A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 335 Awakening (The schedule is too confusing, let me adjust it)

With the main brain as the center...

Using the mind flayer's advanced psychic technology as a means of transmission...

Coupled with the advanced cloning technology obtained from Irenikas, as well as the souls of those who received higher education after death from the world of Harry Potter...

All the prerequisite technologies necessary for Zuo Si's "Fourth Natural Disaster" plan were finally illuminated.

Although it is still slightly insufficient in terms of the number of one-time accesses and coverage, it has been possible to move from the initial experiment to trial operation.

Anyway, everything is difficult at the beginning.

As long as you take the first bold step, the rest of the problems won't be a problem.

If the technology is not good, then invest manpower and material resources in research and development. If the power of the master brain is not enough, then find a way to strengthen the master brain, or create a new master brain.

In short, he believes that there are always more solutions than difficulties.

Only when there are more "people" with the ability to think and create in the floating city, can the world destroyed by the terrifying magic plague once again ignite the fire of civilization, become prosperous little by little, and become a rear base that can be relied on. .

You must know that relying only on a few high-level lichs and a large group of low-level undead creatures with little intelligence cannot form and support the core of a "civilization".

Zuo Si was very clear about this from the beginning.

But unfortunately, the world where the floating city is located was too completely destroyed by the magic plague.

Especially for the population, even after a large-scale search and rescue, only less than 10,000 people have been found so far, and no more than 30 of them have magic talents. They have been taken to the floating city to receive systematic education.

As for ordinary people without magical talents, they were all temporarily settled in the port city of Hull, either engaged in agriculture and handicraft production, or receiving strict training to become a warrior.

If we only rely on these few people, it will be quite difficult just to ensure that they do not perish.

In particular, the combination of close relatives may lead to a series of serious problems in offspring.

The most direct way to solve all these problems is to inject some fresh blood into it.

Zuo Si has privately collected the genes of intelligent creatures from Faerûn, Zendikar, Innistrad, and other time and space.

She even obtained a complete set of technologies for creating dark elves and spider elves from the spider goddess Rose. She can use magic cloning to create a large number of intelligent creatures such as humans, elves, orcs, gnomes, halflings, and dwarves.

However, considering that if the creatures created by cloning are awakened directly, they will often become extremely dangerous, irritable, and have unstable personalities because they have omitted the growth experience from childhood to adulthood, as well as the process of learning and education.

That's why Zuo Sicai came up with the idea of ​​letting the dead souls control these clones through the psychic power of the Mind Flayer.

After all, the smarter the person, the less willing he is to lose his life.

All he has to do is sign a "voluntary" contract with these guys who are about to die or have already died.

Of course, the reason why this voluntary word is in quotation marks is because although the contract seems to have a choice, it actually does not have a choice.

There was no so-called heaven and hell on that magical earth, nor was there the underworld or the god of death. What was there was just forgetting bit by bit over the long years and eventually losing oneself.

I believe that after anyone learns this truth, they will immediately forget Dumbledore's famous saying "Death is a great adventure" and will find a way to extend their life at all costs.

Even if this way of extending their lives is to let them hand over their souls to another devil to control them.

Thinking of this, Zuo Si couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth slightly, and said in a slightly self-deprecating tone: "I am really becoming more and more like a devil from hell."

"No! Great Master! In my eyes, you have always been a great devil comparable to those dimension lords, Asmodeus."

The little devil who was a demon pet flew in from outside at some point, with a flattering and flattering smile on his face.

Although it has been left in the mage tower for a while, it has not been idle. Not only is it wearing a dragon skin armor with magic resistance, but it also has magic rings shining with colorful lights on its ten fingers. , and a long, carefully crafted dagger hung from his waist.

Obviously, this guy used the power and resources of the Mage Tower to build himself a lot of magic equipment.

Although the enchantment levels are generally not high, each one is more insidious than the last.

Among them, the barb made of fine gold embedded in the tail actually hides a small device for injecting alchemical poison.

Once you are scratched by this thing, you will instantly bear the harm caused by two different toxins to your body.

Not only will it slow down a person's reaction, speed and movements, but it will also cause horrific blood coagulation effects.

If you don’t carry an antidote with you, or have teammates with magical professions such as priests and druids who have the ability to detoxify, you can just lie down and wait for death.

Since he had the eye of knowledge and magic vision, Zuo Si could see through the functions of all the magic equipment on his demon pet at a glance. He couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth and commented: "You have really brought your two advantages of shamelessness and insidiousness to the extreme. Woolen cloth."

The little devil was not ashamed but proud. He put his hand on his chest and bowed: "Thank you for the compliment."

"I'm not complimenting you." Zuo Si rolled his eyes angrily. "Tell me, why did you come to me?"

"That's it. According to your instructions, I took over the intelligence collection work in Askatra, that is, those shapeshifters who were secretly stuffed into the tavern. By infiltrating the entire social level, some of these shapeshifters discovered In the darkness, there is a force that has never been noticed before, hiding among the senior leaders of Amn. They call themselves... lurkers!"

When he said these words, the expression on the little devil's face suddenly became very serious.

Because in its view, a mysterious organization can hide and operate in a city with the Knights of the Burning Heart, many churches of gods, and masked wizard guilds all year round without being noticed at all. This in itself means that the other party is very scary.

In addition, a lot of the intelligence collected so far is very vague, and we don't even know who leads this organization that calls itself a lurker, how many members it has, and what its purpose is.


Zuo Si touched his chin and fell into deep thought.

In about a few seconds, he suddenly remembered that there was indeed such a secret organization in the capital of Amn, Askatra, but the real controllers behind it were actually a group of mind flayers.

The purpose is also very simple, to control powerful people in human society through psychic powers, and then let them provide themselves with a series of supplies such as slaves, living supplies, steel, minerals, gems, and magic items.

In fact, this situation is not a special case, but a common phenomenon in almost all towns of a certain size on Faerûn.

Not to mention the surface world, they can even be found in the city of Menzoberranzan in the Underdark.

For example, the octopus head that often appears in the Banre family...

"Continue to keep an eye on the movements of these guys, but don't alert them easily. I don't have time to deal with them now." Zuo Si thought for a while and quickly made a decision.

On the one hand, the mind flayers who have become "lurkers" are hidden too deeply in human society, and it is really not easy to dig them out.

He had no desire to do something as time-consuming and laborious as this.

What's more, he has to rush to the deep well of soul to create a god of his own.

On the other hand, these mind flayers are usually not very harmful, not even as much as the Shadow Thieves Guild, which is supported by the six-member Council of Amn.

"I see, I understand what to do."

The souls of the demon pet and the master are connected, so the little devil instantly understood what kind of organization the "lurker" was, and turned around and flew out without saying a word.

He must immediately tell his men to keep the shapeshifters away from the "lurker".

Being caught by a mind flayer will expose all the secrets hidden in your mind.

After watching the demon pet leave, Zuo Si immediately stitched the dismembered body of Angel Poison Core back together, and then took it straight to the teleportation room.

But halfway, he was stopped by one of them, Isadora.

"Are you leaving again?" the girl asked proactively.

Zuo Si nodded slightly: "Yes. I am going to other worlds to do a very important thing, to create a god with my own hands."

"Can you take me with you?" Isadora asked again.

"Sorry, not this time, maybe next time." Zuo Si refused without hesitation.

Because he really has no time to take care of a girl with serious personality and psychological problems.

Especially the one in front of me represents the absolute calmness and rationality of Isadora's personality, and is the most difficult to deal with among the four Isadoras.

"All right."

The girl nodded slightly and did not bother too much.

After Zuo Si activated the power of sparks to open the portal to another world, she turned around expressionlessly and walked toward the deepest part of the Mage Tower underground. It took her half an hour to finally reach the snail shell hidden deep underground. ship.

Since this was not her first time here, Isadora completely ignored the mind flayers around her and walked straight into the spaceship that looked like a living octopus.

When she appeared around the brain pool, the mind flayer who reported to Zuo Si immediately raised his head and asked through the mind connection: "Have you really thought about it? You must know that once you choose to merge with the master brain, although you You can also control your body through psychic technology, but you are actually no longer a human being. More importantly, you have lost the reason and calmness in your personality. After the other three you merge with each other, you will inevitably run towards the chaotic camp. .”

"I've thought about it. Since Soth needs a mastermind who is loyal to him and will never betray him, then let me be this mastermind."

The girl replied in the affirmative without any emotion in her tone.

"Admirable awareness!"

The Mind Flayer danced its octopus-like tentacles, a trace of relief flashing in its eyes.

Obviously, the reason why the Isadora in front of me knew about the "Fourth Natural Disaster" plan was because she deliberately leaked it.

In other words, the mind flayer sensed his master's hesitation in dealing with the mastermind and decided to take action to solve the problem himself.

The best way to solve this problem is to replace the newly born consciousness of the new mastermind with someone whom Zuo Si absolutely trusts.

In the mage tower, apart from the summoned creatures and the strange objects that got into Wilmes' mind, there were only four Isadoras left that Zuo Si could absolutely trust.

Most importantly, Isadora is a psion, and there is no natural barrier between her and the mind flayer mastermind.

Coupled with his unique understanding of the concept of "self" and the calm and rational character of the person in front of him, he is even more suitable to be the mastermind than the Mind Flayer itself.

"When do we start?"

The girl raised her head and asked in an uncertain tone.

"I'm making preliminary preparations, and it will probably take a few days. You'd better prepare. I don't want anything to go wrong during the ceremony." The Mind Flayer answered excitedly.

It firmly believes that as long as Isadora becomes the mastermind, Zuo Si will definitely increase investment in psychic abilities and even speed up the promotion of the entire plan, thereby making the entire ethnic group stronger.

In fact, replacing the consciousness of the existing mastermind with another consciousness is a very "rebellious" and taboo act even among the mind flayers.

Normally, only when the main brain is severely damaged and the original consciousness is confused and lost, will the most powerful mind-destroying demon in the tribe give up its brain and let it devour the original victim through an extremely complex ritual. The main brain of the loss.

But as a mind flayer who was created as a summoning card, serving his master, sharing worries, and solving problems are his top priority.

The so-called mastermind is just a tool used to provide services to the master, and it has no respect at all.

"Don't worry, this mastermind who has just developed a weak sense of self is impossible to defeat me in a spiritual battle. I want to become the most powerful mastermind in Faerun and even the multiverse to ensure that Soth's plan can be implemented smoothly ."

When saying these words, the girl stared at the already well-established mastermind in her head, without any emotion in her eyes.

It was as if to her, abandoning her human identity was no big deal.

Zuo Si, who had already left Faerun, would never have dreamed that as soon as he left, Isadora would surprise her with another "big surprise". She was so crazy that she became the "most powerful brain" without even saying hello.

Of course, even if you know it, you don't have time to pay attention to it now.

At this moment, he was standing above the deep well of souls, watching the endless souls of the dead moving slowly around the edge. He quickly took out the body of Angel Poison Core and directly began to extract soul energy from the bottom of the deep well, continuously injecting it into it. This body has no signs of life or soul.

In less than a few seconds, the heart that had stopped beating began to beat powerfully again.

Not only that!

As more and more energy was injected, all the wounds and suture marks on the corpse disappeared in a very short period of time, and were replaced by a living person who seemed to be in a coma or sleeping soundly.

But in fact, this is just a phenomenon of "pretending to be a corpse" due to absorbing too much soul energy.

Angel Poison Core did not really come back to life, it was just the reaction of the remaining divine power in his body to the soul energy.

According to the life creation magic he learned from Sorin Markov, Zuo Si took out the bottle of Phoenix blood from his pocket and slowly poured it into the mouth of the corpse.

The next second...

A ball of dazzling red fire burst out from the corpse in an instant, bringing light, heat and a little warmth to the extremely cold world of the dead.

In this bright flame, the corpse was slowly devoured, making the flames seem to burn even more vigorously.

After about a few hours, the fiercely burning flames finally condensed into the shape of a "phoenix" in mid-air.

I saw that its whole body was completely composed of pure energy, without any entity at all.

In other words, during the burning process just now, Angel Poison Core's body had been completely digested and absorbed by the flames and became a part of it.

But this is not the end!

Because it is easy to create something with life characteristics, but what is really difficult is to create a powerful soul from scratch according to one's own wishes, worthy of the status of a god.

Fortunately, this is a deep well of souls, and the most indispensable thing is soul energy.

Otherwise, just converting magic power into soul energy would require crazy consumption of sparks.

After all, Sorin Markov used up half of his power when creating Archangel Avacyn.

As one of the ancient planeswalkers, half of his power is not trivial. This shows how much it costs to create a powerful soul.

Zuo Si didn't pay much attention to the phoenix-shaped flame floating above the deep well, but continued to draw more energy from below, and then raised his right hand to release the magic that created life.


A hammer made of energy appeared out of thin air in the palm of his hand, along with an anvil.

Whenever soul energy is extracted, it will first pass through this anvil.

Zuo Si took the opportunity to pick up the hammer and hit it hard.

boom! boom! boom! boom!

Every time the hammer strikes, the souls wandering around the deep well of souls will hear a heavy knocking sound.

Since there is no sound in the afterlife, the sound actually comes from the resonance and vibration of the soul.

At this moment, Zuo Si looks like a blacksmith, constantly swinging the hammer to use soul energy as raw material to make pieces, and instilling the will, thoughts and character he wants into it.

At the beginning, the forged soul is like a dough, incredibly soft, and can change its outer shape with just a little force.

But with the passage of time and continuous beating, these "dough" gradually began to harden, and vague human shapes emerged.

Similarly, Zuo Si's hand holding the hammer looked scarred from the long period of forging. More than half of it was cut by the flying soul fragments, and even bones were exposed in some places.

But even so, he had no intention of stopping, just like a robot that couldn't feel tiredness and pain.

Because forging souls is not like making magic items or even artifacts, you can stop and rest for a while when you are tired.

Just the opposite!

The soul must be forged in one go, and there must be no stagnation in the middle, let alone any extravagant hope of rest or treatment for injuries, otherwise the forged soul will have very obvious flaws.

This is an important point that Sorin Markov emphasized repeatedly when teaching the magic of life.

To be honest, Zuo Si sometimes really couldn't understand what this vampire was thinking.

Obviously he is an undead creature, but instead of studying the undead and blood magic that are more suitable for him, he has embarked on a completely opposite path.

Of course, this is not to say that Sorin Markov's undead and blood magic is not powerful enough, but it is several levels behind his attainments in the field of life magic.

With curiosity about the life experience of this ancient planeswalker, Zuo Si finally completed the forging of soul energy at the level of tens of millions of people when his entire right arm completely lost consciousness and almost only bones were left in his right hand.

The moment the last hammer hits!

The hammer and anvil shattered on the spot, emitting a dazzling golden light.

And these golden rays are without exception absorbed by the souls that have just been forged in front of them.

In about two or three seconds, the newborn soul finally slowly opened its eyes and looked around with innocent eyes like a baby, with a curious expression on its face.

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