A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 728 The first battle location: Dragonspear Castle (a 10,000-word chapter, please subscribe)

Chapter 728 The first battle location - Dragon Spear Castle (a 10,000-word chapter, please subscribe)

"Aribes, here are some of the latest information.

According to the investigation of scouts and spies, except for the monsters and barbarian tribes that have gathered in the Neverwinter Forest to a certain extent, other places have basically been cleared away by large numbers of adventurers who appeared from nowhere.

If nothing else happens, we may not have to worry about threats from the wild for ten or twenty years.

Lord Nasir is currently imprisoned somewhere in the Neverwinter Forest.

In addition, my people also discovered dark elves and the evil aura from the bottomless abyss where enemies gathered.

This means that they are most likely summoning demons to form an army.

If you include the creator race who is hiding somewhere, the threats and troubles Neverwinter faces may be worse than imagined.

What do we do now? "

A man with dark skin and dreadlocks stood in the castle hall, reporting the latest news to a woman who was sitting on the throne and acting as the lord temporarily, exuding a terrifying aura.

His name is Aerion Zhende, and he is the general manager under Lord Nasir who is responsible for collecting spying intelligence.

In the past, when Luskan was still ruled by the Arcane Brotherhood, his main task was to keep an eye on the spies and assassins sent by the other party, to ensure that Neverwinter's top brass would not be assassinated, kidnapped, and coerced for no apparent reason, and to ensure that troops were sent to the other party. can issue an early warning as soon as possible.

But later, as Luskan fell into Zuo Si's hands, the two sides also concluded a series of alliances from economic to military, and the focus of their work shifted to the areas around Neverwinter.

Especially the port area where fish and dragons are mixed, as well as the forest outside the city and the mountainous area called Cliff Harbor.

After learning that Lord Nasir had been kidnapped, Erin Zhende immediately launched the entire intelligence network to collect clues, hoping to find the location of his allegiance to the monarch as quickly as possible so that he could be dispatched by Neverwinter City. Human rescue.

Unfortunately, Lord Nasir was not found. Instead, he discovered a large number of enemies hidden deep in the forest.

If the legions from the empire had not been stationed not long ago, Neverwinter City's current state of lax armament, with less than 800 people in total, mainly city defense troops who mainly maintain street security, would not have been possible for several consecutive years. I can't bear it.

But this cannot be blamed on Lord Nasir and those advisors and senior officials.

After all, since signing the agreement with Zuo Si, Neverwinter City's basic policy is to reduce military expenditures, leave all its own security to the other party, and send a large sum of money as protection fees every year.

In this way, they can invest all the saved expenses into production and construction, and also release a large number of young and middle-aged labor force.

After so many years, the two parties have been cooperating very happily.

The most important thing is that Neverwinter prospered at a speed visible to the naked eye, becoming the most important trade node stuck between Luskan and Waterdeep.

Surrounding towns have also attached themselves one after another, gradually forming a large urban circle.

Later, the city was nominally incorporated into the empire, which made all the residents of Neverwinter think that no enemy could threaten them anymore, and naturally they were completely uninterested in increasing the number of troops.

In contrast, they prefer to go to Ascatra with gold coins to buy various advanced machinery and technologies, and then bring them back to use their location advantages and the ability to trade directly with barbarian tribes to create more exquisite fur coats and hats. , boots, gloves, leather products, high-end furniture and other products.

Strengthen its position within the empire and trade alliances by expanding market share and share.

In other words, the way of thinking of people in Neverwinter has been transformed and has begun to develop in the direction of commercialization, marketization and trade.

Their idea is very simple.

Since you can buy security by spending money, why waste time, energy, and people to build an army that is too large?

Isn’t it enough that I just need to engage in production well and expand the scale of my business to make more money?

In this way, there is no need to kill people in wars, and wealth can continue to increase. Noble merchants and common people can live a good life.

Moreover, they found that as long as they had strong financial resources and a large enough share of trade, traditional powerful city-states in the North such as Silvermoon City and Waterdeep City would also show respect, and nearby small towns would follow Neverwinter's lead.

So to a certain extent, Neverwinter's approach was not only not wrong, but also created a moderate economic miracle, making their trade influence close to that of Waterdeep and Silvermoon.

It's a pity that the residents of Neverwinter have obviously forgotten that in Faerûn, a ghost place where natural disasters and moths happen every now and then, if there is no protective power that matches the wealth, no matter how much money you make, the city will become more beautiful. Prosperity means nothing either.

Often all these efforts will be wasted immediately after a disaster.

In history, Neverwinter has experienced many terrible disasters.

This time the magical plague and the awakening of the creator race are one of them.

If Zuo Si hadn't appeared, he would have been infiltrated by Yinhun City in the future.

The eruption of Mount Hotno even razed the entire city to the ground, but it was finally rebuilt thanks to the efforts of "Lord Protector" Daggett Noember.

If it were Waterdeep City and Silvermoon City, a disaster of this magnitude would have been nipped in the cradle as soon as it had just begun.

Especially Waterdeep City. The Leyline Maze built by the mad mage Hylaster Blackrobe alone is enough to destroy Neverwinter countless times.

Not to mention the interdimensional portal that suddenly opened in DR1358, and the large groups of gargoyles and tengu that rushed out from another world.

What followed was another year of turmoil in which the gods fought and fought.

But what's the result?

Not to mention that Waterdeep City was destroyed, it didn't even cause any serious damage.

And all this is thanks to the two elects of the magic goddess Kelben and Laila, as well as the presence of a large number of high-level spellcasters.

Many ambitious guys who want to cause trouble will actively avoid Waterdeep just by hearing the names of these powerful men.

Silvermoon City has also been frightened by Alustriel and many high-level mages, and there has been no major turmoil for a long time.

As the saying goes, there is no harm without comparison.

After looking at other people's leaders, and then looking at Lord Nasir who couldn't control the situation at all, it would be strange if Aerion Zhende didn't have any ideas in his heart.

Therefore, after confirming the power that Aribes now possesses, he was the first high-level executive to clearly express his willingness to be loyal.

Because he firmly believes that if you want to make Neverwinter as safe as Waterdeep and Silvermoon, a strong leader is essential.

Although Lord Nasir did a good job and was tolerant and upright, he was unable to deter potential enemies.

To be precise, anyone who wants to cause trouble in Neverwinter City will not take his personal force seriously.

Aribes quickly made a mark on the map, and then asked calmly: "How are the barbarians of the Black Lion Clan of Uthgar?"

"The small tribes among them are moving closer to the larger tribes that own the city. They have formed a defensive stronghold around the edge of the forest that can support each other. It seems that they have not yet fallen to the enemy.

However, there are not many adult warriors in the Black Lion Clan, and there are basically no spellcasters.

Once the enemy launches a full-scale attack, it will definitely be unable to withstand it.

And judging from the sudden appearance of the orcs and dark elves, there must be a tunnel connecting to the Underdark deep in the forest. "

Erin Zhende told everyone all the information he had.

"Interesting! Our enemies should still be gathering their forces, otherwise they should launch a surprise attack immediately before Neverwinter City reacts."

Aribes made a straightforward judgment.

Because Neverwinter Forest is too close to Neverwinter City, and there is a big river connecting the two.

If you spend a little time building a simple boat or raft, you can sail down the river in just a few hours and land directly from the port to launch a full-scale invasion.

"I completely agree with your judgment.

In fact, according to the analysis given by the imperial intelligence agency, the entire Dark Region should be under the control of the enemy at the moment.

Especially those insidious and cunning drow, who are constantly transporting armies of orcs, goblins, gnolls and other monsters from other parts of the Faerûn continent to the west coast.

In the Dragonspear Castle area, the dark elves who believe in Eilistraee had issued a warning a few days ago, saying that their spies had discovered unusual movements in Eredlin City. "

Taylor, a general who had made great achievements during the restoration of Shane VII, also made a little addition.

As the supreme commander of the reinforcements sent by the West Coast Empire, he already knew what kind of situation he was going to face when he set out, but he was not nervous at all.

the reason is simple!

Among the ten thousand reinforcements brought this time, the number of dragon knights alone reached a full five hundred, and there were twenty aerial gunboats capable of providing long-range fire coverage.

There are still three thousand steel velociraptor cavalry who can run in dense forests at extremely fast speeds (velociraptors come from Azeroth, cloned, ripened and completed with sparkle oil), and two thousand from the most elite Forbidden City. The heavily armored warriors of the Guards (all of whom underwent Astartes transformation surgery), a legion of 600 spellcasters composed of wizards and sorcerers, and a firearms force of nearly 4,000 people.

With this strength, even if he is dragged into a bloody battle between demons, he can still persist for a while.

Therefore, Taylor did not take the gathering enemies seriously at all.

In his opinion, no matter how many enemies there are, it is absolutely impossible to defeat his own legion.

"What? Is Dragonspear Castle also facing the threat of possible invasion?"

Erin Zhende's eyes widened in surprise.

General Taylor nodded slightly: "Yes.

It’s not just Dragonspear Castle.

To be exact, all the passages on the entire west coast that are connected to the Dark Territory may become the place where the enemy launches the first round of attack.

For this reason, the empire has issued warnings to the dwarf allies living underground, including Mithral Hall, Adebaba Castle, Felbar Castle, etc., to prepare them for battle.

The most important thing is that we currently do not know the distribution of the opponent's forces and can only closely monitor all known tunnels connecting the Underdark. "

"Wait! Eredlin City? I seem to have heard of this dark elf city somewhere."

Erin Zhende immediately fell into deep thought.

After about ten seconds, he showed a look of realization and exclaimed: "Ah! I remembered it!

This city is located in the Northern Underdark, corresponding to the Troll Roaring Forest above. It is the closest drow city to Dragonspear Castle.

And it is very, very special and does not completely believe in the spider goddess Rose.

Two-thirds of the faith is divided between the ooze gods Ghaunadaur and Velen. "

"That's right.

It seems you are well informed.

It is precisely because the drow families in this underground city are constantly fighting among themselves that Eilistraee's followers can sneak into it to find out information.

Now Neverwinter faces a choice.

Should he take the initiative immediately and defeat his opponent while he is still on a weak footing, or should he wait here for the enemy to assemble and attack. "

General Taylor immediately turned his attention to Aribes.

Because this Dark Guard who is loyal to the Imperial Emperor is the one who truly has the final say.

"If we take the initiative now, will those creator races hidden underground in Neverwinter suddenly come out?"

After thinking for a moment, Aribes asked a crucial question.

General Taylor replied without thinking: "It's hard to say. Under normal circumstances, they should not be able to easily break the seal. But there may be gods involved behind the scenes, so we can't rule out the possibility of suddenly rushing out to cut our retreat. .”

"In that case, just wait and wait for them to come over."

Aribes hesitated and chose a relatively conservative strategy.

After all, for her, the first goal is to ensure that Neverwinter does not fall into the hands of the enemy.

What's more, the longer the time drags on, the lower the possibility of Lord Nasir's survival. It would be best to die directly at the hands of Deszell.

As for sending people to rescue...

Not to mention that the exact place cannot be found at all now, even if it is found, it will never be told to those who are still loyal to Lord Nasir.

Because in the eyes of Aribes after his darkening, Lord Nasir was as weak and incompetent as his good-for-nothing fiancé, and he should have abdicated long ago.

While the city of Neverwinter was preparing intensively for war, the Dragonspear Castle standing next to the High Wasteland had completely entered a state of war.

Because just last night, a group of dark elf assassins suddenly emerged from the tunnels. In less than an hour, they killed hundreds of people who were still sleeping. They also set fires everywhere to cause commotion and locked those in cages. The goblins, orcs, and gnoll slaves inside were all released to burn, kill, and loot.

This terrible riot lasted until two o'clock in the morning in the middle of the night. It slowly calmed down when the Eilistraee believers in the underground city arrived to join the fight.

Of course, it was not that all the drow assassins who launched the sneak attack were caught or killed, but that they themselves chose to retreat.

You must know that the current Dragonlance Castle is not the semi-abandoned and dilapidated fortress at the beginning, but after several years of development, it is the largest town on the trade route and a supplier of specialty products in the Dark Region.

Moreover, after the establishment of the West Coast Empire, a grand canal was built directly through the High Wasteland, connecting the Wandering River north of Baldur's Gate with the Drimbil River flowing through Daggerford.

This massive infrastructure project turned large swaths of the High Wasteland into fertile farmland for growing crops and cash crops.

So the losses in Dragonlance Castle last night were not just some houses, monster slaves and goods stored in warehouses, but also several huge barns used to store food.

Looking at the white smoke rising from the ruins, the official who was assigned to manage this place turned pale and asked without looking back: "Ms. Kui Lu, I think you should give me a reasonable explanation.

How on earth do those evil dark elves launch raids directly on surface towns through your city?

According to the agreement, one of your most important responsibilities is to protect us from the dangers from the Underdark.

At least give early warning. "

“I’m so sorry.

This group of evil compatriots should have sneaked into our city among the refugees half a year ago.

However, they had never done anything suspicious and evil until late last night when they suddenly acted together.

Obviously, these assassins are spies deliberately sent by the Spider Goddess.

Maybe it was to provoke the trust we had finally built up between us, or maybe it was a prelude to some more terrifying conspiracy.

At times like this, we cannot afford to lose control. "

Kui Lu explained with an apologetic look.

She obviously didn't expect that Rose had quietly stretched out her tentacles without realizing it, and her move was quite deadly.

Because this attack not only affected the relationship between the good drow and the surface races, but also created chaos and suspicion among Eilistraee's followers.

After all, after this lesson, no one knows whether the other drow around are spies or assassins who secretly believe in Lolth.

What's even more terrible is, if there are dark elves escaping from the Underdark again in the future, should we accept them?

If accepted, would we still need to use lie detection or memory reading to confirm the other party's identity?

Will doing this hurt the hearts of those who have gone through so much trouble to seek refuge with Eilistradre?

Most importantly, does this detection really work?

What if Lolth and her clerics used divine magic to seal the spies' memories?

There are too many problems that need to be faced and solved.

Unfortunately, the spider goddess Rose obviously has no intention of giving Eilistraee time to solve these problems.

A terrible crisis is coming.

"You mean...the war has started?" the official asked in an uncertain tone.

Kui Lu nodded without thinking: "Yes, the war has begun.

According to the scouts' reports, an army of orcs and goblins numbering in the tens of thousands is marching towards us at an extremely fast speed.

In a few hours, the opponent will arrive at the outskirts of the underground city and launch an attack.

We need support, lots and lots of support. "

This bad news immediately made the official frown: “But I can’t spare any manpower now.

As you can see, the raid last night left the entire Dragonlance Castle in chaos, and even the nearby villages began to fall into panic.

At times like this I must prioritize restoring order.

Otherwise, once it falls into chaos, all kinds of theft, robbery, and riots will occur endlessly. "

“Perhaps this is exactly what the enemy wanted to achieve by launching a night attack.

I suggest you report to the cabinet immediately and request reinforcements.

Because if all this is planned, then the next attack will be as violent as a violent storm.

As for us, we must go back underground and start organizing our defense. "

After saying that, Kui Lu put one hand on her chest and bowed slightly, and immediately embarked on the return journey with her dark elf warriors, mages and priests.

In about an hour and a half, the team safely passed through the gate and entered the underground city that Rose regarded as a thorn in her side.

But before Kuilu could take a breath, Lirael, a chosen one of Eilistraee, hurried over and said in a very urgent tone, panting: "No... it's not good!

The two small fortresses we set up near the exit tunnels from the Underdark have been captured.

Not only did the opponent use magic to create a big hole in the wall, but there were also a large number of spider drow.

This means we're dealing with more than just orcs and goblins. "

"Damn! This is going to be troublesome now."

Although Kui Lu was mentally prepared, she still showed nervousness and anxiety.

Because if it were just goblins and orcs, with the solid walls of this underground city and the powerful fighting power of the dark elves, defending would not be a big problem.

After all, the underground world is not like the surface world. There are many trees that can be cut down and used to make siege weapons.

Under normal circumstances, if you want to break into an underground city that has a good location and is well-defended, you often need the assistance of a large number of spellcasters.

This is also the reason why the dark elves can become the overlords of the Underdark.

Except for them, no other underground race can cultivate so many mages, warlocks and priests.

Therefore, races such as orcs, goblins, hobgoblins, bugbears, gnolls, and lizardmen that can make waves in the surface world are only qualified to be slaves of drow in the underground world.

Neither gray dwarves nor deep gnomes are afraid of these monsters appearing alone.

But if they are followed by a group of dark elf masters, the situation is completely different.

Just when Kui Lu was thinking about how to deal with it, a dazzling light suddenly flashed near the city gate on the other side in the distance, followed by a harsh magic alarm that echoed in everyone's ears.

"Enemy attack!!!! Everyone, prepare for battle!"

A dark elf commander drew his weapon and shouted at the top of his lungs.

Just a second later, a large number of drow warriors holding muskets quickly raised their arms and lined up waiting for the firing order.

As out-and-out pragmatists, these black-skinned elves are not like their surface relatives who have an inexplicable obsession with bows and arrows. They believe that muskets are a crude weapon and are not elegant at all, so they refuse to use them.

Quite the opposite!

They like this kind of long-range weapon that can be suddenly pulled out for a sneak attack after being loaded.

It's almost done to the extent that at least two people have it.

Some crazy guys will even be equipped with more than ten short guns, fixed on any place on the body that can be quickly drawn out.

In this way, multiple attacks can be completed against multiple enemies in just a few seconds.

Soon, when the first batch of cannon fodder goblins were driven toward the city gate and the wall, the muskets immediately erupted with a loud roar.

Bang bang bang bang bang——

The red firelight mixed with the white smoke formed a shocking picture.

Since these firearms and bullets use "smoking gunpowder" invented by the god of craftsman Gond, burning will inevitably produce a large amount of smoke, which chokes many dark elves and begins to cough.

There is no way, who told me that this is currently the only gunpowder that can be used on a large scale in Faerûn.

The other type is gunpowder extracted from mineral vein stones in the universe where Azeroth is located.

However, due to its greater power, the second type is temporarily only available to the elite troops of the West Coast Empire.

As the muskets started firing, the ordinary goblins who were driven towards the city wall began to fall in pieces. Some even had no armor on them and were directly penetrated two or even three times by the powerful lead-tipped bullets.

Although according to the plan of the orcs and the hobgoblins, they want to rely on their overwhelming numerical advantage to let the ordinary goblins swarm up the city wall first, so that they can avoid being shot by long-range weapons if they follow.

But the problem is that they obviously underestimated the power of the firearm after countless improvements.

To be precise, the muskets used by believers like Eilistraee are no longer the primitive and ancient front-loading muskets, but are close to the bolt-action rifles or shotguns used in World War I and World War II. The pistols are simple Reliable revolver.

After all, these firearm design drawings are ready-made. Zuo Si only needs to provide them to the inventors of the Gond Church, and he will naturally get the corresponding finished products quickly.

This also means that as long as there are enough soldiers using firearms to form a cross-fire network, the number of casualties the enemy will have to pay if they want to rush forward and start climbing the city wall is definitely a very terrifying number.

The Battle of the Somme is the most typical example of this.

However, since Eilistraee's believers did not have large-scale weapons and artillery such as heavy machine guns, after suffering more than two thousand casualties, a small number of goblins finally managed to enter the blind spot.

It's not that the empire doesn't have such weapons, it's that their economic capabilities simply can't afford such a costly thing.

"Be careful! Those goblins are climbing up from the right!"

"Pour the oil and light a fire! Burn them to death!"

"We must not let these guys come up!"

Accompanied by the shouts, curses and roars of the dark elf defenders, dozens of drow immediately ran over from behind carrying heavy barrels and threw them directly from the city walls and gates.

At first, the goblins thought these were ordinary city defense tools such as rolling logs and stones, so after successfully dodging them, they laughed at their opponents for not being able to throw anything accurately.

But just a second later, they realized how wrong they were.

I saw a few small bottles filled with hot glue being thrown down from above, and smashed into pieces with a snap.

Then the fire that shot up into the sky suddenly turned a large area under the city wall into a terrifying purgatory.

Since the barrel will break during the fall, a large amount of flammable grease has already been scattered everywhere, so when it encounters the hot glue, it will immediately burn violently, and even cause a violent explosion.

The explosion sprayed fire oil onto the city wall, burning the goblins until they howled in pain.

After a while, the fragrant smell of barbecue spread to the noses of everyone around.

The horrifying sight frightened the orc chiefs who came from other parts of the Faerun continent and were dumbfounded. They immediately asked the drow leaders beside them: "What is going on? Why do the enemies have so many terrible weapons?" ?”

“It was the West Coast Empire that provided this group of traitors.

But don't be afraid. Although these weapons are powerful, they consume a lot of logistical supplies.

Once used frequently, it will break down very quickly.

As long as they continue to attack fiercely, they won't be able to hold out for long. "

The drow leader pretended to be relaxed and comforted.

However, it is not difficult to tell from the flash of insidiousness in his eyes that he is completely deceiving the other person to die.

Because Rose's followers have already understood the reality of the underground city in front of them.

Especially the quantity of firearms, ammunition and grease which are the most threatening.

So in the plan of the Spider Goddess Rose, the purpose of these orcs and goblins is to exchange their lives for bullets and kerosene.

"Send all the goblins up immediately!"

The orc chief turned to the hobgoblin warlord and made his request.

But the latter sneered and questioned: "Why? Even if these guys don't have much combat effectiveness, they are still my men. Unless you also send people to join them, I refuse to send more cannon fodder to die."

Obviously, the orcs and goblins are not of the same mind.

After all, their gods had been hostile for a long time, and there was fierce competition for the same ecological niche in the wilderness.

Relatively speaking, the evil and lawful hobgoblins are far more powerful than the chaotic orcs.

Given the same number, the former can often crush the latter by virtue of organization and discipline.

Therefore, the hobgoblins looked down on the orcs at all, thinking that they were basically a bunch of rabble.

"Okay! Then I will send two thousand orc warriors to follow your goblins. You should be satisfied with this, right?"

After staring at that fierce one eye for a long time, the orc chief finally made a compromise.

Because being able to climb to this position means that he has insidiousness and cunning that ordinary orcs do not have, and he knows when to be strong and when to give in.

You must know that this joint operation comes from the highest oracle of Gruumsh. If anyone dares to cause damage, he may be killed and replaced by his deputy or other orcs in minutes.

This situation has happened frequently among many orc tribes that have not responded positively.

As an orc who prides himself on being smart, he doesn't want to be one of them.

The hobgoblin warlord nodded with satisfaction: "Very good! This is what cooperation should look like.

But the addition of orcs alone is not enough.

It also requires the cooperation of the divine arts and magic of the dark elves.

Especially [Protect Arrows], [Reverse Arrows], [Resist Energy Damage], [Protect Energy Damage].

With these spells, our warriors can ignore all fire damage and long-range attacks, rush directly to the city wall to fight hand-to-hand, and give full play to their numerical advantage.

And once the city wall enters the melee, those spider drow can take the opportunity to jump into the city and cause chaos.

When the time comes for the inside and outside to cooperate and capture the city gate, it won't take long for the city to be completely destroyed. "

It has to be said that in terms of tactical literacy, the lawful evil hobgoblins are obviously much better than the chaotic orcs and dark elves. The weaknesses of the combination of firearms and kerosene can be seen at a glance.

You must know that Faerun is a world filled with supernatural powers.

Once magic is added to the mix, many seemingly impregnable fortresses and cities immediately become riddled with holes.

You think you can use advanced guns and cannons to crush a group of primitive people who are still stuck in the cold weapon age, but in fact, as soon as they add arcane and divine magic, they can immediately rush in with a dense firepower network and kill them. .

In particular, once the three-ring protection spell [Reverse Arrow] is activated, as long as it is hit by a long-range weapon, it will immediately bounce back to the shooter.

"No problem! Our mages and priests are more than happy to provide this assistance."

The drow leader raised the corners of his mouth to reveal a cruel and bloodthirsty smile.

Once the grease beneath the city wall burned out and the flames were completely extinguished, the second organized group immediately launched a charge.

As before, the ones being driven to the front were still ordinary goblins.

But the difference is that there are a fair number of orcs mixed in between.

They wear strong armor provided by the drow and carry sophisticated weapons. Some even have +1+2 or even +3 enchantment levels.

Of course, these equipment are not visible to the light and can only be used in the dark underground world.

"Concentrate your firepower! Hit those orcs first!"

The believers of Eilistraee obviously knew who was the real threat, and they turned their guns and fired at the strong orcs first.

But after this round of shooting, many orcs did fall down, but they themselves were also killed by the bullets bounced back by the [Reverse Arrow] protection, and this number of people were injured and lost the ability to move. Several times.

"Ah!!!! Damn it! These guys are blessed with protective magic!"

"I have broken my leg!"

"Pastor! We need treatment here! His intestines are leaking out!"

Suddenly, the city walls were filled with wailing, the originally dense firepower network suddenly had gaps, and blood stained the ground red.

"How could this happen! It was obviously fine just now!"

Lirael stared at this bloody and cruel scene in disbelief.

As the little princess of Baenre, the first family in Menzoberranzan, although she had witnessed many of her compatriots executing slaves and killing each other, she had never really seen a war.

Especially when one's own side had the advantage, suddenly there was a reversal, and everyone began to fall into panic involuntarily.

But fortunately, Kui Lu has long been accustomed to dealing with such situations. She walked straight up the wall full of blood and used magic to treat the wounded while boosting morale and stabilizing the defense line. When encountering the orcs rushing up, she would swing her weapon and directly attack Open the gourd for the opponent, or release silver fire to burn them alive.

It didn't take long for people's hearts to stabilize.

Even though a considerable number of orcs and goblins swarmed the city, there was no collapse.

Instead, all the dark elf defenders were fighting bravely, and the reserves from behind were also pouring in.

There is no doubt that Kwailu showed Lirael by example what a Chosen person should do.

The latter was immediately inspired, quickly closed his eyes and entered a state of concentration in spellcasting, and began to shoot deadly fireballs, lightning, and poisonous clouds from his hands, killing scores of enemies with ease.

Just when Lirael was about to cast a high-level spell to summon elemental creatures to help defend the city, a huge black shadow suddenly jumped over her head.

Before she had time to react, a creature with the upper body of a male drow holding a sword and the lower body of a spider-fighting creature swooped up and tried to kill it by slitting its throat.


Following Kuilu's loud reminder, Lirael woke up instantly and made a motion of falling to the ground and turning over, barely avoiding the sharp sword falling from the sky.

Almost at the same time, she also pulled out the long sword from her waist and stabbed it into the opponent's huge spider abdomen at lightning speed.


After a muffled sound, a large amount of white viscous liquid spurted out from the wound.

The spider elf immediately screamed in pain, and his whole body began to twitch uncontrollably.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Lirael quickly swung her sword twice and cut off the two limbs on the opponent's right side, causing the spider elf to completely lose its balance and fall to one side.

When the latter's height dropped to a place within reach, she quickly jumped up and completed the decapitating blow. Her movements were clean and neat, unlike a mage at all.

After all, she is also Eilistraee's chosen one.

The most famous thing about the Dark Maiden, apart from wearing no clothes, is the sword dance that is as beautiful and deadly as a dance. It is impossible not to learn it.

Just when Lirael completed her first kill using a sword as a weapon, and her body and brain were affected by adrenaline and she was in an extremely excited state, she suddenly discovered that there was not only one spider elf jumping into the city, but many. Can't even count.

Since these guys have the ability to climb on walls like spiders, they can easily take advantage of the melee to enter the city and flank the defenders from the rear.

Because of the appearance of the spider elves, the originally peaceful streets immediately fell into chaos.

A dozen drow children who didn't even realize the danger was coming were captured and torn alive with extremely cruel methods. Their bloody corpses were left directly at the door of the temple as a humiliation to the dark girl.


Lirael immediately became furious when she saw this.

Because she knows many of these children and has taught them a lot about the Underdark and the surface world.

But it is a pity that no amount of anger can reverse the current bad war situation.

Especially when the hobgoblin warlord found that his muskets and kerosene could no longer be used, he did not hesitate to attack with his entire army.

The number of hobgoblins and orcs on the city wall was increasing, even squeezing the defenders down bit by bit.

Just when the attackers thought they were sure of victory, a ray of silver moonlight suddenly fell down and shone on the dark elves who were bravely resisting.

The next second...

These dark elves were like being given a shot of blood. Not only were their strength and speed greatly increased, but they also had no idea what fatigue was.

In the center of the moonlight, a dancing figure holding a long sword can be vaguely seen.

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