A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 710 Face-to-face NTR (a 10,000-word chapter, please subscribe)

"Only thirty gold coins, four scrolls, and one low-level resistance ring? What a bunch of poor people!"

Dumbledore, who completed touching the corpse and searching for loot with extremely skilled movements, curled his lips in disdain.

It was obvious that after more than two months of traveling, he had completely adapted to the adventurous life in Faerûn, and even enjoyed it a little bit.

Especially collecting property from dead people or dead monsters, it was a bit hard for the principal to accept at first. He always felt like a dark wizard who did all kinds of evil.

But after following an adventurous team to the connected underdark area beneath Dragonlance Castle, he quickly put these self-righteous thoughts behind him. By the way, he also met a girl who lived in the underground city and believed in the dark girl Yili. There are some intimate interactions between the male dark elf warriors of Strait.

Since then, Dumbledore has thoroughly understood the common morals and values ​​​​of Faerûn, and also deeply likes the extremely open and tolerant attitude here in some aspects.

Most importantly, he began to fall in love with the feeling of killing enemies and harvesting loot from their corpses.

Coupled with the high cost of purchasing various magic items, materials and scrolls, he had to learn to be thrifty and budget wise.

However, complaints are complaints, Dumbledore still plundered all the corpses on the ground, and then quickly disappeared at the end of the alley in Neverwinter.

Over the next few hours, he played a deadly game of hunting with Deszell's men using a magical map he had created.

Either use magic to launch a surprise attack, or use transformation magic to strengthen yourself, and then use the sharp sword in your hand to rush forward and chop down the enemy.

In short, when Deszell realized that something was wrong, more than 20 people from the six teams sent out were already dead. Only one thief noticed that something was wrong in advance and hid, and finally escaped and returned. Report the situation.

At this moment, he grabbed the thief by the collar and shouted: "Are you kidding me? There is only one person! How can he kill so many people! Even if he uses a scroll, he is killing three or four groups of people. After that, the spell slots should be almost used."

"Master, how dare I deceive you.

I saw all this with my own eyes.

The mage from Askatra is an absolute monster.

His swordsmanship is even more powerful and terrifying than many warriors.

One barbarian warrior didn't even last ten seconds before his head was chopped off.

He seems to have mastered a spell that adds lightning damage to weapons.

If the person fighting against the weapon does not have an insulator such as leather or wood on the handle of the weapon, he will be immediately paralyzed by the electric shock and lose the ability to resist. "

The thief didn't dare to hide anything at all, and shook out everything he observed.

It is not difficult to tell from the fear in his eyes that he did not participate in the battle at all, but hid in the shadows in the distance and watched others in the team being killed.

"Damn it! What is the spellcasting level of this guy named Albus Dumbledore?"

Deszell's face was full of anger and nervousness.

You must know that in order to prevent interference from the West Coast Empire, he tried his best to persuade Lord Nasir to keep the mysterious infectious disease that appeared in Neverwinter a secret for the time being.

This will prevent the plague from being strangled in its initial stages of spread.

After all, in recent years, as the cabinet and the royal family have spared no effort to allocate resources and spend money on magic education, the number of low-level mages and apprentices has begun to increase exponentially.

Many people who had no chance of becoming spellcasters have gradually mastered some spellcasting abilities by virtue of the magical shackles shrouded in several major cities.

Those mages who were talented but had no money or power in the past can now pledge their allegiance to the royal family or pass the examination to join the Arcane Order, where they can obtain a vast amount of knowledge and spells, including Netherese scrolls.

In this environment where knowledge and various resources are relatively easy to obtain, the chance of becoming a high-level mage or even a legendary mage is naturally much greater than before.

What's more, the factional struggle within the Red-robed Master of Ser is becoming more and more intense and sharp.

With the help of the mole arranged by Zuo Si there and the secret operation of the entangled talisman lurking in the dark, some guys who couldn't survive or were in danger of being killed fled to the West Coast Empire with their families and their families for refuge.

According to Deszell's knowledge, in Askatra, the capital city alone, there are more than 170 high-level mages who can cast seven-ring arcane spells, and there are almost the same number in Calimport, where the royal palace is located. .

That powerful foundation simply makes any enemy feel deeply fearful and fearful.

He absolutely believed that with the magical power controlled by the empire, he would be able to find a way to get rid of the plague in a short time.

Not to mention that the Church of Talona, ​​who was originally the goddess of poison and disease, was obedient to Zuo Si, and was even more loyal than the Imperial Guard, known as the "Emperor's Loyal Dog."

Therefore, before the plague spreads and becomes completely uncontrollable, the West Coast Empire cannot directly intervene under any circumstances, otherwise all efforts made will be in vain.

The thief smiled bitterly and shook his head: "Sorry, Master, I don't know too well.

But so far, the spells I have seen used by the other party seem to only have the highest level of six, and the number of spells that can be cast is obviously larger.

The most important thing is that he can always find our position accurately and then launch a sneak attack first.

Even while I was in stealth mode, I almost got caught. "

"You mean he's using magic to locate our people?!"

Deszell's expression changed drastically.

Because this means that the transaction and cooperation between himself and the queen of the creator race, Mosala, has most likely been exposed.

"No, it should be a magic item.

I noticed that the other person had something like a map in his hand.

There will be some red dots moving around the city of Neverwinter.

If nothing else, these red dots are the teams you sent. "

The thief carefully gave his guess.

"Sixth-level magic... In other words, he is at least a LV11 mage, and he has a very close relationship with the emperor Soth."

Deszell narrowed his eyes and quickly made a rough judgment based on the information he currently had.

This spellcasting level is obviously very subtle.

On the one hand, it is no longer a low-level mage who is fragile and easy to kill, but has a considerable degree of self-protection ability, and it also does not lack the means of control and mass destruction.

On the other hand, there are things like [Limited Wishes], [Anti-Gravity], [Transformation of Spirits], [Simulacra], [Sword of Mordenken], [Alien Teleportation], [Spell Reversal] that have not been mastered yet. 】 and other powerful magic that can reverse the disadvantage in an instant, there is still the possibility of being killed.

Deszell was not sure whether the other party was pretending to be a pig and deliberately hiding his strength to lure him to take the initiative, or whether he really only had this little power.

Or maybe the empire has noticed something...

The more he thought about it, the more he felt that the man who called himself Albus Dumbledore was very suspicious, both in terms of the time he appeared and the series of actions he took after arriving in Neverwinter.

"Master, do you need to mobilize more manpower from outside the city?" The thief asked in an uncertain tone.

Deszell shook his head expressionlessly: "No, stop all actions temporarily and don't continue to provoke him.

The most urgent task now is to determine the purpose of this mage and his true purpose.

In addition, let our people speed up the spread of the plague. Within a week, I will see more than half of the residents of Neverwinter falling ill.

No one can stop the return of the great race of creators! "

"As you wish."

The thief bent down and bowed deeply, then quickly disappeared into the darkness.

As soon as he left, Vanswijk, the pastor of the Church of Tire, the God of Justice, came in from outside and asked with an embarrassed look: "My dear friend, do you have time now? I want to talk to you about that. A guest from afar."

"Guest? Do you mean Lord Dumbledore?"

Deszell was obviously interested.

Because he now desperately wants to know all the information about this mage.

Vanswijk's face turned slightly red, and then he nodded quickly: "Yes, it's Mr. Dumbledore. I...I found that his sexual orientation seems a little different from normal people."


Deszell was stunned for a moment, as if he couldn't believe his ears.

"Yes, you heard it right. When he shook hands with me, he scratched the palm of my hand in a very subtle way."

When he said these words, Vanswijk visibly shivered and felt uncomfortable all over his body.

But Deszel's eyes shone slightly, and he asked pretending to be concerned: "You mean, he secretly expressed his love to you?"

"I think so.

Although this does not violate the teachings of the righteous God.

But you know that I am already engaged to Aribes, and I am not interested in men.

Perhaps you can help me convey this to Mr. Dumbledore and ask him not to harass me again. "

Vanswijk made the request in great distress.

Because he really didn't want to have any contact with Dumbledore anymore, and he didn't want his fiancée Aribes to find out about this matter and cause unnecessary misunderstandings.

"Calm down, my friend. This is not a big deal. I will find an opportunity to convey it to you privately."

Deszel patted the shoulder of Vanswijk who was being played with by himself and comforted him.

However, the corners of his mouth that couldn't be suppressed were clearly enough to explain his mood at the moment.

After all, this is a huge weakness that can be exploited to set a deadly trap.

As for Vanswijk…

Just the perfect bait to attract Dumbledore.

Thinking of this, an insidious plan quickly emerged in Deszell's mind to enable him to survive the crisis and complete the tasks assigned by the creator race.

The poor elf priest was completely unaware that his naked lamb had been placed on the chopping block, and he kept thanking the other party.

Just as the two were being polite to each other, they didn't notice at all that there was a shadowy creature in the shadow of the corner. It saw everything, and then disappeared into the darkness without a trace.

Not long after, it reappeared in an unknown cave in the North, sharing everything it saw and heard with a woman whose whole body exuded a cold and dark aura.

If there are people who know something about the shadow plane present, they will definitely recognize that this woman is the terrifying Shadow King, a terrifying monster that can distort the surrounding environment and prevent the sun from shining in even during the day.

Wherever the Shadow King exists, an area of ​​eternal night will gradually form.

Many forests, mountains or ancient ruins in Faerun that have been shrouded in darkness for many years are basically due to the appearance of the Shadow King.

However, the one in front of him is obviously more powerful than the ordinary Shadow King, and the radiation radius even exceeds ten kilometers.

There are countless shadow creatures hiding in the darkness, which is simply an army of staggering size.

Obviously, this Shadow King is none other than Yelnia, who Zuo Si had stayed in the North before and was responsible for monitoring the movements here.

As a person who likes to be prepared for everything, Zuo Si has secretly controlled Xi Manmeng, the head of the Zhentarim dark intelligence network, and can obtain the information he wants from this huge intelligence organization.

But he obviously didn't completely trust the other party.

And Yelnia and her army of shadows are equivalent to an insurance policy.

In addition, there are the forces formed by the "Dutiful Dragon" Culremus, and the Adventurer's Guild established by Hared III in the mining town of Miraba.

So although on the surface the situation in the Northland seems complicated, in fact no disturbance can hide from the eyes hidden in the dark.

"Great Queen, do you think it necessary to send a warning to that master's messenger?"

A high-level shadow who had already developed wisdom and self-awareness took the initiative to ask.

Yelnia shook her head expressionlessly: "No, there is no need.

Because this matter itself is also a test for him by the master.

All we have to do is get the news to Kurremos.

Because the wilderness of the Northland is under his control.

No matter what the awakened creator race wants to do, and how many monsters and barbarian tribes it secretly controls and bribes, he should know it all. "

"So our role in this is the same as before, just passing on information?"

A strange gray light flashed in the black eye sockets of the high-level shadow.

"Yes. After all, hiding in the dark and collecting information without letting anyone know or discover it is the most important duty of the Shadow Legion. Unless the master gives new orders, this is our highest principle."

After saying that, Yelnia turned around and walked towards the throne made of obsidian and sat on it. Her eyes were both deep and terrifying.

The shadow creatures knelt on the ground, expressing their surrender and loyalty to the queen who killed and transformed their souls.

On the other side, after receiving the information sent by the shadow creature, "Diliary Dragon" Cool Remus immediately put down the research at hand and grinned with an excited and expectant expression.

“Conspiracy, betrayal, plague, massacre, abandonment of devout faith in gods, and an ancient race of creators from the distant past that has been dormant for tens of thousands of years?

How could such a wonderful drama be without my participation?

I have to find a way to make this drama more exciting.

Especially the awakened creator race can definitely become a good experimental material. "

After saying that, Kurremos turned around and glanced at the huge frost giant corpse on the autopsy table, as well as a large number of cut, sutured, modified, and transplanted parts on the corpse. Without looking back, he ordered: "Wake up." it!"

Several mages who had been waiting nearby immediately began to chant spells and activated the huge transformation circle at their feet.

In a blink of an eye!

Huge negative energy poured into the frost giant's body like a tide, and at the same time, the temperature of the surrounding environment began to become lower and lower.

Finally, the surface of its body was densely covered with hard and thick ice, and then it suddenly stood up from the dissecting table, its eyes flashed with azure light, and it let out a deafening roar.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!!!!!!!"

The cold air that spewed out of his mouth quickly formed a blizzard, completely freezing the passage directly in front of him.

Immediately afterwards, this terrifying undead creature raised its hands and unleashed its power on the corpse that was randomly discarded not far away.

In less than ten seconds, all the mutilated corpses stood up unsteadily.

"Master, your experiment was finally successful.

Look at this frost giant, it has perfectly inherited the ability of that magical creature called the White Walker.

Not only can it release frost magic, but it can also create and control undead creatures without limit.

Coupled with the frost giant's professional level and physical strength during his lifetime, it is not inferior to the legendary undead creature-the winter ghost.

Best of all, creating this undead doesn't have to be as complex and cumbersome as creating a winter ghost.

The corpses of frost giants used as raw materials litter the glaciers north of the Spine of the World mountains. "

A mage who presided over the ceremony shouted excitedly.

Kurremos also nodded with satisfaction: "It's indeed quite good. Just in time, I can send it to the Neverwinter Forest for testing. I want to see how much those arrogant creator races weigh. two."

"I'll deliver it myself."

The human mage responsible for presiding over the ceremony raised his head and showed a bloodthirsty and cruel smile.

While the endless overt and covert battles are going on here in Faerun, far away on Earth in the Marvel Universe, a fierce battle is taking place near a small town in New Mexico.

One side is the Destroyer Armor controlled by Loki, while the other side is Thor and his four Asgardian warriors.

It has to be said that the physical fitness, reaction ability and combat experience of these Asgardians are indeed quite impressive.

It was actually possible to compete with this war machine that was completely forged from Uru Kobelco and was also blessed with a lot of powerful magical power, and even temporarily hindered its progress.

The face of the Destroyer Armor suddenly shot out an energy beam, which instantly tore a S.H.I.E.L.D. vehicle into pieces. The gasoline explosion caused by the ultra-high temperature formed a huge fireball on the spot.

The shock wave directly knocked all nearby agents to the ground.

Although some people who did not believe in evil drew their pistols and even shot wildly, they were not even qualified to cause a scratch on the surface of the armor.

"Farke! What on earth is this thing? It's even more exaggerated than the armor made by Stark."

Coulson couldn't help but curse under his breath as he dodged the attack from the Destroyer Armor.

Although he always gives people the impression of a good gentleman, if he encounters a situation like this where he may die at any time, he will still curse involuntarily.

Not for anything else, just to relieve the tension a little bit.

"This should be the highest crystallization of Asgardian technology and magic.

Didn't the Asgardian warrior just tell you that this armor belongs to the armor that the God King Odin built for himself?

Let your people stop wasting their efforts and quickly organize the residents of the town to evacuate.

Not to mention firearms, even artillery shells and nuclear weapons are unlikely to cause much damage to it. "

Balthazar was forthright in his advice.

To be honest, he really couldn't figure out what kind of education and training these S.H.I.E.L.D. agents received, and they were brave enough to use small pistols to shoot something like the Destroyer Armor, which he knew was not easy to mess with at first sight. Fire.

Do you think you died quickly enough?

"At this time, you are still here watching the fun and not helping?"

Colson raised his head and glanced at the divine monk following him, feeling a little speechless.

Balthazar asked with a half-smile: "Are you sure you want my help?

You must know that once I take action, it will not be the family ethics drama where brothers are fighting against each other.

It will most likely lead to a war between the master and Asgard's god-king Odin.

It's like why I didn't try to lift Mjolnir before.

Because in Odin's eyes, weak earthlings like you cannot pose a threat to Asgard no matter what you do.

So his tolerance for you is very high.

But if it were me and the owner behind me, the situation might be different.

Imagine what would happen if another country tried to steal the longest-range nuclear missile from the United States?

Of course, it's not impossible if I have to take action.

But you'd better ask your boss first. "

Hearing these words, the corners of Colson's mouth twitched slightly uncontrollably.

As a senior agent deeply trusted by the director, it was impossible for him not to know the powerful relationship and possible consequences, so he dialed his director's phone number without saying a word.

The next second...

Nick Fury's voice came from the receiver.

"Hello? Coulson, how's the situation at the scene?"

Coulson quickly replied: "It's bad, to be precise, it's very bad.

I’m sure you’ve seen it via satellite.

That alien mecha can not only fire high-energy beams that melt everything.

And no matter what kind of damage is received, it will automatically heal within a few minutes.

There's nothing we can do about it now.

Even an attack with nuclear weapons would be ineffective, Mr. Balthazar said. "

"So you want me to let him take action?"

Nick Fury was so smart that he immediately guessed the purpose of his subordinate's call.

"Yes, that's what I mean.

Although this may lead to potential risks.

But rather than letting the Asgardians wreak havoc on the earth with their weapons of destruction, I think we should give them some impressive lessons.

At least let these gods in Norse mythology know that we have been protected by a powerful demon. "

Coulson gave his thoughts with a serious face.

Because he really couldn't stand these aloof Asgardians treating the earth as a battlefield, unleashing violence, killing and destruction unscrupulously.

Nick Fury on the other end of the phone was silent for a long time, and finally replied with two words: "Okay, I approve."

The moment he heard this, Coulson immediately showed an expression of ecstasy and shouted at the powerful monk beside him: "Did you see it? The director agreed! Now please destroy or limit the destruction of the machine." The armor."

"OK, no problem, leave it to me."

As the last word blurted out, Balthazar's entire body suddenly turned into an afterimage and disappeared in place.

Before the surrounding SHIELD agents could react to what was happening, his fist had already hit the chest of the Destroyer suit.

boom! ! ! ! ! !

A deafening roar echoed over the battlefield.

I saw that the powerful monk only used one punch to smash the super killing machine that no one could do anything about directly into the deep pit on the ground.

Dust and stones scattered all over the sky, quickly blocking everyone's vision.

But just a second later, terrifying fire and heat waves spurted out from the deep pit, sweeping everything within a radius of hundreds of meters on the spot.

Especially Sif, who was nearest and wanted to rush forward for a melee fight, but was almost affected and quickly retreated to avoid the erosion of the flames.

"Hey! Are you okay?"

Fandral hurried over and asked.

Sif shook her head with lingering fear: "It's okay, I'm fine, I was just shocked. Did you notice what happened just now?"

Hogan, who arrived later, replied in an uncertain tone: "Someone should have rushed up. But because he was too fast, I only saw a blurry afterimage."

"It's incredible. It turns out that Midgard also has such a powerful warrior. Look! He's coming out!"

Volstagg shouted, pointing to the pit in the distance.

Following the direction of his finger, you could vaguely see the dazzling light flashing continuously, and hear the loud sound and vibration of hitting something with your fist.

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom!

The astonishing destructive power caused by the violent beating made everyone within a radius of dozens of kilometers feel an obvious earthquake.

Especially the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents and town residents not far away could not maintain their balance at all. They swayed left and right and fell to the ground. They could not get up at all, let alone turn around and escape.

Just as countless people's eyes were focused on the giant pit made with their fists, there was another loud bang.

The Destroyer Armor, which had been completely deformed, flew into the air in a soaring magma eruption.

Following closely behind him was Balthazar himself, who exuded a terrifying aura.

You don't need to ask to know that this eruption was entirely due to his fist breaking the uppermost shell of the earth and creating an active volcano out of thin air.

"Oh my God! This... this is too exaggerated! Is that guy really a human from Midgard?"

Sif opened her mouth in disbelief.

You must know that even in Asgard, there are only a handful of gods with such strength and destructive power.

At least today's Thor can never do it.

"No, Balthazar is not a Midgardian, he is a son of a god from another world." Thor corrected, looking up at the battle unfolding in the sky.

"Son of God?"

Volstagg was visibly taken aback.

Thor smiled bitterly and nodded: "Yes, he told me personally. But I didn't know he was such a powerful warrior."

While several people were talking, Balthazar once again smashed the self-repairing armor of destruction to the ground, and used his fists containing divine power to swing wildly at the speed of a six-barreled Gatling Vulcan cannon, smashing the armor with force. It became a spherical shape with an uneven surface.

"Damn! The way he looks now reminds me of the Berserker."

Hogan complained under his breath.

"No! There is no way the Berserker can destroy the Destroyer Armor to this extent."

There was a hint of awe in Fandral's eyes.

Because what Asgardians admire most is this kind of tough man who dares to face powerful enemies head-on.

The reason why Thor has gained such high prestige is that he can always defeat powerful enemies and win in head-to-head battles.

This is something that Loki, who plays magic and stabs with the back of a knife, will never be able to achieve.

"But after all, he couldn't completely defeat the Destroyer Armor."

Sif's eyes showed regret and regret.

"Bathazar has done a good enough job, now it's my responsibility."

As he spoke, Thor took a deep breath and walked resolutely towards the center of the extremely dangerous battlefield.

Although he had lost his divine power and hammer at this moment, he was no longer afraid or confused, but understood what he should do next to bring an end to all this tragedy.

But at this critical moment, the sky suddenly became dense with dark clouds without warning, and dazzling lightning and deafening thunder intertwined.

If you are an ordinary person, you may classify this phenomenon as a sign before a thunderstorm or a heavy rain.

But Thor obviously felt that this was not a natural phenomenon at all, but a reaction to his Meow Hammer.

In about ten seconds, Mjolnir, emitting dazzling electric light, passed through the sky at extremely fast speeds.

Seeing this scene, he suddenly fell into uncontrollable ecstasy. He spread his arms to hug his closest partner and comrade, and then take back his own power.

"I knew it! I knew you wouldn't abandon me! Come on! Come to the master! You don't even understand how painful and desperate I felt during this period of losing you!"

Seeing the hammer getting closer and closer, Thor, who was crying with joy, subconsciously stretched out his hand to grab the handle of the hammer.

But what he never expected was...

The Meow Hammer hit him directly in the face without any reaction, flipping him into the air and rotating 720 degrees, and then he fell to the ground with a crash, his deformed nose bleeding continuously.

what happened?

What happened?

Why didn't Mjolnir fall into my grasp like before?

Thor, whose head was buzzing, showed an expression of shock, confusion and confusion.

But soon, he saw the hammer fly straight into the other man's hand.

boom! ! ! ! ! !

Along with a silver-white lightning falling from the sky, everyone present saw the figure of the holder.

He was none other than Balthazar who was fighting against the Destruction Armor.

But unlike before, this time his body was filled with the power of thunder and storm, as if he had become the new God of Thunder.

"This is impossible! It's fake! It must be fake!"

Thor got up from the ground in despair, looking like a husband who had just been cuckolded by his wife.


It should be said that the relationship between him and Mjolnir is much closer than any girlfriend or wife.

If Thor had to choose between a hammer and Jane Foster, this guy would 100% choose the hammer over his girlfriend.

But Balthazar obviously didn't realize that he had achieved the achievement of facing the tauren, so he raised his hammer and hit the Destroyer Armor hard.

Obviously, the reason why he was able to pick up the hammer was not because he had the so-called "qualification", but because he used his divine power to forcibly break the magic blessed by Odin, and temporarily borrowed it to completely smash this infinitely resilient hammer. Weapons of destruction.

It has to be said that the Meow Hammer is indeed a powerful artifact that can rank high in Asgard.

With just one blow, the internal structure of the Destroyer Armor was severely and irreparably damaged.

After more than a dozen hammer blows, this thing made of Ulu Kobelco was basically unable to move.

But Balthazar obviously did not intend to completely destroy the Destroyer Armor, but directly summoned it to complete the Planeswalker and send it back to Zuo Si.

After all, both the Destroyer Armor and Uru Kobelco have certain research value.

After doing all this, he noticed the dying Thor who was on the verge of mental collapse. He walked over and asked, "What's wrong with you? Are you okay?"

"Hammer! My hammer! Give it back to me!"

Thor hugged Mjolnir tightly and refused to let go, his eyes and tone revealed a hint of pleading.

His look immediately made Balthazar dumbfounded, and he quickly let go of his hand and handed over Thor's hammer.

"Of course, this originally belonged to you, I just borrowed it for a little use."

"Really?! You are such a good person! Thank you! Thank you so much! I don't even know what to say."

Thor was excited and incoherent, holding up his beloved and kissing her passionately.

But soon he discovered that the hammer did not fall to the ground this time, but was picked up easily by himself.

"I...my power has been restored? I have been recognized by Mjolnir again!"

"Congratulations! It seems that you passed the test of God King Odin."

Balthazar sent his blessings with a smile.

He would not tell the other party that Thor's performance had actually passed the test just now, but he had temporarily seized control of the hammer through his divine power.

After all, the Destroyer Armor was what the diary requested, so I had to take this opportunity to get it no matter what.

"This is all thanks to you, my friend. Without your encouragement, without your courage and strength in marching forward to face the Destroyer Armor, I might have been killed by Loki, a bastard."

Thor spread his arms and hugged the power monk fiercely.

I have to say that the most endearing aspect of his character is that he is cheerful and open-minded. He rarely resents someone for a lifetime because of trivial things.

Quite the opposite!

As long as it is not an extreme situation like parents and brothers being killed or home destroyed, as long as you sincerely admit your mistakes and repent, you will most likely be forgiven by the God of Thunder.

"Then what are you going to do now?"

Balthazar asked, looking into the other person's eyes.

"Do you still need to ask? Of course I have to fight back and teach Loki a lesson. Considering the disaster he has caused this time, I must make him suffer a little."

Thor answered very simply.

"Just a lesson?"

Balthazar raised his eyebrows in disbelief.

Now he finally understood why the person in front of him ended up with his parents tragically killed, his brothers killed, his siblings turning against each other, and his home destroyed.

When it comes to who is the worst in this universe, Thor must be ranked in the top three.

It is estimated that only the God Killer Geer, who lost everything and was insulted and played by the gods, can be better.

Thor grinned and asked: "Otherwise, what else can I do? He is my younger brother. Does an elder brother need a reason to forgive his younger brother who made a mistake?"

"as long as you are happy."

Balthazar was obviously not the kind of person with a "helping plot", so he decided to respect the other person's choice.

"Sorry, I have to take a step back to Asgard to see what happened. You know, Loki is not easy to deal with."

After saying that, Thor began to call Heimdall's name, and disappeared into the light of the Bifrost together with the Four Warriors of Asgard.

As soon as they left, Coulson ran over and asked breathlessly: "Sir, where is the Destroyer armor that you smashed just now?"


I sent it back to its owner.

With the technology you currently have at your disposal, it is still a bit too reluctant to research and crack such a thing.

But don't worry, after the owner figures out the mystery, he will add it to the transaction list. "

Balthazar answered with a smile.

Although Coulson wanted to argue with reason, he gave up this unrealistic idea after much thought and sighed helplessly: "Well - well, it seems that's the only way it can be. In addition, Director Desperate for information about Thor and Asgard, can you provide us with some?"

Balthazar nodded slightly: "Of course.

In fact, Asgard visited the earth a long time ago and cooperated with the Norsemen at that time to repel the invasion of the Frost Giants.

Since then, they have included the earth under their rule and protection.

This is also the origin of Norse mythology and the reason why the earth has not been invaded by alien forces for thousands of years.

So let me tell you, the very suspicious director, that Asgard is not strictly a threat, but a potential ally.

Except, of course, Loki.

Because he has no blood relationship with Thor at all. He is the adopted son of the Frost Giant adopted by the God King Odin.

After learning about his life experience, this guy was obviously mentally unbalanced and began to have the urge to take revenge on society. "

"That doesn't sound too bad?"

"Well, it's really not too bad. Provided that Odin doesn't mind if I forcefully seize and use Mjolnir, and also take away his armor..."

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