A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 339 I am the mastermind

Sirius Black, one of the twenty-eight pure-blood families - the last male heir of the Black family, Harry Potter's godfather and his biological father's best friend.

He has a flamboyant, arrogant, reckless, impulsive, and irritable personality, and often does things without regard to the consequences. He does not look like an adult at all, but rather like a rebellious teenager in his teens or 20s.

Perhaps the only advantage is that you are loyal enough to your friends and are willing to sacrifice your life for each other at critical moments.

As for the "smartness" praised by professors, there is a big question mark here.

Because Zuo Si didn't think what this guy did could be related to the word "smart".

Whether he gave up the secret keeper to Peter Pettigrew at the beginning, or later learned the truth and pursued the latter at all costs, or was finally lured into a trap and died at the hands of Bellatrix, in his opinion, it all gave people a sense of It feels very mindless and stupid.

If it were him, he would never change the secret keeper in the first place.

After all, according to the description given by the Ministry of Magic afterwards, when Voldemort and his Death Eaters were ravaging the British wizarding world, due to the abuse of the Imperius Curse, trust was an extremely luxurious thing, and even relatives around him might be involved. A second of betrayal.

So at this time, only everyone knows best who is the traitor.

Black obviously knew that he was not a traitor, so according to normal thinking logic, he should not give up the position of secret keeper and replace him with Peter, who usually showed timidity, cowardice and fear of death.

As for his later actions that many onlookers considered "man enough" to avenge his friends at all costs, even if he was sent to Azkaban Prison on charges, he was even more brainless to the extreme.

You know, there is such a thing as veritaserum in the magic world!

In fact, he only needs to capture Peter Pettigrew first, and then hand it over to the Ministry of Magic for interrogation using veritaserum. Then the truth will be revealed, and there is no need to go to jail for more than ten years, so that his godson Harry can have some time. Had a rather unhappy childhood.

As for revenge...

You can completely wait until Peter is imprisoned in Azkaban, and then use your identity as the sole heir of the Black family, as well as the connections, wealth and influence that the family has operated in the British wizarding world for many years, to torture this traitor bit by bit until he is worse than life. Death, or even complete destruction of his spirit and will, turning him into a complete madman.

Just like the mad woman Bellatrix did to the Longbottoms.

You must know that revenge is not about making the enemy die as quickly as possible, but about letting them taste enough pain before death.

In short, by analyzing Sirius Black's life experience, one can easily come to the conclusion that this guy is 100% inclined to the chaos camp.

Compared with Snape, who endured the humiliation and was willing to be an extremely dangerous double agent, and secretly completed the arrangements after Dumbledore's death, he neither failed to fulfill his duty as a godfather to take care of and protect Harry after his friend's death; He failed to play an important role in the fight against Voldemort. He was reckless, impulsive and brainless throughout.

Therefore, Zuo Si treated Black with cold eyes from beginning to end. He didn't think that Harry, the godfather, had anything to sympathize with after he had been squatting in Azkaban for more than ten years.

Just when he had just finished reading a page of the Netherese scroll and was very tired and wanted to stop and rest for a while, he suddenly felt someone hugging him from behind. He immediately asked with a smile without looking back: "Today Is your Defense Against the Dark Arts lesson over?"

"Well! Apart from being unfriendly to Gryffindor students, Professor Snape is actually quite accomplished in Defense Against the Dark Arts. I don't understand why Principal Dumbledore doesn't agree with him taking this course concurrently. , but recruit some messy guys, so that students of all ages cannot learn any useful knowledge for two consecutive semesters."

As Hermione spoke, she threw the backpack filled with notes and textbooks onto the chair next to her with a strong complaint in her tone.

Zuo Si explained nonchalantly: "Do you remember what I told you in Diagon Alley before the semester started?

This class is cursed, so the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor is actually a consumable.

Look at Quirrell's fate in the first semester, and look at Lockhart's ending this semester, and you will know how dangerous this position is.

The principal obviously didn't want the school to lose an excellent potion master, so he could only find someone to make do with it first.

In fact, the essence of Defense Against the Dark Arts is spell dueling.

The outcome of a spell duel depends on a series of factors such as vision, insight, knowledge, experience, the number of magic mastered, and so on.

In this regard, you are actually already ahead of others. "

"伱 refers to...the theoretical knowledge of magic and hundreds of spells from other worlds?" Hermione's eyes shone slightly.

As a top student, she will never forget the mountains of books, notes and scrolls in the Doomsday Bunker.

It's just that if you want to understand the content inside, you need to learn at least seven more languages.


Master at least seven relatively independent languages ​​and writing systems that have no connection with each other!

This is the minimum threshold for learning magic.

From this alone, it is not difficult to see how difficult it is for most ordinary people to become a mage.

The only thing that made Hermione feel lucky was that she didn't have to learn the entire language at once. Instead, she only had to learn one of the languages ​​first before she could start learning basic theoretical knowledge.

Seeing the eagerness of the girl in front of him, Zuo Si couldn't help but smile and nodded: "That's right. Since you already know the existence of other magical time and space, why limit yourself to this world? The multiverse is very vast, so vast. It’s beyond the limits of anyone’s imagination.”

"Then...can you take me to these time and space and experience different scenery together?" Hermione asked with a faint blush on her face.

"Of course! But the premise is that you must be strong enough to protect yourself first.

You must know that not all time and space are as safe as this world.

There are many time and space monsters running rampant, wars, killings and conspiracies are rampant, and there is no order or law at all.

It's all about survival of the fittest, the weak and the strong, and you'll die if you're not careful.

Even more extreme are places populated by evil creatures like demons and devils.

There evil equals justice. "

When saying these words, Zuo Si looked directly into the girl's eyes, and his tone was more serious than ever.

As he said, this world is too safe. Even Voldemort, the most terrifying dark wizard, only caused a few hundred deaths.

Compared with Faerûn, where a civilization or a species would withdraw from the stage of history at every turn, and millions of people evaporate out of thin air, it was just like a joke.

Of course, the two world wars and the subsequent development of thermonuclear weapons by Muggles are not included.

After all, because they have no resistance to magic such as charm control, teleportation, and ultra-long-distance teleportation, the government of the Muggle world is basically defenseless in the face of powerful spellcasters, and the upper echelons of the ruling class can easily be wiped out.

When the time comes to lose control of the nuclear bomb launch button and the military, it will basically become a puppet under the control of others.

This is why Zuo Si dared to say that he could become the "ancestor" of this world anytime he wanted.

Therefore, he must let the girl understand the huge risks involved in traveling across time and space.

"Devil? Devil? Have you really seen these creatures that only exist in myths and legends?"

Instead of being frightened by the horrific scene depicted, Hermione became even more excited.

There is no doubt that this is the bravery and adventurous spirit revealed in her bones, and it is also the reason why she was sent to Gryffindor House by the Sorting Hat.

Zuo Si stretched out his hand to help the girl tidy up her hair that was blown by the wind, and replied without thinking: "Angels, devils, demons, elves, dwarves, orcs, undead creatures, truly intelligent dragons, the size of skyscrapers High super giant elemental creatures, all of these are real. But the question is, are you ready to face them?"

"Don't worry, I will do my best to achieve the level you require as soon as possible." Hermione assured confidently.

"Haha, then I'll look forward to it first. Oh, by the way, so that you can learn more knowledge in a short period of time, I decided to give you a small gift."

With that said, Zuo Si took out a homemade time converter from his pocket and handed it to the girl.

Hermione picked it up and asked curiously: "What is this? Some kind of timing tool?"

"No! It's a time turner that allows you to briefly go back to the past for a few hours or even a day or two.

This way, you can use one day as two or three days.

But please note that it is best not to be discovered by anyone when using it.

In particular, you must avoid running into your past self as much as possible, otherwise terrible things will happen.

In addition, a person's time does not increase or disappear out of thin air.

The accumulated time you use the Time Turner will eventually be returned to you.

To put it simply, if you go back three hours in the past, your body's growth rate will not stagnate during these three hours, but other people at the same time point as you will continue to grow at the same rate. Change.

Maybe after a few days or weeks, nothing can be seen.

But if it accumulates over several months or even years, then you will look taller and more mature than your peers..."

Zuo Si very patiently explained the principles of the time converter and the things that need to be paid attention to.

After careful consideration, he decided to hand over the time converter he made to the other party for use.

On the one hand, Hermione is currently in the developmental stage, so it doesn't matter if she spends a year or two faster. Instead, she can quickly accumulate knowledge during the period when her learning ability is strongest.

On the other hand, today's girls are too weak. If they are not strengthened a little, they will not be able to achieve the expected goals.

"Time...time travel? This is too unbelievable!"

Hermione stared at the gadget in her hand and swallowed subconsciously.

"It's not unbelievable. In fact, within the Department of Mysteries of the Ministry of Magic, there is a special place to study time magic. This converter is one of the results of many years of research. Also remember to keep it secret and never tell anyone, because it will This thing is strictly illegal until it is authorized by the Ministry of Magic."

After saying this, Zuo Si picked up the time turner and hung it around the girl's neck.


The time-turner transforms from an hourglass into a stylish amulet.

You don't need to ask to know that this is a disguised illusion magic.

After all, many professors at Hogwarts know about the existence of the time turner. If they discover it, it will cause a series of unnecessary troubles.

Hermione lowered her head and looked at this magical item with magical power. Unable to contain her excitement any longer, Hermione stood on tiptoes and gave Zuo Si a passionate kiss.

After several minutes, the two slowly separated.

Hermione licked her lips with unfinished content, stared at the Netherese scroll placed on the table, and asked in an uncertain tone: "What exactly is this thing? I found that recently, whenever you have free time, Just read what’s above.”

"This is a Netherese scroll, a carrier that records the most primitive theoretical basis of magic in a certain time and space. Anyone who can read it will definitely gain unimaginable and amazing theoretical knowledge, and will also have a better understanding of magic. In-depth understanding." Zuo Si explained concisely.

Through these days of hard study day and night, he has successfully read most of the first chapter of the scroll, which is six of the scrolls, and successfully upgraded the Archmage level to LV5.

As for the extra opportunities to improve arcane spellcasting level, it will be added to the mage profession.

This also means that, including LV6 mages and LV10 mystics, the total level of arcane spellcasting professions has officially crossed LV21 and officially entered the realm of legendary spellcasters.

Among them, the Archmage profession improves the optional advanced arcane abilities. Zuo Si chose [Spell Power], [Spell-like Abilities] and [Arcane Hands].

[Spell Power] is very simple. It means sacrificing a fifth-level spell slot to increase one's effective spell casting level, making all spells more powerful and more difficult for the opponent to resist and save.

[Arcane Hand] sacrifices a seventh-level spell slot to gain the ability to use a mage's hand, instead of completing some magic that requires direct contact with the target to take effect. The longest distance can reach more than 18 meters.

This ability is similar to the [Transmitting Contact] of the Demon Pet.

If you learn to double-cast or even multi-cast, that is, to cast more than two spells at once, the effect will be unexpectedly good.

[Spell-like ability] is a bit more complicated. First, you need to sacrifice a fifth-level spell slot, use an empty spell slot that does not memorize any magic to permanently store a specific spell, and then convert it into a spell-like ability. The ability can be used twice per day.

If you use a high-level spell slot to memorize a low-level spell, you will get additional uses per day.

To give a simple example, if you use a sixth-level spell slot to store third-level magic, then this spell-like ability can be used four times a day instead of twice. If you use a sixth-level or higher spell slot to store it, you can use it six times.

As for the two abilities like [Arcane Fire] and [Counter Spell Control], Zuo Si had no interest in opening his eyes at all.

Because he already has a higher-level silver fire given by the goddess of magic, he naturally looks down on low-level things like arcane fire.

Counter spell control overlapped with the special abilities of the creator profession, so it was ruthlessly eliminated.

As the Archmage profession reached the upper limit of LV5, Zuo Si began to consider whether to develop an advanced profession of arcane spellcasting.

Otherwise, it would be a bit of a waste if all the rewards provided by reading Netheril scrolls are added to the basic mage profession.

In addition, because he has learned and collected a huge amount of magical knowledge from different worlds, even though he has just crossed the legendary threshold, he has up to six legendary spell slots every day.

Counting the [Mummy Dust] and [Great Collapse] that have been researched with huge amounts of money and resources, as well as several super spells transformed from the secret library of the central tower of the floating city, the legendary magic mastered by Zuo Si The total number reached a staggering seven.

You must know that most legendary mages in Faerun can only master one, two, or three legendary magics at best.

Hearing that the origin of the Netherese scroll was so surprising, Hermione suddenly looked curious and subconsciously glanced at the contents.

The next second...

She suddenly felt a strong stabbing pain in her brain, and a large number of indescribable horrific hallucinations appeared in front of her eyes. She immediately fell to the ground and screamed in pain.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!!!!!!"

You don't need to ask to know that the girl's current intelligence level is simply not enough to withstand the erosion of such a huge amount of knowledge and information, and her nose is even bleeding.

Upon seeing this, Zuo Si immediately put away the scroll on the table and at the same time winked at Phoenix beside him.

The latter immediately understood and released the eternal fire to wrap Hermione's entire head.

After a full ten minutes, the reckless girl recovered tremblingly, and asked in a tone full of fear: "Then... what happened to that scroll? I... I felt that there were suddenly many inexplicable things in my mind. knowledge and memory.”

Zuo Si held his forehead and responded in a slightly reproachful tone: "Congratulations, you successfully obtained some extremely precious magic knowledge from the scroll.

But promise me, you won’t do it again next time.

do you know? If someone with insufficient intelligence reads this scroll, they will easily become an idiot or madman under the huge impact of information.

In its original world, no mortal had the ability to read all the knowledge on the Netherese scrolls.

Unless there is guidance from the goddess of magic.

Another thing is to control your strong curiosity. After figuring out the true purpose of something, it is best not to touch it easily, let alone try to read the content.

Compared with other times and places where there are often many books that can control people's minds, tempt people to fall, and even have terrible curses attached to them, the so-called "dangerous" books in the restricted area of ​​Hogwarts are actually nothing at all.

The truly dangerous stuff is like this Netherese scroll that can kill you just by looking at it. "

At this moment, Hermione also saw the area around her mouth and nose, as well as the large areas of her clothes that were dyed red. She immediately realized how much blood she had just lost, and nodded with fear: "I understand. Thank you for saving me just now." .”

"You're welcome. With our relationship, even if you die accidentally, I will do everything possible to revive you."

Zuo Si pulled the girl up from the ground, waved his wand and cast a cleaning spell to clean up the blood on the two of them.

"We will be together forever, right?" Hermione hugged Zuo Si tightly and asked without raising her head.


Zuo Si kissed the girl gently on her forehead.

With high emotional intelligence, he knows better than anyone else that no matter what he thinks in his heart, he must not hesitate at this time and must give a positive answer as soon as possible.

After this lesson, Hermione finally became wary of other worlds and did not dare to touch those things that Zuo Si had brought from other worlds.

At the same time, far away in the shell ship under the Ashkatra Mage Tower in Faerûn.

The three Isadoras stood in a row, watching the other one take off all the clothes on his body, slowly walked into the brain pool under the instructions of the mind flayer, and allowed himself to be captured by the tentacles controlled by the master brain, and then pulled in Deep in the gap between the brain thalamus.

There was no resistance or struggle throughout the process.

"Is... is this really okay? Soss won't be angry if he finds out, right?" The shy Isadora stammered and asked.

"Don't worry, we are doing all this for Soth. It is an expression of our deep love for him. He will not blame us." Another Isadora next to her comforted her in a very calm tone.

The third Isadora snorted coldly and said with a look of jealousy: "This guy is really cunning! He actually wants to use this method to prevent his personality from being swallowed up and follow Solo forever as an independent existence. Si’s side.”

"No way. Of the four of us, she is the only one most suitable to replace the mastermind's consciousness." The second Isadora shrugged helplessly.

"Keep quiet! The ceremony has begun!" the Mind Flayer reminded, waving its tentacles.

In just a few seconds. A powerful psychic energy spurted out from the brain pool, covering the entire room.

The powerful destructive power tore apart several goblins imprisoned as food in cages at the door in just an instant.

They didn't even understand what was going on. The whole body suddenly exploded from the inside, and bright red flesh and internal organs were scattered everywhere. The scene was extremely bloody.

However, the three Isadoras and the Mind Flayer were not affected.

At this moment, their bodies were all shining with the brilliance of spiritual energy, and they were obviously protected in advance.

"Attention! The battle for consciousness has just begun! Everyone suppresses the mastermind as much as possible to ensure that it cannot concentrate."

The Mind Flayer gave orders to the three Isadoras through a telepathic connection.

The latter didn’t hesitate at all!

Almost at the same time, he released his psychic energy, forcing the mastermind to use part of his power for defense.

After all, the psychic powers released by the three Isadoras together were enough to threaten its life and death.

In the room where the entire brain pool is located, you can see with the naked eye the blue lights flashing in the air from time to time, colliding with each other, and then releasing an astonishingly powerful mind blast.

You must know that psionic energy is not like arcane energy and can often be easily captured.

Just the opposite!

The former will only become visible if it is powerful enough.

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom!

Along with the surging energy and the soul-shaking loud noise, there was finally a relatively violent reaction in the brain.

To be precise, the mastermind accelerated the speed of devouring Isadora's body.

I saw that from the cortical surface of this enlarged version of the human brain, tiny tentacles suddenly grew densely and numerously, and began to crazily dismember the latter's body.

After a while, the girl's fair skin and alluring curves that could make men have endless reveries were swallowed up, revealing a large area of ​​white bones. It looked like she wouldn't be able to hold on for long.

But what is incredible is that at this moment, her psychic powers have not weakened, but are getting stronger, directly suppressing the consciousness of the master brain.

One minute……

ten minutes……

half an hour...

When Isadora's body that entered the brain pool completely disappeared from this world, the fierce confrontation finally stopped, followed by a voice that suddenly echoed in everyone's minds.

"I am Isadora. I successfully swallowed the master brain's consciousness. From now on, I am the master brain!"


Both the mind flayer responsible for presiding over the ceremony and the other three Isadoras breathed a sigh of relief.

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