A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 714 waaaaagh! (10,000-word chapter, please subscribe)

"Welcome back, sir. I have to say, the new coloring makes you look a lot younger, and very, very cute."

Alfred looked at the Batman who had just returned and the power mecha on him that was painted in a pink girly color by Little Annie's magic, and couldn't help but snickered and teased him.

Although Superman's sacrifice and the death of a large number of civilians made everyone feel very depressed, heavy and sad, seeing his master like this still made him laugh a little.

Especially the scene of little Annie riding on his head, holding her ears with her two little hands and rocking them, made the butler's heart melt, as if he saw Bruce Wayne getting married and having children after he stopped being Batman, and gave birth to the Wayne family. The happy picture of the next generation of heirs.

There is no way, people will be particularly fond of children as they get older.

Because it symbolizes rebirth, hope, future and inheritance, which is completely opposite to their own continuous march towards dusk and death.

In addition, Alfred has played the role of father since he was very young, so he has always regarded Bruce as his own son emotionally.

For an old father, what is more gratifying than to see his older son get married and have children and live a normal life before he dies.

"Don't be ridiculous, Alfred.

You should know how scary and dangerous that little baby that looks so cute is.

Her father was a terrifying demon who easily destroyed the monster of destruction that killed Superman. He even blew up the moon and restored it to its original state using unknown abilities.

She herself is also a young demon with the power to destroy the earth and human civilization in an instant.

The most important thing is that this little guy often doesn't understand what he is doing and the serious consequences of doing so. He is just out of curiosity.

And in my opinion, this father and daughter are also potential threats, and they need to continuously collect information and intelligence to develop a backup plan. "

As Bruce Wayne spoke, he took off his helmet with only two holes left for his ears, and at the same time took off the power mecha that turned pink.

After all this was done, he ordered without looking back: "Please help me re-spray the armor with black paint, otherwise guys like the Joker and the Riddler will laugh to death after seeing it.

Also I need a new Batplane.

Remember to use all the new technologies you get from power mechas.

Our world is becoming increasingly dangerous.

Especially after the sacrifice of Superman Clark Kent, the evil forces hiding in the dark have begun to become restless.

And I have sold my soul, and there is nothing left to use as a bargaining chip for the time being. "

"So what are you going to do?"

Alfred asked in an uncertain tone.

“I’m going to build a team.

Diana has made it clear that she wants to join, and Davian has also stated that he will continue to listen to me until the master has new orders.

They are all very strong, at least much stronger than me in terms of combat effectiveness.

The latter, in particular, is more effective than Superman when dealing with non-Kryptonians.

With the help of these two people, I think there won't be any big problems in a short time.

What we have to do now is to find and recruit more capable people.

Remember the data stolen from Lex Luthor's computer last time?

Let’s start with the people in the video over there. "

Having said that, Bruce Wayne ignored his terrible state of exhaustion both physically and mentally after working hard all night, and walked straight to the computer and began to work hard to get into his new work.

Because now whenever he is free, the words Superman said when he chose self-sacrifice will come to his mind involuntarily, as well as the look of death revealed in his eyes.

This made him feel pain and remorse for having speculated on Superman with the greatest malice, and he desperately wanted to do something to atone for his sins.

But while Batman was busy preparing to form the Justice League, in a cell in Arkham Asylum, a new resident was escorted by guards through the corridors full of iron bars and slowly walked toward his own cell. go.

He is none other than Lex Luthor, the creator of Doomsday and the man who killed Superman and hundreds of thousands of civilians.

As a genius who was able to plot against Bruce Wayne on Earth in this universe, he was watched by countless pairs of eyes at this moment, and was even awed by some of the prisoners.

After all, there are only a handful of people in Gotham who can do this.

Perhaps only highly intelligent super criminals such as the Joker and the Riddler can compete with the Master.

As for the others, they were basically crushed by Batman in all aspects from intelligence to force.

boom! boom! boom! boom!

Accompanied by slightly heavy footsteps, Lex Luthor finally passed by the prison where the Joker was imprisoned.

Through the cold iron fence, he saw the face on the other side covered in greasepaint that could scare anyone.

"Ha ha ha ha!



Dear Lex Luthor.

You gave Gotham and the world a great show last night.

Whether it's making the cute little bat spin around, or killing Superman to bring down this god on earth, it's all extremely exciting.

I've started to like you. "

The clown gave the other party a big smile and clapped his hands vigorously.

His eyes were so excited and crazy, as if he had been stimulated by something.

There is no doubt that, as Zuo Si said, Arkham Asylum cannot contain these super criminals at all.

The Joker, in particular, obviously has many channels to learn what is happening outside at the first possible moment.

Maybe there are even his admirers and followers among the guards and doctors.

Lex Luthor subconsciously stopped and raised the corners of his mouth with a weird smile. He took the initiative to bend down and bowed slightly and responded: "It is an honor for me to be praised by the uncrowned king of Gotham City. But you shouldn't think that Last night was the most exciting climax of this show, right?”

"Oh? Is there any follow-up?"

The clown tilted his head and showed a curious expression.

"Listen, the knell has tolled, and they have heard it, in the darkness and among the stars.

With the fall of the gods on earth, there is nothing left on earth that they can be afraid of.

It won't be long before they arrive in our world.

Can you imagine how exciting the show will be?

Hahahahaha! "

Lex Luthor danced and laughed like a madman, and was then forcibly dragged away by the guards and thrown into another cell at the end of the corridor.

Seeing this scene, the corners of the clown's mouth began to rise larger and larger, and his eyes shone with excitement and anticipation. He slowly took out the contract to sell his soul from under the seat and bit it open. He signed his name on it with his finger and began to make a wish.

For him, whether it is his own life or the lives of others, it is just a huge joke.

So he doesn't care whether the world will be destroyed, he just wants to do his best to have fun.

The scene painted by Lex Luthor obviously aroused great interest in the Joker.

Now he no longer wants to waste time in Arkham Asylum, but wants to go out and see and feel the changes in the entire world after Superman's death, especially the current mental state of Batman, who is regarded by him as the only one of his kind.

As for his own soul, this complete madman obviously doesn't care at all.

In this way, after obtaining the ownership of Bruce Wayne's soul, Zuo Si easily obtained the ownership of the clown's soul.

In just a few seconds, the clown's wish comes true.

It's just that because his brain circuit is completely different from that of normal people, he neither wishes to obtain any powerful superpowers nor tries to make himself omniscient and omnipotent.

All he wanted was a room full of banknotes and gold, as well as a mountain of guns, bullets, explosives, knives and shoulder-mounted rocket launchers.

Because rather than using powerful superpowers to crush his opponents, the Joker prefers to play with their opponents' IQ, psychology and humanity.

As we all know, Gotham is a city of sin.

Everyone living here will more or less have some mental problems and potential criminal impulses.

Especially when the temptation is big enough, they will not hesitate to throw away the law and morality and join in a grand carnival.

This is also the reason why super criminals such as the Joker, Penguin, Riddler, and Bane can all respond here.

Obviously, a room full of gold and banknotes with a total value of more than billions or even tens of billions of dollars can definitely defeat the sanity of most people and make them greedy and crazy.

What the Joker is best at is taking advantage of the greed in human nature and causing the guards to start killing each other for huge amounts of wealth.

Those weapons were specially prepared so that they could kill each other more efficiently.

Facts have proved that no one can surpass the clown, a complete madman, in controlling the dark side of human nature.

With just a few words, he turned the entire Arkham Asylum into a large-scale real-life chicken-eating contest.

From the corridor to the lawn outside, you can see blood stains and lifeless bodies lying on the ground.

Gunshots, explosions and roars were heard all the time.

The clown himself walked out of the cell where he was imprisoned like an emperor, without any nostalgia for the banknotes and gold that were stained red with blood behind him.

At this moment, the iron door leading to the outside had been fully opened by the guard, and he could finally leave unimpeded.

"Hey! Clown! Stop looking after yourself and let me out too. Don't you want to have fun? I can help you!"

"And me! As long as you let me out, I swear to obey your orders from now on."

"Honey, I think we can get back together and have those sweet, good times, don't you think?"

"Open the door! No matter what you want to do, I can be the best goon."

Suddenly, all the super criminals imprisoned in Arkham Asylum became restless.

Although they don't know exactly where the Joker got so much wealth and weapons, they are sure that the entire Arkham has fallen into the hands of this madman.

As long as he is willing, he can open the door of the cage and release himself by pressing the button with his finger.

Unfortunately, the clown didn't seem to hear the shouts of these people. He took off his prison uniform and put on the shirt, suit and leather shoes given by a dead guard.

After changing his clothes, he raised his hand very gracefully and glanced at his watch. Then he installed a plastic bomb on the cell door controller, then used the electronic detonator to set the time for five minutes, and then pressed Press the start button.


The beeping sound of the countdown echoed throughout the corridor, making all the prisoners very nervous.

Because they know that the clown is an out-and-out lunatic and never cares about the consequences of his actions.

If blowing up the earth makes him happy, then this guy will do it without hesitation.

This is why all the criminals in Gotham City fear him, fear him, and want to stay away from him at all costs.

After all, no one knows whether the clown who was smiling at you one second will shoot you in the head or pierce your heart from behind with a dagger the next second.

"Relax, don't be so nervous, I just want to play a game with everyone, a game of cat and mouse that everyone has played before.

See this timer?

It will destroy the electronic door systems of all cells after five minutes, in other words, it will open all the iron doors.

And from what I understand, our old mutual friend Batman will arrive in about eight minutes.

So you will have about three minutes to escape.

Of course, you can also join forces to try to defeat or even kill him.

I have prepared enough weapons for you.

Now, let the fun game begin.

Hahahahaha! "

With a burst of hysterical laughter, the clown disappeared into the darkness.

Obviously, he used the entire inmates of Arkham Asylum as pawns to buy time for himself.

Otherwise, if only one person escapes, Batman will catch up quickly and won't give him any chance at all.

After all, the Bruce Wayne of this world is not a newbie, but a symbol of fear who has suppressed all kinds of super criminals in Gotham City for more than twenty years.

The prisoners in the cells began to curse after realizing the clown's sinister intentions.

However, considering that they still had three minutes to escape, they quickly connected through the iron gate and formed one team after another.

For example, Poison Ivy got together with Harley Quinn, and the Riddler reached a temporary cooperation intention with Penguin.

Only Lex Luthor did not react at all. He just stood in his cell and watched all this without any intention of escaping.

Because he knew that this was the clown's response to his previous words.

What's more, based on what you have done, if you escape at this time, you will easily be killed by those fanatical believers who regard Superman as a god, or by the angry citizens who have lost their families and friends in the ravages of the Doomsday. Arkham is a little safer.

In this way, after a large urban area was razed to the ground and hundreds of thousands of people died, the troubled Gotham City ushered in the return of the Joker and a group of super criminals.

I have to say that the people living here really don’t know what evil they did in their previous lives to end up like this in this life.

As for Bruce Wayne, who learned about the Arkham riots, he could only drag his exhausted body to once again join the hunt for fugitives.

The only good thing is that he is no longer alone this time, at least he has a powerful helper like Davian.

In just a few days, except for the clown and a few smarter guys, most of the criminals returned to their small cells in Arkham.

The reason why the arrest efficiency is so high is thanks to the information provided by the gang.

Yes, you read that right, the gangsters who rule the streets of Gotham City.

The reason is also very simple, that is, benefits, huge benefits.

Since large areas of urban areas were devastated in the battle between Superman and Doomsday, the U.S. government allocated a large sum of money specifically for compensation and reconstruction.

For all forces in Gotham City, this is definitely a tempting piece of fat.

Therefore, neither the police and officials who accept bribes nor the dominant mafia families want the city to fall into chaos due to the emergence of a large number of super criminals.

Quite the opposite!

They are all busy dividing the profits, planning how to contract more and larger projects to cheat subsidies, and at the same time build brand new apartment buildings, shopping malls, pedestrian streets, bars, nightclubs and warehouses on the ruins, turning them into Become your own money tree.

In addition, they can also arrange for people to pretend to be family members of the deceased to receive death compensation issued by the government, or simply beat some homeless people, drug addicts, and guys who owe loan sharks and are unable to repay them into serious injuries and disabilities, and falsely claim that they were affected by the war. , in order to allow the US government to spend more budget to accommodate them.

Of course, except for a small part of this money that will be reserved for the disabled to maintain basic life, the rest will flow into the pockets of large and small gangs and mafia families.

Some even started live streaming to deceive the sympathy of other cities and even the world, and then used various charitable donations to enjoy life in a debauched manner.

Gotham City, a city with simple folk customs, has proved with practical actions that you can make more money if you lose it, and you can make more if you lose your conscience.

What's even more outrageous is that after the influx of money obtained without conscience, instead of being immersed in sorrow, the entire city ushered in a rebirth like a phoenix.

Not only has the economic and security situation improved significantly, the unemployment rate has also dropped significantly (infrastructure reconstruction requires a large number of workers), civilian income has grown rapidly (with a job, there will naturally be income to spend), and even gangs have become more Friendly and peaceful, almost no conflicts broke out (they were all busy making money).

The scene of vigorous vitality and competition among all things makes people wonder whether this is still the dark and sinful Gotham.

As the backbone of Gotham, Wayne Group has made a lot of money.

But only those who truly understand this city will understand that everything happening in front of them is just an illusion.

Once the reconstruction work is completed and the special funds provided by the US government are spent, it will return to the way it was before, without even the slightest change.

Because those people still rule this city, but they are temporarily attracted by greater interests.

When the benefits disappear, they will return to tradition and return Gotham to the extremely dark, depressive, and crazy state it once was.

Of course, none of this has anything to do with Zuo Si.

At least until Steppenwolf arrives, he will stop focusing on this world and instead set his sights on the world of Sanctuary.

The reason is also very simple.

Jinji Towers has successfully created a new batch of enhanced Orcs and released the oil spores they bred into remote corners of the world.

In just two or three weeks, the complete set of dwarfs and snots had multiplied to tens of thousands, and even advanced units such as orc boys and technicians appeared, as well as a tall and strong chief.

Due to their own glowing oil, the technological level of these guys has risen rapidly, and they have leapt from the cold weapon era to the relatively primitive hot weapon era through continuous battles with nearby beasts and monsters.

Especially those shotguns, hunting rifles and mortars with exaggerated calibers, completely crushing the indigenous people of this world.

At present, the mighty orc army finally walked out of the remote mountains and was marching quickly along the muddy country roads.

Behind them was a village that had just been destroyed and plundered.

All villagers who tried to resist were killed mercilessly, while the rest who did not resist were captured and turned into slaves and slave laborers, responsible for doing chores such as assembly, transportation, and camp construction.

Different from the bloodthirsty cruelty promoted by many human empires in the Warhammer universe, the Orcs are actually simply warlike and can get some strong pleasure from fighting, and are not particularly interested in killing, torture and abuse.

In order to enjoy the fun of war, some orcs will actively become mercenaries and accept employment from forces including humans, Eldar, and Tau to fight in wars.

This also means that in fact, in terms of their attitude towards foreign captives, their overall attitude may be slightly better than that of the human empire, which claims to be civilized.

At least he had food and drink, and he wouldn't be dragged to the interrogation room every now and then and subjected to all kinds of torture.

At best, he would be like a fart, a victim of higher-level orcs venting their exuberant energy.

But considering that the orcs are not involved in production and have no awareness of developing agriculture and animal husbandry, what the captives can eat basically depends on what these greenskins can grab.

If you can't plunder, you have to go hungry or look for everything you can eat.

Generally speaking, the health status of captives is not very good, and malnutrition is common.

But fortunately, this group of human captives in front of us is obviously luckier.

On the one hand, this orc army has been in a semi-mechanical state from the beginning, so it does not need to consume any food.

On the other hand, they had just plundered all the food reserves in the entire village, which was conservatively estimated to be enough for at least a year, so there was no need to worry about starvation in a short period of time.

What really worries the captives is the direction in which these steel monsters are heading.

Because just a few months ago, a passing traveler once mentioned that a large number of terrible demons appeared in this direction, and even launched attacks on surrounding towns and monasteries.

It is said that that place has completely turned into a paradise for demons, and even many nuns and warriors of the Blind Sisters have been horribly corrupted.

Therefore, the captives sent a representative to explain the situation to the chief of the Orcs, hoping that the other party would not approach that dangerous area.

But the result was completely opposite to what they expected.

When the orc chief with a green electronic eye heard the news, not only did he not show any nervousness or fear, but he couldn't help laughing, and at the same time ordered his troops to speed up and move in the direction of the monastery.

What's even more outrageous is that the orcs of different sizes also became excited after hearing the news about the demon.

It seems that in their eyes, war is not a terrible and cruel thing, but a very interesting and fascinating game.

The leading chief also promised that if the captives could lead them to find this creature called a demon, he would generously grant freedom to everyone, and allow everyone to take enough gold and silver with them before leaving.

It has to be said that this behavior of the green-skinned orcs completely put these human captives to death.

But in order to regain their freedom, they still chose to lead the way.

"Chief, ahead... ahead is the place we are talking about. According to the traveler, past here is the lair of a large number of monsters and demons."

An old man who looked about fifty years old carefully pointed to the dark forest ahead and explained.

"Hahahaha! Very good! If it is like what you said, I guarantee that you will get the reward you deserve."

The orc chief, who was more than two meters tall and whose arms were almost thicker than the bodybuilder's thighs, laughed happily and shouted to the eager warriors around him: "Boys! The exciting carnival has begun! Go ahead! Let's go!" Those creatures who call themselves demons feel our power!"

"Ahhhh! Long live the war!"

"Kill them all!"

"Crush them!"


With roars rising one after another, this group of Orcs, who were like locusts with no formation or organization, rushed out like a tide.


You mean tactics and coordination?

Sorry, we orcs don't do these fancy things, and we don't bother to think too complicatedly. It's all done anyway.

If you don't kill the enemy to death, you will be killed by the enemy.

Anyway, the whole party is happy.

In fact, until the orcs reach a certain scale and produce enough intelligent individuals, even the most senior leader, the chief, will not be much smarter.

But as long as their scale continues to expand, the chiefs will slowly be promoted to great chiefs and warlords.

When you reach the stage of warlord, your intelligence level will increase exponentially.

Some orc warlords can even gain the upper hand by cordially "greeting" the entire female family and eighteen generations of their ancestors with their enemies.

Soon, the vanguard of this group of perfected orcs came into contact with the fallen demons, the fallen Rogge, the corrupted hard-haired rats, the zombies and skeletons resurrected from human corpses, the low-level demons that were half human and half goat, and the deep jungle. The flying blood eagles encountered a steady stream of huge nests that used flesh and blood to create them.

Since both sides were extremely aggressive, they went straight into full-scale combat without even a word of nonsense.

Large-caliber shotguns, hunting rifles, revolvers and mortars dump tons of ammunition on opponents in just a few minutes.

This does not include incredibly powerful explosives such as grenades and explosive packs.

Especially the Sinking Demon, who was the fastest and rushed to the front, suffered a devastating blow almost at the moment of encounter, leaving mutilated corpses on the ground.

Even the fallen magic wizards who were responsible for resurrecting their kind could not escape the disaster.

After all, in this world that is still in the age of cold weapons and magic, the range limit of most long-range attacks will exceed two to three hundred meters.

But what about bullets and cannonballs?

It is easy to hit a target several hundred meters or even several kilometers away.

So after a round of saturation strikes, even the demons from the hell of this world were stunned by the green-skinned orcs' madness and ferocity.

After excluding the brainless zombies and hard-haired rats, they continued to rush forward. The rest of the intelligent ones stopped advancing and hid in the dense dark forest, preparing to take advantage of the terrain to launch an ambush.

"Hahahaha! There is indeed a battle to be fought here! Come on! Don't let them escape!"

The leading orc chief tore off the head of a hard-haired rat while holding the bloody head while laughing wildly.

Because he could already feel that during the brief battle just now, the waaaaagh force field was at an all-time high, and his body size also increased a lot, and his mind became clearer and smarter.

If nothing else goes wrong, as long as the war continues, it won't be long before he is promoted from chief to great chief or even warlord.

And the green-skinned army under his command will expand from 10,000 to 100,000 or even millions, and even completely conquer the planet.

Following the orc chief's order, the dense army of orcs began to rush into the depths of the forest, fighting all kinds of demons without fear.

If the distance is far enough, use a firearm. If the distance is close, just take out an axe, a war blade, or stab the opponent with a bayonet fixed to the firearm.

Due to the dual effects of the waaaaagh force field and the power of my thoughts, as well as the fact that the bodies of the Perfect Beasts are originally covered with a large amount of metal shells, their performance in close combat is even more exaggerated than in long-distance firefights.

The demon's hard skin and muscles, which were originally strong enough to withstand ordinary swords, were easily penetrated by the weapons in the hands of the orc warriors.

The weapons, teeth and claws in their hands are difficult to cause any fatal damage to the orcs.

On the contrary, it was because the orc's injury stimulated the furious blood of the Hulk in his body, causing his size, strength and defense to instantly increase. He transformed into a semi-mechanical Hulk and in turn tore apart all the demons around him alive with his bare hands.

Watching this orc army raging in the dark forest, it took less than two weeks to drive out all the demons entrenched in this area. There were even weird steampunk-style tanks, mechas and missiles. The corner of Zuo Si's mouth twitched slightly, and he asked in a slightly playful tone: "What method did you use to allow them to obtain the waaaaagh force field without the blessing of Brother Mao and subspace?"

"No, the great father of New Phyrexia.

It's not that I gave them this ability, but that this power originally existed in their genes.

To be exact, you had a slight misunderstanding about the orc's waaaaagh force field and the power of my thinking.

In fact, these two powers do not need to be obtained through the subspace, but are formed by the convergence of power emanating from the spirit and belief of each orc.

This is why the Orks are completely unaffected by the Warp.

And the more people gather together and the larger the scale, the stronger the waaaaagh force field and the power of my thinking become. "

Jinji Tasha quickly took out the experimental data he had on hand and explained.

"You mean...the orcs have created an area that looks like subspace through the spirit and belief of the group?"

Zuo Si raised his eyebrows and showed a very surprised look.

Because if this is true, then what are Brother Go and Brother Mao?

Do they really exist in the Warp?

Jinji Tasha nodded slightly: "Yes, at least that's what it looks like from current observations.

However, according to another set of experimental data comparison provided by your Shuoyou clone, if it is within the influence range of subspace, the waaaaagh force field and the power of I Xunsi of the same scale will be larger.

So I personally speculate that the role of subspace and Brother Gogemao is more of an amplifier.

The Complete Orc you see now actually uses warp oil instead of the former.

It is unknown whether they are as controllable as other New Phyrexia creations.

I need to wait until the volume and scale get a little bigger before I can confirm. "

"So you plan to continue to expand the scale of the war, or even drag down both heaven and hell at the same time?"

Zuo Si stared into the blue demon judge's eyes, pursed his lips and revealed a playful smile.

"They have been dragged into the water, my master. What's more, only if the scale of the war is large enough, can I tap out the true potential of these perfected orcs, and finally condense them into a seed of destruction, with enough power to destroy everything. The green rush of the universe.”

When saying these words, Jinji Tasha's tone was full of inexplicable excitement and fanaticism.

With the continuous broadening of his horizons and the accumulation of knowledge and technology, he is now increasingly looking down on the ordinary creations that stretch the hips in Mirrodin time and space.

Only ultimate creatures like the completed Orks, the Demon Legion of Astartes, the Kryptonian Legion, and the Super Dragon Legion can make this mad scientist feel somewhat satisfied.

Even in several of the most secret laboratories, Jinji Tasha has begun to study how to combine the genes of the human emperor of the Warhammer universe, the genetic tadpole of Superman, the demigod blood of Wonder Woman Diana, and the blood of the Chaos Demon Dog Kozif The heart, the blood of the Titans in the universe where Azeroth is located, the flesh and blood of the two ancient gods, as well as the divine blood of the Dragon God Tiamat, the God of Murder Baal and the Prince of Lies Cyric, were all combined to create Create the ultimate creature.

For this reason, he also wanted to get a little bit of Zuo Si's blood, but the latter did not agree.

What a joke!

The raw materials alone sound impressive enough.

If it were to add his own blood, Zuo Si couldn't imagine what kind of terrifying monster it would create if it succeeded.

And in order to ensure that this experiment would not get out of control, he also specially set up a projection to monitor the entire process 24 hours a day.

The reason why there was no complete ban was mainly because he was also very interested in the ambitious goal of Jinji Tower and wanted to see what could be created with these things.

To a certain extent, Zuo Si and the Blue Demon Judge under his command are actually the same type of people, both with an endless greed and desire for knowledge and technology.

It's just that he still retains some of his thoughts and values ​​as a human being. Unlike Jinji Tasha, he has no ideological and moral constraints at all, and he doesn't care about the life and death of other beings.

Watching the Ork orc army on the screen expanding crazily around the dark forest, starting to set off a grand waaaaagh in the world of Sanctuary, Zuo Si thought for a moment and finally nodded: "Okay, then follow your instructions. Plan to come.

However, the humans in this world are born from the combination of angels and demons, and there are amazing potentials hidden in their blood.

If you find an opportunity, you'd better collect some and bring them back.

You can both do some research and be a qualified immigrant.

The population of this world is still quite sparse anyway. "

"Don't worry, I have already planned this. After all, you taught us that waste is shameful. And compared to the humans in this world, my real goal has always been heaven and hell."

Jinji Tasha gave the guarantee without hesitation.

Because he knows that his master hates meaningless killing, but prefers to give these civilians a place suitable for survival and reproduction, so that the population will continue to increase, and eventually they will become lambs in the soul pasture and be harvested slowly.

As a person who advocates rational thinking, Judge Blue Devil strongly agrees with Zuo Si's idea of ​​sustainable development.

After all, how can one-time plunder and destruction be compared to a steady stream of output.

And the huge soul energy can also be used as a resource to create more advanced and intelligent new Phyrexia creatures.

"very good!

Then let this waaaaagh reach its climax as soon as possible.

I can't wait to see the looks on Heaven and Hell's faces when they discover the Orks.

And when they realize that this war, which has lasted for who knows how many years, will eventually end with the complete defeat and destruction of both sides, what kind of crazy actions will they make.


No matter they are demons or angels, I will kill them all without leaving any one behind.

Use their blood, death and the destruction of the entire world to give birth to the most perfect and powerful orc seed. "

When saying these words, Zuo Si's eyes flashed with a creepy light.

At this moment, the power of countless time, space and universes symbolizing "evil" is gathering into his soul through the planeswalker sparks, and even forming a large field-like area around him.

Jinji Tasha undoubtedly felt this, and immediately lowered his head humbly, bowed deeply, and offered words of praise from the bottom of his heart.

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