A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 380 What evil intentions can Zuo Si have? (Please subscribe to the 10,000-word chapter)

Pentos, one of the nine Free Trade Cities, is also the closest city on the other side of the sea to King's Landing, the capital of the Seven Kingdoms.

Due to its geographical advantage, it is naturally very suitable for doing business with various towns in Westeros. Therefore, trade activities are very prosperous, and a large number of merchant ships can be seen coming in and out of the harbor area.

Some bold merchants even want to follow the road to the endless grasslands to sell iron, pottery, salt, wine, cloth and other daily necessities to the Dothraki nomads at high prices, and then buy a large number of cheap horses when they return. With livestock.

As long as there are no unexpected losses or robberies along the way, you can often make astonishing profits from just one trip back and forth.

After all, everyone knows that since Pentos suffered successive defeats in the war with its northern neighbor Braavos, its military power has been strictly limited in the armistice treaty.

For example, they are not allowed to own more than twenty warships, hire mercenaries, enter into contracts with free mercenary groups, or maintain any troops beyond the city guard.

Although the city has extremely majestic walls, it is still considered by most to be the most fragile of all trading city-states.

In desperation, the supreme ruler here, the Governor, could only change his original attitude and spent a long time establishing friendly and good relations with the Dothraki horse kings, constantly giving away gifts including women, materials, gold and silver, and luxury goods. Waiting for things to ensure that the other party will not easily cross the border and rob you.

All caravans setting out from Pentos will usually be treated relatively well by the Dothraki tribe. At least they don't have to worry about the other party plundering them and then killing them or using them as slaves.

Likewise, this intimacy can be transformed into a powerful military deterrent when necessary.

No one who is close to the continent of Essos does not know how powerful the Dothraki cavalry are in combat and destructive power. Even the continent of Westeros across the sea is afraid of these barbaric and primitive guys. .

The most important thing is that their numbers are endless, and victory cannot be won by just a few wars, and no one has the ability to go deep into the grassland to kill them all.

Even if all the city-states united to fight a full-scale war, their finances would be severely damaged if they could not hold on for long.

What's more, the Free Trade City was originally a political regime established by a group of profit-seeking businessmen. How could it possibly use all the wealth it had finally accumulated to fight a protracted war with no victory in sight?

Especially the current governor of Pentos, Illyrio Mopatis, who climbed up from the bottom of society, went to the point of losing all dignity in order to please the most powerful horse king on the grassland, Drogo Khal. Degree.

Right now, he is planning to give Daenerys Targaryen, who is under his protection, as a gift to the other party.

Although at the beginning, this old, fat man was deeply attracted by the beauty of the young "Dragon Mother", and even had the idea that many men with normal sexual orientation would have, that is, to take it as his own.

But he soon discovered that due to more than ten years of wandering and avoiding pursuit, coupled with the beating and scolding of his brother Viserys, the character of the subjugated princess was timid and cowardly, and she was not himself at all. Favorite type.

As for the act of giving Daenerys to Drogo, how much was due to his own interests, and how much was the instruction of his former friend "The Eight-clawed Spider" Varys in King's Landing across the sea? It’s unknown.

At least in the eyes of Governor Illyrio, Viserys, who has an irritable personality, is very ambitious, and can't see the form at all, is definitely not a qualified king, let alone imitating his ancestor Aegon I and launching a cross-sea expedition. Return to the Iron Throne.

After all, the last two bloodlines of the Targaryen family have lost their most important support, which is the overlord-level creature that once soared in the sky and silenced the Seven Kingdoms, daring not to have the slightest idea of ​​resistance - the dragon.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but cast his eyes on the three "fossilized dragon eggs" in the box not far away that he had spent a lot of money to buy.


The most powerful and awe-inspiring magical beast in the world.

More than 300 years ago, Aegon I, who only had a very small number of ferra to support his army, successfully conquered the continent of Westeros with the help of three dragons and established the first unified dynasty in that land (at least on the surface). At the same time, Also win a heavy crown for House Targaryen.

"Oh - if only I could hatch all these eggs."

Illyrio stretched out his hand and gently stroked the uneven surface like scales on the outside of the dragon egg, his tone full of strong desire to obtain this magical beast.

Of course, he is not the only one who thinks this way. Anyone who is a little ambitious would not want to have his own dragon.

Just as the Governor of Pentos was staring at the dragon egg, he suddenly heard a very strange voice coming from his ear.

"Do you want to hatch these dragon eggs? If so, I can help you a little."


Illyrio raised his head suddenly and saw a young man with black hair and black eyes appearing in his room at some point. The guards, servants and slaves guarding the door continued to stand stupidly as if they had not seen anything. In place.

Especially the favored female slaves, their eyes and expressions were particularly dull, completely different from their usual behavior of trying desperately to seduce and please themselves in various ways.


Although Pentos nominally abolished slavery and the slave trade after losing the war with its northern neighbor Braavos under the pressure of the other party, in fact it only changed the medicine.

More than 10,000 so-called "freemen" were forced to serve their masters for life because they owed debts they could not repay.

As for the remuneration for labor, it is so low that it cannot even guarantee the most basic survival, so they can only continue to borrow debts from their masters.

In this way, the debt will continue to grow day after day, year after year. If you cannot repay it, your descendants will continue to repay it, eventually forming a very stable lower class that will never stand up.

"Who are you? How did you get in?"

Illyrio stepped back very vigilantly and grabbed a luxurious scimitar inlaid with gems and gold on the cabinet.

No need to ask, he knew that he regarded the uninvited Zuo Si as an assassin sent by the enemy to assassinate him, and even imagined a huge conspiracy in a few seconds, and all the guards, servants and slaves were bribed .

You must know that in the Free Trade City, things like killing political opponents to seize power through assassination and bribery often happen.

"Relax, Your Excellency Governor, I'm not here to kill you. No one in this world can afford to hire me as an assassin. Now please answer the question I just asked. Do you really want to hatch these dragon eggs?"

Zuo Si smiled half-heartedly and repeated the question he just asked.

Because at such a close distance, he could clearly feel that the three dormant dragon eggs were beginning to wake up and become active as he appeared.

Obviously, whether dragons in this world are born or grow, they need very abundant magical energy in the surrounding environment.

Otherwise, the dragons will become smaller and more deformed, just like the Targaryen family did in the middle and later periods of their reign, and eventually completely lose the ability to reproduce and go extinct.

Combined with the current extremely thin magical energy in the surrounding environment, it can be basically inferred that there may be some kind of ebb and flow pattern similar to a "magic tide" in this world.

When the "magic tide" comes, the entire world will be filled with powerful magical energy, allowing dragons, ghosts, wizards, magic, and even those so-called "miracles" to revive and last for a period of time.

When the tide recedes, the magical energy in the environment begins to slowly dissipate, until dragons, ghosts, wizards, magic and miracles all become "ancient legends" and "bedside stories" used to scare children.

However, it is still unknown what specifically causes this phenomenon, how its periodicity is related to the strange seasons and climate changes, and what role the red comet plays in it.

The only thing that is certain is that it is on the verge of a "magic tide" erupting. The entire world is like a volcano about to erupt, accumulating a huge energy that cannot be described in words.

But Zuo Si obviously does not intend to conduct too in-depth investigation and excavation here. Instead, he intends to directly let in the tens of thousands of extremely destructive players from the Floating City of Plantia and let them control the so-called prophecy and destiny. Unbridled destruction.

See if we can force out the possible masterminds, such as the Red God, the Cold God, the Thousand-Faced God, the Drowned God, etc. who have shown extraordinary power.

If these guys really existed and dared to show their faces, he would ruthlessly use his cards to kill them.

It would be better if there was no nature, just let the players play freely, completely smash the original social structure, and then establish a new rule, while using it as a rear area and a source of soul.

By then, the Phoenix God Benu will be introduced to replace those messy belief systems, and Zuo Si can create a new soul well in this world and provide himself with a steady supply of energy.

Governor Illyrio obviously didn't know how dangerous and terrifying the young man he was facing at this moment was.

After hearing that the other party was not here to commit an assassination, his originally tense expression relaxed a little, but he still did not put down the weapon in his hand. Instead, he kept signaling with his eyes to the guards at the door to come in and protect him.

It's a pity that the guard didn't respond at all to this and still stood motionless.

When Zuo Si saw this scene, he immediately smiled and explained: "Don't waste your efforts. Those people under your command have been controlled by magic. Unless they get my order, they will just excrete directly even if they can't hold back and want to go to the toilet." In pants.”

"Magic... magic? You are a wizard from Qarth!"

Illyrio's pupils suddenly dilated, contracted, and then dilated again, and his whole body trembled uncontrollably due to shock and fear.

As the governor of the Free Trade City-Pantos, it was natural that he would not know that there was a barren land called the Red Wasteland in the far east of the Dothraki Steppe.

And on the southernmost peninsula of the Red Wasteland, in the middle of the strait connecting the Summer Sea and the Jade Sea, stands the world-famous giant port city of Qarth, as well as the men who live in this city's "Immortal Palace". witch.

This group of aliens with pale skin and blue lips are currently the only group that can be 100% sure that they have the power of "magic".

Although the power of wizards is constantly declining, and even the citizens and wealthy merchants of Qarth begin to despise and laugh at them, people in the eastern world still maintain a considerable degree of awe for them.

Illyrio simply couldn't imagine that if the young man in front of him was a wizard, what would be the purpose of him suddenly appearing in front of him?

Could it be that he wants to seize three dragon eggs?

Or maybe he could even control himself and become the real controller of Pentos?

"A wizard from Qarth? No, don't confuse me with those imbeciles who can only pretend to be gods. The power I possess is beyond their imagination. You can regard me as a god to a certain extent." The same existence.”

With that said, Zuo Si walked straight to the table, sat down in a very comfortable posture, and began to taste the grapes and other fruits on the plate.

Since the whole world is currently in a "long summer", both food and fruit types are exceptionally rich, from figs to wild berries, pomegranates, candied dates, and plums.

I don’t know if it’s because of the free prostitution, but the taste and texture are surprisingly good.

In just a few minutes, all the food, enough to feed three or four adult men, was wiped out.

Illyrio was completely stunned by the terrifying amount of food and the speed of eating. He was stunned for a long time and couldn't understand why his stomach didn't bulge at all even though he had eaten so much.

Although I don't know what kind of supernatural power the young man in front of me has mastered, his appetite and digestion ability are indeed quite "magical".

At least he can guarantee that even the most voracious "food bucket" in his mansion will not be able to swallow so much fruit without incident. There is a 100% chance that he will be strangled to death or start vomiting halfway through the meal.

After a long silence, Illyrio took a deep breath and carefully probed: "What is the purpose of your visit? If you need money, servants or treasures, please just ask. As long as I have it, I will not be stingy."

But Zuo Si smiled and shook his head: "I think you misunderstood something, my dear Governor. I don't want to get anything from you, I just want you to answer the question I just asked. Tell me, do you want to hatch these dragon eggs?" ?"

"Is there a cost to hatching them?"

Illyrio was obviously very cautious and did not immediately give a positive or negative answer.

Not only that, he also very "obediently" delivered the box containing the dragon eggs to the opponent's feet.

"No need, at least you don't need to pay any price."

While speaking, Zuo Si bent down and gently picked up a black and red dragon egg, and poured a ray of red mana symbolizing explosion, flame and fanaticism into it.


The life being bred in the dragon egg responded immediately. The young heart began to beat slowly, and the red scales on the surface became particularly bright and vivid.

Illyrio undoubtedly caught this change keenly, his breathing suddenly became rapid, and the original awe and fear in his eyes were replaced by ambition and greed.

After all, how could a schemer and careerist be indifferent to having three living dragons?

After a brief psychological struggle, he finally took a deep breath and said in an extremely excited tone: "I want to hatch them! Please help me! I am willing to pay any price for this!"

"Very well, I will grant your wish."

As the last word blurted out, Zuo Si increased the input of red mana.

In the blink of an eye, the entire dragon egg suddenly burst out with a ball of scorching flames, frightening Illyrio and hurriedly retreated.

But he was careful and keenly noticed that Zuo Si's hand shrouded in flames showed no trace of being burned or even scorched at all.


Really magic!

The governor of Pentos was so excited that he couldn't even blink his eyes for fear of missing some important moments.

Soon, as the flames burned more and more intensely, the temperature of the surrounding air increased to an almost unbearable level, and cracks finally began to appear on the surface of the dragon egg.

After the egg shell completely cracked, a dark young dragon slowly crawled out of the egg and let out a piercing cry.

"Hahahaha! Dragon! Really a dragon! A living dragon!"

Illyrio rushed forward, trying to touch this legendary creature with his plump hands.

But Xiaolong immediately put on a defensive posture and sprayed a ball of sparks from his mouth, scaring him back again.

In the next few minutes, Zuo Si injected energy into the remaining two dragon eggs and hatched them one after another.

In the end, the three dragons that were supposed to belong to Daenerys changed their owners directly.

Especially the aura of the True Dragon of Faerun on Zuo Si's body made the three young dragons feel particularly close, and at the same time they also showed extraordinary obedience.

And Zuo Si also used a tube of red dragon's blood containing rich fire element energy, and through simple magic rituals, he became stronger and more powerful than when he was born, and even gained some spell-like abilities as his size increased.

After finishing all this, he sent the baby dragon to the governor with a smile and said meaningfully: "Here, they belong to you now."

"Really give it to me?"

Illyrio was obviously frightened and frightened. He did not dare to reach out directly like before, for fear of being bitten by the dragon or burned by the flames it sprayed.

Zuo Si nodded slightly: "Of course. I'm not a robber. The dragon egg is yours, so the hatched dragon will naturally be yours too."

"But... none of these three young dragons seem to like me very much. How should I control and train them?" Illyrio asked very humbly.

At this moment, he finally fully believed that the young man sitting in front of him was definitely a very powerful wizard.

If we can get the other party's help, then unifying the entire Free Trade City-state, or even conquering the cities along Slaver's Bay, and establishing a huge country with an area equivalent to the Seven Kingdoms will no longer be just a delusion.

Maybe he can cross the Narrow Sea to attack and conquer the continent of Westeros, completing a feat that even Aegon I of the Targaryen family failed to achieve.

Zuo Si undoubtedly sensed the opponent's growing ambition, took out a ruby ​​ring just made with the creator's ability from his wide sleeves and whispered: "Put it on, and then these three dragons will obey your orders. "


Illyrio swallowed subconsciously, his heart began to beat wildly, and he stretched out his trembling hand several times to take the ring.

But in the end, his reason defeated greed, biting his lower lip hard and asked: "Why! Why me? What do you want from me?"

"Haha, because this is the guide of fate.

Illyrio Mopatis, you are destined to become a new conqueror, destined to be crowned king and build an empire spanning two continents.

What I did was just give you something that should belong to you.

Not only that, in a few days many outstanding talents and brave and fearless mercenaries will come to swear allegiance to you.

Make good use of them and you will become invincible. "

When saying these words, Zuo Si obviously used magical power to give spiritual hints to Governor Pentos.

After a while, Illyrio, who had no magic resistance and no firm will, was convinced of this. He took the ring and put it on his hand. He raised his arms and roared in an almost crazy tone: "That's right. ! I am Aegon I of the new era! I am destined to achieve a great cause. And you, my friend, my benefactor, and my most trusted magical advisor, will obtain the position that is beneath one person and above ten thousand people. .”

He didn't notice the flash of disdain in the eyes of the three young dragons.

Obviously, the role of the ruby ​​ring was not to make the dragon obey, but to enable it to understand the orders issued by Illyrio.

What really makes them obedient is the energy emanating from the Planeswalkers' sparks and the true dragon bloodline that makes these young dragons feel close to them.

You don't need to ask to know that Zuo Si has chosen Pentos as the landing point for players on the Essos continent, and also plans to let Illyrio take the lead in starting a civil war between trading city-states.

He can guarantee that when dragons and remnants of the Targaryen family appear at the same time, the already undercurrent situation in Westeros will inevitably become more chaotic.

Only when the whole world is in chaos can players have the opportunity to rise up and completely shatter the old order.

As for Illyrio, who was affected by spiritual magic, he was just a simple tool man.

Even before the young dragon grows up, he will be ignored by the players through various means and eventually become an abandoned chess piece.

Unfortunately, the governor was completely unaware of the tragic fate that had been arranged for him in the future. Instead, in order to thank and win over Zuo Si, a wizard with powerful magical power, he held a grand banquet.

Daenerys and Viserys, who were living under someone else's roof, were naturally invited to attend.

Especially the former, who looked very nervous and helpless in such a crowded and lively situation, fearing that his brother would treat him as a gift or sacrifice to some "big shot" in exchange for the money and troops necessary for the restoration of the country.

In contrast, Viserys always maintained an inexplicable arrogance.

But when the three young dragons appeared, he, the orthodox heir of the "Dragon Family", finally couldn't sit still and immediately ran to Illyrio and asked loudly: "What on earth is going on? Why do you have dragons?" ? All dragons in this world should belong to the great true dragon family - Targaryen. I now order you to return the three dragons to me immediately."

"Pfft hahaha! Hand it back? Are you sure these three dragons will listen to you?"

Illyrio couldn't help but burst into unbridled laughter.

As a saying goes, as long as you are weak enough, even anger will appear particularly cute in the eyes of others.

Unfortunately, Viserys is in such a state right now.

Not only was the governor of Pentos laughing, but so were the large number of invited guests.

And this kind of laughter was undoubtedly a kind of naked and undisguised mockery to Viserys, who was already very sensitive to his situation.

Furious to the extreme, he immediately gave orders in Valyrian to the three young dragons.

"In the name of House Targaryen! Burn these bastards who dare to mock the great dragon!"

As a result, the three young dragons didn't even pay attention, and just ate the fresh mutton served by the slave girl. From time to time, they would spit out flames to roast the meat until it was half burnt, and then let out a cry of joy.

Only the youngest one glanced out of the corner of his eye at this human being who made him feel a little bit like getting close to him, but that was all.

"The Dragon Family, which was once glorious and powerful, has now fallen into this state. It's really sad, isn't it?"

Illyrio picked up the glass and took a sip of wine, with an obvious hint of ridicule in his tone.

Zuo Si responded in a casual tone: "Yes! This poor guy completely forgot that his ancestor Aegon I did not gain the ability to control the dragon after becoming a king.

Instead, he first gained the ability to control dragons, and then conquered the entire continent of Westeros.

Power always comes from strength, not from so-called family and bloodline inheritance.

The Targaryens of the past were, to put it bluntly, just an insignificant small family in Valyria.

What's more, the actions of Mad King Aerys have already caused outrage, and both civilians and nobles are full of hatred and disgust for him.

It is estimated that only the Dornish people in Westeros would sincerely support his son's restoration. "

"But it is undeniable that the brand name of the Targaryen family is still very useful at certain times. You know? I originally planned to give Daenerys to the horse king - Khal Drogo, but now I changed it. Attention."

Illyrio stuck out his tongue and licked his lips, completely failing to hide the desire that swelled crazily with his ambition in his heart.

He couldn't hold it any longer, and tonight he wanted to press this breathtakingly beautiful girl under him and ravage her to her heart's content.

And acquiring Daenerys can not only satisfy physical desires, but also give the name of the Targaryen family, which will provide some convenience for future attacks and conquest of Westeros.

As for Viserys, just find a place to dispose of it.

Except for the "Eight-clawed Spider" in King's Landing across the sea, no one cares about the life or death of this idiot who calls himself a king.

Zuo Si had obviously expected that Illyrio would not be able to help but attack Daenerys. He immediately completed a mind control spell with extremely obscure movements, and placed it in the ear of the old and fat governor like a devil. The voice whispered: "Only sissies like to fuck women, and real men should fuck men. Don't you think that Viserys is actually more beautiful and attractive than his sister?"


A flash of silver light flashed in Illyrio's pupils, and then he began to look up and down at Viserys with a lustful look, and soon revealed a lewd smile.

"Ah! My dear friend, thank you so much.

I never would have discovered this without your reminder.

That’s right! Viserys was certainly more alluring, exciting and thrilling to me.

Sorry, I can't bear it any longer. I have to excuse myself for a while.

As for Daenerys…

I'll have a servant take her to your room later. "

After saying this, Illyrio immediately winked at the guard, stood up and walked straight towards the back bedroom.

Without saying a word, the two guards immediately stepped forward to clamp Viserys on the left and right, and forcibly dragged him to the bedroom at the back.

"Damn it! Let me go! Do you know what you are doing? I am Viserys III Targaryen! King of the Andals, Rhoynar and the First Men! The only rightful ruler of the Seven Kingdoms! Wait until I take it back The throne, I must chop off your heads.”

Viserys didn't realize what he was about to face, he just kept roaring and struggling, trying to save some lost face.

But after a while, his hands and feet were tied up with ropes by other servants.

Not long after he was sent to the bedroom, a scream containing humiliation, fear, despair and pain came from inside.


The guests present were obviously very aware of what was going on. They immediately smiled at each other and continued to enjoy the food and wine provided at the banquet, as well as the attentive service of the female slaves.

Only Daenerys, who was worried about her brother, stood up and wanted to walk over to find out.

But he was stopped by a servant and forcibly taken into another bedroom.

About ten minutes later, when Illyrio walked out of it, he already looked satisfied.

As for Viserys, he had suffered great damage both physically and mentally. He didn't dare to come out in front of so many people. He was curled up naked into a ball, shaking and sobbing uncontrollably.

At this moment, he finally realized how weak and helpless his sister felt under his constant beatings and bullying.

Illyrio, who returned to the banquet, directly picked up the wine glass and drank a large glass of wine in one go. Then he sighed in a low voice: "This feeling is really great. You are right, a real man." You should fuck men. I have decided to make Viserys my legal wife and hold a formal wedding in a few days."

"Congratulations! I believe that our Majesty Viserys Targaryen III will be moved to tears after hearing these words." Zuo Si complimented with a playful look on his face.

In his opinion, being the "wife" of Governor Pentos in front of him was much better than Viserys's original ending of being burned alive with molten gold.

What bad intentions could I have?

No matter how you look at it, this is definitely a "good deed"!

After all, saving a life is better than building a seven-level pagoda.

As for whether Viserys would appreciate it, Zuo Si didn't care at all.

He has long since broken away from the "low taste" of doing good deeds and expecting others to thank him, and instead enjoys the process more.

"My friend, the Horselord, Khal Drogo is a big problem, and I want you to help me get rid of him, quietly.

As soon as he dies, the various tribes in the Dothraki steppe will immediately start a bloody storm.

And I can also take the opportunity to gather some tribal warriors to form a powerful cavalry to prepare for the conquest of all Free Trade Cities. "

Illyrio solemnly told Zuo Si his plan.

If it were in the past, a powerful horse king would naturally be able to provide certain protection to Pantos, who lacked military power. It can be said that both sides got what they needed.

But now that he wants to actively provoke a war, the overly powerful Horse King is no longer an ally, but a potential and deadly threat.

After all, the Dothraki are not stupid. They know that only the divided Free Trade Cities are soft persimmons that they can let themselves plunder.

"No problem. You can find any reason to trick him here, and then I will use magic to curse him. When he returns, this Drogo Khal will die in a few days."

Zuo Si agreed without even hesitating.

He has never had a good impression of the Dothraki primitive nomads who are keen on plundering, killing and destroying. He even thinks that these guys are no different from orcs and monsters, and they are all a group of out-and-out scourges.

"Thank you so much.

First you hatched the dragon egg and gave me a way to control the baby dragon. You also helped me find the true desire that had been hidden in my heart. Next, you would get rid of the biggest hidden danger for me. I simply didn’t know about this kindness. How to repay.

I promise you will get what you deserve one day.

As for Daenerys, she was just a small gift that symbolized the beginning of our friendship.

Finally, I wish you a wonderful night. "

After saying that, Illyrio raised his glass and showed a smile that all men understand.

Immediately afterwards, he signaled a maid to take Zuo Si towards the guest room far away from the banquet site.

When she came to the door of the room, the maid suddenly stopped, bowed respectfully, and said softly: "Dear guest, Princess Daenerys Targaryen is in the room right now. If you are still If you have any other requests, please feel free to ask, I will be waiting at the door."


Zuo Si didn't pay much attention to the maid specially arranged by Illyrio, and walked straight through the door into what was considered a magnificent room in this world.

Daenerys, who was sitting uneasily by the bed, saw a stranger walking in. She immediately stood up in a panic, with fear and uneasiness in her eyes.

She had obviously understood from her brother's painful scream what was waiting for her tonight, so she was very scared in her heart.

"Relax, there is no need to be so nervous, I have no interest in you."

Zuo Si comforted him in a very casual tone.

Because the current "Dragon Mother" is only thirteen years old, and she has long been worried that her entire body will look malnourished, thin and barren. Apart from her beautiful face, there is nothing to attract attention at all.

He couldn't understand at all how the tall and mighty Drogo could keep his mouth shut.

Could it be that this guy is a lolicon?

"Not at all interested?!"

Daenerys was visibly startled at first, then quickly blushed.

Just when she opened her mouth several times to say something, she suddenly saw Zuo Si taking out some strange things from somewhere that she had never seen before.

Before the girl could react to what the other party was going to do, she was pulled over.

"Be patient! This might hurt a little."

As he spoke, Zuo Si inserted a shining silver metal needle into the vein of the young "Dragon Mother"'s arm without mercy.

Because he had dissected too many human bodies and had super high sensory attributes, he didn't even need to use auxiliary props such as rubber tubes, and it took only two or three seconds to draw out a tube of blood.


It wasn't until the needle was pulled out that Daenerys finally reacted and let out a scream.

After about a minute, she regained her composure from the panic and asked cautiously: "You... what are you going to do with my blood? Do you want to use some kind of evil and terrible magic?"

"No, I just want to know what is so special about you or the Targaryen family's bloodline, and where your innate closeness to dragons comes from."

As Zuo Si spoke, he began to detect it through various magics.

But unfortunately, lacking a reference to compare with, he ended up isolating only a little something unusual.

"Huh - what is this? Some kind of ancient contract? Or is it the remnant of a special magical energy in the human body? Or is it integrating the dragon's blood into itself through some unknown method?"

Zuo Si raised the tiny energy ball that shone with faint light in the test tube and muttered to himself.

The Targaryen lineage is special, as shown by the fact that no one but them can control a dragon.

And this ancient ability originated from Valyria, which had been destroyed in the doomsday catastrophe.

In order to figure this out, Zuo Si drew two more tubes of blood from "Dragon Mother"'s thin arms.

One will continue his research, and the other plans to take it back to Dr. White for genetic testing using modern scientific methods to see if he can find some breakthroughs.

Poor Daenerys had three tubes of blood drawn in a row, and she didn't eat anything at all during the dinner. She was hungry and scared and quickly fell asleep. It wasn't until she woke up at dawn that she discovered that there was something in the room. Zuo Si has long disappeared.

Seeing that her face was pale and weak, the maid next to her thought that she had been tortured too much last night, so she thoughtfully gave her a bowl of honey water and comforted her softly: "Your Highness, this is what everyone is doing." It is a process that all women must go through. Although it will be a little painful at the beginning, you will soon feel happy."

"Happiness? I don't think the feeling of being stabbed will produce any happiness."

Daenerys couldn't help but shudder when she thought back to the sharp metal needle last night.

When the maid heard this, her misunderstanding immediately deepened.

Especially when she discovered that Zuo Si accidentally dripped blood on the ground while conducting the test, she became even more convinced that the last princess of the Targaryen family, like her brother, had experienced the most difficult moment in her life last night.

You must know that the latter now needs help even when walking, and is also forced to wear a beautiful women's silk dress...

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