A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 745 Thrall’s debut (a 10,000-word chapter, please subscribe)

“Because Thrall was adopted by humans when he was a baby.

He has experienced true love and affection, and is more humane than many humans.

At the same time, he was carefully trained by an ambitious nobleman as a commander or even a king while growing up, and he systematically studied combat, tactics, military strategy, politics, and history.

He then escaped from the place where he was imprisoned and learned a shamanic way that blended elements and nature with his lost tribesmen.

In the end, he took over the supreme leadership from another legendary orc leader and officially began to lead his people to find the road to self-salvation.

He led the orcs to attack the shelters established by humans, and rescued the fellow prisoners of war who only knew how to eat and sleep all day long, and gave them new goals and meaning of life, as well as the courage to fight against any enemy.

With only a small number of troops, the orc army under Thrall turned upside down in the heart of the human kingdom, fully demonstrating his talents in strategy and tactics.

If there is no interference from outside forces, he will become a well-deserved protagonist in that world, a person favored by fate in the true sense.

But unfortunately, Thrall met me in the end, and his life and the fate of the orcs were messed up.

Now, he will be my secret weapon against the orc gods. "

Zuo Si simply introduced Thrall's life to the Elf God next to him.

Although he didn't like orcs at all, he had to admire how talented this race was.

First, a leader like Orgrimmar Doomhammer emerged, and then there was a genius like Thrall who only appeared once in hundreds of years.

In addition, there are fearless and powerful warriors like Grom Hellscream and the Saurfang brothers, as well as wise men like Eitrigg and Drek'Thar who can see through the situation and make rational judgments.

That’s not even counting the beast-king Rexxar, a hybrid of orcs and ogres.

Not to mention Ner'zhul who became the Lich King and Gul'dan, the strongest warlock.

All in all, based on the population base of the orcs, this talent productivity rate is somewhat outrageous.

Even the little Hellscream, which is called the "brainless roar", actually did a pretty good job in the early stage in a strict sense, lifting the tribe from a weak position to a level where it could be on par with the Alliance and even had the upper hand for a time.

It's just that his personality is too extreme and he forgets that politics is an art of compromise, which ultimately leads to the intensification of conflicts within the tribe and more and more opponents.

In fact, except that he is not suitable to be the leader, he can make outstanding achievements in any position.

So Zuo Si has always felt that the orcs in Azeroth are a complete bug. Not only are they strong, bloodthirsty and warlike, but they also reproduce at several times the rate of humans. In the absence of a systematic education system, all kinds of talents are nothing. lack.

"So this orc's soul is fundamentally different from that of his brethren?"

Corellon clearly heard something from these experiences, and an interested expression appeared on his face.

Zuo Si smiled and replied: "It's not different, but more like a kind of spiritual and thinking hybrid.

Once Thrall becomes the leader of an orc tribe, he will quickly use his personal charm, political skills and knowledge to lead the entire tribe on a path that is completely opposite to the life advocated by the orc gods.

They will become orderly, begin to learn to settle, herd, raise and cultivate, and will begin to build their own cities and even countries.

As more and more orcs abandon their past traditions, the influence of the orc gods will gradually fade, and may even go against the interests of the orcs themselves.

This irreconcilable contradiction will cause them to start looking for new beliefs.

Gradually, the two most important priesthoods of Gruumsh's orcs and the territory will be torn apart, just like the current state of the goblin Lord Magnubier.

As I said, the best way to tame savages is to make them orderly and civilized.

While this may result in the orcs becoming more of a threat than they were in the past, and even becoming a strong contender for hegemony in Faerûn, it would create a formidable enemy for the orc gods.

And this threat is not limited to the crystal wall where the planet Toril is located, but will continue to spread outward until it causes eternal divisions among the orcs in different planes of the entire universe.

After all, compared to good and evil, order and chaos are the most intense conflicts.

Just like the never-ending bloody battle between the devil and the devil.

All I want to do is stir up strife, hatred and killing among the orcs. "

"This is indeed the lord of the ninth level of Baator Hell. The devil prince who was valued by Asmodeus and given the status of one person below ten thousand people. Gruumsh provoked you in the first place. I'm afraid it was his fault since he became a god. The biggest mistake I ever made." Corellon couldn't help but sigh.

Because this is so vicious, and at the same time it really hits the biggest weakness of the orc pantheon, which is the lack of a god who is inclined to order.

Of the six most active gods, three are chaotic evil and the other three are neutral evil.

Therefore, when an orderly orc civilization begins to rise, the entire society will inevitably abandon its original beliefs.

If a new order of orc gods is created as a result, it means that the new gods will inevitably become a thorn in Gruumsh's side.

At that time, Zuo Si doesn't even need to deal with the orc gods himself. He only needs to protect the new god and continue to provide support so that the orcs can start killing each other.

In the end, no matter who loses or wins, the orc race will inevitably be severely weakened and even never recover.

The most important thing is that this is a naked conspiracy.

Even if Gruumsh knew it, there would be no good solution.

After all, he had tried to descend into an incarnation before, only to be killed mercilessly.

This incident is still providing a steady stream of fun and inspiration for artistic creation to the elves on Evermeet Island.

"Thanks for the compliment.

This plan can only be implemented thanks to the help of you and the elves and gods.

But compared to the stupid orc gods and earth spirits, the spider goddess Rose is the one who needs the most attention.

Her hatred for you and the surface elves has reached the sky, and her heart has been twisted to an extent that cannot be described in words.

The resentment and malice radiating from the depths of the soul cannot be slowly forgotten by the baptism of time. "

Zuo Si gave a straightforward reminder to the Elf Lord in front of him.

Although he didn't know exactly when Rose would suddenly launch the "War of the Spider Queen" to unify the dark elves' beliefs.

But what is certain is that this plan began to be brewed a long time ago.

"Oh? Is Aerosyne (Rose's name before her fall) planning another conspiracy?"

Corellon asked in an uncertain tone.

It is not difficult to feel from his slightly complicated attitude that he is not actually as full of hatred for his former wife as the outside world speculated, but rather seems to have lingering feelings for her.

After all, Rose has done so many things since she became the Spider Goddess, and even united many allies to invade Arvandor more than once.

But even so, Corellon only repeled it, never intending to retaliate or kill them all.

The only countermeasure is to support her daughter Eilistraee to fight for the faith of the dark elves.

Zuo Si has always been very curious about Corellon's feelings for Rose.

If you want to say that the two of them have completely broken up, it's a bit different. At least the Elf God System has never really been cruel to Rose.

You have to say that there was no quarrel. It was Corellon who personally transformed Rose into a spider demon and banished her to the bottomless abyss.

Perhaps as the creator of the entire elven race and even the pantheon, Corellon has a special affection for all elves, just like an old father looking at his descendants.

Even though some children were very rebellious and even blatantly wanted to take their place, he still couldn't bear to really get rid of them.

After thinking about this, Zuo Si responded calmly: "As far as I know, your ex-wife is planning to unify the beliefs of the entire dark elf race.

She wants to kill all the competitors so that she can be the only one.

It is precisely because of this that she is particularly angry and annoyed with me for supporting the underground city that Eilistraee established.

If she couldn't eliminate this huge hidden danger, she wouldn't be able to start her plan.

After all, as long as there are enough believers, even dead gods may be resurrected at any time. "

"Are you even going to kill your own son and daughter? Eloshine has really become more and more cruel, cruel and ruthless. Thank you for informing me of this information. I will pay special attention to her. A series of recent actions.”

After saying that, Corellon activated the divine teleportation and disappeared directly.

As the source of the magical power of the elven race, he may be the only god in the entire Faerûn continent who can cast spells without using magic nets or shadow magic nets.

Once the remaining gods are prohibited from touching the net, they will basically lose their ability to cast spells completely and can only rely on their divine power to fight.

After observing for a while the massacre of the barbarian tribes by the orcs below, Zuo Si also left.

As the tribes of Uthgard barbarians living in and around Neverwinter Forest were slaughtered one after another, Deszel and his evil allies finally began to launch a tentative attack on the city of Neverwinter.

And their first target is naturally the Port of Leicester located outside Neverwinter City.

Unlike the Docklands within Neverwinter, it does not entirely serve the city, but is primarily a trading hub connecting other nearby towns and villages.

Before the opening of the trade airship route of the West Coast Empire, the port of Leicester was a very important shipping center, closely connecting the sea in the northern part of the Sword Coast with the Neverwinter River.

Countless farmers rely on this route to sell their agricultural products to the city in exchange for money to buy tools, seeds, spices, cloth and other daily necessities.

Although the port of Leicester's status in transportation has declined with the operation of airship routes.

However, the subsequent rise of manufacturing and handicraft industries attracted a large number of young and middle-aged labor force, and gradually developed into a large town with a population of more than 5,000.

In particular, the industry focusing on wood treatment and deep processing is booming, almost monopolizing the Northland market including mid-to-high-end furniture, floors, pallets, wooden handles for pole weapons, arrow shafts, and wooden butts for muskets. .

There is no other way, who can let God reward us with food?

Since the Neverwinter River runs through the entire Neverwinter Forest, loggers only need to cut down economically valuable trees along both sides of the river, and then bundle them together and send them down the river to Leicester Port easily.

This means that the transportation costs of logs are basically negligible, which can greatly save costs.

Once Leicester Port is captured, you will immediately be able to obtain an astonishing amount of wood, as well as skilled craftsmen who can build siege machinery, and ships docked nearby. It is completely killing three birds with one stone.

In addition, it is very close to Neverwinter City, so it can be used as an advance base to transport the army out of the Neverwinter Forest with the help of river transportation.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!


As the thundering war drums and loud horns echoed in the valley, this army composed of orcs, half-orcs, ogres, half-giants, trolls and gnolls began to appear on the horizon.

Although it looked chaotic and without any formation, the residents of Leicester Port were still frightened.

The guards on the guard tower immediately sounded the alarm.

There were less than two hundred soldiers who were usually responsible for maintaining law and order. They urgently gathered and stood on the simple city wall of less than two meters as if facing a powerful enemy.


To be more precise, it would be more appropriate to call it a fence.

Because these so-called "walls" are actually mainly used to protect against wild beasts, not to deal with war.

Just shoot a round of rockets or hit it twice with a piece of wood, and it will immediately fall apart on the spot.

In fact, Leicester Port didn't even have a fence originally. However, the population explosion led to a sharp deterioration in security conditions, so this simple fence was added as a last resort.

Looking at the monsters charging towards them, the forty-year-old officer at the head immediately broke out in sweat and asked with a slightly trembling voice: "Where are our spies? Where are the patrols? Where are the scouts? Why are there monsters of this size?" China Mobile doesn’t even have anyone to report the news?”

"Sir, I think they are dead. Since three days ago, there has been no news about the adventurers and ranger spies we hired. As for the patrols sent out, they are also missing."

One soldier suppressed his fear and told the truth.

"What? Then why didn't you report it earlier?"

The officer roared in anger.

As long as he can get the news a few hours in advance, he can immediately request reinforcements from Neverwinter City.

Another soldier carefully reminded: "Sir, we mentioned this matter to you the morning before yesterday, but you were flirting with Miss Moore at the time and kicked us out without even listening."


The officer was awkward on the spot, his face turned even redder and purple, and he didn't know whether he was angry or ashamed.

Like most guards stationed in relatively prosperous towns responsible for maintaining law and order, the guards in Leicester Port have actually been severely corrupted for a long time.

Although it is far from the Askatra city defense army that accepted bribes semi-openly during the reign of the Six-person Council of Amn, it has long been a tacit secret to accept gifts from businessmen in private and do some small favors.

For example, Miss Moore mentioned by the soldier is the operator of a high-end furniture manufacturing workshop.

She used her beauty to seduce the officer and let him secretly help her obtain priority for river shipping. She could always ship the goods and ship them away as soon as possible. There was no need to spend money on leasing or shipping like other workshop owners. Purchase a warehouse for storage.

Normally, even if something like this is discovered, it can only be considered an abuse of power at best, and will not be punished too severely at all.

But if it were placed in wartime, the nature would be completely different.

According to the laws of Neverwinter, there is only one result for such a degree of dereliction of duty, and that is to be hanged in public.

But at this moment, the officer couldn't care less about making excuses for himself to shirk responsibility.

Because as the monster army got closer and closer, he could only take a deep breath, draw his sword and stand at the front of the queue. He mustered up the courage to say to his soldiers: "Perhaps we have all made unforgivable mistakes. , fell due to various temptations;

Perhaps we have soiled our honor and faith by breaking the vows we made;

Maybe we are destined to die here today, overwhelmed by the tide of monsters in front of us.

But I hope that I can at least die heroically and buy some time for the civilians in Leicester Port behind me to escape, so that they can board the ship and go down the river to Neverwinter.

This is our responsibility and our obligation.

Are any of you willing to follow me and complete redemption at the last moment of your life?

Are you willing to bravely kill the enemy and shed the last drop of your blood under the witness of the great God of Justice?

answer me! "


The temperament of the more than two hundred soldiers who were trembling one second had a 180-degree change in the next second, and most of them had determination in their eyes.

Obviously, this is the biggest difference between a world with true God and a world without true God.

In a world where there is no true god, people often have a great fear of death. No one knows what it will be like after death, whether there is still a soul, and where the soul will go.

Too much uncertainty makes people's desire for life often exceed everything else.

Unless there are extremely special circumstances, such as having extremely firm beliefs or achieving a lofty goal, one can rely on a strong will to overcome fear and die calmly.

But in a world with true gods, mortals have a clear expectation of death and know where their souls will go after death.

Therefore, when encountering a situation like this, usually as long as a hero steps forward to arouse the faith of the people around him in a common god, there will be a response immediately.

Even if you know that the final result of doing so will be death, you will never look back.

This is also the reason why there are always similar evocative and tragic stories emerging in the history of Faerûn.

Various gods infinitely magnify the good and evil, order and chaos in the hearts of mortals.

"Sir, we are willing to follow you until the end of our lives."

After a moment of silence, a soldier took the lead in expressing his attitude.

With him taking the lead, everyone else silently took a step forward.

It turns out that sometimes the difference between a hero and a coward usually depends on a split-second decision.

The defenders of Leicester Port in front of them chose to be heroes instead of cowards who selfishly abandoned their responsibilities and ran away.

Even if they had accepted bribes, even if they often visited those special service places on weekdays, even if they never paid for drinks on credit in the pub, it no longer mattered at this moment.

"Excellent! In that case, let's give these damn monsters some color."

The officer grinned, showing his white teeth, and then led his men to open the door and rush out.

He knew very well that there was no point in defending Leicester Port with that ridiculous fence. Only by rushing out and causing chaos among the enemy could he buy more time for the evacuation of civilians.

"Hahahaha! Look! Those stupid humans actually charged at us! Kill them all!"

Orc Chief Obould All-Arrow raised the magic sword burning with flames in his hand and laughed wildly.

Thrall, who was following him, carried the Doomhammer and whispered in a voice that only he could hear: "But at least they are quite courageous, right?"

"Boy! What are you talking about?"

Another strong orc warrior asked casually.

Thrall shook his head while running and responded: "No, it's nothing. I'm just thinking about how to kill more enemies and gain respect."

"To win respect? Just for a rookie like you? Stop joking!"

The orc warrior glanced disdainfully at this insignificant-looking boy.

the reason is simple!

The orc body that Thrall occupies is not more than sixteen years old, so it looks a bit thin and far from as strong as other orcs in their prime.

But Thrall didn't make any response, he just kept running forward after the chief.

No one knows better than him that in a primitive tribal society where strength is paramount, thousands of words are not as useful as one actual action.

Although he admired the bravery and heroism of these human soldiers, it did not mean that he would show mercy.

Quite the opposite!

He needs to use the other person's death to prove himself, and then win the respect of other orcs, and then climb up to gain a higher status and more power.

Since they were running in both directions, both sides quickly entered the range of weapons such as bows and crossbows.

However, the monster army obviously had no intention of using crossbows, and instead let the Leicester Port defenders rush forward.

In their opinion, there is no need to use crossbows to deal with this enemy. They can just let the orcs and ogres in the van crush them.

But this decision to underestimate the enemy immediately made the monster army pay a heavy price.

I saw that the officers rushed forward and did not immediately engage in battle. Instead, they ordered their men to make an emergency stop. Then they all took out the revolvers produced by the West Coast Empire, and without saying a word, they unleashed an intensive firepower.

After a crackling sound, more than 400 orc warriors who rushed at the front fell immediately.

Such sudden and rapid casualties caused huge chaos in the front line. The monsters who had never seen firearms began to become frightened and hesitated.

Upon seeing this, the human officers immediately seized the opportunity to rush into the chaotic formation of the orc forwards and kill them, completely disrupting the opponent's command system.

You must know that wars often compete not just in numbers, but in the organization, discipline, morale, weapons and equipment of both armies, and many other factors.

In this regard, the defenders of Leicester Port are obviously the party with the advantage.

Not only do they have half-body armor and helmets that can effectively resist slashing and puncture, but their weapons are basically alloy steel products that can be regarded as +1 enchantment level.

As long as they are not knocked to the ground or exhausted, they can basically rely on a tight formation to withstand enemies several times their size.

In addition, these soldiers were determined to die and showed no fear from beginning to end.

This undoubtedly caused a huge psychological blow to the orcs who originally thought they could easily kill their opponents.

A rapid-fire round of revolver fire before the battle succeeded in creating chaos.

"Damn it! Don't run away! Come back here! Otherwise I will chop off your heads!"

Obould Arrow wielded the flaming sword and hacked an orc deserter to death, then roared like crazy.

In order to win the priority to plunder the town after the war, the tribe he led was at the forefront, so it suffered particularly heavy losses.

When some of the orc warriors witnessed their companions' heads suddenly blooming and blood holes appearing on their bodies, their morale inevitably collapsed and they turned around and ran back. Even if they executed several deserters, they could not stop them.

Without his army, the orc chief would lose his voice in the coalition.

Just when Obould Arrows felt angry and helpless at the rout of his men, he suddenly saw the young orc warrior he had just accepted not long ago striding towards the phalanx formed by the human defenders. The movement of violent aesthetics jumped up, holding high the warhammer full of scars with both hands.

Before he had time to react to what was happening, a dazzling lightning flashed from the sky, hitting the hammer just in time.


The originally black war hammer burst into a creepy white light, and the huge power of thunder and lightning formed a ring around Thrall's body.

boom! ! ! ! ! ! !

The moment the hammer fell, the whole earth trembled violently!

Bolts of lightning were like silver snakes raging within a radius of tens of meters and making deafening thunder!

After the electric light disappeared, a large crater like a meteorite impact appeared within a radius of thirty meters with Sal as the center.

As for the human soldiers within this range, all of them were dead without exception, and even the corpses were charred to an indiscernible black carbide.

As for the armor, it all melted into hot liquid metal.

"You...who are you?!"

Obould Arrows, no matter how stupid he was at this moment, realized that the origin of this young orc warrior must be extraordinary, both for him and for the war hammer in his hand.

"My name is Thrall, an orc warrior who has just joined your tribe. And I said that I will prove myself in the next battle."

Thrall slowly stood up from the pit, unreservedly releasing the power of thunder and storm given by the Doomhammer.

He could feel that the elemental power of this world was far more abundant and powerful than that of Azeroth, as if it was connected to some inexhaustible source.

Just when Obould Arrows was about to say something, he suddenly saw a human officer not far away rushing over and immediately shouted: "Watch your back!"

The next second, Thrall picked up the Doomhammer and smashed it over without looking back.


When the front end of the long sword hit the surface of the war hammer, the entire sword body suddenly bent to a ninety-degree angle, and the sharp tip of the sword broke on the spot, emitting dazzling golden sparks.

Then, under the action of huge inertia, it directly hit the armor on the chest, directly creating a large, deep crater.


With a painful scream, the human officer flew backwards, then fell heavily on his back to the ground, with a large amount of blood spurting out from his mouth and nose.

"Sorry, although your bravery is admirable, a clumsy sneak attack like this is of no use to me. Now let me send you on your way."

With that said, Thrall raised the Doomhammer again and smashed it down.

The human officer turned into a headless corpse before he could even make a sound.

Because his head had been completely smashed by the heavy war hammer.

In the next few minutes, Thrall slaughtered the remaining Leicester Port defenders mercilessly, not stopping until the last human soldier was killed.

Through this devastating battle, he not only demonstrated his power, but also won the admiration and admiration of countless orcs.

After all, worshiping the strong is a common trait among mortals, and this is especially true for a power-oriented race like the orcs.

"Well done! From now on, you will be the number two person in the tribe after me. I will give you the title of Champion Warrior."

Obould Arrows raised his arm and patted Thrall on the shoulder, his eyes flashing with a very complicated light, which was both fear and apprehension, but also unconcealable ecstasy.

Because he is cunning by nature, he knows very well that the emergence of such a powerful warrior in his tribe means both opportunities and challenges.

The opportunity is that if Thrall can be conquered and become a loyal and capable subordinate, he can naturally annex other small tribes to strengthen himself, and even one day be crowned king and establish an orc kingdom.

But the challenge is that if Thrall cannot be conquered, as his reputation continues to increase, sooner or later the other party will challenge the position of chief.

It is a long-standing tradition of the orcs to let the strongest warriors lead the tribe.

No orc chieftain can escape but must fight.

After all, the teachings of the orc god Gruumsh are to encourage the weak to eat the strong, and encourage the strong to take away everything the weak have.

Therefore, the internal changes of power in the orc tribe have always been full of blood and violence.

Every time a new chief comes to power, it means the death of all the old chiefs and their male descendants. Only women who pose no threat can survive.

Obould Arrows was not confident that he could win the final victory in a one-on-one duel.

"Thank you for your trust and promotion, I swear I will not disappoint you."

Thrall lowered his head slightly to express his surrender to the chief to whom he was loyal.

Although his goal is to replace the other party, considering that he has not yet established a stable footing when he first arrived, now is not the best time to seize power.

"Ha ha ha ha!

I knew from the moment I saw you that you were destined for something special!

As long as we work together, we will be able to build a true kingdom in our lifetime.

When I get back, I will marry my most beloved daughter to you. "

Seeing that Thrall did not challenge his authority, Obould Arrows thought that his wooing strategy was successful, and immediately burst into a hearty laugh without forgetting to paint the cake.

But unfortunately, he didn't know at all that the young orc beside him had already held the position of supreme leader like the warchief. In terms of knowledge and ruthlessness, he was definitely much more powerful than any other chief.

So low-level wooing is completely useless.

What Thrall really wants is not power, but the freedom of his soul, and the ability to reshape the orcs' beliefs, thoughts, and social structure according to his own will.

Just when the garrison of Leicester Port was completely wiped out, the people rushed to the dock to escape by boat, and the monster army poured into the streets of the town to start burning, killing and looting, two figures suddenly appeared in the distant space. A black spot grew bigger and bigger at an extremely fast speed.

Before the people below could see clearly what these two black dots were, a bunch of smaller black dots flew out from above.

In less than two or three minutes, these small black dots turned into giant dragons and rushed to the ground from an altitude of more than a thousand meters.

On the back of the dragon sits a knight holding a special magic weapon.

You don't need to ask to know that there is only one force with such a large dragon knight in the entire Faerun continent, and that is the West Coast Empire ruled by Zuo Si.

Obviously, the imperial army stationed in Neverwinter discovered the situation in Leicester Port, so they directly sent two aerial gunboats to come for emergency rescue.

When giant dragons rushed into the battlefield and breathed out dragon breaths with different attributes such as flames, lightning, strong acid, frost, and poisonous clouds from their mouths, the situation of the battle suddenly reversed.

After all, this is not one or two dragons, but forty dragons on one gunboat and eighty on two.

And as they grow older, they are no longer immature baby dragons or young dragons, but are truly adult dragons, at least in terms of size and breath power.

Therefore, every time a dragon passes over the monster army, it will instantly cause huge damage to the enemy. It is simply equivalent to a magic version of a heavy bomber licking the ground.

After just one round of attacks, the enemies who had been so high in morale just now and wanted to sack Leicester Port collapsed and began to flee.

What a joke!

There were dozens of giant dragons raging overhead, and anyone who wasn't a fool knew what choice to make.

What's more, the knight on the dragon's back is not a vegetarian. He can wave a weapon like a luminous spear in his hand to shoot a series of surprisingly powerful lightning bolts towards the ground.

Several sharpshooters tried to use enchanted arrows to shoot at the dragon, but the dragon knight discovered that several lightning bolts fell down and their whole bodies were roasted.

The most terrible thing was that when the monster army began to retreat out of Leicester Port, the cannons of the gunboats overhead also began to roar deafeningly, and the shells fell like raindrops and exploded one after another in the crowd.

The terrifying shock waves and air waves directly knocked the surrounding evil creatures including orcs, ogres, and jackals to the ground, and were immediately engulfed by the flames that shot up into the sky.

"Damn it! How could this happen! Where did these dragons come from?"

A gnoll leader shouted in panic while avoiding the bombing of the gunboat.

"Don't ask me! How would I know! Those insidious dark elves and Deszel must be hiding something."

The orc leader who passed by on a warg couldn't help but let out a series of unpleasant curses.

Because they have lived in places like wilderness, mountainous areas, and dense forests for many years, most monsters have been isolated from the world for a long time, and their perception of changes in the outside world is often severely delayed.

Until now, there are still many monster tribes in the deep mountains and old forests who do not know the establishment of the West Coast Empire, let alone the two great weapons possessed by the two empires, the air gunship and the dragon knight.

Just as the dragon knight was relentlessly pursuing and killing the monster army on the ground, an orc figure holding a warhammer suddenly stood up.

He was none other than Sal, who had just made a name for himself.

Thrall raised the Doomhammer in his hand and began to summon the power of the wind element, forming a large black cloud in the sky above his head.

Immediately afterwards, strong winds began to blow around him, and the air flow spiraled up at an extremely fast speed, eventually forming a huge tornado with him as the center.

Not only that!

As the speed of the tornado became faster and faster, the dark clouds overhead began to release thunderstorms that destroyed the sky and the earth amidst bursts of roar.

When thunderstorms and tornadoes merge together, a terrible storm is completely formed.

Although the gunboats are equipped with magic to resist the airflow, it is obviously not enough in the face of a storm of this magnitude.

So the captain ordered to stop the bombardment and start to turn around and climb higher, hoping to escape the influence of the storm.

And because the weather was too bad, most of the dragons began to return to the flight deck of the gunship.

After all, the rescue mission has been completed, and it no longer matters whether the frightened monsters are killed or not.

But there are still a few blue dragons that are immune to lightning damage, still enjoying the excitement brought by this massacre.

One of the giant dragons with at least half blue dragon blood turned over in mid-air facing the hurricane, and then rushed straight towards Thrall who was channeling the elemental power.

He had obviously noticed a long time ago that it was the orc holding the war hammer that caused the storm, so he wanted to kill him and take away the war hammer that contained powerful magical power.

But the moment the giant dragon entered the attack range, Thrall suddenly raised his other hand and made a grabbing motion.

boom! ! ! ! ! !

A huge arm made of rock rose directly from the ground, grabbed the dragon with lightning speed, and then threw it to the ground.

In the face of this terrifying force, even the giant dragon was helpless and made a big hole in the muddy grass with a bang.

Just when the dragon and the dragon knight were stunned by the fall, Thrall was already carrying the hammer of destruction to kill him. A heavy hammer hit the dragon knight's helmet directly and dented it, and blood and brains flowed out from the gaps in the armor. The ground was dyed red.

Then he jumped up high again, injected the power of the fire element into the war hammer in his hand, and smashed it down on the dragon's head.

I saw a huge ball of high-temperature fire rising into the sky, immediately covering the dragon's body completely.

one time!


Three times!

Accompanied by the sounds of hammers hitting and skulls cracking, when the fire light dissipated, Thrall was already standing on the dragon's unrecognizable corpse, covered in bright red dragon blood.

The orcs, including Obould Arrows, immediately stopped running when they saw this shocking scene, stood there and stared at the figure on the dragon's corpse, and soon let out a crazy roar like a wild beast.

In the end, these jagged roars converged into one word, a title that symbolized power and glory...

Dragon Slayer!

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