A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 712 The Invincible Day of Destruction (a 10,000-word chapter, please subscribe)

"Do you feel pain?

Have you tasted your own blood?

You were never the omnipotent god described in the newspapers!

Just an alien from space like General Zod!

You have no right to dictate the morals and laws of human society!

We are not qualified to judge us like a god! Rule us!

This world doesn’t need any gods at all! "

With a deep roar, Batman's mecha-strengthened power punches rained down on Superman's head, face, abdomen and side.

At this moment, the son of Krypton no longer had the slightest calmness as usual. He screamed and groaned in pain like an ordinary person who had been beaten. The blood flowing from his nose and mouth was spattering in all directions, and tears were flowing down the corners of his eyes. flowed out.

Obviously, this is the biggest difference between him and Bruce Wayne.

In other words, this is the biggest difference between Superman and Batman.

Although the former lost his biological parents when he was young and became an interstellar refugee, he has always had a smooth growth path, and he also has a pair of adoptive parents who pour all their love into him.

Having been exposed to the sun for more than twenty years, it was still able to cope with the invasion of General Zod and fellow Kryptonians who suddenly descended from the sky.

Although the fighting was fierce at the time, even the city was severely damaged. Countless civilians died tragically or were disabled in the aftermath of the battle, but Superman basically failed to break through the defenses.

This means that he has never experienced a real life-and-death battle since he was a child, let alone what it feels like to have his bones broken and his internal organs bleeding.

So his title "God on Earth" refers to his simply unmatched strength and talent.

But what about Bruce Wayne?

When he was very young, he witnessed his biological parents being shot dead by gangsters in front of him, falling into a pool of blood and dying bit by bit, turning into corpses.

For an ordinary person, this would probably become a nightmare and psychological shadow that would last a lifetime.

Moreover, as the sole heir to the Wayne Group after his parents died, he will undoubtedly become the most attractive piece of meat in the eyes of all forces, and everyone will want to take a bite.

After putting on the mask and becoming Batman, he walked on the edge of life and death every day. He suffered countless injuries. Small things like sewing his own wounds were nothing. The worst few times he almost died. Throw it away.

Therefore, Bruce Wayne has long been accustomed to being around pain, despair and fear, and has even become a symbolic symbol of the fear of criminals in Gotham City.

Especially against long-term confrontations with guys with serious brain diseases such as the Clown, the Riddler, the Mad Hatter, and the Scarecrow, their thoughts, philosophy, spirit, and willpower have already evolved and sublimated to another level.

A level that does not belong to mortals, a state between genius and madman.

He puts himself in the darkness and can calculate and sacrifice in an almost ruthless and cold way, just to defeat his opponent and win the final victory.

Even Darkseid, the most powerful new god on Apokolips, admires him.

So Batman can actually be regarded as a supernatural being with divinity.

He has no fear of injury, pain, or death, and can even drag his dying body to deliver the final blow to his enemy.

Perhaps this gap was not felt until Superman was weakened.

But when kryptonite starts to play a role, anyone with a clear eye can observe the huge gap between the two.

In these short few minutes, Batman undoubtedly completely dominated Superman with fear, making the latter start to be afraid and fearful for the first time in his life.

"Look, mortals with physical bodies and spiritual divinities beat up Superman, who is regarded by countless people as a god on earth. This is really an excellent and religious picture, isn't it?" Standing on the building in the distance Zuo Si at the top commented with a smile.

Davian nodded slightly: "Yes, it is indeed a bit ironic.

Because the conflict between them has been going on for some time.

If only Superman had been a little more serious and understood Bruce Wayne's behavior all along, he would never have ended up like this.

He is too proud, too arrogant, and too confident in his abilities.

Bruce Wayne, on the other hand, is just the opposite. He has been collecting intelligence like walking on thin ice and analyzing each opponent's personality, habits, growth experience, and behavior patterns.

Only when you are confident enough will you step forward and challenge.

He is very similar to you in that respect, always having a backup plan and being well prepared.

So if it were me, and one day I learned that this guy took the initiative to ask for a fight, I would definitely be more vigilant or simply refuse. "

Zuo Si smiled and affirmed: "You are right.

There are two most important things to note when dealing with someone like Bruce Wayne.

One is to learn to hide your strength and trump cards so that he will never be able to figure out where your limits are.

Another is to never ask for a fight, but to create a sudden encounter situation and launch the attack first.

Otherwise, when he starts to take the initiative, it often means that he has secretly formulated a plan to suppress you or even defeat you.

That's why I say Bruce Wayne is a very precious research sample.

His behavioral logic and way of thinking can provide me with quite good inspiration and inspiration. "

"I see. So Superman is going to be taught a lesson this time."

Davian showed a thoughtful expression, and at the same time cast a sympathetic look at Clark Kent, who was being beaten continuously.

After all, being deliberately targeted by Batman is a very scary thing.

Especially those weapons made of kryptonite, which simply made the latter want to die.

After finally withstanding the green smoke emitted by the grenade, he regained his strength and tried to fight back, but Bruce Wayne, an old scumbag, immediately fired another shot.

When it comes to tactics and playing tricks on one's mind, even a hundred supermen combined cannot be his opponent.

Coupled with the fact that Zuo Si's enhanced power mecha was far superior to any previous Bat suit in terms of materials, power, and protective performance, Superman's injuries were even more serious than before.

There was even slight internal rupture and bleeding.

“Hit, hit, hit—”

Little Annie was obviously attracted by the fight that was going on with punches and blood. She stared at the two of them with wide eyes, and at the same time waved her pink little fists vigorously, showing an inexplicable excitement in her whole body.

Especially in the human form, the pupils are shining with an unusually bright purple light.

In a blink of an eye!

Terrifying energy began to gather in front of her and began to expand at an extremely fast speed.

Davian felt his scalp numb when he saw this scene.

As a quasi-divine power, he could clearly feel how terrifying that faint light point formed by gathering huge energy was.

Once released, Gotham City and even most of the United States will disappear from the map.

And this was just an unintentional creation of a newborn baby out of excitement and curiosity.

But fortunately, Zuo Si noticed this in time and directly raised his hand to use planeswalker sparks to absorb the dangerous energy group created by this little ancestor.

He has dealt with similar situations countless times in the past few days, and he has already become familiar with them.

Neither Batman nor Superman, who are fighting, nor Gotham City, a city with simple folk customs and talented people, realize that they have just passed by death and destruction.

"Be honest and don't use your power carelessly. Otherwise, if the planet is destroyed, it will be very troublesome to repair it." Zuo Si gently rubbed his daughter's little head and warned.

But this obviously has no effect on a baby who has not even fully established self-awareness.

After letting out a burst of unintelligible babbles, little Annie quickly ignored her father and continued to punch and kick her legs with all her teeth and claws, as if she wanted to break free and rush forward to fight with Superman and Batman.

Perhaps in her eyes, this bloody battle was just a game, just like twisting those New Phyrexia creations into twists through force fields and spells.

This has nothing to do with good or evil, it's just "fun".

And precisely this is the scariest thing.

After all, adults, whether good or evil, chaotic or lawful, have an inherent behavioral logic.

Even the craziest clown will have some warning signs when he decides to kill someone.

But what about little Annie?

There is no sign of anything she is doing now.

Maybe one second he was putting on a cute look and asking for a hug, but the next second he would be torn apart by the New Phyrexia creature that picked him up, just to see clearly the internal structure of the other person's body. A certain glowing part.

Only since he started raising a daughter did Zuo Si truly understand why some people would say that children are the cruelest and most terrifying creatures in the world.

Because they are ignorant, they are fearless, and because they have not yet established moral values ​​and values, they tend to follow instincts and desires.

For example, they torture or even kill some insects and small animals out of curiosity.

Only when you start to be sensible and understand that once you do certain things, you will have to pay a heavy price, you will slowly develop a sense of awe, and then successfully be domesticated by society and become a member of it.

The so-called growth is essentially the process in which people gradually lose their animal wildness and transform into social beings.

The only thing that made Zuo Si feel lucky was that he didn't need to spend more than ten or even twenty years slowly teaching and correcting his children's thoughts and behaviors like ordinary parents.

You must know that he has only raised his daughter for a few days and already he feels that his days are like years and that he is exhausted mentally and physically. If this continues for more than ten years, he will probably go crazy.

As a quasi-divine power, little Annie's growth rate is undoubtedly very fast.

Through receiving a large amount of external information and learning, she is now able to understand, understand and use some simple daily expressions. It is estimated that in a few days she will be able to have self-awareness and communicate normally.

In two, three months to a year at most, she would be able to take control of the power she had, instead of causing devastating disasters every few hours like now.

"Master, your daughter seems...a little dangerous?"

Davian carefully weighed every word to avoid irritating this seemingly cute but actually quite scary baby.

"Danger?" Zuo Si smiled bitterly and shook his head. "No, little Annie is not just dangerous, but has the power to easily destroy a world. I even suspect that she has some unknown connection with the dark void."

"What? You mean she might be a planeswalker too?"

Davian opened his mouth in shock.

“No, the source of little Annie’s abilities is not the planeswalker’s spark.

It's closer to poaching a large mixture of primitive matter and disordered mana from the dark void, and then combining it with my blood to give birth to her.

I'm not sure yet if there's a spark within her that hasn't yet been ignited.

But what is certain is that she can interfere with the magic goddess Midnight's absolute control over the magic network of Faerun.

Even forcibly extracting energy from it as food.

This is something that even many top powerful powers cannot do.

And this is precisely one of the manifestations of the dark void's ability. "

Zuo Si bluntly stated his guess about the source of his daughter's power.

Of course, since there is no evidence to confirm yet, it is just speculation.

But as little Annie continues to grow up, he will one day know the truth.

Just when Davian wanted to continue asking more about this little guy, the duel between Superman and Batman finally came to an end.

To be precise, after Bruce Wayne unilaterally beat up Clark Kent for more than ten minutes, he finally pulled out the shining green kryptonite spear and planned to deliver the final blow, making this so-called god on earth completely fall. .

As for Superman, who used to be majestic, invulnerable and god-like, he was now lying in a pool of blood unable to move.

Not only were his two arms completely broken, but his spine was also brutally smashed with his knees, and his lower body was completely paralyzed and unconscious.

What's even more terrible is that this scene was actually staged by helicopters from major media news in the sky, and broadcast to the world in a live broadcast, as if to announce the fall of a god.

That strong contrast stimulates everyone's most sensitive nerves in the form of pictures.

Those who worship Superman and regard him as a god of the new era have naturally suffered a heavy blow to their souls. Some people collapse or go crazy, but more people cannot accept this cruel reality and kneel in front of TVs, computers and Crying in front of the phone.

Those who hated and hated Superman began to cheer crazily, directly regarding Batman as a hero who defeated gods on behalf of mankind.

Completely forgetting that just yesterday they were calling the man who wore a mask and transformed into Gotham's Dark Knight a freak and a psycho.

It has to be said that the violent mood swings are like a stormy sea, covering the entire planet.

If placed in the Warhammer universe, it would most likely attract the attention of the Chaos God of Warp.

"You have never been a god! You are not even a human being!"

Bruce Wayne raised his foot and put his foot on Superman's neck to make his final announcement.

He waved the Kryptonite spear and drew a very obvious blood mark on the latter's face in an almost insulting manner.

This is both a proof and a metaphor.

After all, God cannot bleed.

And a bleeding creature cannot be called a god no matter how powerful it is.

"Cough cough cough cough——"

The seriously injured Superman couldn't help coughing violently and vomiting blood. He struggled to raise his head and looked at the spear that could take his life at any time. He used his last strength to say: "If you kill me, you will indirectly help Lex Lu." Se killed Martha.”


The kryptonite spear held high in Batman's hand stopped.

"What do you mean? Why did you say that name?"

The reason for his reaction is very simple, that is, his dead biological mother was also named Martha.

Superman endured the dizziness and suffocation caused by his neck being stepped on and shouted: "Find her! Rescue Martha! Please!"

At this moment, the memory of Bruce Wayne's death suddenly began to attack him. The empty eyes that had lost their luster when his mother died came to his mind again like a nightmare, making him feel unforgettable pain.

He, who had always remained calm and rational, asked angrily: "Why did you say the name Martha? Tell me! Why! Tell me! Are you deaf?"

At this critical moment, Daily Planet reporter Lois Lane finally ran over from a distance, rushed forward to block the seriously injured Superman with his own body, and explained breathlessly: "Because that is her mother's name. Lex Luthor kidnapped her and threatened to burn Martha if Clark didn't kill you."

Upon hearing these words, Batman's expression under the mask suddenly changed. Not only did he immediately lift his foot on Superman's neck, but he also began to retreat slowly, and his breathing became heavier.

After about three to five seconds, he suddenly threw the kryptonite spear in his hand into the distance, as if to vent his emotions that were about to get out of control.

Of course, with his mind and IQ, it was impossible not to know that he had fallen into Lex Luthor's scheme, and was even fooled and used as a pawn against Superman.

What's even more frightening is that not only did he fall into the trap, but he almost made an irreparable mistake.

Watching this good show come to an end, Superman and Batman got back together and set out to rescue Martha Kent. Zuo Si couldn't help but smile and sigh: "Although it is calculated with no intention, but it can make Bruce Wayne play tricks. It is also enough to prove that Lex Luthor's intelligence level is absolutely top-notch. He is worthy of being a person with the potential to become the new god of Apokolips and gain the Omega effect."

"Are you planning to recruit him?"

Davian asked in an uncertain tone.

“No, at least we don’t have this plan yet.

Now, let's take a look at the more powerful version of Doomsday created by Lex Luthor.

Oh, by the way, you'd better clean up all the Superman blood spilled around here before you go.

I don't want someone to secretly collect it and make some messy clones privately. "

After that, Zuo Si directly activated the teleportation magic and disappeared.

As Superman and Batman left, in the shadow of the ruins of the battlefield, several men in black, who did not know whether they were affiliated with the U.S. government or other forces, had emerged. They were looking for Superman when he dropped it on the ground with containers. Or blood and hair on the wall.

A similar situation also occurred on the battlefield when General Zod led the Kryptonians to invade the earth not long ago.

But this time they were obviously unlucky to meet Zuo Si.

In just a few seconds, Davian used the sun-hot flames to evaporate all the blood and hair of these people and Superman, leaving not even a trace.

At the same time, the building built to store the Kryptonian spacecraft in Metropolis on the other side was now surrounded by troops and reporters.

Because everyone can clearly see the energy release that is constantly flashing white light around the building.

Obviously, this is a sign that the Doomsday is about to be born.

The surging vitality is as bright and dazzling as a star in the eyes of those who can feel it.

The vampire queen Badi, who was dressed in a full dress, was sitting on the top floor of a building that belonged to her descendants. She raised her wine glass and drank the dark red blood in it. Then she stretched out her tongue and licked the corner of her mouth, smiling. He whispered: "Tonight's show is about to reach its climax. Dear Lex Luthor, please don't let me down."

"Don't worry, he won't let you down. Because I have heard the heartbeat of Doomsday. This fearless beast is about to wake up."

Along with the familiar voice, Zuo Si's figure suddenly appeared out of thin air, standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling window and looking at the building in the distance that was classified as a military restricted area.

"Lex Luthor has succeeded? Then why didn't he wake him up immediately?" Badi asked with surprise on his face.

Zuo Si replied casually: "Of course it is to surprise Superman in person. After all, he is a person who pays great attention to rituals, so he must wake up Doomsday in front of Superman, so that he can gain satisfaction and achievement from it. feel."

"Sound like a paranoid?"

Badi obviously cannot understand the motivation behind this behavior.

In her opinion, awakening Doomsday early is a wise choice.

Otherwise, with the speed of superhuman strength, Lex Luthor could be killed instantly with just one finger, making all his preparations and plans completely in vain.

"Superheroes and criminals in this world have more or less similar tendencies, so there's no need to make a fuss.

What's more, Superman is not the kind of person who likes to kill people.

As long as his mother and girlfriend are fine, he is still willing to respect the law most of the time.

This is the drawback of having an overly high moral sense.

Look, the tragic protagonist tonight is on stage. "

As he spoke, Zuo Si quickly locked onto the figure that streaked across the sky at extremely fast speeds and smashed into the huge building like a cannonball.

The Vampire Queen also saw this scene, with the corners of her mouth slightly raised, showing an expectant expression.

In less than five minutes, the roof of the building was blown open with a bang.

I saw an ugly monster covered with green skin rising into the air. He raised his fist as big as a sandbag and knocked Superman away fiercely. He hit the ground like a meteorite.


The terrifying impact force immediately made a big hole in the hard road paved with stones.

Before Clark could get up from the ground, the monster followed him and fell from the sky, landing in front of his statue monument, releasing a suffocating sense of oppression.

There is no doubt that it is Doomsday created by Lex Luthor.

And it looks taller and stronger than the original one, with devastating destructive power in every move.

This is the state of being just born and not being exposed to the sun.


Doomsday let out a deafening roar at Superman, and the furious blood from the Hulk had obviously begun to take effect.

Seeing this, Superman didn't dare to hesitate at all, and jumped up first to launch the attack.

Unfortunately, his strength was completely inferior to the strengthened Doomsday. He was caught on the spot and thrown out with his backhand, smashing a heavy and thick monument.

Maybe it's because he inhaled too much kryptonite powder before, or maybe it's because the injury from Batman hasn't fully recovered yet.

In short, after this moment, he lay on the ground for a long time, unable to get up again.

Doomsday took advantage of this gap to break another monument, raised it high above his head and patted it down.

boom! ! ! ! ! !

The terrifying force acceleration instantly gave the monument a terrifying impact, and even produced a shock wave visible to the naked eye the moment it hit it.

This caused Superman to lose his ability to resist in a short period of time, and his opponent dragged one foot and threw him into the distance. He first smashed his own statue, and then hit it on a building, causing the windows of many residents to break. All over the place.

Some balconies were damaged along with their reinforced concrete structures. They fell from a height of more than ten stories and damaged many cars.

Just then, a helicopter that was filming happened to pass by.

Doomsday caught this, jumping up and flying on a helicopter to the top of the LexCorp building, looking down at the city.

As a complete biological weapon, he obviously has no thinking ability, only the fighting instinct engraved in his genes.

As long as there is no stimulation from the outside world at this time, he will most likely not take the initiative to attack ordinary people who are weak and pose no threat.

But the problem is that there will never be a shortage of people seeking death in this world.

Not long after, several attack helicopters took off from nearby bases and rushed over, aiming at Doomsday and choosing to fire without hesitation.

Suddenly, missiles and Vulcan cannons were directed at him.

But this kind of attack obviously couldn't even break through the defense, but instead stimulated the power hidden in Doomsday's body.

In a blink of an eye!

Huge energy spurted out from his body, directly covering a large area around him.

The dazzling light was like a small sun igniting in the night sky.

As for the armed helicopters that took the initiative to attack, they all turned into fireballs and fell from the sky the moment their energy was released.

All the pilots inside were dead without exception.

Zuo Si really didn't quite understand what the military who issued the attack order was thinking.

That is a monster that can confront Superman head-on and completely gain the upper hand.

After seeing and experiencing how powerful the Kryptonian army like General Zod really was, how on earth did they figure out that the meager firepower of an armed helicopter could cause damage to them.

Where did he get the courage to take the initiative to attack?

Do you think you haven’t died enough or fast enough?

Of course, it is useless to say this now.

With the energy explosion of the Doomsday, the radius of several kilometers with the Lex Group Building as the center has been completely transformed into a sea of ​​ruins and fire.

And Doomsday stood at the top and kept roaring, and the muscles on his body became larger and larger and more exaggerated under the influence of the Hulk's blood.

But just a second later, Superman rushed forward and lifted him up from behind, flying out of the atmosphere.

Due to the huge air resistance generated by high-speed flight, Doomsday was unable to turn around and could not find any relay point. He could only let the opponent push him out of the atmosphere and into the cold space.

But the universe at minus 270 degrees Celsius is obviously not enough to make them incapacitated.

After losing the pressure of air resistance, Doomsday immediately turned around and punched Superman away.

The two of them kept punching and kicking each other, constantly moving away from the earth's planetary orbit.

In the end, Superman seized an opportunity and once again strangled Doomsday's neck from behind to immobilize him, at least for a short time.

Because he has noticed the nuclear missiles launched from the ground, and intends to use this most powerful weapon currently possessed by mankind to kill the monster.

With a huge, bright and dazzling fireball lighting up the city below, the nuclear bomb was finally successfully detonated.

But just when everyone thought Doomsday had been killed, he had already returned to the earth with the help of the power of the explosion. He was standing in a huge pit, tearing off the broken skin and muscles, and then grew a piece of flesh from his body. Thick bone spurs.

The most important thing is that the energy in his body has never been as abundant as it is now. Just one release turned the surroundings into ruins and a sea of ​​fire, and his eyes were shining with dazzling light.

"Oh-my God!"

Bruce Wayne's pupils suddenly dilated as he happened to pass by in the Batfighter, and he stared in disbelief at the extremely shocking figure below.

Obviously, this was the first time he saw a monster that could resist the explosion of a nuclear weapon and not only did not turn into ashes, but also became more powerful than before.

Just when he wanted to lower his height and take a closer look, Doomsday's glowing eyes suddenly shot out an energy beam that was the color of a nuclear fusion fireball, almost knocking down the Bat fighter.

Although the color was different, Batman quickly confirmed that this thing was Superman's heat vision, which was hotter and more destructive.

"Mr. Wayne, can you hear me?"

The butler's slightly nervous voice came through the speaker.

Bruce Wayne, who survived the disaster, immediately responded: "Of course, Alfred. I am now very convinced that this monster comes from Krypton, and only weapons made of kryptonite can be effective."

"Perhaps you are right. But the question is how much ammunition do you still have in your hand? Given its size and the power it displays, if it is too little, it may have limited effect." The butler reminded with a solemn expression.

“I only have one round of ammunition left.

But fortunately, there is still the spear made of kryptonite.

Since this thing can pierce Superman, it should also be able to kill monsters from Krypton.

But I left it in Gotham.

Now I have to lure the monster to the previous battlefield, find the spear and kill it. "

As he spoke, Batman, who was flying close to the sea to avoid heat vision, suddenly raised the height of the plane, circled around and aimed at Doomsday from behind and fired wildly.

He does not expect these conventional weapons to cause any effective damage, but simply attracts the opponent's attention.

But what he never expected was that Doomsday could fly just like Superman.

Before the aircraft could accelerate and distance itself, the Bat fighter was hit by a heat vision and instantly burst into flames. It fell headlong and bumped and slid close to the ground for more than two hundred meters.

Fortunately, this aircraft is a top-notch product built with no expense spared in terms of materials and technology.

Otherwise, if it had been an ordinary private plane, it would have been broken into several sections by now, and even exploded into a huge fireball as soon as it landed.

Just when Bruce Wayne was about to unbuckle his seat belt and jump out of the cockpit, the Doomsday that followed him landed with a thud less than a few meters away, and his eyes began to flash horribly. of light.

Faced with the imminent threat of death, he just cursed in a low voice, and then shouted to his butler: "Alfred! Let Davian come to pick me up! Immediately! Immediately!"

You don't need to ask to know that Batman doesn't care about the fact that Sun Knight will continue to strengthen the Kryptonian's power during the battle.

"Hold on! I have already informed Mr. Davian for you. He should be there right away..."

Before Alfred could finish his words, Doomsday's heat vision shot out from his eyes, instantly illuminating the dark night sky.

But unfortunately, he failed to hit Bruce Wayne directly, but was blocked by a man wearing golden scales and radiating light like the sun.

The high temperature, which was enough to melt everything, not only did not cause even the slightest harm to it, but also made the golden light surrounding it become brighter and dazzling.

"Phew - thank God! You finally arrived in time."

Seeing the savior falling from the sky, Batman breathed a sigh of relief, unbuckled his seat belt at an extremely fast speed and jumped out of the cockpit of the plane.

"Don't be happy too early.

As I said, my powers don't work on Kryptonians.

And the longer I kept fighting, the more their power grew.

What you are doing now is like a person dying of thirst in the desert drinking a glass of poisoned water.

The more you drink, the faster you die. "

Davian completely ignored Doomsday's heat vision attack and turned his head to warn Bruce Wayne.

You must know that as a Sun Knight, fighting against Kryptonian beings like Doomsday and Superman is probably equivalent to a golden bell and an iron shirt. It is difficult for each other to break through each other's defenses.

But once the latter absorbs enough solar energy, the aftermath of the battle can completely destroy the entire earth and human civilization.

"Damn it! I know this! But the problem is, who else on earth can deal with this monster besides you? Where is your master? I need his help now more than ever."

Batman's tone became tense and testy.

Because he has seen that with the appearance of Davian, the energy released from Doomsday's body begins to increase at a speed visible to the naked eye. The high temperature generated by the heat vision alone has already caused the surrounding ground to begin to melt, forming a large flowing area. Red magma.

"Sorry, the master's daughter was born recently. He is busy taking care of the child and has no time to deal with other things."

Davian casually made an excuse for Zuo Si.

After all, continuing to make Doomsday stronger is part of the plan.

Zuo Si will never show up until the Day of Destruction reaches the minimum standard, even if the entire North America is reduced to ruins.

"Taking care of children?! The world is going to be destroyed! Isn't this much more important than taking care of children? Can't he find a servant or hire a nanny?"

Bruce Wayne raised his eyebrows in disbelief.

Davian replied expressionlessly: “No, you don’t understand anything at all.

Compared to the master's daughter, the monster in front of her was nothing.

Once you see her in person you'll understand what I mean.

Without the personal supervision of the owner, it would not be as simple as just destroying a world. "

There is no doubt that this statement immediately piqued Batman's interest.

Just when he wanted to ask more questions, a woman with long black hair, wearing cool women's armor, holding a short sword and a shield suddenly jumped out of the darkness and hit the arm guard on her arm hard.

The next second...

The dazzling white light, accompanied by shock waves and harsh sounds, directly interrupted Doomsday's heat vision attack and forced it back a certain distance.

Wonder Woman Diana Prince finally arrives on the battlefield.

She first looked at the Sun Knight curiously, and then teased in a half-joking tone: "Gentlemen, although I don't really want to disturb you, now is not the time for small talk."

"It's you?!"

Bruce Wayne instantly recognized this mysterious woman who had been in contact with him several times.

"That's right! How about it, are you surprised?" Diana showed a joking smile.

As a demigod who has lived for a long time, she obviously enjoys the feeling of teasing "young" men.

"It's indeed unexpected and surprising. But who are you? And what's going on with that photo?" Batman continued to ask.

"Let's talk after we deal with this big guy."

Diana pursed her lips and smiled, then rushed forward, hoping to use the artifact shield and dagger in her hands to fight Doomsday hand-to-hand.

Unfortunately, Doomsday is not the crooked melons and crack dates she has dealt with before, nor is it the God of War Ares who does not have the blessing of a large-scale war.

As soon as this female demigod entered the attack range, she was knocked away with a backhand punch, and then a heat vision was added.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!!!!!"

Doomsday roared and released more energy from his body and began to run wildly, like a high-speed train traveling at full speed.

Diana just struggled to get up from the rubble, and then she was hit by the huge impact and penetrated several buildings in a row. Finally, a big hand grabbed her legs and slammed them to the ground.

boom! boom! boom! boom!

The damage caused by almost every blow was comparable to the explosion of several tons of TNT, forming deep pits on the asphalt road.

Although this kind of attack can only be regarded as a skin injury to a demigod at best, it is far from the level of breaking the muscles and bones.

But it hurts my self-esteem quite a lot.

Especially in such a public setting, it may even be filmed and broadcast by the TV station for the whole world to see.

But the problem is that the power of Doomsday is too great. Even if Diana is a demigod and equipped with many artifacts, it will not help. She has tried several times and failed to break free.

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