Chapter 247: Unveil the Skull

Translator: LiamHW

The so-called infanta stayed there in a great resignation, snorting in wrath, and then rose slowly from his seat reluctantly while glaring at Song Qinghan, “Let’s wait and see! I will show you something unexpected later!”

Song Qinghan didn’t even blink his eyes at all. It was not until the pungent and disgusting rouge smell faded away and disappeared did he raise his eyelids and turn to those who were standing at the corner anxiously, “One of you come here to take his pulse, one prepare everything that I need, and one stay here behind me and be my assistant. The rest of you, standby, do I make it clear?”

He just causally browsed Wu Dahu who was currently lying on the bed, and with that simple glance, he already came to know that Wu Dahu had got a complicated injury which required several assistants to accomplish the operation together.

He required nothing about skillful assistants, but as long as those people were to be submissive, he would be satisfied. And that was the reason why Song Qinghan would keep these standing people here instead of those who got sticky butts on their seats.

Seeing that they had started moving, Song Qinghan didn’t bother to interrupt on how these guys would divide the work. He squatted down and started analyzing the injury on Wu Dahu while uttering in a deep voice, “Go and get me a jar of liquor, and a clean scissors, gauze, needle, boiling water and lighting candle.”

Since these people were the first to get up as Song Qinghan urged to call them withdraw just then, it was naturally because they were obedient enough, so as soon as they heard Song Qinghan’s order, one man among them immediately trotted out, looking like he was the first one responding the demand of Song Qinghan.

In the same way, those men who were left behind in the tent exchanged their glances, and then quickly found their own niches right at the moment. One of them came to stand right behind Song Qinghan’s back, and one squatted down next to Song Qinghan and took Wu Dahu’s pulse without further hesitation.

The one who took Wu Dahu’s pulse was a bit bolder than others, and seeing that Song Qinghan was right now examining on Wu Dahu’s injuries, he couldn’t help but remind him, “We’ve already checked him out previously. He got eighteen injuries in total, among which the collision injury on the back of his head should be the most serious one, and this is the main reason causing his unconsciousness.”

With the man’s instructions, although Song Qinghan still had to personally check Wu Dahu’s body, it was right now much more convenient to act. After checking all the injuries on Wu Dahu’s body, he moved his gaze on the back of Wu Dahu’s head, and meticulously checked it out.

The injury on the back of Wu Dahu’s head was, as the man had mentioned, caused by an seemingly unexpected impact, most likely when he dismounted and fallen to the ground and accidentally knocked against a hard stone.

The head is the most important part of the human body. If the brain was announced dead, the other organs of a man’s body would remain as malfunctioned even if they were still functioned.

However, there was no medical equipment here, so even if Song Qinghan wanted to check the condition of Wu Dahu’s brain, he was still unable to do so, and could only roughly determine what tissues might have been damaged from the outside.

The man who went out for the tools came back very soon. He came in the tent with bunch of rich source in his hands, which was in keeping with their old-fashioned character of preferring more to less.

After disinfecting his hands and scalpel with the liquor and candles, Song Qinghan instructed the man behind him to follow him and do the same. The only difference was that what the man carried in hands was not a scalpel but a scissors.

After the man had done everything he was ordered to do, Song Qinghan nodded his chin, making another order, “Come and cut off his cloth, and use the cleaned gauze dipped with liquor to wipe the skins around his injuries, try your best to reveal the original status of the wound without touching it, can you do that”

The man nodded hesitantly and slowly worked on Wu Dahu’s injuries, and after finishing cleaning one spot, he looked up and asked, “Your Excellency, is this alright?”

Song Qinghan fixed his eyes and nodded, wielding his scalpel directly as he moved up and said in a low voice, “Yes, go on and clean the rest of the area, in order of the priority of the injury.”

After that, he raised his head and took a glance at the man who was taking Wu Dahu’s pulse and said in a deep voice, “You know the purpose of me asking you to take his pulse, right? As soon as there is a change in his condition, inform me immediately, no matter what the situation is, got it?”

The man was startled by Song Qinghan’s harsh and sharpened eyes, but he quickly reacted and nodded, “Yes, Your Excellency, the patient’s condition is stable now, hanging on by a weak breath.”

When Song Qing Han heard those last words, his state of mind underwent a rare subtle change, while the movements of his came to a short pause at that moment.

Yet, fortunately, he was quite experienced enough. Instead of disturbing himself with those uselessly negative emotions, he took several rounds of deep breath so as to adjust the frequency of his heart rate, trying his best to make himself believe that he who laid on the bed now was not Wu Dahu but someone else.

Concern would be the most perilous factor for concentrating right now. He definitely knew that Wu Dahu was currently under a dangerous situation, but what he could do now was to try his best to make things right and to prevent any accidents from happening. Even if accidents were doomed to happen, he couldn’t avoid it anyway.

Having thought of this, he got his eyes sharpened again with determination, while he was using the scalpel in his hand smoothly and confidently, which quite amazed those men who stood aside watching.

After dealing with several fatal injuries on Wu Dahu’s limbs and torso, he finally got the chance to check the most serious issue existing on Wu Dahu- the one on the back of his head.

But when he had to make a move, he started to hesitate. It was not because he was worried about Wu Dahu that he dared not place the scalpel on his head, but because he didn’t know how he should start.

It was not impossible to treat only the outer surface, but the risk afterwards was too great, in case something foreign had gotten inside the brain and had not been cleaned out in time …

But if he had to clean something within Wu Dahu’s brain, then he had to… UNVEIL HIS SKULL?

Right at the moment as Song Qinghan was thinking of a proper way to devise a surefire plan, the man who was taking Wu Dahu’s pulse suddenly uttered, “Your Excellency, the patient’s pulse is getting steadier and steadier.”

Such a statement seemed to have inspired and encouraged Song Qinghan. He gritted his teeth, while saying in a deep voice, “Alright then, let’s move on. In the ensuing treatment, I want to you keep your brain sober and report to me every changes of his pulse, do you understand?”

“I… I understand, Your Excellency.”

It was a huge mind-blowing shock for the man when he saw that Song Qinghan used that tool in hand to stab into Wu Dahu’s head after he just answered. With his both hands shaking, he almost threw Wu Dahu’s wrist away in a great panic.

The man who was helping Wu Dahu clean the injuries subconsciously glanced over to Song Qinghan’s side, and at the sight of this ‘fierce scene’ he also got a soul-crushing expression on his face, while his legs went limp and he almost fell to the ground.

The men who were standing by exchanged glance at each other and finally one of them couldn’t help but ask out loud, “Your Excellency, what, what are you doing….”

It was in fact nothing special to talk about when it came to create tiny incisions on a patient’s injuries, at least such an action was to help stop bleeding from the open wounds. But what the heck was that operation? Unveil one’s brain? Shouldn’t it be a kind of murdering instead of curing?

Nothing but concern could be found on their expressions right now since Song Qinghan did not bother himself to give them a response. They anxiously looked outward as if the next moment they were about to rush out and report to the master.

But at this time, the cowardice in their bones came into play again, and as long as Song Qinghan did not formally open his mouth and say something, they did not dare to make any move at all, not even daring to move their feet towards the door, only turning their heads more frequently.

Song Qinghan was not deliberately ignoring them, but he put all his energy into his hands, slowly prying Wu Dahu’s brain according to the image he remembered, fighting not to let the contents inside shake even a little.

He knew the image was a bit bloody, but he had to do it. Or otherwise, Wu Dahu, the man who he loved the most, probably would leave him in this chaotic world all alone with Little Shitou and, the second child of theirs…

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