"You'd better keep it for yourself. Not everyone is interested in your husband."

Xiaoxue said, "the four little girls go to and from work with him. Aren't you afraid of an accident?"

"What else can happen?"

Annie said, "at most, it's just that some stories have happened. He's kind to me. I really don't have time to pay attention to others. People still have a lot of meaningful things to do when they live. It's not only a little thing to do."

"Well, that's what you said. Don't cry and regret in the future. It's too late to say anything at that time."

PA, Xiaoxue's ass was slapped. Zhu Xingxing said with a smile, "little girl, it's not a good habit to speak ill of people behind their backs. I'll forgive you this time. Next time it's more than just slapping their ass."

"You. You play with me."

Xiaoxue looked at Annie angrily: "Xiaoni. Your husband plays with me in front of you. Don't you talk about him?"

"Hehe, I don't think you mind. As a best friend, I don't mind." Annie said with a smile, "OK. Let's go to sleep for a while. Brother Xingxing is going to work."

Annie took Xiaoxue back to her room to make up for her sleep. Zhu Xingxing drove to pick up Lv Han and the four of them and came to the building materials building together. After parking the car, he and four women went to the porridge shop next to him for breakfast and came back just in time for work.

Four women returned to Qiankun design company. Zhu Xingxing came to JULEI building materials and began his day's work.

After cleaning, guests came. Today's business is out and busy with their own affairs.

There are only Zhu Xingxing and two little girls in the shop, as well as Wang Xiaolin. She is a woman in her thirties. She is neither beautiful nor surprising.

Zhu Xingxing heard yesterday that she had an affair with manager Li. Manager Li is not young. The children at home are very old and are still doing this outside. It doesn't matter.

However, when he thought about himself, he seemed not qualified to say anything about others. His women were many times more than manager Li.

Of course, that was before. It hasn't reached that level here. Now it's at best a start.

A charming young woman wearing sunglasses came in, followed by a tall middle-aged man. Zhu Xingxing looked at her and was surprised. She was a big star, Luo Ziyan.

Luo Ziyan is a star of film, television and song. Now she is very popular and can be called a top star.

I didn't expect her to come here with a middle-aged man. This man really wants to be very close to her. I see, it's her man!

The two little girls and Wang Xiaolin didn't see Luo Ziyan's identity. Zhu Xingxing got up to receive her and said with a smile, "Hello, what product does Miss Luo want to see?"

Luo Ziyan looked at him in surprise: "you, can you see?"

Zhu Xingxing smiled: "do you think it's difficult to find? There is a beauty mole at the corner of your mouth. The earrings have always been this pair. You can recognize them by virtue of these two points."

"But you are the first one to recognize." Luo Ziyan glanced at the middle-aged man, and the middle-aged man smiled faintly: "good eyesight, we want to buy a fireplace. Can you recommend it?"

"Of course, it's an honor."

Zhu Xingxing said, "what is the decoration style of your house? I can only recommend it if I know the style."

Luo Ziyan took out his mobile phone. There were pictures of the house in it. They were all decorated. It was just a fireplace.

After Zhu Xingxing saw several photos, he suddenly saw a bathing photo of Luo Ziyan, a very charming photo.

Luo Ziyan's face immediately turned red. The middle-aged man was looking at the iron art next to him and didn't notice this detail.

Zhu Xingxing looked at two more calmly and quickly, pressed the return button to turn off the wonderful content, smiled and said, "it's beautiful, Miss Luo. This is a typical European antique style. Many Baroque elements are used in the details of decoration. As a echo, we should make such a record."

He picked up the ballpoint pen next to him and quickly drew on the snow-white printing paper.

Luo Ziyan's expression of shame gradually disappeared. She stared at the fireplace pattern on the paper and said excitedly, "yes, that's the style you want, husband. Do you think it's such a style?"

The middle-aged man was also reading the content on the paper. He looked at Zhu Xingxing in surprise and said, "you have such good hand painting skills. You should be a designer or a painter, not a salesman."

"In fact, if the salesman does a good job, he may earn more than these two industries." Zhu Xingxing said with a smile: "Sir, I'm just an ordinary person. I may not be a designer or painter."

"Too modest," said the middle-aged man, "if you are all ordinary people, then the definition of ordinary people is too high."

"It's done." Zhu Xingxing handed the paper to them, put down his pen and said, "this is my original fireplace style. Do you think it matches the style of your family?"

"Very matching." Luo Ziyan nodded.

"However, it seems that no stone factory can produce such a complex sculptor, so in this case, your design scheme is very good, but there is no way to realize it."

The middle-aged man said, "if there is no way to realize the plan, it is not a good plan."

"I can carve it."

"As like as two peas in the design, can you?" Zhu Xingxing seriously said.


The middle-aged man said, "how much is it?"

"Look at the materials. If it's Sammy, it's more than 300000. If it's Amy, more than 100000 is enough."

Just after Zhu Xingxing finished, the middle-aged man said, "Amy, more than 300000?"


Zhu Xingxing quickly listed the material cost, installation cost and carving cost, and said, "this list can only be made by myself, so I can't go through the contract here, otherwise the Commission is not enough for me to waste my time."

"No problem."

The middle-aged man nodded: "what we want is something. It doesn't matter who we give the money to."

Zhu Xingxing nodded slightly and said, "that's it. Give me a deposit of 100000. This is the material cost. Collect the rest after the installation."

"OK." the middle-aged man immediately signed a check to Zhu Xingxing. Zhu Xingxing copied the drawing and gave the original to the middle-aged man. Luo Ziyan waved his hands and left JULEI building materials without any comments.

Zhou Dan and Cheng Xiaorui witnessed the whole process. Zhu Xingxing began to make private orders the day after he went to work. It seems that this thing is a little unreasonable.

Zhu Xingxing didn't say anything. He didn't care what the two women said to the boss.

Wang Xiaolin came over and said with a hypocritical smile, "Xiao Zhu, this list doesn't earn less. If President Niu knows this, you won't be able to work here in the future. The three of us are witnesses. Should you give us some sealing fee?"

"Sealing fee?"

Zhu Xingxing looked at her faintly: "I make money to eat by my ability. It doesn't matter if Niu always knows. If you want to call now, I don't care."

Wang Xiaolin was very angry when she heard this. She snorted coldly and went to the inner room with the two little girls to mutter. She didn't know what she was talking about.

After a while, manager Li came back. Wang Xiaolin said the matter. Manager Li immediately found Zhu Xingxing and said coldly, "Xiao Zhu, you are openly making private orders. What is this behavior, do you understand?"

"I also want to ask, do you both understand what it's like for you two to live together?" Zhu Xingxing said with a faint smile. "If you want to threaten me, telling the truth is not enough weight and qualification. You're a store manager, but I made this list myself. It's hard for anyone to do the whole thing with me."

"Zhu Xingxing, you are so arrogant."

Manager Li said with a gloomy face, "you will soon pay for your rampancy."

"I grew up, not scared."

Zhu Xingxing saw Mr. Niu and Mr. Ma came in together with Mr. Zhang. Manager Li immediately went over and said what had just happened.

President Zhang immediately said, "Xiao Zhu, what's going on?"

Zhu Xingxing came over and said: "Mr. Zhang, Mr. Niu and Mr. Ma, this is my design. The customer is worried that there is no place to make such carving and can't guarantee the quality. Look, if the three bosses think there is a place to ensure the quality, I'll give the 100000 deposit to the company. The company will make this list, but I want to explain that the customer of this list is actually the famous Luo Ziyan!"

"What? Luo Ziyan?" Mr. Niu said in surprise, "manager Li, you didn't say that."

"Luo Ziyan?" manager Li looked at Wang Xiaolin and the two girls. They all shook their heads gently, indicating that they were not at all.

"Zhu Xingxing, who are you hiding?" manager Li sneered, "do you think we are all fools?"

Zhu Xingxing didn't speak, but handed over the drawing.

The three bosses frowned after seeing it.

"You designed it yourself?" Mr. Ma said curiously.

"Yes, Ma Zong." Zhu Xingxing nodded gently.

"The painter is very good. You are very good." Zhang sighed. "It's too difficult. I really can't find such a carving master. To tell the truth, even if there is, more than 300000 won't be enough to pay people."

"Well, we can't do this." Ma always nodded.

"Xiao Zhu, can you carve yourself?" Mr. Niu asked.

"Yes, I have to carve it myself. In fact, I'm not fully sure. I've carved it before. Try it. If I can do it, I'll make it. If I can't, I'll pay tens of thousands of yuan."

Zhu Xingxing said: "it is reasonable to say that I should give the company a sum of money. After all, I take the job in the store, but I can't guarantee that I can make money for this job, so I don't dare to talk nonsense. If I say it, I will fulfill my promise."

"Xiao Zhu, you don't have to think about this. If you make money, you have the ability."

President Zhang said, "we can't take this job. If you can take it, it's not a private order. If you do what we can do by yourself, it's a private order. We can distinguish it clearly."

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