A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 717: The war begins and the decisive battle begins (please subscribe to the 10,000-word chap





This is the third realm of Theros space-time besides the mortal world and Nyx Divine Realm - the underworld.

Because the underworld is located deep underground, there is no distinction between day and night, and it is the final destination for the souls of all the dead in this world.

Erebos, the god of death, is the ruler of this realm.

From the moment of his birth he was thrown over by the frightened and suspicious Sun God Heliod.

Because what death represents is exactly the opposite of the sun, the relationship between the god of death and the god of the sun has always been tense, and it can even be said that they are each other's biggest enemies.

This is why in the original timeline, Elspeth defeated Heliod and handed him over to the care of Erebos, the god of death.

But now, as Asuok set off a world-devouring fear and nightmare, the underworld began to be inevitably affected.

Countless souls of the dead who were originally either calm or confused are now completely trapped in a horrific scene between reality and dreams.

Thousands of nightmares born from fear are spread throughout the black mist of the underworld, and from time to time they will rush out and forcibly snatch away souls.

The next time they appear, they will already be in another twisted and terrifying form.

And as more and more souls of the dead are transformed into nightmares, the underworld, which has always been a gloomy and terrifying environment before, is becoming more and more dangerous and terrifying, like a pot of oil boiling over firewood.

At the beginning, Erebos, the god of death, was still trying to fulfill his duty, to kill the nightmares and let the dead rest in peace.

But soon the situation was completely out of control as the number of nightmares doubled.

Even he himself is twisted by the tools and nightmares of the dead souls in the underworld.

Painful human faces with thick sores began to appear out of thin air on his abdomen, chest, arms and back.

There is no doubt that this god of death who rules the underworld is being twisted into an extremely powerful nightmare, and he has no choice but to watch himself come to an end.

After all, the gods of Theros space-time all originate from the beliefs, worship, and needs of mortals.

Since Shimmering Oil can perfect believers and sacrifices by perfecting them, Ashok can naturally transform them into nightmares under his control through fear and nightmares.

To put it bluntly, it is the reasonable application of existing world rules.

It is also the part that a good planeswalker is best at.

Of course, it is not ruled out that Ashok introduced some rules of other time and space through land cards.

At this moment, the most powerful nightmare was standing in the huge black palace, looking at the unconscious Erebos, the god of death, and Athreos, the god of death, who were kneeling on the ground.

They seem to have been in this state for a while, and the original sacred and majestic atmosphere has disappeared, replaced by it being distorted into an extremely ugly appearance.

If it continues like this, it will take about a day or two at most to completely transform into a special and extremely powerful nightmare creature like the Eternal Evil God.


A black shadow appeared out of thin air and gradually condensed into the face of Ansuo Qo.

I saw that he first looked around with great interest, especially the two gods who were about to turn into nightmares, and then said with a very hollow figure: "The Forging God Purophos is dead. To be precise, he was killed." Lost."

"Dead? Who killed him? Xenagos?"

Nightmare, who had the same appearance as Zuo Si, raised his head in surprise.

"No, although Xenagos also participated, there was someone else who really killed the Forging God.

In other words, this successful hunting was his declaration of war to me.

He was inviting me to join him in this hunt for the gods of space and time in Theros as a warm-up before the war.

The father of New Phyrexia is obviously very, very confident in himself, and even wants to play a challenging game with me.

I think the reason why he is so confident is that he either doesn't know the extent of my influence on the world, or he holds a trump card that can destroy Theros.

Which one do you think it should be? "

Ansuoke turned his head and asked directly.

He obviously did not use teleportation magic, but a part of his consciousness descended through some kind of magic.

Nightmare touched his chin and thought for a moment, then quickly responded: "My personal preference is the latter.

Because according to the incomplete memory fragments in my mind, I can tell that Soth is not an arrogant person.

Quite the opposite.

He is always very cautious and has many unexpected cards.

If he takes the initiative to invite you, then you must be careful.

Maybe there is some unknown trap hidden inside. "

"So you mean to tell me to ignore or simply refuse to participate in this game of hunting the gods?"

There was strong uncertainty in Ansuoko's tone.

"No, I just remind you that if you are not sure of winning, it is best not to respond. Because this time the opponent is not the small characters you met before, but a dangerous person who is truly capable of threatening your life."

After saying these words, the nightmare ignored his creator, raised his hands and began to control the fear and nightmares that permeated the entire underworld, drawing power from them to accelerate the transformation of Erebos, the god of death, and Athreos, the god of death.

In just a few minutes, the entire underworld boiled under this extreme pressure. The endless fear and nightmares caused the souls of the dead to scream, and some even collapsed directly. Wrapped in thick black fog, it was completely distorted, turning into an out-and-out nightmare creature.

To be precise, it should be an army of nightmares numbering in the millions, tens of millions, and billions.

And this nightmare Zuo Si, created from the fear of Jinji Tasha, connected himself with the nightmare army, allowing himself to break through his original limits and become more powerful and terrifying.

When Ansuoko saw this scene, he immediately pursed his lips with a playful smile and murmured to himself in a voice that only he could hear: "Is this a trap or some kind of temptation?

Dear Soth, I am becoming more and more interested in the hidden fears within my heart.

I really hope that when the mystery is revealed, your reaction will not be too disappointing.

Since you want to use Twilight of the Gods on Theros as a back-up, then I will grant your wish. "

As the last word blurted out, the Nightmare King instantly shattered into pieces and escaped into the shadows.

About two or three days later, news of the death of Erebos, the god of death, and Aareos, the god of death, spread quickly.

Because the gods of this world have projections in the Nyx Divine Realm.

Anyone can find the stars and constellations in the sky that belong to their respective gods.

When a god falls, the most obvious manifestation is that the constellation belonging to him disappears in the sky.

After confirming this, Zuo Si immediately launched a hunt for Poseidon Thasa.

Just ten hours later, the god with a mermaid-like appearance and the ability to control all giant sea beasts died.

Following closely, the god of slaughter Mogis, the storm god Keranos, the city-state god Ephra, the harvest god Kalametra, and the torture god Pharika also announced their deaths in this hunting competition.

Suddenly, the night sky all over Theros turned dark.

Almost all mortals who are still awake are aware that the gods they previously believed in and worshiped have fallen.

Apart from Clotis and Crophonus, the two original gods who were first born from the faith, only the constellation of Xenagos, the god of pleasure, is still standing, and the light of the stars is also changing. It's getting brighter and brighter.

So with no other choice, people began to place their last hope on this new god, hoping that he could protect Theros' time and space from completely falling into an eternal nightmare.

The fanatical belief born out of this despair made Xenagos unprecedentedly powerful.

Even surpassing Heliod, the sun god who once served as the leader of the gods.

But only he understood that he had no ability to save the world that had been dragged into a nightmare.

There is only one person who can truly defeat Ansuoke, and that is Zuo Si, who has personally hunted and killed several gods, or transformed them into immortal evil gods, or made them into various artifacts.

The strength and decisiveness shown by the latter in this process, as well as his attitude of no respect for creatures like gods, gave the God of Greed and Joy an indescribable fear.

Because he understood that if he had not chosen to cooperate in the first place, his current fate would probably not be much better than those of the native gods.

"I can't believe you actually cooperated with this guy."

Elspeth stared at Xenagos who appeared out of thin air, her face full of shock and disbelief.

She would never forget that the conspiracy hatched by the guy in front of her had put her in danger more than once.

"Haha, don't be so hostile, dear Elspeth Tiri.

After all, all the conflicts between us originate from the sun god Heliod.

Now that he and his brothers and sisters are dead, the past grudges can be wiped out.

What's more, you don't know yet, right?

In the past few days, I have joined forces with Soth to kill almost all the gods in Theros space and time.

Now all the faith of mortals is gathering towards me.

Only by joining forces with me can you obtain this power that is enough to shake the Nyx Divine Realm. "

After saying that, Xenagos showed a confident smile, shrank his body to normal size, sat down on the chair, and started drinking wine unscrupulously.

"Is everything he said true?"

Ajani's eyes widened as if he couldn't believe what he heard.

Zuo Si smiled and nodded: "Yes, everything Xenagos said is true.

I have personally slain the Forge God, the Storm God, the Sea God, and the Carnage God.

After all, these arrogant losers think about fighting each other all day long, and they fail to perform their duties well, let alone protect the world.

They deserved to die for that alone.

Starting today, I declare that the age of the Old Gods in Theros is over and that a new century will begin. "

"You...you are judging the gods?!"

Elspeth was obviously aware of something, her eyes were like looking at a madman.

Zuo Si corrected meaningfully: "No, it is not a trial, but an elimination, just like nature will eliminate those species that cannot keep up with environmental changes.

Trust me, the world would only be a better place without those arrogant old gods in the way.

What's more, even if I don't kill these gods, Ashiok will transform them into powerful nightmares.

So no matter what the reason, the old gods of Theros space and time must die.

The most important thing is that those gods are dead, their existence and influence are in the past tense, and there is no need for any discussion or debate.

Next let's talk about the upcoming war with the Nightmare King. "


Elspei, who originally had a lot to say, fell silent.

In contrast, Golden Mane Ajani looked completely indifferent.

Because this lion-man planeswalker didn't have the slightest fondness for the gods of Theros space and time. He always felt that these guys were hypocritical and arrogant, and it would be best if they all died.

Just when the atmosphere at the scene became a little dull, a water splash suddenly spurted out in mid-air and grew larger and larger. Finally, a female mermaid with blue skin, hair and pupils walked out of it.

Not only does she have smooth and tender skin that would make any human woman envious, but she also has a streamlined and soft figure. She only has fins on her arms and receding sides, and there is a blue ink on her forehead that is not sure whether it is a decoration or part of her skull. Colored crystals.

"Kiora? Didn't you say you're not interested in this matter?"

There was strong surprise in Ajani's tone.

Obviously, the person in front of him is another famous planeswalker from Zendikar's time and space - "Mermaid" Kiora.

It's just that unlike the elf planeswalker Nissa, although she also has the idea of ​​protecting her hometown, she is more inclined to refined egoism and doesn't care about the life and death of others at all.

Just in the Theros space-time, this guy once set off a tsunami to attract the giant beasts of the deep. As a result, the city-state of Meletis suffered an unimaginable disaster.

Not only that, Kiora also pretended to be the sea god Thassa for a period of time, and almost died after being discovered by the latter.

It can be said that this female mermaid is the epitome of most new generation planeswalkers traveling around after igniting a spark.

Since they can run away anytime and anywhere, they always do whatever they want without restraint. When they lose interest, they will just leave without caring about the impact and damage their actions will bring to the world where they live.

Facing Ajani's doubts, Qiora raised the corners of her mouth slightly, revealing a smile, and looked directly at Zuo Si.

"I said that I don't want to join you to deal with Ashiok. But this does not prevent me from paying high respect to this great sir and being willing to provide a little help."

After saying that, Kiora put one hand on her chest and bowed gracefully.

"Did you witness the process of me killing Poseidon Thasa?"

Zuo Si asked in an uncertain tone.

As a result, Kiora nodded very simply: "Yes, I saw it from far away.

The goddess who once almost killed me is as fragile as a newborn baby in front of you.

You used the sword that shone with golden lightning to chop off her head, dig out her heart, and then smelt the body and weapons into a dark blue sword that could control water and sea creatures.

At this moment, the entire ocean of Theros time and space surrenders at your feet. Countless deep-sea monsters emerge from the darkness and make deep sounds to mourn the dead goddess, and also cheer for your victory.

Having this much power over the ocean is what I've always wanted. "

"You want to dominate the seas of Zendikar's plane?"

A hint of playfulness flashed in Zuo Si's eyes.

As far as he knew, this female mermaid mage had indeed been traveling in different time and space, collecting various deep-sea monsters, and even worked as a thief for a period of time.

"That's right."

Kiora didn't hide her intentions at all, and chose to admit it openly.

After thinking for a moment, Zuo Si quickly responded with a playful smile: "Yes, I allow you to become a member of the team.

But please note that my tolerance for betrayal is very low.

If you make any attempt to escape or rebel during this war, the consequences may be very serious.

I have many ways to find and locate you in the multiverse.

So don't think you can get away with it with the power of a planeswalker's spark. "

"Don't worry, I'm not stupid enough to betray and anger a powerful planeswalker with the ability to kill gods."

Kiora bent down again and bowed deeply to express her submission.

So far, this small temporary team led by Zuo Si already has four planeswalkers, as well as a former planeswalker who later transformed into a god of Theros space and time.

"I hope so. Now, let's discuss how to crush Ashiok's attempt to turn this world into a nightmare and kill him once and for all."

As Zuo Si blurted out these words, an armored warrior suddenly broke in from outside and shouted breathlessly: "No... it's not good! Outside... there are many nightmare creatures outside. The city-state has launched an attack! Their numbers are endless and there is no end as far as the eye can see.”

"What? Ashiok can't wait to start the war?"

Aizipei stood up from the chair in an instant.

The rest of the people also had expressions of panic or nervousness on their faces.

But Zuo Si still remained calm and said in a nonchalant tone: "This should not be a formal war, but just a trial. After all, those nightmares transformed from the souls of mortals and the dead are just cannon fodder at best."

"But these nightmares are enough to kill every living person in our city-state!"

Dominated by fear and excitement, the human warriors who came in to report the news were shaking uncontrollably.

It was easy to tell from the thick dark circles on his face that he had obviously not had a good sleep for a long time.

The reason is also very simple.

Right now, all mortals in the entire Theros space-time will immediately start having uncontrollable nightmares as soon as they close their eyes.

Once you are deeply trapped in a nightmare, you may never wake up, and you will slowly be tortured by fear to the point of losing your rationality, turning into one twisted nightmare after another.

The only precaution you can take is not to fall into deep sleep.

Just close your eyes and take a nap for a few minutes, and then quickly let the sober person use all methods to wake himself up.

This also means that they can't have a good rest at all, and everyone's spirits are in a state of nervousness, irritability, irritability and weakness.

"Relax, it's just some nightmare. If we can't deal with even a little cannon fodder, what qualifications do we have to kill Ashiok?"

With that said, Zuo Si was the first to take the lead and leave the temple that originally belonged to the Sun God Heliod, and went straight to the city wall outside where he had already begun to fight personally.

Because nightmare creatures can have a huge impact on people's spirit and will, and can even induce the most terrifying fantasies in the subconscious, it is very difficult for these mortal warriors to deal with them.

But fortunately, those priests who switched to Xenagos frantically swayed magical spells on the soldiers that could make them happy and desire.

As the god of pleasure, the power Xenagos bestows on his sacrifices may be a bit too unsightly in the eyes of conservatives, but it is surprisingly effective against nightmare creatures.

Because whether it is excitement, pleasure, or physical desire, it can effectively dispel fear and make a person brave and fearless.

You can never tell how outrageous a guy with a sperm brain can do.

The pants of some male soldiers even held up small tents, and then they all instantly became fierce and fierce, chasing the nightmare creatures that swarmed up the city wall.

"Hahaha! Look! This is the power of joy!"

Xenagos laughed wildly.

After all, after experiencing this incident, this city-state is afraid that it will completely fall into his arms from top to bottom. Even if a new god is born in the future, it will not shake the foundation of faith.

"Is this also part of your plan?"

Elspei was obviously very surprised by this result, and subconsciously turned her head to look at Zuo Si next to her.

She couldn't believe that a debauched and depraved god like Xenagos could actually play such an important role in the fight against the nightmare army.

Zuo Si explained with a half-smile: "There was a half-joking saying in my hometown that as long as the female ghost is bold enough, she has to take maternity leave.

This sentence fully illustrates the huge power contained in lust.

Not only can it make cowardly people brave or even crazy, it can also help people temporarily get rid of the influence of fear.

Therefore, Xenagos's divine power is to some extent the most powerful weapon used to restrain nightmares.

Because anything full of passion is the most terrible poison for nightmares.

Just look at the fatal wounds caused by those warriors who stabbed and slashed the nightmare creatures when they were in a state of excitement. It is enough to explain everything. "

"But this state of excitement cannot last long. Once the desire of these warriors begins to subside, the fear caused by the nightmare will once again affect their spirit and will."

Ajani frowned and expressed his worries.

You must know that there are too many nightmares outside the city. They are so dense that you can't see the end at a glance. No matter how many people die in front, more will rush out from the horizon.

"Relax, aren't we still here?" Zuo Si lowered his head and gently kissed the forehead of the daughter in his arms, then raised the little guy high above her head, so that she could clearly see the endless army of nightmares. "My little baby, these guys are all your toys now."

The words have not yet been spoken!

The pupils of little Annie's eyes suddenly began to flash with a lavender light, and then she opened her little hands and let out a burst of giggles.

The next second...

A black hole visible to the naked eye suddenly appeared on the empty plain outside the city-state, and released a huge gravitational force that could not be described in words.

Tens of thousands of running nightmare creatures were sucked in before they could even react.

What's even more terrible is that this black hole created by magic is not stationary, but moves around under the control of little Annie.

In less than ten seconds, the black army of nightmares that covered the sky seemed to be erased from the horizon with an eraser.

The horrifying sight not only frightened the mortal soldiers guarding their city-state, but also several other planeswalkers were stunned and couldn't believe that this was done by a baby.

Even Elspeth and Ajani, who have seen little Annie's power, are no exception.

It didn't take long for the nightmare creatures to be seen on the horizon.

The black hole disappeared on the spot, leaving only an energy group compressed into the size of a rice grain.

Little Annie directly grabbed the energy ball wrapped in black smoke and stuffed it directly into the doll made of the flesh and blood of the ancient god in her arms.


An extremely dark and evil energy soared into the sky, forming an energy column thousands of meters high.

But this spectacular scene lasted less than a second before disappearing.

Instead, the eyes of that abstract doll, which he didn’t know what it was, began to flash with a creepy dark red light.

If you get a little closer, you can hear some weird whispers and gasps.

"This doesn't look like a normal child's toy!"

Ajani's mouth twitched and he complained.

Elspei stared at the doll with fear on her face and asked Zuo Si directly: "Are you sure this thing won't suddenly go out of control? I bet that if it were released, the disaster and consequences it would cause would be comparable to that horde of nightmares just now. Creatures are much scarier.”

"Hmm - I can probably, maybe, almost control it. After all, Anne's self-awareness is about to be formed, so it shouldn't be..."

Before Zuo Si could finish his words, the daughter in his arms threw the doll in his hand out of the city.

In mid-air, this thing that was originally only more than thirty centimeters and looked like a stuffed doll expanded rapidly.

When it landed, it was already a twisted and indescribable super-giant suture monster that was over a thousand meters tall.

Its main body and torso look like a nightmare creature made entirely of energy. Its surface is densely covered with human face masks of fear and despair, while its head and limbs are completely replaced by large and small tentacles.

Dense eyes can be seen vaguely at the ends of the tentacles, as well as a large mouth and sharp teeth in the middle.

A huge eye like the ancient god C'Thun was completely separated from the body, floating on the top of thousands of tentacles.

This terrifying monster simply appeared and released a psychic shock, which shattered the forest and the road directly in front of it into atoms.

After some mortals in the city saw the huge eye suspended in the sky, they immediately started talking nonsense and became crazy and mentally disturbed.

Just when Zuo Si was about to take action to deal with the aftermath, an even bigger and twisted nightmare fell from the sky, exuding a strong aura of death.

This guy just raised his finger, and hundreds of soldiers on one section of the city wall fell to the ground and died suddenly.

"That's... Erebos, the god of death?"

Xenagos instantly recognized the god who had become a nightmare.

"Haha, the test is over and it's finally time to serve the main course?"

Zuo Si immediately stopped all movements and allowed Little Annie's toy to take the initiative to attack Erebos, the God of Death.


With deafening loud noises and vibrations, the two finally collided and began to struggle and fight, even the sky above their heads was torn in half.

The ground beneath his feet could not withstand the astonishing energy release and sank.

Before the winner could be decided, another equally huge figure landed in the city, waving a sickle-like weapon in his hand and swiped at everyone's location.

The terrifying power caused the city wall and the soldiers stationed above to collapse on the spot.

Unfortunately, this sneak attack failed to achieve its goal.

Both the planeswalkers and Xenagos, the god of pleasure, managed to escape early.

"This is the god of death, Yareos! This guy Asuoko really turned the god into a nightmare creature! No! It should be said to be the god of nightmares!"

Looking at the current state of the two gods of the underworld, Ajani felt his scalp numb, and his fear of the Nightmare King was also rising.

But just when he thought that the two nightmare gods in front of him were the main course tonight, more nightmare gods arrived.

Heliod, the sun god, Eloans, the god of victory, Phenak, the god of deception, Nylea, the goddess of hunting...

All the gods who had been killed by Asuok reappeared in the form of nightmares at this moment.

Not only that!

He also materialized the fear in the hearts of these gods and then merged it with the dead gods.

That kind of indescribable blasphemy, madness, distortion and pathology quickly swept through all the mortals in this city-state like a plague.

Just as the streets were filled with mentally broken people, Ashok finally arrived with his most powerful nightmare.

He locked onto Zuo Si effortlessly, then laughed and asked, "Hahahaha! How about it, do you like the grand welcome ceremony I arranged?"

Zuo Si replied with a smile: "In terms of quantity, it's not bad, but I don't know about the quality. In addition, I would like to praise you again. This strategy of starting a decisive battle is quite good. After all, you know how to stud at the gambling table. It is also a manifestation of wisdom.”

"You still think you can win?"

There was strong surprise in Ansuoko's tone.

After all, he had dispatched six nightmare gods from Theros space and time this time, and he could definitely easily suppress everyone except Zuo Si.

As long as the strongest nightmares are sent to hold them back and defeat them one by one, the scene will then be a gathering of the power of these nightmare gods to fight and win the final victory.

Of course, Ashiok does not seek to actually kill a planeswalker like Zuo Si, as long as he can defeat his opponent and drive him out of Theros time and space.

"I should be the one to ask you this question. What gave you the confidence to defeat me with an impostor?"

Zuo Si stared at the nightmare form of himself and smiled contemptuously.

Just as he expected.

This guy who was born from the fear of Jinji Tasha was far from inheriting all the power he had at the time, not to mention the huge blessings he received after becoming half a dark dimension lord.

However, due to some troublesome abilities, it may take a little more effort to kill.

But it doesn't matter, Zuo Si just wanted to test his newly acquired abilities.

"Hmph! I want to see how long you can be stubborn."

Ansuoko suddenly raised his hand and released countless threads symbolizing thinking and consciousness, and injected them into the bodies of those nightmare gods.

In a blink of an eye!

These guys who originally looked rigid and dull had a lively look in their eyes, as if they had been endowed with wisdom, and they immediately rushed towards Xenagos, the god of pleasure who was the greatest threat.

Although the latter has become very powerful with the support of faith and worship, it is still unable to withstand the siege of so many nightmare gods.

After only a few rounds, he was already losing ground and retreating. As he retreated, he shouted: "Don't just stand there! Come and help!"

After Elspei heard this, he rushed towards the God of Death with the holy sword without saying a word.

Because the power of the Holy Sword perfectly restrains the power of Death, it can cause huge damage as long as the attack is sustained.

Ajani faced the Hunting God, wielding his heavy weapon to suppress the opponent, forcing him to be unable to shoot his deadly bow and arrow.

The mermaid planeswalker Kiora also summoned several huge sea monsters and the god of deception, Fenac Zouxuan.

But even so, Xenagos still had to deal with the siege of several gods.

Especially the former mortal enemy - the sun god Heliod. The spear that originally shone with golden light has been shrouded in darkness and has become impossible to capture and distinguish.

If you are not careful, you may get punctured or cut.

But Zuo Si ignored Xenagos's embarrassment and directly put the little Annie in his arms at his feet, then pulled out his sword and walked forward slowly, asking his other self in nightmare form in an emotionless tone: "Are you ready for your own death?"

"No, I'm ready to kill you and take your place."

Nightmare responded by pulling out a sword that looked almost the same but was wrapped in darkness and fear.

"Haha, then let our subordinates see the true chapter."

As the last word blurted out, time, space, and reality around Zuo Si's body began to distort, and his whole person instantly split into thousands of selves.

In less than a microsecond, he completed millions of attacks including magic and physics.

Even Nightmare tried to defend and counterattack in the same way, but still couldn't catch it completely. Hundreds of holes were pierced through his body, and in some places where the muscles were torn in large areas, the bones could even be seen inside.

But the moment the attack ended, Nightmare's nearly collapsed body returned to its original state.

You don't need to ask to know that this is derived from the reality-distorting blood-locking ability of the astral dragon BUG.

Although this kind of distorted reality is far inferior to Zuo Si after becoming the lord of the dark dimension, it is definitely enough to save lives and infinitely recover injuries.

It was precisely by virtue of this ability to distort reality that the nightmare was able to survive the storm of attacks.

"You've actually become stronger again?!"

There was obvious shock and disbelief in Nightmare's tone that could not be concealed.

After all, according to his original vision, even if the battle was not evenly matched, he could at least hold on for a while.

Zuo Si sneered and asked, "What else?

Continue to stand still?

What's more, why do you and your master think that Jinji Tasha is qualified to know all my powers and abilities?

Do not be silly!

If you really inherited my personality and memories, you should know that I have never completely trusted anyone from beginning to end.

He has never revealed his true identity to anyone.

So you are just a pathetic imitation, inferior product, and defective product. "

"No! This is impossible! I am the most powerful and terrifying you in Jinji Tasha's heart! I am not a defective product!"

The nightmare obviously became extremely emotionally unstable due to the stimulation.

This is also one of the drawbacks of nightmare creatures.

Since their power comes from nightmares and fears, their thoughts and consciousness are often very extreme and they cannot remain rational for a long time.

This is an instinct engraved in the bones, just like the unforgettable hatred of the dead towards the living.

"Then prove it to me and try your best to defeat me."

Zuo Si continued to use words to stimulate himself in nightmare form.

As a big devil and dimensional demon, playing with the opponent's psychology and spirit is also part of the battle.

"Calm down! Don't let him lead you by the nose. No matter whether it is a replica, inferior product, or defective product, you are the most powerful nightmare under my command. You should become his fear, not let him become yours. tool."

Ansuoko suddenly spoke to stabilize the mental state of Nightmare Zuo Si, who almost went berserk and out of control.

"Becoming my fear? Are you sure he can do this? Or do you really understand what the fear in my heart is?"

The corners of Zuo Si's mouth raised slightly, giving the other party a provocative expression.

"Oh? If that's the case, then why don't you remove all layers of psychic protection and let me have a glimpse of your inner world?"

Ashiok is undoubtedly a master of psychological warfare, and in turn wants to drag his opponents into his own rhythm.

The two looked at each other like this for three to five seconds before Zuo Si couldn't help laughing loudly: "Hahahaha! You want to peek into my heart and the fear deep in my memory? No problem! But since you want to If you play a game like this, what are your chips?"

"What do you want?"

Ashok was obviously very surprised. He never dreamed that the father of New Phyrexia in front of him would dare to play with fire in his best field.

"How about we open our hearts at the same time and connect each other's hearts? In this way, you can peek into my memories and thoughts, and I can peek into yours. This is the fairest thing."

Zuo Si's eyes flashed with absolute confidence that was almost crazy and he calmly sent out the invitation...

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