A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 330 The whereabouts of the broken magic crystal (a 10,000-word chapter, please subscribe)

Looking at Zuo Si who was less than three meters away from him, Jarlaxle wanted more than once to swing the +2 enchanted light sword in his hand and insert it directly into the opponent's eye socket, or activate the fireball necklace around his neck to kill him directly. Scum.

Because this distance is the most suitable radius for him to launch attacks and surprise attacks.

If it were normal times, this mercenary leader who was confident in his martial arts would have taken action long ago.

But now, he dared not make any move.

the reason is simple!

Drizzt Do'Urden was standing next to Zuo Si.

Jarlaxle knew that if he took even half a step, the ranger would instantly draw his swords and stop him.

With their superb fighting skills and strength, it was impossible to decide the winner in an instant.

What's more, Jarlaxle also noticed that there were an outrageous number of rings on Zuo Si's fingers. Almost none of the ten fingers were empty, which was an order of magnitude more than his own.

However, only two of the rings he wore had magical power. One of them was a ring of protection and the other was a ring of resistance. The rest were all decorations used to confuse the audience.

In fact, the reason why Jarlaxle dressed so ostentatiously was to prevent anyone from knowing how many magic items he was equipped with and their functions.

This can give you some extra advantages in combat.

Compare your heart to your heart!

Jarlaxle felt that Zuo Si wore so many rings for the same purpose as himself, and there must be at least two magic rings with unknown functions hidden among them, so it was best not to act rashly until he found out.

He didn't want to gamble on whether the magic equipment he wore and the inherent magic resistance of the dark elves could block those amazingly powerful spells.

It has to be said that as a mercenary leader who has been involved in the intrigues and intrigues of the dark elves for many years, Jarlaxle is undoubtedly a very cautious person.

Especially after witnessing Zuo Si effortlessly blowing up a high-level monk into a large meat balloon and levitating it without using any spells or spell-casting movements, the vigilant and suspicious part of his character was instantly raised to its peak. .

It was this vigilance and suspicion that saved Jarlaxle's life.

If he chooses to do it, he will soon find that every ring worn by Zuo Si is a genuine magic item, and they are all high-end magic items.

Several of the magic storage rings are filled with amazingly powerful arcane and divine spells.

With just a simple trigger, they can be released one after another immediately, giving the enemy a violent blow.

Even dark elves with strong magic resistance would probably be beaten to smithereens if they couldn't survive even one round.

The two just stared at each other without saying a word.

After two or three minutes, Zuo Si finally broke the silence with a smile: "Haha, it seems you clearly understood what I meant, which is good.

Because in this world, there are many wars, killings and deaths due to misunderstandings during communication, which eventually turned into bloody violent conflicts.

So I have always believed that it is very important to ensure that both parties understand what each other wants to express. "

"Who told you I was here?" Jarlaxle narrowed his eyes and probed cautiously.

You don't need to ask to know that he is now suspecting that someone within the Dayet Independent Mercenary Group has betrayed him.

After all, this is not the first time this has happened.

"Sorry, if you want to know if there is a traitor among you, I'm afraid I can't give you an accurate answer. Because the person who gave me the address is very special, and I'm not sure where she got the information. "Zuo Si spread his hands with a helpless expression.

"Her? A woman?"

Jarlaxle grasped the key words keenly.

You must know that there are no female members in the Dayet Independent Mercenary Group, they are all men.

In addition, dark elves are a typical matriarchal society, so when women are mentioned, the first reaction is not that they are beautiful, weak, and in need of male protection, but that they are more powerful, vicious, and dangerous.

"Stop guessing, I said her identity is very special, and what will happen even if you know it? With the power she has now, it will be easy to kill you." Zuo Si disdainfully exposed the mercenary leader's little thinking .

Because he knew that the full name of the guy in front of him should be Jarlaxle Baenre.


You read that right!

The leader of the Dayet independent mercenary group is actually the third son of the Baenre family.

According to the tradition of the dark elves, the third child in the family must be sacrificed to Lolth after birth to please the chaotic and evil goddess and bless the family to continue to prosper.

But due to some reasons, the sacrifice was not successful, and he was lucky enough to escape.

In this regard, Jarlaxle actually had almost the same childhood experience as Drizzt.

Therefore, according to blood relationship, Jarlaxle should be the younger brother of Chief Archmage Gonfu, and also one of the children born to the old mistress.

With Yvonne Baenre's current astonishing strength as a Sinnoh dual practitioner, beating him is really like a mother beating a son.

Jarlaxle stared into Zuo Si's eyes, trying to judge how credible this sentence was.

After about ten seconds, he tried again: "What about you? You came all the way to kill so many of my men, could it be just to give me a warning or a lesson?"

Zuo Si replied nonchalantly: "Originally, I planned to kill all your men, strip you of all weapons and magic equipment, and then throw them into a dark area where monsters are rampant to fend for themselves..."

Upon hearing these words, a large amount of sweat suddenly appeared on Jarlaxle's forehead.

He has always been good at observing words and expressions, and he can tell from the other person's eyes that this is not a bluff or intimidation, but that he has really considered it.

Although Jarlaxle is confident enough, even a single person can kill most enemies and monsters.

But that is based on having weapons in your hands, armors and magic equipment on your body.

In Faerûn, apart from professional level and melee combat skills, whether a warrior is strong or not, weapons and equipment are the most important criterion, bar none.

If a low-level warrior has enough high-level magic equipment, no matter how powerful the high-level warrior is in swordsmanship and fighting skills, he cannot break through his opponent's defense with just an ordinary iron sword.

So if he was stripped of his weapons and equipment, Jarlaxle couldn't even guarantee that he could survive for more than an hour in the dangerous underdark.

no way!

Who makes the warriors of Faerun continent so dependent on equipment?

At that time, Drizzt's father, Zaknafan, had his weapons taken away early while he was sleeping, so he had no choice but to surrender and was brutally sacrificed to the spider goddess Lolth.

"What about now? Have you changed your mind now?" Jarlaxle raised his head and asked.

Zuo Si nodded slightly: "Yes, I changed my mind. As long as you tell me the whereabouts of the broken magic crystal - Clinshinibon, I will let you and your men leave. Of course, the premise is that you all have to immediately Get out of Menzoberranzan and don't let me see you again."

"Shattered Magic Crystal?!"

Drizzt's expression suddenly changed.

He would never forget what a terrible thing that evil artifact had done in Icewind Dale, and even almost permanently destroyed and enslaved the Ten Towns.

And just when he and his friends were trying to destroy it, it was the mercenary leader in front of him who used conspiracy and tricks to steal this evil artifact.

"Shattered Magic Crystal - Clinshinibon?" Jarlaxle was stunned for a moment, and then he quickly revealed a very weird smile. "Sorry, the thing you are talking about has been destroyed by the hot breath of the red dragon Hephaestus."

"What? The Magic Crystal was destroyed!"

Drizzt's mouth opened in surprise.

He couldn't believe that the other party's cunning and greedy character would take the initiative to destroy that amazingly powerful artifact.

Jarlaxle nodded meaningfully: "Yes! Although it was not my original intention, the Magic Crystal was indeed destroyed, otherwise I would have taken it out to deal with this unfavorable situation. "

"Are you sure that Clinshinibon was really destroyed?" Zuo Si suddenly interjected.

"Of course! I saw with my own eyes that thing emitted a dazzling light under the burning of dragon flames, and then completely disappeared." Jarlaxle replied in the affirmative with a very firm tone.

But Zuo Si couldn't help laughing after hearing this answer, and said while laughing: "It seems that you don't know what the broken magic crystal is.

But it's no wonder. After all, you are just a warrior and cannot tell the difference between high-level magic items and artifacts.

do you know?

There are only three ways to destroy the broken magic crystal in this world.

The first is powerful divine power from lawful good;

The second is to find seven kind-hearted high-level lichs or celestial beings with the same magical power, and reverse the spell according to the original ritual of creating Clinshinibon. The price is that the seven people participating in the ritual will instantly join the body and soul. Souls are destroyed together;

The third is to be wrapped in the dark cloak of Shar, the goddess of the night, or thrown directly into the sun.

Of course, it is possible for a big rupture to destroy it, but the probability of success is negligible.

In addition, neither dragon's breath nor any other high-level magic or legendary magic can truly destroy the broken magic crystal.

If I guess correctly, what you see is nothing more than the energy leakage of Clinshinibon after it suffered heavy damage.

It was not destroyed, but fell into silence after suffering heavy damage. "

There is no doubt that Zuo Si is very interested in the broken magic crystal - Clinshinibon.

Because this thing can draw power from sunlight and convert it into universal magical energy to store, it is simply a perfect and inexhaustible energy source.

According to the fact that one unit of energy can be stored under the sun for one hour, the broken magic crystal can store up to 144 units of energy level.

Moreover, this energy can also be used to simulate the creation of spell effects. The first-level magic only consumes one unit of energy level, the second-level magic consumes two, and the third-level magic consumes three...

By analogy, the nine rings only consume nine units of energy.

In other words, anyone who holds the broken magic crystal can theoretically cast up to sixteen additional nine-ring spells!

You must know that even in a duel between high-level mages, more than two nine-ring magic is rarely used.

This shows how powerful Clinshinibon can be to its holder.

Even a good-for-nothing good-for-nothing can easily use this artifact to gain spellcasting abilities comparable to those of high-level mages, dragons, demons, and devils.

Moreover, the magic crystal tower created by this thing is equivalent to a multi-functional mage tower.

Any spells or other attacks released against the Magic Crystal Tower will be immediately reflected back to the caster or the attacker himself.

It is even possible to accurately teleport between Magic Crystal Towers without any errors, and there will be no problem even if you teleport an army.

It can be said that even among the many amazingly powerful artifacts in Faerûn, Clinshinibon can definitely be ranked in the top fifteen.

Of course, the broken magic crystal is not without its shortcomings.

Its biggest disadvantage is that it has the ability to think independently, and it also tries to influence and control the holder through hints, especially those with weak will.

"You mean... the Demonic Crystal Shard deceived me?" Jarlaxle's face suddenly turned ugly.

"It's impossible to deceive, but dragon flames alone cannot destroy the magic crystal, at least not as far as I know. Now, tell me where the red dragon's lair called Hephaestus is, and you can take it with you The rest of these men left.”

Zuo Si made the conditions straightforwardly.

Obviously, he had no intention of killing the mercenary leader from the beginning. He just wanted to teach this guy a lesson and get some useful information from the other party's mouth.

Especially the information about the broken magic crystal.

He vaguely remembered that after the red dragon Hephaestus breathed out the broken magic crystal with dragon flames, both eyes were completely blind, and due to some kind of coincidence, he merged with the consciousness of this evil artifact.

In other words, the red dragon Hephaestus is now equivalent to Clinshinibon.

Just when Jarlaxle was hesitating whether to accept this condition, the dark elf mage hiding in the corner suddenly moved.

I saw that he relied on the super magic skill - silent spell, and quickly completed a four-ring magic [Roaring Technique] while everyone's attention was not focused on him.

But just when he raised his hand to release a cone-shaped harsh sound wave, he suddenly found that most of the energy supporting the spell had suddenly and inexplicably disappeared, and even the stable spell structure could not support it.

When it was released, the power of the original four-ring magic turned out to be the same as the zero-ring magic, and it just made a roar-like sound.

boom! ! ! ! ! ! ! !


The furnishings and decorations in the entire room were blown into a mess, and even the bottles and jars cracked and even exploded under the influence of sound waves.

But unfortunately, Zuo Si, who was sitting in the chair, was not affected at all, and he didn't even have a nosebleed.

Because in Faerûn, sonic spells belong to the category of energy and are not purely physical phenomena on earth.

So all of it was absorbed by the [Protection from Energy Damage] in the elect's ability.

"This...how is this possible!"

The dark elf mage first stared at the scene in the room with his mouth open, and then lowered his head and looked at his hands. He couldn't believe that his magic had failed.

"Your people made the wrong choice and now it's your turn to take a stand."

Zuo Si ignored the dark elf mage who wanted to attack him, but turned his attention to Jarlaxle.

To be precise, with the distance between the two people being less than ten meters, no matter what kind of spell the other party wants to release, it will be instantly destroyed and absorbed by the special ability of the creator's profession, and it will not pose any substantial threat at all. .

"How do I know if you will keep your promise?" Jarlaxle raised his head, his eyes flashing with vigilance.

"Do you think you still have a choice now?"

Zuo Si stretched out a finger and poked the mixed-race monk who was blown up into a balloon above his head. The implication was self-evident.

Jarlaxle glanced at the crossbowmen lurking outside in the dark, and then at his few remaining men. Finally, he sighed helplessly, walked to the table aside, picked up a pen and paper, and used the surface universal on it. Yu wrote down an address, then turned it over and asked directly: "The address has been written. Can I take my people and leave now?"

"Of course, please do."

Zuo Si raised his hand and snapped his fingers.


Accompanied by a crisp sound, the monk, who was floating like a balloon one second above his head, returned to his original muscular state as if he had lost his breath in the next second, and his feet landed firmly on the ground. superior.

"let's go!"

Jarlaxle obviously realized that the situation in Menzoberranzan was completely different from when he left, so he did not hesitate at all and immediately wanted to leave this place of right and wrong quickly.

But just when he took two steps, he suddenly stopped without warning, suddenly raised the light sword in his hand, and used a fast, precise and deadly fighting technique to hit the neck of the dark elf mage just now. Draw a blood line.

The latter didn't even realize what happened, and his head and neck were separated.

puff! ! ! ! ! !

A blood arrow shot out more than two meters high in an instant, and then the headless body fell to the ground with a plop.

As for the head that rolled down first, his eyes widened with anger, as if he was asking why he wanted to kill him.

Unfortunately, Jarlaxle didn't have the habit of talking to the dead, so he didn't even pay attention to it and ran directly to the gate of Menzoberranzan with his few remaining men.

After waiting until this guy's figure completely disappeared into the darkness, Drizzt finally lifted his guard, frowned and asked, "Why did Jarlaxle kill his own men?"

"It's very simple! He doesn't want this person to fall into my hands and reveal too much information about the Dayet Independent Mercenary Group." Zuo Si replied casually.

"But didn't you promise him that as long as he wrote down the address..."

Before the dark elf could finish what he said, Zuo Si couldn't help but interrupt with a smile: "No, no, no, you forgot a major premise, that is, Jarlaxle and his men can no longer do anything with troubling behavior. Hostile behavior.

This dark elf mage clearly violated this rule.

Jarlaxle knew very well that he could not take the mage away, so he decisively chose to end his life with his own hands.

Besides, I’m afraid you don’t know yet, right?

In fact, Jarlaxle had lost control of the Dayet Independent Mercenary Group a few years ago.

The current Dayet Independent Mercenary Group is actually split into several parts.

The original core members launched a rebellion when he was addicted to the Shattered Magic Crystal. The current leader of this force is Kim Murray.

If I guessed correctly, Jarlaxle's return to Menzoberranzan this time should be to use this city as a base to re-establish a new mercenary group loyal only to himself. "

"Damn it! Why do you seem to know everything? Are you a prophet?" There was a hint of fear in Drizzt's eyes.

"Prophet? Hahahahaha! If I really had the ability to predict, I would have left for the Fungus Forest by now, instead of wasting time collecting intelligence in Menzoberranzan." Zuo Si laughed and shook his head.

"Then where did you get this secret information?" Drizzt continued to ask with some persistence.

Zuo Si responded half-truthfully: "Because I have my own intelligence organization and have certain cooperative relationships with governments and institutions such as the Shadow Thieves, the Masked Mage Guild, the Zhentarim, and the Six-person Council of Amn. So as long as I am willing to pay some price, I can easily find out some information that interests me."

"I see!"

Drizzt instantly realized that the young man in front of him was not a lone ranger like himself.

Rather, it is a chosen god with huge power behind him. He even controls many port cities on the west coast and countless ocean trade routes, and can gather tens of thousands of armies with a single order.

Even the Mithril Hall of his dwarf friend Bruno has to rely on trade with the other party to obtain sufficient food and various living supplies.

Especially after the transformation and rise of Luskan, the City of Thousand Sails, it brought unprecedented development and trade prosperity to the entire Northland.

The barren ten towns of Icewind Dale have even caught on to this ride. Ordinary people are becoming richer and richer. At least they don't have to worry about not having enough food in winter as before.

The longer he spent with Zuo Si, the more Drizzt could understand what Alustriel, the ruler of Silvermoon City, said.

The prosperity, strength and wealth of a city or even a country has no necessary connection with whether its ruler is a good camp or an evil camp. It only depends on whether it has sufficient ability and willingness.

Even an evil tyrant can make the people live a relatively prosperous life as long as he has sufficient ability and willingness.

Obviously, this couldn't be more appropriate for Zuo Si.

Not to mention anything else, just resurrecting the dead on a large scale and using the undead as laborers is out-and-out evil according to the standards of good and evil in Faerun, and it is the kind that cannot be washed away even if you jump into the sea. Extremely evil.

In addition, raising, breeding and renting out large numbers of domesticated goblin slaves is also an out-and-out evil act.

Not to mention the forced immigration and purges carried out by Zuo Si in Luskan, there are no values ​​​​that are in line with the good camp.

But it is precisely by squeezing these undead laborers and goblin slaves that the living standards of the lower class people in the area under Zuo Si's rule are several times better than those in other areas on the west coast.

And there are very few threats from monsters such as orcs, half-orcs, gnolls, goblins, and trolls.

Because the Mage Tower regularly hires adventurers to conduct reconnaissance, once a large-scale monster tribe is discovered, it will immediately be dispatched to capture them and then bring them back as guinea pigs to conduct various horrific and cruel experiments.

For example, there are several mages in the Mage Tower in Luskan who are trying to use the blood of magical creatures to create a special subspecies like "Frost-Blooded Orcs".

It's just that the race has changed from the chaotic and evil orcs to the evil and lawful hobgoblins.

Once this research is successful, Luskan will have an extremely powerful army.

"If you don't mind, could you tell me what you plan to do with the broken magic crystal after you find it?"

After a long silence, Drizzt finally asked the question he was most concerned about.

As one of the heroes who saved Ten-Towns, he knows better than anyone the horrific devastation Clinshinibon can wreak.

Even in an ownerless state, this evil artifact can easily summon countless monsters and evil humans to take it away.

"What, are you worried that I will be affected by the consciousness of the broken magic crystal?" Zuo Si raised his eyebrows and asked.

Drizzt shook his head slightly: "I'm not too worried about this. Clinshinibon may affect other people, but it will never affect you. After all, you are the elect, and the elect of the two goddesses. More Besides, your will is the strongest and most determined of anyone I have ever seen in my life.”

"Then what are you worried about? Do you think that after I get the broken magic crystal, I will start a war, or have the ambition to conquer the world?" Zuo Si asked with a half-smile.

"Well, it seems I'm overthinking it. If you want to launch a war to conquer more lands and cities, you don't need Clinshinibon's help at all."

Drizzt lowered his head and pondered for a moment and couldn't help laughing at himself.


With the power Zuo Si currently controls, especially the huge fleet that nearly controls the entire west coast, he can start a large-scale war at any time if he is willing, occupy all the port cities one by one, and then establish a huge empire. .

Compared with the power that the broken magic crystal gives the holder, his own is obviously a greater threat.

What's more, the deterrent power brought by the title "Plague Son" is far more terrifying than Clinshinibon.

While the two were talking, Zuo Si walked straight to the table, glanced at the address written by Jarlaxle, and then burned it.

Considering that the Broken Magic Crystal was currently in the recovery period after being severely injured, he had no idea of ​​​​setting out to search for it immediately. Instead, he planned to wait until the most important things were dealt with.

At the same time, in a cave not far from Menzoberranzan, Jarlaxle was sitting here with his few remaining men to discuss countermeasures.

Since they had just suffered a big loss, everyone present looked a little downcast.

They originally thought that by following Jarlaxle, they would be able to easily gather the forces that the Dayet Independent Mercenary Group had left in the city, and then take advantage of the current chaotic situation to make a fortune, just like they did back then.

But who would have thought that the plan was hit hard just after it started.

"What are we going to do now?" A dark elf warrior raised his head and asked.

"What else can we do? Of course, we must first find out who this guy named Soth is! Before we find out his true identity, we cannot have any more head-on conflicts with him."

Jarlaxle stated his plan in a very calm tone.

You must know that his intelligence attribute is as high as 18 points (another guy with extremely talented mage has taken the wrong path of a warrior). As long as he is not blinded by anger, hatred and greed, he will always be able to make the most correct decision.

"But where to investigate?" The dark elf warrior subconsciously frowned.

Jarlaxle replied without thinking: "It's very simple! Since we haven't found any information from the strongholds we established in various dark elf cities in the Underdark, let's go to the surface world to try our luck. By the way, go pick up Entreri. Hasn’t the mage returned yet?”

"No. It has been several hours. I suspect he may have encountered some trouble." Another dark elf warrior showed a worried expression.

"In that case, let's set off and have a look."

After saying that, Jarlaxle immediately stood up and rode on the underground lizard, heading towards the landmark world along the intricate tunnels.

As the favorite mount of the dark elves, the huge toes of the underground lizards allow them to run without making a sound and at very fast speeds.

In the blink of an eye, the team disappeared from the sight of the patrol.

There is no doubt that the conflict that broke out between Zuo Si and Jarlaxle could not be hidden from the real power of Menzoberranzan.

Soon, the matrons of many families received detailed reports.

Mother Trier of the Banre family even asked with a serious expression: "What is the reason behind this matter?"

"As far as I know, the owner of that tavern is a member of the Dayet Independent Mercenary Group."

A man wearing a noble badge hurriedly told the information he knew.

"What about Jarlaxle? When did he come back?" Mother Trier continued to ask.

"Sorry, I really don't know this, and the city gate can't give you exact information. But I know that the people of the Dayet Independent Mercenary Group have always been in contact with Gonfu. Maybe you can ask our Chief Archmage." The noble male suggested cautiously.

"ok, I get it."

Mother Trier waved her hand impatiently.

The noble male obviously did not dare to disobey the mistress's will, so he could only bend down and bow, and then quietly disappeared at the end of the corridor outside the room.

As soon as he left, a high-level priestess stood up: "Mother, you can't hesitate any longer. We must take some tough measures against the outsider to force him to make a choice. You must know the second family There seems to be a tendency to unite with the third family. If they get a powerful thug, the situation will be very unfavorable to our first family."

"If you take strong measures to force that foreigner into the enemy's camp, can you bear this responsibility?" Another high-level priestess also jumped out and questioned loudly.

Obviously, although Trier has been the mistress of the Baenre family for many years, her prestige is far inferior to that of the old mistress.

Almost every time they have to make a decision, these sisters will argue endlessly, and no one can save money.

Although for dark elf noble families, the more children they have, the stronger they are.

But there is a major premise, that is, the current mistress must be able to control the situation.

Generally speaking, daughters generally remain in awe of their mothers and are relatively easy to manage.

But the younger sister obviously doesn't have that much respect for her elder sister.

Currently, what Mother Trier is facing is the group of ambitious sisters her mother gave birth to.

Seeing more and more people joining in the quarrel, she finally couldn't bear it and roared: "That's enough! Shut up! Then get out!"


The auditorium, which was so noisy one second, became extremely quiet the next second, and all the priestesses shut their mouths and stood up to leave.

After all, the mistress is the head of the family no matter what.

Their power is granted by Lolth, the Spider Goddess.

Unless someone can kill the mistress and replace her, what the mistress says is an unquestionable iron rule and must be implemented without compromise.

After all the priestesses disappeared, Trier stood up from the chair tiredly, looked down at the scenery outside the window and began to think about what should be done.

At this moment, she suddenly heard a slightly childish voice coming from behind her.

"My stupid daughter, are you still worried about the current situation of the Baenre family?"

Out of a subconscious reaction, Trier immediately turned around, only to see Ivonai standing less than half a meter away from him, his whole body soaked with sweat in less than two or three seconds.

Because she didn't realize at all that this guy who claimed to be her mother, but was actually her brother's daughter, was approaching.

To know this distance, if you are an experienced assassin, you can already pierce the sharp dagger into the heart from behind.

"This is not the place you should be!" Trier scolded with a calm face.

"Why, are you still afraid that I will take away your position as mistress?

Don't worry, I have been in that position for countless centuries and have long since lost interest in this boring power game.

Remember, for a dark elf noble family, the most important thing is always the favor from Queen Lolth.

As long as House Baenre does not fall out of favor, there is no need to worry about enemies coming from behind.

What's more, instead of thinking about how to deal with the second and third families here, you might as well do more things to please the goddess. "

Ivonne taught her eldest daughter a lesson in a condescending manner.

Although her personality, way of thinking, and interests have changed greatly after her reincarnation, she still regards herself as a member of the Banre family.

"What do you think can be done to please the goddess?" Trier raised his head and asked after a moment of silence.

Although she did not believe that the dark elf girl in front of her was really her dead mother, she could feel the huge divine grace that Rose blessed her with.

The most important thing is that the two had a brief confrontation when they first met.

As a result, the powerful power shown by Ivonai directly pressed the current matron of the Banre family to the ground and rubbed her.

You must know that cultivating a high-level priestess requires at least several decades of training in the Spider Academy.

But what about the dark elf girl in front of me?

He has not even received a day of orthodox priest education, but he can easily perform magic up to nine levels.

Regardless of whether she was the reincarnation of the old mistress, Trier did not dare to act rashly.

Because this exaggerated priest level has already explained to some extent the extent of Queen Rose's favor for him.

There is an iron rule in dark elf society, that is, absolutely, absolutely, never offend the goddess in any form.

Otherwise, the family may be destroyed at any time.

"Sorry, I can't tell you about this. After all, you are the mistress of the Banre family, and I am just an insignificant little girl now. But there is indeed an opportunity in front of you. It depends on whether you can Caught."

After saying these meaningful words, Ivonai immediately turned around and left, leaving only Mother Trier standing there in a daze.

She didn't know how long it took, but when she came back to her senses, she suddenly saw a family priestess running in from outside in a hurry, with an angry expression on her face.

"Mother! You can't continue to coddle Lirael! Not long ago, this damn little bastard dared to steal things from the library of the Spider Academy!"

"Oh? What did she steal?" Mother Trier asked with a frown.

"A book! A very, very old book! I don't know the specific content, but I am sure that the book is very precious. Apprentices are not allowed to borrow it on weekdays."

The priestess was obviously extremely angry, clutching the vicious snake-head whip in her hand, eager to whip something to vent her anger.

"What's the purpose? Why did Lirael steal the book?" Mother Trier continued to ask with a puzzled look on her face.

In her impression, Lirael had never had the slightest interest in religious knowledge.

Let alone stealing a religious book, even the girl who was spoiled by her father might not even take a glance at it.

"It should have something to do with that foreigner! Lirael has been running there recently when she has something to do, and she stays there all day long, and occasionally stays up all night." The priestess gave a straightforward answer.

"In other words, this religious book is what the outsider needs?" Mother Trier touched her chin and fell into deep thought.

The priestess nodded quickly: "Yes! In the past two days, Lirael has been frantically searching and collecting information related to the Fungus Forest. I think the stranger must be planning to go to the Fungus Forest to find some treasure or something. "

"Interesting! Could this be the so-called opportunity?"

Trier, who can sit in the position of the mistress of the Banrui family, is obviously not a fool, and he immediately realized the hint given by Ivonai.

No hesitation!

She immediately used this excuse to personally take people to the place where Zuo Si and others lived to "examine the crime", and by the way to test what the foreigner was looking for.

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