A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 370 The Fourth Disaster Comes (Please subscribe to the 10,000-word chapter)

How to greatly improve the work enthusiasm of a group of people?

The answer is to provide the most basic living security first, and then deliberately make the free food not very tasty, and the conditions of the free dormitory are also a bit uncomfortable.

In this way, they will have enough motivation to make money desperately, buy food that is more in line with their own tastes, change to a more comfortable house that requires paying rent, or go further to enjoy the extremely developed world outside three hundred years later. Future world life.

And because when dealing with these "players", Zuo Si deliberately reversed the virtual world and the real world, making them think that virtuality is reality and reality is virtuality.

This results in a large number of "player" groups, which will become the most important ballast stone in the future economic cycle system of the floating city world.

Because no matter what kind of treasures and artifacts they obtain during their missions and adventures, or how much wealth they earn, they will exchange a large part of them into the currency used in the "Infinite City" in order to satisfy their "reality" Material and spiritual enjoyment in life.

During this exchange process, Zuo Si actually used some false illusions created by the mastermind Isadora to easily recover the real gold and silver currencies issued without paying any price.

To put it simply, it is to first use the "player" group to create value and wealth, let them perform various dangerous tasks that may lead to death, and then use the method of reversing virtuality and reality to get back the rewards issued.

Through this positive cycle, not only can "players" get unprecedented satisfaction, but at the same time, thousands of high-quality laborers who are educated and have certain skills can be obtained for free.

Finally, the ultimate goal of repeatedly cutting leeks is achieved by using a sustainable method of fishing.

It is not difficult to see from the system design alone that Zuo Si's understanding of personal psychology and social psychology has reached an astonishing level, and he can use it as a tool to control other people's thoughts and behaviors, making them unconsciously In this situation, he becomes a chess piece in his own hands.

Right now in the virtual world "Infinite City", since the first batch of residents ate the so-called "nutritional meal", almost every one of them has complained about its bad taste and disgusting texture.

"Fake! That thing is just a piece of shit! It's a hundred times more disgusting than the worst military ration I've ever eaten! It can't be called food at all!" The strong white man cursed softly through gritted teeth.

Although he had already expected that free things would not be much better, he still underestimated someone's lower limit.

Especially the colorful and sticky paste made this man who was used to eating large pieces of beef and fried chicken almost want to die.

If he wasn't so hungry that he couldn't eat anymore, he would even refuse to eat.

The Asian next to him resisted the desire to join in the complaints, and comforted him with a wry smile: "Look at it, man. At least according to the introduction, these nutritious meals are scientifically formulated, and eating one serving can meet the needs of the human body. The most important thing is The best thing is that it’s completely free, and penniless poor people like us don’t seem to have a second option.”

"Damn it! I have never been so eager to go to work and make money right now! Not for anything else, just to have a bite of something that can be called food, instead of those shit-like mush. Oh, by the way, it's better to return the favor. Can I have another bottle of cold beer?" The strong white man's tone was full of yearning for a better life.

"Hopefully everything will be fine."

Another Latina girl grimaced and sighed slightly.

Because they deliberately created an atmosphere of sympathy for each other, these first batch of new residents of Infinite City quickly broke the shackles of race and established initial friendships with people of similar age and personality around them.

After all, humans are social, group creatures, with an innate desire to communicate with fellow humans.

But in this so-called world three hundred years from now, everything around them is unfamiliar to them, especially those "future people" created with virtual illusions, who are always talking about terms they don't understand at all. and statements.

Therefore, communication with future people often means huge communication barriers.

The only people they can communicate with are the "old popsicles" around them who have been sleeping for three hundred years like themselves, which invisibly strengthens their sense of identity.

You don't need to ask to know that this is also part of Zuo Si's careful design, which is to enhance the unity within the player group so that they can have good teamwork capabilities when they gather together on a large scale in the future.

Soon, under the guidance of the mastermind Isadora, the first batch of players lay down in the life support warehouse full of science fiction.

After a while, the mastermind Isadora transferred their consciousness into the clone cultivation center in the floating city.

It is different from those high-level talents who use the characteristics of various powerful racial genes to strengthen their bodies.

Although the player's body has been strengthened to a certain extent, it still follows the principles of low cost, fast cultivation, and large amounts of supplementation. In essence, it does not break away from the category of "cannon fodder."

And in order to increase the fun and do some interesting biological experiments, Zuo Si specifically allows these players to select different races in the "Create Character Interface", and then add up to two or more other bloodlines.

Each additional bloodline will produce different changes in appearance, attributes and unknown special abilities.

For example, if you choose a human and join the orc lineage, your strength attributes will be strengthened and you will be able to see objects clearly even at night, but your appearance will become very ugly and your charm attributes will also be reduced;

Charm is directly related to the initial favorability of all NPCs in the "game world", and even the price of purchasing supplies and selling loot.

For example, if you join the troll bloodline, you can gain strength and rapid regeneration, but the price is that you will develop uncomfortable sarcomas on your body, your charm attribute will be reduced, and you will gain two weaknesses: fire and acid.

As for special abilities, they will be slowly awakened and manifested after these players reach a certain level.

In about a few minutes, after the clones they selected were transformed, they were fished out of the mucus one by one by tentacles covered with suction cups like giant octopuses, and thrown into a pool connected to the water elemental plane for cleaning. Then he put on a black smock with the logo of the floating city on it.

After all this was done, psychic signals emitting blue light fell from the sky.

With a slight twitch, the first batch of players finally descended into the world.

"This...is this a virtual world? It's too real! Taste, smell, touch, vision and hearing, everything is just like reality. It's unbelievable! No wonder it's become a second home!"

A young and beautiful elf girl quickly got up from the ground, first touched herself from head to toe, and then tried to touch the huge tentacle growing from the wall, but was mercilessly beaten by the tentacle. Gently push it away.

"Lying grass! Awesome!"

"It is indeed the future technology three hundred years from now!"

"Gan! Being able to play such a game, even if it means being frozen for three hundred years, no, five hundred years is worth it."

"Oh! You can make money while playing games? How cool!"

"Look at the giant moving octopus tentacles. I don't know how it tastes when it's cut off and stir-fried."

"No, no, no! Things like tentacles must be made into takoyaki to be delicious!"

"Stop it, buddy. I guarantee that with the terrifying power that tentacle possesses, you will be beaten to a pulp before you even get close."

"By the way, does anyone know where we are? How to play the game next?"

"Idiot! Didn't you read the instructions, background story and code of conduct just now? Our game character was born in a place called Plantia Floating City, and was created by the magician here. As for how to play the game, of course, wait The mages of the floating city issue tasks, and then make them become more and more powerful through the actions of the players."

"Tch! No serious person would look at these things."

It has to be said that the chaotic characteristics, unexpectedness and unpredictability inherent in the player group are immediately apparent from the moment they enter this world.

Some guys who were overly excited even fearlessly approached the giant tentacles that could easily kill them, touching and patting them, and three or five of them went to bite them directly to get a taste.

Others scooped up the viscous liquid in the pool with their hands to preserve the clones so that they would not lose their activity, put it into their mouths, tasted it, and then were so disgusted by the bad taste that they fell to the ground and vomited crazily.

As for taking off the blouse and running naked to release the natural neurosis, there are even more.

A handful of perverts even hid in the corner and played games that were physically stronger than their own, causing several female players who accidentally saw them to scream and yell at them loudly.

You must know that in the 1990s, the electronic game industry on earth was still in its infancy, and Internet games did not even exist.

So all this is nothing short of a miracle to them.

If the part about religious beliefs had not been completely erased, 80% of the time there would be many people kneeling down to pray to the gods they believed in.

Of course, thanks to the lack of experience in Internet games, this group of players did not do too many tricks. At best, they were just venting their inner excitement in ways that normal people could not understand.

Seeing these familiar and friendly actions and reactions, Zuo Si, who was sitting on the throne in the central tower, could not help but slightly raise the corners of his mouth with a nostalgic expression.

However, in order to prevent the chaos from spreading, he immediately winked at Vanessa, who was usually responsible for managing things in the floating city.

The latter understood it and immediately issued orders to the constructs that had been placed at the exits of various clone cultivation centers.

About three to five seconds later, these behemoths, which were more than four meters tall, made of metal from top to bottom, and covered with complex magic lines, opened the closed door and walked in.


The players who were still messing around one second became silent the next second.

To be precise, I was shocked by this creation that condensed the beauty of technology and powerful magical power.

You must know that the constructs and golems that Zuo Si mass-produced in the floating city are not clumsy works like those in Faerun that are roughly modeled after humanoid creatures, look bulky and stupid, and can only move.

Just the opposite!

He made full reference to some mechanical design principles. Not only does he have a more stable center of gravity and the functions of deformation and replacement of parts that ordinary structures do not have, but he is also more pleasing to the eye in appearance.

"Everyone, please come with me. Your Excellency Soth, the supreme Lord of the Floating City, is already waiting for you."

The golem explained to the players in a low and emotionless voice.

The players didn't have time to think too much. They all followed the footsteps of this behemoth and walked out of the slightly dim building along the tunnels extending in all directions.

When they saw with their own eyes the majestic city that had been redesigned, with thousands of magic towers reaching into the sky, they couldn't help but fall into a daze.

Especially after realizing that this huge city was floating thousands of meters in the sky, the indescribable feeling of shock reached its peak.

You can even clearly see the process of rapid expansion, contraction, re-expansion, and re-contraction of the pupil in each person's eyes.

The heart beats at almost three times the normal rate.

The muscles all over the body were subconsciously tense and accompanied by heavy sweating.

Although cognitively, this group of players already knew that everything they saw was a "virtual illusion", the unparalleled sense of reality made their subconscious regard it as a real world.

After all, human perception of the surroundings is mainly accomplished through sensory organs such as vision, hearing, taste, smell, and touch.

So when technology reaches the point where it can perfectly deceive the senses, the boundaries between reality and virtuality will naturally become blurred, or even completely confused.

"Hey! Look! What is the giant cylinder on the floating island over there? Is it a big...cannon?"

A player who chose the race of dwarf pointed at the first-generation Behemoth-class electromagnetic gun in the distance and exclaimed loudly.

no way!

This thing is so conspicuous, so conspicuous that it can be seen at first glance without anything blocking it.

After all, it was a super weapon that was more than five hundred meters long and looked like a thick metal pillar.

In particular, the muzzle of the cannon was black enough to easily fit an entire train of trucks, and the cannonballs placed next to it like a hill, completely overturned the earth's understanding of weapons like "cannons."


Many players swallowed their saliva subconsciously.

Too scary!

Anyone with a little bit of scientific knowledge will understand that the power and killing radius of a long-range projection weapon of this length and caliber can be astonishing in one shot.

As a veteran who had joined the army and had actual combat experience, the strong white man who named himself Jack was obviously very interested in the giant electromagnetic gun. He immediately touched his Asian companion with his elbow and asked in a low voice. Said: "Don't you think the mechanism of these super cannons is a bit strange?"

"Hmm! It's indeed very strange. If nothing else, they should all be electromagnetic guns manufactured through the principle of electromagnetic acceleration."

The Asian, who also had a new name named "Wu Sheng", immediately made a judgment based on his professional knowledge.

"Electric...electromagnetic gun? Are you sure!" Jack opened his mouth in surprise.

You must know that in the 1990s, although this kind of weapon did have an experimental product due to the massive investment in the Star Wars project, its power was only so-so, and it was still far from being used in actual combat.

But the behemoth electromagnetic gun in front of him is obviously not that kind of thing.

This can be glimpsed from the piles of terrifying artillery shells weighing hundreds or even thousands of tons and as big as a house.

Wu Sheng nodded without thinking: "Very sure.

Because with the weight of these shells, it is almost impossible to rely on the thrust generated by chemical explosions to send them more than ten kilometers or even dozens of kilometers away.

The destructive force produced by the explosion of hundreds of kilograms of propellant alone is enough to tear the barrel into pieces.

And did you notice the thick cable running into the back of the barrel?

Only electromagnetic guns require input of such a huge amount of power. "

"Unbelievable! So what do you think are contained in those cannonballs painted with different colors? Explosives? Incendiary? Or poison gas?" Jack licked his lips and continued to ask.

Wu Sheng touched his chin and thought for a moment, then quickly shook his head with a smile: "I don't know. Don't forget, we are in a magical world created through virtual reality technology.

Here, the rules of physics on Earth don't necessarily apply, and magic is something we've never seen before.

But I can guarantee that, as a defensive and offensive weapon for this giant city floating in the sky, its power is far greater than any conventional weapon we know.

If you happen to be within the killing radius of the shell by accident, there probably won't even be any residue or minced meat left. "

Jack laughed happily when he heard this: "Hahahaha! Hearing what you said, I am looking forward to the spectacular sight of this big baby roaring.

do you know?

I am different from normal people. I particularly like war and killing.

In order to get a legal killing license, I would choose to join the army as a soldier.

But I hate bullying the weak and massacring civilians. I prefer to fight against the strong and enjoy the excitement of brushing against death in a hail of bullets.

Later, after retiring, he took the initiative to become a mercenary.

Before, I was worried about whether I could adapt to a peaceful life three hundred years from now.

But now, I'm not worried at all.

Although it is impossible to enjoy the fun of war and killing in the real world, it can be achieved in the virtual world.

The most important thing is that I smell the same scent in you as myself.

If you guessed it correctly, you should have participated in extremely tragic wars and become irresistibly addicted to that feeling, right? "

As these words blurted out, Wu Sheng, who had always looked harmless to humans and animals, suddenly had a frightening cold light in his eyes. He raised his head and asked, "Can you see this?"

"Of course I can see it. Although you try your best to restrain yourself, when you look at me, you always turn your attention to the heart, kidneys, liver, lower body, neck, eyes and other fatal parts immediately. Since we are all in the same category, why not go together? How about teaming up? Compared to those guys who haven’t figured out the situation yet, I think the two of us should be able to seize some opportunities.”

Jack reached out and extended an invitation to form a team.

Having been a mercenary, he knows better than anyone that no matter how outstanding his combat effectiveness is, he still needs the help and cover of his companions in many cases.

Therefore, after waking up, I have been looking for suitable candidates and forming an elite team to challenge the most dangerous and rewarding tasks.

"Okay. But we agreed in advance that we are just working together as a team. I am not your subordinate."

Wu Sheng thought for a moment and quickly proposed an exchange condition.

"No problem! I believe we will get along very happily."

In this way, the first two-person team among the players was formed on the way to the central tower.

In addition to the two of them, there are also some players who realize the importance of teamwork and have begun to form groups.

When they arrived in front of the throne in the central tower, almost one-third had formed or joined a small team, and the remaining two-thirds, excluding a very few "lone wolves", also had similar ideas.

Appreciating the messy group of guys in front of him who were discussing non-stop, Zuo Si immediately winked at the summoned dragons standing on both sides of the hall.

The next second...


The roar and power of the two giant dragons instantly scared these novices who had not yet obtained professional levels into silence, and they couldn't help but tremble.

Some of those with poor psychological quality even knelt on the ground with a plop, their upper and lower teeth chattering like chaff.

There is no doubt that Zuo Si used the simplest and most brutal way to give players an impressive start.

Before these ordinary souls from the earth could react to what was happening, two giant dragons exuding a powerful aura knelt down in the most humble posture and allowed a human who looked too young to step on their heads. He walked down from the throne with a slow and oppressive pace.

Not only the dragons, but also the giant construct golems around, the terrifying corpse-embedded giants, as well as mind flayers, beholders, lichs, dark elves, gray dwarves, giants, trolls, ogres, etc. Races, as well as the Barlow Balrog, Six-Armed Snake Demon, and Succubus who were specially summoned to support the scene, all knelt neatly on both sides in a row.




Every time Zuo Si steps down a flight of stairs, these players will feel their hearts beating violently.

Soon, they realized that the young human in front of them was the supreme master of the floating city of Plantia in the background, and he was also his own creator and master.

So they all knelt down on one knee as required in the rule book to express respect and obedience.

Of course, all these arrangements are also the application of social psychology.

The purpose is to establish an absolute central authority among the player group, so that it will be less likely to cause major chaos in management in the future.

Seeing that his goal had been achieved, Zuo Si stopped and started pretending to recite the lines he had prepared in advance.

“The world has just experienced an unprecedented disaster.

The terrible magical plague killed almost more than 90% of the population, causing the once prosperous empire and civilization to fall into darkness.

The reason why I chose to create you is to end all this, rekindle the fire of civilization, and create a great country that is even more brilliant than before.

Similarly, I also believe that you will not betray my trust and continue to contribute your wisdom and strength in this process.

In return!

I will give you great power!

Endless wealth!

Power over ordinary people!

Fearless warriors!

Please stand up now!

Lift your head and look into my eyes!

Tell me whether you have the confidence to overcome all difficulties, defeat all enemies blocking the way forward, and smash all obstacles one by one?

Are you willing to follow me to those unknown and dangerous worlds to obtain the resources we need?

Are you willing to carve your name on the huge immortal monument in the central square of the floating city and become a great hero praised by everyone? "

"Yes! We are willing!"

"For the great empire!"

"For the glory of the Floating City of Plantia!"

"To rekindle the fire of civilization!"

"For the Supreme Lord!"

As the emotions on the scene were fully aroused, these players, without exception, roared at the top of their lungs, fully immersing themselves in the roles they played.

Since they knew nothing about magic, they didn't even notice that the chandelier inlaid with countless gems above the hall was emitting a strange light.

You don't need to ask to know that the function of this device is to exert a very powerful group psychological suggestion on the "leeks" below, so that they can identify with the identity of residents of the floating city.

"Very good! I feel your determination.

But in order to adapt to the dangerous world outside, you first need to receive some training.

Next, the construct will take you to some specialized schools and training grounds.

There, you can choose to be a warrior, ranger, rogue, druid, mage, sorcerer, creator, bard, cleric, monk, or barbarian warrior.

Only after passing the graduation assessment will you be allowed to leave the floating city.

Of course, during this period, everyone can do some work within their ability in the floating city based on the knowledge they have mastered, in order to earn the necessary expenses for daily life.

Finally, I wish you a smooth and happy start. "

After saying this, Zuo Si returned to the throne and waved gently.

After a while, the construct took this group of players who had quietly completed the brainwashing to the next stop - the academy.

After everyone had gone away, Zuo Si smiled and asked Vanessa, who was standing next to him: "How is it? My acting skills are pretty good, right?"

"Perfect! I believe that after experiencing all this, those souls from another world will soon become a trump card in our hands. Because they have no fear and are not afraid of death."

The Lich raised his lips with an expectant smile.

You must know that these first batch of players have gone through a very strict selection process. They are either veterans who have experienced wars and can kill efficiently without any psychological barriers, or they are senior skilled workers who have mastered certain professional knowledge and technology, or they are terminally ill. A talented boy or girl who died young.

In short, the souls of ordinary people after death are not even qualified to be screened.

"Remember, if these people are not necessary, do not use coercive means, but try to guide them as much as possible. For example, if you set a relatively high reward on some dangerous tasks, they will naturally rush to do it. ." Zuo Si reminded meaningfully.

As the fourth natural disaster plan begins, in the next month, there will be between 5,000 and 10,000 players in the floating city.

After about one and a half to two months, they will successfully obtain the virtual professional level of LV10 under strict training, which is equivalent to the real professional level of LV1.

This means that finding a new time and space with appropriate difficulty for players to practice their skills must be put on the agenda.

But the question is, among the worlds known to Zuo Si, which one is suitable for a group of players who have just obtained professional levels to explore?

Obviously, the universe where the world of Toril is located, with its many gods, demons, demons, and celestial beings, is absolutely inappropriate.

By the same token, the plane of Zendikar is located in a universe with many planeswalkers, which is also inappropriate.

So he must find a world with magical energy from his memory as the initial testing ground.

The first one that came under consideration was Middle-earth from The Lord of the Rings .

If you judge purely by the number, scale and combat effectiveness of the dark legions composed of evil creatures in this world such as orcs, wargs, flying dragons, etc., it is indeed a pretty good choice.

Just through war and killing, enough energy can be collected, allowing players to quickly grow in strength.

But the problem is that the world of Lord of the Rings has a large number of real gods.

Despite the fact that in the original story, the most powerful gods barely showed up from beginning to end, only a few weaker gods and demigods such as Morgoth and Sauron were causing trouble.

But God knows how those more powerful gods would react upon discovering the alien invaders.

So not surprisingly, he was eliminated first.

As for the second one that is included in the reference, it is the planet where Song of Ice and Fire is located.

Unlike the World of the Ring, the biggest advantage here is that there are no very obvious signs of divine activity. Even some so-called "miracles" may be nothing more than some unique magical power in essence.

And even if there is a true god who cannot bestow magical powers on a large scale to believers and can only show miracles on a very few people, then their power must be very weak, so weak that they can be easily killed by Zuo Si.

In addition, several continents in this world are prone to frequent wars. Whether you join any of the forces or simply separate and stand on your own, you will not worry about running out of wars to fight.

But everything has pros and cons.

The shortcoming of the world of A Song of Ice and Fire is its generally low combat effectiveness. Even Gregor Clegane, known as the "Magic Mountain", would probably have a hard time defeating a fully armed ogre or hill giant.

The only supernatural creatures are a few fire-breathing dragons with low intelligence levels, whose scales cannot even protect against giant unenchanted crossbow arrows.

Perhaps the only one worth watching is the Night King north of the Great Wall, and his army of corpses.

In contrast, the third world under consideration - "The King of the Undead" - is much more interesting.

First of all, it's a place that bears a lot of similarities to Toril.

Including the professions, abilities, monsters and numerous level magics brought by players of the parallel earth "World Tree" game, the corresponding prototypes can be found in Faerun.

Secondly, there is also no real God in this world.

The only one close to the power of a god is the Dragon Emperor who summons the player.

Zuo Si, who has many trump cards, is confident that he can defeat or even kill him.

Last but not least, fighting against the traveler players who control the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick is strictly PVP. Regardless of the degree of danger or the emergencies to be dealt with, it is much more difficult than dealing with the PVE behavior of the local indigenous people. .

Regardless of whether they succeed or fail in the end, players can gain a lot of experience from it.

In addition, according to many people's calculations about the character level of the "World Tree" game, the so-called LV100 is only equivalent to LV27 to LV29 in Faerun.

If the situation really gets out of hand, Zuo Si can directly lead the lich in the organization and a large number of summoned creatures to start a group, and use overwhelming absolute power to destroy the big tomb and the many guardians inside.

As for Azeroth, which I have always been thinking about, I'd better forget it until I can get the corresponding time magic to block the perception of the Bronze Dragon Legion.

"First open the world of Song of Ice and Fire as a novice trial, and then open the world of the King of the Undead and let the fourth natural disaster come to bring warmth to the old bones, saving him from having to fight with the air all day long. It is such a happy decision. Already." Zuo Si touched his chin and murmured to himself in a voice that only he could hear.

Of course, exploring two worlds that you've never been to before takes a long time, even for a planeswalker.

Fortunately, the more detailed the world is described in memory, the more able it is to find its true location through the dark void with the help of the power of sparks.

The players obviously didn't know about Zuo Si's arrangement.

At this moment, they were standing in groups at the gates of various colleges, hesitating which one they should choose.

Especially several spellcasting professions, the largest number of players gathered at the door.

After all, in the eyes of most people, mysterious magic is far more interesting than going up and killing people with a sword.

Unfortunately, becoming a spellcaster is not an easy task.

In just a few minutes, more than a dozen players walked out of one of the mage towers, cursing.

Apparently, they failed the most basic entrance test.

Although normally, anyone with normal intelligence can learn to master the power of arcane magic.

However, in order to avoid too many "law barbarians" and waste of resources, Zuo Si deliberately designed a series of sophisticated psychological tests to ensure that all those who did not have the qualifications to be magicians could be eliminated.

As a result, mage has become the profession with the highest threshold, with an elimination rate of over 90%.

Among the one hundred testers, less than ten put on the robes symbolizing apprentices and settled in with an extremely proud attitude.

But what they don't know is that what awaits them will be a longer learning process than other professions. They can't expect to come out of the tower within three months at least.

Of course, those who were eliminated were not discouraged and began to accept the tests of warlocks, druids, bards and priests one by one.

There are also a small number of people who have discovered that creators are a special profession that cannot cast spells, but also possesses powerful magical power and amazing potential, and they choose to join it without hesitation.

Among the many people who were eliminated from the mage test, Jack was undoubtedly the most conspicuous one.

Because of his inherent thinking, he always has a soft spot for pure strength attributes. When creating his character, he chose a hybrid of human + ogre + giant. His height alone is more than two and a half meters tall, and his body is probably full of terrifying sinews. Being able to kill a cow with bare hands doesn't look like the material to become a mage.

A halfling female player next to her who also failed the test and was a little depressed immediately couldn't help laughing when she saw Jack walking out of the tower.

"Hahahaha! Big man, the Mage Tower is not the place you should be. Well, did you see the warriors, barbarian warriors and monk academy over there? That is your final destination."

"I protest! This is naked discrimination! Who stipulates that a mage must be as thin as a bamboo pole, hiding far behind and chanting spells? Can't he carry a war hammer, add strengthening magic to himself, and rush forward to chop down the enemy? Do you want to turn over?" Jack argued with a look of unwillingness.

"Ahem! Man, don't make trouble. I just asked about it. What you are talking about is the priest's fighting style."

Wu Sheng, who was waiting at the door, quickly gave his teammate a hand to avoid embarrassment here.


A confused look came over Jack's face.

Wu Sheng hurriedly explained: "Yes! It means devoutly believing in God, serving God, and receiving the power called divine magic from the God. By the way, how many sensory attributes do you have?"


Since all players can call out the retinal projection formed by psychic energy, Jack opened the attribute panel and took a look at it and immediately gave the answer.

This guy is obviously taking an extreme route. Except for the strength attribute of up to 20 points, the physical attribute of 16 points, and the perception attribute of 15 points, the rest are basically in single digits.

Among them, agility is eight points, intelligence is five points, and charm is three points.

Low agility means bulky and slow response, which is often inversely proportional to the size of the body. The larger the body, the lower the agility, and the smaller the body, the higher the agility.

As for intelligence, although the player's intelligence attribute only represents the potential of his or her brain development, it will not cause mental retardation and the inability to learn any language or writing that would be caused by insufficient intelligence attributes like ordinary people.

But Jack is the only one who can reach such a low level.

And the one with only three points of charm...

Look at his face that looks like the scene of a car accident. No, even the scene of a car accident is several times worse than this. A person with poor mental quality may spit out his overnight meal just by looking at it.

This has gone beyond what can be described as "ugly" in the literal sense, and is closer to a spiritual attack.

The reason why Jack made such a weird thing is to pursue the power beyond the limit. It seems that many people who play games will max out the main attributes and reduce the unimportant attributes to an unbearable level.

"Awesome! What a priest needs is a high perception attribute. As long as you can overcome the psychological barriers and serve the Phoenix God - Benu wholeheartedly, you can obtain the divine magic given by him."

After that, Wu Sheng dragged his companion, who had just reached cooperation, towards the direction of the temple.

Since the Bennu faith has been spreading among the survivors of this world for some time, there are already many believers and priests.

Currently stationed in the floating city is a woman named Monlia who is around fifty years old and has a LV7 priest level. She is currently explaining the teachings of the Phoenix God to those players who have just passed the test.

Some whites and Latinos who already had religious beliefs quickly sensed the existence of God through solemn rituals and established a weak connection with him.

Although this connection is not enough to obtain true magic, it has already changed the surrounding things through a small amount of overflowing divine power.

After all, the biggest difference between a priest and a mage is that the latter gains power through learning, and no one can take it away easily, so the learning process is very long.

But the former is different. As long as you are pious enough and have relatively high perception attributes, you can quickly gain the favor of the gods.

Of course, in addition to the common priests who believe in gods and rely on the power given by gods, there is actually a kind of priest who does not specifically believe in a specific god, but believes in some abstract things, such as some kind of philosophical ideas and truths that exist in the universe. A rare priest who gains divine magic and power from it.

It's just that the latter is much more difficult to obtain power than the former, so it's basically rare to encounter it.

Just when Menglia was happy that she could recruit so many qualified priest apprentices at once, she suddenly felt the ground beneath her feet shaking slightly.

Immediately afterwards, she saw an extremely ugly and huge humanoid monster walking in from the outside, kneeling on the ground with a plop and shouting: "Your Excellency, Your Excellency the Bishop! I want to become a priest of the Phoenix God." !”


Menglia felt like her brain was exploding instantly. She subconsciously raised her head and looked at the statue standing in the center of the temple. She didn't know whether to agree or reject...

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