Bring hundreds of lovers to travel and recall the extraordinary years in the past. Just a young student, in full bloom; Scholar spirit. boldly we cast all restraints aside. Guide the rivers and mountains, stir up the words, dung and soil, ten thousand marquis in that year. Ever remember. Hit the water in the middle stream and the waves will stop the flying boat!

Zhu Xingxing's voice is clear and magnetic. It sounds very pleasant. In particular, the cadence of reading a word is very full of emotion, which makes people feel an indescribable excitement in their hearts!

Applause thundered. For a long time!

"Great, it's really great." the head of Lin School said excitedly, "Zhu Xingxing, have you ever published this Qinyuan spring song?"

"No. I wrote it myself." Zhu Xingxing smiled faintly.

"It's so good to write for fun. How serious should you write?" principal Lin said: "I'll help you contribute this poem to the poetry magazine. I think it should be able to become a home page poem. This is your honor. It's also an honor for the school. The school will reward you. Later, you can write more poems in your spare time. I'll contribute for you, or I'll give you contact information. You contribute by yourself. If you can guarantee to write a poem of this level every year , classmate Zhu Xingxing. It must be inferior for you to be an interior designer. You should be a poet! "

Zhu Xingxing was praised by President Lin, and everyone envied him. Jealousy is not enough, because the students feel that they and Zhu Xingxing are people from two worlds. The gap is so big that they don't even have the heart of jealousy!

"Thank you, headmaster Lin. if I have a work, I'll show you first. You can contribute it for me. After all, no matter how good the work is, it's still useless if no one knows the Pearl."

Zhu Xingxing said, "it's not uncommon for pearls to fall into the yellow sand and bury gold."

He was very calm and smart, which surprised the school leaders and head teachers. Then suddenly, without such early wisdom, how could he write such magnificent works beyond his age?

Obviously, that's unlikely to happen.

Everything in the world has cause and effect. Only when there is a cause can there be a result. When there is a result, there must be a cause!

Nothing more than that.

"Hehe, teenagers should be clearer. You think too dark about the society, but the Pearl has dark investment. Gold is indeed buried in the yellow sand, but if you are really gold, you will shine sooner or later. If you are a pearl, you will show brilliance sooner or later."

Headmaster Lin said, "Zhu Xingxing, am I right?"

"Headmaster, I can only say that what you said is reasonable, but there is a saying that it's early to become famous. I'm famous now. From now on, I can live a natural and comfortable life with the attention of tens of thousands of people. But I was found to be a genius decades later, even after I died. Do you think it still makes sense?"

Zhu Xingxing smiled and said, "principal, thank you. If I really become famous, I will always remember you and the kindness of the school to me. I also hope to appear in the alumni record and make some contributions to my alma mater in the future!"

It's too straightforward. Many people think Zhu Xingxing is too philistine.

But President Lin smiled: "well, I like your honest child. We all heard your promise. I hope you don't eat your words and get fat in the future. Let's hit you in the face and expose your shortcomings!"

"I will promise when I speak. This is my style all the time. If I don't care about my promise, it's really meaningless to tell the truth."

Zhu Xingxing said, "headmaster, I'll prepare ten poems for you tomorrow. You'll vote for me later. The level should be as good as the Qinyuan spring song just now. In the future, I'll give you at least one poem or prose every week. Do you think so?"

"OK." President Lin said very seriously, "you can rest assured that even if you give me 100 articles a week, I will find the most suitable place to publish them for you, and the remuneration will help you win the most."

"Thank you, headmaster. I'll buy you tea later." Zhu Xingxing said with a smile.

"Really stingy, can't you invite me to dinner?" principal Lin laughed and left with a group of people.

Zhu Xingxing sat down and Zhang Bing said, "I didn't expect that there are hidden dragons and crouching tigers in our class. Zhu Xingxing is really impressive."

"Teacher, you flatter me. I'm neither a dragon nor a tiger. I'm just an ordinary person." Zhu Xingxing said, "the real dragon and tiger should be one of the students here. Teacher, I've wasted more than 20 minutes. You'd better continue to call the roll. Other students have to introduce themselves."

"OK, next, Gao Ying." Zhang Bing said, "I found that Gao Ying and Zhu Xingxing are from the same school. You two are still sitting at the same table. It seems that you are not familiar."

"Yes, sir, I'm Zhu Xingxing's girlfriend." Gao Ying stood up and said in a dignified manner: "Hello, teachers and students. I'm Gao Ying from Anyuan, a small town. I'm an ordinary and quiet girl. I don't have any excellence, but I'm very good at contact. I believe I can become good friends with the girls in the class. Even if I have a boy friend, I can have normal contact. I'll help if I can help in trouble, but I hope Can keep a distance from boys. "

Her words make some people feel uncomfortable, but girls like her very much. If you have a boyfriend, you should keep a distance from other boys. This is a kind of self-respect and self-respect.

Gao Ying sat down and Zhang Bing said: "The ranking on the list of points is sorted according to the middle school entrance examination results. Zhu Xingxing and Gao Ying are not only the first and second in our class, but also the first and second in the middle school entrance examination results of the whole school and the second and third in the middle school entrance examination results of the whole province. It is worth explaining that the student who got the first is Enron, who is also the classmate of their two classmates."

"Enron is my deskmate, Gao Ying's back table and best friend." Zhu Xingxing said, "she may come and walk around sometime in the future. At that time, everyone will see that she is a beautiful woman like Gao Ying. However, the boy has no chance, because that's my girlfriend, ha ha."

"Brag." Gao yingbai glanced at him and said, "teacher, you'd better continue to call the roll."

Zhang Bing continued to roll call. There were 54 students in the class. It took more than an hour to introduce themselves.

In addition to Zhu Xingxing and Gao Ying, the speed is very fast and the introduction is very brief.

"Now that everyone has finished the introduction, the next step is the time to elect class cadres." Zhang Bing said, "now you can recommend yourself or others. I'll give you three minutes. If no one makes a noise, I'll designate it."

Three minutes later, no one said a word, and Zhang Bing began to appoint candidates for class cadres.

Zhu Xingxing is designated as the monitor, Gao Ying is designated as the Secretary of the Youth League branch, and Lin Zhidan, the boss of Zhu Xingxing's bedroom, is the life committee. The sports committee is also the third Luo Tong of Zhu Xingxing's bedroom.

The rest of the class cadres have nothing to do with Zhu Xingxing's bedroom, but two of them are Gao Ying's roommates, an Xiaochun as the academic committee and LV Anqi as the Cultural Committee.

Songjiang produces beautiful women. An Xiaochun and LV Anqi are both beautiful women. They are very beautiful and dress up in fashion. They look very eye-catching.

Zhu Xingxing didn't want to be the monitor, but Zhang Bing said that if he wasn't the monitor, he would let Lin Zhidan be the monitor and he would be the life committee member.

The affairs of the life committee member were more trivial. Zhu Xingxing had no choice but to be the monitor.

The monitor's business is settled, and then let Zhu Xingxing preside over the class meeting.

Zhu Xingxing sighed, stood on the podium and said, "since the teacher likes me, I can't help it. The first thing I want to say is the class fee. This must still be paid. Without the class fee, everything is in vain. Teacher, is there a standard in this school?"

"Among the tuition fees charged by the school, there is a class fee of 200 for each person. Our class has a total class fee of 10800. I am also a member of the class. For 200, it is exactly 11000 yuan."

Zhang Bing said, "the problem of class fee has been solved. Next, you can say something else."

"In addition, there seems to be nothing to say." Zhu Xingxing said: "we have just started school now, and it must not be now to engage in activities. Should the orientation party be the business of senior students and senior sisters?"

"Our school is different, and freshmen also have to perform." Zhang Bing said: "today is Monday. This Friday afternoon is the orientation party. It's closed on Saturday and Sunday. After that, it's half a day on Wednesday, half a day on Friday and closed on Saturday and Sunday."

Zhu Xingxing said: "Since it is the first school wide activity that the class will participate in and a good opportunity for everyone to show themselves to the teachers and students of the school, I will set an example. I will perform a solo, a stand up crosstalk, a duet with Gao Ying and a solo with Gao Ying. In addition, I will make up a group dance for everyone. If no one likes dancing, I will dance alone, but everyone must participate in a group dance There is a chorus, and Lu Anqi is in charge. "

LV Anqi nodded: "since the monitor must be an expert in this aspect, let's take charge of the organization with me. I have a solo and a solo dance. Teacher, is there a limit on the number of programs?"

"Ha ha, I didn't expect so many talented talents and girls in our class. It's a good thing. Don't limit the number. Just report in advance."

Zhang Bing said: "In addition, there are rewards for good performances, both in schools and classes. In the future, we participate in school or off campus activities in the same way. However, the larger the event, the more rewards we get, and the rewards given by the school also follow this principle. By the way, all students who participate in a separate program will be rewarded with ten yuan. Don't be too small, It's enough to eat a two course meal in the small canteen and bring a bottle of iced soda. In addition to the chorus, each person will be rewarded with five yuan for programs with more than two people. "

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