However, even if she screamed and screamed, there was no half-movement in the door.

The two bodyguards knew that she was the most cherished woman of the boss, and did not dare to block it too much, only standing silently.

Xia Wei was more and more anxious, and the voice gradually became hoarse. Even the passing pedestrians were alarmed. The lady holding the dog curiously looked over here, and turned around and did not know what to say to her female partner. The people laughed together with interest. Xia Wei refused to do this, just called: "Zi Ziheng you open the door!"

Too urgent, suffocating and coughing violently.

The red wooden door finally opened.

A tall figure of a man stood in the door, bowed his head and looked at her.

In just a short period of time, he didn’t see it. He seemed to be old again, his eyes were sad and his face was awkward. There was no shadow of the wind and the clouds in the middle of the week, which made him almost unrecognizable. He looked at her like that in silence, not talking, not moving, like the statue of the same clay sculpture.

Xia Wei was scared by his appearance and was there for a while.

A gust of wind blew, she coughed again, still screaming, like coughing up the lungs.

This time, Zhai Ziheng finally got the action, holding her into her arms without warning, and clinging tightly. Her arms were so strong that she couldn’t breathe. She breathed in pain and struggled to say, "Zizi Heng, let go..."

He held her tighter, just like the whole person was weighing on her, very heavy.

In this position, his body slid down, his arms slid down her thin, thin shoulders, slid across her waist, and slid over her legs, waiting for her to react, and he was already in front of her.

Xia Wei was frightened: "Zi Ziheng, what are you doing?"

Zhai Ziheng did not speak, her forehead against her leg, her body swaying and shaking.

She has never seen him like this, suffering and fragile, unloading all the hard and disguised, so embarrassing and vulnerable. Is this still the person she is familiar with?

She is a little overwhelmed and more heartbroken: "You get up first."

He still maintains such a humble posture and does not move.

"Zi Ziheng!" She couldn't stand it, yelling.

He made a low, approximating choking voice, blurred, like a wounded beast.

Xia Wei was held by his legs, unable to move, and there was someone on the small road near the corner of his eyes, and there were even scattered pedestrians waiting to watch. She is now a household name, and she is very well recognized. He is also a big man who often shows up in the media. Once he plays the squatting code in front of the door, he has to say that it is too eye-catching. Xia Wei is anxious: "Zi Ziheng, what are you doing, want to be seen as a joke? Even if you like, I don't want to play monkeys at the door!"

He had a movement, and a little bit, slowly loosened her leg.

Xia Yi was free and immediately stepped into the house and closed the door with his backhand.

The room was very dark, no lights were turned on, only the moonlight of the dragonfly slanted into it, and the curtains were dark and unclear. Not far away, scattered pieces of porcelain scattered in the ground, he seems to sweep all the furnishings on the table, a mess. Xia Wei walked over and picked up a piece of debris.

There are dark blood on the top.

She jumped in her heart and returned to the side of Zhai Ziheng, kneeling down and pulling hard to pull his hand.

He was still at the door, his tall body squatting, his head hanging low, like he was going to hang down to the ground.

Xia Wei took his hand to the moonlight, and sure enough, it was covered with deep and shallow cuts, and it was criss-crossed, some were injured when smashing porcelain, and some... tidy, deep It was like the old scars on his wrist that she found when she attended a cruise dinner with him many years ago.

However, this time it is new and the wound is still bleeding.

When he is sad and sad, he always seems to like to hurt himself.

"You are crazy!" She took a crying cry. "Summer rain pleaded guilty. What nerves do you make! It is she who is not you, killing old moldy things. Are you guilty of this?!"

He said something low.

She didn't understand it, and when she got closer, she found out that he was hoarse and said: "I... sorry for you..."

A simple sentence, but he was as laborious as he said.

And she, stunned.

Once upon a time, she was tortured by his **** and was unhappy. At that time, even dreaming wanted to hear him say this, but I hoped for so long, he never said, knowing that she thought she could never hear it forever, so she gave up her desire and her heart was gray.

Today, I hear it when I can't wait.

So illusory, ridiculous.

She turned her head to the side, or he saw the tears in the corners of his eyes.

Zhai Ziheng seems to have spent a lot of effort before he can say another sentence: "I...what do you have to do to compensate you?" The mistake was caused by his hand. He said that she would protect her for a lifetime, and in the end she would hurt her. It is him. He hates himself and wants to kill himself.

Xia Wei said: "Compensation? Nothing can be compensated."

In her hands, his entire palm and arms were bloody, and in the moonlight, he dyed her a little. She looked at the blood and whispered the topic: "Your wound needs to be bandaged, I am going to the medicine chest." Then he will get up and leave.

Zhai Ziheng grabbed her: "Little!"

She couldn't help but anger and yelled at him: "Do you think you can compensate?! What can you do to compensate for the things that you can't do?! Zizi Heng, I have been suffering in **** for a whole year, hell! You Do you understand! Do you know how I came over that year!"

She slammed her hand away from his **** palm and rushed into the depths of the house.

He didn't catch up, only holding his hands with his hands.

Xia Wei was emotional and rummaged through the room. Even she didn't know what to look for. She was a little calmer and stretched out. She was already covered with tears.

She wiped the grass with her clothes and looked at the moonlight outside the window, and the nightmare of the past came up again.

At that time, she heard that Wang Jing was dead and panicked. She was so naive and naive, the first time she was in close contact with death, and she lost her sense of proportion. Zhai Ziheng regarded her panic as a guilty conscience and determined that she had committed a murder crime, and it was useless to explain her.

She was so loud and noisy that she was getting more and more brutal beatings and violations.

Later, she was afraid, and she was stunned by anger and lost her mind to recognize the crime. She still remembers that day, the clouds were overcast, and she said in a weak voice: "Yes, what about me?"

He reached out and wanted to hug her and was taken away by her.

Then there was another abuse, which was a punishment for her resistance to him.

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