The doctors in the hospital also felt that he was a big problem, but he looked at the rich and powerful people, and he silently endured it. He summoned a group of experts to diagnose and cure the injury of Xia Yu. At the request of Yan Ziheng, he took the summer. I made a big body check from head to toe.

Finally, the doctor told Zhai Ziheng: "Congratulations, Mr. Qi, Miss Xia, she is very healthy and has no disease. Her bones and muscles are well developed and her teeth are neat. What regrets are that there are some skin on the body. A small scar, which was left behind by wrestling or fighting - can be used to treat this small wound while removing our plastic surgery center."

So, Zizi Heng asked them to remove all the scars on her body.

She became a flawless little girl with soft skin and no flaws in every inch.

After this incident, he asked the butler to ask a beauty doctor to take care of her daily physique and appearance. This beautiful child must keep her beautiful forever.

Because of the injury, Zhai Ziheng helped her to ask Gao.

She did not go to class in the past few days, recuperating in his luxurious villa, bathing with rose milk every day, and using the housekeeper carefully selected from all over the country.

Zhai Ziheng is still very busy, most of the time she is alone at home.

She asked the housekeeper: "What kind of person is your brother?"

The housekeeper smiled at her kindly: "What kind of person does Miss think of Mr.?"

Xia Yan bites the ice cream and squinted at the small head and thought: "He is a very good person. No one has been so good to me."

The housekeeper said: "Then he is a very good person." The outside world's evaluation of Zhai Ziheng is mixed. Some people say that he is extremely kingly, and some people say that he is cruel, cold-blooded, and is a big devil. But what others think is not important. What matters is what the person he cares about thinks.

The housekeeper was very pleased, and the gentleman paid the heart to the little girl, and the little girl did not let him down. The door bell rang, the butler went to open the door, and stood at the door stood a timid middle-aged man carrying a gift. The man asked the housekeeper with a smile: "Mu Guanjia, is the son of the son at home?"

The housekeeper said politely: "Mr. went to the company."

The middle-aged man asked again: "Is Miss Xia Wei there?"

The housekeeper said: "Mr. Hey, what are you looking for in Miss Xia?" Mr. told him to protect Miss Xia, he would not let anyone go.

The status of 裴仗 in the family is not high. I can’t talk much about friendship with 裴子衡. At this time, the housekeeper who faces 裴子衡 is also cautious and dare not make it: “It’s like this, the little girl’s eyebrows are in the etiquette class. I was offended by Miss Xia, and I was deeply moved by my heart, so I brought a gift to pay for Miss Xia."

It turned out to be the case.

The housekeeper understands that this man is not arrogant about Xia Wei, but is afraid of the power of the scorpion, and has to go. This kind of person has seen him a lot, and he is very skilled in dealing with it: "Miss Xia Xi is taking a nap, it is not convenient to see guests, you please come back first-"

"Mu Butler, who is outside?" Suddenly, a girl's voice behind him asked.

Mu Butler turned back and saw Xia Wei not knowing when to wake up in the afternoon, wearing a pair of rabbit slippers and pajamas full of small flowers, wearing a long fluffy long hair, squinting, walking in the direction of the door.

"Miss Xia." He screamed reverently.

Xia Xi walked to the door, saw him, and saw the middle-aged man at the door. "Who are you?" she asked.

"I am the father of Emei," the middle-aged man hurriedly said to her. "Emei had accidentally offended you in the etiquette class a few days ago. I have already married her. Today is a little gift. Come to apologize to you. Miss Xia Xi, everyone is a classmate, and I will get along with you in the future. You will forgive her and accept the gift."

He didn't want to be rushed back by the housekeeper. The next time he came to the door, he would encounter a scorpion, and he might not be able to help him. Many of my uncles are very afraid of this scorpion, and 裴仗 is no exception.

It’s better to act on the plane and talk about it here.

"What gift?" asked Xia Wei.

At first glance, there are dramas and more diligence: "They are all gadgets, Swiss candy, Japanese dresses, and a few small hair clips shipped from France. They are very beautiful." These things were originally 裴婧The eyebrows clamored for someone to bring it back abroad, but since she offended the man, she could only bear the pain and send it to Xia Wei.

After all, I don’t know what Xia Wei likes, and it’s safer to send some little girls’ toys.

Sure enough, beautiful things are liked by little girls.

Xia Wei listened to her heart and it was a little itchy. Plus, this middle-aged man was right. She and the ladies were all classmates in the future. They didn’t look down and saw that it was too stiff and not good. So, she smiled sweetly and said to her, "Thank you, uncle, then I will accept it."

I was overjoyed and quickly handed over those beautifully packaged things to her.

The housekeeper saw a headache on one side. Originally, he wanted to send people away directly. Who knows that Miss Xia will directly kill it? However, forget it, since she likes it, let her take it, anyway, Mr. Commanded, as long as it is not a big problem of principle, the general thing is by her.

Xia Hao happily took the gift back to the room.

She felt that she had done a good job and received a gift. It represented a reconciliation with Emei. When she went to class next time, she would be safe. I can't always bother my brother to pick up the mess.

She sang a song briskly and took the gift apart.

Sure enough, it is a very beautiful dress, the Japanese puff princess dress, not like the one she bought last time, but the elegant color naturally reveals a dream sweet.

She put on her body and her body weight is almost the same as her, but it is just right.

She continued to sing songs while eating candy and trying out a few cards.

The keeper continued to send a lot of gifts.

It turned out that the news of the gift came forward, and many people who participated in the group were afraid of offending the scorpion, and they also sent a small gift to Xia. The housekeeper sighed in his heart, and in the principle of "not accepting this easy-to-get offender", he had to take them all down.

On this day, Xia Hao had a great time in the room, so many new clothes and beautiful accessories, as well as a lot of candy chocolate, so that she was too busy to go to the evening sunset.

Zhai Ziheng stepped into the house, Zhou Ma offered tea, and the butler went to pick up the jacket that the scorpion Heng took off.

Zhai Ziheng asked: "What about Xiaoxiao?" When he went home, the little goblin always went downstairs to meet him, but he didn't see her today.

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