"If so, why are you so excited?" Jiang Wuchen said.

Old Yao said: "the probability of having the highest goddess king in Zixia fairy palace is very low. Looking at the divine realm, less than 12 out of 10 can reach the highest cultivation, and it is rare for women to become the highest.

Once it reaches the highest level, there will be more and more resources around it. Even if such a goddess king is ugly like a pig, someone will be willing to follow.

Pairing is definitely not a man's patent. After reaching the highest level, the male god gentleman can recruit many wives and concubines, and the goddess gentleman can also raise a large number of husbands.

Those who have lived for tens of thousands of years will not lack such a husband around them. Few people come here to join the fun.

There are the most young goddess monarchs in Zixia fairy palace. They have identity, background and certain talents. Only such women deserve God monarch. "

After Yuelao sent a wave of red envelopes in the air, almost everyone in the Taoist arena had one, and some people didn't have one. Those who failed to grab the red envelopes asked Yuelao to have another wave. Yuelao smiled and said that you should wait a moment.

Old Yao said excitedly, "emperor Yang Jun, Emperor Shan Jun, we are lucky. We got the red envelope from Zixia fairy palace. Let's go. Don't let others take the lead."

Those who got the red envelope used their means, some flying, some blinking, and went straight to various temples.

Jiang Wuchen and others are not the first wave to come to Zixia fairy palace. There are more than a dozen God kings in front of them. Most of these God kings have ordinary cultivation. Most of them are about ten days. They can't wait one by one, like a male dog in heat.

At the entrance of Zixia fairy palace, there are matching Festival staff who are responsible for checking the admission tickets of each entering God King. This rule forms a default and everyone abides by it.

The three of Jiang Wuchen went in. The fairy palace has seven tall buildings, and there is a big torture on each floor. In this floor, there are many rooms, and each room also has a small torture.

Jiang Wuchen followed the gods to the torture office on the first floor. The question on this floor is very simple: how many territories are there in the divine domain?

The setting of this question is not difficult for everyone. Unless there is an IQ problem, they can answer it correctly. Of course, some people are deliberately wrong.

In order to stand out, a God King deliberately said 18 territories. As a result, the God King was not allowed to enter. He stood there and looked at the others, which was a little embarrassed.

As more and more people went in, the God King could not hang his face. He said that he was just joking to make everyone happy. How can he take it seriously?

The Red God in charge of the guard shook his head and said that no matter what reason, he could only stay and not enter.

The God King was a little angry and wanted to break in. As a result, he was caught by two supreme god kings, beaten and thrown out. The God King in red said, "like you, I don't welcome the matchmaking Festival."

When other gods see the situation, in addition to laughing at the grandstanding God, they all converge. Pairing Festival is the most famous folk festival in Tianyun region. You can't fool around, otherwise others will gather the whole territory to beat you.

Entering the first floor of the palace, the God kings crowded at the door dispersed one after another and went to the rooms where torture was set. Jiang Wuchen, with a good play mentality, focused on appreciation and observed the situation.

Torture is extremely simple. Most of them are related to the divine domain. Some questions are which of the twelve domains is the largest? Which domain leader has no son? Where is the tree of Hongmeng?

Basically, individuals can answer such questions correctly. Some gods enter the temple through torture, and some come out after entering. Nine times out of ten, the women inside are not amazing and beautiful enough; Some did not come out; Some people come out with a beautiful beauty around them

The God King with low cultivation has self-knowledge. They just find a suitable match on the first floor. The torture on the second floor is difficult, not to mention the third floor. Everyone comes here to play. Why bother yourself? Happiness is the most important.

Jiang Wuchen looked at Yao Lao and joked: "Yao Lao, aren't you fighting on the first floor for a while?"

Old Yao Shan smiled and said, "I'm very expensive and can't afford it."

Emperor mountain despised: "why didn't you say Jinggui last night?"

Old Yao said: "the woman is poor. She was poisoned by love. I helped her get rid of the poison. I really let me choose. At least I have to go to the fifth floor!"

The three men came to the entrance on the second floor. Dozens of people had gathered here. They looked around. The question of torture had not come out. The two goddesses in red were in charge of guarding here. They were much better than those on the first floor in both appearance and posture. A God King asked whether the two sisters had immortal couples and were willing to pair up?

They smiled generously and said that if they could answer their questions correctly, it would be all right to pair up.

Someone asked me if my sister was tortured?

The woman smiled and said that she didn't torture you.

The God gentleman was stunned, and the companion next to him said with a smile, "my little sister doesn't like you. Save it."

The people laughed. The God King was a little angry, but he restrained his anger when he thought that it was the grandstanding who was thrown out.

The woman took out a jade, injected the power of nature, and a few lines of words floated out. This is the torture on the second floor, "who is the first beauty in the twelve domains?"

This question is also simple. Everyone almost said with one voice that it is princess yunkong.

Through torture, everyone can enter the second floor.

Jiang Wuchen was a little boring and said, "is this torture in Chengdu?"

Yaolao shook his head, "of course not. Zixia fairy palace has seven floors. On the fifth floor, the problem is difficult. Moreover, it is the kind of question that has no fixed answer. The right or wrong, good or bad, is not in yourself, but in the other party. Sometimes you don't say a word, the other party can let people in. Sometimes it's right to say, but it's not allowed."

Jiang Wuchen said, "what if you don't allow it?"

"You can only go back to the next layer or go out," said Yao.

There is a God King whispering around, "have you heard that Princess yunkong will also participate in the matching Festival this year."

"What the fuck is this? Everyone knows it," said the God King next to him.

"Princess yunkong has participated in the matching festival for many years. Unfortunately, no one can attract her attention. Moreover, she is too expensive. She has to go to the top of the mountain when she meets. It costs ten Hongmeng fruits. Forget it."

"Yes, I think this is the gimmick of Tianyun domain. I heard that Princess yunkong married Hong Ao of Dahong domain."

"True or false?"

"Absolutely true..."

"This is a rumor! Princess yunkong likes Jingtian, not Hong Ao!"

"Jingtian? That feminine sissy? You are all wrong. As far as I know, Princess yunkong not only participated in the matching Festival this year, but also appeared in Zixia fairy palace. She is on the seventh floor!"

"Hahaha, you want to lure us to the seventh floor again?"

"What is deception? To go to the seventh floor, you need to pass torture, not Hongmeng fruit. It's really fate. You can go up without farting. If you don't have fate, no matter how much Hongmeng fruit you take..."

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