A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 754 The Destiny of Hydra (a 10,000-word chapter, please subscribe)

What will a planet that has just been invaded by a powerful alien civilization, and in which its own defenses were destroyed with almost no resistance, suddenly receive sufficient financial and technical support, do?

The answer, of course, is to use all our strength to develop the military.

Amid huge security anxiety, numerous developed countries that previously relied on the financial industry, service industry and a few high-tech value-added industries to support their economies have begun to rapidly transform into the heavy industries they abandoned.

Even if we cannot directly develop in all aspects like the three most dominant countries in the People's Federation, we must at least undertake part of the supporting industries, obtain sufficient benefits from this drastic change, and ensure that we do not will be reduced to the point of being dispensable.

Various huge projects that sound exaggerated are being launched one after another.

Whether it is the establishment of an orbital defense ring and spaceport around the earth, or the complete fortressization of the moon proposed by some scientists and military theory experts, ordinary people feel strongly that it is unreal.

It’s as if the ambition and desire to explore the universe that dominated the world’s two poles during the Cold War have suddenly returned.

But this time it’s no longer competition within humanity, but unity and cooperation against threats from outer space.

After all, if we encounter a similar alien invasion next time, only those countries with important space industry capabilities will receive the greatest degree of protection.

In contrast, small countries with little sense of existence will disappear if they are gone.

This is just like if there is some unrest in a developed country and dozens or even a dozen people are killed, it will become a big news that causes an international sensation. Even the heads of governments of many countries need to come forward to express condolences.

But for poor and weak countries with frequent wars and no sense of existence, even if warlords and terrorists massacre hundreds or even thousands of people in villages and towns, there may not even be rolling subtitles in the news.

If this is the case that everyone has only one life and death, it is naturally even more impossible for equality to exist in a country composed of people.

Therefore, if you don't want to become a victim, you can only sharpen your head and squeeze towards the upper reaches of the People's Federation system. The closer to the upper level, the safer it is.

And those backward areas that have no industrial foundation at all and whose people have less than a few prenatal education graduates per capita have naturally become victims of this cruel knockout competition.

The top leaders of the People's Federation pretended to allocate a large amount of cheap or even free food to them as compensation, and deliberately "raised pigs" in these extremely poor and backward areas, allowing local gangs and various criminal industries to flourish, and eventually became a universe similar to Warhammer. A lawless place at the bottom of the hive world of the human empire.

By creating an environment, the residents of the area have to become shameless evil people in order to survive, and then continuously provide evil souls as currency.

Of course, as a way to win over the local ruling class, the Awami League provides legitimacy to the corrupt rule of these guys. Even if they are overthrown by bottom-up riots, they can take their wealth and family to a safe developed country to spend the rest of their lives.

As a saying goes, despicability is the passport of the despicable, and nobility is the epitaph of the noble.

If you want to be a conscientious person in a place full of villains, the price will most likely be the death of your family and your wife.

Whether you want to be a good person or a bad person often does not depend on yourself, but on the surrounding environment.

Just as Zuo Si expected, advanced technology and huge resources have not allowed the living standards of ordinary people to significantly improve on the earth in this universe. Instead, social problems have become increasingly serious, including militarism and polarization.

A small group of people began to become richer and richer, and held more and more power in their hands. However, more people were eliminated because they were unable to adapt to the leap-forward technological upgrades and could not find a decent job at all.

For example, middle-aged people who were still enjoying high salaries in Internet companies were mercilessly fired just because they could not learn new programming languages.

What’s even more terrible is that the development of artificial intelligence and fully automated mechanization has made many industries no longer need humans as labor force.

Even many service industries can use drones and bionic machines to replace original people. Hundreds of millions of manual workers are discarded by capital like waste products and garbage.

The terrifying wave of unemployment has swept through countless countries like a mountain and a tsunami, and unemployed people wandering aimlessly can be seen everywhere on the streets.

In order to prevent these guys from causing trouble, the government has introduced policies to provide the most basic food, housing and medical care for free. At the same time, it has gone to great lengths to produce hallucinogenic addictive drugs without too many side effects for them to take, and to anesthetize them through various cheap electronic entertainment. its spirit.

And as long as you are willing to have children, you can receive a pretty good subsidy.

Many idle couples even use it as a way to make money and make a living.

Many big cities have begun to vaguely develop towards a cyberpunk style.

Facts have proven that without matching social systems and ideological progress, overly advanced technology will not only bring little benefit to ordinary people, but will instead become a terrible disaster.

Of course, the above situations are still in their infancy. Although they have caused concern among some sociologists who still have some conscience, they are soon drowned in the massive amount of explosive information.

After all, compared with the dazzling new technologies reported on the news every day, as well as the warlords, terrorists, Avengers and various superheroes who have obtained Chitauri weapons and equipment, boring social discussions are simply not enough. Aroused too many people's interest and attention.

Especially after the government provided food, housing and medical security, many ordinary people who had suffered setbacks and lost their ideals chose to lie down and immersed themselves in the world of drugs and virtual networks, unable to extricate themselves.

Through this extremely low-cost method, the People's Federation has successfully resolved the violent social unrest that may be caused by mass unemployment, while also invisibly accelerating the differentiation of social classes.

Of course, none of the above has anything to do with Colson.

Because since the establishment of the special response team, he has been so busy that he sleeps less than four hours a day, and almost all of his already thin hair has almost fallen out.

It is necessary to complete the commission of the Supreme Master Ancient One, to send those who have lived in Kama Taj home for a long time one by one, and then resettle them properly, and at the same time to put out fires around the world.

In particular, the hacker group calling itself "Rising Tide" somehow managed to take photos of several of them, and then published them on the Internet to compare with previous news.

As a result, their identities were exposed and they were frequently harassed, making it impossible for them to return to normal life.

Coulson was filled with disgust from the bottom of his heart for these bastards who invaded other people's privacy under the banner of so-called "freedom". He used the power of SHIELD to capture many people, and without saying a word, he gave them a big memory recovery spell.

At the beginning, each of these guys acted quite tough, shouting about human rights, freedom of speech, and the need to see a lawyer, but within half an hour they all honestly explained everything they knew.

They looked so arrogant before, but now they are so cowardly, some even become incontinent, huddled in the corner of the cell with bruises and faces, trembling uncontrollably like frightened birds.


Due to the long-term lack of sleep and the need to deal with too many things, Coulson is no longer the good old guy he usually is, but has become extremely irritable and irritable.

And he has no time to play word games with these selfish ghosts who engage in performance art.

What's more, according to the results of SHIELD's investigation, the Rising Tide organization's ass is not clean at all.

Maybe there are indeed many young people inside who have invested a lot of time and energy for their naive ideals, but the senior executives who have control are secretly collecting dirty money.

However, because this organization also adopts a decentralized structure similar to the Harper Alliance, it is almost impossible to catch them all.

Even most members of the Rising Tide Organization don't know who the "comrades" sitting in front of the electronic screen fighting alongside them are and where they are at the moment.

"How about we ask who posted those photos on the Internet? Is someone following us?"

Staring at the young man in the temporary holding cell who was wearing only a pair of shorts and his face was covered with blood and was crying and begging for mercy, Colson, who had serious dark circles under his eyes, asked the question he was most concerned about.

"Sorry, sir, this guy is just an insignificant pawn like those before him. He doesn't know anything at all. He is just attracted by the slogan of the Rising Tide Organization."

Grant Ward wiped the blood on his fist and gave the answer with a helpless look.

This really can't be blamed on his incompetence, or on SHIELD's poor network investigation and tracking capabilities. It's just that the Rising Tide organization has too many people.

Globally, it is conservatively estimated that there are at least hundreds of thousands of people, with more than 140,000 in North America alone.

When delivering information, they would go online at the same time at the agreed time. After delivering the information, they would go offline and disappear collectively, which caused huge difficulties in the investigation and arrest work.

After all, maybe S.H.I.E.L.D. can track and locate these targets at the same time, but if they want to catch them, they have to send out field agents.

Since all secrecy involving magic and supernatural powers is at least Level 6, the FBI and police must not be involved.

But the problem is that they don't have that many people at all, so naturally they can only randomly pick a few lucky people to try their luck.

So far, they have arrested more than a hundred people who were suspected of spreading the virus, but without exception, they were unable to answer any question.

Of course, the most important thing is that as the adopted son of the leader of Hydra, Grant Ward's real mission has never been to assist Coulson, but to keep an eye on the other party and continuously send out intelligence.

As Alexander Pierce's plan to seize power officially enters the countdown, a giant web hidden in the shadows has been opened.

SHIELD, which has long been infiltrated into a sieve, is the hardest hit area, with more than half of its functional departments under the surveillance and control of Hydra.

"Damn it! Are we going to arrest them one by one like this? What if they find that fewer members of the organization are hiding?" Colson complained as he rubbed his swollen forehead.

Although he had long known that what he accepted might be a difficult mess to deal with, he never expected that it would be so difficult to deal with.

Not to mention the man behind the pursuit of lost antimatter and the sale of energy weapons and Tao Gang armor on the black market, even the seemingly easiest installation work has such huge flaws.

At this moment, Coulson finally realized how remarkable it was that Nick Fury, whom he had often complained about before, could maintain without any major problems for such a long time.

Just when Grant Ward wanted to explain a few words, a voice suddenly came from the aircraft's internal communication device.

"Sir, the Rising Tide Organization has begun to collectively deliver information online again. Do you want to listen?"


Coulson answered in the affirmative without hesitation.

The next second...

A processed electronic synthesized sound began to reverberate throughout the aircraft.

The reason why this thing is called an aircraft rather than an airplane is mainly because its appearance is not similar to a traditional airplane at all, and it is not limited to flying in the atmosphere, but can also be used as a landing module or shuttle to travel to and from outer space.

SHIELD built this thing mainly for technical verification and flight data collection, and there are only less than ten ships in the world.

The ship has been modified and not only has quite powerful firepower, but also has a super laboratory that combines magic and technology, a large living area and places for leisure, entertainment, fitness, and sleeping, and an area that can hold and interrogate prisoners. .

The combined interior space is equivalent to a ten-story apartment building.

In terms of flight speed, combat effectiveness and comfort, it is countless times stronger than SHIELD's sky aircraft carrier.

After all, the sky aircraft carrier is still based on earth technology. It has neither a protective cover nor a very fast speed. It is basically a living target and flying coffin in front of energy weapons.

In the original plot, Hawkeye launched a single raid with only a small number of elites and almost sunk the entire sky aircraft carrier. This shows how fragile it is.

But the aircraft Coulson was traveling on had an energy shield system that could withstand it for a period of time even if it was targeted by energy weapons.

The reason why he was willing to take on such an important task was because he fell in love with this "big baby" at first sight.

No man can resist such temptation.

But at the moment, Coulson is no longer in the mood to admire his moving castle, and is concentrating on listening to the voices of the Rising Tide organization to the outside world.

“Now how are you going to find us, catch us?

Suddenly fell from the sky while on a plane?

Or just send people into our homes?

No matter what threats and intimidation you use this time, we will never remain silent, nor will we choose to back down.

Because the truth you have been trying to hide is no longer known to everyone.

No country or relevant institution can stop the rising tide.

You can't find us, and you'll never know the identities of the members within the organization.

We will stand up and expose those who hide the truth from the world.

Remember, no matter what happens, our determination will not waver in the slightest.

The world needs the truth!

The people have the right to know the truth! "

Along with the impassioned speech, a mocking smile appeared on Coulson's face, and he asked without raising his head: "Fitz, how many targets have you located?"

"Fifteen thousand four hundred and twenty-three, sir."

A young male's voice came from the communicator.

"Where are the closest ones?"

Coulson asked again immediately.

"There is a node in the east of Los Angeles, California, where the signal signal is particularly strong and is suspected to be a high-tide organization."

Leo Fitz quickly marked on the projected map.

After getting the information he wanted, Coulson gave the order directly: "In that case, let's go visit the other party now."

"No problem. The flight path has been corrected. We will reach our destination in seven minutes at most."

The driver immediately gives the exact time.

At the same time, Grant Ward quickly put on his power mecha and entered the drop pod with a field team of twelve people.

If you look carefully, you will find that the scenery outside the window is not the blue sky and white clouds in the atmosphere at all, but the endless black deep sky.

At this moment, the aircraft was rushing towards the ground at a right angle of nearly 90 degrees.

But the people inside did not feel the slightest bit of overload caused by gravity acceleration, and there was not even any shaking or noise.

When it was less than three or four kilometers from the ground, the aircraft suddenly stopped steadily under the action of the anti-gravity engine in less than a second.

Following closely, fourteen field agents, including Coulson, directly pressed the button and jumped down the side drop pod.

Because it was a city center street, they even turned on the optical cloaking device on the power mecha during the descent, and finally landed quietly around a small van that looked a little shabby.

An agent used the advanced instruments carried on the power mecha to see through and scan the interior of the entire car, and soon reported through the communication device: "Sir, there is only a young woman inside, and no weapons such as guns and knives were found. Target threat level is low."

"Are you sure that the voice on the radio just now was hers?"

Coulson asked in an uncertain tone.

Because the soundproofing effect of a dilapidated second-hand van was obviously not very good, he could already hear the young woman inside expressing her emotions passionately in English, as if SHIELD had committed some heinous crime.

Especially the things listed in it were completely contrary to what he knew.

Although Nick Fury often behaved badly when he was the chief, he was not really bad enough to arrest all super-powered people and make them disappear from the world.

Just the opposite!

SHIELD's attitude toward these people is to first conduct a risk assessment, and then try to make contact with them. Those who are willing to become agents will be sent for training, and those who are unwilling will find a way to get them to sign a confidentiality agreement, and then continue as ordinary people. Life.

Only those who are particularly dangerous, unable to control themselves, or have serious anti-social and anti-human tendencies will be captured and locked up.

However, the Rising Tide organization apparently misunderstood something, thinking that SHIELD was a secret police organization that specialized in doing dirty work for the government.

Conscience of heaven and earth!

S.H.I.E.L.D. is clearly a transnational and trans-regional law enforcement agency established under the authorization of the Security Council. Its purpose has always been to protect the earth and human civilization.

But Coulson obviously doesn't know that all of this is actually related to the Hydra within himself.

If S.H.I.E.L.D. finds a super-powered person, Hydra may follow up and kidnap him, and then take him to a secret laboratory for research and brainwashing.

Over time, those familiar with the matter will naturally blame S.H.I.E.L.D.

When Carter and Howard were working on Project Paperclip, they probably would never have imagined that the anti-Hydra organization they founded would eventually become the base for Hydra's rebirth.

"Yes, that's her."

After using advanced instruments to restore the electronic sound, another agent accompanying him quickly gave a positive answer.

As a result, Colson opened the door of the van without saying a word.


The young girl who was speaking impassionedly into the microphone one second, had a frozen expression on her face the next second.

Because she was not blind, she could see the invisible field agents around her wearing power mechas, as well as the eagle-like logo on their bodies.


Maybe it was to ease the embarrassment, or maybe it was because of a guilty conscience, but the woman managed a smile and waved.

But unfortunately, no one here showed any mercy because she was a beauty.

Grant Ward even used his head to cover him without mercy, and then tied his hands with restraints.

Daisy Johnson, the famous vibrator girl in the future, was forcibly dragged by two strong men and returned to the aircraft first.

Seeing her struggling and embarrassment, Colson couldn't help but smile and asked: "Do you think this is a big fish?"

"We won't know until the interrogation is over, sir. But I have a hunch that we will definitely be able to get some useful clues from her this time."

Grant Ward clenched his fists subconsciously, obviously planning to perform a set of memory recovery techniques as usual without saying anything, without any intention of showing mercy.

As a SHIELD agent and HYDRA spy, he doesn't have a bad habit of hitting women.

"Search the vehicle and see if we can find any valuable information."

After Coulson said these words, he took several other agents and left first.

Grant Ward worked tirelessly to inspect the two dilapidated second-hand vans, especially the electronic equipment including laptops.

Just when he was about to use the interface on the power mecha to plug it in to crack it, he suddenly noticed an ancient book with a red cover and a surface that looked like burning flames in the corner of the car.

Since he had received magic education in the training class and had a spellcasting level of LV3, he immediately felt the strong magic fluctuations and picked it up carefully.

The moment your hand touches it, a vast amount of knowledge pours into your brain like a tide.

Before he could even react to what was happening, the originally closed pages of the book opened by themselves, revealing a variety of methods about Baator Hell, summoning devils, and conducting trading sacrifices.

"This...is this?!!!"

Grant Ward was stunned. Both his voice and his hands holding the book were trembling slightly uncontrollably.

He couldn't believe that he was so lucky to obtain such a treasure during the mission.

After all, the entire earth is now under the protection of Zuo Si, the lord of the ninth level of Baator Hell, and anyone who is not blind can see his powerful strength.

Moreover, when studying the book "Introduction to Planes", Igvirvo, the magic teacher specially hired by S.H.I.E.L.D., also said that compared to the moody chaotic demons, it is relatively safe to summon lawful demons.

No hesitation!

Grant Ward directly turned on the power mecha and hid the book close to his body. He continued to pretend to search other things in the car, and finally turned around and left with a few things that seemed valuable.

Little did he know that as soon as he stepped forward, two figures slowly walked out from the dark corner.

"Are you sure that handing him the Devil's Book was a wise choice? You must know that within Hydra, he is not even a little shrimp now. It is difficult to say what he can do after the fall of Alexander Pierce."

Witch Queen Igvirvo expressed her opinion in a slightly playful tone.

“It doesn’t matter what he can do.

The important thing is to clean up the demonic-influenced parts of Hydra.

The master has said that Hydra must be lawful and must play an important role in the future process.

If you continue to spread chaos and summon demons in this world, then don't blame me for being rude. "

When he said these words, Balthazar's eyes flashed with creepy divine power, which was obviously a warning in his eyes.

Igvirvo responded with a smile as if he hadn't seen anything: "Don't worry, I'm not a fool, and I won't be stupid enough to interfere with and destroy the master's plan. And I haven't spoken to that man named Will we meet Wanda’s little girl?”


Balthazar snorted coldly, obviously not believing a word of this statement.

Because he could feel that as she used her celebrity status to harvest the faith and worship of mortals, and combined with the power from the bottomless abyss in her body, the Witch Queen was transforming in the direction of divine-like power.

The more critical this moment is, the more Igvirvo needs powerful external evil forces such as Chaos Magic and the Dark Book as catalysts.

The two stared at each other's eyes for a full minute, then activated the teleportation magic and disappeared.

At the same time, far away at the Cape Canaveral Aerospace Launch Site in Florida, Iron Man Tony Stark was standing in a huge assembly factory, watching tens of thousands of giant robotic arms working at Assemble the various modules together extremely quickly.

It is not difficult to deduce from the roughly 30% completed prototype that this is a space battleship truly designed and built by the Earth. The light length is a full five kilometers, and the huge anti-matter hyperspeed engine at the tail occupies even more space. Fully one-fifth of the hull.

Several macro cannons and energy weapon arrays are still installed, and just looking at them makes people feel ferocious and terrifying.

Energy shield generator components are also being installed at designated locations one by one.

You don't need to ask to know that this unfinished space battleship is a comprehensive reflection of the earth's current technological level and industrial capabilities.

Although the human empire placed in the Warhammer universe can only be regarded as a cruiser or light cruiser at best, and can only barely reach the threshold of a standard battleship, for humans, it is the key to the starry sea.

Only four warships of similar standards have been built at the same time worldwide.

The reason why Iron Man and his Stark Industries Group played an extremely important role in being able to absorb all kinds of advanced technologies purchased at high prices so quickly.

"She's so pretty, isn't she?"

Dr. Banner stood on the iron shelf and looked down at the entire battleship and couldn't help but sigh.

After all, the largest war weapon aircraft carrier that humans had used before this was only three to four hundred meters long.

But now it has suddenly crossed over to calculating length in kilometers.

It is said that larger battlecruisers, large cruisers and battleships will be built in the future.

Tony Stark nodded with a haggard smile: "Yes, she is the result of our work day and night during this period. It feels like facing a child about to be born. Waiting for the first batch of four Once the warship is built, the earth will have its own outer space defense force, and it will even begin to colonize the inner solar system to obtain more resources."

"How long has it been since you slept?"

Dr. Banner turned around and asked seriously.

With his delicate mind, he undoubtedly noticed the thick dark circles and bloodshot eyes of the other party.

"Um... probably dozens of hours. Don't worry, I've taken the latest anti-fatigue drugs, so I should be able to last a few days." Iron Man replied with an indifferent expression.

"Damn it! Are you suffering from insomnia caused by anxiety?"

Dr. Banner is indeed a genius with seven doctorates, and he can tell at a glance that something is wrong with Tony Stark's mental state.

In other words, this guy has been extremely neurotic since the Chitauri invasion ended, and has been immersed in almost crazy work all day long.

"I didn't! I'm not! Don't talk nonsense!"

Iron Man quickly offered three consecutive denials.

But he was defeated in just a few minutes. He smiled bitterly and explained with a sigh: "Okay, I admit that I have some mental problems, and I will have nightmares as soon as I lie down and fall asleep. You have nothing to do with this matter. Don’t tell anyone else.”

"Because you felt your own weakness and powerlessness in that war?" Dr. Banner continued to ask.

"That's right.

I don't know what other people think.

But when I saw those aliens relying on high technology to crush us, thousands of innocent civilians were slaughtered, and the once bustling and bustling cities turned into ruins, my heart was filled with pain and self-blame.

If we become stronger, can such tragedies be avoided?

Therefore, we must become stronger and make those alien civilizations awe and fear us.

Lord Soth once said that the only language in this universe that all intelligent life can understand is violence.

Only when the earth has the ability to destroy each other will other civilizations respect us from the bottom of their hearts.

Look at the Asgard realm behind Thor, why can Loki, whose hands are stained with the blood of innocents, be taken away instead of accepting our trial?

In the final analysis, we are still too weak.

Of course, it's not that I have a problem with Thor.

He is a good man with a straightforward personality and a sense of justice, but this does not mean that Asgard can always sit on our heads and shit. "

When saying these words, Iron Man's tone revealed strong unwillingness and resentment.

Even he himself didn't realize that after just a few meetings with Zuo Si, his thinking and values ​​had begun to be affected by the power of the Devil Prince.

In contrast, Dr. Banner, who had been in confrontation with another personality Hulk for a long time, still maintained his inner calm. He raised his hand and patted the former's shoulder to comfort him: "Relax, your nerves are too tense. Come on, there won’t be any good results if this continues. What’s more, this is not your responsibility alone. Aren’t the People’s Federation and SHIELD already starting to develop space power?”

"No! This is my responsibility! The responsibility I must shoulder."

Having said that, Tony Stark walked straight to the electronic screen on the console and began to check the operation of tens of thousands of large robotic arms.

If you look closely, you will find that there is black glistening oil flowing inside these robotic arms.

To be precise, without the help of Shuoyou, with the current technological level and industrial strength of the earth, it is simply a fantasy to set up a space battleship assembly factory in a short time.

What's more, in order to obtain funds and technology, representatives of the People's Federation's top management have packaged and listed the earth and mankind together, so they don't care about the potential risks brought by mere oil.

However, Dr. Banner and Iron Man did not notice at all. The conversation between the two had been heard clearly by the Hydra agent responsible for monitoring the surveillance.

About a few minutes later, the recording and video were sent to Alexander Pierce's computer.

The North American smuggler burst out laughing immediately after reading this.

"Ha ha ha ha!

The only language in the universe that all intelligent life can understand is violence?

So well said!

Unexpectedly, after experiencing the Chitauri invasion, Tony Stark would be so close to Hydra's ideas and values.

It seems that the original plan needs to be modified slightly, and it would be best to absorb him into our organization. "

"I'm afraid this won't be easy. Because Tony Stark is not an ordinary person. He is rich, a member of the Avengers, and at the same time the leader of a large capital group." Sitwell reminded carefully from the side.

But Alexander Pierce shook his head slightly: “No, you don’t understand.

The more people like him are, the more persistent they are about what they believe in.

We just need to expose a little bit of the shady evil plans and ugly actions of the top leaders of the People's League, so that they will be completely disappointed and even hate the existing government.

Then Iron Man would embrace HYDRA's philosophy and become ours.

In the same way, Captain America Steve Rogers can take similar actions to let him see clearly the background of the country he is risking his life to defend.

Remember, in order to change someone's will, you first have to destroy everything they love and believe in.

All freedom and democracy are lies.

Even the Declaration of Human Rights, which was highly praised by countless people, now seems to be nothing more than a black humor full of irony.

The world does not need freedom, let alone democracy. They will only bring endless chaos and indulgence.

Only power and elite rule are the only way out for mankind.

It is our innate mission as Hydra to lead mankind out of the earth and into the universe to establish a powerful empire in the galaxy.

Imagine what the effect will be when Captain America, the hero who destroyed Hydra in World War II, shouts "Long live Hydra" to the world in front of the media camera? "

"Haha, I understand what you mean."

Sitwell grinned with a sinister smile.

There is no doubt that as he fully transformed himself into a demon, Alexander Pierce became more and more dangerous, able to see and exploit the weaknesses in each Avenger's humanity.

Iron Man's weakness is his strong sense of guilt about his past as an arms dealer, and his desire to take on more responsibilities to atone for his sins;

Captain America firmly believes that his motherland represented justice in World War II. Once he discovers the truth hidden behind it, he will fall into anger and confusion under the huge mental impact, and even feel that he has been deceived and fooled.

Therefore, Hydra is no longer obsessed with destroying the threat of the Avengers, but intends to divide and disintegrate them from within.

After all, without the stumbling block of Nick Fury, there is no second person in the entire S.H.I.E.L.D. from top to bottom who can be Alexander Pierce's opponent.

As Director Lu Dan's apparent friend and old leader, he can even make the current Director Maria Hill act completely according to his own will.

In this way, a secret rebellion plan against Tony Stark and Steve Rogers began quietly.

In order to avoid arousing unnecessary suspicion, Hydra did not give a direct answer, but released some plausible clues to make the two of them suspicious and secretly pursued it themselves.

They are like fish attracted by the bait and bite the hook without realizing it.

Obviously, with the appearance of Zuo Si, the original timeline has changed beyond recognition, like a runaway train rushing in a completely unknown direction.

Gu Yi, who had long looked past this change, had no intention of interfering.

I still just stay at Karma Taj every day, imparting my knowledge and experience to little Annie.

It can be said that she is very fond of this weird little guy who is almost as if he was born through a secret method. She wishes she could pour all her efforts into the girl.

And this undoubtedly made Modo almost crazy with jealousy.

The Supreme Mage suddenly sent away all the spell casters before, which made him feel very angry after planning for a long time.

Because just a little bit, he was able to recruit the most powerful people among them to become his good helpers.

But now there is nothing.

In the end, driven by the huge psychological gap, Mordo set his sights on the Eye of Agamotto, which represented the identity of the Supreme Mage.

In his opinion, as long as he controls the power of time, he can surpass the Ancient One and stand at the top of all mages.

He was so obsessed that he never thought carefully about why the Ancient One, who had this artifact that could easily peer into the past and future, didn't expect that he would steal the Eye of Agamotto and just placed it randomly in the warehouse...

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