A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 743 The People’s Federation is established (a 10,000-word chapter, please subscribe)

There is no doubt that for any scientific researcher, shimmering oil is something that can be called a "miracle" or even a "miracle".

Because it eliminates the characteristics of infection and perfection, it can directly create almost any substance and material regardless of scarcity, and can also realize all technologies you can imagine.

Especially after Zuo Si himself and Ogma, the God of Knowledge, carried out many rounds of strengthening and transformation, every drop of shimmering oil actually contains more than hundreds of variants with different functions.

These variants will cooperate with each other under unified management to complete extremely complex and sophisticated work.

You must know that although the shimmering oil in the Yawgmoth era also has certain repair functions, it is absolutely impossible to reconstruct the energy reactor of a space battleship in just a few minutes as it is now, let alone just decompose one. A sample can be copied instantly into hundreds or even thousands of copies.

If the basic concept of using shimmering oil in old Phyrexia is to achieve the perfect unity of body and machinery, then Zuo Si's concept of using new shimmering oil is to continuously learn, evolve, and upgrade, becoming the carrier of all knowledge and technology, and being able to follow the One's own will can change everything in the world and even create everything out of thin air.

Especially after the launch of the hyperspace beacon tower, Shuoyou has actually entered billions of time spaces and universes.

And there are even more civilizations that have discovered and begun to utilize it.

But these civilizations did not realize that when they enjoyed the prosperity and convenience brought by Shuoyou, Shuoyou also recorded all their knowledge and technology, and then was brought back to Mutahar Floating City and Ba by the perfected Planeswalker. To the ninth level of hell.

To some extent, this is an out-and-out win-win model.

Those civilizations that obtained and used the Glimmering Oil enjoyed the benefits brought about by the explosion of unlimited resources and technology, while New Phyrexia was able to continuously exploit each other's inventions and creations in the process of self-development.

The only serious disparity is that all these civilizations that accept Shio Oil and use it as the basis for development have actually become playthings in Zuo Si's hands.

As long as he is willing, he can complete the entire civilization at any time and become the vanguard of his own invasion of that time and space.

So since he had castrated the infective properties of Shuoyou, Zuo Si actually didn't mind anyone or force studying and using it.

When Iron Man and Dr. Banner came to ask what the black viscous liquid was, he gave all the information about the shimmer oil very straightforwardly.

"So this should actually be considered a product of some kind of combination of magic and technology?"

Tony Stark asked with his eyes shining slightly.

Because this is exactly the area he has been studying recently.

"To be precise, it is a creation of God. Because the ancient planeswalkers who originally created the Shimmering Oil are no different from gods. They can create and destroy time and space with just one thought." Zuo Si corrected with a smile.

"That's it. No wonder all scientific methods and even electron microscopes cannot observe its specific internal structure."

Dr. Banner also showed a look of realization.

As a genius with seven advanced degrees, he used various methods to try to observe and analyze Shuoyou, but in the end, all failed without exception.

At first, he thought this was due to the earth's insufficient technological level.

But now it seems that it is the characteristics of Shuoyou that determine that understanding it from a scientific perspective is far from enough.

In other words, it is not strictly a substance or a simple nano-programmable material, but a divine creation between energy and matter.

Its own existence transcends the "objective" itself, and is somewhat tinged with idealism such as spirit and soul.

"Then how can we use it?" Iron Man asked, leaning forward slightly.

It is easy to see from the strong desire flashing in his eyes that even though he knew that using the oil could have very serious consequences, he still couldn't help but want to immerse himself in it like a moth to a flame.

Perhaps it is because he firmly believes that he can completely control Shuoyou with his intelligence, or perhaps because as a scientist, his strong thirst for knowledge and instinct make him unable to resist such a "miracle".

In short, Tony Stark decided to embrace Shimmer instead of rejecting it.

Zuo Si smiled and replied: "It's very simple, there are two methods.

One is that you accept the transformation of Shimo Oil and integrate yourself with it, just like the modified mice you have in the laboratory;

Another way is to use the power of magic.

I once invented a spell to control shimmering oil.

Anyone who masters it can gain partial control over the shimmering oil.

In addition, Shuoyou will also respond to some external stimuli.

You can slowly try and summarize the rules, and it won't take long to apply them to your own technology field.

However, I suggest that before doing so, it would be best to inform SHIELD and the Security Council.

After all, once you integrate shimmering oil into the existing technological system of the earth, you will 100% become completely dependent on it like an addiction to narcotics.

This means that the survival of the entire human civilization depends on my thoughts. "

Hearing these words, Iron Man, instead of showing any fear, couldn't help laughing and mocking himself: "It's as if the life and death of human civilization is no longer in your mind.

Just that huge fleet docked in the outer orbit of the earth could probably blow up the entire earth hundreds of times.

If you want to destroy us, you don't have to go to all this trouble.

Instead of worrying about this, it is better to worry about those malicious alien civilizations in the universe.

What's more, mastering Shuoyou is basically equivalent to having unlimited resources.

Coupled with powerful technology and magic, you can create as many such planets as you want. "

It has to be said that Tony Stark is indeed one of the few truly smart people in the universe.

When he learned about Shuoyou's ability, he immediately realized that the planet under his feet was nothing to Zuo Si.

After all, the universe is so big. There are 100 to 400 billion stars in just one galaxy, and the number of planets is as countless as the gravel on the beach.

The Milky Way is just a member of the Local Group of galaxies, which belongs to the Virgo Supercluster, and above it is the famous Laniakea Supercluster.

Among them, the Laniakea Supercluster includes almost 100,000 galaxies, covering an area of ​​more than 520 million light-years, and the total mass is 100,000 times that of the Milky Way.

But it is such a huge astronomical scale that ordinary people cannot imagine, and it cannot even be ranked in the top ten in the existing observable universe of mankind.

For example, the Pisces-Cetus supercluster complex is a celestial body with a diameter of one billion light-years. There are more than a dozen galaxies like the Laniakea supercluster in it.

Therefore, the earth, the mother planet that is extremely sacred and precious in the eyes of human beings, may only be equivalent to a beautiful pebble on the roadside with some collectible value in the eyes of a real super interstellar civilization, nothing more.

Especially after seeing the star map on the Chitauri spacecraft, Iron Man's vision was completely opened, and he realized that the advanced technologies he was proud of were just children's toys.

After all, no matter how powerful the steel armor is, can it still compare to the terrifying light spear that burns through the core of the planet?

Do not make jokes!

Even the most powerful nano-steel armor developed later was only used to scrape and remove dust from the surface of the earth's crust.

So Tony Stark is now starting to learn magic and wants to further enhance his combat power through enchantments and other methods.

Especially to avoid being affected by those advanced electronic interference and destruction methods, causing the entire armor auxiliary control system to shut down in an instant.

Zuo Si pursed his lips and praised with a playful expression: "Haha, that's right, I like talking to smart people like you.

Because it can save a lot of unnecessary words.

But unfortunately, there are always only a few truly smart people.

More of a bunch of guys who think they are smart.

They always think that they are chess players who can control everything in the sky, but they do not realize that they are actually just a chess piece. "

"Are you referring to Nick Fury?"

There was naked and undisguised schadenfreude in Iron Man's tone.

He had heard, and the Security Council began ordering Maria Hill to take over all of Director Lu Dan's duties.

If nothing else happens, the latter may really have to go to court to face trial, and conservatively estimates that he will have to spend at least ten years in prison.

After all, someone has to stand up and take responsibility for such a global disaster.

As the promoter of the Cosmic Cube project, Nick Fury is undoubtedly the most suitable candidate.

The most important thing is that the Skyward Sword Bureau, his previous important bargaining chip in the game with the Security Council, was killed with one shot when the Chitauri fleet arrived, and it was completely useless.

Even the pager used to summon Captain Marvel was forcibly taken away.

Obviously, after all the Avengers members learned the truth of this incident, not even one person was willing to stand up and say a good word for Director Lu Dan.

Just the opposite!

They all felt that Nick Fury fully deserved his crime, and even the death penalty was not an exaggeration.

"No, I mean all those clowns who stand on stage and show off their little cleverness.

For example, General Ross, who once ordered the hunt for Dr. Banner.

He even privately hoped that I could provide some support and wanted to obtain a general position in the future People's Alliance Army.

In return, he is willing to become my disciple and obey every command I give.

How about it, doesn’t it sound interesting?

In the past two days, I have met no less than hundreds of similar people, including many of them the supreme head of state of a country. "

When saying these words, Zuo Si showed undisguised sarcasm on his face.

Because the Chitauri's huge fleet has left too many profound and painful lessons for all countries on Earth, the Security Council officially proposed to transform the United Nations into the "United Nations with a Shared Future for Mankind," or the "Union of Humanity" for short.

Unlike the relatively loose United Nations, this is a paramilitary organization with mandatory binding force.

The participating countries either pay high military expenses to obtain asylum, or hand over the command of part of their own military and submit to the training and command of the People's Federation.

To put it bluntly, it is to draw financial and human resources from other countries, and the Security Council will come forward to form an Earth Defense Force.

Otherwise, if there is another incident like alien invasion, the People's Federation will have no obligation to protect non-member countries.

Although the devil has promised to help the earth repel all powerful enemies that humans cannot cope with on their own, even some remaining stragglers can cause huge damage to many countries with little military power.

The most typical example is the Chitauri soldiers this time.

It only takes dozens or even a dozen people to suppress the regiment-level professional army, which has no ability to fight back at all.

Therefore, except for a very small number of completely ruined regimes, the rest basically choose to join it. Otherwise, in the current public opinion environment, no one can bear the label of "traitor".

In order to make the participating countries that contributed money feel that their efforts were worth it, the Security Council ordered SHIELD to specially arrange some important personnel to come and meet Zuo Si, the dimensional demon.

However, the performance of these powerful people is really hard to describe.

Maybe it was the evil aura exuded by Zuo Si that affected him, or maybe it was the aura of the great devil that amplified the greedy and evil side of human nature.

In short, many people are trying to offer various conditions, and even directly express their willingness to sacrifice the entire population of the country. If they want to obtain a young body, strong strength and eternal life, it can be described as ugly.

They thought they had bargaining chips in their hands, but little did they know that these chips already belonged to the Security Council.

Iron Man obviously didn't like these dirty politicians at all, and couldn't help but laugh mockingly.

"Ha ha ha ha!

Sometimes I really have to admire their stupidity.

Dealing with a demon who controls endless resources and endless time and space?

I really don’t know where these guys get the courage.

Especially that General Ross.

I met Dr. Banner once when he first became the Hulk.

He is a typical stubborn, arrogant old white man with a head full of Cold War mentality and racism.

I really don't understand that he caused such a big mess and killed and injured thousands of civilians, but he didn't end up in a military court. "

“The law has always been for the powerless.

Who among the truly powerful people would really take the law seriously?

Unless his power is not big enough and his wealth is not enough.

Do you think General Ross represents himself?


He is the executor elected by the huge interest groups behind the military.

In fact, the darkness hidden in this country that claims to be free and democratic is far beyond your imagination.

As the lord of the ninth level of Baator Hell, I can even smell the evil and depravity emanating from their souls from a distance. "

After saying that, Zuo Si raised the cup and raised his head to drink the dark red liquid in one gulp. His eyes flashed with a fascinating light, and the wine stains left from the corners of his mouth looked as frightening as blood.

"Then you have to entertain them well when they go to hell, and try to find ways to make these damn scum suffer a little more." Tony Stark suggested in a half-joking tone.

"Believe me, no one knows better than me what to do with such a soul."

Zuo Si grinned with a meaningful smile.

What kind of soul can survive the longest in the giant cyberpunk city he founded and rules?

The answer is those souls who have not lost their conscience and become completely depraved.

Because they are not yet completely evil and depraved enough to be harvested,

On the contrary, those souls who have done extremely bad things during their lifetime and are worthy of being sent to the torture chamber basically only need a little more in-depth processing before they can start to squeeze out energy.

Seeing that the conversation between the two was getting darker and darker, Banner finally couldn't help but interrupt: "By the way, where is your lovely daughter, little Annie? Is she still in solitary confinement?"

Zuo Si shook his head and responded: "No, she was released last night.

Currently, he is studying the magic of this universe with the Supreme Mage Ancient One at Kama Taj.

Also, if nothing else, I'm leaving.

After all, in another universe, I am still at war with several gods.

You must know that they are not as easy to deal with as the Chitauri. "

"Are you at war with the gods?"

Iron Man was visibly taken aback.


You can understand the opposition between camps caused by differences in values, concepts and thinking.

Just like vegetarians on the streets often clash with carnivores, and anarchists clash with the police.

Gods in that world are often very extreme, and they will be very hostile to existences that are contrary to their own ideals.

So when I become an extraordinary god-like power, I will naturally have corresponding enemies.

Don't worry, I can handle small situations like this. "

After saying that, Zuo Si stood up and prepared to activate the teleportation magic to leave.

He doesn't have time to play the Game of Thrones with these earthly politicians.

Now that the minor trouble of the Chitauri invasion has been resolved, and a contract has been signed with Odin, the rest of the trivial matters can be left to the Perfection Pit Fiends to handle.

Just when the radiance of arcane energy began to shine, the door that had been closed was suddenly pushed open, and Coulson, who had moved back a little while looking at his hairline, hurried in, out of breath. shouted: "No...no good! Many important things and experimental data in that Chitauri warship were stolen."

"What? Who did it!"

Tony Stark jumped up from the couch.

As one of the participants, he was very aware of how many things inside that huge battleship could subvert the world.

Whether it's antimatter or scintillating oil, or those almost invulnerable ceramic power mechas plus protective force field deflection devices, once acquired by a terrorist organization, it will definitely cause an outright disaster.

"Sorry, the specific situation is not clear yet.

But what is certain is that the site was attacked.

There are so many important scientists and their research projects that have been robbed.

I've called Captain, Natasha, and Hawkeye, who is undergoing psychological treatment, to come over immediately. "

Coulson told everything he knew.

It is not difficult to see from the tense face how panicked he was at the moment.

You know, this is a slap in the face of the People's Federation and SHIELD.

Moreover, the timing of the opponent's capture was very subtle. It happened to be stuck in the gap between Nick Fury's loss of power and Maria Hill before she had time to sort out this huge, complex and secret-filled system. Everything was in the chaos of the handover process.

What's even more terrible is that all the people who were kidnapped and the things that were lost are enough to cause huge waves internationally.

Especially the one-ton antimatter, which completely shocked the representatives of the Security Council.

Coulson almost peed his pants when he first heard the news.

Because if this thing were made into a bomb, the earth would probably be wiped out with a bang.

"Fake! Are those guards eating shit?"

Iron Man was so angry that he was shaking all over. Without saying a word, he pulled Dr. Banner and ran outside.

But Zuo Si didn't react at all to this, let alone responded to Coulson's expectant eyes, and directly used teleportation magic to disappear.

Because he knows that there is only one force that can do such outrageous things at this time, and that is Hydra hidden within SHIELD, so there is no need to worry at all.

After all, Hydra's goal is to become the absolute ruler of the earth, not to blow up the entire planet like an oversized firework.

The fact was just as Zuo Si expected.

Under the careful planning of Alexander Pierce, the Winter Soldier Bucky led the assault team and cooperated with the summoned demons inside and outside, and easily took down the guards around the battleship.

Not only that! They also kidnapped important scientists in an orderly manner, and at the same time took away a large number of alien devices, weapons, powered mechas, research materials, and a full ton of antimatter.

At present, they have evaded all radars and spy satellites and successfully arrived in Sokovia, a small and remote landlocked country in Eastern Europe.

This is the secret base of Baron Strucker, another important snakehead of Hydra.

Compared with Alexander Pierce, who was active in North America, he was obviously the most suitable candidate to receive these and conduct research.

It has to be said that although the various snakeheads of Hydra like to compete for power and gain secretly, they are very united in actual actions, and there is no situation where they are selfish at all.

Seeing the items unloaded from the Quinjet and the people walking out, Baron Strucker fell into uncontrollable ecstasy and said directly to Sitwell: "Help me convey my gratitude to Alexander Pierce. . Tell him that I will definitely live up to his trust, and will definitely develop more powerful weapons and equipment, and ultimately achieve the organization's grand goal."

"You are too kind, Your Excellency Baron. Within Hydra, there is no other person besides you who can lead such a large scientific research team."

Sitwell raised the corners of his mouth with a proud expression.

Because now that Nick Fury is no longer the biggest obstacle, the entire S.H.I.E.L.D. is a complete sieve from top to bottom, and members of Hydra can operate unscrupulously.

While the two were talking, a young brother and sister were hiding in the dark and observing everything.

They are none other than Scarlet Witch Wanda and Quicksilver Pietro, who were the experimental subjects of the Mind Scepter.

Seeing the busy scene outside and all kinds of goods that were quite shocking in terms of visual effects, Wanda couldn't help but ask at first: "What are these things? They look like the aliens that invaded the earth before." Starman is kind of similar.”

"I don't know, maybe they got some from somewhere and brought them back for research. Anyway, it has nothing to do with us."

Quicksilver shrugged his shoulders indifferently.

"That's right. By the way, did you have any special feeling when you touched that scepter last time?"

Wanda quickly turned her attention back from the outside.

Because as the time spent in contact with the spiritual scepter became longer and longer, she could always feel that something in her body was about to break out of its shell.

Quicksilver immediately shook his head: "No, I just feel like my reaction speed is much faster than before. Do you think that thing can really give us super powers?"

"Maybe. For us, this is the only chance. And the world is becoming more and more dangerous. Only by gaining powerful power can we survive better."

After saying that, Wanda, who was not yet a teenager, revealed a trace of sadness and helplessness in her eyes.

Although technically speaking, both brothers and sisters voluntarily joined Hydra's experiments, in fact they had no choice.

First of all, Sokovia has been completely secretly controlled by Hydra. Secondly, they were just children when their parents were killed, even though they are only thirteen or fourteen years old now.

With no financial income and no guardian to care for him, what else can he do except join Hydra's extremely dangerous experiment?

At least here you can get food, clothes, and a place to sleep.

"Do you think those huge alien creatures on TV are really the allies and saviors of mankind?" Quicksilver asked with interest.

"At least they fought off the Chitauri and protected us. Okay, don't ask so much, we'd better go back and eat something and rest for a while, otherwise we'll have to endure the severe pain again when the experiment starts."

The girl Wanda smoothed her long hair hanging down from her ears, ducked down and sneaked back to the dormitory with only one bed along the corridor.

She didn't realize at all that there was a pair of eyes watching her in the dark.

"Interesting. Is this the only Scarlet Witch on Earth who Master mentioned is the only one who masters Chaos Magic? Maybe I should give her a little guidance so that she can better develop the huge potential hidden in her soul."

Igvirvo slowly emerged from the shadows, his eyes revealing strong excitement and anticipation.

With her attainments in the field of magic, it is naturally impossible for her not to be able to sense the magic power of Wanda as a natural witch, as well as the huge demonic mark in her soul.

It’s just that the Witch Queen doesn’t understand why Kama Taj’s supreme mage Ancient One turns a blind eye to Wanda?

Even he could sense it, but there was no reason why Gu Yi couldn't.

But Igvirvo soon put this question behind him.

Because she couldn't wait to do some unknown secret experiments on this ignorant girl.

I'm afraid Alexander Pierce would never have imagined that the demons he summoned were the spies of his cheap teacher.

If the entire S.H.I.E.L.D. is completely exposed to Hydra's surveillance, then Hydra is under the watchful eye of Iggwiver, and there is no so-called secret at all.

To be precise, Hydra is more like a toy in Igvirvu's hands.

At the same time, far away in the square of the magical holy land of Kama Taj, a master was leading his apprentices to slowly box, so that the body and spirit could reach a certain state of harmony and unity.

Little Annie, who had just been released, was also imitating and learning from the team.

Soon after the boxing ended and everyone began to practice absorbing energy to shape shields, whips, and open portals, her terrifying magical talent finally emerged.

Others may need to learn magic for several months or even years, but in Little Annie's eyes, as long as they see it once, they will be able to master it and use it freely.

She didn't even need any movement, just a thought and all the magic was under her control.

"Your daughter is the most terrifyingly talented spellcaster I have ever seen.

Perhaps he has surpassed the first-generation supreme mage and now the trinity of demon gods named Weishan Emperor - Agamotto.

Her future is simply limitless.

Are you sure you really don't want her to take over from me and become the next generation of Supreme Mage? "

When he said these words, Gu Yi's eyes revealed irrepressible affection.

Zuo Si rolled his eyes angrily: "Let her be the supreme mage?

How dare you think so!

Believe it or not, if your front foot is dead and your back foot is dead, the whole earth will be disturbed?

Let’s just wait for Stephen Strange to take over.

I don't want to have to clean up her mess when the time comes. "

Gu Yi patiently explained: “You are too prejudiced against your daughter.

In other words, it is the tendency towards order that causes you to dislike people around you that you cannot control.

You should be more tolerant of her.

Little Annie is like the embodiment of a secret law, and her thoughts and actions are bound to be highly unpredictable.

This is determined by the nature of her life and strength and will not change as her mind matures.

If you don't mind, you can keep her with me for a while. "

"you sure?"

Zuo Si raised his eyebrows in surprise.

Because he found that the Supreme Mage really had a way of dealing with his weird daughter.

At least it can keep it quiet and not cause damage.

Gu Yi smiled and nodded: "Of course, I'm very sure. You can rest assured that I will send you a message if something really happens."

"In that case, thank you very much. I will send her bodyguard over later."

Zuo Si agreed without even thinking.


Someone is willing to help take care of and teach naughty children. Is there any need to hesitate about such a good thing?

"You're welcome. I was actually lucky to meet this child in my final moments."

Having said that, Gu Yi ignored Zuo Si and walked straight to Little Annie to demonstrate a complex and advanced compound magic that stunned other mages around him. First, he directly created countless clones, and then performed another one for each clone. Different spells.

Little Annie's pupils flashed with purple light for an instant, and then it was copied exactly the same in less than a few seconds.

Suddenly everyone exclaimed uncontrollably.

As the direct disciple of Ancient One, Modu was even more shocked, revealing indescribable envy and jealousy, so that the expression on his face was distorted.

Because this talent is what he desperately desires but can never obtain.

Zuo Si obviously noticed Modu's reaction and smiled indifferently without any expression at all.

Because he believed that if this guy wanted to do something to his daughter, he would definitely die miserably.

Little Annie is not one of those innocent and kind-hearted children, and she will never be soft on those who show hostility.

"Master, I have something to tell you."

Balthazar suddenly appeared behind him and whispered in a low voice.

"Oh? What is it?"

Zuo Si asked without looking back.

The divine monk hurriedly replied: "It's Iggwilf. She is not only teaching the top leaders of Hydra, including Alexander Pierce, how to gain power and summon demons through sacrifice, but she is also eyeing Wanda, the Scarlet Witch, and secretly Lee used magical suggestion on Nick Fury."

"What does she want?"

Zuo Si continued to ask questions calmly.

He was undoubtedly mentally prepared for the Witch Queen to cause trouble.

After all, none of the legendary mages from the chaotic evil camp and closely related to demons are mentally sane, and they are all more or less crazy.

"I have no idea.

But from a personality perspective, most likely he just wants to have some fun.

For example, let Nick Fury fall into darkness and fight with Hydra within S.H.I.E.L.D., fight and bleed with each other.

As for Wanda the Scarlet Witch, she should have developed a strong interest in the power she possesses, especially Chaos Magic. "

Balthazar sold out Igvirvo very simply.

"Sigh - these guys really don't make me worry at all.

Now that Alexander Pierce has been infected by the Abyss and demons, he is no longer qualified to continue leading Hydra.

Find an opportunity to find a talented person within Hydra for me, and then give this "Devil's Book" to him or her.

Hydra must remain lawful evil and must not fall into the chaotic alignment.

Also, give Igvirfu a warning to stay away from Wanda.

Sithorn, the god of the underworld, is not as useless as Dormammu. I don’t really want to face off against this powerful god of black magic just yet. "

As the last word blurted out, Zuo Si used his great devil ability to create a magic book with a red cover and burning flames out of thin air.

As for the content inside, you know without asking that it is about how to summon the devil and how to obtain power from the devil through a contract.

Even ordinary people without any talent may obtain professional levels such as warlocks and priests.

"Understood, I know what to do."

Balthazar took the "Devil's Book" and immediately released the teleportation magic and disappeared.

As long as there is a clear order from Zuo Si, he can naturally restrain Igwilf, a guy who is extremely restless and likes to cause trouble.

While Zuo Si was busy dealing with the aftermath, the other side of the distant universe.

The Chitauri who were lucky enough to escape were defeated, and their newly elected leader was kneeling in front of Thanos. He told the overlord the reasons for his failure with a look of fear on his face, and put most of the blame on Los Angeles. On Ji's body.

Because their losses this time were so heavy, it had almost nothing to do with the annihilation of the group.

Especially the battleships that were injected with sparkling oil suddenly turned into enemies one after another in the next ten or twenty hours.

"So the Earth, which seems to have no defense, has actually been protected?" Thanos asked, holding his cheek with one hand.

"Yes, my lord.

The fleet that appeared out of thin air and the thousands of monsters that jumped into the cabin to fight were all too powerful.

Far beyond what we can resist.

Even ceramite armor will instantly turn into green powder after being hit by a melee weapon. "

The new leader of the Chitauri knelt on the ground and trembled as he answered.

"What about Asgard? Didn't they take any action?"

The expression on Thanos's face was neither sad nor happy, as if his previous failure and the loss of the Mind Stone among the Infinity Stones had nothing to do with him.

This state of mind alone is enough to prove that he is a real strong man, not a loser who is unable to recover after suffering a little failure and setback.

The leader replied with a wry smile: "No. Asgard's only response was to send Thor. However, his role in this war was very limited."

"Interesting, Odin actually didn't react at all to the fact that there was another protector of the earth. It's really not like his style." Thanos muttered to himself, touching his huge chin.

Based on this alone, he could smell some unusual smells.

"Father, do you need me to go to Earth to investigate?" Gamora stepped forward and asked.

Thanos smiled and waved his hand: "No, no need. I have got the information I want. Now is not the time to attack the earth. Let them enjoy a short period of peace. Because if nothing happens, Odin, the King of the Gods, probably doesn’t have a few more years to live.”

"So what do we do now?"

Xingyun was obviously unwilling to be robbed of the limelight by her sister and immediately stood up and wanted to express herself.

As for the little thoughts of his two daughters, Thanos has naturally seen it for a long time. He gently knocked on the armrest of the throne and said: "It's very simple. My next goal is to find the cosmic spirit ball. No matter who it is, as long as he can find it, Either it or provide corresponding clues, you can get huge rewards from me."

"You mean... to put a bounty on the entire universe?"

Nebula keenly grasped the key.

"Yes. Post a bounty and tell all the looters, mercenaries, and bounty hunters that this is your chance to make a fortune."

Thanos gave the order with a wave of his hand.

It can be seen from this that he is undoubtedly very good at using other forces to achieve his own goals.

"This time I will take the lead and come back with the cosmic spirit ball before you do, sister."

Nebula stared at Gamora with a provocative tone.

The long-term failure in competition made her eager to win against the opponent more than ever.

"Hmph! If I were you, I wouldn't have such confidence after failing so many times."

Gamora sneered softly, then turned and walked outside.

Nebula, not to be outdone, chased after him and got into his spaceship.

In this way, a pair of unrelated adopted daughters of Thanos set out on their own journey to find the Power Stone.

It didn't take long before countless forces and individuals were stimulated by the sky-high price of the bounty.

Among them is a guy named Star-Lord who plans to leave the comfort zone where he has lived for several days to try his luck.

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