No one in Songjiang knows about it, but on the front line, more than 200 people know about it.

Zhu Xingxing is in the eyes of these people. Is the existence of God.

His meritorious service was so great that the great emperor of the north and several imperial leaders were scratching their heads.

The capital, deep in the military base. Several people are celebrating.

"This Zhu Xingxing has accomplished things that countless people can't do. What should we reward him for his meritorious deeds?"

The great emperor of the northern kingdom said with a bitter smile: "He must have saved the Empire. He also solved our worries. Now, even if the United States tosses again, these three places can't slow down for decades. Decades are enough for us to become prime minister and marshal, and several Empire elders nod. Such a reward is not excessive, because if it weren't for Zhu Xingxing, the Empire might be gone, Let alone turn the three empires into territory controlled by the North!

You can't give too much.

"The military gives him the highest honor of the Hero Medal, and gives him the title of military Honorary Adviser to enjoy the treatment of senior generals."

The Grand Marshal said, "at the same time, his descendants can inherit this treatment and protect them unless something serious happens."

People nodded. It's not too much. It should be like this.

Zhu Xingxing is indeed worthy of military protection, and his descendants should also enjoy this treatment.

Because he not only saved the Empire and countless lives, but also brought a huge territory for the Empire!

The prime minister pinched his chin and said: "I will give him the highest medal of honor and freedom, and let him and his family's descendants enjoy the highest special allowance. He and his family's heirs have the treatment of special consultants for life. In terms of money, his majesty has given rewards, which is more meaningless. Moreover, to be honest, people like him actually want to make more money. However, we can provide Unlimited interest free loans to him and his family, as long as they are not used to do bad things! "

The matter was settled, because Zhu Xingxing's identity could not be exposed, so these rewards should be issued secretly.

Three days later, Zhu Xingxing came to the capital. At the central headquarters of the military base, the three sides awarded him the reward at the same time!

Moreover, the head of the Empire and several elders had a meal with him.

Zhu Xingxing's performance is neither humble nor arrogant, calm and calm. He talks and laughs during the dinner, which makes everyone laugh. He doesn't look like such a powerful figure, but his performance just shows that he is not only powerful, but also terrible!

However, from Zhu Xingxing's speech, we can know that he is not a very ambitious person. Even if he is ambitious, he is not for power, but to stand higher and see farther.

He is a cow who looks at the whole second day!

Zhu Xingxing left. The big people haven't left yet. Everyone is talking about his performance just now.

"Since ancient times, when heroes were young, I thought of this sentence when I saw Zhu Xingxing." the great emperor of the northern kingdom said, "if the prince has such ability, I dare say that the future development of the Empire will never be a problem. Unfortunately, the prince can't even compare with one percent of him."

"The prince is old and prudent. He will certainly not hinder the development of the Empire, but help the development of the Empire."

The prime minister said, "it's terrible that people like Zhu Xingxing can't come out for 10000 years. However, we can be glad that he is a very indifferent person and doesn't care too much about power and position. He is a very transparent person. An old man like me is not as open-minded and transparent as him!"

"Talented, far sighted, intelligent and broad-minded." the Grand Marshal said, "even if such a person does not make such achievements, he will certainly become a big man in the future."

An elder said with a smile: "it seems that everyone has a high evaluation of this child. We are also optimistic about him. He will become the soft power of our northern country's foreign development in the future. He will certainly be able to make our northern country's economy go to the stage of the world."

"Indeed, he has such wisdom and strength." another elder said, "it's amazing. It's just like a teenager. I can't imagine how powerful he will be in the future!"

"Then let's help him and see how high and how far he will stand in the future."

As soon as the elder had finished speaking, the prime minister received a phone call. He put down the phone and couldn't cry or laugh: "it's still a child. Just now he beat up the son of the American ambassador because the boy wanted to take advantage of his little wife."

Several people were stunned and laughed.

Such performance, in fact, makes people feel that he is very real, not an unattainable existence.

There is no doubt that Zhu Xingxing's doing such a thing is nothing. Even if he slaughtered the old American ambassador and exterminated the nation, leading to the war between the two countries, it is not a problem, because he has that qualification.

Besides, he is not to blame for this.

The old American ambassador's son was not only beaten, but also arrested. At the same time, the old American ambassador was invited to talk and severely scolded.

This fat man, who used to be very arrogant, didn't dare to blow his hair now, because he knew that the international status of the United States could not be as arrogant as before. At least in the northern region of the second heavy day, I'm afraid it will be the world of the north in the future!

As the saying goes, this moment, that moment.

On the day after this incident, the Northern Kingdom promulgated the long brewing regulations on the management of foreigners. In the future, people from any country, as long as they are foreigners, must abide by this regulation, otherwise they will be severely punished.

The next day, the Northern Kingdom promulgated the regulations on the management of foreign investment. The privileges previously granted to foreign investment were basically cancelled. If you want to develop in the northern kingdom in the future, foreigners must work as hard as domestic entrepreneurs!

In the next period of time, the Northern Kingdom promulgated a series of new regulations. The future northern kingdom will be very different from the past.

Two weeks later, the Tianzhu Empire, the Fusang Empire and the Baiyue Empire surrendered unconditionally. They said that they were unconditional. There were many conditions in the north, and they all had to accept them unconditionally!

All three countries have returned a large area of territory to the north. These territories belonged to the north a long time ago, but they were robbed later. Now they have finally been taken back. At the same time, they have also harvested more fertile and rich territories that did not belong to the north.

A considerable part of the recovered territory has become Zhu Xingxing's sealed land, which is managed by personnel sent by the north. He is responsible for decision-making. In addition to a small amount of taxes, the rest of the income belongs to Zhu Xingxing.

Zhu Xingxing did not manage these places, but directly handed them over to the imperial trust.

This is a statement of position. Therefore, the Empire should better develop these places and listen to his suggestions on the development of these places.

Zhu Xingxing spent a month handing over the development plan to the town state land sealing management committee specially established for him, hereinafter referred to as the town management committee.

Seeing a thick pile of development plans, everyone was surprised, but after reading the content, they all admired him.

It's too detailed. The 30-year development plan is extremely detailed and specific, * 100% workable.

This development plan soon became the material jointly studied by the imperial heads of state and elders. After reading it, everyone had only two words for Zhu Xingxing: satisfied.

"This is the so-called talent of the heaven and the earth." the great emperor of the Northern Kingdom sighed: "prince, what do you think?"

The prince smiled bitterly and said, "father, although I am twice his age, I can have one ten thousandth of his wisdom. He is too powerful. If he wants to be an emperor, I will be willing to give him a position in the future. He will certainly make the Empire infinitely powerful."

"Well, if you think so, instead of being jealous, it means you will be a good emperor in the future." the emperor smiled faintly: "It's a gift. I can't envy it. When many people think it's difficult, he feels as relaxed and comfortable as breathing. As the king of a country, all you have to do is let everyone do the work well, rather than you do everything. In that way, you're not only tired, unprofessional and can't do it well at all. I can't do it well either, because my occupation is the emperor, not anything else!"

The prince nodded. He understood his father's meaning.

People make the best use of their talents, which is what an emperor should do.

The Emperor himself doesn't need to have much ability. As long as he doesn't do things he doesn't understand, there will be no big trouble.

Therefore, all the despots and tyrants in the world do not do anything, but do things recklessly, do what they shouldn't do, and basically don't do what they should do!

The emperor, in fact, can do very easily. Those who work hard may not be a good emperor, and those who don't work hard may not be a bad emperor.

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