A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 388 Invitation to a trip to the abyss (a 10,000-word chapter, please subscribe)

There is no doubt that being teased is almost inevitable when taking a bath with "female drivers" like Alustriel and Villamarandez.

Especially after devouring Onixiz's vitality and vitality, Zuo Si's physical condition seems to be very close to that of an adult, so some of Alustriel's actions and language have become particularly explicit, using hints more than once. Send them an invitation.

In contrast, the Golden Dragon Queen simply likes to see others in embarrassment and often stops there without going any further.

If it were any other time, Zuo Si wouldn't mind playing a "friendly match" between voters with Alustriel, so that the other party could experience his physical fitness, which was even stronger than that of the ancient dragon.

Especially the endurance and endurance brought by the terrifying physical attributes.

It's a pity that he is not in such a mood at all right now. All he can think about is Shioyou's research progress, the gravel magic he learned from Nahiri, and New Phyrexia's incredible life-changing technology.

Through in-depth research, Zuo Si has discovered the biggest characteristic of Phyrexian life forms, which is that they have no soul.


Although it is a combination of organic matter and machinery, the spirit, consciousness, memory and thinking of all the transformed creatures of the New Phyrexia force that gradually formed in Mirrodin are all given by something contained in the shimmering oil.

This also explains very well why the shimmering oil can reuse the waste bones and muscles that were torn and cut during the transformation process, and re-fuse them together to form a new Phyrexian life.

It also means that the greatest infective ability of Shuoyou is not actually physical, but spiritual and conscious.

And because there is no soul, but the self-consciousness is uniformly given by Shimmering Oil after the transformation is completed, all New Phyrexia creations are completely immune to all magic related to soul and mind control.

The best spells to deal with them are often spells like dissociation that directly decompose them from the physical level, or pure force field magic.

To some extent, the nature of New Phyrexia is closer to the soulless Necrons of the Warhammer world next door, rather than the "mechanical ascension" that many people think.

To this end, Zuo Si also specially built a powerful magic weapon that can convert mana or spell slots into dissociation rays.

Of course, he didn't tell anyone about his secret trip to Mirrodin to study Shimmering Oil.

At least not even a little bit of news was revealed in front of Alustriel.

As the ambient temperature in Luskan began to enter autumn and quickly turned colder, the Northland Lords Alliance meeting finally came to an end.

This rally, which lasted for a whole week and was highly anticipated by the people, ended up with nothing being agreed upon.

To be exact, almost every time we get together and try to reach some consensus, someone is bound to jump out and settle old scores.

Then came mutual accusations and arguments, which eventually turned into name-calling, personal attacks, and fist-pumping attempts to physically silence the other person.

Since the residents of the Northland have a tough folk custom, all the representatives and leaders from various places have a certain professional level.

Therefore, they prefer to convince people with virtue (virtue of martial arts) rather than convincing people with reason (reason of doctrine).

Bruno Warhammer, the fiery King of Mithral Hall, even proposed a duel to the representative of Mirabar in a meeting. He directly smashed the opponent's jaw and nose with his hard skull, and then rode up with his fists. Beat this unfortunate guy half to death.

If Alustriel hadn't used the force wall technique quickly to separate the two, the dwarf, who had already accumulated a full anger bar, could even beat Miraba's representative to death.

You must know that in the Northland, once the word "duel" is involved, it is equivalent to both parties agreeing and signing a "declaration of life and death."

During this period, no matter who kills anyone, they do not need to bear any legal responsibility. Even the Church of God of Justice, which has an extremely strict pursuit of the law, has no objection to this.

Of course, the price for Bruno Warhammer's impulsiveness was that Mirabar's representative solemnly announced the next day that from now on, all ships or caravans would be prohibited from passing through his territory to Mithril Hall, which was a so-called trade blockade strategy in retaliation.

If it were changed to the past, this blockade would definitely put the dwarves and underground gnomes who were accustomed to living in underground mines into a dilemma of lack of food and living supplies.

But now...

Bruno did not panic at all, but instead provoked and ridiculed Representative Miraba unscrupulously in the following meeting.

Because he had already learned in advance that Silvermoon City and Luskan would soon open an air route.

This also means that I no longer have to look at the faces of Miraba's despicable villains. When the time comes, I can directly take the excavated gems, mithril, fine gold and things made with the dwarves' unique magic runes to Silver Moon. Just trade in the city.

Ever since Bruno's bad start, the verbal communication that was originally just a verbal greeting to the other woman's family quickly escalated to a physical level of communication.

At the beginning, people who came to the meeting would rush up to help pull the person away.

But later on, unless they saw someone about to be maimed or beaten to death, not only would they not go up to start a fight, but they would stand aside and applaud, or even bet a small amount of money to cultivate their sentiments.

Such chaos made Alustriel, Golden Dragon Queen Valamalandis, Lord Nasir, Paladin Aribes and others unable to stand it, and they all returned to their respective cities in advance.

As for being the nominal organizer, Eric fully implemented the spirit of "doing nothing" throughout the show, and only after each fight ended, he calmly made some clichés and nonsense.

If someone insists on forcing him to choose a side, he will adopt an attitude such as "You are all my wings" and no one will be offended.

Anyway, there is no doubt that Luskan will become the largest port city, trade center, commodity distribution center and market in the north in the future.

In addition, it also has the most powerful military force and a huge training institution for magic and professional personnel.

As long as neutrality remains unwavering, the wealth of the entire Northland will be crazily concentrated here to create a scale effect.

Since you can obviously win by doing nothing, why bother messing around?

In this way, Eric easily resolved all temptations and successfully completed his mission.

As a reward, he received a day's use of the bottle containing the ghost ship.

"Here, I think you have a lot to say to your former captain now, don't you?"

Zuo Si meaningfully took out the bottle and stuffed it into the other person's hand.


Eric then recognized the face in the bottle with teeth and claws, as if it was about to rush out and tear him alive. His eyes and face were distorted by hatred, and his mouth opened in surprise.

"Ha...Captain Hallett?! How did he become an undead and control a ship?"

Zuo Si smiled and replied: "This is all because of what you said after killing him. Do you know? His hostility and resentment towards you have reached a level that is enough to distort his soul."

"Ah! I understand!"

Eric instantly recalled the heart-wrenching remarks he made to the corpse. Looking at Hallett's soul in the bottle, he suddenly showed a sinister expression and sighed in a low voice: "I never imagined that we would meet again in this way. Well, dear captain. Since you care so much about your lover and daughter, then I will take you to meet them."

After saying that, Eric quickly stood up to say goodbye and turned back to his own mansion in Luskan.

When he got home, he directly placed the bottle in the most conspicuous place, then pulled the mother and daughter who had already been taken into his pocket, and staged a hearty "action drama" in front of Hallett. .

There are so many tricks and tricks that it could make a two-hour short movie.

During this process, it can be clearly seen that the soul in the bottle is going crazy, desperately hitting the seal with magical protection.

The mourning banshees opened their mouths wide and continued to let out ear-piercing screams.

But unfortunately, all this has no impact on the glass bottle.

If Hallet hadn't already died and turned into an undead, he would have been so angry that he vomited blood and died.

But Eric obviously intends to put an end to this matter of murder and heart-crushing.

After taking a bath, he took out his two sons, one of whom was born to Hallett's daughter, and the other to his lover, and told them the legendary story of Captain "Bloody Hand".

What's even worse is that this bastard actually named both children "Harlett".

As a result, when Eric returned the bottle the next day, the ghost ship was suddenly affected by negative emotions such as extreme anger and resentment, and its abilities were greatly improved.

"Dear Captain Bloodhand, you have been robbing others of their most cherished things while you were alive. How do you feel now that it is your turn?" Zuo Si raised the transparent glass bottle in his hand and asked with a half-smile.

"What on earth do you want to do?!"

Hallett was like crazy, pressing his distorted face against the inner wall of the glass and asking loudly.

Zuo Si shrugged his shoulders casually: "It's nothing, I just think this ending is very interesting, full of a fatalistic cycle of retribution and black humor."

"Give Eric to me! Let me kill him! Imprison and torture his soul for ten thousand years! In exchange, I will work for you from now on."

Hallett growled and tried to bargain.

Because in his opinion, the powerful and cunning young man in front of him had not purified himself on the sea, so he must be needed somewhere.

No matter as a person or as an undead, the most fearful thing is that it has no use value.

Since it has value, it can be used as a bargaining chip in negotiations and transactions.

"You think too highly of yourself, and at the same time you think too little of me.

With the power I have now, if I want to use you, I don't need to ask for your consent at all.

Finally, thank you for sending me the first bucket of start-up capital in this world.

In return, I will graciously allow you to become a loyal servant and serve me forever. "

As the last word blurted out, Zuo Si directly activated the power of sparks to seal Hallet and the ghost ship he controlled into a summoning creature card.

As the spark level continues to increase, he no longer needs to make the target lose consciousness or resist when making cards below LV9. This process can be completed with powerful energy suppression alone.

Just when Zuo Si was about to check the detailed instructions on the card, a slightly petite woman wearing only a shabby robe and long silver hair appeared out of thin air.

She is none other than Storm Queen Xinbu, who is also chosen by the Magic Goddess.

You don't need to ask to know that this crazy woman with a hot temper directly broke the protection of the mage tower and used the silver fire as a beacon and positioning to forcefully teleport over.

Although it is theoretically feasible, the degree of danger involved is simply not high. If you are not careful, you may be stuck or thrown into an unknown alien plane.

No wise mage would do such a risky thing.

However, considering that Xinbu's professional combination is a warlock and a mage, the warlock's spellcasting level is as high as LV20, and the mage and archmage combined are only LV12, so it is not worth making a fuss about doing such a thing.

Moreover, her own personality also highlights the word "reckless", otherwise she would not be so feared and feared by the red-robed wizard.

However, the power of Luskan Mage Tower is not a vegetarian.

After realizing that they had been invaded, the piercing siren immediately echoed in the corridors on all levels.

The resident Lich who has been turned into a card - Akram Grace, and some other high-level mages from the Arcane Brotherhood have brought summoned creatures, undead creatures and construct demons with them. Like, a group of people rushed up from downstairs.

You must know that there are currently a thousand mages and warlocks gathered in Luskan City.

There are more than 300 people permanently stationed in the mage tower alone, including dark elves, gray dwarves and other races from the underdark like Lirael.

In addition, a remodeled and designed defense system was also launched.

In short, in just a few minutes, Xinbu's forced invasion caused a series of chain reactions.

In the end, it was Zuo Si who stood up and told his men that it was all just a misunderstanding, and this finally calmed down the high-octane farce.

After finishing all this, he returned to the room on the top floor and said in a slightly helpless tone to the Storm Queen who was sitting on the sofa enjoying tea: "Can you please say hello in advance or go through the main entrance next time you come? After all, It doesn’t take much time to send a magic message. Otherwise, I would be embarrassed if you keep making surprise attacks like this.”

"I'm sorry, I forgot that you always stay in a tower with powerful magic protection. And this time, I really have something urgent to do with you."

Xinbu put down the teacup in his hand, stretched out his hand and touched the big, furry, round head of the white bear cub.

Of course, in this exclusive room are not only the white bear cubs who have become druid animal companions, but also several immature tiger cubs, brown bears, winter wolves, wargs, leopards, owls, falcons, lynxes, Marten and other unique northern beasts.

Due to being kept as pets for a long time, they all seem to be extremely docile and not as dangerous and deadly as their counterparts in the wild.

You don't need to ask to know that this place is actually a typical "Zuo Si Happy House".

Whenever he wanted to relax, he would pet these furry animals.

Especially after receiving the Druid professional level and the blessing of various characteristics, by "understanding animals" you can even feel the thoughts, consciousness and emotions of each animal, which is simply the ability that all Free Controllers dream of.


Zuo Si's eyes flashed with doubt.

He really couldn't imagine what urgent matter the slovenly Storm Queen in front of him would have come to him.

Could it be that Ser, controlled by the red-robed wizard, has begun a large-scale invasion of Aglalon again?

"Do you still remember Saranda Olium from the Church of Woking, the Goddess of Wealth?" Xinbu asked bluntly.

Zuo Si nodded slightly: "Of course. He once sent me an invitation to join a team that went to the bottomless abyss to save the goddess of wealth. But there was no news after that. I thought he had given up."

Xinbu corrected with a half-smile: "No, Sarangda Olium has not given up, but is actively looking for and inviting people with strong strength. Now, this team has been formed and is about to set off. He Entrust me to ask, are you still willing to join in?"

"Everyone is here? If you don't mind, can you tell me who is there?"

A strong curiosity flashed in Zuo Si's eyes.

There is no way not to be curious!

He really wants to know what kind of team can actually break into the three realms ruled by the three giants of the abyss, "Lord of Darkness" Graz'zt, and rescue the imprisoned Goddess of Wealth.

“The team includes a God of War elect named Quill, a legendary warrior who has just returned from the Star Boundary and has a total level of up to LV32;

A legendary purple dragon knight named Bonita and her mount companion. It is said that this person has the royal blood of Cormyr, but for some reasons has been traveling in other planes all year round, and has only recently returned to the material world;

a legendary priest named Burt, from the land of the fire-haired lady;

A legendary paladin named Ilsa, personally appointed by Tyr, the god of justice. If nothing else, he may have celestial blood or simply be an angel or divine servant in disguise;

Finally, there is a hybrid demon thief named Afra who believes in the goddess of wealth, Woking, and is also the person responsible for leading the way in this mission.

Of course, if you join, you have to include both of us. "

Xinbu gave everyone's information very simply.

Contrary to Zuo Si's expectation, except for the Storm Queen, none of these members are so-called "Faerun celebrities".

In other words, except for the hybrid demon thief of unknown origin, the others have either been in an alien plane for a long time, or come directly from the kingdom of gods.

It’s no wonder that in many legendary battles and adventure stories, so-called “unknown” adventurers often appear to defeat powerful evil forces and finally restore peace to everything.

It turns out that the root cause is not that these adventurers are too weak or simply lucky.

Rather, they have been sent by the gods behind them to perform more dangerous tasks in other planes for a long time. They rarely move in the material plane, so the world has almost never heard of their heroic deeds.

However, it is not ruled out that God did this on purpose, hiding his most elite and powerful believers in the snow.

Then at a specific moment or during an important mission, secretly send it out to give those enemies a huge surprise.

Whatever the true reason is, it means that each god holds in his hands a hidden power that remains unknown.

Zuo Si touched his chin and thought carefully for a few minutes. Finally, he raised his head and asked, "Why do you have to include me in your gang? What's the reason?"

"Because you have a special ability to ensure that the magic network exists stably and without interference anywhere.

Especially in a place like the bottomless abyss, which is full of chaos and energy fluctuations, its important role cannot be replaced by others or even gods.

Only when you choose to join the team can I guarantee that I will use my full strength in places like the abyss.

In addition, your strong personal combat power is also the guarantee for the success of this dangerous mission.

not to mention……

Don’t you want to see the most chaotic and evil lower plane in the entire multiverse?

Don’t you want to temporarily abandon the worldly moral and ethical constraints and go on a thrilling adventure to kill endless demons?

Don't you want to collect those interesting demons and capture them to create cards unique to your planeswalker?

Don't kid yourself, you're actually just like me, a lunatic with a wild streak in your heart.

It's just that I acted more straightforwardly, while you pretended to be calm and rational. "

While saying these words, Xinbu suddenly stood up from the sofa without warning, raised his head and stared into Zuo Si's eyes, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised, revealing a crazy smile that would only be seen when the red-robed wizard had a nightmare.

There is no doubt that it is different from the calmness and restraint shown by the seven sisters of the North and other elects of the Magic Goddess.

Her personality is more open-minded, and she doesn't care about other people's opinions and evaluations. She always goes her own way and implements her own outlook on life and values.

"What about the benefits? What kind of reward does the Goddess of Wealth Church promise to pay me for taking such a huge risk?" Zuo Si asked expressionlessly.

"Have you heard of [Shadow Energy Core]?"

Xinbu sat down again and put his feet, which were temporarily covered with dirt and dust, on the table very casually.

"[Shadow Energy Core]? What is that? Some kind of variant of the Mythra Core?"

There was strong curiosity in Zuo Si's tone.

Because he has never heard of this thing, let alone seen it in any books or records.

Xinbu replied without thinking: "Yes! In fact, this is a corrupted core of Mythra, belonging to the ancient Senid floating city in the Netheril era.

Due to being eroded by shadow energy, it now exhibits a very special state. There is a zigzag-shaped crack in the center of its spherical shape with a diameter of about 1.5 meters.

A large amount of raw, unprocessed magic energy is mixed with shadow energy, constantly seeping out from the inside.

If you don't have enough knowledge and control, even if you just get close, you will be torn apart or exploded by the violent energy in an instant.

Of course, apart from the danger, the biggest function of [Shadow Energy Core] is that it can be used by multiple casters to continuously draw energy from it.

Moreover, the magical effects created through the shaping of these energies are equivalent to using the Shadow Magic Network to cast spells, which provide additional enhancements to enchantment, necromancy, and illusion spells.

At the same time, there is no need to bear the costs and risks of actually using the Shadow Magic Network.

In addition, whether it is a chaotic magic area or a dead magic area, it will not cause any interference to the user of [Shadow Energy Core]. At the same time, the power of the spell will become stronger and more difficult to resist and save.

The only disadvantage is that there is a very low probability, about 10%, that the two energies will interfere with each other and become out of control.

Usually it triggers a chaotic wild spell effect, which is not very serious.

As for what unknown things and secrets are hidden in the core, it is unknown.

The Church of the Goddess of Wealth paid a very high price to buy [Shadow Energy Core] from a group of diggers, intending to use it as an arcane spellcaster in the team when going to the Abyss, to offset the extreme chaos and instability of the plane. energy fluctuations.

But if you join, this thing will be useless, and it can be just a reward.

If you agree to take part in this rescue mission, Sarangda Olium will give it to you on the day of departure.

Regardless of whether you can rescue the goddess of wealth Wojin in the end, [Shadow Energy Core] will become yours.

In addition, if everything goes well, the goddess will personally give extra rewards to everyone in the team after the event is completed. "

"It seems I have no reason to refuse, right?"

Zuo Si was obviously moved.

Because if nothing else, just one [Shadow Energy Core] far exceeded his psychological expectations.

You must know that the Mythra Core itself is rare and precious enough, but a [Shadow Energy Core] contaminated by the invasion of shadow energy is undoubtedly more precious and has research value.

The most important thing is that this thing is a nearly unlimited energy source that can continuously draw energy from the magic network and shadow plane.

What's more, Zuo Si has long wanted to visit the abyss, but he has never found the opportunity.

“I knew you would agree.

Remember, you have half a month to prepare.

Half a month later we will go through a portal to the Bronze Fortress where the devils gather, and from there we will cross Avernus, the first level of hell, and enter the Ten Thousand Deep Plains connected to it.

At that time, the hybrid demon thief Afra will join us there and take a relatively secret passage directly into the third realm. "

After saying that, Xinbu stood up and wanted to use teleportation magic to leave.

But before she could take action, Zuo Si suddenly interrupted: "Wait! How to solve the problem of disguise and identity?"

"Don't worry, Afra will take care of all our worries when we arrive in Broken Territory Town."

As he blurted out these words, Xinbu activated the teleportation magic and disappeared without a trace in an instant.

Looking at the marks left by her dirty boots on the table and carpet, Zuo Si couldn't help but frown slightly, and said to himself in a voice that only he could hear: "Leave such an important matter to someone with a clear origin." Unknown hybrid demon thief to deal with it?

What exactly gives the Church of the Goddess of Wealth such confidence?

Or is this the only way they can currently find to enter the triple realm?

Or is there a secret deal that no one knows about?

Excuse me!

It's just not my style to put my hopes in other people.

Davian! "

Zuo Si whispered the Flame Dragon Knight's name.

In less than a second, the latter appeared directly in front of his master through magic teleportation. As usual, he knelt down on one knee and listened to his instructions without saying a word.

"How proficient are you with your warlock abilities?" Zuo Si asked directly.

"Well - according to those lichs, I am already a pretty good and dangerous spell caster.

In particular, there are a large number of [Advanced Dispel Magic], [Advanced Teleportation], [Fireball], and [Fire Wall] that can be used indefinitely, as well as seven additional [Delayed Explosion Fireballs] and three [Fire Storm] per day, allowing me to Compared with ordinary LV29 warlocks, they have more choices when facing enemies.

In addition, when I reached LV25 and became an advanced dragon, I also gained the additional ability to automatically cast zero to three-level spells without using any metamagic skills.

But compared to using magic, I still prefer to use swordsmanship, or transform into a dragon form to fight hand-to-hand. "

Davian reported the results of his training during this period in as concise language as possible.

Since the end of the battle with Sharptooth, he has realized the shortcomings of his serious lack of experience in spell confrontation, and has found several lichs in the organization who have just been promoted to become legendary spellcasters, and conducted cruel training that is almost masochistic.

At the same time, he also learned several legendary magics by permanently consuming a corresponding spell card with the help of the ability given to his followers by the Planeswalker.

Upon hearing these answers, Zuo Si immediately showed a satisfied expression: "Very good! I have to give you an extremely important task now, which is to pretend to be me during the upcoming journey into the abyss."


Davian raised his head suddenly, with an expression of shock and disbelief on his face, obviously unable to understand the meaning of this sentence.

After all, he was just a follower, how could he play the role of his master, a powerful planeswalker with the power of sparks.

"Haha, don't be so surprised. I asked you to pretend to be me, so there is a reason for doing so.

Over the next few days, you will begin to imitate my behavior, movements, thoughts, spellcasting techniques, and manner of speaking.

As for the sparks, don't worry too much.

I just happened to steal a spark from Onixiz, which allows you to temporarily gain abilities similar to those of a planeswalker through some special techniques, and use the cards stored in this spark. "

As he spoke, a spark shining with black and red light slowly emerged from Zuo Si's palm, exuding endless attraction that captivated people's hearts.

"What about you?" Davian asked in an uncertain tone.

Zuo Si raised the corner of his mouth and replied meaningfully: "Of course I will put a clone next to you, and I will take over everything when the situation is critical or necessary.

Oh, by the way, remember to bring this.

It is the latest result of my research in Mirrodin.

Can communicate and communicate directly through consciousness across infinite space and distance. "

I saw Zuo Si taking out a treasure card from his hand, and then transformed it into a physical entity.

It is a metal device that looks a bit like protective gear. It can be put directly inside the helmet as a lining. The patches extending from both sides will automatically stick to the position from the temple to the back of the ear.

You don't need to ask to know that part of the technology for making this thing comes from the original mechanical guardian of Mirrodin time and space, Monaqo.

After the creator Kahn left, this guy went alone to the underground core of the world to secretly create a large number of magical mechanical creatures.

The most famous one is the "myr" with its diverse functions, which is somewhat similar to that of worker ants and worker bees.

The greatest feature of this creation is that it can clearly receive orders from its master no matter how far away it is, even across time and space.

There is no doubt that its root technology definitely comes from the ancient Solan civilization.

Zuo Si, on the other hand, cracked and mastered most of the technologies after dismantling a large number of "Myr", and made improvements on this basis, incorporating some of the results he obtained from studying Shuoyou.

The result is such an interesting device.

It is actually divided into two parts, one part is called the control end and the other part is called the monitored end.

When a person wears the monitored terminal, all his vision, hearing, smell, touch, taste, emotion, and thinking will be shared intact with the person wearing the controlling terminal.

Not only can both parties have barrier-free communication in consciousness, but the latter can also take over the body of the former when needed.

With this thing, Zuo Si doesn't need to keep an eye on the team's situation 24 hours a day, let alone keep his consciousness and soul in Faerun's clone, but can do whatever he needs to do.

When in trouble, he can directly take over Davian's body, or activate the clone he carries with him.

If you were an ordinary person, if you hear that your senses, spirit and consciousness are to be shared with another person, and that the other person may take over your body at any time, you will 100% choose to refuse without hesitation.

But the loyal Davian obviously didn't realize there was anything wrong, so he took off his helmet and put it on his head without saying a word.

Zuo Si put on the console and made some attempts. After confirming that there were no problems, he created a clone out of thin air, and then used transformation magic to disguise it as an inconspicuous decorative brooch on the lining.

If he wants to transfer his consciousness and soul, he only needs to have the Flame Dragon Knight recite a triggering spell, and his body will naturally return to its original state.

Of course, it's obviously not easy for Davian to fool everyone.

In the next few days, Zuo Si not only put him through rigorous imitation training, but also created a series of high-level magic equipment and even sub-artifacts.

After all the preparations were completed, he forced the spark into Davian's body through resonance, causing it to burn itself, allowing the latter to gain the same abilities as the planeswalker in a short period of time.

The consequence, however, is that the spark rapidly consumes energy over time.

If it is not replenished in time, whenever the energy consumption reaches a certain level, the spark level will drop by LV1. When all the energy is exhausted, the spark will be completely extinguished.

According to Zuo Si's inference, Onixiz's spark can continue to burn for at least a year or even longer.

So even if I don't supplement it midway, it will be more than enough to last until the end of this adventure.

Moreover, he specially made only a few low-level land cards from the Faerûn continent and gave them to Davian for use to ensure that even if he was not around, a stable magic network could be maintained where the team was.

While Zuo Si was busy preparing to embark on an adventure to the bottomless abyss, thousands of players in the floating city of Plantia were already excitedly getting ready to go.

Because today is the day when the legendary new world opens.

After pre-heating and a lot of so-called background introductions, everyone's interest and appetite were aroused, and they were eager to experience the pleasure of doing whatever they wanted without restraint.

However, in order to prevent players from killing each other and causing too intense internal conflicts and hatred, Vanessa added a rule to the rules, which prohibits them from having direct conflicts and killings with each other, otherwise they will be severely punished by the floating city. discipline.

But players who have only experienced the game for a short time obviously don't care.

It can't be PVP, but it can't be PVE either.

What's more, with this rule, can players in different camps secretly form an alliance, sell their own camp's information and intelligence to the other party, and then attack each other's NPCs to improve their records?

Less than a day after the rules were introduced, many teams have reached similar agreements privately.

There are even a series of solutions for how to distribute the spoils reasonably.

It has to be said that these guys' brains and tricks are beyond your imagination, and there is nothing they can't do.

At this moment, teams of all sizes lined up, passing through the portal one after another to the floating city of Mutahar, and then entering the world of Song of Ice and Fire through the magic crystal tower standing here.

When they appeared in Pentos, fully armed, Illyrio, the governor, his eyes suddenly lit up, he danced excitedly, and shouted at the diary disguised as Zuo Si: "Awesome! This is simply awesome. Great! With these powerful warriors! I can take the first step to conquer the Free Trade City. Dear Soth, you are simply the most precious gift given to me by the great Phoenix God!"

"You are too polite. But don't be too happy too early. These powerful mercenaries have a huge appetite. If you want to drive them to fight, the best way is to give out enough bounties." The diary hinted meaningfully. .

"Hahahaha! Don't worry, the most important thing I need now is money. And every time we capture a Free Trade City, we can get countless wealth from their treasury."

Illyrio's eyes sparkled with the fire of ambition.

After all, these are more than 10,000 powerful mercenaries who are fully armed and fearless of death!

There are also many magic and divine spell users among them.

According to the standards of the Westeros continent across the sea, it is almost equivalent to being composed entirely of knights. No matter who has such an army, they can sweep across several other Free Trade Cities.

After all, the "Second Son Regiment", which is said to have a large number of people, can barely gather 3,000 people at most at one time. It can usually maintain a few hundred people, which is quite good.

Moreover, at first glance, the quality of the soldiers is incomparable to those in front of them.

Seeing the excitement of Governor Pantos, who had been completely deceived by Zuo Si, the diary couldn't help but show a hint of schadenfreude.

Because he knows that from the moment the players enter this world, Illyrio's life has entered a countdown.

Whether it is Viserys who pretends to be submissive but actually wants to cut him into pieces, or players who are thinking about how to gain more benefits in this world, they will never allow someone to always ride on their head and give orders. , and take a large portion of the spoils that should have been entirely his own.

If Viserys becomes smart enough, learns to use the power of players, and commits to completely decentralizing power, then it is not impossible for him to return to Westeros and reestablish the Targaryen dynasty...

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