A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 372 You are already an out-and-out devil (please subscribe to this 10,000-word chapter)

Hunter's Mansion was once the most topical place in Waterdeep City.

It was originally built by a wealthy businessman with aristocratic blood who spent a lot of money. It is said that just to make the dome that shines with golden light, a large amount of purified gold was used, and a mage was asked to enchant it to ensure eternal life. It will not oxidize or fade.

However, I don’t know what the reason was. Not long after this huge house, which was full of luxury, was built, its owner fell ill for no apparent reason and died before the priest arrived.

Since Waterdeep City does not sell a business called "death insurance" like Askatra, which is dominated by the Church of the Goddess of Wealth, Waking, no one holds a resurrection ceremony for it.

As a result, the wealthy businessman's huge fortune, which he had worked hard to save for most of his life, was all benefited by his beautiful wife who had just been married for a short time.

Of course, it is not that no one has suspected that there is something wrong with the death of the wealthy businessman, and it is most likely that he was brutally murdered.

The widow who received a large inheritance out of thin air and completed a class jump naturally became the target of investigation.

Unfortunately, Waterdeep City's law enforcement agencies ultimately failed to find any effective evidence and could only follow legal procedures and hand over all the wealthy businessman's properties to his widow.

After getting all her husband's property, Mrs. Hunter immediately tore off her pitiful disguise and exposed her true nature.

Less than three days after the rich businessman's body was buried, she held a banquet in a luxurious mansion, and all the powerful and not-so-reputable guys in Waterdeep City were invited.

No one knows what exactly happened at this banquet, but according to the descriptions of the surrounding neighbors, men’s wanton laughter and women’s violent breathing and moaning could be faintly heard almost all night long.

Not long after the banquet, Mrs. Hunter became the darling of the upper class. The chamber of commerce left after her husband's death also continued to expand under her management, and now she has become one of the richest people in Waterdeep City.

Moreover, she is also actively involved in politics, and has publicly declared on more than one occasion that she wants to become a member of the Lords of Waterdeep.

Unfortunately, the lord system in Waterdeep City is a secret rule by a selected social elite.

The outside world knows nothing about the selection process, there is no so-called voting and election, and even the identity after becoming a lord is kept secret.

Therefore, Mrs. Hunter's series of statements ultimately failed to achieve the desired results.

But this ambitious woman did not give up, and began to cooperate with the thieves guild, trying to secretly control the bureaucracy and guild system through intimidation, bribery and bribery.

In addition, she also has a behavior that is talked about, that is, she likes to play with those young and handsome teenagers or young people.

First, with their amazing beauty, temperament, charm and skills in bed, they will make the other party fall madly in love with them. After the novelty wears off, they will abandon them mercilessly, admiring these teenagers and young people who are so sad that they even want to commit suicide. The look of pain.

It is said that every year there are a few poor people who cannot bear such a huge mental shock and choose to commit suicide.

However, recently, a young bard named Kels broke this convention.

He even lived in that luxurious mansion for several months without any sign of abandonment.

If you observe carefully, you will also find that Mrs. Hunter actually puts on a flattering look when facing this young man, and is almost obedient to his requests.

Some people say that this is a sign that Mrs. Hunter has fallen in love. The young man named Kers made her lose her mind and become crazy.

Some people also think that Mrs. Hunter is deliberately prolonging the time of playing with her prey, so that the other party can taste ten or even a hundred times the pain and despair after losing everything.

But unfortunately, all these speculations were wrong.

At this moment, the ambitious and famous Mrs. Hunter was kneeling at the feet of "Keers" with an extremely humble, admiring and fanatical attitude, not even daring to raise her head to look at the other person's face.

In contrast, "Keers" looked very relaxed, sitting on a scarlet chair with his chin in his hands, staring out the window with interest.

After a full minute, he slowly asked: "Has my guest not arrived yet?"

"Supreme Lord of the Nine Hells, according to the reports from my spies, Soth has just left the Black Stick Tower and is walking this way. He will appear at the door of the house in no more than five minutes." Mrs. Hunter was careful. responded.

"Have you gone to Kelben Blackstaff and Lyra Silverhand to understand the situation? He is really cautious enough."

Asmodeus, disguised as Kers, pursed his lips and revealed a playful smile. He picked up the cup and took a sip of the dark red wine that looked like blood.

From his eyes that flashed red from time to time, it was easy to tell that he was in a very happy mood right now, and his whole body exuded an aura of filth that could not be described in words.

And this aura directly enveloped the entire house, corroding the minds, thoughts and even souls of all mortals, including the servants and Mrs. Hunter.

If nothing else, they and their descendants will inevitably become devil worshipers.

While alive, he became Baator Hell's spy in Faerûn. After death, his soul will enter Hell and be transformed into a devil of the corresponding level based on his achievements during his lifetime.

In fact, the reason Asmodeus was able to send his consciousness to Faerûn was thanks to the human woman in front of him who desperately longed for power, strength and eternal youth.

It was her killing and sacrificing of Kerth's soul in a sinister ritual that attracted the attention of the Lord of Hell.


The real Bard Kers is long dead.

Even the soul was taken away by Asmodeus as a bargaining chip.

Although he didn't think that Zuo Si's character and evil tendencies would have any irresistible feelings for a teammate who had only experienced one adventure, but there could never be too many chips.

After waiting patiently for a few minutes, until all the red wine in the glass was drunk, the figures of one person and one bear finally appeared at the gate of the house.

The servants who had already received the order did not hesitate for a second. They immediately opened the door and lined up neatly on both sides of the road to bow in greeting.

A female housekeeper who looked like a bit of elven blood walked straight up and said with a smile: "Dear Sir Soth, the master is waiting for you in the reception room on the second floor. Please come with me."

"If you don't mind, can you tell me who the master you are referring to is?" Zuo Si asked with a half-smile.

"It's definitely not Mrs. Hunter anyway. She is just like me now, she is just a servant of that adult." The housekeeper responded meaningfully.

When she said these words, her eyes flashed with a very obvious red light. At the same time, her originally fair skin also showed large red spots, and her nails looked sharp and sharp.


Zuo Si effortlessly identified what these weird features meant.

To put it simply, it is a bit like a sudden drastic change in the natural environment, which will inevitably have an impact on the species living on the land, and even prompt one creature to evolve into another.

The only difference is that outer planes like the Abyss, Hell, and the Mountains of Seven Heavens affect mortals far more quickly and rapidly than natural evolution.

After many people return from a trip to the abyss or purgatory, they will gain some additional resistance and abilities under the influence of a power called "plane will".

But at the same time, the whole person will become more and more cruel, more and more evil, and even the external image will undergo a series of changes, just like the hybrid devil and the hybrid devil, growing horns, tails and wings.

Generally speaking, the more seriously corroded and depraved it is, the more similar its appearance will be to demons and devils.

According to the game, it is equivalent to adding an extra abyss or purgatory template to yourself.

Some spellcasters who specialize in this area have even developed corresponding advanced professions - "Descendants of Purgatory" or "Descendants of the Abyss".

When upgrading, you can not only obtain the corresponding spell slots and spellcasting levels normally, but also obtain a series of additional powers.

For example, descendants of purgatory can make their skin harder like a devil. When upgrading, they often gain various additional basic attributes and resistances, and can even inject the evil power of hell's breath into the spells they cast. middle.

In short, in the continent of Faerûn, which is full of supernatural powers, whether it is gods, demons, devils or celestial beings, they have never been stingy in giving power to mortals.

Therefore, after mortals gain power, they often have particularly fanatical worship of the source that gives them power.

Because this is a very typical "positive feedback" loop.

Not to mention Faerun, where communication technology is relatively backward, this situation would not be much different even in the earth's information age where the Internet is widespread.

Maybe modern earthlings will be crazier than the indigenous residents of Faerûn.

After all, although the devils are evil, the power they give is real.

In addition, there is a strong desire for self-transcendence in the human subconscious, so few people can resist the temptation to become a "superman".

It is obvious that all the mortals in this house have been corrupted by the breath of hell and have become its willing minions in the material world.

What's even more frightening is that this result is not intentional, it is just an unintentional impact of Asmodeus on the surrounding environment, even plants and animals are no exception.

It is foreseeable that if he lives here for more than ten years or even decades, the entire City of Waterdeep may fall.

But Zuo Si is not worried about the future of Waterdeep City.

Because he knew that a king of hell with infinite wisdom and deep scheming like Asmodeus would never risk offending the gods or even the god Io to corrupt an important city like Waterdeep.

Even if you do it, you won't do it yourself, but will let other devil dukes and dimension lords execute it on your behalf.

The other party has only one purpose for this trip, and that is to meet him.

Passing through the stairs and corridors covered with expensive handmade carpets, Zuo Si was quickly led by the housekeeper to the reception room.

As soon as he walked in, he saw Asmodeus, disguised as a bard, sitting on a dark red chair, with his hands folded on his chest, and an invisible expression on his face. Smile.

As for Mrs. Hunter, who was standing aside and serving, she could no longer be called a human being, but should be called a half-devil.

I saw that she was wearing a low-cut long skirt made of black and red translucent tulle. There was no fabric covering her back to her waist. A large area of ​​her skin was exposed to the air, and a pair of short cyan nipples grew on her forehead. The horns, a smooth and slender tail extend from the bottom of the skirt, tightly wrapped around the calf, exuding a strong aura of decadence and temptation from top to bottom.

The moment Zuo Si stepped into the room, Asmodeus stood up from the chair, opened his arms and sighed in an aria-like tone: "Ah! You are finally here, my dear friend.

do you know?

Since I became aware of your existence, I have fantasized more than once about the scene when we first met and what we talked about.

Because this is very likely to have a major impact on the hell plane and even the entire multiverse.

In fact, I have made a lot of efforts in order to meet today, but unfortunately they all failed in the end.

And some of these behaviors also make you feel unnecessary vigilance and disgust.

I deeply regret this and offer you my sincerest apology.

Don't resent Dispater, he was just following orders. "

It has to be said that as the Lord of Hell who stands at the pinnacle of all devils, Asmodeus is full of charm that cannot be described in words, both in his words and in his actions.

Just look at the excited reactions of Mrs. Hunter and the housekeeper, and you will know that every move he makes seems to produce powerful magical effects like suggestion.


Zuo Si was the chosen one of the two goddesses, and he still had some transformed divine power in his body. He was in a daze for just a moment, but he immediately regained consciousness, then narrowed his eyes and cautiously asked: "Where is the real Kers? Could it be that his soul has been reincarnated into a devil?"

"Please rest assured that your friend's soul is currently being kept in an absolutely safe place. When our conversation is over, I will give him to you as a gift." Asmodeus vowed to Guarantee.

But what surprised him was that Zuo Si, instead of showing the slightest happiness when he heard the news, corrected him expressionlessly: "First of all, Kers is not my friend, he is just a person who has collaborated on adventures." companion.

Secondly, I don't care about his life or death or whose soul is in whose hands.

Because if you use your brain a little, you will know that all of this must be the serious consequence of his failure to control his lower body. It is completely his own fault and no one else can blame him.

I have no responsibility or obligation to deal with the aftermath for him.

Finally, and the most important purpose of this trip is to stop writing those embarrassing crappy books, which caused me a lot of trouble. "

"Hahahaha! It's a very cold and selfish statement, but I like it."

Asmodeus couldn't help laughing, while his eyes showed naked and undisguised appreciation.

But soon, he suddenly changed the subject and asked directly: "Do you know why I am so eager to meet you?"

"You want to get my power?"

Zuo Si asked in an uncertain tone.

But Asmodeus shook his head slightly: "No, my young friend, you think of me too superficially.

It is true that your ability to travel through time and space without restriction is indeed urgently needed by the army of hell.

But compared with your soul, which shines with the deep evil light, and the thoughts bred in it, the former is nothing. "

"I don't understand what you mean. Can you explain it?" Zuo Si frowned subconsciously.

"Of course there is no problem. But before I explain, I want to confirm one thing first. How much do you know about the will of the plane?"

A frightening red light flashed in Asmodeus's eyes.

Zuo Si touched his chin and thought for a moment, then quickly replied: "Plane will is a relatively abstract thing.

It is divided into many types.

Some of them are some kind of self-protection mechanism produced by countless lives and souls coming together;

Some are the will of the planet or the will of the world that arises where the plane is born;

Others are simply the creators and managers of the plane themselves;

Generally speaking, the planar will of the material plane usually does not have a too strong tendency, but will always remain neutral.

But the outer plane is just the opposite.

In particular, the most well-known will of the abyss plane can even have a huge impact on demon lords and even demon princes.

This is why almost all high-level demons are desperately digging for the secrets of the abyss, eager to gain more favor from the will of the abyss. "

There is no doubt that knowledge about the will of the plane is relatively scarce in the worlds of Faerûn and the Floating City.

The reason is very simple!

It is simply too abstract, too complex, and too difficult to detect and understand.

Especially the outer plane often has characteristics different from the material plane, as well as a space that can extend infinitely and never end.

If knowledge such as advanced mathematics and high-energy physics, which are already very difficult to understand in the eyes of ordinary people, is set as difficulty one, then the difficulty of knowledge about plane will is one hundred, one thousand, or even ten thousand.

As the first tanar'ri demon created by the strongest Lord Obiris, Queen of Chaos, Demogorgon, now one of the three giants of the abyss and dubbed the "Demon Prince", is old and powerful enough, right? ?

But even if he digs out the secrets of the ancient abyss in the palace of the saltwater swamp every day, he only masters less than one-tenth of it.

As for the secrets held by other demon lords, they are even less than a few tenths of Demogorgon's.

Since there is a secondary six-armed snake demon lord imprisoned in his mage tower, and he has also obtained a large number of secrets about the abyss through torture and interrogation day and night, Zuo Si has a clearer and deeper understanding of the will of the plane than others. Cognition.

Understand that this is a power above the gods, and it is also the embodiment of some ultimate rules.

Whether they are mortals or gods, they can only obey and use the will of the plane, but cannot truly obtain it or control it.

"Not bad! Your knowledge of planes is much better than I thought."

A satisfied expression appeared on Asmodeus's face, and he continued to talk to himself: "The will of the plane, especially the will of the outer plane, is often a projection of spirit and belief, and without exception it has Strong camp tendencies.

This also means that if an outer plane obtains a soul that perfectly meets its own standards in terms of spirit and will, then the power it represents will expand on a large scale.

In the same way, this soul will also be favored by the will of the plane, thereby gaining greater power and authority than other souls that enter that plane.

And you, my young friend, are the one the hell plane has been waiting for and longing for.

Your behavior, thoughts, will, philosophy, and values ​​are all in perfect harmony with the hell plane, and you are even more like a devil than most devils. "

"So... your purpose is to invite me to join Hell?" Zuo Si raised his eyebrows in disbelief.

He never expected that the Lord of the Nine Hells would waste so much energy just to get him to join the gang.

"Haha, it's not just as simple as inviting and joining. I want you to be my deputy, the crown prince of Baator Hell who is inferior to one person and surpasses ten thousand people. What do you think, is this a good proposal?"

There was a hint of temptation in Asmodeus's tone.

Zuo Si hesitated for a moment, then quickly shook his head and refused: "Sorry. Although your proposal is quite exciting, I haven't lived enough yet, and I have no interest in letting my soul fall into hell and become a devil for the time being."

"Hahahaha! No, no, no, I think you seem to have misunderstood something."

When Asmodeus heard this, he couldn't help laughing immediately, and while laughing, he explained: "I don't need you to die immediately, and then your soul will fall into hell and be transformed into a devil.

Instead, I hope to sign a contract to ensure that no matter where you die unexpectedly and there is no means of resurrection, your soul will eventually return to hell, your true hometown.

What's more, what do you think the devil is?

Is it simply a change in external form such as growing wings, horns, tail, red skin or scales?


The real devil is never the appearance, but the heart, the mind, and the unswerving belief that everything you do is right.

In comparison, the justice and kindness preached and advocated by those good gods are nothing more than weak and hypocritical things.

In this regard, you have already become an out-and-out devil.

Especially when playing with people's hearts and human weaknesses, even the lords on many levels need to learn from you.

A philosopher who fell into hell once said that true lawful evil is never simply about realizing ambitions or satisfying desires, but about awakening the hidden and sleeping dark side in human hearts, making them unconscious. Become a devil.

You have unparalleled talents, abilities and skills in this area, but you are still a little bit unable to let go.

But it doesn't matter, I believe things will change soon after you get used to your new identity. "

"Is this a compliment?" Zuo Si asked with his mouth twitching.

Asmodeus nodded without hesitation and responded: "Of course, my dear friend.

This is the highest level of praise a devil can give to another devil.

Moreover, your joining will greatly strengthen the hell plane, and even create at least a new level out of thin air.

Of course, according to the laws and rules of hell, you will become the undisputed lord of the new level and gain absolute dominance. "

"I need a moment to think about it."

Zuo Si did not insist on refusing this time, but chose the procrastination technique.

Without him, the Lord of Nine Hells in front of me really gave him too much.

What's more, as Asmodeus said, this contract is just an insurance policy and will only take effect after actual death.

In addition, he also wanted to experience for himself what the blessing of the will of the plane was like.

Why, after gaining this kind of power, the Lords of the Abyss and the Lords of the Hell Level can face off against the gods on their own territory without losing.

"no problem!

In fact, this contract cannot be signed in the material world at all, but must go to the deepest level of hell - Nasus to sign it before it will take effect.

When you think about it, activate this mark. I will hold a grand welcome ceremony and complete this contract in front of all lords and dukes, and at the same time fulfill the promises made before.

In addition, this small mark also has another function, which is that it can upgrade and demote any other devils except level lords and dukes.

If I remember correctly, you seem to have a little devil pet, whose name should be Uthiah.

Promote it to a Pit Fiend or a Burnt Offering Demon.

After all, a little devil is not worthy of your current status. "

After saying that, Asmodeus took out a round token and placed it gently on the table.

Also taken out along with the mark was a soul gem emitting a faint blue light.

Just a second later, his entire body turned into a ball of dazzling fire and disappeared.

Zuo Si picked up the mark of the Lord of Nine Hells and felt the energy contained in it. He quickly threw it into his bag, then directly crushed the soul gem and released Kels imprisoned inside.

As a result, as soon as this guy got out of trouble, he cried and laughed like crazy and kept saying thank you.

As a mortal with some arcane power, he was obviously very aware of the consequences of his soul falling into the hands of the devil, so he spent the days in captivity in fear.

For fear of being thrown directly into the torture chamber and subjected to repeated torture until the spirit and will completely collapse, the soul is squeezed into the most primitive energy.

For the sake of their previous adventure together in the Lost City of Earth, Zuo Si used the nine-ring magic [Complete Resurrection], which most people may have never seen before in their lives and cannot afford the expensive cost, to resurrect him.

When he realized that he had regained his body from the soul state, Kers immediately knelt down with a plop, his face full of shock and ecstasy, and said incoherently: "Thank... thank you! Thank you so much! I swear , I will never forget this kindness. If there is any need for me in the future, please feel free to tell me, even if it means going to the mountain of knives or the sea of ​​​​fire, I will never refuse. Because I owe you two lives!"

"Just thank you. I hope you will remember this lesson and take care of that thing in your crotch. Don't be unable to walk when you see a beautiful woman again." Zuo Si patted the bard on the shoulder and warned.

"Don't worry about this, I've been scared that I won't have any thoughts or ideas in this regard for a long time." Kers responded with a wry smile.

"Very good. If there is nothing else, please leave first. I'm afraid it won't be convenient for you to participate in what I'm going to do next."

Zuo Si immediately issued the eviction order.


Kers glanced at the half-demon Mrs. Hunter with eyes full of fear and resentment, turned around and jumped out of the window without saying a word, slid down the water pipe extending from the roof, and escaped from this nightmare in three steps and two steps. Such a place.

The bard had just climbed over the courtyard wall when Mrs. Hunter and the housekeeper, who was also infected with the purgatory bloodline, both knelt down with a hint of panic in their eyes.

Because they heard clearly the conversation between Zuo Si and Asmodeus just now. At this moment, everyone was in a state of extreme shock, and their brains could not even think.

The prince of hell?

A mortal who is more like a devil than a devil?

Can hell be added to at least one level out of thin air?

If these words did not come from the mouth of the Lord of Nine Hells, no one would believe them.

But what really frightens Mrs. Hunter and the housekeeper is, is it really possible for them to survive after hearing such content involving the core secrets of hell?

Will he be silenced immediately?

Will the soul be imprisoned, tortured or even completely destroyed after death?

Looking at the two trembling women in front of him, Zuo Si couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth slightly, deliberately pretending to be embarrassed, and said to himself in a tone full of bad taste: "What should I do with you now? You know Neither I nor Asmodeus want any third party to know the content of the conversation just now."

"Don't kill me! I swear on my soul that I will never tell anyone the secret I just heard."

"Yes! I didn't hear or see anything!"

Mrs. Hunter and the housekeeper immediately looked up like frightened rabbits and begged frantically for mercy.

Especially the former, who is accustomed to using beauty as a weapon, constantly displays her purgatory graceful figure through various very tempting postures, and puts on a pitiful and moving appearance.

It's a pity that Zuo Si had already seen through the dirty and evil nature inside it, grabbed it by the neck and slowly lifted it up from the ground, sneered and said sarcastically: "It seems that you don't know much about the rules of the devil's game.

Things like oaths are worthless in hell.

Any little devil can make dozens or even hundreds of oaths in one day.

What's more, why do you think Asmodeus didn't let you leave before the conversation started?

Did he forget?

Or is it that the feared Lord of the Nine Hells, who is said to be the best at plotting conspiracies in the entire multiverse, has been negligent?

The answer is obviously no!

Asmodeus deliberately let you hear these contents, and then see how I would deal with it.

Even if I don't kill you, someone else or the devil will come to kill you after I leave. "

"No! This is impossible! The great Lord of Nine Hells has promised that as long as we act according to his instructions, our wishes will be fulfilled." The housekeeper shouted emotionally.

Upon hearing these words, Zuo Si couldn't help but laugh wildly.

"Hahahaha! You are so innocent and cute, you actually believe what a big devil says.

Then let me ask you, where is the contract you signed?

Haven't you heard that to the devil everything that is not written on paper is a lie and a deception?

Even if the terms in the contract are implemented, it is necessary to repeatedly confirm whether the reading order of the contents is horizontal or vertical, and which languages ​​​​are used.

Generally speaking, a truly smart devil will spend at least a few hours checking every contract before signing it.

But what about you?

You didn't even sign a contract, so you think you are already a part of hell?

No wonder Asmodeus abandoned you without hesitation.

After all, a fool is not worthy of becoming a devil! "

As the last word blurted out, Zuo Si directly relied on the terrifying power of the ancient dragon to break Mrs. Hunter's neck and threw the warm body to the ground.

But if you think that’s the end of it, you’d be wrong.

In about a second or two, when the soul emerged from the corpse, a powerful magical force captured the soul on the spot and imprisoned it in a small gem.

When the housekeeper saw this scene, she was immediately frightened out of her wits, and a stream of yellow liquid flowed down from between her legs.

Although all she could think about was turning around and running away, her body didn't obey her orders at all, and she just knelt on the ground and shook violently.

"How disgusting!"

Zuo Si pinched his nose and took two steps back. He raised his wand and gave the housekeeper who was Mrs. Hannah's accomplice a death spell, and then captured and imprisoned her soul.

In the next ten minutes, he cleaned this extremely luxurious mansion from top to bottom until Asmodeus's aura was completely wiped out.

As for those servants who are obviously in purgatory, it is better to leave it to the officials of Waterdeep City to find a solution on their own.

Especially the relationship network built by Mrs. Hunter in private, if not handled well, it is very likely to cause violent political turmoil, causing Waterdeep to fall into chaos.

Of course, these have nothing to do with Zuo Si.

After finishing everything, he returned to his mage tower with the white bear cub, without even saying hello to Kelben and Laila.

To be precise, I didn't know how to explain the conversation between myself and Asmodeus to these two chosen ones of the Magic Goddess, so I simply hid for a while.

After returning to the mage tower, the first thing Zuo Siqian did was to cancel the summons of the little devil. After the card was reborn from the graveyard the next day, he directly used the mark given to him by the Lord of Nine Hells to convert it. Upgrading to [Deep Hell Fiend] is the pinnacle that most ordinary devils can reach.

Further up are the devil dukes and level lords with independent forms.

When it was summoned again, it was already a behemoth with a height of more than four meters, a wingspan of six meters, and a weight of nearly half a ton.

Especially those eyes that were burning like embers, emitting a light that made people tremble with fear.

No hesitation!

This former little devil, now the hell fiend, immediately knelt down in the most humble posture and shouted in a flattering tone: "Great master!

The supreme master!

It feels absolutely amazing!

I knew you would one day gain powers like those big devils!

Please allow me to kiss your toes and offer you my most sincere gratitude and adoration.

You are my Lord, my faith, the stars and the sun that I follow throughout my life. "

"Okay, get up and don't rub your poisonous, acidic and flaming saliva on my boots."

Zuo Si kicked his magic pet with a look of disgust.

As the saying goes, it is easy to change a country but hard to change its nature.

Although after becoming a hell fiend, the guy in front of me looks much stronger and more powerful.

But as soon as he opened his mouth to speak, his wretched and flattering temperament was clearly displayed.

Obviously, Uthiah needs some time to slowly adapt to the change in his identity.

You must know that as the card level increases significantly, it has almost all the abilities of the Hell Fiend, as well as the LV17 warlock level.

Just the long list of fifteen spells that can be cast at will is enough to give most high-level spellcasters a headache or even fear.

The evil damage attached to the famous [Hell Flame Breath] can give those who think they are immune to fire damage a huge surprise.

"As you wish, noble master."

Uzea quickly got up from the ground and made a habitual gesture of rubbing his hands like a fly.

"Here, take this with you. Don't reveal the true form of the devil unless necessary. I don't want to be visited by the Masked Mage Guild and the Knights of the Burning Heart."

With that said, Zuo Si threw a prepared amulet over.

Without saying a word, Uthea took it and put it around his neck, activating the constant transformation magic on it.

In the blink of an eye, he transformed from a terrifying devil over four meters tall into a middle-aged human male with short black hair, a handsome face, and elegant manners.

Just as the hell fiend was observing his appearance through the mirror, Zuo Si threw out a lot of magic equipment including rings, boots, clothes, etc., and gave a straightforward order: "Put these on, and then Take the box at the door to meet with the six-person council, tell them about the problem of the lurkers first, and then hand over the food in the box to them, and then say that you can start a trade war against Sambia."

"You mean... let me take charge of this matter?" Uthia's eyes shone slightly.

Zuo Si shook his head slightly: "No, just leave it to the merchants of Amn. Your task is to bring your eyes and record the whole process of this trade war in detail for me. Whether it is a god Whether it’s the church, the local mages, warlocks, or the arrogant nobles and wealthy business rulers, I want to know clearly their reactions at different stages.”

"Ah! I understand. You are deliberately using the six-person council as a test subject to test the ability of various forces in Faerûn to deal with the trade war.

If you succeed in the end, you can copy this process and use the massive amounts of food continuously produced in another world to destroy any country that dares to be your enemy at will.

They even deliberately create famines so that people who can no longer survive will rise up and overthrow the existing regime.

Master, I am amazed by your extremely profound evil thoughts, and I am moved to tears. "

As he said this, Uthea actually squeezed a few tears out of his eyes.

But soon, he realized that his flattery was a little too forceful, and it seemed to have hit the horse's leg.

I saw Zuo Si's right hand directly transforming into a huge dragon claw, and hit Usiah's head hard at lightning speed, causing his whole body to fly back several meters in an instant, and hit him hard. There was a muffled sound from the magic-reinforced wall.

Before he could realize what exactly he had done to offend his master, he heard a voice filled with biting chills coming from his ears.

"Get out of here!"

Uthea, who had just gotten up from the ground, shuddered instantly. Without even daring to stay for a second, he immediately took all his things and ran away without a trace.

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