252. Chapter 252: Scheme Unseen

Translator: LiamHW

Impatience overwhelmed Utan in the eyes, and he reached out to lift Little Shitou and placed him on his shoulder, while glancing at the man coldly and saying in a deep voice, “You, get out of the way!”

The man was rather resigned standing there, and he glanced around with his brain running fast, thinking of a way to rescue Little Shitou.

On the other side, Little Shitou seemed to have found the evilness of Utan, he pursed his lips and burst into crying all of a sudden.

“Woo-woo, Femi Daddy! Femi Daddy! I want Femi Daddy! Woo…” he moaned and sobbed frighteningly.

Surprised and shocked, Utan almost threw Little Shitou away onto the ground. But luckily, he was still conscious that the little one he was grabbing was a child alive instead of an object lifeless. With his legs tightened on the horse’s belly, he whipped the horse to run, and then carried Little Shitou to his front pinching the baby’s chubby face and shouting aloud, “Little rat thing! I will show you what the real excitement is today!”

Landscape from the two sides went backwards in sight quickly, and what Little Shitou could see was nothing but a pile of blurred images, which made him quite uneasy.

Oncoming cold wind flocked into his mouth and nose fiercely, and this hyper-irritating feeling rendered him extremely uncomfortable. Strings of tear kept rolling down through the corner of his eyes and cheek while his voice was sounded quite miserable and intermittent.

“Woo, woo… Femi Daddy, woo, save…”

The other subordinates couldn’t help but pause and see since it was quite a huge movement Utan had made. None of them did not show their sympathy to the pitiful crying baby.

They never knew how such an action would impact miserably on such a toddler after the culpable waywardness of Utan.

However, Utan seemed to think that it wasn’t intense enough at all, he lifted Little Shitou directly over his head, while cheering, “Little baby rat! You’ve never experienced something like this, huh? You should be as brave as us barbarians, hahaha!”

The feeling of no strength around made Little Shitou feel very uncomfortable. He kicked randomly in the air, with his bawling growing bigger and bigger as if he was about to faint away at any time.

“Utan! What the heck are you doing?!”

Mork’s raging voice was heard from the other side, which startled Utan suddenly and he gripped the rein abruptly. The horse hissed with its front leg uplifted high in the air, and Utan almost fell from its back.

Although Utan successfully stabilized his body, Little Shiou that he raised above his head flew out under the influence of inertia.

As Little Shitou was about to fall onto the ground in a parabolic trajectory, Mork leapt off his horse and slid to the ground, and he successfully caught Little Shitou in his arms and held him tight.

Noticing that Mork had fallen to the ground, Utan jumped off and reached out wanting to support him.

However, Mork did not turn to accept his support. And instead of showing a good face, he glanced at Utan in coldness without saying anything, and stood up from the ground by himself, lowered his head to check out Little Shitou’s situation.

The throw just now did not cause any substantial harm to Little Shitou, but it scared him so badly that his eyes closed tightly and he had completely fainted.

Mork was quite worried toward the situation, he held Little Shitou tight and walked out of the training ground directly, while asking in a deep voice, “Where is that Qingmu guy? Lead me the way!”

The man who was responsible for leading the way for Song Qinghan previously jumped out from the crowd, and the took the lead. Seemingly he was much more anxious than Mork was.

Wu Tan glanced at the person’s soles, seemingly understanding what was going on.

It was quite strange that Mork showed up right at this moment because he would never emerge in daily routines. And that was the reason why he was bold enough to be wayward, and it was also the reason why he was quite shocked when he heard the voice of Mork at that moment.

He just thought that it was a coincidence, but now it seemed to be a… A SCHEME?

He rolled his eyes and suddenly, something seemed to occur to him in his mind. He caught Mork up in behind and came to utter in a deep voice, “Your Highness! I’ve got a suggestion, but I am not sure if it is suitable to speak or not.”

Moke didn’t even look at him and he answered directly, “If you dither over whether it is suitable to speak or not, then shut your mouth, I don’t want to hear any more bullshit from you.”

Utan paused in shock, as if he had never expected that Mork would speak to him that way. But he still came to add after a while, “Your Highness, don’t you think that the Qingmu guy is quite pretty?”

Mork paused as well after that, and then he turned to glance at Utan dubiously, and then he asked, “Do… Do you fancy him instead of your General Wu now?”

Noticing that Mork was misunderstanding everything, Utan did not rush to rebut. After all, he knew that since Mork was curious and loved to talk with him again, there was still a hope to break the ice.

“Even though I do not fancy any femina men who are tender and weak, I have to admit that he does possess a strikingly pretty appearance, well, I mean, at least he is qualified enough to be enrolled into the Imperial Harem and be one of your concubines.”

Mork paused again after Utan’s ridiculous statement, and he responded in astonishment, “So do you mean that I should make him my concubine so that you will get the chance to marry Wu Dahu?”

Utan admitted directly without covering things up, “Indeed! But please think about that, Your Highness. Don’t you really think that this is actually a feasible and win-win deal? They are both staying here anyway, so I would suggest separate them without giving them a chance to meet up. For one reason, it can prevent them from escaping here together. Secondly, we can use them as a bottom line to each other limit their behavior. Thirdly…”

“And thirdly,” he paused abruptly while delivering a meaningful expression, “it satisfies both of us, Your Highness.”

Well, it was a wide truth that in this spacious world of vastness, the majority of men dreamed to possess beautiful femina men as many as possible. Mork was never an exception as well, so after the tempting statement of Utan, something seemed to have been provoked deep in his heart.

He calmed down and thought about it. Although Song Qinghan’s appearance could not be considered as devastatingly gorgeous, it was amazing enough. And he in fact got something more important needed to deal with and consider, so he had never thought of such a scheme before, but now it seemed…

Catching the micro change on Mork’s expression, Utan crooked his lips while seemingly showing his confidence to the upcoming plan.

It was fine for him that Mork did not show his forbearance over this idea. As long as he had planted a seed of hope in his heart, Utan thought himself should worry too much about the ensuing matter.

Well, since he was able to grow up aside Mork safely, he not only relied on his prowess on martial skills, but also the brain that he thought he had used it perfectly.

Sure enough, after Mork came back to his senses, he looked down at Little Shitou in his arms and said expressionlessly, “Let’s talk about it later. But I warn you, you are never allowed to touch his son ever again, do you understand?”

Utan then answered sincerely, “Sure, I will bear it in my mind. It is indeed my fault, and I never know that this little rat thing is so fragile. After all, your concubines…”

Halfway through, he seemed to realize that what he was going to say was a bit offensive. So he just coughed lightly, and spoke no more.

Although he did not finish his words yet, Mork was able to understand what he meant.

What Utan was trying to express was that there were no children born in his harem. And that was also the reason why there was never a chance for Utan to get along with a child and he treated Little Shitou in such a rude manner.

It was not a matter that poked him in the gut, but the problem of having no offspring did bother him a little.

If he got no offspring at all in his whole life, then conquering the whole world would be nothing but something in vain after his death.

Mork got his eyes dimmer with sorrow while his hands holding Little Shitou got tigthened. The feeling he touched on the soft cloth and little human shape made him think a lot in his mind.

Song Qinghan was not only a femina man able to deliver a baby, but a doctor as well. Should it be a double guarantee for him that he would finally get a son in the future…?

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