A Star Reborn: The Queen’s Return

Chapter 806: Pink princess dress

Ye Xingfei knows that her sister is already a big star, and she is somewhat ecstatic.

I thought that before her car accident, my sister was still so inconspicuous, and when she saw someone shrinking her hand, she could only be a sideline. When she went to participate in the selection of the trainees, she heard two teachers say: [that is, Ye Xingfei has a talent, if not to create a sister flower combination, Ye Xingyu does not accept the level. ]

Why, so the sister who has no sense of existence, is it really red and purple now?

Her mood is a bit complicated, both happy for her sister and somewhat lost.

If it wasn't the car accident of the year, would that be the red one?

When he was out of the spirit, he heard Liu Wei said: "Fifi, ah, I have listened to you before, and now you wake up, ask her to help you, and also record some popular songs for you, and go to the TV station. You are so beautiful, singing and nice, definitely more than her!"

Xia Wei stood at the door of the ward, very speechless.

She is a new understanding of Liu Wei's lower limit, that is, there is no lower limit.

She raised her hand and knocked on the door. The three people in front of the bed turned back and saw her. Ye Xingfei’s face showed a surprise, and then he was a little embarrassed: "Sister... you are coming."

Liu Wei is not at all uncomfortable. She smiles and greets her: "Small singer, we just said about you. You said, you are now a big star, and you should help you with your own lining." Sisters, etc. Fifi is better, you recruit her to your company and become a big star."

Xia Wei was too lazy to care for her and went to the bed of Feifei: "How is the body?"

"It's very good, my sister." She smiled and said to Xia.

Liu Wei is not happy: "Ye Xingyu, I am talking to you!"

Xia Wei looked up at her and said, "No."

"No?!" Liu Wei suddenly took a sigh of relief. "Ye Xingzhen, you have no conscience. I am for you to eat for your wear. You have raised so much. Well, now you are out, your wings are hard! Be ungrateful!" ”

"Tricking..." Ye father also felt embarrassed, "Xiao Xiao has just met Fifi, what is the matter from long-term planning, don't worry, ah. Xiao Yan, you don't go to the heart, Liu Wei is also worried about Fifi's future, Dad knows that you are sensible, and will definitely arrange Fifi's future, right?"

Xia Wei’s lips sneered with a sneer, and this is the so-called “father” and “mother”. Counting them, they haven't seen each other for five or six years. However, since she stepped into the ward, she didn't get a care, and she didn't even have a cold cry. She wanted her to help her biological daughters make a good future!

The world is cold.

She faintly said: "I have a few in my heart."

As soon as the voice fell, the family’s face raised a smile.

There is a big star's promise, but also Fei Fei does not eat spicy and spicy?

"I know that Xiao Yan will not be ungrateful." Ye Father was very happy, reaching out and trying to shoot Xia Wei's shoulder, was lightly flashed away by Xia Wei. He took back his hand a little embarrassed. "This matter, you have to be on your heart."

Xia Wei’s mood is not high, and the flowers in her hand are handed to Feifei: “Send you.”

Feifei took it, it was a bunch of white and white carnations, and it was a faint fragrance in the ward. She smelled the bouquet and smelled it: "It's so beautiful, thank you sister."

Liu Wei said: "This flower is bought at the hospital entrance? I remember that stall, five dollars, you have a bunch of flowers plus packaging costs, no more than one hundred?" She has been running the hospital to take care of her daughter over the years. I have long been able to find out the prices of shops and shops in the vicinity.

Xia Wei is letting the assistant buy it. I don't know how much it is, but the small shop at the entrance of the hospital is almost the same price. She said: "It was bought at the entrance of the hospital. I put out the phone and came out. I didn't have time to prepare a gift. Feifei, I will give you the next day. What do you want?"

Feifei smiled sweetly: "Sister, you still can't remember when we went home from school, we would pass through a window with a pink dress. Every time we have to watch for a long time. I don't know if the store is still there. Did you buy that skirt and give it to me?"

In Xia Wei’s memory, there is a pink princess dress.

When the original body and Feifei went to junior high school, they would pass through a small ready-to-wear store every day after school, and saw the princess dress with rhinestones and lace in the window. It is not expensive, it is two hundred and forty dollars, but it is already a high price for those whose family is not rich. The two sisters have been saving money, saving the daily lunch money, agreeing with each other, and pooling the money to buy the dress and rotate it.

Thinking about the past, Xia Wei envied them a little, how simple is this simple and profound sisterhood?

She said to Feifei softly: "I have already bought that dress, and I put it in the closet of our room. It's brand new. I didn't pass it all at once. I just want to wait until you wake up and wear it together. "The body of the original owner was selected into the training camp a few years ago, and he saved the money and bought the skirt. The silly girl always remembers the appointment with her sister and looks forward to the miracle happening one day, and her sister can wake up.

Now, it is time to take out this skirt that witnessed the deep feelings of the sisters.

Feifei’s eyes widened in disbelief and she lost her voice: “Really?!” The eyes were full of tears.

Of course, she knows why her sister bought this dress. She also remembered the original agreement. At this moment, she forgave her sister for a long time, she did not appear in the ward to visit her, forgive everything, only the two girls' original agreement was so real and moving.

"Sister!" She cried and threw herself into her arms.

Xia Wei is not used to being so dependent on her, and her body is stiff, and she slowly touches her soft hair. In the daytime, she had an illusion, as if Ye Xingfei really became her intimate sister.

Liu Wei’s words broke the illusion: “Is that new dress in the closet? Xiao Yan, how many years ago I bought it, I’m not cold, it’s a total of two hundred and forty dollars.” Liu Wei found this dress in the sister's closet, beaten Ye Xingyi's deity, and squandered her money and defeated her family. Even if the dear cried and explained that it was useless to buy it for Feifei.

Liu Wei said with a disappointment: "The skirt is acrylic, not to mention the silk of silk, even the cotton is not, the glass stitching on the top is still shining, in fact, it is not worth it! We Fifi A delicate little girl, dressed so badly, isn't it necessary for people to laugh at big teeth? Xiao Yan, how many 名 菲 菲 菲 菲 菲 菲 菲 菲 菲 菲 菲 菲 菲 菲 菲 菲 菲 ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... And so, your sister is dressed up beautifully, and you have a face as a sister, isn't it?"

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