A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 375 Mutahar Floating City (a 10,000-word chapter, please subscribe)

There is no doubt that as undead creatures driven by negative energy, these boar zombies are born with a strong instinctive hatred for living creatures, and can even feel the presence of living people from a long distance away.

But the problem is that the team is currently more than 150 meters away from these wild boar zombies, and has not yet entered the opponent's perception range.

According to normal people's thinking, they must keep quiet and go around quietly. It is best not to break into a fight with these low-level undead without any wisdom and thinking.

After all, zombie boars are not as easy to deal with as zombie humans and skeletons.

The weight of one to two hundred or even two to three hundred kilograms, the thick layer of tough fur on the body, as well as the rotten flesh, cysts and unknown black and red bugs that may carry deadly plagues, no matter how you look at it They are obviously difficult to deal with.

Especially the one at the head looks a bit like a ferocious wild boar that mutated under the influence of magical energy. It is so huge that it looks like a strong bull, with two protruding tusks as sharp as horns.

If it is accidentally pushed up, even the steel armor will inevitably dent.

Unfortunately, the sorceress Caroline's ear-piercing scream made the "avoid battle" option disappear.

When the wild boar zombies wandering aimlessly heard the sound, they immediately turned around and stared at the team's location with two pale eyes.

"Ugh - I think we're in trouble..."

Wu Sheng held his forehead and couldn't help but sigh.

Although he had long expected that bringing this timid girl with him might cause some trouble, he never expected that the trouble would come so quickly and suddenly, without any mental preparation.

In contrast, Jack's reaction was quite simple. He threw the backpack behind him on the ground, quickly raised his hammer and shield and shouted: "Don't panic! It's just a pile of rotting corpses! There's nothing to be afraid of!" Everyone is ready to fight!"

The words have not yet been spoken!

He began to raise the flame-like Holy Emblem in his hand and pray to the Phoenix God, and then a ray of golden light fell on everyone around him.

In just a few seconds, because they were about to fight a supernatural creature for the first time, the originally panicked team quickly calmed down.

Even the sorceress who was frightened just now and let out a piercing scream returned to normal after being alert.

One-ring divine spell [blessing spell]!

This is the most frequently used by low-level priests in team battles. It is also the best group blessing spell with the best overall effect when the professional level is not high.

It not only gives people the courage to fight against fear, but also fills the body with strength.

Especially in a sudden encounter like this that causes teammates to panic, a [Blessing Spell] can immediately restore their calmness and allow them to exert their extraordinary strength.

Just look at the two warriors who have finished setting up their shields and guns, and you know that they are at least mentally prepared to fight.

The thief climbed up to the top of the tree as quickly as possible and pulled out the powerful crossbow in his hand that needed a winch to be cocked.

Although most thieves in Faerûn have a functional profession, their main roles are to sneak around, pick locks, pickpocket, inquire about information, and find, set up and dismantle various traps.

Only when they are confident, they will sneak behind the target and launch a sneak attack, killing the enemy by causing fatal injuries to vital parts.

This is why, like Entreri, most thieves who pursue strong personal strength will work part-time in various professions such as warriors, rangers, and assassins.

Because without these part-time jobs, it is simply impossible to have strong frontal combat capabilities if you just upgrade the thief level.

But players are obviously not subject to this restriction.

To be precise, the relevant professional training and various skills they have mastered on earth will not be displayed in their professional levels.

This also means that each of these carefully selected elites has one or two things that can be called "unique skills".

Just when Jack and two other soldiers formed a shield wall with an inclined surface, preparing to withstand the first wave of zombie boars, the thief on the treetop finally pulled the trigger.


Accompanied by the sound of the arrow piercing the air, an obviously modified arrow flew towards the group of zombie wild boars that had begun to charge at extremely fast speeds.

But what is incredible is that the arrow did not hit any wild boar, but pierced straight down into the ground.

Just when Jack and others thought that their fellow thieves were too nervous and missed their shot, the end of the steel crossbow bolt inserted into the ground suddenly popped out in the opposite direction with a sharp blade glowing with cold light.

What a coincidence, the next second the wild boar that was at the front waded over the sharp blade.

As expected, the sharp end directly opened a wound as deep as a finger on the wild boar's bulging fat belly, and the stinky and ulcerated intestines and other internal organs flowed all over the floor in an instant.

Although undead creatures like zombies have no pain nerves at all, and there is no special feeling for them to have their intestines ruptured, the long string of intestines that have become extremely tough under the erosion of negative energy is entangled the moment it falls. On the arrow.

As a result, before the wild boar could take more than two steps, its intestines dragged the arrow high into the air and then fell, eventually getting stuck on a branch of a tree. This produced a sudden pulling force, causing its limbs that were not particularly coordinated to begin with. Stumbled together.

Before anyone else could react to what was happening, the large wild boar zombie, which definitely weighed more than a ton, rolled sideways and hit a nearby tree with a thud.

This was a big deal, as it blocked the path of the wild boars behind.

Since low-level undead creatures have no intelligence in the first place, and the wild boar can't stop itself when it rushes, more than a dozen wild boar zombies were tripped one after another, and they fell all over the place like a series of rear-end collisions.

"It's simply amazing!"

Wu Sheng was completely amazed by the archery skills of his fellow thief, with expressions of shock and disbelief on his face.

Because this arrow not only accurately calculated the speed and direction of the wild boar's charge in a very short time in advance, but also made full use of the wild boar's staggering weight and high inertia when charging at full speed.

As a ranger who also plays with long-range weapons, he may be able to use his innate talent for aiming and shooting to pour arrows into the eyes of the wild boar, but it is absolutely impossible to replicate the scene just now.

Not only Wu Sheng, but everyone else in the team also showed similar expressions.

Without him, the effect of this arrow was simply too exaggerated.

If you hadn't seen it with your own eyes, you would never believe that such outrageous things could exist in the world.

"Well... don't get me wrong, everything you just saw was actually a coincidence. At first, I just wanted to use the modified crossbow bolt to cut off one of the wild boar's legs and hinder its forward speed. I didn't expect it at all. A series of reactions followed.”

The thief himself quickly recovered from the brief shock, scratched his head with an embarrassed look and explained.

Although it was really satisfying to be stared at in his heart with such eyes, he knew very well that this kind of situation, which was caused entirely by luck and coincidence, was absolutely impossible to successfully replicate again.

Instead of other team members having unrealistic fantasies and expectations for themselves, it is better to tell the truth directly.

"Is it really just luck?" A trace of doubt flashed in Jack's eyes.

The thief smiled bitterly and nodded: "It's really just luck. Otherwise, if I really had this ability, I wouldn't need to climb up the treetops and hide."

"Okay, that's true. But your arrow has done a great job."

As Jack said this, he rushed forward side by side with the other two warriors, and hit the wild boar lying on the ground with a blast.

Needless to say, the latter is armed with a sharp spear and can stab him randomly from a long distance away.

As the saying goes, every inch is long and every inch is strong.

Long-distance piercing weapons such as spears and lances have originally been known as the "King of Weapons" and are more practical in real combat than short weapons such as swords, axes, and war hammers.

Many times just a flat stab is enough to make it difficult to parry and get close.

In contrast, sword weapons require years of training, guidance from famous teachers and accumulation of practical experience.

Heavy weapons such as axes and warhammers place very high demands on the user's strength and endurance.

Therefore, unless you are an extreme person like Jack who stacks his strength attribute to 20 points, many players often carry an extra long-handled weapon with them while carrying short weapons.

At this moment, these two spears played an extremely important role, stabbing four wild boar zombies to death before they got up.

There were four more whose heads were smashed one by one by Jack's swing of the war hammer.

A hammer weighing 30 kilograms would be extremely terrifying for any creature to accidentally hit it, let alone swing it and hit it hard.

Just look at the deeply dented skulls of the dead boar zombies and the plasma that splashes when they are smashed, and you will know how destructive this thing is in close combat.

Thanks to Jack's fully enclosed helmet, others couldn't see his bloodthirsty, ferocious and ugly face when he was angry, otherwise he would have had nightmares for a month.

But eight is obviously not all of this group of wild boar zombies. The remaining few quickly struggled to get up from the ground and crashed into the player closest to them at extremely fast speeds.


Wu Sheng hurriedly spoke to remind one of the soldiers who had not noticed the warrior behind him. At the same time, he quickly drew an arrow from his quiver and shot it with his innate unique feeling.


Before the former had time to react, he saw the sharp arrow flying past his cheek and slamming into the eyes of the wild boar zombie at a tricky angle that could not be described in words.

This big guy weighing more than 250 kilograms was stunned on the spot by his fierce momentum. Then he deviated from the original direction uncontrollably and hit the tree trunk next to him with a muffled sound.

The soldier who was almost killed or maimed by the wild boar zombie suddenly broke out in a cold sweat when he saw this scene. He quickly turned around and said with a grateful face: "Thanks, man, I owe you a favor."

"You are welcome."

Wu Sheng responded casually, quickly drew his bow and shot at another wild boar zombie.

Under his extremely precise sniping and the hammer blows from Jack, a fierce priest, the remaining boar zombies were quickly knocked to the ground.

The extremely real battle, as well as the dangerous and abnormal process, caused several veterans who had been on the battlefield to begin to secrete a large amount of adrenaline. Not only did their eyes lack the fear that normal people should have, but they revealed a light of excitement and excitement.

There is no doubt that this is the life they expect, walking between life and death every day and enjoying the excitement of dancing with death.

As for Caroline, the warlock who accidentally triggered this unexpected encounter, she paddled through the entire show without even being able to perform a single zero-ring trick.

Because for a girl of her age, this happened too suddenly, too exciting, and ended too quickly. She couldn't recover from the panic and shock.

After sitting on the ground and resting for about five minutes, Jack couldn't help but open the character panel and take a look. He found that he had accumulated enough experience points and was directly promoted from LV10 to LV15 (equivalent to one and a half levels of the real level). Basic attributes have also been strengthened, and he immediately said in surprise: "Huh? I have been promoted to five levels in a row! Could it be that in addition to learning and training, killing monsters in battle is also a way to quickly level up?"

"Ha! I've also been promoted two levels!"

"I've moved up a level!"

"I've been promoted to level three!"

"No wonder I suddenly felt a little stronger just now."

"Yeah! My reaction speed is the same."

Following Jack's reminder, everyone else also opened the character panel to check their own situation, and excitedly told about the changes brought about by the increase in attributes.

Since Zuo Si asked the mastermind Isadora to split the real level of LV1 into the virtual level of LV10, starting from the virtual level of LV2, the values ​​of the players' various attributes and abilities are completely different from the real situation.

Although you can add one point to the main attributes corresponding to your profession every time you upgrade, you actually need to accumulate forty points to be equivalent to one point of the real level.

Just when the team members were discussing how this "monster killing and upgrading" mechanism worked and why Jack had the most level upgrades while others had relatively few, Caroline raised her hand and used a slightly guilty expression. The tone interjected.

"I...my professional level has not been improved."


Wu Sheng keenly captured the information contained in this sentence and immediately exclaimed: "Damn it! I seem to understand what's going on.

Caroline had no contribution or participation in the battle just now, so she was not assigned experience points.

The few of us should have been automatically assigned some experience points based on each person's contribution and role in the battle, and our professional levels were naturally improved.

In other words, if we want to gain more power, we must kill stronger enemies and monsters, and we must not be lazy or paddle. "

"So that's it! I just blessed everyone with magic and killed almost half of the undead creatures with my own hands, so I gained the most experience points. Do you become stronger through constant fighting and killing? Hahahaha! This is not possible It really suits my taste!" Jack clenched his fists and laughed happily.

You must know that the battle with the hard steel wild boar that hammered into the flesh and cracked the bones made his blood boil, and he vented all the killing desire accumulated during this period.

If this speculation of "killing monsters and upgrading" and "distributing experience points according to contribution and role" is correct, then he is confident that he can upgrade his professional level before other players and always remain in the top first echelon. .

Compared with this huge advantage, three points of charm and five points of intelligence are no problem.

At worst, I'll get an iron mask welded directly to my face and never take it off.

Wu Sheng couldn't help but smile and sighed: "Yes! It seems that we have to change our previous strategy of avoiding battles as much as possible. Instead, we must try our best to find monsters and kill them all into experience points. "

"I agree! Although the mission is very important, level improvement is also very important."

The thief subconsciously stuck out his tongue and licked his lips, with a fierce and bloodthirsty expression on his face.

You don't need to ask to know that he doesn't intend to continue to be obscene, but is going to fight for his life.

After all, if you don't work hard, you won't be able to get more experience points, which means that you will soon be left behind by the first-tier elite players in terms of level.

After simple repairs and drinking the plague neutralizing potion, the group quickly set off again.

But unlike the cautious advance before, this time they were constantly searching in the dense forest like hungry wolves.

Once you find something moving, shoot an arrow first, no matter what.

Many beasts and birds that survived the magical plague were killed inexplicably.

Of course, the ones who were killed more were the low-level undead who had been resurrected.

Among them, the four ghouls who were hiding in the dark and suddenly jumped out to attack them posed a considerable threat to this low-level adventure team.

A soldier was scratched on the unprotected part of his arm. It looked bloody and terrifying.

Fortunately, he was caught rather than bitten, otherwise he would have a high chance of contracting the "Ghoul Fever".

But even so, the ensuing general paralysis almost cost the soldier his life.

The sorceress was almost knocked down and dragged alive into the grass that was as tall as half a person and quartered.

When the battle was over, Jack immediately began to perform his duties as a priest, using Zero Ring [Treat Minor Injuries] to stop the bleeding of his injured teammates.

As for why there is no need to use the advanced one-ring magic [Treat Minor Injuries]...

Of course it’s because I didn’t even remember it!

From the very beginning, he positioned himself not as a priest who healed the sick and saved lives in the traditional sense, but as a powerful warrior who could use divine magic.

Excluding the [Blessing Technique] that has been used, this guy's other magical slot is remembered to be [Divine Grace], which is used to enhance the lethality of melee combat. It has been used in the battle a long time ago.

The domain magic is usually [Burning Hands] in the fire domain, or [Enlightenment Aura] in the purification domain.

You don't need to ask to know that the former is a rare large-scale group damage in one-ring energy-shaping magic.

The latter gathers a ball of flashing energy in the hand, and then releases it to directly strike the enemy. Its single-target damage power is quite amazing, not inferior to some second-level spells and divine spells.

Therefore, Jack's fighting method is very simple and crude. He usually strengthens himself and his surrounding teammates while wielding the war hammer and releasing damaging spells, and then just rushes past.

Looking at his exhausted companions and the sorceress Caroline who had used up all her spell slots, Wu Sheng immediately suggested: "Let's end our exploration here for now. I think we'd better find a relatively safe place right away." I’ll go offline and have a rest for the night, and then continue tomorrow morning.”

"Listen to you."

Jack had just used up all his magical power today, so he quickly nodded and agreed.

After finally getting the chance to leave the floating city and go outside to kill monsters and upgrade, he didn't want his teammates around him to die too early.

Even if you have to die, you must be the last to die among this group of elite players.

However, in a place where undead creatures roam everywhere, it is obviously not easy to find a relatively safe place to spend the night.

Even though he was a ranger with a lot of wilderness survival knowledge and skills, it took Wu Sheng more than forty minutes to finally find a tree hole more than 400 meters away from a forest stream.

From the withered leaves on the ground and the slightly smelly dry droppings, he immediately recognized that this was a place where a certain bear hibernated.

But fortunately it is summer now, and the footprints on the ground are so blurred that they cannot be seen. The original owner of the cave will definitely not come back in a short time.

Therefore, the team decided to camp here after discussion.

But just when everyone was about to sit down and eat some bread slices, dried meat and pickles for dinner, they suddenly heard a deafening roar from somewhere nearby.

Wu Sheng was the most alert. He immediately dropped the food, grabbed his bow and arrows and was the first to run out from the tree hole.


The second roar followed as expected.

At this time, Jack also ran out and asked in a very nervous tone: "What is this sound? Is there any scary monster nearby?"

Wu Sheng shook his head slightly with a solemn expression: "I don't know! The sound should have come from underneath the creek. But I think we'd better take a look."

"Then let's go. After hearing such a roar, I don't think anyone dares to go offline and rest."

After saying that, Jack glanced at the others with questioning eyes.

As expected, even Caroline, who was the timidest and had little combat experience, followed.

In fact, although this girl didn't perform very well at the beginning, she was often in a hurry during the battle.

But as she experienced more and more battles, by the time of the final battle, she was not only able to ignore the hideous ghouls, forced herself to focus on spellcasting and successfully released [Magic Missiles], but she also summoned monsters through [Level 1] Technique] Summoned an extremely ferocious badger and reversed the situation in the worst situation of a sneak attack.

After all, the biggest advantage of players is that they never really die and have countless opportunities to make mistakes and try things out.

Even an ordinary person without any combat experience can quickly grow into a skilled warrior or spellcaster after experiencing it several times.

Jack has always watched Caroline's growth, and he is also aware of the amazing role that spellcasters can play at critical moments.

Not to mention anything else, just the badger created by [Level 1 Monster Summoning Technique] that can force the enemy to distract during the battle allowed him to successfully get rid of the entanglement of the ghoul, and with one backhand hammer, he had this badger. The intelligent and cunning undead creatures were smashed into meat patties.

As for the magic missile with its own tracking function, it can directly hit the target regardless of all obstacles and obstacles, and cause considerable damage.

Just as Jack was considering whether to extend an invitation to Caroline to join the team, the team finally came to the edge of a cliff along the creek.

Looking down along the splashing stream, everyone gasped involuntarily.

I saw a huge city standing in a huge circular canyon with a radius of more than several thousand meters or even tens of thousands of meters.

To be exact, it’s a floating city!

However, this floating city is not floating in the sky above. Instead, it is densely covered with green vines, trees and moss. From a distance, it seems to be integrated with the entire forest.

What's even more creepy is that the people living here are not humans, but tens of thousands of undead creatures.

Among them were low-level zombies, skeletons and ghouls that they had seen, as well as demons, ghosts, ghosts, ghosts, facebreakers, soul-bringing demons, and grave knights that they had never seen before...

In short, it’s so dense that you can’t see the end at a glance!

There are so many that it makes your scalp numb.

In addition to the undead creatures formed after the death of humans, there are also a large number of undead creatures formed after the death of animals, as well as various giant undead structures that are integrated and spliced ​​out of animal corpses.

Among them, those stitched creatures that looked like corpse-stitched giants were over a hundred meters in size, and their bodies exuded a thick black mist symbolizing negative energy.

The largest one has five huge and deformed heads, lying in the center of a huge magic circle, continuously releasing frightening red light from the center of the hollow ribs.

There were several undead spellcasters around, wearing dirty robes and chanting spells with their hands raised.

The roar just now was made by it.

"Oh my God! This...this is what we are looking for on this mission! The floating city of Mutahar disappeared from the sky! No wonder you can't see anything on the airship. It actually added perfection to itself. disguise."

Wu Sheng's lips were trembling with excitement.

I can't help but be excited!

Because the mission clearly states that the first person or team to find it can get a bounty of 10,000 gold coins.

Other participants will receive a minimum of ten and a maximum of three hundred gold coins as rewards depending on their level of contribution.

What does 10,000 gold coins mean to current players?

It means that you can buy a large number of scrolls, potions, or at least three or four enchanted weapons and equipment in the magic shop in the floating city!

It also means that more than five thousand "Infinite City" currencies can be exchanged!

Even if the whole team is divided evenly, everyone can comfortably enjoy a luxurious life of lavish spending for two months. If you save a little money, you can probably live more than half a year to a year.

"Farke! There are so many undead creatures. How many experience points can you get if you kill them all? How high can your professional level be raised?"

Jack subconsciously clenched the warhammer in his hand. He was so excited that he couldn't help himself, as if he might jump deep at any time.

But after some struggle, reason finally defeated impulse.

He took a deep breath, gently slapped his cheek with the palm of his hand to force himself to calm down, and then asked other teammates around him: "What should we do now? Should we find a way to conduct reconnaissance, or should we send a signal to the airship first?" ?”

Wu Sheng replied without thinking: "Of course, send the signal first!

With so many enemies, just a few of us would be torn into pieces before we even got close.

If you join forces with other elite players and use airships to bomb from the air, you can harvest a wave of experience points.

But I doubt Captain Boll would agree to do this. It would be no different from committing suicide. "

"Hehe! No matter what, we have made a lot of money this time. Let's go and send the signal quickly, otherwise it will be over if the other party finds out..."

Before the thief could finish his words, several groups of blurry and translucent mist suddenly emerged from the darkness.

Before he could react to what was happening, the mist quickly condensed into angry and twisted human faces, and at the same time emitted a blood-curdling scream.

The next second...

All the undead creatures at the bottom of the cliff stopped moving, raised their heads and stared with cold eyes.

In less than ten seconds, the ghouls, zombies, and skeletons quickly climbed along the vines like ants, and the spiritual creatures took off directly on the spot.

Such a terrifying scene instantly made Wu Sheng shiver. He immediately activated the fireworks wand used to send signals, and then shouted: "Run! Run! Don't stop!"

Several other members of the team also woke up immediately after hearing this sentence, and began to run away without saying a word.

In their view, their current situation is no different than poking a hornet's nest. They must inform other players of the news before they die, especially the important airship and Captain Boll, who must evacuate safely.

Otherwise, if such an important NPC dies and there is no convenient transportation in the future, other players will be resentful.

But what Jack and Wu Sheng don't know is that they, as players, are actually the eyes, ears and feelers extending from the master brain.

Everything they saw, heard, and experienced had no secrets at all from the mastermind Isadora.

When the Mutahar Floating City was discovered, the entire top management received the news immediately.

Vanessa, who has the highest management authority, immediately gathered the core members of the organization and recalled all three Isadoras who were migrating on the other side of the continent.

In less than two or three minutes, he completed war mobilization.

Immediately afterwards, the Floating City of Plantia, which had not moved for a long time, began to control gravity and flew towards the incident site at an extremely fast speed.

The speed was so fast that even the players felt something was wrong.

"Gan! This floating city under our feet is moving quickly?"

A mage apprentice stood on a high tower and stared dumbly at the clouds drifting back outside the window.

"What happened?"

"Could it be that the guys on the airship discovered something a few days ago and are preparing for war?"

"War? With whom?"

"Idiot! Of course it's other floating cities. Didn't you read the background setting? Except for us, all other floating cities in this world have been occupied by undead creatures."

"The battle in the floating city? Is it so big right from the start?"

"Damn! This is so exciting!"

"Do those of us who haven't graduated from the academy have a chance to participate in the war? Shouldn't we have to watch the whole show?"

"I don't know! Let's go to the central tower and ask."


After a while, a large number of players rushed to the central tower.

But only halfway through, they discovered that constructs, golems, and corpse-embedded creatures that were rarely seen on weekdays were all ready to go like soldiers about to go to the battlefield, and they were constantly pouring out from various closed underground entrances. , so many that they can’t even be counted.

The mobile floating island that was originally floating near the city and equipped with a super cannon also had corresponding operators on it.

Everything ultimately points to one result, and that is war.

However, the senior officials in Plantia Floating City no longer care about these players who are not yet able to form combat effectiveness. They are currently gathering in the conference room and watching the live footage provided by the mastermind Isadora.

Soon, Vanessa was the first to ask: "Did you send someone to notify Mr. Soth?"

"Sent. However, Mr. Soth seems to be conducting exploration into other worlds. He has actively blocked all external interference and locked himself in the exploration room of the mage tower. We cannot contact him for the time being." Tyrantir looked helpless. explained.

"Okay, then we have to rely on ourselves for this battle. Immediately give an order to Bol on the front line and ask him to hold back the Mutahar Floating City at all costs before we arrive, and never allow it to Escape." Vanessa made a prompt decision.

Although he also knew that threatening a floating city with just an airship, meager supplies, and a mere 140 or so players who had just obtained a professional level was simply a pipe dream.

But now we can only rush the ducks and try to buy time.

"Boll has received the order. He said that he will immediately gather some players and fly the airship directly over the canyon for bombing."

Mastermind Isadora quickly completed the transmission of orders through the psychic network she controlled.

Vanessa nodded with satisfaction: "Very good! Tyrantir, you can be responsible for operating those super electromagnetic guns.

As soon as you enter the farthest range, give me a volley first.

Don't be afraid to use up the most destructive hydrogen-oxygen bombs and incendiary bombs.

Oh, by the way, those jars filled with holy water can also be stuffed in together to give those low-level undead creatures a bath. "

"I know, just leave this to me."

Tyrantir accepted the task without saying a word, turned around and disappeared quickly at the end of the stairs around the corner.

In the next few minutes, Vanessa was like a calm commander, assigning tasks one by one.

The entire floating city quickly entered a state of first-level combat readiness from a peaceful state.

Players can even see the dazzling magic halo flashing from the top of the towering mage towers, followed by layer after layer of protection enveloping the floating city.

Especially after the installation of [Mythra's Core] and the introduction of Faerun's magic network, the defense of Plantia's floating city can be said to have been strengthened to an epic level, and it seems to have some large-scale magic barriers and even puzzles. Lock means.

Just as the floating city entered a state of war, Bol, who was far away on the other side, had begun to control the airship to fly at low altitude and slow speed, and hung the rope ladder outside, constantly gathering players according to the position provided by the mastermind Isadora.

After a while, about sixty people climbed up the ladder.

When it was learned that the team led by Wu Sheng and Jack had completed the investigation mission, the crowd immediately burst into mourning.

Obviously, they were devastated by missing out on the huge bounty of 10,000 gold coins.

However, when I heard that this team had stirred up a hornet's nest and was being hunted by thousands of undead, I immediately became gloating about their misfortune.

When Bol announced that the airship would go directly to the floating city of Mutahar to perform a bombing mission, the players suddenly danced with excitement.

Although they knew very well that this was almost a suicide attack, as long as the bombs killed enough undead and the professional level improved quickly enough, no one would care if they died once.

What's more, the floating city also provided some magic items and equipment as rewards, including secondary magic storage rings, belts that can increase certain basic attributes, +1 flame swords with a cool appearance, and can be used every day. A necklace that shoots a three-ring fireball, a wand that can be used ten times to treat minor injuries, and so on.

It can be said that every item has great temptation for poor players.

All players participating in this action can receive a corresponding number of lottery tickets based on their contribution, and the ownership of these grand prizes is determined by scratching the prizes.

In addition to the grand prize, there are also some small prizes such as potions, scrolls, blazing glue, ordinary enchanted arrows, and missile wands, and there are quite a lot of them.

In short, as long as you can win anything, you will definitely make money without losing money.

As for a life, if you lose it, you lose it. At worst, you will lose one or two levels or lose some experience points.

In this way, many elite players with rich combat experience were joking with each other while carrying the bombs in the cargo bay to the semi-enclosed deck.

After a while, the entire deck was filled to the brim.

A human female warrior with a very resolute and heroic face was looking forward with a telescope, conveying information to her companions behind her in extremely professional terms.

When she was approaching the location of the floating city, she finally saw Wu Sheng, Jack and others who were being chased by countless ghosts and undead creatures.

At this moment, not only did they look quite embarrassed, but each of them was almost stained red with blood, and their number also dropped from six to three.

The thief and the other two soldiers didn't know whether they were dead or had escaped, but they were nowhere to be seen.

"Hahahaha! Look! These guys are really lucky! They are still alive!"

A dwarf player with a big beard laughed heartlessly.

"Would you like to bet how many more minutes they can last?"

Another player next to him who was obviously mixed with orc blood also grinned.

Who allowed them to get the most generous mission reward before everyone else?

Just when the dwarf player was about to respond, the female player holding the telescope immediately turned around and rolled her eyes angrily: "What time has it been, and you are still here to have fun. Let the bombardier prepare holy water immediately!" We have to save them. Now is not the time for internal fighting. One more person means more strength."

"OK! Got it!"

"Holy water! Find the jar of holy water quickly!"

"Bombardier ready!"


Following the smooth command, six jars filled with positive energy holy water fell straight from the sky.

Since many of the first batch of elite players were "professionals", they made very accurate calculations of height and wind speed.

The jars filled with holy water were, without exception, less than twenty meters above the ground. They were shattered by the crossbow arrows that were fired afterwards, covering a large area like a goddess scattering flowers.

Those undead creatures in the spirit state were showered in this way, and they screamed in agony on the spot.

Some weaker ghosts were immediately purified, and their bodies became more and more transparent until they disappeared completely.

"Fly... airship?! Our airship is coming! Follow us quickly!"

Jack's face was full of excitement about surviving the disaster.

Although he had been mentally prepared to die for a long time, when he thought that there were so many undead souls waiting for him to harvest in the floating city of Mutahar, he couldn't help but want to struggle again.

In the end, all the hard work paid off, and rescue finally arrived.

When the rope ladder lowered by the airship passed by, he dragged the warlock who was already fainting from exhaustion with one hand, and climbed up bit by bit while holding on to the ladder with the other hand.

Wu Sheng followed closely behind.

It didn't take long for the two of them to successfully climb into the cabin of the airship. After looking at each other, they immediately burst into uncontrollable laughter.

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