A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 735 Darkness attracts each other (please subscribe to the 10,000-word chapter)

The sudden turmoil and coup in the Kingdom of Cormyr undoubtedly instantly attracted the attention of the entire Faerûn continent.

In particular, the birth of the Dark Prince Graia and the spectacular scene of the incarnation of the Prince of Lies Cyric being eaten alive spread throughout the streets in just a few days.

Some bards even composed corresponding songs and stories to be sung in taverns and inns.

The most important thing is that after Yalusel killed many people and completely quelled the rebellion in the capital Susar, it was officially announced that the young King Assan V had been killed by the rebels, and the Queen Mother Phil Farrell also came forward Confirmed this.

This also means that as the last descendant of Assan IV, she must inherit the throne and become the new queen of the Kingdom of Cormyr.

As a child, Greia will automatically become the sole heir.

At present, the dark prince has led an ordinary army composed of fifty guards, three hundred reorganized Purple Dragon Legion soldiers, and about two thousand guys selected from the captives of the noble private soldiers, directly from Susa. You set out on a journey to conquer the rebellion.

In just three days, he easily captured Massomb, the second largest city in the kingdom ruled by the Scurrell family. During the battle to defend the city, Lord Bilderin was instantly blasted into mutilated corpses by a spell. piece.

The reason why it is so fast is mainly because the distance between the two cities is too close.

If we took the sea route instead, it might not even take half a day.

After regaining this important transportation hub, Greia immediately took advantage of the river network to launch a comprehensive conquest of the entire southern region of the kingdom.

He did not accept the surrender of any nobles at all. He uprooted ancient families that had lasted for hundreds or even thousands of years. He executed all men, women, old and young as long as they were of direct blood, and then inserted bureaucrats from the empire. Re-establish administrative and tax institutions.

Although at the beginning, many civilians loyal to the noble lords were very resistant to this violation of tradition, and even frequently launched armed resistance to taxes under the instigation of thoughtful people.

But after several of the most noisy villages and towns were suddenly wiped off the map overnight, all the riots calmed down instantly.

Facts have proved that as long as absolute violence is mastered, there is no need to pay attention to things like public opinion.

Not convinced?

Bear with it!

Or die!

Anyway, after killing one crop and waiting for more than ten or twenty years, the new generation of people will grow up and naturally forget the past and become accustomed to the new centralized political system.

No reform of any kind can be accomplished without bloodshed.

This is true for fiscal and tax reforms, not to mention such drastic changes in the political system from top to bottom.

If we don't go on a killing spree to clean out all the opponents on the physical level, any sign of weakness will leave huge hidden dangers.

So from the moment Yalusel made up his mind, the entire Kingdom of Cormyr was destined to shed blood.

The role played by the Prince of Darkness, Graya, is actually the sharpest knife in her mother's hand, slashing wherever she disobeys.

The lord of Huailun City, Shapu, who had always been famous for his opposition to the royal family, was hanged in front of the public directly after the city was captured.

Hundreds of local people tried to rely on the law and rushed to save people. As a result, a total of 657 people were arrested. In the end, without exception, they were sentenced to death for treason and obstruction of justice.

You must know that this small city only has a total of about six to seven thousand people, which is equivalent to killing nearly one-tenth of them at once, and they are basically young and middle-aged men. It directly breaks the backbone of the entire city.

From then on, all the citizens who were still alive would look in awe and fear when they saw the patrols walking through the streets, and they no longer dared to take it as their pride to fight against the royal family.

And Lord Sharpe, who was once regarded as a hero, has also changed from a hero respected by thousands of people to a culprit despised by everyone.

Because if he hadn't taken the lead, the residents in the city would not have felt that it was a very honorable thing to fight against the royal family, which would have resulted in countless families losing their husbands or sons, who were the backbone of the family.

Now, this small town, where most of the people are women, the elderly and children, may be living a hard life for a while.

Through ruthless suppression of the rebels, the Kingdom of Cormyr, where the rebellion broke out among the aristocratic warlords, quickly returned to peace, and at the same time established an efficient centralized governance system in the process of countering the rebellion.

What surprised Yalusel the most was that after the turmoil, wars and killings that spread across the country, a large number of people were lost, but the financial situation not only did not deteriorate, but became better than before, and tax revenue increased. It was increased seven times, not counting the proceeds from the confiscation of noble property.

You don't need to ask to know that the main reason for this situation is that all the taxes that were previously paid to the local nobles are now flowing back into the national treasury.

This is also a manifestation of the superiority of centralized power over feudal system.

After all, excluding the supernatural power of magic, assuming that the technology and military are almost the same, the overall strength of a country depends on its ability to draw financial, human and material resources from the area it rules.

In this regard, the centralized system can throw off the feudal system by more than a dozen ways.

The Dark Prince Graia obviously doesn't care at all about these trivial internal affairs. He is currently leading an army that has swelled to 5,000 people through the edge of the Stormhorn Mountains and heading towards Tifantun, the northernmost city in the kingdom.

Just five days ago, he had just recaptured Arabel, which was occupied by goblins and orcs after Asan IV died in battle.

Now as long as we capture the last Tiffanytown, which has been lost for several years, the entire territory of Cormyr will be completely captured.

However, this battle for liberation, which seems exciting to outsiders, is actually basically the same as going out for sightseeing for Grea.

Because so far, he has not met an opponent who can truly make him feel nervous.

Many times it only takes a little release of dark power, and the enemy's soldiers will quickly collapse their psychological defenses and turn around and flee.

The next thing to do is to choose one of surrender and pursuit.

There were basically no tough battles along the way, but the number of troops continued to grow like a snowball.

Even if some garrison troops are left in the towns along the way, there are still more than 5,000 people under his command.

Of course, Grea never expected that these rebel soldiers, who were mostly recruited, could fight any tough battles. The reason why they were brought along was mainly to occupy the captured cities and maintain basic order.

When encountering an enemy who resists fiercely, the Prince of Darkness usually draws his sword and attacks himself.

"Your Highness, would you like some water?"

A female officer handed over the water bottle she carried with a concerned look on her face.

She noticed that under the scorching sun just after noon, her prince's face looked paler than usual, and he was swaying slightly from side to side as if he was suffering from heat stroke, and his whole body was listless.

"No, no, thank you."

Greia rejected the other party's kindness in a slightly low voice.

Because he didn't look sick or uncomfortable, he just felt uncomfortable with the sun and too bright light.

After all, the essence of his power is darkness, so he can only return to normal at night or in a dark underground environment.

"If it doesn't work, just find a shady place to stop and rest for a while. The weather is really too hot here, and we only have one Tiefantun left to recover, so there's no need to be too anxious." The female officer continued to console her.

It is not difficult to tell from the armor and equipment that she is a member of the regent guard, and she is also a person specially sent by Yalusel to take care of her son's daily life and help manage the army.

"How far is it from Tiffinton?"

Greia gently pulled the black hood on her head, raised her head and stared at the rolling mountains ahead with her deep black eyes.

The female officer hurriedly replied: "According to the current marching speed, we should be able to arrive in about half a day.

With the power you possess, taking it down will be a piece of cake.

The only trouble is that Tiffanydon has long been reduced to a battlefield between the Zhentarim and the Haunted City, which calls itself the Netherese Empire.

It is said that mutilated bodies are found in the streets and alleys every night.

There are a large number of secret agents, spies and assassins scattered throughout it, and it may take a lot of effort to clear them out. "

Hearing these words, the corners of Grea's bloodless mouth slightly raised, and he said in a slightly contemptuous tone: "Don't worry, these people can't make any waves. Because I am the master of darkness, and I will escape every move they make." But my eyes.”

"That's right! You are the great Prince of Darkness, the most powerful heir to the throne in the history of the Kingdom of Cormyr. Any fool who dares to oppose you will be crushed."

The female officer's tone and eyes revealed naked and unabashed fanatical admiration, and even a hint of admiration.

After all, she was only twenty-four or five years old, so it was inevitable that she would have different feelings for a prince with noble blood, great strength and handsome appearance.

This is as natural as many poor peasants who always dream of marrying a beautiful princess one day.

What's more, she now has the opportunity to have close contact with the prince every day.

But unfortunately, what this female officer didn't know was that although Grea had the appearance of a teenager, she was actually less than one year old, and she didn't understand or be interested in things like male love and female love at all.

While he was leading troops to quell the rebellion, he was basically either studying his own power or trying to use and control the Magic Network and the Shadow Magic Network.

Especially the latter, it even gave him the illusion that it was part of his own body. No spells or spell-casting movements were needed. Just a thought could instantly generate a nine-ring spell.

What's more, it can control a large area of ​​shadow magic network around it to form an energy storm that can destroy everything.

Either kill all the creatures within the range and transform them into undead, or cast illusions that can confuse the real ones, or directly control the other party's mind to turn them into their own slaves or even puppets.

Although Grea has learned from her father that the Shadow Magic Network is the private property of Shar, the goddess of the night, and can only be used by those with permission.

However, he did not seem to be subject to any restrictions, nor was he prohibited from touching the Shadow Magic Network.

Just the opposite!

The Prince of Darkness can enter the deepest core of the Shadow Web at will and peer into the essence of the dark power.

A large amount of evil and taboo knowledge was randomly placed on the shelves for him to browse like the products in a store.

Sometimes Graya even wonders if this is a trap set by Shar, deliberately using the Shadow Web as a bait.

But after repeated attempts and finding that there was no problem, he boldly used it as an extension of his dark power in the magic field.

After all, if you want to cast spells on the planet Toril, the Magic Network and the Shadow Magic Network are two systems that cannot be bypassed.

At least until you ignite one yourself or receive a planeswalker's spark from your father.

But what the Prince of Darkness didn't know was that the Goddess of Night had already noticed it from the moment she touched the Shadow Weave.

It was Shar who gave him the authority to control the Shadow Weave at will.

Right now, this ancient evil goddess was sitting on her own throne, looking at Greya with almost doting eyes, and suddenly asked: "Are you ready for the gift I asked you to prepare?"

"Yes, goddess."

A woman in a black robe and veil got down on one knee and answered in the affirmative.

Shar nodded with satisfaction: "Very good, then send someone to send it to Tifantun immediately. I can't wait to see his reaction when his dark power is closely connected to the shadow plane." .”

"Great goddess, I don't understand why you are so generous to give this enemy's descendant the artifact that all evil gods covet?"

The woman raised her head and her voice was full of doubts and confusion.

“The confrontation between me and Soth has nothing to do with Greia.

What's more, the children of enemies do not mean they are enemies. The nature of dark forces attracts each other.

As long as he continues to use and integrate into the Shadow Weave, continue to draw power from the Shadow Plane, and even become a part of it, he will one day fall into my arms.

Just like the relationship between Talona and Soth.

I can also slowly change the mind of this dark prince and turn him into my ally and chosen one.

Remember, what you pay now is to get more rewards in the future.

We must take a long-term view. Only by putting a long-term approach can we catch big fish. "

After saying that, Shar stopped paying attention to anyone and concentrated on staring at Graya's pale and handsome face, as well as the seriousness and concentration he showed in studying the Shadow Magic Network. He was just like some psychopathic weird aunt. .

At this moment, the goddess of night finally understood what was going on with Talona's almost crazy obsession after meeting Zuo Si.

Apart from the emotional aspect, the most important thing is the attraction of the divine essence.

The feeling that cannot be described in words is like two water droplets that are very close and want to merge into one.

If it weren't for Zuo Si's stern warning, Shar would have descended into an avatar and directly injected the dark power into Greia's body through a kiss, and then declared that this was his chief elect.

But unfortunately she can't do that now.

As long as she descends into the avatar, Zuo Si will definitely appear in an instant.

So in the end we had to choose this more obscure method.

"As you wish."

The woman bent down and bowed deeply, then turned around and left holding a cube that looked a bit like a Rubik's Cube and was made up of countless tiny squares.

However, its surface does not have bright colors, but is completely non-reflective and pure black, exuding a frightening aura of nothingness, as if it simply wants to swallow up all matter, time and space around it.

When this terrifying artifact was sent to the intricate sewers beneath the ground in Tifantun City, the originally sunny sky was completely shrouded in darkness. At a glance, the corners of the streets and alleys were filled with things that seemed to be alive. Shadows and deeper swirls of darkness.

Thousands of residents panicked and tried to escape, only to find that as long as they rushed into the darkness, their figures would become hazy and blurry for a few seconds, and eventually they would be completely swallowed by the darkness.

What's even worse is that all areas shrouded in darkness have turned into chaotic magic areas that make spellcasters change their colors.

Several mages stationed here in Yinhun City wanted to use teleportation magic to escape. As a result, their whole bodies exploded with a bang just in the middle of chanting the spell.

For a while, everyone was trapped within the city walls and even their own residences, and they did not dare to go out at will.

Because even if you go a few blocks away, you may get lost in the darkness.

This small town with a population of almost 10,000 people was inexplicably turned into a ghost.

"Who can tell me! What is going on? What happened?"

"Don't ask me how I know. The sky suddenly darkened, and then darkness enveloped me. This is obviously not something ordinary magic can do."

"Could it be the fault of those guys in Ghost City?"

"Impossible! If it was their fault, what happened to those guys who used teleportation magic to escape but exploded?"

"Can magic communication still work?"

"Sorry, we can't, our communication has been completely cut off."

Along with the tense discussion, several leaders who were deeply trusted by Ximanmeng in the secret stronghold of the Zhentarim in Tifanton City showed panic and panic expressions.

After all, they are not ordinary civilians outside who are unaware of the seriousness of the problem. They know very well that visions like this often mean that something terrible may happen next.

Now the whole city is like fish on the chopping board, ready to be slaughtered.

In fact, not only the Zhentarim, but also the secret stronghold of Shade City also felt the biting cold.

The only difference is that since they have lived in the shadow plane for a long time, they can vaguely feel the power of Shar.

But the problem is that I don’t know what the goddess of the night wants to do and the role she plays in it.

Due to the emphasis on secret relationships, Shar's believers basically do not have a unified church management, but form independent small circles of activities.

It is perfectly normal to stab each other in the back or sacrifice each other as pawns.

Moreover, Tiffanytown's geographical location is very special. It is located at the northernmost tip of the Kingdom of Cormyr, the southernmost tip of the Enook Desert, and is adjacent to the valley to the east. It is stuck at the only pass between the Stormhorn Mountains and the Desert Pass Mountains. It is a typical city that functions as both a transportation hub and an important border defense town.

The place was suddenly shrouded in endless darkness, which immediately attracted the attention of the City of Shadows, which claimed to be the Netheril Empire, and Zhentil Castle.

The newly recovered Elf Kingdom of Cormanthor, as well as the Great Sage Elminster and the Harper Alliance, the guardian of the valley, also got involved.

When Greya arrived with his army, what he saw was a scene of vitality and all things competing.

The people of Shade City were having a heated exchange of views on the use of magic with the elves of the Kingdom of Cormanthor, while Ximanmon and Fuzor Chambery led their men in a tense confrontation with their old friends Elminster and the Harpers.

What’s even more interesting is that the City of Shades and Zhentil Castle are still enemies, while the Cormanthor elves are allies with Elminster and the Harpers.

Therefore, the first two unanimously chose a temporary truce, and respectively chose the latter two as their opponents, but they still remained wary of each other, and no one dared to really go all out.

This complicated relationship is simply no ordinary chaos.

If a delicate balance and mutual restraint could still be maintained before, then the arrival of the Cormyr Kingdom's army completely broke this balance.

Especially the Dark Prince Graya, who attracted everyone's attention from the moment he appeared.

"Hahahaha! Look who is here! Welcome, Your Highness, I think your father must have mentioned me to you."

Fuzoul Chamberry was the first to grin and look happy.

But if you look closely, you will notice the flicker of fear in his eyes.

Elminster's reaction was just the opposite. His face was full of vigilance and solemnity. He had obviously noticed the rich shadow magic network aura emanating from Grea through the silver fire in his body.

Especially the dazzling red camp aura that symbolizes evil is enough to prove that he is by no means a good person.

“If I remember correctly, Tifanton should be an undisputed territory belonging to the Kingdom of Cormyr.

Could you please explain, what is your purpose of crossing the border and appearing here without permission?


Can I kill you all as invaders? "

With the last word blurted out, Greia instantly released his dark power, directly forming a huge energy projection between illusion and entity behind his back, which was exactly the form he used when he swallowed the incarnation of Cyric.

Not only that, he also pulled out the long sword burning with black flames.


The already tense atmosphere at the scene immediately dropped to freezing point.

Due to the behavior pattern of the Prince of Darkness, no one dared to turn a deaf ear to such warning words.

"Are you declaring war on all of us?"

The arrogant Prince of Shadows—Lamolek Tanshur was the first to stand up and question.

As a legendary spellcaster with a LV19 mage level, a LV7 shadow mentor, and a total arcane spellcasting level of LV26, he obviously has strong confidence in his own strength.

Especially after inheriting the ideas of the great arcanists of the Netherese era, I always felt that gods and god-like powers were just a group of more powerful spellcasters.

Therefore, even if he knew that the other party had devoured an incarnation of weak divine power when he was just born, he was not afraid at all.

"Declaration of war?"

Greia showed a contemptuous smile, and then instantly turned into an afterimage and disappeared from the place.

Just 0.001 seconds later, he appeared directly behind the Prince of Shadows and inserted the sword in his hand into the opponent's back at lightning speed.


Scarlet blood continuously gushes out along with the black ink-like energy on the blade, and then flows back into the body in an extremely weird way.

In just a few seconds, Ramolek Tanshur's body completely collapsed, leaving only his soul, filled with black energy like a shadow creature, still floating in place.

All the protective spells blessed by this legendary mage, as well as the magic items worn by him, seemed to have completely lost their effect and had no reaction at all.

Only Elminster, who had studied silver fire and divine power, noticed that the black flames on the sword seemed to have spell cracking and position decomposition effects. When it was close, it would destroy the spell structure and prevent it from functioning as before.

Obviously, this is a kind of quasi-divine power that Grea has mastered.

Unless the protective spell also adds the same power, or the magic item worn is an artifact, it cannot be offset at all.

In the end, Ramolek Tanshur was completely sucked into the black magic sword from body to soul.

"This...this is impossible! He...he actually killed our prince!"

A female high-level mage let out a piercing scream, as if she couldn't believe what she was seeing.

After all, in the eyes of the people of Shadow City, the Supreme City Lord Telamant and his sons are nearly invincible.

Even in a dangerous place like the Shadow Plane, the City of Shadows can be protected from outside threats for hundreds of years.

But now, one of them was crushed by a more powerful force, and he didn't even have the power to fight back during the whole process.

After witnessing the powerful Prince of Shadows being killed so easily, the remaining people had no fighting spirit and wanted to turn around and flee without saying a word.

The mages immediately activated teleportation magic.

But Grea obviously didn't want to let go of Ghost City, so he directly raised his other hand and made a waving motion.

In a blink of an eye!

One of the arms of the huge energy projection behind him turned into a physical entity, and the terrifying claws swept across a range of more than two to three hundred meters in front of him at lightning speed, regardless of whether it was friend or foe.

Elminster reacted the fastest and immediately teleported several kilometers away with the senior Harpers.

Two selfish guys, Fu Zouer Qianberry and Xi Manmeng, simply abandoned their men and ran away.

Cormanthor's elf mages were relatively far away and therefore were not within the attack radius, so they luckily escaped.

But everything that was left was torn into pieces alive by this blow.

From the boiling dark energy, one could vaguely see their shadowy souls wailing in agony.

The Prince of Darkness absorbed all the souls of these enemies into the magic sword in his hand, and said to all the remaining people in an emotionless tone: "So what if I am declaring war on you?

The weak are not qualified to show off and bargain in front of the strong.

Remember, if you step into the territory of the Kingdom of Cormyr without permission in the future, this will be the consequences.

I am not a father who will play those boring political games and power games with you.

My attitude towards my enemies is very simple, that is to kill them all and then devour all their strength and souls. "

"Damn! This guy is simply more dangerous than Soth."

Fuzuoer Chamberry stared at the huge scratch on the ground with lingering fear and couldn't help but curse in a low voice.

Because dark energy has the property of blocking all sounds and vibrations, Grea's sudden attacks are often difficult to detect, let alone predict in advance.

Coupled with the personality of taking action if there is a disagreement, the risk factor can be said to be full.

In contrast, Zuo Si, who is willing to sit down and negotiate, and even bargain for benefits, is simply harmless to humans and animals.

At least before touching his bottom line, you don't have to worry too much about being suddenly attacked.

"What should I do? Do you want to go there now?"

Xi Manmeng asked in an uncertain tone.

Fuzuo Er Qianberry immediately shook his head: "Don't be kidding!

I'm not in the habit of risking my life.

Immediately notify all our spies in the Kingdom of Cormyr to withdraw.

Now that this place has become a country ruled by a tyrant, there is no need for us to continue infiltrating.

What's more, an important ghost prince died in the City of Shadows this time. Telamante might be furious because of this and directly launch an all-out war against the Kingdom of Cormyr.

If this happens, we can take a breather and reap the benefits. "

"What about Elminster? This old guy is a huge threat to us as long as he is alive."

Xi Manmeng's eyes flashed with evil light.

"Don't worry about him yet. Anyway, he and his Harper Alliance have been suppressed and suffered heavy losses, and they will not be able to interfere with our plans in a short time."

After saying that, the Tyrant of the Moon Sea activated the magic item and teleported away.

After confirming that he had completely left, Ximanmeng took off his disguise and stared at Greya in the distance, who had single-handedly killed the Prince of Shadows and made the two chosen gods dare not act rashly. An extremely envious expression appeared on his face, and he sighed softly. : "Is it a powerful god-like power when you are just born?

This cold and cruel world is really as unfair as ever.

It would be great if one day I could also gain the power to become a god or god-like power no longer controlled by others.

I don’t know if I can defeat or even kill a ghost prince with the power I have now..."

The words have not yet been spoken!

The controller of the Zhentarim's dark intelligence network took off his hood and mask, revealing a terrifying face.

The once pale and handsome human mage's skin now shows red crystallization, and due to muscle activity, it is densely covered with spider web-like cracks, and his two eyes have become like red dragons. lava ball.

You must know that he transformed himself into a vampire a long time ago, and he is an undead creature.

The reason why it is like this is that without asking, it must be the result of taking the blood of the ancient red dragon for a long time and performing a series of evil magic rituals.

In other words, the powers of vampires and red dragons are combined through magic to create a new vampire subspecies.

Of course, the risks are high.

Because the undead rely on negative energy to survive, while the red dragon relies on fire element energy, which is generally positive, there is a huge conflict between the two.

Whenever the balance in the body is even slightly out of balance, what awaits Xi Manmeng is an explosion on the spot without even leaving any residue.

The cracks hidden in the red crystals on the surface of his skin are the best proof.

But huge risks also mean huge rewards.

Since the successful fusion, Ximanmeng's physical and magical powers have been greatly strengthened.

Even without using any magic, he can easily defeat LV13 warriors with his bare hands. At the same time, as the total amount of blood he absorbs from the ancient red dragon increases, he begins to gain a natural spellcasting level similar to that of a warlock.

The most important thing is that the power of the fire element in the body gives it resistance to positive energy. Even if it is exposed to powerful positive spells such as [Sun Flame Explosion], it will not be destroyed instantly like other undead creatures.

After confirming with his own eyes the power possessed by Zuo Si's second heir, Xi Manmeng quickly activated the teleportation magic to return to his home lair.

Currently, the only person left outside the city is Elminster, the first choice of the Goddess of Magic.

I saw him taking the initiative to propose to Greya: "Young man, the dark power hanging over Tifantun is definitely unusual. I think I can provide some help."


Grea didn't show mercy at all because of the other party's identity, but flatly refused.

This almost rude attitude obviously made the Harper executives present very unhappy.

Especially Storm Silverhand, who was also a elect and was inseparable from Elminster, immediately frowned and wanted to talk about the dangers of this dark force and the harm it might cause to the residents of the city.

But before she had time to speak, Grea left the army behind and walked into the city alone, disappearing into the pitch-black darkness.

"He...he actually went in like that?!"

Storm Silverhand was dumbfounded.

Elminster sighed helplessly: "Alas - haven't you seen it yet?

This was completely set up specifically for him by Shar, the goddess of the night.

The darkness that is invisible to our eyes has no effect on him at all.

What really makes me wonder is why Soos didn't react at all to this?

Doesn't he know the serious consequences of letting Shar get close to his son? "

"What are you going to do next?" Storm Silverhand asked in a low voice.

"Of course it's to enter the city. At least we have to figure out Shar's intentions and what she wants to do to this young man. Let's go, it's just the two of us this time, because others without the power of Silver Fire can't interact with what's inside. to fight against the darkness.”

After that, Elminster walked straight towards the entrance of the city with his cane.

Although in other people's eyes there was darkness that could not be seen, he could vaguely see the outline of the city gate through the darkness.

After all, silver fire can be considered a type of divine power and divinity, and part of it comes from Shar, the goddess of the night.

Storm Silverhand drew his sword and followed behind without saying a word.

When the two voters passed through the city gate and entered the interior, they immediately noticed something was wrong.

Because this place has been almost completely integrated into the shadow plane, instead of staying in the material world.

What's even worse is that the normal magic network here has been weakened to the point where even normal casting is difficult.

If casting a fireball required a third-level spell slot before, now it requires at least a fifth-level spell slot.

Otherwise, it will simply trigger the resonance of the magic network and form a spell.

What really dominates here is Shar's Shadow Ley.

If it were another spellcaster, it might be possible to temporarily use the Shadow Weave to deal with it by some means, but Elminster and Storm Silverhand were unable to do this.

Because the silver fire in their bodies is so bright and dazzling that as long as they touch the shadow magic network, they will be discovered by the goddess of the night.

At worst, she will be directly banned from touching the net, at worst, Shar secretly injects dark power into the shadow magic net to corrode the silver fire, eventually causing the core secret of the deep magic net to be completely exposed.

Feeling the darkness and coldness in the surrounding environment, Storm Silverhand couldn't help but said: "It seems you are right, there is absolutely no one who can pull a city directly into the shadow plane except the goddess of night Shar." The second god.”

"Be careful! Since you have been pulled into the shadow plane, it means there must be countless dangerous shadow creatures around. Maybe the entire city's residents have been slaughtered and become one of them."

Elminster pulled out the thunder sword hanging on his waist that had an enchantment level of +5.

Just a second later, a shadowy creature with a canine-like outline jumped out of the darkness, opened its mouth and pounced.

As a result, before he could bite anything, he was split in half by the great sage's sword.

The alertness and reflexes honed by years of adventurous life were most vividly demonstrated at this moment.

But the crisis is not over.

Because creatures like the Shadow Mastiff that live in the shadow plane never move alone or two by themselves, but in groups.

In the blink of an eye, dozens of them rushed out one after another, surrounding the two voters.

Behind them, more and more powerful shadows, night shadows, and even several huge shadow dragons could be vaguely seen.

You don't need to ask to know that from the moment she stepped into Tiffanydon, Shar, the goddess of the night, has been eyeing Elminster and Storm Silverhand.

She would never allow these two chosen ones of the Magic Goddess to interfere with Grea's getting the artifact.

boom! ! ! ! !

With bright and dazzling silver flames exploding in the air, this battle with a huge numerical gap between the two sides finally began.

Having sensed something was wrong, Elminster used the power of the silver fire without reservation.

With just one blow, more than half of the Shadow Mastiffs were swallowed up by the silver fire.

Storm Silverhand directly added protective magic to himself, wielding his sword and Elminster back-to-back to defend against enemies from the other side.

Although her spellcasting ability ranks last among the seven sisters, she still has several sixth-level spell slots, so she is capable of casting large-scale destructive spells.

Once they find that there are too many enemies coming up, they will immediately release plastic spells or activate the power of silver fire without hesitation.

After a while, the annular area formed around the two people became filled with strong negative energy due to the death of too many shadow plane creatures, and even breathing would exhale a large amount of white air.

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