A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 741: I’m afraid the world won’t be in chaos (please subscribe to the 10,000-word chapter)

"Four liters? Spirits? Are you sure you're not mistaken?"

Iron Man had an expression of disbelief on his face, staring straight at little Annie's height of only about one meter, and her face that looked a little baby fat.

It should be known that an average adult only needs to consume about 250 ml to 500 ml of pure alcohol to cause death from poisoning, while infants and older children only need 10 to 30 ml.

Therefore, based on the total intake of four liters, even if all the champagne drank was the lowest alcohol content in the cabinet, it would be enough to kill an adult.

What's more, judging from the bottles scattered around, there are many spirits such as whiskey, tequila, brandy, vodka, etc.

Let alone alcohol, even drinking four liters of water in a row will definitely cause water intoxication for such a young child.

But soon, the artificial intelligence butler Jarvis made an eye-catching red mark on the holographic helmet of the suit.

Through the complex sensors, the body temperature of the cute little girl in front of him was displayed as a big question mark, and the heartbeat that normal humans should have could not be detected either.

Even perspective imaging can only capture a blurry human shape, instead of being able to see bones and weapons hidden in clothes like ordinary people.

This strange situation undoubtedly aroused Tony Stark's strong curiosity.

After repeatedly confirming that the sensors of his armor were not damaged or wrong, he immediately asked in an uncertain tone: "Isn't this child an illusion created by Loki through magic? I remember Thor once said that he This good brother of mine is very good at performing illusions and magic that can make things look real, and even Odin, the King of Gods, was once deceived."

“Sorry, sir, there is insufficient data for me to draw accurate conclusions.

But judging from Loki's reaction from the beginning to now, the possibility of it being created by illusion is not high.

Unless he suffers from severe mental and personality split.

After all, a mentally healthy person would not talk to himself non-stop for more than ten minutes. "

Jarvis gave his analysis results seriously.

"Well, it looks like we're in a little trouble now."

The corner of Iron Man's mouth twitched slightly.

Jarvis immediately corrected him: "No, not just a little trouble, sir.

The Cosmic Cube on the roof had been activated just a few seconds ago and was releasing huge amounts of energy.

Ms. Natasha Romanoff and Dr. Banner tried to shut it down.

As a result, one of them was knocked to the ground downstairs and turned into a Hulk. Although the other one did not fall, he was also seriously injured.

Now a huge barrier has been formed around the Cosmic Cube, and even a nuclear explosion may not be able to cause even the slightest interference to it. "

After that, a spherical barrier surrounding the Cosmic Cube was projected onto the holographic helmet in the form of a model.

Before Tony Stark could analyze it from a professional perspective, a dazzling blue light beam radiated from the top of the building into the cold space beyond the atmosphere.

"Oh - this isn't good!"

Thor, the God of Thunder, obviously realized the seriousness of the problem and flew out directly to swing the Meow Hammer at the Cosmic Cube and hit it hard.

boom! ! ! ! ! ! !

Accompanied by the dazzling electric light and the shock wave that shattered all the surrounding window glass, he was directly ejected and flew dozens of meters away, crashing into the top floor of another building nearby, scaring the people working inside to scream. scream.

In just a few minutes, the first huge battleship with flashing lights slowly came through the opened wormhole.

The huge volume of more than ten kilometers long immediately attracted the attention of the Security Council and SHIELD's reconnaissance satellites placed in outer space orbits.

But before they had time to react, the orbital attack array surrounding the battleship flashed with dazzling red light.

The next second...

Thousands of high-energy particles directly swept through the near-Earth and far-Earth orbits, and more than one-fifth of the entire earth's satellites were turned into dust under this impact.

Suddenly, various fields such as communications, aviation, maritime affairs, meteorology, and military that rely on satellites around the world were paralyzed.

Although there are still optical fiber networks installed on the ground that can be used and are not completely interrupted, it still caused huge panic.

After all, anyone who is not blind can see the huge wormhole opening above their head, and the space battleships pouring out of it one after another.

Judging from their continuous scanning of various satellites, they are definitely not here for a friendly visit.

Including New York, all cities with air defense warning systems sounded the piercing sirens in unison.

Since the end of World War II, many people who have enjoyed peace for more than half a century have finally realized once again the horror of war and their own insignificance.

Especially the rednecks in North America who usually clamor loudest on the Internet are now getting into subways, basements of their homes and other shelter facilities.

Only a handful of guys who weren't afraid of death thought it was time to show off their talents, so they appeared on the chaotic and empty streets carrying large and small guns, intending to kill a few aliens so that they could be bragging rights for the rest of their lives.

But it is a pity that they, who have no idea about the weapons of interstellar civilization, have no idea how deadly an orbital strike from outer space can be to a low-level civilization that cannot even leave its home planet.

Just the high-energy particle beam sweeping the satellite passed over the city, instantly vaporizing hundreds of red necks gathered together.

Until the last second when their body and consciousness disappeared, these idiots didn't understand what happened, and they even died too quickly to feel the pain.

There is no doubt that the terrifying array of orbital weapons directly frightened everyone who observed this scene on the entire earth.

As for the Skyward Sword Bureau headquarters floating in the orbit of the earth, it was instantly pierced by a huge energy cannon. The protective shield had no effect at all, and all the human Gaskuru working inside were killed.

This is just great……

Seventy percent of the Skrull refugees on Earth were wiped out, and it is unknown whether they will still be able to launch a secret invasion in the future.

In short, with the arrival of the Chitauri's huge fleet, the overwhelming sense of oppression and suffocation made hundreds of millions of civilians feel unprecedented despair, as if they were waiting for the doomsday judgment to come.

As the only person in the Avengers who knows the destructive power of interstellar warfare, Thor flies into outer space to destroy these deadly warships before he can even think about swinging his hammer.

But before it was halfway through the flight, it was knocked down by the main cannon of the orbital attack array, which also melted everything within a radius of more than ten kilometers on the ground into a hot red liquid.

In just one move, Wall Street, the world's financial center, completely disappeared.

Along with countless millionaires, multi-millionaires and billionaires who have huge influence in the White House and Congress.

At this moment, they, who pride themselves on being superior to others, are no different from the ants who were accidentally trampled to death on the roadside.

The destructive force even created a huge lake of red lava out of thin air in the center of New York City.

The magma that poured into subways and gas pipelines triggered violent serial explosions. Hundreds of high-rise buildings collapsed due to damage to their foundations. The number of people killed and buried on the spot instantly reached millions.

A reporter who took a helicopter to grab hot news happened to take a complete picture of this scene. He was so shocked that he couldn't say a word.

Not only him, but also the audience in front of TV sets, mobile phones and computers have also lost their ability to speak.

After all, compared with the shock wave, high temperature, high pressure and radiation generated by the explosion of nuclear weapons, although the killing radius of energy weapons is much smaller, the penetrating power and absolute killing effect are hundreds of times stronger.

To resist the damage of nuclear weapons, you can most likely survive by hiding in bunkers in subways, caves, and basements.

But what about energy weapons?

It is easy to penetrate thousands of meters or even tens of thousands of meters into the ground.

This means that even the ruling class, who can hide in shelters thousands of meters underground, now have no safety at all.

And with all the satellites cleared, people on the ground can only observe this alien fleet passing through the other side of the wormhole through some instruments such as space telescopes.

As for Thor, although he suffered some injuries, he quickly climbed out of the hot magma mixture.

The powerful physique endowed by the Asgardian royal family was fully demonstrated at this moment.

After all, when he was forging the Storm Ax, he was exposed to the terrifying high temperatures of the neutron star, so this amount of heat was far from reaching the point where he would die.

Looking at the array of energy weapons above their heads that are constantly flashing red light, like the Sword of Damocles that may fall at any time, the Avengers and SHIELD on the surface have no idea at all.

Because just a few minutes ago, the only Tianjian Bureau base with space combat capabilities had been blown up, and so far not even a single survivor had been found.

And after witnessing the attack speed and frequency of high-power energy weapons on the battleship, Nick Fury did not think that the missile equipped with a cyclone torpedo could penetrate the dense array network.

What's more, all the satellites in outer space of the earth have been killed.

This also means that all missiles will lose their precise guidance functions and will not be able to adjust their direction during flight. The hit rate will inevitably be greatly reduced.

Iron Man has completely cut off contact with the artificial intelligence butler Jarvis, and many functions of the armor have also been greatly affected.

"Hahahaha! Did you see it? Your world is crawling at my feet now! As long as I snap my fingers, thousands of cities will be reduced to ashes in an instant."

Loki waved the Mind Scepter and let out an extremely proud and wild laugh.

Because he knew very well that there was no weapon on earth that could hit space from the ground.

This means that the game is over from the moment the Chitauri fleet arrives, and he wins the final victory.

"What are you going to do next? Force governments to surrender to you?"

Tony Stark asked with a livid face.

Although he wanted to say that people on earth would rather die than submit to the rule of an alien tyrant.

However, considering that France, which was known as the largest army in Europe during World War II, only resisted for more than a month before surrendering, and even the puppet government actively formed a puppet army and provided various supplies to help the Germans fight the war, this sentence was still not uttered in the end.

After all, Loki is not here to engage in genocide and colonization, he just wants to become the ruler of the earth and have all humans worship him.

This does not create a direct conflict of interest with the lower-level civilians.

And as a member of a large capital interest group, Iron Man can guarantee that at this very moment, rulers of many countries around the world are secretly discussing how to surrender in order to preserve their wealth, power and social status.

Maybe there will be internal fighting over the qualifications to lead the party.

"Surrender? Haha, that was the condition I offered before, but you refused. Now I have a better idea. How about letting this little guy decide the fate of the earth?"

As he spoke, Loki turned his attention to little Annie, who was sitting on the bar counter of the wine cabinet and looking out the window with interest at the alien battleship overhead.

He really couldn't understand why this weird little thing had such big nerves. He didn't have the slightest fear even when he saw the energy weapons falling from the sky melting the entire street into liquid.

Those lavender pupils even revealed excitement and anticipation.

"LOKI!!! Look what you've done!"

With an angry roar, Thor, whose cloak had been completely burned, jumped up directly from the street outside, swung the hammer and was about to hit his half-brother hard.

But unfortunately, his hammer passed directly through the phantom body created by Loki, smashing Tony Stark's wine cabinet to pieces on the spot.

At the moment when his strength was withdrawn, the real Loki who was hiding in the darkness appeared instantly and inserted a sharp dagger directly into his good brother's waist.

It has to be said that although this guy has always been known as the number one mage in the nine realms, his fighting style is closer to that of an illusionist and assassin.

Especially when you use illusions to attract the enemy's attention, and then launch a sneak attack from behind, most people really can't guard against it.

Because his illusion cannot be seen through any scientific means.

Even if there are countless detection instruments installed on the suit, Iron Man still can't tell which one is the illusion and which one is the real thing.

"Thor, Thor, Thor, how many times have I told you, anger is a taboo in battle. It will make you lose your most basic judgment and become reckless and impulsive."

Loki slowly pulled out the blood-stained dagger from Thor's body, with a proud smile on his face.

"So this is what you want? To be king of a world devastated and destroyed by war? A king who doesn't get any respect or love from his subjects?"

Thor covered the wound with one hand to endure the pain and yelled.

Loki responded with a sneer: "How do you think Odin ascended to the throne?

And what makes the entire universe afraid to face Asgard?




Don't make me laugh!

That's just a disguise after he gets old!

I know it all now!

The Asgardian army once led by Odin was the most militant force in the entire universe, destroying countless planets and civilizations.

I'm just repeating what he did back then.

If you want to accuse me of this, then go have a good argument with that one-eyed old man first. "

"What? This is impossible! My father taught me to be a wise king. How could he be a warlike person? You must have made something wrong."

Thor obviously didn't believe this.

After all, Asgard has never launched a foreign war since his birth.

They even made a lot of concessions in order to maintain peace, which gave people the impression that they were even a little weak and could be bullied.

"Hmph! You are still as stupid and ignorant as ever."

Loki was obviously too lazy to talk nonsense to his brainless brother. He picked up the mind scepter and knocked it away, then added an energy ray.

Little Annie on the side saw this scene and immediately clapped her hands happily: "Okay, okay! Work hard! I support you in beating this stupid guy to death."

But Thor, the God of Thunder, was obviously not that fragile, and got up to fight with Loki a few seconds later.

The battle between the two directly destroyed everything on the top floor of the Stark Group Building.

The electric light released by the Meow Hammer collided with the rays of the Mind Stone, erupting into a dazzling light.

Seeing the little girl swinging her legs gently on the bar, Iron Man finally found the opportunity to come closer and asked in an uncertain tone: "Who are you?"

"Me? My name is Annie."

Little Annie said her name without thinking, her eyes never leaving the battle between Loki and Thor.

Because in her opinion, this is a very good learning opportunity.

He can learn some interesting illusion magic and tricks from Loki, so that he can use it on his brother Greya next time.

"So Annie, where are your parents? Why are you following Loki?" Tony Stark continued to probe cautiously.

"My father was negotiating a deal with a very powerful old man with a white beard, and I sneaked out while he wasn't paying attention.

As for Uncle Loki...

Don't you find his and Thor's fighting yet caring brotherly relationship interesting?

I also happen to have an annoying younger brother who is not very obedient, so I can learn two tricks to deal with him. "

At the end of the sentence, little Annie raised her little fists in a fierce manner.

Just when Iron Man wanted to continue talking, a Chitauri high-speed aircraft suddenly fell from the sky.

Followed by a Chitauri leader, who was wrapped in a heavy-duty power mecha, escorted by dozens of soldiers, he walked in through a window whose glass had been completely shattered and only an empty frame remained.

As soon as he appeared, he immediately shouted from Loki in an impatient tone: "What are you doing? My fleet has obviously arrived, why haven't you ordered an orbital bombing? Do you plan to wait for these primitive and backward earthlings?" Surrender yourself?"

"Shut up! Can't you see I'm busy?"

Loki rolled his eyes angrily and continued to use fake illusions to resist Thor's fierce attacks.

You must know that in terms of close combat, he is no match for this good brother, and he will be knocked to the ground if he is not careful.

Just when the Chitauri leader was enraged and wanted to issue a threat in the name of Thanos, little Annie, who had been pretending to be a good baby, finally took action.

Just a flash of lightning!

Including the leader and the dozens of soldiers accompanying him, they were suddenly twisted into twists by an invisible terrifying force.

Both the bones and the ceramic armor shattered in an instant with a horrifying sound, and dark blood spattered along the broken blood vessels, mixed with fallen eyeballs, spilled intestines and other internal organs.

The bloody and terrifying scene made both Iron Man and Black Widow feel numb.

Even Thor and Loki, who were fighting, stopped invariably and stared dumbly at the Chitauri corpses that seemed to be hung up and floating in the air.

As soon as they stopped, little Annie immediately became unhappy and shouted: "Fight! Why don't you fight? I'll help you get rid of the troublesome guy."

"This...did you do this?"

Tony Stark, who was nearest, shivered uncontrollably, his eyes filled with fear.

"Otherwise, who else could be there? Quick! Fight quickly! Don't worry, I won't let anyone disturb you." Little Annie promised with confidence.

But before Thor and Loki's brains could recover from the shutdown state, a roar came from far away and came closer.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!!!!!"


I saw a huge green figure smashing through the wall on the top floor of Stark Tower and rushing in, with endless anger and ferocity in his eyes.

You don't need to ask to know that Dr. Banner, who fell before, transformed into the Hulk as expected.

His arrival immediately made the already chaotic situation even more chaotic.

Just as Black Widow and Iron Man were frantically using their brains to find a solution, Little Annie suddenly threw a bear-shaped stuffed animal in her hand and shouted: "Go! Bite him!"


With an unusual and strange cry, the ordinary-looking and even a little ugly stuffed toy instantly transformed into a giant bear exuding black and purple energy, knocking the green guy out of the top floor of the building with a single swoop.

The two struggled and beat each other wildly in mid-air, and then hit the ground directly, collapsing a ten-story building.

Especially the giant bear, which grew in size at a speed visible to the naked eye after landing on the ground. It was so overwhelming that Hulk was pinned to the ground and unable to move.


The eyes of everyone present looking at little Annie changed.

They couldn't believe that such a cute and harmless little girl turned out to be many times more dangerous than Loki.

Especially Luo Ji himself, he was in a state of confusion and began to wonder what he had picked up.

The most important thing is that this girl seems to have mentioned that she also has a very powerful father...

Just when the scene started to become a little strange and silent, the Chitauri finally realized that their leader seemed to have been killed. The orbital attack arrays of all the warships in outer space orbit all began to charge, and it looked like there were suddenly more than one in the sky. Like countless stars.

At this moment, countless humans on earth began to pray, praying for a savior or god to save themselves.

Otherwise, in a few minutes, the civilization established by humans on the surface of the earth will be wiped out in an instant.

The Security Council and SHIELD asked Balthazar like crazy when the rescue fleet would arrive.

At this critical moment, dozens of even larger super battleships appeared out of thin air in outer space less than 1,500 kilometers away from the Chitauri fleet.

Although this distance is quite far on the ground, for interstellar warfare it is basically equivalent to being close to the face.

Before the other party could react, the huge black guns on the sides of all these battleships emitted bright and dazzling light.

Then the Chitauri fleets broke apart and exploded under the indescribable terrifying impact, turning into huge fireworks burning in space.

In order to let governments and ordinary people on the earth deeply understand the cruelty of interstellar war, Zuo Si directly mobilized more than twenty super-enhanced and modified versions of the Glory Queen-class battleships of the Human Empire in the Warhammer Universe.

Not only that, there are also many Guardian-class motherships of the Tau, which have also been strengthened and transformed by Shimmer Oil.

After a salvo of macro cannons, millions of high-speed space drone attack aircraft were released one after another, rushing like dark clouds toward the Chitauri fleet that was completely in chaos.

Main weapons such as light spears and star destroyer cannons were fired like crazy for free, not caring whether they would hit their own unmanned attack aircraft.

Almost at the moment of launching the attack, the traditional gang-hopping combat inside the battleship was also going on simultaneously.

The Devil Astartes Legion, with the Completed Hell Fiend as its commander, shouted slogans such as "Loyalty", "For the Glory of the Ninth Level of Baator Hell", "Victory Belongs to the Great Prince of Hell Soth", and directly launched similar attacks. The magical ability is transmitted to the enemy's shielded warship, and the weapon with a "dissociation" effect after hitting is wielded to kill.

Although the Chitauri have obtained a series of advanced technologies such as ceramite, protective force field generators, and energy shields under the secret control of the diary, their ability to protect against magic is basically zero.

When those big swords, broadswords and giant axes hit the body, the super protective capabilities that made the Avengers feel troublesome were completely ineffective, and they would immediately turn into green powder together with the powered mechas.

What's more, these guys have extremely poor melee combat skills. How can they possibly defeat the Devil Astartes who have a series of specialties such as Cleave, Great Cleave, Mastery of Initiative, Iron Will, Multi-Attack, Powerful Attack, etc.

Many Chitauri soldiers would immediately be affected by the aura of fear and flee when they came into contact with it.

Various fire damage spell-like abilities can be thrown away easily, and there is no need to worry about accidentally injuring friendly troops (because devils are completely immune to fire damage).

If necessary, they can also summon low-level devils from Baator Hell to serve as cannon fodder.

It didn't take long for several of the Chitauri's main warships to be completely occupied, and then they began to turn their guns to attack the former friendly forces.

The huge fleets of both sides continued to engage in fierce exchanges of fire along the earth's orbit. Every once in a while, battleships and wreckage that lost power would be captured by the planet's gravity, and then fall into the atmosphere and fall to the ground at extremely fast speeds.

If it falls in an uninhabited area or in the suburbs, it will at most damage farmland or roads and cause basically no casualties.

But if it falls in a city, it often means that it will be severely damaged within a radius of more than ten kilometers, and there will be countless casualties.

The most terrible thing is that those Chitauri who do not die when the battleship is scrapped will enter the atmosphere and leave in their escape capsules and aircraft, and then rush into the city to cause destruction.

"Is this an interstellar war?!"

Nick Fury stood on the flight deck of the space aircraft carrier and looked up at the spectacular fleet firefight in the sky. His whole body was immersed in unparalleled shock.

Because he originally thought that the so-called space fleet should be similar to an aircraft carrier formation, with a few to a dozen spaceships at best.

But the battle that is now breaking out in the outer orbit of the earth is completely beyond the limits of what people on earth can imagine.

Especially the first round of macro artillery salvo fired from the side of the Glory Queen-class battleship. Any hit on the earth will make a super metropolis like New York disappear from the map in an instant.

But the reinforcement fleet fired hundreds of rounds at once!

Such powerful firepower failed to completely eliminate the Chitauri fleet.

Many shells were intercepted by protective shields and deflection fields.

"Yes, this is interstellar war.

Do you now understand how stupid and ridiculous your previous behavior was?

Do you think that mastering the technology of drawing power from the cosmic cube to create energy weapons will give the earth the ability to resist alien attacks?

Don't be naive!

In the eyes of real interstellar civilizations, your weapons are almost no different from how you now view those primitive tribes in the jungle who use spears and bows and arrows.

Except for Thor, the rest of your Avengers are not even qualified to participate in an interstellar war. "

Igvirvo obviously sensed the wavering in Director Lu Dan's heart and took the opportunity to crazily attack his self-confidence.

Because she can feel the darkness and evil hidden in the other person's heart, and desires to shape him into the second Alexander Pierce.

When two extremely evil guys fight within S.H.I.E.L.D., the scene will be too exciting and interesting.

"Then why hasn't the earth been invaded by other alien civilizations before?" Nick Fury asked without looking back.


Really not?

Have you forgotten the frost giant defeated by Odin?

Without the protection of Asgard, the earth would have long become an extremely cold world covered with snow and ice.

Added to this are the Kree who tracked the Skrulls to Earth.

The reason why they did not launch a large-scale attack was simply because they were scared away by Captain Marvel's powerful combat power.

So it's not that there are no alien civilizations invading, but that the earth has already been marked.

Some are afraid of the Asgardian realm and believe that the earth is one of the nine realms under Odin's rule;

Others know the existence of the Supreme Mage Ancient One and understand that there is a powerful mage on earth who can fight against the dimensional demon.

Unfortunately, these two protective umbrellas will soon disappear.

Odin, the King of Gods, has entered his twilight years and will die completely in a few years, and the prophecy of Ragnarok will make Asgard unable to take care of itself.

The life of the Supreme Mage Ancient One will also come to an end, and the person who replaces her will not have the power to fight against the Dimension Demon in a short time.

As for Captain Marvel, whom you regard as your trump card, in front of a truly strong man, he is just a strong ant that can be crushed to death at any time.

So only the Master can protect this planet and your civilization forever. "

When saying these words, Igvirvo obviously used some magic with strong psychological implications.

Nick Fury, who originally felt guilty for making a big mistake, was instantly caught. He took a deep breath and sighed: "Okay, maybe you are right. There is no way out on the earth today. We just have to There is only one way forward."

"Yes, that's it."

Igvirvo pursed his lips and revealed a playful smile.

Because she got another interesting toy.

Sarevok obviously noticed this crazy woman's little movements and showed a look of disdain.

Balthazar remained calm as always, planning to shake off all Igvirvo's little moves when he saw Zuo Si.

In this way, the fleet and Chitauri teleported directly from Baator Hell hit the ground from space.

Although more reinforcements poured out of the wormhole, the latter obviously no longer had the capital to turn defeat into victory.

As the first wave of teleported fleets suffered a devastating blow, the wormhole was already surrounded by Glory Queen-class battleships.

The unmanned fighter jets of the Guardian-class mothership went directly through the wormhole and launched a suicide charge towards the enemy.

Their goal is not to cause much killing and destruction, but to crash into the Chitauri warships and then inject the glow oil they carry inside.

It won't be long before the battleships and Chitauri transformed by the Shimmering Oil will turn from enemies into our own.

Just as the whole world was paying close attention to the changes in the war situation, Zuo Si finally completed the signing of the contract with Odin and asked with a satisfied smile on his face: "We are considered allies now, right?"

Odin nodded without thinking: "Yes, we are allies now, and I can finally relax and prepare for the funeral. I have to say, compared with other dimensional demon gods who are keen on destruction and devouring, you are simply It’s just a breath of fresh air.”

"I think this may have something to do with my experience as a mortal.

After all, only mortals can experience the pain of birth, old age, illness and death that mortals experience.

As long as fundamental interests are not involved, I never mind making the lives of ordinary people in the world under my rule and influence better.

This complex feeling is something you, who were born as gods, will never be able to understand.

Moreover, the act of destruction itself has no technical content and is despicable. "

Zuo Si explained half-truthfully.

"Are you saying that I have no sympathy for mortals?"

Odin glanced at the devastated cities around him and the fleets fighting fiercely in outer space above his head. Even though he knew that millions or even tens of millions of people had been lost on the earth, his old face remained unmoved.

Because he was originally an extremely cold tyrant.

Not to mention mere earthlings, he doesn't care about the lives of people from Asgard.

He even said "no matter how much he sacrifices" when the dark elves attacked Asgard.

Imprisoning the eldest daughter Hela also reveals her unscrupulous character to achieve her goals.

Zuo Si chuckled and replied: "No, because we are the same kind of people to a certain extent.

So I am not qualified to accuse you of being unsympathetic.

But in comparison, I can at least understand what ordinary people are thinking and what they desire.

This makes it easier for me to unearth the dark sides of human nature such as evil, selfishness, and greed.

And you, you simply suppressed all objections with your absolute power.

This was the case with Hela in the past, and it is the same with Thor and Loki now.

You don't bother to understand other people's thoughts, you just need their obedience.

I think Bane, the god of tyranny in another universe, must have a lot in common with you.

Because you are also a born tyrant. "

"Hmph! Then I hope you can handle the relationship between your daughter and son. You know, at such an early age, Thor and Loki love each other like brothers."

After saying that, Odin directly used some kind of magic unique to Asgard and disappeared.

Zuo Si looked at the place where the other party left and joked with a faint smile: "Please don't worry, I am more professional than you in educating children..."

Before he could finish his words, he suddenly realized that his daughter, who was playing alone nearby not long ago, was missing.

"Huh? Annie—where did you go?"

Zuo Si instantly used divine-like magic to locate the naughty little guy, but found that he was interfered with and blocked by the same force.

Obviously, little Annie used her quasi-divine power to "blacklist" him.

As an "old father", Zuo Si sighed helplessly, took out a planeswalker card and instantly summoned hundreds of millions of micro bionic drones, and began to search for traces of his daughter around the world.

The only thing to be grateful for is that little Annie has not yet ignited the planeswalker spark like Greia did.

Otherwise, if you go to some unknown time and space, you won't even be able to find it.

In fact, another consideration for equipping the mentally immature daughter with the Son of Superman Guards is to confirm the location of little Annie by locating them.

But it is a pity that this guard has not been brought here at all.

With the same divine power, little Annie obviously noticed that she was being detected by prophecy magic in an instant. Her face that was proud one second turned panicked the next, and she ignored the weird looks in the eyes of other people around her and directly I jumped off the bar and wanted to run away.

"Hey! Kid, where are you going?"

Iron Man couldn't help shouting.

"Father is coming to arrest me! I have to run! Otherwise I will be punished if I am caught."

Before she finished speaking, the girl jumped off the edge of the Stark Group Building.

Out of a subconscious reaction, everyone immediately rushed over and looked down.

As a result, we saw little Annie releasing an unknown spell in mid-air, using pure arcane energy to shape a giant dragon, sitting on the dragon's back and flying towards the Atlantic Ocean at extremely fast speeds.

The bear on the ground who was still fighting the Hulk just now saw his little master running away. He immediately left his opponent behind and stepped on the road continuously, destroying hundreds of cars and several buildings. Then he jumped up and turned into a stuffed toy. He was grabbed by the girl.


A figure appeared out of thin air directly in front of the dragon and asked in a joking tone: "My dear daughter, where are you going?"

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