A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 320 In order to confirm a certain conjecture (go to the hospital for a day to confirm lung i

There is no doubt that with the appearance and disappearance of the god Io, even those gods in the Pantheon who originally did not believe that creatures like the Eldrazi could have such terrifying and destructive power have now changed without exception. Be cautious.

Because what happened in the Year of Turmoil has proven that His Majesty, who is above the gods, will only take the initiative to deal with certain things when the gods make unforgivable mistakes, or when the whole world falls into a huge crisis.

He doesn't care about good and evil, nor does he care about chaos and order, nor does he care about the fierce ideological conflicts and battles between the gods. He only cares about the safety and survival of the world under his feet.

Therefore, Io's cautious attitude towards the Eldrazi determines that the gods of Faerûn will at least regard it as something on the same level as the most dangerous ancient evils for a short period of time.


In the eyes of the gods, the emergence of the Eldrazi is actually just one more factor of destruction in the world.

There is no way, there are too many ancient evil things in this universe that can destroy the material world.

Just like the creator of the aboleth, Paiscaisesis, who is known as the Blood Queen, has the ability to easily distort, infect and destroy a material world.

In addition, there are also the Chaos Demon Dog Kozif who feeds on souls, the Devourer of Endless Worlds - Sosotug, the mysterious God Killer who was summoned by the mages and sealed in the prison of another dimension, and the legend The giant snake that feeds on the nightmares of all things—Dendel...

In short, there is never a shortage of things that can destroy the world in Faerûn, and there are a lot of ancient evil things.

Although the Eldrazi from the Dark Void may be more powerful and invincible, is there any fundamental difference between destroying the world once and destroying the world a hundred times?

At least there is no essential difference between these gods and their followers in this world.

Perhaps the only difference is that this new natural disaster, which has never been seen before, is controlled to a certain extent by a mortal, and this mortal is also given the same status as the gods by the god Io.

Of course, this doesn't make much difference to most gods.

Because Zuo Si did not engage in "materialism" on his own territory, and allowed most gods from the good, neutral and even evil camps to establish temples and spread beliefs and ideas.

New sects such as Ilmat, the God of Suffering, Ogma, the God of Knowledge, Midnight, the Goddess of Magic, and Talona, ​​the Goddess of Poison and Disease, have even received a certain degree of support and are moving along the Fei River at an incredible speed. The west coast of London continent expanded rapidly.

Many other gods who hold corresponding priesthoods also benefited greatly from the prosperity of trade and commerce.

So overall, Zuo Si's relationship with most of the divine churches is pretty good.

In addition, he does not discriminate against humanoid races such as elves, half-elves, dwarves, dwarfs, and halflings, but gives them the same identity and status as humans, so his relationship with the gods behind these races is not bad.

Especially the main gods of the elves and dwarves simply applauded the massacre against the orcs in the North.

Because the more orcs die, the better it will be for the survival of these two races in the Northland.

But if you have friends, you will naturally have enemies.

Those who were attacked mercilessly, such as Cyric, the Prince of Lies, Shar, the Goddess of Night, Mara, the Beast God, the Orc Gods, and the Goblin Gods, naturally regarded Zuo Si as a thorn in their side.

This meeting hosted by a powerful divine force was a secret attempt by them to find out the details of Zuo Si, and even to suppress and restrict him in the name of the gods.

But unfortunately, they never dreamed that Zuo Si would directly choose to use the simplest and most brutal way to silence the gods, that is, to show that he had the ability to destroy the world and even kill the gods.

Now, with the God above God personally granting him the same status as the gods, this farce can no longer go on.

Countless gods also stood up and left the Pantheon, returning to their kingdoms in the outer planes.

After all, as high-ranking gods, they are very busy. They have to deal with the prayers of thousands of believers all the time, and plan how to expand their influence in the material world.

After most of the gods disappeared, the magic goddess Midnight sighed slightly and said: "Although I have known for a long time that you will do some earth-shattering things, is it okay to summon a twisted monster that can destroy the world? Is it a little too much?"

Zuo Si shrugged his shoulders and replied: "There is nothing we can do about it.

You have also seen how arrogant and arrogant the attitudes of the gods are when dealing with mortals. Even Tyr, who represents publicity and justice, shows a condescending attitude.

If I wanted a chance to speak as equals, I had to show them power, power truly powerful enough to kill and destroy gods.

Becoming strong and then earning respect is a universal rule in any world. "

"But this also creates a lot of enemies for you." Midnight reminded helplessly.

"It doesn't matter. No matter what those hostile gods are planning, I'm ready to face the challenge. What's more... I'm not alone, am I?" Zuo Si asked meaningfully.

The goddess of magic Midnight replied without thinking: "Of course! At least the God of Knowledge and I will give you our maximum support as always."

"That's right! And I noticed that you seemed to have gone to a very far away place this time, and brought back a lot of interesting and taboo knowledge." Ogma's tone was filled with unabashed excitement and expectation.

"I think I may need to share this knowledge and magic with you a little later."

Having said that, Zuo Sichong bowed slightly to the two allies of the gods, and then walked straight towards Talona, ​​who was already showing considerable impatience.

The goddess of poison and disease didn't even say a word of nonsense. She opened her arms and gave him a warm hug. Then she said in a tone of great pride and pride: "You did a good job, my child. Look at it." The reaction of those gods just now, they were all frightened by you."

"No, what they are afraid of is not me, but something standing behind me. In addition, I brought you a small gift from another world. I hope you like it."

While speaking, Zuo Si opened the box in his hand and released the two poisonous leopard cubs from inside.

As soon as they appeared, Talona immediately noticed the deadly germs contained in the poison sacs around the necks of these magical creatures. Her eyes instantly lit up and she stretched out her hands to release two streams of divine power.


The poisonous leopard that was so aggressive one second turned into a coquettish large cat at the feet of the goddess the next.

There is no doubt that this magical creature from another world perfectly meets the requirements of the goddess of poison and disease for a pet.

If nothing else goes wrong, Talona will personally raise them and conduct a series of transformations on them, turning them into new species throughout Faerûn and even the entire multiverse.

"Great gift! I love it!"

The goddess's face was filled with a smile of relief, joy and satisfaction, and she also showed off to the goddess of magic and the god of knowledge not far away, as if she was declaring her ownership of Zuo Si.

Of course, neither Midnight nor Ogma had much reaction to this low-level and boring provocation.

After all, these two are not fools from the chaotic camp. They are quite calm in terms of personality and behavior.

After noticing Talona's strong jealousy, she quickly chose to leave the Pantheon instead of staying as an annoying light bulb.

At this moment, the huge Pantheon has become empty, and all the other gods have disappeared.

So Zuo Sisi took off his disguise and made a request directly to the goddess of poison and disease: "I want a great druid."

"Arch Druid?" Talona was slightly stunned.

Because although there are some druids in her field and among her followers, the proportion is generally not high, and they are always in a marginal position in the church.

As for the Archdruids, there are even fewer of them.

After all, anyone who can be called an archdruid must have at least a professional level of LV14 or above, and at the same time be in charge of and dominate a large forest.

If we exclude those archdruids who evolved from tree men, nature spirits and intelligent beasts, but counting intelligent creatures such as humans and elves, I am afraid that the total number of archdruids in Faerûn is not even that much. There will be more than a hundred people.

Of course Zuo Si knew how rare the Archdruid was, so he immediately nodded: "Yes, it's the Archdruid. I only need a name and address. As for whose believer he is and which sect he belongs to, I don't know at all. important."

"Oh? Now that you say so, I happen to have a suitable candidate here. His name is Angel Poison Core. He used to be one of my most valued believers, but then he suddenly disappeared due to some unknown reason. He became interested in mushrooms and various fungi, and gradually fell at the feet of the demon lord Fungus Lady Zugmoy. He is currently living in the Fungus Forest area of ​​the Underdark. Before betraying his faith, he was a LV19 Archdruid , should be a legendary druid by now."

Talona touched her chin and quickly gave the corresponding information.

It was easy to see from the vicious light flashing in her eyes that she definitely hoped that Zuo Si could take care of the traitor on her behalf.

"Angel Poison Core? A follower of the Fungus Lady Zugmoy? Sounds like a perfect target..."

Zuo Si pursed his lips and showed a playful smile.

"Tell me, what do you want to use this guy for? Isn't it to use his soul to fill the exclusive weapon I gave you?"

As she spoke, the goddess turned her attention to the artifact scepter hanging at her waist.

Since she personally blessed the weapon, she could easily tell that the most powerful function of the scepter had not yet been exerted.

Zuo Si smiled and replied: "Yes, and no. It is true that I need the soul of a great druid to obtain some of the special abilities of the druid profession, but I also need a great druid blessed by nature. body for a very interesting but very dangerous experiment.”


Talona's eyes sparkled with curiosity.

"Yes! Experiment! Because... I want to create a god with my own hands in another world, a living god who only obeys my orders, a god who can be reborn from the ashes no matter how many times he dies."

When saying these words, Zuo Si subconsciously raised his hand and made a grabbing motion, his eyes flashing with unprecedented fiery light and ambition.

"Create a god?!"

Talona was obviously shocked, her eyes widened.

Because in her knowledge, there has never been a situation where mortals created gods. On the contrary, there are many examples of gods helping mortals become gods.

Zuo Si noticed the goddess's reaction and took the initiative to explain: "Under the rules of Faerun, it is of course very difficult to do this. But the problem is that not all worlds are like this one, which has extremely strict rules on becoming a god. And there are harsh restrictions. In many worlds, as long as the power is strong enough to a certain extent, one can complete the transformation of life, that is, be promoted from a mortal to a god. And there is only one prerequisite for completing this transformation of life, and that is sufficient energy."

"I see! Then why don't you let yourself become a god, but create a god?" Talona continued to ask with some confusion.

But Zuo Si smiled and shook his head: "Becoming a god in a certain world means being bound to that world to a certain extent and fulfilling corresponding responsibilities and obligations. I don't want to accept such a bondage, let alone I am limited to a small world. And this time is just an experiment for me to prove some of my conjectures."

There is no doubt that Zuo Si has always looked down on the group of gods in the world of Toril who cannot even maintain self-awareness and are very susceptible to the influence of the priesthood.

On top of that, their power will also be subject to various limitations.

For example, in the world of Toril, whether they are gods born locally or gods who have traveled from the outside world, they must obey the will of the god Io without exception.

The world of Klein, where Dragonlance is located next door, also has a god who holds supreme authority.

In other words, when a god enters a world, he needs to first obtain the permission of the supreme god or creator of the world, or the will of the world, and act in accordance with the rules specified by the other party.

What’s the point of being a god who is restricted everywhere and occasionally has to be suppressed?

In contrast, the kind of "god" without any restrictions that Nicol Bolas tried to seize the sparks of many planeswalkers was what Zuo Si really pursued and longed for.

And using the energy from the soul well to create a living god is the first step in his ambitious plan, in order to confirm a certain conjecture in his heart.

Of course, Zuo Si would not tell anyone these words, not even Talona, ​​the goddess of poison and disease who he had listed as trustworthy.

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