Zhu Xingxing asked Lv Han to drive home. He directly stayed in the stone industry in Southern Fujian and began carving stone fireplaces.

The boss finished his business. I used to watch him work. At this time, many factory employees were watching Zhu Xingxing.

"God, this is the real expert. It's so awesome that you don't have to draft at all. Just start carving. Everything seems to be in your mind. The speed is very fast. It's incredible."

"That's the great difference between genius and ordinary people. If I were to carve such a complex thing, it would take me a long time just to make the final draft, and that's not the most important. The most important thing is that even if I made the final draft, I can't reach the carving level of others. I have to say. This kind of thing really needs a very high talent. If it's not good It's very difficult to do this. "

"It's the first time I've seen such a great man. It's great to carve. It's definitely the master's level, but he's still so young to achieve this level. It's incredible."

"The young man is really awesome. If I had such a level, I would certainly make a monthly income of more than 10000. It's not a dream."

"You really underestimate people. What's a monthly income of more than 10000? I think people can earn more than 100000 a month, which is still less."

The boss looked at Zhu Xingxing in surprise. He didn't expect that Zhu Xingxing would be so powerful.

"Time is a journey. No one knows what will happen during the journey."

While Zhu Xingxing was carving, he suddenly thought of such a sentence. Although he was carving, what he thought in his heart was not the work in front of him, but some other things.

In fact, working is based on a subconscious feeling, which may also be explained as muscle memory.

When it was dark, Zhu Xingxing stopped his work and said goodbye to the boss. As soon as he was about to take a taxi back, Annie and Xiaoxue drove to pick him up.

He simply invited the boss and his wife to dinner and got to know each other's families.

After dinner, the boss invited him to a hot spring resort nearby.

This resort is opened by the boss's cousin's home. The environment is very good, but the consumption is really not low.

In Minnan hot spring resort, Zhu Xingxing and his boss were soaking in the hot spring. The boss said, "Xingxing is so lucky. It's really rare to have two such beautiful girlfriends who are so clever."

"Hehe, that's not my girlfriend, only Annie."

Zhu Xingxing said with a smile, "my sister-in-law is very beautiful and considerate. I think when my sister-in-law was young, she should be much more beautiful than Anne."

"You're absolutely right. That's the truth."

The boss sighed and said, "but no matter how beautiful your face is, it will fade. In fact, at my age, I don't care about it."

"When a person gets older and experiences more things, he will gradually become numb."

Zhu Xingxing took a sip of red wine and said, "this kind of thing is inevitable. One day, I will be like this."

That's what he said, but he didn't think so in his heart, because he never had a chance to grow old and was always experiencing his youth.

For many people, this is a great happiness, but for Zhu Xingxing, this situation is the source of trouble and misfortune.

Life is like a river running to the sea. The rolling of each wave may lead to the forward speed of the whole river, and also affect everything that happens and everything in the process of running forward.

"Who are you? Can I know?"

The boss went to the bathroom. A beautiful little girl came to Zhu Xingxing and looked at him curiously. Her big eyes flashed. The beauty was like a twinkling star!

This situation, this scene, deja vu.

"Did you think of something?"

The little girl's smile is very strange and mysterious. It seems that there is some unknown secret.

"I think of some things, but I don't know if these things I think of are exactly the same as those you said."

Zhu Xingxing squinted and said speciously.

The little girl whispered, "by the way, who are you? Can I know?"

"Zhu Xingxing."

Zhu Xingxing asked, "what's your name?"

"My name is Pandora."

The little girl said, "many people are thinking about my treasure box."

When saying this, the little girl's expression was very strange.

"Are you kidding?"

Zhu Xingxing asked, "are you the legendary Pandora?"

"Yes, I am the legendary Pandora."

The little girl was a very beautiful Laurie. She flashed her big eyes and said, "I have a feeling that you are the person I want to find."

"The man you're looking for?"

Zhu Xingxing lit a cigarette and said curiously, "so who are you looking for?"

"It's very simple. The person I'm looking for is the one who can make me telepathic. You're the one."

The little girl sat beside him: "Zhu Xingxing, why are you here?"

"Your question seems a little strange. What is it? Why am I here?"

Zhu Xingxing asked faintly, "do you think I shouldn't be here?"

"Of course, you just shouldn't be here, because I think people like you should walk alone in a very inaccessible place, but you are ups and downs in this crowded world."

Pandora said, "there is a saying that if something goes wrong, there must be a demon. Your current performance makes me feel very abnormal. Tell me why a lone Walker appears where he shouldn't appear."

"Solitary walker, you say it as if it were an inherent noun."

Zhu Xingxing took a puff of smoke on her face and said, "I think you should recognize the wrong person. I've never been a lone walker. In fact, I've always been an ordinary person. In the vast sea of people, many people see me and won't stop. They won't stop in a hurry. They won't stop in a hurry."

"I'm not a poet, and neither are you."

Pandora said: "I found you. This is the arrangement of fate. I never believed in these things before, but after so many things, I really can't help believing in fate now. Only after real experience can people slowly understand some things that used to be boring, but they are not boring at all. Some things that used to be very important now It looks worthless! "

"Little girl, you seem to have a deep hatred. What happened to you that made you like this?"

Zhu Xingxing saw the boss. He was chatting with two men. It seems that he met an acquaintance and talked as if he was very happy.

"Do you think he met a very good friend and talked so happily?"

Pandora said: "in fact, they are not friends, but enemies. On the surface, they seem very happy and harmonious. In fact, secretly, they all want to kill each other!"

Pandora was right, and still too right.

The boss was suddenly cut open by a man, and the scarlet blood gushed out. He fell into the swimming pool. In the blink of an eye, the water in the swimming pool was dyed red by the scarlet blood!

There was a scream.

The assailant man tried to run away, but the security guard blocked the door and caught him after a violent beating.

But what's the use of catching it?

The boss is dead.

Zhu Xingxing looked at the boss's body and sighed helplessly. Now he can't save the boss. As for when he can do it, he can't imagine in a short period of years.

The boss's wife came, saw the boss's tragedy, and fainted directly.

The boss of Minnan stone industry died like this. The man who killed him was a psycho and a madman who could not be responsible for his actions.

The madman was sent to a madhouse, not a prison.

The boss and his wife have only one daughter and no son. The day after the boss died, many people from the boss family came to take a share.

"Brother and sister, you know, this is the family's industry. If the family hadn't borrowed the money from the second brother, there would be no birth of this enterprise."

The boss's eldest brother said, "sister-in-law, now that the second brother is gone, we can't let the family business fall, so the family will take over. You don't have to worry about this in the future. Of course, the family will provide enough living expenses for your mother and daughter every year, and won't ignore you."

"Family industry?"

The boss's wife angrily looked at the boss's big brother and sneered: "this is our industry. It's stipulated in the law. Get out of here right now. I don't want to see you again!"

"That's the law? That's the law. Why don't I know at all?"

The boss's eldest brother sneered, "sister-in-law, I'm talking to you well. If I don't talk to you well, it's not like this now, you know?"

"Not now, what else can it be like?"

Zhu Xingxing walked into the room and looked at the boss's big brother faintly: "this factory is mine now. If you want it, it depends on whether you have such a long life. Paralyzed, run to me to pack a calf. Who do you think you are?"

"Little bunny, who are you? Dare to talk to my father like this, brothers, kill him for me." brother's son looks angry and hasn't made a sound. Now he finally found a chance to make a sound and jumped at Zhu Xingxing with several people he brought.

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