A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 752: If you want to deceive your enemies, you must first deceive your own people (a 10,000-w

With the Neverwinter incident coming to an end, and Erebes succeeding Lord Nasir as the leader of Neverwinter, all the western coastal areas of Faerûn, with the exception of Waterdeep, have been brought under the direct rule of the empire. .

Especially those small towns that were far less powerful than Neverwinter, after realizing how fragile their own security was without the protection and deterrence of the imperial army, they all gave up their original semi-independent status.

After all, the safety of one's own life and property is more important than the pitiful power in his hand.

Some wealthy people who were less courageous even gave up the idea of ​​becoming local emperors and moved their families to live in big cities.

The original manor and old house are left to be managed by housekeepers, or used as temporary residences for leisure vacations and hunting.

In short, Lizard Queen Mosala indirectly helped the ministers of the West Coast Empire's cabinet and successfully transformed the region's originally relatively decentralized lordship into a centralized bureaucracy.

Especially after the large-scale infrastructure investment and secondary planning and expansion of the city due to the large-scale burning and destruction of the city, as well as the thorough access to the multiple spellcasting environments and magical mysteries that enveloped the major cities in the empire, the entire city of Neverwinter is quite Get a brand new look from head to toe.

Even the upper ruling class also completed a major change of blood.

Instead of experiencing a period of depression and decline as many people imagined, it has attracted a lot of talents because it can achieve a class jump.

In addition, the ancient city underground with great research value has attracted hundreds of legendary lichs from the Arcane Society and their disciples.

This group of mages with a minimum spellcasting level of LV9 or above alone has brought unprecedented vitality to Neverwinter City.

Due to the large number of people, only temporary residences have formed a special off-law area.

Many lucky young people who were talented but had no money or opportunity to learn magic became apprentices by working as servants for the former.

The famous Neverwinter College was also taken over by the Imperial Ministry of Education, and drastic reforms and expansions were carried out on the original basis.

As a lot of gold coins fell down, Neverwinter City and the surrounding areas were quickly integrated into a city circle containing hundreds of thousands of people, similar to Waterdeep City.

The most important thing is that the war started by evil gods such as Shar, the goddess of night, the orc god system, the earth spirit system, the spider goddess Rose, and the prince of lies Cyric completely failed.

It failed to gain a foothold in the North, nor did it pose a real threat to the West Coast Empire. Instead, it suffered heavy losses.

Among them, the goblin and orc pantheons contributed the most, and the number of believers killed and injured in Faerûn was at least hundreds of thousands.

Many tribes are even unable to obtain enough food through hunting and plundering because all their adult male warriors have died, and they may die miserably in the coming cold winter.

At this moment, in the mountains of the Spine of the World, a tribe of orcs with their families were marching hard on the rugged mountain road.

The leader was none other than Thrall, who had won the title of Dragon Slayer and great fame in this war.

I saw that he was wearing a strong magic armor peeled off from the dragon knight, and a cold-proof cloak made of winter wolf skin. From time to time, he lowered his head to look at the map he had finally obtained in his hand, as if He was thinking about what his next step would be, and where he would lead these orcs to settle down to build a civilization and country from scratch.

As for the previous chief, Obould All-Arrows, he "accidentally" slipped and fell from the edge of the cliff during the migration and completely lost his lunch.

Because once Thrall had completely established himself and cultivated his own cronies, he was completely useless.

However, in order to stabilize the hearts of the tribe, Thrall still followed the tradition of the orcs in this world and accepted the daughters of Obould Arrow as his spouse.

Obviously, judging from the map, Icewind Valley and Red Glacier further north of the Spine of the World are definitely not suitable for survival and establishment of civilization because they are too cold.

Therefore, if you want to find a suitable home, the only way is to use the passage of the Underdark to move eastward, and go to the Army Grassland on the other side of the Ainook Desert to participate in the grand event with Zhentil Fort and Shadow City.

After all, chaos is the ladder.

Only in a place that is chaotic enough can you use your ingenuity to draw chestnuts from the fire, and then build a true orc kingdom from scratch.

Of course, if you really can’t stay in Rongma Grassland, continuing eastward into Vasa or Damara is also a good choice.

The former has just ended due to the brutal rule of the Witch King, so it does not have a strong political power at all. Many towns are in a state of independence, and there are also a large number of orc tribes, which are very suitable for conquest and expansion.

In addition, it is surrounded by mountains on three sides and has extremely cold glaciers to the north. It is geographically very isolated and is an almost perfect place to make a fortune.

The latter has become very weak due to the invasion of Vasa Witch King more than ten years ago. The land is full of various monsters left behind, and there is an exit connected to the Underdark.

"Chief, are you worried about the future of the tribe?"

A young orc warrior ran over from behind and asked curiously.

Like most of the young men in the entire tribe, he was also attracted by Thrall's heroic appearance when slaying the dragon, and was the most loyal supporter of the new chief.

For this reason, they even completely abandoned their belief in the orc gods.

To be precise, this orc tribe now has no influence of the orc gods except that they are still orcs.

The latter's priests and die-hard believers have been expelled one after another during the migration process, leaving them to fend for themselves in the dangerous wilderness. The rest are basically the new generation who firmly believe that the orc gods instigated themselves to die.

Their biggest characteristic is that they are young, basically between the ages of fourteen and twenty, which is when their rebellious mentality is at its strongest, and they have a heartfelt and fanatical admiration for the newly appointed chief.

Thrall took advantage of this and successfully allowed shamanism to fill the gap in belief.

At present, several men and women with relatively high perception attributes have become shaman apprentices, and they have obtained divine magic from the connection between nature and the elemental plane.

Their profession is a bit like a combination or variation of soul shaman and druid, but they are still essentially members of the divine spellcasting system.

This undoubtedly makes the young rebellious orcs believe that God is never necessary. They are just oppressors who enslave their souls in order to gain faith.

It is precisely because of Gruumsh's chaos and evil that the orcs can still only live in a barbaric world outside of civilization so many years after arriving in Faerûn, living a life of eating raw materials, drinking blood, and plundering everywhere. Even with a decent history and cultural inheritance cannot be obtained.

You can only increase your presence by joining the evil army formed by careerists.

Once you fail, you will immediately be beaten and run away to return to the mountains and forests to live a boring and poor life.

In the past, most of the orcs who even knew each other would never have noticed there was anything wrong with this.

After Thrall, who had received systematic education and had superb political skills, appeared, he immediately began to present facts and reason to the young people to analyze what the orc gods had done in these years, and how they made the orcs survive in primitiveness, ignorance and Lost in savagery.

This was undoubtedly like dropping a fire in a pile of hay, instantly triggering anger and dissatisfaction in their hearts.

So it was inevitable to seize power and drive out the priests of the orc gods and their followers.

Although some tried to carry out bloody suppression, all struggles were in vain before the power of Thrall and Doomhammer.

Taking the death of former Chief Obould All-Arrow as an opportunity, a seed of division among the orcs in Faerûn has been quietly planted. It will not take long for it to grow into a deadly cancer cell capable of tearing apart the orc pantheon. .

Looking at the admiring eyes of the young warriors beside him, Thrall seemed to have returned to the good times in Azeroth when he led the tribe to attack the shelter to liberate his compatriots and was supported by everyone. A slight smile could not help but appear on his face. He raised his big hand and patted the other party's shoulder gently and sighed: "Yes, I am hesitating where to migrate to to build a civilization and country belonging to us orcs from scratch. You know that most of this world All the land is already owned, so next we may have to start a war to snatch the land from others."

"We are all the most brave and fearless warriors! We are not afraid of fighting!"

The young orc swore and patted his chest.

Although after expelling the priests and believers of the orc gods, the number of warriors in the entire tribe dropped from the original six to seven thousand to only more than three thousand now, and the remaining more than forty thousand are basically women and children who have not grown up.

But their weapons and equipment, training level, morale, and discipline are much stronger than before.

And because a unified thought and understanding has been formed internally, that is, to abandon the bad habits of the past tribal system and build a country of its own, we are more united than ever.

As the saying goes, nothing can compare with the powerful cohesion that common interests and common ideals and goals can bring.

"I have never doubted your bravery, but many times, realizing our wishes cannot be achieved by force alone. On the contrary, we have to use wisdom and strategy. By the way, are the food supplies enough?"

While saying this, Sal turned his attention to the carts loaded with various goods pulled by oxen and horses.

The young orc warrior immediately replied proudly: "The food we have on hand is enough for at least half a year.

Thanks to your wise judgment, you took advantage of the chaos and looted the loot that those mobs had stolen while they were being strangled by the enemy and had no time to worry about anything else.

Otherwise, at least half or more of the people would have to die if they wanted to reach the destination just by hunting and fishing along the way.

And we not only have food, but also enough weapons and armor, so don't worry. "

"Great. Now that food isn't an issue, we can go a little further."

Thrall lowered his head and stared at the map in his hand, seeming to have decided on his destination.

At this moment, the scout walking at the front of the queue suddenly ran back on a warg and shouted: "Report! I found the entrance to the Dark Territory in the mountain stream ahead!"

This news instantly caused all the orcs in the team to burst into cheers.

After all, as time goes by, the entire northern part of Faerûn is about to enter a cold winter. The current ambient temperature is already hovering around zero, and a small breeze can make people shiver with cold.

But the Underdark is different.

Due to the influence of geothermal heat and radiation, it can maintain a relatively warm and constant temperature all year round.

Although there may be various dangers, it is definitely infinitely better than migrating in a snowstorm.

And unlike humans, orcs are basically blind once they enter the dark area without light. Their eyes can see things in the dark, but they are just black and white.

"Let everyone speed up. We will camp near the entrance today to have a good hot meal and a final peaceful sleep."

Thrall waved his hand and gave the order.

After a while, the front of the team had already begun to set up camp near the entrance, and the soldiers were divided into several teams to patrol near the entrance to prevent any monsters from suddenly rushing out.

They didn't realize at all that in the sky above their heads, there were two pairs of eyes watching their every move.

One of them is a beautiful girl with long black hair, white skin, and an icy aura all over her body. Her hair is dotted with countless beautiful snowflakes.

Anyone who lives in the North will definitely be familiar with this image.

Because every year when winter is approaching, countless people will go to the temple to pray for her mercy and blessing, and not to let the cold and blizzard engulf everything, and not to freeze too many people and livestock to death.

Yes, this beautiful girl is the famous winter goddess Oluel.

Standing next to her was Zuo Si dressed as a human.

I have to say that if they hadn’t seen it with their own eyes, no one would believe that these two guys who had absolutely no communication in terms of ideas would have any shady PY transactions.

But in fact, not only do they have it, but their relationship in private is much closer than the outside world imagines.

I saw Oluer looking at the orc tribe led by Sal with great interest. After a long time, he joked with a half-smile: "You are really bad. You started digging without saying anything." The roots of the orc gods have arisen. If Gruumsh discovers this, he will definitely fight you at all costs."

Zuo Si deliberately pretended to look as innocent as a white lotus and sighed: "Oh - I can't help it, he was the one who provoked me first.

I was just retaliating passively.

Just wait and see, this is just the beginning.

I still have plenty of feasts waiting to be fed to this one-eyed savage. "


That's really exciting.

Because if you succeed, you will have created the feat of destroying a powerful pantheon with one person.

Sometimes I even think that you are the most suitable person to master the priesthood of conspiracy. "

Oluer praised without hesitation.

"No, this is not due to me alone, but also to the entire Elf God System and the Dwarf God System. Without their interference, such small tricks to circumvent the perception of the orc gods will be discovered soon."

Zuo Si's tone and attitude were as humble as ever, as if he only played a small and insignificant role in it.

But Oluer obviously didn't take this trick, and let out a slightly contemptuous sneer: "Haha, okay, you don't need to pretend in front of me.

As an old friend, I know all too well the role you played in it and the terrifying methods you used.

I already saw your true nature clearly when we joined forces to deal with Cyric.

Especially this time, it directly disrupted the entire bottomless abyss and caused countless demon lords to suffer bloody blows. There is still no sign of calming down.

Just thinking about it is scary.

I'm curious, which of them did you do business with, and how did you instigate them? "

It is not difficult to tell from the tone of the Winter Goddess that the two have been hooked up since a long time ago.

After all, Oluel's country is also noisy in the tunnel, and it happens to be very close to Cyric's country, so it can provide some timely and important information.

In return, Zuo Si helped her absorb the divine power, divinity and priesthood of Wulou Tilu, the sleeping glacier god.

Coupled with the expansion of faith brought about by the huge temple in Luskan, they naturally developed into unknown and hidden allies.

"Sorry, I'm afraid I can't satisfy your curiosity.

Because there are so many secrets involved.

Moreover, during this meeting, I hope to learn from you the true intentions behind the countless tricks of the Night Goddess Shar. "

Zuo Si responded calmly.

"Do you think she will trust me? Why don't you ask the Phoenix God Bennu who was summoned by you?"

Oluel rolled his eyes angrily.

Zuo Si touched his chin and explained with a half-smile: "Even you can realize that Benu was summoned by me, how could Shar not notice it.

In fact, one of the most important purposes I summoned Bennu over was to distract Shar's attention openly.

By the way, let him learn how to deal with these gods who have been playing tricks for many years.

And compared to Bennu who has the priesthood of fire, you who master cold and winter are the natural ally of the goddess of the night.

After all, when everything returns to darkness and nothingness, the world will naturally fall into eternal winter and cold. "

"So you didn't tell that clumsy and pitiful little phoenix the truth at all, and made him think that he was an undercover agent planted within the enemy?"

Oluer raised his eyebrows in disbelief, with a shocked expression on his face.

After all, Bennu was a medium-level divine power who came to Toril, but he became a manipulated chess piece in the hands of the opponent. Just thinking about this kind of thing makes people feel outrageous.

“If you want to deceive your enemies, you must first deceive your own people.

Only when Bennu knows nothing and shows a positive attitude can Shar be convinced that this is my trump card.

When she wants to send me wrong information through Benu, I can use it to crush her conspiracy.

Moreover, Benu's performance will make Shar mistakenly think that I want to get rid of you, and then he will trust you more.

In psychology, this is called double reverse thinking.

That is, I put myself in Shar's perspective and think about what kind of behavior I should make is reasonable, and then set a trap specifically for her according to this pattern.

How about it? Isn’t it interesting?

Dealing with a suspicious and extremely conceited guy like her can often be very effective,"

When he said these words, Zuo Si had a faint smile on his face, looking completely harmless to humans and animals.

But Oluer only felt a chill in his heart, and his eyes were full of fear and vigilance.

Because she was not sure at all how much of what she said at this moment was true and how much was a true lie. There was simply no way to tell.

Moreover, the Goddess of Winter became more and more convinced that if Zuo Si was given the priesthood of conspiracy and lies, he would definitely become a member of the powerful god in an instant.

In this realm, no other human or divine understanding can surpass that of the devil prince in front of him.

Thinking of this, Oluel took a deep breath and said bluntly: "Shar wants to release the nightmare snake Dendel through the shadow plane to directly swallow the sun."

"Releasing Dendel through the Shadow Plane?"

Zuo Si frowned subconsciously.

Because the shadow plane, etheric plane and star realm are also called "transitional planes" in plane science, cross-plane travel can be achieved through them, and they are directly connected to the material plane.

Especially the shadow plane, there are rumors that it was created by Shar.

Although the authenticity of this myth is doubtful, it is certain that Shar has great power in this plane.

If she is willing to open a channel, then the nightmare snake may really be let in.

After all, as early as the Dawn War, Dendel once swallowed the stars near the planet Toril, creating terrible darkness and cold.

Later, the gods had no choice but to recast a new sun.

And according to the myths circulated in Faerûn and the information provided by Candlekeep scholars, the Nightmare Serpent seems to be a quasi-divine power born from the Serpent of the World.

Although Zuo Si wasn't too worried about the "trivial matter" of swallowing the sun.

Because with the power he currently has, it is not a troublesome matter to recreate a sun or transfer a star from other universes.

You can even pick and choose like buying food in a vegetable market, choosing the most suitable one among billions of stars.

I'm afraid Shar's ambition is not limited to letting Dendel swallow the sun.

As one of the few goddesses in Faerûn who really dares to cause trouble, and even big things, she even dares to kill the Goddess of Magic, a god who maintains the stability of magic energy in the country, and has triggered a terrifying spell plague. What else is not to say? Dare to do it.

"Yes, that's it.

At least the information I've collected so far points to this.

As for what else to do to swallow the sun, I don’t know.

After all, Shar never trusted anyone.

Even other gods are just pawns that can be used in her eyes.

Also remember to be careful of Musk, the god of thieves.

I've noticed that he seems to be secretly visiting the Goddess of the Night lately. "

Oluer shook out everything he knew.

Although the eternal darkness and coldness described by Shar are very much to her liking.

But the biggest difference between the two goddesses is that Oluel is not interested in silence and nothingness. Instead, she likes the vibrant scene in a cold environment.

It is clearly mentioned in her teachings that believers and priests are not allowed to harm other creatures in cold areas easily, unless their own lives are threatened or they will die if they don't eat.


In other words, including the earth spirit system, the orc god system, the drow god system led by the spider goddess Rose, the lie prince Cyric, and the demon lords in the abyss, they are all smoke bombs deliberately thrown by Shar. .

What a big deal.

But she ignored an unavoidable question, that is, how would His Majesty the God Ao react to this?

You must know that the turbulent year has only passed not long ago.

Could it be that this heals the scar and forgets the pain? "

There was a hint of teasing and playfulness in Zuo Si's tone.

“The nature of divinity determines that all gods are paranoid.

Even the most rational gods are no exception.

Shar's paranoia about darkness has surpassed everything else, so she doesn't care about the cost or consequences at all.

You'd better be careful.

After all, the Nightmare Serpent Dendel is not something like the Chaos Dog Demon Kozif.

In addition, in order to win Shar's trust, the winter in the Northland will be extremely cold this year, so you'd better be mentally prepared. "

After saying these words full of warning, Oluer in the girl form turned into a beautiful snowflake and drifted away in the wind.

As the season approaches winter, her power over the land is becoming stronger than ever and will reach its peak in just a few months.

At that time, she will become the supreme ruler of the entire northern part of the continent along with Blizzard.

After sending away the Winter Goddess, Zuo Si also activated the planeswalker's spark and temporarily left the universe.

At the same time, in the largest financial exchange in the huge cyberpunk city on the ninth level of Bator Hell, human representatives from the Marvel Universe and Earth were standing nervously below, looking up at a distance of dozens of meters. A huge electronic screen is placed high, waiting for the upcoming market opening.

Because today is an extremely important day for them, and whether they eat meat or shit in the future will all depend on this hard work.

You don't need to ask to know that, under the smooth tongue of the devil salesman - Alves, the Security Council finally made up its mind to package and list the home planet under its feet, and make a lot of money in the hell stock market. To develop the technologies necessary for space colonization and warfare.

Anyone who understands capital games knows that when it comes to making money quickly, nothing beats virtual finance.

After all, stock and securities trading only takes a few seconds to complete, and the huge profits generated are unmatched by any real industry.

Traditional agriculture and animal husbandry require investment of several months or even a year, but the output can only earn a very meager income, and there is a certain probability of losing all money due to natural disasters.

By the same token, the manufacturing industry also requires a large amount of investment, and then carries out complex production and sales processes. In order to continuously reduce costs in response to peer competition, when selling to users, it has to be peeled off by sales channels.

Before getting the payment, whether it is raw materials, labor costs or transportation costs, you must bear them yourself.

Driven by the instinct to pursue higher profits, the power of capital will naturally rush into the financial market and blow up huge bubbles one after another. In this way, they will plunder the savings that ordinary families have saved through hard work and create the so-called financial industry. crisis.

You must know that if things like stocks and securities do not have corresponding physical objects, they are actually just like the Dutch tulip incident, and they are a scam.

All participants believe that they are smart people and will definitely not be the unlucky guy who takes over in the end.

In addition, the vast majority of people in the world want to get something for nothing and use their money to make money, so finance meets this need to a certain extent.

It's just that what you are looking for is the interest and income, while the capital is looking at your principal.

As elites from modern society, it is of course impossible for these representatives standing under the big screen not to know how high the risks are in a completely free financial market without any restrictions.

But they believe that they are bankers and can use the financial means on earth to frantically cut the devil's leeks in hell and raise enough funds to develop themselves.

Soon, along with a crisp ringing sound, countless numbers, either red or green, suddenly appeared on the large, blank screen.

Some were in the hundreds or thousands when they first appeared, but fell to single digits in less than a minute. Others were in single digits when they first opened, and soon soared to tens of thousands.

The thrill of going up and down like a roller coaster instantly made these representatives from the earth feel the charm of the real "free market" for the first time.

They even saw with their own eyes a king who was originally dressed in gorgeous attire, vomited blood and fainted after losing all his wealth. They also saw another warlord whose net worth had soared a thousand times, excitedly jumped on the table, took off his clothes and started dancing with his bare buttocks in celebration.

What is the dance of demons?

That’s it!

In this huge trading center crowded with millions of people, human tragedies and comedies are being staged every moment, fully demonstrating what it means to be sad that people are not connected to each other.

"Damn! This place is so fucking crazy!"

Maria Hill, who had just taken over the position of Director of S.H.I.E.L.D., couldn't help but cursed and quickly unbuttoned her collar to get some air.

Because she was so nervous that her whole body was soaked with sweat in less than half a minute, and she didn't even dare to raise her head to look for the stock that belonged to the earth.

The most important thing is that after witnessing the real "free market" with her own eyes, she completely scorned the bullshit neoliberalism advocated by European and American politicians and capital.

Small government?

No supervision?

Let capital and cross-consortiums dominate the market?

Look at the people around you who are worth hundreds of millions in an instant and are bankrupt in an instant. If you really do this, the entire world economic system will be destroyed in an instant.

Because anyone who can be packaged and listed here is the smallest one who has ruled a continent or even conquered several planets and planes.

But now?

In front of the financial capital of the ninth level of Baator Hell, they are like fish on the chopping board for the devils to slaughter.

The depravity brought about by such violent and extreme emotional fluctuations is unmatched by any other kind of temptation.

Especially those poor poor people who are bankrupt will soon be taken away by the devil who rushes in and enforces bankruptcy liquidation.

"How is it, how is our situation?"

Colson, who was accompanying him, couldn't help but squeeze in and ask.

Alexander Pierce responded with a smile: "Our situation is not bad. It has increased by almost thirty times. It is estimated that if we sell part of the shares, we should be able to raise enough soul currency to purchase the corresponding technology."

"Does that mean we landed smoothly?"

Maria Hill glanced at the representatives and financial experts not far away who were still looking nervous.

"No, there isn't.

Because since entering this market, we have faced similar situations every day.

In accordance with the Security Council resolution, a dedicated office and team should be established here.

At that time, you will also have to send people to take charge of security work.

I suggest it's best to send Captain America here, otherwise ordinary agents won't be able to cope with the environment here. "

After saying that, Alexander Pierce took two steps back slightly to avoid any contact with the devil not far away.

Because he could vaguely feel that the demonic power he had obtained was incompatible with this place, and was even vaguely rejected.

"Is this the case every day?!"

Colson was completely stunned, and his eyes showed intense fear.

He couldn't believe whether the hearts of those representatives could bear it if they were so stimulated every day.

It may not be long before the older ones among them die of heart attacks or cerebral infarctions.

Alexander Pierce nodded seriously: “Yes.

No way, who said this is the only channel for us to quickly develop into space.

After all, the Chitauri invasion made governments and all human beings aware of their own vulnerability, and they had to catch up to get rid of the situation of being prey to human beings.

Nick Fury wants to take shortcuts, and the Avengers Project and the Tesseract are part of that.

But unfortunately he failed and was ruined.

In order not to repeat the same mistakes, the only place we can rely on is here.

At least through the current contact, we can be sure that the technology obtained from the Great Demon God Soth is mature and will not cause any great harm. "

"Will Director Nick be sentenced?" Coulson asked cautiously.

"I think he should be given a symbolic sentence of ten or twenty years, and then be imprisoned for two years and released on medical parole. After all, he knows too many secrets, and he will definitely make a deal with the Security Council to avoid leaks."

Alexander Pierce pretended to be mysterious and revealed a little information.

Of course, this is entirely the result of his operation with Hydra.

Because two years is enough time for them to completely control SHIELD, and even infiltrate and control government departments in many countries, becoming the mastermind behind the world.

Just when Colson was still trying to get some inside information, a powerful representative finally squeezed out of the crowd and announced with a red face: "Success! We succeeded!

As long as the trend in the next few days remains stable, this will become an inexhaustible little treasury.

Let's go, this place has been handed over to the experts, let's go back and prepare for the celebration party.

By the way, the profits will be distributed according to the original agreement.

In particular, we need to call Iron Man Tony Stark here, and we need to seek his professional advice on which technologies we should start with. "

"No problem, I will be responsible for informing Stark. He will definitely not be absent for something like this."

Coulson gave the guarantee sternly.

Since Nick Fury was relieved of his duties and locked up, he has naturally become the one to directly interface with the Avengers.

After all, some of those superheroes are really difficult to deal with, such as Thor, the Crown Prince of Asgard who doesn't take the governments of the Earth seriously at all.

When he brought Loki home, he completely ignored the massive destruction and death of millions of people caused by his half-brother.

Some politicians with a strong sense of justice even clamored to hang Loki for war crimes and make him responsible for the deaths of all victims.

But what's the result?

He didn't even care about birds, so he took the Cosmic Rubik's Cube and teleported away with his brother without saying a word.

War crime?

Stop being funny!

This thing is essentially the humiliation and revenge of the victor against the loser.

Is it because Asgard's army can't fight, or is it that God King Odin is dead? Do you dare to speak to God's Domain in this tone?

Ignoring it is already considered a kind-hearted thing for Thor.

If it were Odin, he would have hung the clamoring people one by one on the flagpole in front of the White House or Congress.

It was precisely because of the excitement brought about by this incident that the Security Council became completely ruthless and determined to make the earth a cosmic-level civilization no matter what.

At least ensure that the solar system is no longer a public toilet, and aliens of all kinds can come and leave as they please.

In this way, after achieving the set goal, a group of hundreds of people quickly returned to the earth in another universe.

Then one consultation meeting after another began to be held one after another.

Since a vicious case occurred not long ago in which senior scientists were kidnapped and top-secret research data was lost in large quantities, SHIELD can be said to be going all out to ensure the safety of all participants this time and will never allow any accidents to occur.

As a busy man, Coulson, in addition to arranging tasks for the Avengers, also organized agents who learned magic and placed them in various important positions as a weapon against supernatural forces.

Right now, he was standing alone on the top of a building not far from the meeting place, looking down at the surrounding situation with a look of nervousness and exhaustion on his face.

After all, he was just an executive before and didn't need to consider too many political issues.

But with the dismissal of Nick Fury, the burden on his shoulders began to become heavier and heavier. The most obvious manifestation is that the front half of his head is almost completely bald. If this continues, sooner or later he will be like Director Ludan. There won't be a hair on it.

Just when Colson was hesitating whether he should try hair transplantation, he suddenly saw a strange man in a yellow robe suddenly appear out of thin air not far away, standing straight in the air without any support under his feet.

Moreover, the other party's head was shining with a dazzling light under the sunlight.

As a professional agent's first subconscious reaction, he pulled out his upgraded gun and tried to aim at the target.

But the next second, the opponent directly appeared in front of him across a distance of two to three hundred meters.

"Hello, Phil Coulson, I have something to talk to you about. I wonder if you are free?"


Coulson finally saw the other person's face clearly, and also knew the identity of this mysterious man - the Supreme Mage Ancient One.

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