A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 383 Come on, Oni-chan, open your mouth (a 10,000-word chapter, please subscribe)

Just as Zuo Si expected, when the Sharn Empire's fleet pretended to be returning victoriously and launched an attack on Surdover, an important city guarding the Sea of ​​Glory and Lake of Steam, the city had no defense at all.

A group of politicians who wanted to put on a show even arranged a grand welcome ceremony and went to the dock to greet him in person.

As expected, he was caught directly by the soldiers who rushed off the ship.

The few remaining troops used to maintain law and order were no match for the wolf-like and high-spirited soldiers of the Shane Empire. They were completely defeated in just one charge, and the entire city quickly fell.

General Taylor did not even use the magic horn given to him by Shane VII, and then personally led people to seal the city gate, not giving any noble, wealthy businessman or slave owner a chance to escape.

After the last resistance forces on the streets are cleared away, what is left will naturally be the welcome news of ransacking homes and exterminating families.

Because of the amazing benefits they can get from it, everyone from officers to soldiers is full of indescribable "enthusiasm" for this matter.

They first learned about the general situation and political leanings of the wealthy people in the city from the upper echelons of the ruling group by interrogating the prisoners, and then "visited" each family one by one.

For those merchants who were willing to free their slaves and cooperate with the empire in enforcing the new laws, usually as long as they handed over half of their property, they could save the lives of their entire family and continue to operate their original businesses and industries.

But when dealing with nobles, slave owners, and top wealthy businessmen who are unwilling to cooperate, there is only one outcome. Following the ancient tradition of the Calishan region, all the male members of the entire family are killed, and the young and beautiful women are gathered together. , and then let the officers and soldiers make the selection according to their military merit.

However, the batch with the best quality will almost certainly become the group of adventurers and mercenaries.

Because Xia En VII followed Zuo Si's suggestion, he introduced a large number of adventurers and mercenaries who could only be active among civilians into the military system.

In order to climb up and get that high reward, these guys often work extremely hard on the battlefield.

Most of the guys with professional levels above LV5 have basically become officers after several battles, and some have even obtained noble titles.

In addition, the entire Xian Empire is still in its infancy stage, and there is no large ruling class or vested interest group at all, so the upward path is almost completely open.

For example, General Tyro, who was entrusted with an important task, was originally the leader of a well-known elite adventure team in Calimshan.

It only took less than a month from joining the army to becoming a powerful general.

Although this has a lot to do with his total warrior professional level of LV15 and the fact that he once killed a brown dragon.

After all, in a dangerous place like Faerûn, you still want to be a general of the empire without any strength?

I'm afraid that if the front foot hadn't just taken office, the back foot would have died from the enemy's assassination and curse.

But even so, many talented people who are capable but lack promotion channels still see hope and want to firmly seize this opportunity to change their class and destiny through hard work.

Don't underestimate this.

You must know that in other places that pay attention to blood and origin, if you are not a noble child, no matter how high your professional level is, even if you save a city or even a country, at best you will only be awarded an honorary title with more symbolic meaning than actual significance and a large number of students. A bounty.

The nobles simply would not allow an outsider to enter their circle, much less let "lowly" adventurers participate to break the balance between them.

The final endings of many heroic stories sung repeatedly by bards can well prove this point.

The direct effect of Xia En VII's incorporation of a large number of experienced adventurers and mercenaries into the army was that the morale and combat effectiveness of the city defense army and the imperial guard, which were originally a little stretched, increased at an incredible speed.

In addition, Zuo Si provides sophisticated armor and weapons made by industrial assembly lines, as well as modern compound bows and powerful crossbows equipped with pulleys, with super range and penetration, which can be used by ordinary armies in most countries and cities in Faerun. A crushing advantage was formed.

That's why the army of the Shan Empire was able to win one war after another.

It only took General Taylor three days to complete the "liquidation" of the ruling group in Surdover City. At the same time, he screened and integrated the prisoners held in the cabin. The number of troops quickly expanded from the 4,000 people at the time of departure. There were twelve thousand people.

He left almost a third of his army behind and was responsible for continuing to maintain military control in Surdover, while also attacking the manor outside the city that occupied a large area of ​​land and controlled a large number of slaves.

He led the fleet into the Steam Lake, and attacked the crescent-shaped bay along the coast towards Calimshan's last two cities in this area - Tumon and Jespike, hoping to pacify the entire south for Shane VII in one fell swoop. To repay this great emperor for his appreciation and exceptional promotion.

Of course, none of the above has anything to do with Zuo Si.

Ever since he witnessed the complete fall of the city of Surdover, he had clearly realized that there was no suspense in this war.

Unless the ruler of Minta City in the northernmost part of the Alamere Mountains, which is controlled by the Zhentarim, An Ji (Priest of LV9 Bane) has a brain attack and feels that he has the ability to kill a legendary demilich with a total arcane casting level of LV36. .

Otherwise, this guy should be more worried about whether he will be attacked by Xia En VII.

You must know that the area surrounding Steam Lake used to be under the control of the Xia En Empire.

From Inaris in the east to the still-chaotic border kingdoms to the south, Shayne VII had undisputed claims to them all.

However, in the nearly a thousand years since the fall of the Shan Dynasty, most cities have become independent from Calimshan.

Some places have also been infiltrated, occupied and controlled by evil forces, such as the Zhentarim and the Church of Bane.

In addition, a large number of careerists and wealthy businessmen trying to usurp power have also made the regime in this region extremely fragile. Wars between towns and internal struggles for power are even more frequent.

In a place like the Border Kingdom with a population of just over 10,000, any adventurer with some strength can commandeer a town or a few villages, and then proclaim themselves lord or even king for a short period of rule.

Compared with the chaotic situation around Steam Lake, the "West Heartland" area east of Baldur's Gate, which has countless independent villages and towns and an abundance of monsters, can be considered "peaceful and peaceful".

At this moment, Zuo Si was sitting in the tavern in Ankhep, tasting the most famous local oyster dinner, while waiting for someone to arrive.

This port city is located directly north of Steam Lake, close to the mouth of the Thorn River, and has a population of more than 50,000 if slaves are included.

It was once ruled by an undead creature as a king for a long time, and was later successfully overthrown and eliminated with the joint efforts of the current king Janor Fahaisuo (LV10 rogue) and his companions.

In order to consolidate their rule and suppress the original vested interest groups, the latter not only opened up the market and lowered commercial taxes to attract businessmen, but also increased the land taxes of the nobles.

At present, Ankhep has gradually formed a situation where two political forces are in tit-for-tat opposition. Under the calm surface, there are undercurrents surging, and fierce conflicts may break out at any time.

But the reason Zuo Si appeared here was not because he was interested in the local political situation.

Instead, I heard that a businessman named Ilmer Barascolo accidentally obtained a very interesting magic item that allows the holder to create multiple truly permanent physical clones at will. The freedom of one's own will is transferred among all clones.

He himself had relied on this ability to avoid assassinations from the enemy three times.

Now he is willing to sell it to anyone interested for two million gold coins.

Some scholars who have studied history have concluded that this magic item may be the legendary [Sgrim's Neck Guard] based on the description of its abilities.

Its creator created so many bodies and frequently switched between them that he eventually went insane and went completely crazy.

If this speculation is true, then Zuo Si will get it no matter what.

Because this is an out-and-out artifact, not a sub-artifact like the Archmage's Staff.

The real function of [Sgrim's Neck Guard] is to create a clone with the same strength as the main body.

Taking Zuo Si as an example, if he wears this magic item and creates a clone, the clone will perfectly inherit almost all professional levels and spell-like abilities.

The only thing that may not be inherited is the power of the spark and the planeswalker.

But even so, based on the current wizard's spellcasting level, the priest's spellcasting level, the power to transform into a dragon form, the ability to breathe, and the natural warlock's spellcasting level, it is already quite powerful.

When the time comes, coupled with some powerful magic equipment and props, you will not be afraid at all even against those veteran legendary spellcasters.

Moreover, if the clone is injured or even dies, it will not cause any substantial harm to the main body, but will only have some "trivial" side effects.

Although consciousness can only come to one body at a time, it is not like [Simulacra] where even consciousness and memory can be copied and act together.

But Zuo Si inevitably had a strong interest in it.

He wanted to try if he could transfer his consciousness instantly if he placed his clones in different planes or even time and space.

If the answer is yes, then he will be able to place one in each world or wherever needed in the future, without having to travel back and forth between different worlds like now, which is a waste of time and energy.

You can even send a clone to the Mirrodin space and time to study [Shining Oil] and uncover the secrets of Phyrexia's magical technology.

With this thought, Zuo Si sat in the tavern for a full hour based on the information he spent hundreds of gold coins on the black market, and also ate for an hour.

Until the terrifying amount of food shocked everyone, including the chef, the boss, and the surrounding customers, and they began to wonder whether its true identity was a dragon or other monster disguised through magic, a man with gray hair The little boy with short hair walked in from the door and said in a slightly panicked voice: "Sir, I have a letter for you. The person who gave it to me promised that as long as I deliver the letter to you, I will get a reward. .”

"What reward do you want?"

Zuo Si threw an oyster shell into the trash can nearby, then turned his head and asked with interest.

The boy glanced at the densely arranged plates on the table, as well as the richly fragrant meat, seafood, bread and fruits on the plates. He subconsciously swallowed his saliva and immediately and cautiously tried to say: "I can sit down and eat something." ? Just a few pieces of bread and a small bowl of broth."

"Of course, no problem. Give me the letter, and all the food on the table will be yours."

Zuo Si very generously waved his hand to the boy to eat whatever he wanted, and then used very subtle movements to stuff a few gold coins into the hands of this clever little guy.

When the boy felt the heavy weight of the gold coin and the golden light, he immediately showed a look of great surprise and hurriedly hid it in his belt. At the same time, he handed over the letter in his hand and bowed to express his thanks.

After Zuo Si paid the bill and walked out of the tavern, he sat on a chair and started crazily stuffing his mouth with good food that he couldn't afford to eat on weekdays.

Not only did he eat it himself, but he also took the leftovers outside the tavern to share with his companions who were about the same age.

From the tattered clothes and dirty appearance, it is easy to tell that they are either street children who have lost their parents, or children of poor people in the slums.

Many people with ulterior motives will take advantage of the fact that they need money and food to survive and hire them to deliver messages at a very low cost.

Since the lives of these children are not valuable at all, no one will pay attention to them even if they die. If they are caught and tortured by the enemy, they will not yield any useful information, so they are often exploited by people from the evil camp.

There is no doubt that this alone can tell that the businessman Ilmer Barascolo is definitely not a good person.

Following the address and password provided in the letter, Zuo Si soon arrived at the door of an inconspicuous-looking house in the city.

After going through some complicated connections, he entered the city sewer through the secret door in the basement of the house and walked blindfolded for about ten minutes.

After the blindfold was taken off, he realized that he had been taken to another house where he didn't know where he was.

A middle-aged man, about forty years old and slightly obese, was sitting on the sofa and twiddling his fingers.

You know without asking that he should be Ilmer Barascolo.

But it is definitely not the original body, but a clone created with that artifact.

But even so, this guy looked very nervous.

It was easy to tell from the flash of awe and fear in his eyes that he must have known Zuo Si's identity, so he had no sense of security at all.

He was even more unsure whether the little tricks he had carefully prepared could deceive the powerful elector in front of him who was favored by both the goddess of magic and the goddess of poison and disease.

Zuo Si was keenly aware of this, and immediately smiled and comforted: "Relax, I am not a robber, and I will not rob a businessman for no reason. Of course, if someone else plays tricks in the transaction or takes advantage of others, then It’s a different story.”

"Haha, I haven't lived enough yet, how dare I deceive a big shot like you."

Ilmer Barrasco managed a smile.

"That's hard to say. After all, as long as the profits are huge enough, businessmen will never lack the courage to take risks. Especially a crazy businessman like you who dares to offer two million gold coins for a magic item and wants to use it as a bargaining chip. ." Zuo Si said meaningfully.

Ilmo defended himself with an embarrassed smile: "Please believe me, it is really precious and worth the money."

Zuo Si sat on the sofa noncommittally, and then said with a half-smile: "Then take out this magic item, or prove its value to me. Otherwise, I will not hand over two million gold coins to you easily."

"Did you really bring two million gold coins?!"

Upon hearing this number, Ilmo's eyes suddenly glowed with greed.

In fact, he never thought that he could really sell it for such an outrageous price of two million gold coins. The reason why he set the price so high was to leave room for bargaining.

But now, someone was actually willing to pay two million gold coins, so he was naturally overjoyed.

"Of course! I'm very sincere."

With that said, Zuo Si opened the suitcase he was carrying, poured out the gold coins he had prepared in advance, and instantly piled up a "gold mountain" in the open space of the room.


It was the first time that Ilmer saw so many gold coins, and he immediately swallowed subconsciously, and immediately grabbed a handful to evaluate them carefully.

It turned out that they were all new types of gold coins issued by the Nelanthal Islands and Luskan.

Although these currencies have only been in circulation for a short period of time, they have quickly gained popularity throughout the North due to their high gold content (nearly 50%) and incredible and exquisite casting techniques that cannot be imitated (modern industrial stamping and plating technology). and even recognition from West Coast businessmen and ordinary people.

Some wealthy families will even take out the wealth they have accumulated for hundreds of years and exchange it all for this new currency that is more stable, easier to preserve, and less prone to rust.

Even the church of Woking, the goddess of wealth, couldn't help but join in, exchanging those ancient gold and silver coins that were oxidized and rusted in batches into this precious metal called "Lansel" Currency, even if you have to pay a valuable handling fee for it.

Not only that, they also funded and commissioned Zuo Si to mint a batch of exclusive coins printed with the goddess' profile and abbreviated teachings.

In this way, I plan to expand the influence of my goddess in the field of business and trade.

However, minting coins is not an easy task for any city-state or even country in Faerûn.

Ilmer couldn't understand how Zuo Si could provide tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of different types of currencies such as platinum, gold, silver and copper in a short period of time, and each of them was so exquisite. To an extent beyond imagination.

Apart from anything else, the source of precious metals for coinage alone is a big problem.

At least the output of all the mines on the west coast of Faerûn for more than ten years combined cannot satisfy this terrifying consumption.

But he obviously didn't know that most of the precious metals used to mint these currencies did not come from Faerûn.

Just like the massive amount of food, part of it comes from the earth, and the other part comes from the floating city world.

Especially the latter, although it does not have a large population, its productivity level and production efficiency are not low at all with the help of countless free constructs, undead labor, Qarish magical mechanical devices, and corpse-embedded creatures created by the undead wizard Ludvi.

All kinds of mineral veins can be mined however they want, without any concern for possible damage and pollution to the surrounding environment.

In addition, countless supplies were collected from warehouses when recapturing various towns.

Just by melting the metal currencies originally circulated by the Mage Council in the floating city world, you can easily mint a terrifying amount of currency that is enough to cause prices to skyrocket and the economy to collapse in the entire Faerun continent.

So Zuo Si is really not short of money at all now, but is a little worried about how to exchange so much useless "money" into scarce supplies that he or the floating city needs.

Staring at the "golden mountain" so close at hand, Ilmer Barascolo quickly estimated the amount in his mind, and quickly confirmed that the pile really contained two million gold coins, and immediately said with joy: “I have indeed felt your sincerity.

But the magic item is not here, but needs to be picked up somewhere else.

After all, I have been assassinated three times because of it. I believe you can understand my difficulty and the reason why I must be cautious.

You must know that there are many people who want my life in Ankheip City. "

"No problem, just lead the way."

Zuo Si shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly.

"Then these gold coins..."

Ilmo deliberately dragged out a long tone and tried carefully.

"Just leave them here as advance payment. Anyway, since I dare to take them out and pile them up here, I won't be afraid of you absconding with the money. Otherwise, I guarantee that even if you escape to another plane, I can Find you out."

When he said these words, Zuo Si's tone was full of warning.

Ilmo hurriedly laughed and said: "I am an honest businessman, how could I do such a despicable and shameless thing."

"Haha, I hope so."

Zuo Si couldn't help but sneer.

Do you believe in the credibility of merchants?

Stop it!

He would rather believe that a dog can change its habit of eating shit than believe in the guarantee given by a businessman.

Because the so-called reputation is actually just a sign used by businessmen to make money.

When its potential value is far greater than the profit that the risk can bring, businessmen will naturally abide by the contract and rules honestly, and hold the word "credibility" high.

But if on the other hand, its potential value is far less than the income that risk can bring, then the businessmen as a group will not hesitate to abandon the sign of "reputation", and then step on it into the mud and use all kinds of methods. Despicable and shameless means to plunder huge wealth.

As for the huge sum of two million gold coins, not to mention mere "reputation", it is estimated that many businessmen would exchange the lives of their entire families, old and young, and they would be very happy to accept it.

Ilmo undoubtedly understood the meaning revealed in Zuo Si's eyes. Instead of continuing to defend himself, he personally led the way into the dark sewer.

This time, he did not ask Zuo Si to cover his eyes. Instead, he and his men walked through the maze-like tunnel and entered the previous room through a secret door.

Immediately afterwards, the cunning businessman opened the floor first and took off a neck brace that shone with silver light from a body that looked exactly like himself.

There is no doubt that this method of hiding takes full advantage of the blind spots in most people’s psychology and thinking.

Buyers who come here may never dream that the seller would hide such a precious treasure in the place where he passes by.

"Here, this is the product I sell to you..."

As these words blurted out, the Ilmo in front of him immediately seemed to have lost all his strength. He fell to the ground with a plop on his back, and quickly turned into nothingness.

Along with him, there was another clone hidden under the floor.

"No! This bastard Ilmo wants to take those gold coins for himself!"

A bodyguard under a businessman suddenly woke up and immediately turned around and rushed into the sewer, trying to return to another house where gold coins were stored.

"Damn it! I knew this cunning viper would never fulfill his promise!"

"Hurry! Hurry back now! Two million gold coins are not so easy to take away!"

"Damn it! When I catch Ilmo, I will definitely cut out his tongue!"

At the reminder of the former, several other people also quickly cursed and made the same move, and ran away in the blink of an eye.

Although Zuo Si didn't quite know what happened between Ilmer and his men.

But it can be roughly guessed that 80% of the time it was the former who promised to share the huge wealth of two million gold coins together in exchange for the latter's loyalty during this period. However, after receiving the money, he decisively chose to take the money with him. Run away.

However, he was obviously not interested in this drama of falling in love and killing each other due to uneven distribution of spoils. Instead, he turned his attention to the neck guard in his hand that exuded dazzling arcane light.

“What an interesting piece of magic equipment!

Is it an advanced transmutation arcane aura?

No, that's not right.

In addition to the arcane aura of change, there are some other things hidden.

In addition, it turns out that this thing does not need to be equipped on oneself. It only needs to be equipped on any clone to produce effects.

Sure enough, it is the famous Siglin neck brace. "

After inspecting the neck brace, Zuo Si quickly confirmed the abilities that this artifact could bestow on the wearer.

In addition to perfectly creating physical clones and instantly transferring consciousness, it also allows the consciousness existing in any clone or body to clearly perceive the current status of other clones.

In other words, although multiple avatars cannot be controlled at the same time, they can be used to quickly transmit information.

For example, if you leave a clone in the floating city, if you encounter an important matter that requires a decision, Vanessa, Tyrantir, or Isadora can directly call you, allowing consciousness to come.

No hesitation!

Zuo Si quickly took off the [Supreme Talisman] and put the neck guard around his neck, then activated his ability to create a physical clone out of thin air.

Then put the neck protector on the clone's neck, and continue to wear the [Supreme Talisman].

After finishing all this, he immediately tried to transfer his consciousness back and forth between the two bodies.

It turns out that not only the spark power of the planeswalkers can be copied, but even the power of the chosen ones given to them by the two goddesses can also be transferred with the transfer of consciousness.

This discovery is incredible!

In order to confirm his conjecture, Zuo Si took the clone back to the mage tower in Askatra, dissected the entire clone in an extremely brutal way, and inspected it from the inside out.

He even took a blood sample to the floating city and compared it with his own blood.

Finally got an incredible answer.

That is the so-called clone. It is not a clone or anything like that, but something like a "template".

It itself does not even have a "gene", it is just a real body without any "attributes".

Only when consciousness and soul are injected into it, will the entire clone become a "living person" that is the same as the original body.

In this process, the spark of the planeswalker and the chosen ability given by the two goddesses will also be transferred along with the soul and consciousness.

Even if the main body is destroyed, as long as there is still a clone, the spirit and soul can be transferred to the next body to continue life at the moment of physical death.

In addition, Zuo Si also proved through experiments that it can completely realize the transfer of spirit and soul across planes and time and space.

This may be related to the fact that the planeswalker spark itself can be transported across time and space.

To put it simply, [Sgrim's Neck Guard] is equivalent to a super enhanced version of the static cloning technique.

The only problem is, all clones share sight, hearing, smell, touch, taste, and pain.

Especially the last one.

If one clone is seriously injured or even dies, and the spirit and soul are transferred to the next clone, then after the transfer is completed, strong phantom pain will occur uncontrollably, and it will take a long time to replay the terrible pain at the moment of death in the mind. It takes time to slowly recover.

If the clone dies again during this process, the phantom pain produced after entering the third body will be super doubled.

The most terrible thing is that this kind of pain directly affects the spirit and soul. Any currently known arcana, divine magic, and psychic powers cannot relieve it. Even if it transforms into an undead creature, it still hurts. The only way is to rely on A strong will to resist.

No wonder there are rumors that the creator of [Sgrim's Neck Guard] eventually went crazy.

If he dies several times in a short period of time, the accumulated phantom pain will definitely torture any normal person until his will collapse.

Similarly, Zuo Si also understood why Ilmer Barrasco was so eager to exchange his money for money.

This guy has been assassinated three times, and it is estimated that many vital parts of his body are constantly producing phantom pain.

If it happened one or two more times, he might not be able to bear it anymore.

"Soth, are you sure you want to use this thing?"

Isadora, who had been severely spanked before, asked with a worried look on her face.

"Otherwise? I spent a full two million gold coins to buy it. What's more, I can't die that easily. No matter who wants to kill me, they must be prepared to face death, even if it's a god. exception."

Zuo Si subconsciously touched his aching chest and responded.

Fortunately, he did not destroy it directly after dissecting his identity, but used magic to reinstall the broken belly and internal organs intact one by one.

Otherwise, you will now have to endure the extreme pain of death all the time.

After that, Zuo Si created five clones in one breath, one of which was intended to stay in Faerun, the second to be thrown to the world of Song of Ice and Fire, the third to Zendikar, and the fourth to stay in the floating city. , the fifth one was thrown to Mirrodin to study the Shimmering Oil.

As for the main body, it is first kept in a dormant state in the deepest part of the doomsday bunker on Magic Earth.

The equipment of each clone is also easy to deal with, just make them into cards and save them in the spark.

When transferring souls and spirits, first take off all the equipment and turn it into cards. After the transfer is completed, turn the cards into equipment and put them on.

Just do it!

Since Faerun, the Floating City, and the world of Song of Ice and Fire all have permanently opened portal connections, he easily completed the placement of three of the clones.

However, when placing the fourth one, the clone of Zendikar's time and space, we encountered a small accident.

To be precise, Zuo Si was caught red-handed by the boulder warlock Nahiri again.

The reason was the same as last time. His feet landed on the surface of a huge crystal stone towering above the sky.

no way!

Who allowed the world of Zendikar to be filled with these conglomerate creations used to confine and seal the Eldrazi Titans.

"Did you come to Zendikar specifically to visit me this time?" Nahiri asked with a cynical smile on her face.

"No, I'm just here to place this body."

Zuo Si did not choose to lie, but told the truth truthfully.

"This body? Placement?"

Nahiri's eyes flashed with surprise and curiosity.

Because in her thousands of years of life, she has never seen any planeswalker be able to have multiple clones while ensuring the normal operation of the spark.

Zuo Si smiled and explained: "I found an artifact in a certain time and space.

It can create unlimited clones, and allows the wearer's will and soul to freely transfer among different clones.

And this transfer even includes the planeswalker's spark.

In order to facilitate contact with you in the future, and to ensure that the Eldrazi seal will not be easily broken, I decided to keep a clone in Zendikar.

What, don’t you welcome me to move in? "

"Hahahaha! How could it be! It's not too late for me to be happy.

But you are really lucky to be able to find such a precious artifact.

It just so happens that I went hunting in other time and space a few days ago, and I have helped you catch two people with potential that has not yet ignited a spark.

Not only that, but guess who I was lucky enough to find? "

While saying this, Nahiri suddenly brought her face very close to her and winked playfully.


Zuo Si stood up and asked very cooperatively.

Nahiri took the initiative and stretched out her white right hand and said, "Come, hold my hand, I will take you to see this unexpected surprise now."

"as you wish!"

Zuo Si didn't say any nonsense and directly held the other person's hand.

The next second...

Nahiri instantly activated some unknown magic and took him instantly from the spar to a fortress inside the mountain.

You know without asking that this is the lagomancer's lair.

The huge crystalline stone pillars and runes engraved on the walls, ground and overhead all around them were all shining with a dazzling magical halo.

However, Zuo Si's attention was not focused on the surrounding environment, but at a glance he saw three unlucky guys who were restrained by the boulder technique in the open space in the middle.

Two of them are anthropomorphic animal figures like the movie "Zootopia", one is a raccoon and the other is a monkey.

The third one is a demon with wings, horns and tail, and is glowing with red fire.

To be precise, his name is - Onishiz.

A tyrant who once ignited a spark and became a planeswalker, but later lost his spark and was trapped in Zendikar, a tyrant who was keen on waging war and conquering time and space.

Of course, if he just lost his spark and turned into a regular demon, it wouldn't be a big deal.

What's interesting is that Onixiz is one of the very few planeswalkers who can rekindle his spark after losing it.

"How's it going? Are you satisfied with the little gift I prepared for you?"

Nahiri raised the corners of her mouth with a cold and cruel expression.

"Of course! I couldn't be more satisfied. Especially Onixiz, I have been looking for him. By the way, the conglomerate on his body should have the effect of blocking the power of the planeswalker's spark, right?"

Zuo Si said as he walked straight towards the tall demon.

As for the two anthropomorphic animals, he didn't pay too much attention.

Because if nothing else, the raccoons and monkeys should come from a place called "New Capena".

The residents there are basically all made up of this kind of anthropomorphic animal residents, and the environment is a bit like the era when American gangs were rampant.

Nahiri answered bluntly: "Don't worry, in this base, even Sorin and Ugin can't use the power of the spark to escape. No matter what grudge you have with this demon, you can do whatever you want now."

"I feel relieved to hear you say that."

Zuo Si casually took out a silver smelting stick that exuded a silvery light from the satchel he carried with him.

The moment Ounixis saw this thing, his face suddenly changed, and he immediately roared in a voice full of fear: "You... what do you want to do? I don't remember seeing you, let alone having any grudge against you. !”

"Haha, we really don't have any grudges. But is there any necessary relationship between whether there is grudges and me torturing you?"

Zuo Si had a devilish smile on his face.

There is no doubt that the refined silver he holds in his hand can cause unimaginable pain to the demon in front of him, and even cause it to slowly die.

And his purpose in doing this is not to obtain some kind of twisted pleasure from it, but just to stimulate the other party's subconscious desire to survive, thereby prompting him to rekindle the extinguished spark.

In fact, the reason why Onixiz was able to rekindle the spark is very closely related to the fact that the Eldrazi Titan broke the seal and was about to destroy the entire Zendikar space and time.

Many times, planeswalkers ignite sparks when they are in great pain or when their lives are threatened.

Now that the Eldrazi are gone, Zuo Si will naturally use some "special" means.

"Damn it! You are a demon in human skin! Get out! Don't - don't come here!!!"

Seeing the bottle of refined silver getting closer and closer to his mouth, Onixiz let out a desperate roar.

"Don't say that. If you have to find a synonym to describe it, I think devil should be more appropriate. Come on, Onii-chan, open your mouth. Ah——"

Zuo Si used the power of a giant dragon to forcefully open Ounixizi's mouth and pour the entire bottle of refined silver into it.


The demon screamed like a slaughtering pig.

Although the body was tightly bound by the conglomerate and could not move, the body still had violent and uncontrollable crazy twitches.

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