A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 756: The Power of Speed ​​(a 10,000-word chapter, please subscribe)

The huge Kryptonian battleship was quickly transformed into a veritable "Ship of Theseus" under the influence of sparkle oil.

Because every time an area is completely devoured and decomposed, Shuoyou will optimize and reorganize it in its own way.

Eventually, when the knowledge and technology carried by the entire spacecraft is completely extracted, it returns to a state similar to the beginning.

Only the internal structure and the functions of some equipment have been strengthened.

And the glistening oil flowing inside the hull will give it almost unlimited self-healing capabilities.

As long as it is not completely destroyed at once, even a small piece of debris and a few drops of shimmering oil can be quickly reshaped by absorbing surrounding materials.

The only regret is that this Kryptonian spacecraft is not a battleship and does not have any decent weapon system, but is closer to an exploration and colonization ship.

However, several ion cannons, plasma firearms and modular high-performance power mechas still gave Zuo Si a little understanding of Krypton's military technology.

The barrel and barrel of the former are densely filled with tens of thousands of capillary conduction energy tubes, plus some polymer materials controlled by liquid geometry technology like mucus.

When huge energy enters along the conductive tube, the mucus will be mixed into it and converted into an ultra-high temperature plasma fluid and shot towards the target.

Even tungsten, the most heat-resistant metal on earth, will melt into a scalding liquid state in an instant.

As for ordinary steel or alloy armor, it will basically be vaporized at the moment of contact.

Zuo Si has already seen similar things in the Warhammer universe. Plasma weapons are the most famous representatives. Although the technical focus is slightly different, the basic principles are the same.

It's just that the Kryptonian's technology is more mature and conservative, far from the crazy pursuit of stronger and greater destructive power like the Warhammer universe.

In comparison, due to technologies such as liquid geometry, super polymer materials, and powerful biotechnology that are almost incomprehensible to earthlings, the Kryptonian's power mecha is the most sophisticated that Zuo Si has ever seen, and can maximize the enhancement of the wearer's various abilities. Equipment with attributes.

Putting aside the most basic protective capabilities, the fact that an ordinary person can immediately gain super strength, super speed, and super reactions after wearing it is unmatched by other powered mechas.

Benefiting from the most cutting-edge biological and genetic technology, Kryptonians can install an entire artificial neural control system in the power mecha and at the same time strengthen the wearer's own nerves.

In other words, while other power mechas are still competing with transmission devices and artificial intelligence assistance systems, they have regarded power mechas as extensions of their limbs. They do not need any assistance at all and can completely control their own hands and feet. Control the mecha.

Moreover, liquid geometry technology can enable mechas to achieve millisecond-level reaction speeds, and run and jump at supersonic speeds of ten or even dozens of times.

If it were on the battlefield, a Kryptonian warrior wearing a powered mecha would basically look like teleporting in the eyes of ordinary earthling soldiers.

This is why even in the eyes of The Flash, who has just gained the Speed ​​Force, the Kryptonian soldiers are considered quite fast.

To make a horizontal comparison, the pile of rags currently created by Iron Man Tony Stark are simply industrial garbage.

There is no way, who makes the technological level difference between the two too big.

What's more, the Kryptonians are a powerful star civilization that has existed and developed for 100,000 years, and stopped further technological research and development when it developed to about 80,000 years. The history of human civilization on Earth is only less than 10,000 years. .

Digesting the extra knowledge in his mind, Zuo Si touched his chin and murmured with interest: "Is there a lack of military technology? But it doesn't matter. It won't take long for General Zod to arrive to make up for this part. It seems like I’m going to have some fun new toys.”

"General Zod?"

Kara popped her head out of the other cabin.

As a Kryptonian who has absorbed a large amount of solar energy, her hearing and vision are undoubtedly very keen, and she can still hear clearly even from a long distance away.

"Oh, yes.

Counting the time, we should be arriving at Earth soon.

After all, his wish is to revive the destroyed Krypton.

This requires one crucial thing, the Code of Life.

And it's in your blood and genes. "

With that said, Zuo Si turned around and raised his hand and gently pressed it on the Kryptonian girl's flat belly, feeling this supreme masterpiece that represented genetic technology and engineering.

You must know that even the human emperor who created the Primarch, Custodes and Astartes Space Marines in the Warhammer universe was not able to achieve such a shocking level.

As long as this thing exists, Kryptonian civilization will always exist.

Even if the entire population dies, another batch can be directly created through genetic technology.

Moreover, according to an optimized social structure, each newborn's career is set in the early stages of cultivation, without any waste or involution. It is simply an enhanced version of the super power depicted in "Brave New World" .

"What?! The code of life is in my body? How is this possible!"

Kara's eyes widened in disbelief.

This news was so shocking to her that she ignored the strange physiological feeling produced at the moment of touching it.

Zuo Si continued expressionlessly: "Don't you think that the Code of Life was injected into your brother Kal Al?

Maybe it's like this in other parallel worlds in this universe.

But in this timeline, you are the chosen one.

Because Kal-El's spaceship failed to escape Krypton but was captured by General Zod.

Even more unfortunately, he did not survive the process of extracting the Codex of Life.

Now that General Zod has locked onto you, he will soon come to Earth to seize the Code of Life, while simultaneously destroying humanity on this planet and transforming it into New Krypton. "

"Kal-El is dead..."

The expression on Kara's face suddenly became very sad, and tears flowed down her cheeks uncontrollably.

After all, her mission when she set off from Krypton was to protect and take care of her young brother. This sense of responsibility was also the last belief that allowed her to endure long-term torture and abuse in the dark underground base without having a mental breakdown.

But after finally escaping, I got such bad news. I suddenly felt that the whole world was collapsing, as if there was no point in living anymore.

But this is precisely the result that leftists who are good at mental manipulation want to achieve.

He immediately hugged the Kryptonian girl who was limp and almost kneeling on the ground, helped her wipe the tears on her face with very gentle movements, and then said in an unquestionable tone: "Don't cry!

Crying is the most meaningless and valuable act in the world.

Because it will only make your enemies laugh at your weakness and incompetence.

Since General Zod killed the family member who is most important to you, you must destroy his most cherished things in the same way, so that he will feel endless pain and despair before he dies.

Tooth for tooth, blood for blood!

Now that Kal-El is dead, there is no need for Kryptonian civilization to exist!

Kill all the Kryptonians who follow him in front of General Zod, and completely destroy the last Kryptonian fleet!

Use your own hands to destroy it yourself!

This is what Kara Zor-El should do. "


The pain and sadness in the Kryptonian girl's pupils were replaced by anger and hatred. She clenched her fists and gritted her teeth and roared: "You are right! I want to destroy everything Zod cherishes! I want him to witness it with his own eyes. Destruction of Kryptonian civilization! I will kill every one of his soldiers in the most bloody and cruel way!"

"Yes, that's it. This is my good girl. Remember, never keep sorrow and pain to yourself, but return it to your enemies ten times or a hundred times."

As the last word blurted out, Zuo Si held up the other person's tear-stained face and took the initiative to kiss his forehead. Then he held Kara in his arms and inserted his fingers into the other person's hair to gently comb it.

Under the dual influence of the terrifying charm attributes and the evil aura of the big devil, Kara was completely smitten within a few minutes and turned into a little kitten eager to please her master and gain his approval. She hugged Zuo Si's neck tightly and refused to let go.

Because for her who had nothing, the young man in front of her who had saved her and was willing to avenge her had become her only support and spiritual sustenance.

Although she knew nothing about Zuo Si so far except for his name, she was mentally willing to give him unreserved trust.

Especially the unique smell emanating from her body made the Kryptonian girl deeply fascinated by it and made her feel inexplicably at ease.

Just maintaining the ambiguous hugging posture like this, Kara began to feel an inexplicable sleepiness in just a few minutes, and soon fell into a deep sleep as her brain became groggy.

"What a sweet little girl with a simple mind. It seems that I have to thank the people who imprisoned her in the underground base for repeated torture and abuse, otherwise it would never be so easy to reform and control her."

With an evil smile on his face, Zuo Si created a soft and comfortable big bed out of thin air, casually took off Kara's black combat uniform, and threw her naked body into the bed.

There is no doubt that whether it was the words and deeds during the initial meeting, the massacre of all personnel in the entire underground base, or the just-pretended casual revelation that Kal-El was dead in this timeline, it was all part of the story. Set in a ring of progressive psychological hints.

The goal of the first step is to eliminate the wariness and establish an ignorant goodwill in the heart of the Kryptonian girl;

The second step is to make Kara feel loved and protected by killing the object of hatred, and then upgrade it to spiritual dependence on the basis of goodwill;

The third step is to use the news of his brother's death to completely destroy his original mission and beliefs, and then cut off the connection with Kryptonian civilization through killing and hatred.

As a result, Kara Zor-El's social connections will disappear completely.

This means that her dependence on Zuo Si will become more and more serious, and may even escalate into a crazy obsession like Harley Quinn's obsession with the Joker.

Because of the fear of abandonment, the former will almost never refuse any request made by the latter.

In fact, similar "little tricks" can often be seen in daily life.

For example, between lovers, if one party is particularly controlling, they will try to cut off the other party's social relationships, causing them to completely lose all their friends and have little contact with their relatives.

Over time, the controlled partner will gradually become submissive to the controlling partner.

It's just that when ordinary people play this trick, they often cause the controlled party to resist fiercely due to their own lack of charm, and ultimately inevitably lead to failure.

But Zuo Si was different.

He could read Kara's mind effortlessly.

At the same time, it also has enough charm attributes to ensure that the other party will not resist.

On the contrary, it will make the other party hopelessly addicted to it, and even develop a slight masochistic habit.

Glancing at the Kryptonian girl who was tightly wrapped in quilt and sleeping soundly on the bed, Zuo Si raised his hand and directly cast a prophecy magic.

In a blink of an eye!

The image of Barry Allen, The Flash, appeared out of thin air.

At this moment, he is trying to break into the Central City Crime Laboratory with his version of himself in this timeline, replicating the process in which he obtained the Speed ​​Force through electric shock.

It has to be said that this guy is really reckless. He actually dares to crudely copy the results of an accident without knowing anything about the Speed ​​Force.

If something unexpected happened, Barry Allen in this timeline would probably die suddenly on the spot.

Don't think this is a joke!

As a saying goes, the history that has happened is composed of countless accidents.

Any tiny variables and anomalies can lead to completely different results.

This is why every time The Flash travels back in time and tries to change something, the result often leads to drastic changes in the future.

Of course, as a planeswalker, Zuo Si didn't care much about this.

Because he just wanted to get a glimpse of the true face of the Speed ​​Force through this process, and by the way see if he could take the opportunity to create a land card that connected to the Wall of the Speed ​​Force.

If successful, then he can also use the Speed ​​Force in his own way, or simply become one of the speedsters.

With the desire for this kind of power, Zuo Si was instantly transported from the Kryptonian spaceship to the laboratory room. Before the protagonist arrived, he blessed himself with advanced invisibility skills and stood silently in the corner of the room watching everything that was about to happen. .

After a while, two Barry Allens passed through the locked tempered glass door through Speed ​​Force resonance.

What's not interesting is that the next second they came in, the automatic door that was originally closed suddenly sensed someone passing by and opened on its own...

Staring at the completely unlocked door, Barry Allen, who looked older and had short hair, had a very embarrassed expression on his face.

But fortunately, he immediately found a step for himself by looking at his watch, and then pushed his other self, who had not yet obtained the Speed ​​Force, to the test bench filled with various chemical reagents, and instantly activated the Speed ​​Force. Rush to the side and open the window.

After finishing this, the Flash pressed his other self on the chair and began to give the final explanation.

"The time was almost up and I was sitting in this chair and lightning struck through the window."

"Wait! I'm going to be struck by lightning?!"

The young Barry Allen jumped up with his mouth wide open.

Because in his opinion, there is no difference between being struck by lightning and committing suicide by jumping off a building.

"No, no, no, you were not struck directly by lightning. The lightning would hit the chemical reagents first, and then splash them onto your body, causing you to receive an indirect electric shock."

The elder Barry Allen gave a detailed explanation to his younger brother.

As a result, he refused to explain. As soon as he explained, the young Barry Allen reacted even more fiercely. He stood up from the chair again and shook his head desperately: "What? Are you kidding? I don't want to be electrocuted! This is simply outrageous. Got it!"

"Sit tight and don't move!"

The elder Barry Allen pushed his little brother back, then turned it to point it out the window.

The young Barry Allen resisted desperately: "It's you who should do the best!"

"But I already have superpowers. Who was clamoring to have the same power before?" the older Barry Allen yelled emotionally.

"But I don't want to be struck by lightning! This is so fucking crazy! I'm going to die!"

"No, you won't. The fact that I'm still alive is the best proof."

"But how do you know it wasn't an accident? What if I die?"

At the moment when the two people were arguing fiercely, a white electric light directly shattered the glass around the window. It shattered all the chemical reagent bottles on the entire test bench at a speed close to that of light. Various unknown liquids were mixed together and splashed in all directions.

The electric light followed the liquid and penetrated directly into the body of the older Barry Allen, and then penetrated into the chest of the young Barry Allen. A tooth in the former's mouth even flew out and fell into the latter's chest. In the mouth.

Although the process was so fast that it could not be captured by the naked eye, Zuo Si still felt the slight distortion of the surrounding space and the speed force seeping out of the cracks.

He had no time to think at all, so he activated the power of time and the power of the planeswalker's spark at the same time, forcibly expanding the tiny space distortion to a radius of two meters, and then reached in and successfully made a land card.

When the description on the card began to appear, the two Barry Allens also twitched and fell to the ground.

[Land Card: Miracle Land—Wall of Speed ​​Force (Tunnel)]

[LV45 colorless card (cannot be upgraded)]

[Card quality: unique]

[Effect: When this card is in effect, it can provide 3,000 points of Speed ​​Force energy every day (Speed ​​Force energy will share a mana pool with other energies, and will be automatically consumed when the mana pool is full)

In addition, you will also receive the blessing of the Speed ​​Force to become a speedster, with a theoretical upper limit that can reach 13 trillion times the speed of light.

However, the faster the speed, the more Speed ​​Force energy is consumed in the same time.

Only the Speed ​​Force energy generated by the card can meet its requirements.

After becoming a speedster, you will gain super speed, super perception, super reaction, accelerated healing, super fast thinking speed, super speed flight, super memory, speed force shield, time clone, control of your own molecular level, time travel and other abilities. 】

[Using this card does not require mana consumption]

[If this card effect is damaged or destroyed by other magical forces, it will automatically enter the graveyard and wait for rebirth for fifteen years]

"Speed ​​Force energy? Interesting..."

Zuo Si activated this land card without hesitation.

Just a second later, the lightning symbolizing the Speed ​​Force began to flash violently around the body.

It's just that unlike the common colors of gold, red, and blue on speedsters, his speed force lightning is a dull gray, and the brightness is relatively low. It feels like the whole person is covered with a shadow.

However, since the land card has just taken effect and the Speed ​​Force energy in the mana pool is still in single digits, there is no way to test how fast one can go and the ratio between speed and energy consumption.

So after a short stay, Zuo Si activated the teleportation magic and disappeared.

As soon as he walked away with his front legs, Barry Allen, who was lying on the ground twitching on his back legs, struggled to get up.

The older one noticed that the black burn marks left on his little brother's back when he was struck by lightning disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye, replaced by smooth and white skin, and he immediately realized that he It worked.

The young man climbed up soon after, looking as if he had collapsed and could only move with the help of the other party.

However, the damage caused by lightning in the laboratory obviously triggered the alarm. When they walked outside, they found that the originally lax guards began to run in their direction under the orders of their superiors, while others stayed at the door and refused to leave. , wanting to take the main entrance is just a daydream.

In desperation, the older Barry Allen could only pull his little brother and hide behind the wall, first avoiding the guards running towards him, and then picked up the latter and planned to use the speed force resonance to pass through the wall. .

As a result, the two of them hit the hard marble wall with a bang, one after the other, and they all grimaced in pain.

But because they were afraid of alerting the guards, they did not dare to scream. They could only cover the place where the impact occurred and lay on the ground with distorted expressions and gritted their teeth.

When the pain began to subside, the older Barry Allen got up from the ground and wanted to try resonance again.

But unfortunately, the whole face was squashed and deformed against the wall, and it was impossible to get inside.

At this moment, he finally realized something was wrong. He lowered his head and looked at his hands, then took a step forward and started running in circles in the empty hall. After running a few laps, he cursed in panic: "Damn it! I... I actually slowed down! What happened? Was it that lightning?"

"Who? Who's there?"

A patrolling guard apparently heard the sound of running footsteps and immediately stuck his head out and looked down.

The two Barry Allens were immediately frightened out of their wits. They supported each other and ran to the window, climbed down along the bulge on the outside of the building, and drove all the way home.

Zuo Si obviously didn't care at all about what happened to the pair of Flashes, but returned directly to the Kryptonian spacecraft, intending to wait patiently for the arrival of General Zod.

Taking the time point when young Barry Allen obtained the Speed ​​Force, it was probably only in the past few days.

If it's quick, it will most likely be tomorrow.

So he had to make a little preparation in advance.

Otherwise, with Kara's current strength, it would be impossible to defeat General Zod, who was trained as a top warrior after many battles.

How to quickly increase the power of a super Kryptonian with a life book?

The answer, of course, is to draw energy from stars.

Zuo Si took Kara directly away from the earth and into the core of the sun, which is as high as 15 million degrees Celsius.

However, in the current weak state of the Kryptonian girl, it is obvious that she cannot withstand such high temperatures, let alone absorb much energy.

But he used the power of magic to greatly strengthen the opponent's cells.

In just a few hours, Kara's whole body turned a hot red color, and the energy contained in each cell, as well as the density of bones and muscles, increased tens of thousands of times compared to the beginning.

The powerful biological force field forms an invisible defensive shield from head to toe.

The reason why Superman from another universe was able to fight General Zod and his men for a long time without even breaking his skin was that the biological force field played an indispensable role in it.

It has to be said that the Kryptonians are really stretched in terms of physical defense.

I don’t know if they were so defiant from the beginning, or if they were later strengthened and eliminated through genetic technology from generation to generation, and finally turned into such terrifying biological weapons.

After more than twenty hours, the hot red color on Kara's skin gradually disappeared, replaced by normal skin that originally looked fair and tender.

Of course, this is just a visual effect and a touch feeling.

If you hit it with a sharp sword, it will most likely be bounced away, or the sword will break on the spot. Bullets and cannonballs will have the same effect.

Zuo Si, who felt almost done, finally picked up Kara and sent her back to the big bed on the Kryptonian spaceship. At the same time, he released the magical hypnotic effect, and very considerately made a hearty breakfast with love using the kitchen built by Shuoyou.

Just when breakfast was just being prepared, Kara, who had been sleeping for a long time, finally opened her eyes and stretched.

Since she had been locked up in a dark underground base and lived in pain and fear every day, she had never really slept well like this.

The girl couldn't help but moan in comfort at the feeling of relaxation and security.

But the next second, she noticed her naked body under the quilt, and subconsciously covered her exposed chest. At the same time, she quickly started thinking about what happened last night.

But the problem is that under the influence of magic, the Kryptonian girl can't remember anything at all, and her last memory stays on the scene of hugging Zuo Si.

Oh my God!

I...could we have rolled across the sheets?

Kara felt an inexplicable heat surge from head to toe, and her face and neck became red and hot within a few seconds. She secretly lifted the quilt and took a look at her body, trying to find the traces left by the passion.

If it were anyone else, she would definitely not have such thoughts.

After all, after being exposed to the sun, her physical fitness and defense power have reached a very terrifying level. With the physical strength of an earthling, it is highly likely that she will not even be able to "break defense".

Moreover, just a subconscious physiological reaction on his part may directly crush the other person into a miserable corpse.

But Zuo Si is different.

The Kryptonian girl tested it yesterday during several intimate interactions and hugs, and found that no matter how hard she pushed, it didn't cause any discomfort.

This also means that Zuo Si has a physical fitness that is not inferior to that of a Kryptonian who has been exposed to the sun, and is fully capable of "breaking through defenses" and completing the entire process.

Just when Kara was caught in a tangle of shyness and joy, Zuo Si came in from the outside carrying a large dinner plate and greeted with a smile: "Good afternoon, judging from the situation, you seemed to have slept last night. Have a good sleep. Now come get something to eat, I think you must be hungry after sleeping for so long."

"This...you did this especially for me?"

Looking at the steaming food and juice on the plate, Kara's pupils were obviously dilated, and at the same time, her eyes quickly became foggy, and she quickly covered her mouth with her hands.

You don't need to ask to know that she was obviously touched by this kind of caring, and at the same time, she no longer wondered whether the two of them had any intimate relationship last night.

Because she felt that she was hopelessly in love with the charming man in front of her. Even if nothing happened last night, it would happen one day in the future, so there was no need to think too much.

"Eat it while it's hot, because some dishes won't be as delicious when they cool down."

With that said, Zuo Si shook the napkin and wrapped it around the Kryptonian girl's neck. Then he opened the bracket under the tray and turned it into a small table to place on the bed.

"It's so kind of you!"

Kara was undoubtedly immersed in a strong sense of happiness. She first picked up the freshly baked bread and took a bite. She was instantly conquered by the soft texture and taste, with surprise and admiration shining in her eyes.

She couldn't believe that such a perfect person could exist in this world.

Not only is he powerful and can easily learn and understand the most cutting-edge knowledge and technology of Krypton, he is also very handsome and full of indescribable charm, and even his cooking is so delicious.

The most important thing is that this man is so kind to himself, as if he has perfectly combined the three roles of father, brother and partner that are crucial to women.

"How does it taste? You know, I haven't cooked with my own hands for a long time, and I don't know if my skills are rusty."

While continuing his psychological suggestion, Zuo Si used his thumb to wipe away the crumbs from the corner of the girl's mouth. At the same time, he picked up a spoon, scooped up a spoonful of soup and handed it to the girl's mouth.

He actually cooked for me and fed me soup? ! !




Kara only felt that her heart was beating uncontrollably as if it was going to explode. Then she opened her mouth and sucked the soup that had dropped the spoon. She blushed and responded: "Why is it so unfamiliar? It tastes so good. Yes." Best food I’ve ever had in my life.”

"Yeah, then I'll be relieved."

While talking, Zuo Si scooped up another spoonful of pudding and put it into the girl's mouth.

Obviously, this meal was not for nothing. Every word and every action he just said was a form of thought guidance and psychological suggestion.

Showing that he hasn't cooked for a long time can, on the one hand, show his superb cooking skills and establish an omnipotent character, and on the other hand, it can deepen Carla's emotion.

The next feeding is to deepen the memory and turn the eating process into the most beautiful and sweet memory in her life.

Under Zuo Si's precise control, the Kryptonian girl didn't even have the ability to resist.


It should be said that she had no intention of resisting at all. Instead, she enjoyed her first meal after regaining her freedom.

Without any leftover or waste, she ate all the food that was enough to fill a strong man's appetite, and her belly even had a slight bulge.

Just when Zuo Si was about to put away the dishes and get up to return to the kitchen, a rapid siren suddenly echoed in the spacecraft.

"What's going on? What happened!"

Kara climbed out of bed regardless of her nakedness and asked the artificial intelligence on the spacecraft.

"Report, it was discovered that an unknown spacecraft is approaching the planet."

Along with the voice of artificial intelligence, it projected a strange aircraft with three claw-like branches.

Kara just took one look and immediately exclaimed: "This is Black Zero! It was originally supposed to be a prison for prisoners, why is it here?"

"It looks like General Zod and his men will be arriving soon."

A hint of playfulness flashed in Zuo Si's eyes.

Perhaps in the eyes of people on earth, this alien invasion was a terrible disaster, but in his view, it was the other party that sent him a technological gift package from the Kryptonian civilization.


Kara was stunned for a moment, then asked in a tone full of anger and hatred: "So I can avenge my dead brother?"

"Yes. But don't rush now. Let's wait until Zod completes negotiations with the humans on this planet. Otherwise, if both parties are recognized as enemies at the same time, it will be very troublesome to deal with."

Zuo Si picked up the black combat uniform and handed it over.

Seeing the clothes, Kara realized that she was still naked, and immediately took them and put them on as quickly as possible.

After getting dressed, she continued to ask: "What should we do now?"

"Of course we will watch TV, and then wait for someone to come and invite us to join the team to resist Zod's invasion. After all, I have left so many clues. It would be very disappointing if they still can't find them."

As the last word blurted out, Zuo Si directly asked the spacecraft's artificial intelligence to start receiving satellite signals and turned on a TV station that was broadcasting news 24 hours a day.

Just as he expected, it didn't take long for Black Zero to enter the satellite photography range, and governments around the world fell into panic.

Many agencies have begun to try to contact these unknown extraterrestrial visitors, and the military has also entered the highest level of alert.

Just as hundreds of millions of people were sitting in front of TVs or computers watching this explosive news, the image on the screen suddenly began to distort and was accompanied by a large number of snowflakes.

In just a second or two, General Zod's vague appearance appeared above, and he began to demand that the Earth hand over the Kryptonian citizens living here.

At the beginning, the lost Flash Barry Allen wanted to solve this crisis by looking for Superman.

After all, in the timeline he experienced, it was Superman who single-handedly killed the entire Kryptonian fleet.

But soon he began to realize something was wrong.

Because after some searching, he suddenly discovered that there was no Superman in this timeline...

In desperation, the older Barry Allen could only take his little brother to Gotham to find Batman.

After some negotiations, the elderly Bruce Wayne finally agreed to come back.

In this way, he took the two Barry Allens on a journey to find Kara.

When a group of three people landed at the secret base, they were immediately stunned by the scene of purgatory they saw in front of them.

Because at a glance, all they could see were mutilated corpses, dried and blackened blood, and broken bones, internal organs, and dried meat.


The young Barry Allen had never seen such a scene before. He immediately fell to the ground and started vomiting, vomiting out all the yellow-green gall water.

The older man didn't fare much better, he also vomited after holding on for a few seconds.

Only the determined Batman did not react at all. Instead, he squatted down and carefully inspected the broken corpse. After a while, he stood up and said, "These pieces of meat are still very fresh, almost as if they were just killed. Considering The temperature here is very low, so I guess the time of death should be no more than a day to a day and a half."

"You mean... someone killed these soldiers before us and rescued Superman?"

The elder Barry Allen showed a very surprised expression.

Because the timing is too much of a coincidence, anyone with intelligence above the passing line can detect something wrong.

Why didn't you save me before?

Just to rescue General Zod one or two days before his arrival?

"Sorry, we can't be sure yet. We need to go down and have a look."

Bruce Wayne dropped the piece of internal organs that seemed to be a kidney in his hand, and stepped on the frozen minced meat and body parts to reach the entrance to the depths of the underground.

Since the entire base had already been killed by Zuo Si, the three of them reached the bottom easily without any hindrance.

Through the playback of the video files captured in the surveillance room, they finally realized what this purgatory scene was about.

Especially the visual impact of the moment when the wounded body exploded, as well as the cruel scenes of him raping himself and eating the cut meat, made the two young Flashes feel numb.

After watching all the videos, the older Barry Allen pointed to Zuo Si's figure on the screen and said, "I know this man. He was the one who threw me into the time and space tunnel, then went back in time to save my mother and create This timeline.”


The eyes of the old Bruce Wayne suddenly became wary, and he asked: "Who is he? Why did he throw you back to the past? The most important thing is, does he have the same power as you to travel through time? Bar?"

"I am not sure.

Because he was standing in front of a huge space-time tunnel, and then he said he needed a small favor from me.

As for whether he created that space-time tunnel, and what the purpose of throwing me back into the past was, I have no idea at all.

But he obviously should know about General Zod, so he came here to rescue Superman before us.

But what puzzled me was that the girl he was holding was obviously not Clark, but he took her away anyway.

Does this mean that in this timeline, Superman's gender is female? "

The older Barry Allen told everything he knew and guessed at once.

After all, this period of time has undergone such drastic changes, it is not unacceptable for Superman to be a woman, as long as she has enough power to defeat the invasion of the Kryptonian fleet.

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