became famous.

In the world he was in, this kind of killing was not only encouraged, but would also win the applause of others around him if it was successful. "

"It's such a scary place. It seems like you've been through a lot, hasn't it?" Liliana complimented deliberately calmly.

Without asking, she knew that she wanted to take this opportunity to get more information from Zuo Si so that she could better understand this mysterious man who held her soul and destiny in his hands.

But Zuo Si was not an idiot. He easily saw through the other party's little thoughts and said meaningfully: "Okay, let's stop here on this topic. Some things are not that the more you know, the better. The more you know, the more dangerous it is. Since you are not in a hurry to rest, why not help me bring Kirav over who is digging a grave?"

"Of course, it's just a piece of cake."

Liliana obviously heard the warning in Zuo Si's words, and immediately turned around and disappeared into a ball of black smoke.

From the beginning to the end, she never looked at the unfortunate apprentice lying on the ground struggling in pain.

About a few minutes later, Kirav, who was also beaten with a bloody head, nose, bruises and swollen face, was also forcibly dragged over.

Looking at this young man who was completely different from his sister, who always maintained calmness and rationality in his eyes, Zuo Si ordered in an emotionless tone: "Tell me the residence of Ludwei, the genius of the undead."

"If I tell you, my sister and I will die, right?" Kirav raised his head and asked.

"If you want to use this as a bargaining chip to negotiate with me, you are totally wrong. You are not qualified to negotiate with me, and I have many other ways to get this information. If I don't want to suffer more before I die, I advise you to tell the pain directly." Zuo Si sneered and threatened.

Kirav's expression changed slightly, and his brain began to work at high speed, desperately trying to find a way to survive for himself and his sister.

But Zuo Si no longer had the patience to play games with the siblings here, so he directly used magic to conduct a very rough memory search on them.


Kirav's screams echoed in the streets of Thraben City.

By the time Zuo Si got the information he wanted, the genius splicer had completely turned into an idiot without self-awareness and was randomly discarded on the street like garbage.

His brain and spiritual world have been completely turned into a puddle of mush under the influence of powerful magical power. It is estimated that only the wishing spell can barely save him.

In contrast, sister Kisha's situation is slightly better. She was thrown into a box specially designed to contain living people. What awaits her will be endless experiments on living subjects.

With the two main envoys having been dealt with, the undead army that poured into the city soon began to wander aimlessly, and was eventually intercepted, killed, and expelled by the skitarii that followed.

By the time it was almost dawn, Serban City had already recovered the occupied city gate area, and relied on the city wall to continuously clear out the undead creatures outside.

Of course, none of this has anything to do with Zuo Si.

At this moment, he and Liliana had arrived near the prison cellar. They looked at the huge moon silver that exuded silvery light. It took a full minute before he said, "Let's do it."

"As you wish..."

Liliana gracefully touched her chest with one hand and bowed, then ignored the guardian knights who were controlled by magic and released the prepared magic.

The next second...

boom! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Dazzling silver light burst out from the middle of the moon silver.

Before anyone else could react to what was happening, an angel with golden light all over his body appeared out of thin air, raised the spear in his hand and solemnly announced: "Kind people who still stick to their faith! Your guardian Ai Wei Xin is back!"

As these words blurted out, many skitarii and monks who had lost the ability to obtain spell-like abilities through prayer were surprised to find that their lost power had returned.

Not only that!

The archangel's figure also shines with the morning sunrise, spreading sacred and warm sunshine to the earth.

The undead creatures outside the city that had not yet had time to clean up exploded from the inside under the illumination of these sacred lights, and then began to spontaneously burn over a large area, eventually turning into a puddle of ashes and drifting in the wind.

no doubt!

This is the archangel Avacyn created by the ancient planeswalker Sorin Markov using half of his own strength!

A powerful being with power and authority comparable to that of a god!

The moment she appeared, the entire city of Thraben was thrown into a frenzy.

Even the residents who had just been so frightened that they could not sleep all night, and the Skitarii soldiers who had experienced bloody battles, all took to the streets and knelt down to pray to this protector and savior of mankind.

As the saying goes, you only learn to cherish after losing.

If the shelter of the previous hundreds of years has gradually made the residents of this city forget how dark and terrifying their previous lives were, then what happened last night made them recall it all again, and hope from the bottom of their hearts. Never let a similar situation happen to you again.

Of course, as the hell cellar was shattered, Archangel Avacyn was not the only one to escape.

There are also hundreds of demons that she captured and imprisoned before, as well as the planeswalker Nahiri the Lithomancer who has also been imprisoned inside for thousands of years.

Since Zuo Si and Liliana had discussed it before taking action, they split up. One went to hunt down his "creditor" demon Jize, and the other blocked Li who was about to escape back to his hometown of Zendikar. Lithmancer Nahiri.

"Who are you? Why did you stop me?" Nahiri narrowed her eyes and stared at Zuo Si, who was close at hand.

Due to being corrupted by the devil's chaotic and evil thoughts for a long time, she looked crazy and dangerous at the moment, and her originally silver pupils even occasionally flashed blood red.

"Madam, please don't be so hostile. Don't forget that you were able to escape from that huge piece of moonsilver thanks to me."

Zuo Si spread his hands to make it clear that he had no hostility.

He knew very well that the Kor woman with short white hair in front of him was an ancient planeswalker who lived for more than 6,000 years. She was also the apprentice of Sorin Markov (although they later fell out), and she controlled certain things. A means to lead the Eldrazi to other worlds.

It is best not to become an enemy unless necessary.

"Oh? Did you break the prison cellar?"

A look of surprise appeared on Nahiri's face, and at the same time, the hostility on her face was reduced a lot.

Zuo Si smiled and nodded: "Yes. The reason why I appear here is actually to talk to you about the three Eldrazi Titans sealed in Zendikar."

"Eldrazi? Wait! How long has it been since I was imprisoned?"

Only then did Nahiri notice the city of Serban beneath her feet, as well as the large population living around this city.

You must know that when she was imprisoned by Solin, there was nothing here, only the huge stone shining with silver light.

"It's been a thousand years."

Zuo Si gave an exact number without thinking.

When she heard that she had been imprisoned for so long, Nahiri became furious: "What? A thousand years! Solin, this bastard! How dare he do this to me! I swear! I must show him some color! That's right! , is Zendikar okay? Has the Eldrazi seal been loosened?"

"For now, everything is fine. But not long ago, I discovered that someone was trying to destroy the Eldrazi seal, and almost succeeded. Please see, this is the Dragon Scroll, which seals the soul. The spiritual fire of Dragon Black Gold. As one of the three ancient planeswalkers who sealed the Eldrazi back then, you should be very aware of the two prerequisites for opening the seal."

With that said, Zuo Si took out the scroll and handed it to the other party.

You don't need to ask to know that he is trying to win over more allies to deal with the old dragon Nicol Bolas.

"Damn it! This is the spirit fire that Ugin used! Who? Who wants to open the seal and destroy Zendikar?" Nahiri's eyes were shining with hatred.

Although Sparks have the ability to travel through time and space at will, most planeswalkers are still very emotional about their hometown.

At least Sorin Markov loved the small, weak, and barren Innistrad. He not only created the archangel Avacyn to maintain ecological balance, but also isolated the threats of dark void creatures like the Eldrazi.

Nahiri, who was greatly influenced by Sorin, also cherished her hometown very much and protected the seal by herself for thousands of years.

When she heard that someone wanted to release the Eldrazi to destroy Zendikar, her reaction would naturally be extremely violent.

But this is exactly the result that leftist thought wants to achieve.

"The mastermind behind all this is Nicol Bolas, a powerful and terrifying elder dragon planeswalker. As far as I know, he seems to be planning a conspiracy that will cause irreversible catastrophe to several times and spaces, and Zendikar is one of them. In order to fight against it, we need to combine more people and give him a fatal blow at the critical moment."

Zuo Si calmly took out the words he had prepared in advance.

Combining more and more powerful planeswalkers is his current method of dealing with the threat of the old dragon.

Especially for powerful ancient planeswalkers like these, it's best not to leave any of them behind.

"Nicol Bolas? I really want to hear that name..." Nahiri narrowed her eyes and fell into thought.

But before she could sort out her chaotic memories, Zuo Si added: "Nico Bolas is Ugin's twin brother, but their relationship is that of enemies."

"Ugin has brothers?"

Nahiri was instantly shocked by the news.

Zuo Si nodded slightly: "Yes. It's surprising, isn't it?

But actually I have more shocking news here. Ugin was killed by Nicol Bolas thousands of years ago.

This is also the reason why he never showed up again after sealing the Eldrazi.

Currently, Ugin's soul is guiding a chosen person in the plane of Tarkir to resurrect.

Please believe me, ma'am.

Nicol Bolas is definitely one of the greatest threats to Zendikar and the entire multiverse. "

"Okay, I agree to accept your invitation. But there are some things that I need to confirm in person."

Nahiri obviously didn't fully believe these explosive news.

Because thousands of years ago, she had witnessed with her own eyes how powerful the magical power of the spiritual dragon Wujin was.

Even the arrogant Eldrazi Titan, which had devoured countless time and space, was trapped in front of the magic cast by this guy.

So Nahiri still couldn't imagine who else could kill such an invincible dragon planeswalker.

"Of course it's no problem." Zuo Si made a please gesture.

The Lithomancer didn't even say a word, and instantly activated the power of the spark and disappeared.

No need to guess, her first stop would be to return to Zendikar to check on the status of the Eldrazi seals.

Not long after the Lithomancer left, the vampire Sorin Markov arrived.

Because whether it is the long-lost archangel Avacyn reappearing or the prison cellar being bombed, it is a top priority for him that cannot be taken lightly.

But what the vampire king didn't expect was that instead of Nahiri coming to take revenge on him, he was waiting for a young human that he had never seen before.

"Who are you? Why did you want to destroy the prison cellar?" Solin asked, staring at those oppressive eyes.

"My name is Soth, and as you can see, I am a novice planeswalker. As for why I want to break the hell cellar, of course it is to release the Archangel Avacyn and Lady Nahiri."

Zuo Si did not choose to lie or deceive, but openly stated his purpose.

After all, Solin is a vampire who has visited countless time and space and lived for more than ten thousand years. Playing tricks in front of such a guy is basically equivalent to lying in front of the gods, and the results will be disastrous.

"Avacyn is trapped in the Helvault?"

Solin instantly frowned and turned his gaze to the figure shining with golden light in mid-air.

But he soon realized that Zuo Si was right.

Only when he was imprisoned in the prison cellar, he could not sense the existence of this "half body".

After figuring out Avacyn's whereabouts during the period of her disappearance, Sorin immediately focused his attention on Nahiri. He touched his chin and continued to ask in an interesting tone: "Why did you release Nahiri? If I If I remember correctly, she doesn’t seem to have any human friends.”

"Do you think I released Ms. Nahiri for the sake of so-called friendship?" Zuo Si raised his eyebrows in pretense of surprise.

"Is not it?"

The corners of Solin's mouth raised slightly, revealing two sharp fangs.

Zuo Si shook his head slightly: "No, of course not. I released Ms. Nahiri because there was a problem with the Eldrazi seal in Zendikar. Someone is trying to destroy the seal and remove those three terrible creatures from the dark void. The monster is unleashed.”

"Breaking the seal?"

When Solin heard the news, the original smile instantly froze on his face.

"Yes. This is the scroll I obtained from a planeswalker at the Eye of Ugin. I believe you can easily identify its function."

With that said, Zuo Si handed over the Dragon Scroll again.

This is one of the few things that can allow him to win the trust of the other party.

After all, the flames used by Spirit Dragon Wujin are so special that it is almost impossible to replicate them 100% successfully.

As expected, when Solin opened the scroll, his expression changed from cynical to solemn: "Tell me the specific situation! How many planeswalkers were present at that time?"

Zuo Si quickly replied: "Not counting me and my companions, there are exactly three. One of them is the thief of the scroll, the second is the pursuer, and finally there is a crazy guy who is obviously mind-controlled. According to my Understand that all three of them have been manipulated to varying degrees, and the mastermind behind this all points to Nicol Bolas, Ugin's brother."

"Nicoper Bolas? It's him!"

Different from Nahiri's partial knowledge, Sorin obviously knew something about this insidious and cunning old dragon, and his eyes instantly emitted a frightening light.

"That's right. In order to prevent things from developing in an irreversible direction, I think it is necessary to unite more planeswalkers to prepare to fight against it. Of course, not only Ms. Nahiri, I hope you can also join it. After all, Nicolbo Ra's conspiracy involves more than just Zendikar, and Innistrad cannot stay out of it."

Zuo Si once again used his eloquence to speak alarmistly, trying to drag down the powerful vampire in front of him.

Because he knew that the other party might be able to ignore the destruction of Zendikar, but he would never tolerate his hometown Innistrad turning into nothingness.

Solin narrowed his eyes and thought for a long time, then raised his head and said: "In principle, I agree to join this alliance, but I will not listen to your instructions on how to do it specifically."

"I have never tried to command others, I have simply played a role as a bridge in the middle, bringing together all the planeswalkers who dare to stand up against Nicol Bolas. In addition to this purpose, I also have a small personal It’s a small request, I hope you can agree.”

With that said, Zuo Si touched his chest and bowed deeply in a very humble manner.

"Oh? What is it?" An expression of interest appeared on Solin's face.

Being good at blood and life magic, he could clearly feel the amazing energy contained in the body of the young-looking human in front of him, which was a bit too much even for a planeswalker.

Zuo Si raised his head and looked at Archangel Avacyn in mid-air, and said with a smile: "I want to become your teacher and learn the magic of life and creation."

When Suo Lin heard these words, he was slightly stunned at first, and then he held his forehead and burst into unbridled laughter: "Hahahaha! Interesting! So interesting! Want me as your teacher? Don't you also want to create something of your own? An angel, right?"

"Angel? No, I'm going to create a god."

Zuo Si expressed the arrogant ambition hidden in his heart in a very calm tone.

Because the moment he saw Archangel Avacyn, he already knew what to do with the energy accumulated in the soul well for who knows how many years.

Since Sorin Markov can use half of his own power to create an angel with the power of a demi-god or even a full god, why can't he use hundreds or even thousands of times more energy to create a living god?

And as far as Zuo Si knows, the life and death of this artificial life is firmly in the hands of the creator himself.

"I like your craziness! Young man! But I will be very busy recently and don't have much time to teach you, so you only have three days. In three days, you can learn as much as you want."

Suo Lin clearly realized that Zuo Si was not joking, but serious, so he decisively gave a very short deadline.

Obviously, he didn't really want to teach these unique magics, he just wanted to see the young people in front of him struggling during the learning process.

This is a bad taste, and I have done it more than once when I was teaching Nahiri.

But unfortunately, Solin didn't know that Zuo Si, who had a library of thoughts and an eye of knowledge, had a terrifying learning ability that could not be compared to a spellcaster with a wild background like Nahiri, the conglomerate warlock.

The gap between the two may be as large as the gap between modern humans and ancient Homo sapiens on earth.

In fact, most planeswalkers are monks halfway and have not received systematic magic education at all. They basically rely on sparks and talents to continuously strengthen certain abilities.

The final result of development is that they are often only good at one kind of magic, such as Nahiri's boulder magic, Chandra's fire magic, Nissa's natural magic, etc.

But Zuo Si was different.

He received a systematic magical education from the beginning, especially the large amount of magical knowledge acquired in Faerun, covering almost all aspects.

With this massive accumulation of knowledge, he will not limit himself to a certain field, but will choose to have it all without hesitation.

Just when Solin and Zuo Si reached an agreement, Liliana finally caught up with her "creditor", the demon Jize, in a forest dozens of kilometers away.

However, unlike the last time they met, the enemy was strong and we were weak. This time, she relied on the power of [Chain Veil] to easily overturn the opponent to the ground.

At this moment, this once arrogant and domineering devil was kneeling on the ground begging for his life like a clown.

"Spare me! Please! I can swear to give up the ownership of your soul! I am even willing to become your slave!"

"Spare you? Swear? Haha, this is really funny. I heard that you can't believe even a word of the devil's oath. I'm sorry, dear, although I want to spare you, but the problem is that this time it is really no."

Liliana walked closer, stretched out her hand and gently stroked the pair of broken horns on Ji Ze's head, with a hint of pity in her tone.

The moment she took her fingers away from the broken horn, the devil suddenly felt an extremely powerful force pinching her heart, and then pinched her heart tighter and tighter...

The heaviest bang exploded inside, and he fell to the ground twitching and took his last breath.

Looking at the demon corpse lying on the ground, Liliana took out a bag and put it in without saying a word, and then used teleportation magic to disappear from the place.

Next, she needs to hand over Jize's body to Zuo Si, so that she can resurrect him again when needed and become the "creditor" who controls her soul.

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