A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 724: Goods from Catachan (a 10,000-word chapter, please subscribe)

boom! ! ! !

As two huge island-like iron blocks collided in the void with a deafening sound, the two armies that had assembled above immediately launched a charge, pounced on each other at lightning speed, and launched a selfless attack at the junction. Crazy fighting, countless soldiers fell almost every second.

If you look higher and further, you can even see that in this world exuding iron and blood, there are thousands of iron blocks of the same size, like islands and even land, colliding together.

Almost everywhere where the super giant iron blocks collided, there were huge legions belonging to at least three to four camps fighting endless wars day and night.

Occasionally, you can see the incarnation of a god descending into a devastating battle with the incarnation of another hostile god.

Once this happens, it often means that the vast and hard iron block under your feet, like an island or a continent, will instantly fall apart, or simply turn into hot burning molten iron.

You don't need to ask to know that this is the place that most highlights the struggle among all the outer planes - the Shura Field.

Just from the names, you can tell that whether they are the gods who settled in this plane and established their own kingdom, or the souls reincarnated after death, every one of them is a lunatic who loves fighting and war.

Its overall alignment trend is from lawful evil to lawful neutral, which is very different from the Scorched Hell ruled by the yugoloth demon, whose overall alignment trend is neutral evil.

In addition, the Shura Field is also the second most brutal battlefield after the bloody battle between demons and demons. Billions of lives and souls are continuously consumed.

However, the eternal war here does not involve the conflict between order and chaos, nor the struggle for the final definition and interpretation of the concept of evil, so it has received relatively little attention.

To outsiders, this shabby place is nothing more than a group of aggressive and aggressive lunatics venting their energetic energy that has nowhere to put it.

Among them, the longest-lasting and most well-known is the war between the orcs and the goblins.

The orc chief god Gruumsh and the goblin chief god Magnubia compete for control of barbaric places such as grasslands, mountains and swamps on the material plane, and also to expand the living space for their believers and people. On average, every once in a while The incarnation will come and fight.

Although most of the time it ends with Gruumsh's victory and Magnubier's defeat, the latter still stabilizes the situation with the huge number of the goblin race.

The reason for this result is that in addition to fighting the goblin gods, Gruumsh is also fighting the Arvandor elven gods.

Otherwise, given Magnubier's poor strength, his head would have been chopped off long ago and become a trophy for the orc god.

After all, Gruumsh is truly the supreme god of the race, and he firmly controls the orc priesthood. No other orc god can share his power with him.

But what about Magnubier?

Although he has the title of Goblin Lord and Supreme Chief, in fact the racial priesthood only includes ordinary goblins and hobgoblins, and does not include the most powerful bugbear among the goblin races.

Yes, you are not mistaken.

In fact bugbears have their own pantheon.

Including the dominant god Hrugek, who has medium power but does not have the title of main god, Gaiknura, the god of hunting with weak power, and Skigrit, the god of fear with weak power.

In addition, the millions of werewolf goblins raised by Zuo Si have joined the ranks of believing in and worshiping the Phoenix God Benu. Even the priesthood of ordinary goblins has been challenged and torn apart, and has quickly fallen from its original powerful divine power to what it is today. With medium divine power, he is naturally no match for the orc god.

The most obvious manifestation is the steady retreat of the eternal war in Shura Field.

Fortunately, with the connection of Shar, the goddess of the night, the scale of the war between the goblins and the orcs began to shrink with a tacit understanding.

Although there are still a few routine battles every day, the number of soldiers participating in the battle is less than one-tenth of the previous number.

As long as this state can be maintained until Zuo Si is defeated and millions of werewolf goblins believe in him again, then Magnubier will instantly return to the throne of powerful divine power, and will be even more powerful than before.

Especially the "Dire Wolf" that was created before is completely enough to crush the orc elites in an all-round and three-dimensional manner on the battlefield.

With this new branch of goblins, he is confident that after the collapse of this fragile alliance, he will immediately give Gruumsh a head-on blow and regain all the face and dignity he has lost over the years in one fell swoop.

I have to say that this Goblin Lord’s calculation was quite good.

But what he didn't know was that a group of fourth natural disasters from another world had quietly entered the Shura Field plane, and even disguised themselves as hobgoblins to join his legion.

Right now, this group of absolute scourges are gathering together, discussing how to put on a show with the "good brothers" who join the orc army on the opposite side, adding fire to the gradually cooling down battlefield and pouring another bucket of fire on it. gasoline.

After all, they are also quite professional when it comes to stirring up trouble and being a troublemaker.

At this moment, on a huge floating island made entirely of iron blocks, Archbishop Jack, who had an appearance like an ancient god, was punching and kicking a hobgoblin officer whose hands and feet were bound. The armor on his body was made of arcane ingots and vibranium alloy. The armor was already stained with blood, broken flesh, and an eyeball that had exploded. The scene was extremely cruel and brutal.

While he was frantically trying to smash the other person into a living pulp, he gritted his teeth and growled: "Dirty bastard! Who the hell said I look disgusting? Tell me! Why didn't you say anything! Didn’t you feel happy just now vomiting?”

But unfortunately, the hobgoblin officer was speechless at this moment.

To be exact, almost half of his brain tissue and brain plasma had spurted out from his bloody eye sockets, and he was probably dead a few minutes ago.

After all, no creature can withstand the fierce and continuous hammering of a fist wearing an iron glove with forty points of strength attribute.

This lethality and destructive power is basically not much different from that of the Genting Giant wielding a heavy war hammer.

After three or two blows, the entire body's bones and internal organs were basically destroyed, and there was no need to even save it.

Another teammate not far away couldn't stand it any longer and couldn't help but console him: "Okay, stop now. The poor hobgoblin is already dead. There's no point in whipping the corpse any further. What's more, he You're right, your face is really hard to describe."

"What a joke!

Now I have the face of a hobgoblin!

All corrected by transformation magic!

And I can accept humans and elves saying I am ugly, but I will never accept the humiliation from goblins!

Because these guys themselves are a bunch of ugly monsters! "

After saying that, Jack casually threw the beaten body into the dead body on the battlefield, not worrying at all that he had killed his superior officer and was discovered.

After all, in this dangerous battlefield, death is as common as eating and drinking. No one can guarantee that they will not be killed by a powerful enemy that suddenly appears in the next second.

"But the average charm attribute of a hobgoblin is eight to twelve points.

Since spending a lot of money on the Astartes transformation, your Charisma attribute without a helmet has dropped from three points to two points.

In addition, the transformation magic we accept is a limited change while retaining the original attributes and physical characteristics.

So even from the perspective of the hobgoblin, you should fall into the category of mental pollution.

You must know that they are not like us. They have 20 points of mental abnormality resistance after being with you for a long time. "

The warlock and mage Caroline made a detailed analysis with a serious look on her face.

Others around him couldn't help but raise the corners of their mouths when they heard these words, and some simply lowered their heads and started to snicker.

After all, the appearance and intelligence attributes of this "Ancient God Archbishop" who can release spiritual pollution to enemies have always been one of the hot topics that players talk about.

Ever since there was such a negative example, no one would dare to reduce the seemingly useless intelligence and charm attributes too low.


Jack cursed through gritted teeth, and then put on the fully enclosed helmet without hesitation.

The poor two points of charm on the attribute panel instantly returned to the passing line of eight points.

You know, he originally thought that this operation could finally let him breathe and show his face.

But I never expected that even if I turned into an ugly creature like a hobgoblin, I still couldn't get rid of the serious side effects caused by the ultra-low charm value.

Sometimes Jack even felt like he was cursed.

Because no matter what changes he tried to make, the final result would always be an increase in strength and perception attributes at the expense of charm and intelligence.

Especially after undergoing the Astartes transformation surgery, he gained a super body with two hearts and three lungs, and his strength attributes actually exceeded that of most warriors.

Coupled with the improvements brought by divine spells and equipment, even in head-on combat with dragons and giants, you can still keep up with the odds.

However, Jack's ultra-low intelligence attribute makes it particularly easy for Jack to be hit by spells that require intelligence saving throws, and the duration after being hit is also longer than others.

You can only make up for this shortcoming by always maintaining the [Cunning of the Fox].

But once it is dispelled by magic in battle, the only thing you can do is to wish for luck.

Seeing the furious look of the team veteran, the scene was suddenly filled with a cheerful atmosphere.

But fortunately, Caroline quickly turned the topic back to business and said with a serious face: "We have been here for several days. Do you have any ideas on how to expand the scale of the war between goblins and orcs? Yet?"

"I'm afraid this is a bit difficult. After all, this is the will of the gods on both sides, and no one dares to violate it easily. I have tried bribery and instigation, but the hobgoblin officers are completely indifferent."

Another man wearing a mage's robe showed a helpless expression.

"Where are our brothers and sisters on the orc side?"

Caroline asked with a frown.

The man smiled bitterly and replied: "It's the same with the orcs.

Their gods were also consciously reducing the scale of the war, and instead deployed more troops to the front lines to deal with the elves.

To be honest, if the reward wasn't high enough, I would have wanted to give up.

After all, our power is too small in front of God.


"Unless what?"

Jack asked as he plopped down on a dead orc corpse.

“Unless we directly insult and insult the gods of both sides on the battlefield.

In a theocratic land, nothing could incite the wrath of an enemy more than an insult to the gods.

But the risks of doing so are high.

Maybe it will directly attract the incarnation of the god to kill us all.

And even if the gods here show up to fight against us, they will immediately discover our true identity. "

The man spelled out all the possible risks.

Through these days of observation and the information obtained from the Floating City of Plantia, he has been able to basically determine what a group of heaven-defying beings the gods of this universe are.

Although it is not as good as the only, omniscient, omnipotent, and invincible God described by monotheistic religions on earth, it is at least similar to the gods in ancient polytheistic religions such as ancient Greece, ancient Egypt, and ancient Babylon.

When these guys descend into incarnations, they are basically dimension reduction strikes and grass-cutting unparalleled.

It can often destroy all enemy legions and the iron battlefield beneath its feet in just a few seconds. It definitely has the power to destroy a planet.

But Jack shrugged his shoulders indifferently: "What are you afraid of?

Anyway, the mission description clearly mentioned that as long as we can provoke another full-scale war between the orcs and goblins, all our losses will be doubled.

As the saying goes, the bold will be starved to death and the timid will be starved to death.

High risk means high reward.

If you don't take a chance and let other teams take the lead at this time, it will be too late to regret it. "

"Then let's get started?"

Caroline's eyes shone slightly, revealing excitement and anticipation.

After all, they will not really die, and their souls are still in the safest place inside the Floating City of Plantia.

Even if powerful divine power comes, it will only break the body and cut off the connection established through spiritual power.

Other than that, there is nothing we can do to these fourth natural disasters.

"OK! It's settled then. I'll send a message to our people on the other side to get them ready to cooperate. If we want to do it, let's do it big."

After saying that, Inez, the highest-level thief in the team, stood up and instantly disappeared into the shadows and disappeared from everyone's sight.

It didn't take long for both sides to deliberately create an unexpected encounter on this huge battlefield, and at the same time began to "cordially greet" Magnubier and Gruumsh in front of the orcs and goblins.

For the former, the main description is to describe him as a timid waste who has only failed in all his achievements;

The latter repeatedly mentioned that he was defeated by the elf god Corellon, who shot one eye out.

In short, it is to thoroughly expose the shame and dark history that both parties are most sensitive to and least willing to mention.

As for the effect, it is of course immediate.

Especially the orcs, who were prone to anger and impulsiveness, launched a large-scale charge with roars, vowing to kill all these mean-mouthed hobgoblins.

Not to be outdone, the goblins immediately launched a human wave tactic. The hobgoblins commanded the ordinary goblins to surge up like a tide.

In just a few hours, the originally reduced scale of the war quickly expanded several times.

By the time the gods on both sides reacted, the players had already retreated from the front line of the battle, hiding in a corner near the rear to watch the show.

Anyway, the Shura field plane is not the country of the orc god system and the earth spirit system. There are many other warlike gods fighting here.

As long as they stay far away, no one will notice the tens of thousands of guys who are hiding in the dark and causing trouble.

But once the intensity of the war between the two sides begins to decrease, the players will sneak in again and start crazy provocations. When they find that the incarnation of the god is coming, they will immediately eliminate all traces by committing suicide or even committing suicide, so that the other party cannot find any suspicious clues at all.

This undoubtedly gave both Gruumsh and Magnubier a headache, but they did not realize that someone was causing trouble.

After all, the hatred between the two races has lasted for so many years. It is normal for some warriors to be carried away by hatred.

The most important thing is that the essence of these fierce conflicts that break out from time to time is that believers are desperately trying to maintain the dignity of their gods.

As a god, you can't reprimand and punish these loyal believers, right?

Therefore, we can only let it go and try our best to control the situation and prevent it from developing out of control.

They dislike each other and don't realize that this constant conflict is wearing away their little tolerance for each other.

Maybe next time, maybe next time...

It won't be long before Gruumsh and Magnubia lose all their patience and start an all-out war again.

This is precisely the result that leftist thought wants to achieve.

Shar, the goddess of the night, wants to form an alliance between two enemies who already have fundamental conflicts?

Go ahead and dream!

It may be difficult to persuade them to temporarily put aside their hatred, but it is all too easy to destroy this fragile trust.

In addition to provoking orcs and goblins in the Shura field plane, players who entered the abyss also began to create chaos and conflicts, causing the demon lords who were also hostile to each other to ignite the war again.

In order to cooperate with their actions, Zuosi specifically ordered Zariel, the Angel of Khorne, who was on the front line of the bloody battle, to stop attacking, creating an illusion for the demons that the demon army's stamina was insufficient, so that they could fight among themselves boldly.

Not only that!

He also sold an army of millions of corpse-embedded creatures to the tauren king Baphomet, the old enemy of the gnoll king Yeenoghu, through the channels of the yugoloth demon.

After the latter took control of this legion, they immediately launched a full-scale attack on Yeenoghu and his subordinate Lord of the 421st Floor of the Abyss, the Ghoul King Dorison.

Orcus, one of the two giants of the abyss, also made a deal with Zuo Si, and suddenly joined forces with the lord of the 663rd floor, the Zerg prince Obox Obo, to launch an attack on Demogorgon.

Soon, Dagon, the lord of the 89th floor and the King of the Deep Sea, also joined as an ally of Demogorgon.

The war between the two most powerful demon monarchs undoubtedly triggered a series of chain reactions.

Suddenly, the entire Abyss fell into a chaotic war.

All the demon lords began to take the opportunity to attack their enemies, intending to use this opportunity to expand their territories.

Facts have proven that in a place like the Abyss, which is already filled with extreme evil and chaos, just putting a few variables into it can immediately have the effect of exploding a cesspit with firecrackers.

What's even worse is that a group of high-level players rushed into the well of darkness on the 73rd floor after suffering heavy casualties, and released all the dangerous elements who had been exiled, sealed, and imprisoned.

Among them is one of the oldest Obiris demons, Kapiri, known as the Many-Eyed Tyrant. It is said that this guy was imprisoned because he refused to respond to the war that started after Chaos;

The torture and bloodletting lord who once killed three demon lords - Razebral Shor;

Demogorgon's former lover and the former strongest competitor of the Succubus Queen Malkanthet - Sami Amore;

Shatari, the former lord of Wudra on the 531st floor of the Abyss and the six-armed snake demon queen with a vicious reputation throughout the bloody battle.

In this situation, let alone forming an alliance, people's brains are almost turned into dog brains.

All kinds of betrayals and defections are happening every day, making it impossible to tell who is the enemy and who is the ally.

Right now, in the kingdom where the Pit Demonic Web belongs to the Spider Goddess, Rose is watching all of this unfold with a livid face, but there is nothing she can do about it.

Because she knew very well that it was superfluous to say anything at this time.

Unless there is a winner or both sides can no longer fight, the demon lords who are already on top will never give up easily.

Moreover, this kind of large-scale release of evil and chaos is also in line with the appetite of the will of the abyss, so the only thing he can do is try not to participate in it.

Thinking of this, this petty and extremely vindictive goddess raised her hand and slammed the armrest of the throne, and roared in a hateful tone: "Damn Soth!

Don't think you've won!

No matter what the cost, I swear to destroy the drow city that believes in Eilistraee!

No one can challenge my authority!

No one can break my absolute control over the dark elves! "

"Great God Queen, do you still want to continue to implement the infiltration and supply plan that you made before? If the West Coast Empire cannot be plunged into chaos, any attack on that city will be tantamount to suicide." A wax-melting demon maid asked cautiously.

"Of course continue!

Even without those demon lords, we still have two strong-willed gods, Shar, the Goddess of Night, and Cyric, the Prince of Lies, as allies.

Moreover, the orc god Gruumsh will not give up his revenge on Soth easily.

The kobold god Kurtumak, the Furious Gods, and the Oak Father are also potential partners.

We still have a good chance of winning.

The most important thing is that I don't have to actually defeat him, I just need to find the right opportunity to destroy the underground city, and it's best to kill Eilistraee during the chaos. "

Rose fiddled with her fingers gently, her eyes flashing with sinister and cunning light.

There is no doubt that, like Shar, the goddess of the night, she only regards these so-called allies as cannon fodder to achieve her own goals.

Once the goal is achieved, he will immediately choose to quit, or even simply jump to cooperate with Zuo Si.

This spider goddess does not want to become an eternal enemy with the will of the abyss - the "kind" in Ulgashek's words.

Quite the opposite!

She even hoped to become friends with the elven gods to fight against Arvandor.

As the daughter, Eilistraee is the biggest obstacle stuck between the two.

"As you wish!"

The Waxmelt Demon Maid immediately bent down and bowed deeply, and then began to issue orders to the matrons of various dark elf cities and strongholds in the Underdark.

The orc army that poured into the Underdark from other areas of Faerûn also began to march toward several exits in the West Coast Empire that connected with the surface world under the guidance of these dark elf allies.

However, what was slightly different from the original plan was that more than one-third of the best-equipped orcs with the highest combat effectiveness were deliberately led to the location of Dragonspear Castle.

They will be the vanguard to attack the underground city, using their own flesh and blood to consume the opponent's arrows, ammunition, magic and physical strength.

When the followers of Eilistraee fall into a state of exhaustion, the true elite of the dark elves will launch a surprise attack and kill all the traitors who dare to abandon the faith of Lolth.

Just as Zuo Si and the goddess of night, Shar, were clashing in the sky on the mainland of Faerûn, his shimmering oil clone in the Warhammer universe finally received the long-awaited special cargo.

Accompanied by the roar of the huge engine, a large imperial transport ship docked steadily at the berth of the space port.

After about a few minutes, the hatch was connected to the passage.

A female captain who looked to be in her early forties was obviously relieved and immediately asked her subordinates: "There is no problem with the special cargo we transported, right?"

"No, everything is fine."

The soldier who was responsible for keeping an eye on the surveillance quickly stood up and responded.

"Awesome! We finally had a close call this time. I thought we were going to sacrifice our lives for the empire."

The female captain glanced at the image in the surveillance camera with lingering fear, her face full of unconcealable fear.

"Please, Captain, could you please stop getting close to the terrible death world like Catachan in the future? That damn planet is so terrifying." Another officer on the ship couldn't help but complain. .

As he describes it, if one were to identify the most dangerous planet in the Warhammer universe, Catachan would undoubtedly be at the top of the list.

Even beyond the horrors of the Warp of Chaos, worlds overrun by the Tyranids, and planets where the Necron awakened from their slumber.

the reason is simple!

This planet is alive and has a will of its own.

Outsiders can either blend in or be completely wiped out. There is no third way.

Even the Tyranids with the Hive Mind are unable to do anything about it and can only choose to stay far away and not take the initiative to provoke them.

There are two most famous jokes in Catachan that can be used to describe the extremely harsh living environment on this planet.

One of them was when I got into a fight with a tree, but the fight didn’t end yet;

Another is that the wheat you grow seems intent on eating you when it matures.

Therefore, anyone who knows anything about Catachan would never want to go near it, let alone settle on it.

Because on this planet, even weeds on the roadside or a jumping little grasshopper may kill you.

As for the goods shipped from Catachan, except for the super jungle warriors who are comparable to the two protagonists of Contra, the rest of the dangers can be equal to those of thermonuclear weapons.

Especially if something unexpected happens to the contents of the transport ship's cargo hold, the entire ship will be completely destroyed immediately, without even a chance to enter the escape cabin.

Not to mention mortals like them, even the Astartes Space Marines or Primarchs would not be spared in person.

Therefore, the female captain did not dare to hesitate at all. She immediately opened the hatch and walked out. She warned the staff who came to receive the goods: "Be sure to handle it with care, and there must be no bumps or vibrations at all." Otherwise, you will bear the consequences yourself.”

"What's in here?"

The porter, a young male porter in his mid-twenties, blinked curiously.

Since many people began to be unable to bear the boring life of eating and waiting to die and wanted to work, Zuo Si asked the New Phyrexia creations to give up some of their positions.

He is obviously one of them.

"Believe me, it's better if you don't know. And I suggest you immediately notify the most senior person in charge you can contact that the goods from Catachan have arrived."

After that, the female captain ignored the other party's reaction and immediately took the space elevator and fled to the ground with her officers and soldiers.

Her strange behavior immediately alarmed the porter. He did not dare to touch the closed warehouse, but directly pressed the emergency alarm button.

In just a few seconds, a bionic flapping-wing drone flew close by and emitted an electronic sound without any emotion.

"Employee BG31457, did you find anything dangerous?"

"That's right! The captain of the Imperial transport ship that just docked at berth 42 of the spaceport, Ms. Hurley, claimed that a cargo from Catachan has arrived."

"What? Catachan!"

The electronic sound finally had a slight ups and downs in tone.

Soon the electronic sound was replaced by Zuo Si's own voice.

"You said the shipment from Catachan arrived?"

"Yes, great master. Do you want me to unload it immediately and transport it to the ground?" the porter asked excitedly.

There is no way not to be excited.

For him and the entire residents living in the Bottas sector, Zuo Si's status is equivalent to the emperor of the empire, and even more lofty. He is the controller of secular power and the sustenance of spiritual and faith. It also clearly gives the promise that the soul after death will escape from the entanglement of subspace and go to another world.

"No! Don't move a thing! I'll be there soon!"

As the last word blurted out, Zuo Si's figure was teleported out of thin air from the palace at the highest point of the planet below.

Upon seeing this, the porters and other humans working nearby immediately knelt down to pay respect to this benevolent and great protector.

After all, compared to the decaying and dark empire, this newly rising human regime is like heaven.

However, Zuo Si ignored these mortals and went straight to the cargo hold of the transport ship and opened one of the thickened hatches.


A group of amphibious creatures that looked like toads appeared in everyone's sight. Some of them were very large, while others were of ordinary size.

"Ka... Catachan Barking Toad?! Oh my God!"

An older man who looked older obviously recognized this kind of creature. He was so frightened that he sat on the ground and kept retreating. A large area of ​​his crotch became wet on the spot.

You can't blame him for being timid, but this thing does have such terrifying deterrent power.

Even a Primaris Astartes warrior not far away who had just recovered from his injury and was about to return to the team suddenly changed his expression when he heard the words "Catachan Barking Toad", and his pupils were obviously dilated. and an adrenaline-fueled overreaction.

The reason for this situation is entirely because of the Catachan Bark Toad's prestigious reputation as the most poisonous creature in the galaxy.

Especially the giant barking toad, once it is stimulated by the outside world, it will explode instantly, melting all objects within a kilometer in diameter, and even the ground under its feet will form a hemispherical pit.

If a dozen or even dozens of giant barking toads happen to be in the same area, the explosion will completely swallow up more than ten kilometers or even dozens of kilometers.

Both the Astartes warriors and their Primarch fathers ended up melting into a puddle of bloody goo.

The only possible way to survive is to be right on the edge of the blast radius and wearing a powered mecha with a force field generator.

Zuo Si could almost imagine the price the Imperial Regent Robert Guilliman paid in order to capture these terrifying poisonous creatures.

The reason why he wanted these Catachan Barking Toads was to give them to Talona as a gift to see if the goddess could use her divine power to do something shocking.

In addition, he also plans to clone a batch and then use the shining oil to complete or undead transformation to make a powerful biological weapon similar to banelings.

After all, with such a good foundation, it would be a waste if not fully utilized.

There must be more than ten or twenty different types developed.

After all, it may be almost impossible for an intelligent race in this universe to control a group of toads with low intelligence.

But it was easy for Zuo Si.

When the time comes, just grab a few trillion and save them. It doesn’t matter whether you are a Necron or a Tyranids, or an army of demons from subspace. If you throw them down in one wave, you will definitely die. Let these guys do it by the way. Understand who is truly a “natural disaster” worthy of the name.

Of course, in addition to the big killers like the Catachan Barking Toad, there are many dangerous species from this terrifying death planet in the rest of the warehouse, including a full sixty Catachan demons.

This is a giant animal that resembles a combination of a scorpion and a centipede, and can easily grow to thirty meters long.

There are rumors that they were originally the vanguard sent by the Tyranids, but were assimilated by the will of the planet and became what they are now.

Every jungle warrior born in Catachan who wants to join the elite force needs to wear only a pair of tactical camouflage pants and hold a dagger to kill one of these monsters.

Now the young porter finally understood why the female captain took the space elevator to the surface of the planet as if she was escaping for her life.

Just the contents of this transport ship can stage a "no survivors" scene in the entire spaceport.

But fortunately, these terrifying creatures from Catachan were quickly teleported back to the safest laboratory underground by Zuo Si in waves.

Half of them will be sent to Jinji Tasha for research, while the remaining half will be kept to try to make biological weapons.

Seeing these mind-controlled dangerous species enter the isolation chamber of the laboratory, the Demon Judge in charge of managing the area immediately asked: "Regarding those Catachan Barking Toads, which projects do you plan to start first?"

"Of course we should first increase the population through cloning, and then try to increase their size and toxicity. The explosion impact range of just one kilometer is still too small in my eyes. It would be best to increase it to more than ten kilometers."

Zuo Si gave his request straightforwardly.

"Understood. But if the number increases too much, how can I ensure the safety of the laboratory? You also know that once these guys are frightened, a series of explosions will immediately erupt, and their scope will completely destroy the entire laboratory. "

There was strong concern in the Demon Judge's tone.

After all, these Catachan barking toads need to be studied at the living and genetic levels, and they certainly cannot be completed with crude oil.

Zuo Si touched his chin and thought for a moment, then asked: "Aren't those hybrid warriors created with Magnus genes developing psychic spells? Haven't they developed any mind control magic?"

The Demon Judge's head, embedded in the front of a mechanical tentacle, shook slightly: "Not yet.

Because the energy of subspace is always extremely chaotic and difficult to control.

It may be easy to use it to create lightning, fire, control cells, simply form a force field, strengthen the senses, perform treatment, absorb the life of others, and briefly teleport.

But when it comes to controlling the brain and mind, it becomes a little troublesome.

Because this requires very precise control of energy, too much will cause the target's brain to explode, while too little will make it easy to break free.

Except for a few cases, most people do not have such talent. "

"Well, it seems that my expectations for these experimental subjects are a little too high.

By the way, the Empire should have discovered these warriors I cloned who are between the originals and the Astartes, right?

Don't they have any reaction?

For example, a strong protest, or wanting to take some action or something. "

Zuo Si asked with interest.

"No, it's very peaceful over there in the empire, so peaceful that it makes people feel unusual.

However, Regent Robert Guilliman has expressed more than once that he hopes you can form a legion of these super warriors and then join his fleet as an ally.

After all, in addition to regaining the empire's holy territory, he also needs to take care of the star sectors that have lost contact with the dark side of the empire. He is definitely stretched thin in terms of military strength.

And here you have as many Super-Astartes as there are in the entire Imperium and a massive fleet.

He wouldn't be Roboute Guilliman if he didn't try to win. "

The Demon Judge shook out everything he knew.

Zuo Si smiled and sighed: "It is really not easy to be the regent of our empire.

In this case, then mobilize 100,000 people and two Glory Queen-class battleships modified by Shimmer Oil to form a group, and then let the Skull Snatcher lead to support him.

As it happens, I also have some weapons that need to be tested in actual combat. "

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